
72 Reviews
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The Rookie (2018– )
Very enjoyable
26 January 2024
As long as you are willing to admit to yourself this is Hollywood, and be willing to suspend reality you will find this entertaining. Now I am not talking about massively ridiculous inaccuracies, just your typical Hollywood inaccuracies. For instance, the typical Hollywood way of portraying the use of force by law enforcement. Reality is the following, if a criminal has a weapon drawn or tries to draw a weapon, law enforcement will immediately shoot you. Hollywood shows law enforcement telling people to put the weapon down when a like is under threat. Law enforcement only does that if distance, or additional movement would be required for an immediate threat to life to exist. I cant help but wonder if Hollywood has changed the public's expectations or perceptions of how law enforcement reacts to resistance. I also wonder if this Hollywood induced misconception has led to life threatening problems between the public and police.
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Nefarious (2023)
25 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Clever writing, great acting, good direction. This film has been panned because Glenn Beck was cast as himself at the end of the film. Yep, our society has devolved to a point that content doesn't matter if someone you ideologically don't agree with. Glen becks appearance was small, and only had to do with an interview and book promotion by the main character of the film. Nothing political at all. I would propose that if anyone else had been cast in the role with the exact same lines, many negative reviews would have been positive reviews. Lets remember, this is a fictional horror story. Nothing else. Those who are uncomfortable the message, might want to reevaluate their own selves, and the choices they have made. The message that poor decisions lead to worse decisions, and that those immoral decisions may lead to unintended and unforeseen eternal consequences, is nothing new. If one doesn't like that message, maybe you are on the precipice of losing something due to an external influence you invited in.
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Pleasantly surprised
19 December 2023
I had never heard of this film till my mother started it while I was at her home this Halloween. An original, quirky, fun movie. The acting is top notch. Now I know why Kim Novak was so popular. Great for anyone looking for a movie that is different than the typical Halloween offering. An original and fun take on witches and witchcraft. Good comic relief, and fun love story. Well worthwhile if you are like me and have never heard of this movie. Even though I have always found the beatnik scene irritating, and a bit ridiculous, this film is enjoyable enough entertainment that I just did not mind it.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Not good at all
18 December 2023
I suffered through 25 minutes of this absolutely idiotic, and awful film, before I gave up. I was hopeful when I saw how many really big names were cast in it. It seems like every once in a while Hollywood stars fall in love with some film maker and they all clamor to be part of some terrabe film that this Hollywood elite has dreamed of making. Usually some terrible script that nobody would ever fund if the only people in it were unknown. The only thing this film is worthy of is a generous cringe. This offering from Hollywood is so bad that I am having trouble coming up with enough to meet the min characters. Oh just made the minimum. Were do I send the bill for the 25 minutes I will never get back?
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Swamp Thing (2019)
Could have been rated higher only if!
7 December 2023
This had such potential. Of coarse, like pretty much every thing that comes out of the entertainment industry, they have to ruin what fans love by inserting their own unacceptable ideology into it. Wake up entertainment industry! The more degenerate behavior you try to normalize, the more your shows will fail. I was introduced to Swamp Thing as a child when a friend donated a big stack of comic books to me, because my family was poor. Out of all of the comic books he gave me Swamp Thing became my favorite. The past films just didn't cut it. This however had real potential, but totally ruined it by adding degenerate behavior to the story were it never belonged. It just doesn't belong anywhere, at any time, ever! Thanks for ruining something with your disgusting degenerate garbage.
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Supercell (2023)
Very predictable, not very good
11 September 2023
Very predictable, and not very good.

Seems like a poor version of the film Twister. Kind of has that feeling.

Acting not too great.

Directing stinks.

Dialogue terrible.

Writing is sloppy, and far to predictable, and formulaic.

The entire film is so formulaic, that I had to keep reminding myself that I had not watched this movie before.

I strongly recommend avoiding this movie, unless you are just very very bored. Or unless you are looking for a film that you swear you have seen before without having seen it.

Typical teen who ignores adults to do something stupid, and dangerous film. Typical spouse who cant get over the spouses death movie. Typical parent who keeps teen from following in dead parents professional footprints film. Typical teen does something dumb and it saves the world film. Yep we have all seen many versions of these films. Oh and I almost forgot the greedy self centered guy gets what is comming to him by getting killed in the end movie.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Not good
11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Poor writing.

