
141 Reviews
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Sanctuary (I) (2022)
2 November 2023
I am really not sure what this is trying to be but it fails.

Whenever I find myself wanting to fast forward a movie, I usually resist the urge and simply turn it off and find something else. In this case, it happened more than once but instead I actually did fast forward in one place hoping to land on a worthwhile scene. I did not. Instead I ended up on what seemed to be the exact same spot because there was nothing different going on. Tedious, stressful, frustrating, and quite boring. And the worst part? It was all absolutely unbelievable. Back and forth the nonsense seems to go on forever and ever. I was thinking the ending might rescue the film, as sometimes does occur, but that definitely did not happen here. All in all, it was a very difficult watch.

Acting was decent but what does that matter when the script is so bad?
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Crabtree Interview Was Awesome
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who has done at least some research into Zodiac, this is worth a watch. If not for anything else, the Crabtree interview will not disappoint. Add in Shepard's interview and I don't know how anyone can say this was below average.

While I do not agree Horan is correct in his theory (there are obvious holes), his idea is not unique and was worth exploring. Fact is, a theory among reporters in the 3X murders was that one of their own was writing the letters. In the Hall Mills double killings, a reporter posed as the murderer in one instance. J. Edgar Hoover blamed the murder of the Matteson child on a reporter who called the family pretending to be the kidnapper, using the information gained for a story that was published. Reporters also fabricated evidence in both the Lillian hit and the Lindbergh case. In other instances, reporters even posed as cops to gain insight and information for their papers.

Again, the problem here is that Horan's theory does not work. But does this disagreement warrant a kneecap rating? No, it does not.
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28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to start the first episode but honestly my expectations were low. Right from jump street, I could see everyone must have been on a very strict budget most of which must have gone to the two leads. Everything appears as though it was made by a starving independent not the established professionals we have all been accustomed to during the original series. Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible and they did the best with what they had to work with, but it is just not up to standard. That may not bother others, but for me, it is a distraction.

Next, the script is silly if not ridiculous. Frankly, none of it makes much sense and it's almost like a young fan threw it altogether. As I struggled through the first episode, watching Maggie get her hands on the rifle then toss it aside sealed it for me.

It doesn't work.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Lightening in a Bottle
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series started off with a bang and continued with interesting characters, great makeup, and a smart script compelling the viewer to watch. Each season seemed to build off the last, with tragedies being rewarded with certain success followed by even worse tragedies. The struggles and brutality outweighed the unlikely and/or impossible and the need to watch was great. This was definitely something in the "very good" (8) or higher category at that point.

Unfortunately, after the Saviors were defeated, the show fell off into the "above average" (6) territory. It declined even further with Rick's idiotic departure, Maggie's disappearance for the most ridiculous reason, followed by Michonne's (totally out of character) mysterious abandonment of her children plummeting it into an "average" (5) range. This wasn't helped by Maggie's sudden return, which made even less sense than her departure, as well as Darrell's girlfriend's "resurrection" which morphed her into a supervillain which was absolutely unbelievable. There can be no doubt a lot of people stopped watching along the way for the reasons I stated above. Still, I am sure many hung in there wanting to watch to see how everything eventually turned out regardless.

That leads us to its conclusion. The ending was decent, with Darrell riding off to parts unknown. It had the feel, almost deja vu, of the last episode of "Lost." If it ended at that point it would have been good. However, for some unknown reason they decided to shoehorn in scenes with both Rick and Michonne, as an attempt to explain where they were, I suppose, and it completely ruined the "rescue" this last episode attempted to provide.

Ultimately, it's hard not to recommend because the earlier seasons were so enjoyable. However, it is disappointing as a viewer to watch it devolve like it did knowing it didn't have to. They had the right formula then got away from it. It's like they caught lightening in a bottle, kept it there for a while, then let it out unnecessarily.
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9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this documentary is frustrating to watch in more ways than one. While it adequately describes the events leading up to the disappearance, it kind of loses its way.

While I have no problem addressing the various theories, I believe there was a better and more coherent way than to rely on those who lack expertise, and in some cases, basic knowledge and or understanding thereof. Florence De Changy, for example, doesn't seem to understand that the United States President was Barack Obama. Obama was the same man who refused to blow up the RQ-170 Sentinel (stealth drone) which essentially handed over Top Secret technology to the Iranians - and that was unmanned. To now accuse him of signing off on murdering hundreds of innocent civilians is laughable. Next, if ordered, there can be no doubt the Captain would have landed. He can't be excluded as a suspect because he was "sane" but also have to be insane for this other theory to work.

