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Not Consistent at All
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
These people have the ability to jump worlds, build intergalatic ships, and raise armies but they can't communicate with one another? At one point you have a guy screaming orders to his pilots over the sound of jet engines. The CGI is also wildly inconsistent. Sometimes decent, sometimes awful, and most of the time laughable.

Can we all admit Zach Snyder has a real problem. The poor guy needs help. He's addicted to slow motion. The way he uses it in this movie really makes the entire thing a joke. You have unathletic people running, with bulky blasters, as laser sounds trumpet. It really makes the fighting boring, and horrible looking.

Was that the dreadnaught that exploded? I have no idea. Why did it look so different? At one point it's horizontal, next vertical, than horizontal. Then because the guy falls asleep at the wheel it explodes?

The whole Soviet/nazi looking bad guys is so stupid. Sure these "pasty boys" conquer the universe. Because in Earth's history they're the only ones to do bad things right? Give me a break. Read a book. Every country and culture has committed atrocities.

And ohh look. Another female who's "The One" with Super Powers that is the only person who can save everyone. I sure bet that Princess is really dead, and not the farm girl on that one planet. Guess the robot got lucky.

I can't remember a single name of anyone other than Tarak for some reason. And Nemesis. (Snatch did it better). Everyone and every place has horrific names. This movie is lazy. The fighting is terrible and the pacing is worse. The end scene shows it's also pointless if you can't really kill anyone.

You invested millions of dollars into this movie, and those are the best sets, CGI, and costumes you could come up with? You stole Firefly and Star Wars and combined them into a train wreck. Seriously who ever designed the blasters and did the CGI for the swords should be put into those bounty Hunter robots. Those were the only cool things I saw in this movie.

As always Anthony Hopkins nailed the dialougue, and shockingly his featureless robot showed the most depth and emotion out of anyone. Charlie Hunam was pretty good too, but whose idea was it to give him an Irish accent and have mostly metal teeth? I mean he looked like he crawled out from an underpass.

I kept rewinding one scene and laughing. When Hunam's character turns around after catching wind of the plan, and money to be made at the bar. Like he didn't just witness an all out gun battle, with people dying all around him. He was still choppin it up having a drink, and turned and was like "did you say steak". This movie is so riddle with inconsistencies like that.

Also the black guys right hand man, woman, eye shadow haircut. That scream and slow motion scene running. Hilarious!! Gotta remind the victim hierarchy who showed who the way ✊. Peace!
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Reacher: Picture Says a Thousand Words (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Ohh Man
27 December 2023
This is not good. Whoever talked about the constant music is totally right. It makes the scenes seem strange. But the real problem is everything else. The writing is horrible. The Special Investigators come off like bumbling buffoons and very condescending. I can't take Neagley. Her character is really bad and the actress if even worse. Why would you write a character who won't touch people? I don't get it.

The pace is not good. The dialogue seems really snippy. The bad guy is decent so far. The special investigators don't seem like army at all. I'm not sure why they felt the need to give Reacher such a large squad to roll with. Especially since they're all pretty terrible.
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You don't have to emasculate men to write strong women characters
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Has anyone watched 1883 recently? I'm 6 or 7 episodes in and that show is utterly amazing. These writers at Marvel need to hire Taylor Sheridan or at least take a page out of his book. The main character Jon Dutton, played by Tim McGraw is a bad boy. He's a man's man. His daughter and wife are also hardcore and strong in their own right. It makes for great dialogue and character development. Every scene is tense and each of the characters is very interesting. It explores love, death, grief, and heartache too. The show isn't his wife and daughter dumping on him the whole show. No one wants to see that. It shows the DIFFERENT challenges men and women face and how they're equally as hard. There's a great scene where a tornado hits and the Union soldier is comforting his girlfriend Naomi. And in the next scene the German girl is comforting her husband, because relationships are about being there for the people who need it. And sometimes men need to be strong for their woman, and sometimes women need to be strong for their man.

This Secret Invasion show is putrid. It's everything wrong with Disney and Hollywood. Fundamentally changing characters and emasculating men. Caring more about politics than story. Why do you feel the need to destroy men? It does not make women look stronger, it looks petty. Nick Fury is boinking aliens now? Huh. I haven't paid for anything Marvel since Thor Love and Thunder. That was the boulder that broke the indigenous humped desert horse's back. They killed Thor and any movie he was in that came before it. If Captain Marvel didn't kill Nick Fury this show definitely did. Give him something for the pain and let him die. They need to clean house. This is such a disgrace.
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The Witcher: Reunion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
What show is this Again?
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 has been atrocious so far. This show has always done a bad job referring back to things and having the timeline make any sense. The Kingdoms, the names, the side characters, etc. I have no idea who they're talking about half the time or why I should care. This season has been a complete relapse. The pacing went from zero to crack head real quick. The CGI is pitiful. What was that scene where he's fighting an arm monster? And all these young girls heads are screeching bloody murder. Why do all of the extras and minor characters really suck at acting? