
18 Reviews
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Joker (I) (2019)
Exactly as bad as I thought it would be.
12 November 2019
This film is exactly as bad as I thought it would be. It's a great performance for Phoenix but nothing else good can be said about the movie. It is not a comic book movie or even a movie about the character, I didn't find it funny or entertaining. Frankly it's just a mindless blockbuster, it does not provoke thought nor does it have any true commentary. It's made to be edgy but lacks any true substance.
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Gattaca (1997)
dumb movie masquerading as a deep movie
27 September 2019
This movie is a dumb movie masquerading as a deep movie. Sure the themes are serious and worth exploring, but this movie doesn't do a good job at it. The script is beyond unvelievable and the acting is very over the top.
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Fire and Ice (1983)
Everyone involved in this must have suffered from some level of autism
27 September 2019
This movie is so bad is not even funny, it feels like a parody but it definitely wasn't intended to be that. It s just sad that almost 36 years later I think everyone involved in this must have suffered from some level of autism. The animation is terrible but the dialogue is worse. And the plot is something a 7 year old could've thought up.
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If you like terrible movies witth atrocious dialogue, this is for you.
21 September 2019
This movie is laughable. Everyone involved in this should be ashamed. Nothing about is is well made but the script is one of the worst I've seen.
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The Drop (2014)
silliest gangster dialogue I've heard
26 August 2019
Tom Hardy is such an overrated actor and his one dimensional style is in full display here. The way he acts doesn't resemble any type of real person. This movie has the silliest gangster dialogue I've heard. Skip this one.
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Dope (2015)
It's like a parody that was made to look like a real movie
25 August 2019
This movie is two hours long but it feels like four. It's like a parody that was made to look like a real movie but fails. This story is so fantastical and improbable that it wouldn't be out of place if it was made by Disney. Whole plot threads go nowhere and more and more crazy stuff keeps happening to the same three kids. It's freaking ridiculous, and can only be enjoyed by teens 14 and under who don't know the difference between this and the real world.
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Coming of age story about a floozy.
23 August 2019
There really isn't anything more to this movie. The main character is just one big thot and lacks any kind of moral compass. This movie is disgusting from beginning to end.
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You can skip this one
15 August 2019
What a dumb movie, it never makes a point and it's just so boring. We can stop talking about this overrated movie now. From it's cartoonish female characters to portrayals of vietnamese, it doesn't explore the consequences of the war and only wants to show how much the kids suffered.
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Daybreakers (2009)
Movie thinks it's smarter than it is, like all Ethan Hawke movies.
15 August 2019
Absolutely ridiculous. This plot is heavy on symbolism, but it's still a dumb movie. Just think about it for 1 minute and you'll start wondering why they bothered to make this at all.
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Casino (1995)
Sanitized gangster plot
15 August 2019
Pointless movie with a sanitized gangster plot. Apart from one scene with good acting from Joe Pesci, there isn't a likable charater in this movie. Ace is a cuckold that literally gets pushed around the whole movie, you can tell that the people who wrote this have no clue how real criminals act and think.
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Darkman (1990)
Seems like it was written by a 9 year old.
15 August 2019
Liam Neeson gives his worst performance ever in this. The script seems like it was written by a 9 year old. The special effects are garbage, even for 1990.
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Is it the best movie ever made? Yes.
14 August 2019
Does it entertain from beginning to end? Yes. Does it makes you laugh as much as it makes you cry? Yes. Is the acting top notch? Yes. Are the special effects, score and set-pieces the absolute best modern cinema has to offer? Yes. Is the script an absolute masterpiece that makes justice to every character in it? Yes. Is it the best movie ever made? Yes.
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Bob Roberts (1992)
Ahead of it's time.
13 July 2019
This film predicts the current state of the USA. From a politician with a rebel/conservative persona who has people worshiping him and even mobilize for their cause. It seems that every named character is a recognizable face from the 90's. It's a really well made political satire like no other I've seen.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
One man, one vision
13 July 2019
This movie is a prime example of when giving one man the opportunity to execute his vision on his own, results in a cinematic masterpiece. This story is personal, and you connect with every single character that appears on screen trhoughout the film. Visceral, serious, and absolutely terrifying at times, they don't tell revenge stories like this too often.
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Man this movie is boring
23 June 2019
Man this movie is boring. They talk and look like they forgot they're in the 1800's. And the acting, oh boy, Casey Affleck gives a straight up laughable performance.
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Good special effects for like 5 seconds
20 June 2019
Good special effects for like 5 seconds of the movie, the rest is bad acting and bad special effects. Just watch the trailer, the whole story is there.
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The Gift (2000)
Blanchett is the only good thing in this movie
18 June 2019
Terrible acting except for Blanchett who is great, laughable dialogue and dumb plot twists. Keanu gives one of his worst performances in this movie.
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The dialogue is so dumb
8 June 2019
The dialogue in this movie feels forced, nobody sounds natural. It's a completely wasted cast with a story that doesn't have anything interesting or worth watching. The only people who will think there is anything genuine here are the people who never lived in a rough enviroment. The acting is actually solid, but at the same time, you have to laugh because the script doesn't let you take it seriously.
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