On the flip side of it, merely labeling each alternative a "conspiracy theory" is also maddening. This clearly wasn't an accident, so unless only one person was alone guilty of everything then a conspiracy did exist.

I would have liked to see more of Mike Exner and the rest of the "Independents" to learn about what they thought. And what of the wreckage Cyndi Hendry claims to have found? There absolutely must be an official explanation why it was discounted but we weren't give any explanation.

In the end, I gave this an average rating. Worth a watch for anyone who may not know anything about the subject, but everyone else will be disappointed.
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The Ark (2023– )
Better Than Average
5 March 2023
As it now stands, this series is underrated. Since I am very tough when I rate something, I sincerely do not understand all the hate it has been getting. While it's certainly not a high budget endeavor, they clearly make the most of it. Next, there are plenty of mysteries to keep one's interest while attempting to figure them out. The characters are both likable and unlikeable, simultaneously, which is another interesting draw; the investment leading one to find out which side they ultimately land.

Frankly, I'll stick with an average show basically because there's so little out there that's any good nowadays. But this is something I'm not just watching to kill time. I'm guessing those giving a rock bottom low rating watched the first episode and bailed before giving it the time it deserves. Definitely not a "10" but much better than the current rating [4.0] indicates.

In the end, I believe I already know what the big twist will be. I won't spoil it, but I'm never wrong when it comes to these things. For those who keep watching you'll see that I'm right.
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11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Would have been much more interesting if they focused on the case itself instead of going off on a tangent.

Here we have a case where the documentary itself proves Ms. Smith's "stand your ground" defense failed because her actions did not qualify under that statute. This was made crystal clear and even demonstrated the whole case was properly handled by a female judge. As a result, the documentary fails to address what motives this judge would have to support its ultimate conclusion. A rather important omission.

Next, we learn about the insanely great deal Ms. Smith was given. This too should have been addressed by any worthy documentary but wasn't.

A real shame this documentary did not delve into the facts. What was true and what was not? Why the lies harmed her credibility, the motives for telling them, and whether or not the shooting was justified to truly save her brothers life.

In the end, it is the actual story that is interesting but, unfortunately, they failed to properly present it.
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Outsmarts Itself
9 January 2023
Acting is good but Chloë Sevigny (Lynn Roy) really stole the show. She played her role exceptionally well. Unfortunately, this series is presented in a way that tries to get a little too tricky. It's a style designed to be different but all it really does is outsmart itself.

For one, there is a constant jump back and forth in time that starts to wear and ultimately becomes annoying by breaking up the flow of the story. Had they done this sparingly it may have actually worked but it's happening all the time so it did not.

Next, the show takes liberties by injecting things into the narrative that never ever happened. On top of that, we have imaginary conversations shoehorned into the episodes while there are also real conversations, I think, that occur. What's real and what's imagined is anyone's guess. For example, there's a scene in the back of the truck... I was left wondering if that actually happened in real life - or whether it didn't but was supposed to have actually happened in the scene - or if it was just her imagination.
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Tell Me Lies (2022– )
Really Good
10 November 2022
First and foremost, this is not the type of thing I would normally watch. With this in mind, I was expecting a one and done type of venture. However, Grace Van Patten is not just a pretty face, rather, she is both beautiful and can act too which is a great combination. And frankly, Jackson White impressed me as well. I never wanted to punch someone in the face harder in my life. One cannot get a reaction out of me like that unless they are as convincing as he was.

Next, this is clearly underrated as I write this review [6.6]. I am guessing many of the scores come from those who did not finish the series and/or never gave it the time to allow the character development to play out. This series requires some investment, so if you are someone who seeks immediate gratification, you will probably bail early and hand it a low rating. But if you are willing to give it the time it deserves, you will not be disappointed. As one learns who the characters really are, you will be able to make certain predictions that come true, but also miss things you should have seen coming.

Kudos to the writers. That last episode was effing great!

Very much looking forward to Season 2.
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The Patient (2022)
Worth A Watch
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Acting is good and it is unique in many ways. Keep my interest and looked forward to watching the struggles. And, while I might be in the minority with this, I thought the ending was good. Exactly why many are complaining about it is perplexing to me. How one would expect a happy ending here makes no sense... Watch what is leading up to it because the writing is clearly on the wall. I just cannot see how anything different would have worked.