Poor directing.

Bad dialogue.

Unrealistic situations, and reactions to those situations.

Like, detectives illegally enter a motel room without a warrent, with guns drawn, only to let the bad guys draw their weapons inorder to hold a discussion/negotiation. Yep, when was the last time law enforcement allowed someone to draw a weapon on them without shooting them.

A lot of your typical ridiculous Hollywood stereotypes.

For instance, the only person shown to be unhinged at a door to door searchs for a lost newspaper boy happens to claim newspapers are fake news. Thus pushing a narrative that conservatives are unhinged.

Oh and how about the scene with a lawyer ticking off the reasons why Boston sports are disappointing. She tops off her list by commenting on how a Boston sports star voted for Trump.

Yep we are all wrong and unhinged.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Pleasantly surprised
11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised. I had low expectations for this film, but it surprised me. Much better than I expected.

Very creepy.

Points for originality.

It is kind of like a demonic virus. I wonder if they writers got some inspiration from recent fears of people passing something on to those they are in contact with.

The creepy aspect of the smile was a good addition.

The demon going from person to person wreaking havoc along the way, reminds me a bit of the film Fallen with Denzel Washington.

The intimidation feel of the monster is good.

Acting is well done.

Directing is good.

Writing is also good.
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Not wirth the hype
11 September 2023
So many people went on and on about how good this was.

It has it's funny parts, but it just was not that good.

To me it seemed like a high school production. Sophomoric. I often wondered if parts were actually scripted, or if the director just had people poorly ad-lib thier way through the scene.

Poor acting.

Poorly filmed.

Bad dialogue.

Between a few really funny parts are is a great deal of slow uninteresting boredom.

I don't know if the quirky sillyness is what they were going for, or if it was the result of the film seemingly being slapped together.

Not a fan.

At least it is an original idea, and story. Something that is very rare in todays entertainment industry. So points for that.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Mind numbingly slow
11 September 2023
I just could not go on watching it all of the way through.

Super slow! Boring! Depressing! Bleak.

When I saw the previews for this I was very interested and wondered if it was associated with a short story I had read.

I really wanted to like it.

My suggestion is just forgo watching it.

The cast is first rate, but they dont really have a script that engages the actor's skill, or the viewer's interest, and patience.

There just is not much worth saying about the film.

If there was anything good about this film it happened after I stopped watching. If so you would really have to suffer though watching a lot of slow boring stuff. If you made it through the whole film you have a lot more patience than I do.
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11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know why this one was so bad when the original was so good.

Maybe due to less money?

I doubt it.

I think it has more to do with the director changing, and some of the writers being changed.

Inconsistent with the original film and story.

In the original the monsters have to destroy one of their own, due to her having a sun burn from a sun lamp. Making it clear that the female vampires burns cannot be fixed.

In this film a totally sunned and burned up vampire can be brought back.

The writing, acting, directing, and dialogue are just not as good as the original film.

Poorly done in all aspects. I was disappointed.
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They made vampires monsters again
11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yay! They made the vampire a monster again.

No whining, shining, beautiful, misunderstood humanized vampires for you to feel sorry for, or want to be friends with in this film. In this film they just want to eat you.

Good and scary theme. Monsters decide to fill their lust for blood, by eating an entire town so far north that they dont have to worry about sunrise for 30 days. Hence 30 days of night.

Good acting.

Good special effects.

Good writing.

Good directing.

Pretty true to the illustrated novels, in both story, and look.

Creepy, gory, monstrous.

An excellent horror film for halloween.
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11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very good acting.

Dialogue is wonderful.

Writing is well done.

Good directing.

The period language and puritanism may be difficult for some.

An good attempt has been made to be true to the beliefs, technology, language, and wardrobe of the period that the story takes place.

I am not so sure about a families willingness to try to start a farm out in the wilderness on their own. If a family was ousted from one community it would be more likly that they would move to another community or live within sight of the community they had to leave. The dangers posed (both real and imagined) by trying to homestead on your own durring this period in the wilderness is just not plausible.
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The Winter King (2023– )
Poorly done
10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Poor acting.

Poor writing and dialogue.