Now to the issues.... Where is Alan (Carell) using the bathroom? Seems trivial but it bothered the hell out of me to the point of distraction. Next, while Gleeson (Sam) did a great job as the creepy basement dwelling serial killer, it was hard to take him seriously. What does this guy weigh - 120lbs? The idea that he is overpowering and strangling everyone strains belief. The reality is he would wind up getting his own neck snapped. For this reason and only this reason he was definitely miscast. A different and more believable option would be to have him using a weapon. I understand why they did not, but they had the wrong guy doing it. Finally, the episodes were too short. I had to wait then watch three at a time after they accumulated.
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Barbarian (2022)
Sorta Halloween(ish) But Not Really
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First part was good. Felt like I was being set up for a really good episode of the Twilight Zone. I had no idea what to expect and there were so many twists and turns I almost got lost in the maze myself. Plenty of plot holes throughout, but I honestly didn't seem to mind - thrilled that I was actually being entertained.

The second part turned everything upside down as it morphed from a horror into a comedy and #MeToo advertisement. Don't get me wrong, it was funny, just unexpected. Plus, it really didn't seem to fit to be truthful.

The final part combined all three and ended in a way, unlike the entire rest of the movie, that was predictable. It definitely has all the earmarks of becoming a cult classic.

Above Average (6 out of 10).
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The Wheel (II) (2021)
A Nice Guy
13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was fine and there was decent chemistry between the leads making this whole episode feel real.

Realistically, women like this always run back once they see their power is gone. What Ben (Lee) was telling Walker (Gray) was so true. I was rooting for him to listen, free himself of the stress & aggravation, and to finally be happy.

Then came the wheel and the inevitable apologies that one would expect. The ending was perfect UNTIL he came back. No doubt in my mind it was a chick involved with the production that made the call to go with it. That wasn't "cute" and totally proved he was as weak as Albee (Midthunder) continually accused him of being.

Nice guys finish last and you just know next time around he gets it even worse. If they ended the movie as it should have this rating gets a two point bump.
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Blonde (2022)
An Experience
28 September 2022
Great acting, style, and shots make up for a mediocre script.

Ana de Armas was exceptional and absolutely beautiful as always. Her accent slipped a few times but she was so good it did not matter. Julianne Nicholson was convincing to the point I think I was more afraid than the little girl was supposed to be. Bobby Cannavale played his role perfectly as did Adrien Brody as is usual. They had the perfect cast and believe me it showed.

In the end it's kind of like going to court. The whole situation can suck UNLESS there's a skillful lawyer there to observe and appreciate. You get that here (and then some) in this movie.

It's a little bit too long, almost three hours, but an experience worth having. After reading some reviews, it seems to me the low scores come from those who expected something different never realizing it is a fictional account.
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Creep & Cringe
4 September 2022
A friend of mine knowing I watch a lot of movies couldn't believe I hadn't seen this one. Looking back at the year it was released explained why it had fallen through the cracks, so I was very interested to see a supposed gem that I had missed.

And so, I sat down today totally ready to be entertained. Sad to say, I was not. This script is awkward, uncomfortable, and creepy. However, unlike most "bad" movies, I didn't abandon it or force myself to finish it - I actually wanted to hoping there would be some redeeming quality to boost it into positive territory. There wasn't.

I realize due to the high ratings and people seemingly falling over themselves to write glowing reviews that I'm in the minority. Frankly, I just don't get it.
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Martyrs Lane (2021)
Not Predictable
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For those complaining the ending was obvious, I'm not quite certain we watched the same movie. There's several layers to this. Yes, we are led to one thing that anyone paying attention would expect, but it's the OTHER thing I never saw coming. I almost feel compelled to reveal it but I won't because realizing it for oneself is what makes this movie good. If you missed it please re-watch the ending again.

It's a slow burn and very well acted piece. Nothing horrifying, but definitely has an element of creepiness to it. It's also interesting if you are willing to accept it for what it ultimately becomes. And if you don't feel sadness for this little girl at its conclusion then you might be dead too.
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Oddly Entertaining
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so as I started watching I immediately did not want to like it. I fully admit that. However, as I continued on it started to grow on me and in the end I have to say that I definitely did. It's well shot, funny, and a tribute to several different movies throughout. Alana Haim impressed the hell out of me too which was something I did not expect. Its clearly not for everyone, but the irony is that I fully expected I would fall into that category myself.