Poor directing.

Poor special effects.

This show has nothing good about it.

I could not find any sympathy, or interest in any of the characters. It seems like the show is dependent on shocking scenes. Sceenes, like a man stabbing a newborn infant. The camera angle looking down on the infant to create as much shock value as possible.

There have been many attempts at doing an alternate take on the King Arthur stories but this is by far the worst of the lot. It is also confusing since the familial relationships used with the names in the King Arthur tales are not followed.

Just a bad show.
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Boring & Very Slow
8 September 2023
Good acting, but incredibly slow.

I think the outcome of the last several Marvel franchise films and T. V. shows has turned me away from the franchise. Otherwise I may have been a little more interested in this series. This series had a couple of brite spots, but to few and far between. I really tried to give the show a fair chance, but was bored out of my noggin most of the time.

The underlying story line was good but someone dropped the ball.

Although humanity is at stake the threat just was not illistrated.

The reasons for the bad guys being willing to kill all humans is not really clearly explained. Is it their nature? Is thier duplicity why they have been nearly exterminated? Lots of questions about why they would kill so many innocent people.

It also seemed like someone was trying to make a commentary on todays news through a fictional fantasy show.

Sorry Marvel, you lost my trust and viewership.
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Renfield (2023)
The preview looked great.
7 September 2023
The previews looked really funny, and I was excited to see it. That was until I saw who played Dracula. That made me skeptical. Why? I just don't understand the popularity of that actor. With very few exceptions Nicolas Cage's characters are the same. Just different names and different situations. So not a fan!

By all means his poor acting was not the only failure in this film.

The writing stinks. They really missed the mark. It could have been a fun and original story, but too much of the current ideological Hollywood bullcrap.

Some of the makeup, and special effects are good. Some of the comedy is pretty good. Acting kind of subpar.

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Pathetically disturbing dissapointed.
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Perverted, disrespectful, disgusting, movie.

I kept having to forward past the gratuitous sex scenes. As they flew by at high speed, I was shocked by what I saw. I had always liked (had a schoolboys crush) on Alyssa Milano, that went back to commando, and whos the boss. Well at least untill the last decade or so. I did not know Alyssa Milano did porn till this film. Yeah this film should be listed as a porno. Now no respect for her at all.

After all of the forwarding there really was no meat to the film.

Good girl goes to school and finds out she no longer wants to have any morals. Thats pretty much it other than the scenes of her seduction and fall into depravity.

Alyssa stop preaching, there is no high ground in the sewers.
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I had high expectations, came away dissapointed.
7 September 2023
When I saw the cast, and previews, I was very hopeful. This could have been so much better than it turned out to be. It had some really good moments, some good special effects, some good comedy, but it just fell short.

The dialogue just was not well written. The language just seemed too modern, using modern slang. This would have been ok, if the film ended showing the actors of the main characters sitting around a modern table playing the D&D game. But that option was missed.

The story is slow, and kind of dragged along.

A fun easter egg that I found out about after watching the film. Back in the 1980s there was a D&D cartoon. The characters from that cartoon are in the arena. I did not catch this when I watched the show. Well it has been a long time.

It is worthwhile if you dont pay for it.
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Creepshow 3 (2006 Video)
Dont waste your time!
7 September 2023
Creepshow 1, and Creepshow 2, were such fun I had high hopes for Creepshow 3.

Wow. I dont knw how they could have made the third creepshow any worse. The writing, script, dialogue, photography, directing, and acting were just awful. I cannot think of any aspects of this film that are decent.

Just terrible.

They trashed this franchise.

The only good thing I can say about the experience is that I did not pay to watch any of it.

I guess you could strap someone to a chair, and use the as a way to torture someone by forcing them to watch it. Of course, whoever is there with the torture victim would also be at risk. Yes someone would have to supervise or this show would put the subject to sleep or cause brain damage.
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Much better than I expected
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good script. A plus for originality.

Fair writing.

Decent dialogue.

Good acting.

A little predictable in the stereotype department.

The special effects were decently done.

A bit predictable though.

It was pretty obvious that the envelope at the end had the coin in it, instead of the button.

Of course they had to make the bank employee out to be a badguy. After all, arent the bankers, and all big buisness considered evil nowdays? That is just one stereotypical trope this film pushes. It is never the person not paying their bills.

The story goes, an elderly sickly gypsy woman is behind on her mortgage. The bank has given her two extentions in the past. She does not give the bank on how she plans to bring the mortgage current, were she will get the money. Her arguement is she has no place to go. She said she is too proud to move to an assisted living facility. She refused to be a burden on her daughter by moving in there. When the main character refuses to give another extension, the gypsy kneels down in front of everyone in the bank to manipulate the banker by making a spectacle begging. The banker backs away and the gypsy claims the banker shamed her. So the gypsy puts a curse on the banker to have a demon take her to hell.

Yep thats fair.

The too proud gypsy, who's own family wont help out is somehow justified in thinking total strangers are obligated to ignore the mortgage contract she sighned. Oh forgive the old gypsy who refused to forgive and cursed a young boy who stole a silver necklace. Eventhough he tried to return the necklace.

So according to Hollywood buisnesses are supposed to forgive peoples debts, putting their employee's livelihoods at risk.
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Not very good
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the 3rd part of the reboot of the Halloween films. I watched the first of the rebooted series out of boredom. I did not want to pay for Halloween kills, the second in the reboot.

Not a big fan of Hollywood remakes and reboots.

This part of the rebooted series seems like it was phoned in. The 3 stars is generous.

Poor writing, pared with sub par acting, and crummy dioalog, resulted in a poor performance.

I assumed that the reason they tried a reboot was to get away from the formulaic way the original Halloween films were made. They failed.

This reboot seems to fall back into the same formulaic trap that the original series fell into.

The ending where the whole town puts Michael Myer's body into a car shreader was overblown, over dramatic, and just dumb.
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Ghosts (2021– )
Just downgraded my review
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...April 2024 update... I just downgraded my review from a 9.

The writing is now stale. Every episode is now sex related in some way. Going downhill fast.

The comedy is not as good as it was.

The characters just seem to be walking on and off the screen with nothing added to the story. Wokness is now taking over.

Still watching, but willing to down grade again and stop watching if the content continues to degrade, and degenerate.

...Original review... Such a fun show.

Acting is well done.

Comedy is very well done.

I know it is an American copy of a British show, but not being British, I am happy that they made one I could relate to. I would like to see the original version, but I am not willing to pay for it.

Some characters are a bit irritating, but so are real people. The quirky characters just add to the comedy.

I cant wait for the next season to see who got (sucked off) the term the ghosts use to describe when a ghost progresses from this earthly plane to their next plane of existence.

The actors do a good job with making you think they are ghosts from a different era.
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Interstellar (2014)
Not up to the hype
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see this due to all of the positive things being said about it.

I came away from watching this film not understanding the hype.


Just another post apocalyptic hot mess of a movie.

I did not care for the story at all.

The special effects are very good.

The acting was good.

It dragged and dragged on and on so slowly that I just could not stand it. Then once it came to the climax behind the bookshelf I was pretty much done.

I dont know, maybe the book was better. All the hype I heard beforehand was due to the book since I saw the film right after it came out.

Maybe something was lost in turning the book into a movie.
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Kinda disgusting
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It has some of the funniest scenes I have seen. The barons eating pizza is super funny. The resulting vampire court trial is hilarious. Including actors from previous vampire films (Paul Rubins character from buffy the vampire slayer) (Wesley Snipes character from Blade) as members of the vampire court was genius.

However this funny stuff just does not make up for the perverse, disgusting garbage that is so pervasive in this series. I stopped watching it because I felt dirty and needed a shower after watching it.

Not as good as the original film. But that really is not saying a much. It's something you might want to avoid.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Ok, better than expected, not great.
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I resisted and resisted watching this once I found out that it was another reboot/remake. Holy crap will Hollywood stop with the reboots?

I take it thatsince this film references the first film and only 5 prior victims.

So Halloween II and all subsequent films never took place. A shame. I would have at least included the second film since it was a continuation of that same night as the first film.

So another change is Laurie Stroud is not really Michael Myers sister anymore.

The acting is surprisingly good.

Sorry but the doctor's role as Michael's escape assistant and fellow psychotic killer is kind of dumb. Actually really dumb in my opinion.

I really dont understand the reboot trend. Just come up with something original.
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