Some of the criticisms I've read I don't agree with. Unlike other movies where LGBT scenes are clearly forced, here it was perfectly inserted into the script and well done. This complaint about the age differences is completely absurd. This movie is set in the 70s. Heck, I grew up in the 80s and everyone of us ages 16 and up hooked up with at least one 20 something before graduation. NEWSFLASH: Nobody cared if the teen was male. In fact, it was celebrated.
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Bliss (I) (2019)
Monster's Masterpiece
2 August 2022
Talented in more ways than one and horribly irresistible as well. Unfortunately, despite this, by its end one is still left feeling only slightly satisfied. It's a great party but the hangover leaves one questioning it's overall value. By the way, I would definitely hang with Dezzy but the b*tch won't call me back.
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New Order (2020)
Leftist Fascists
31 July 2022
It destroys certain myths being peddled even here in the United States. It's so close to the truth that particular types won't be able to handle it. Some people live in a fantasy world, others experience realities, and the rest are either fully aware or completely oblivious to the possibilities that can arise from both. This movie cuts deep in every way imaginable. In this day and age where many are easily offended, if you are one of them, then you should definitely expect to be. Fact is, this film gives the middle finger to just about everyone - and has no regrets doing it. Bravo!
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
29 July 2022
The film's current score should be classified as a psychological rating. Many reviewers seem upset at the portrayal of the characters based on their gender. It's almost like a defense mechanism or something. Women who reject the idea of a Melinda, or men who are confident they could never be Vic. It's hilarious. Listen guys, there are men like Vic who wouldn't walk away under these circumstances. I've got a feeling it's hitting a "nerve" with some - for reasons they'd like to forget. And women ... you know Melindas do exist so please stop ... maybe you aren't one, but please.

If one can get past these personal issues, it's a very entertaining movie. Not Oscar worthy but enjoyable nonetheless.
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Not For Me
28 July 2022
It's got a generic script with a boring backstory. Production is decent. Lead actress is cute. There it is in a nutshell. If it was a movie it could rightfully be referred to as a "Chick Flick." Fair Warning. Women will probably like it but for men ... not so much.
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The Lost (II) (2006)
No Actually
14 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's really a "2" if not for Erin Brown's absolutely beautiful presence. Unfortunately, she's not in it long enough to boost it to a "4." Otherwise, this is a low budget bust. Watch it until Erin dies then turn it off.
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Master (I) (2022)
Above Average
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, kudos to both Regina Hall (Gail Bishop) and Zoe Renee (Jasmine Moore) who made this movie watchable.

Next, I'm not a big fan of the overall message but it's all the rage nowadays so I get it. Of course it must exaggerate and forget that Obama was the most powerful man in the entire world for eight years in order for it's theme to be believable. The strangest part of all is that Jasmine never seems to realize the racism she's experiencing, even resisting the notion. Is that because it didn't happen before she got to college? No. We are led to believe she is simply naive which, for me, was the hardest pill to swallow.

Working in the "Witch" and "Hell" as symbolism and/or pseudo explanations for the actions of the oblivious "white" people is a clever technique. It draws the viewer in to make them feel the reality of the dread that's being (and has been) experienced.

The twist of all twists comes when Liv Beckman (Amber Gray) pulls a Jussie Smollett/Rach Dolezal combo ruse on everyone. Not only is this a major betrayal, it's yet another "white" infraction of the worst kind. We also learn (inferred) she was the one behind the hate crimes against Jasmine ... a necessary evil to target a real black woman so she could gain her tenure in furtherance of the hoax.

Despite the main message that "it" cannot be escaped and "it" always follows, Gail quits anyway. Where she's gonna go or what purpose it serves, I don't know, since we've already learned it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

As a side note, I have absolutely no idea what Amelia meant when she told Gail "I'm not going through that again." Seems like it should be obvious but I haven't a clue.

Anyway, its not something I would call "good," but definitely an above average effort: (C+)
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The Princess (I) (2022)
Adolescent Action Movie
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mostly cool fight scenes. While they are without a doubt entertaining, there's nothing else to this. The story is weak and ends with both the usual & predictable.
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Attractive Disappointment
1 July 2022
Nice to look at but terrible to watch. Cinematography is terrific, the dance, song, dress, style, and acting all made me want to like it. Unfortunately, tried as I might, I just could not.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Playing Pool with a Piece of Rope
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seemed like a cool concept at first but that quickly wears off because it's so outrages one's mind starts to check out. I did appreciate the acting but the movie itself just wasn't good. The other thing I hate are fully clothed sex scenes. They want us to believe something is going on that's clearly impossible. If there isn't a budget to pay the actors to take their clothes off then figure out a different path. I don't like distractions and being insulted while I'm watching a movie.
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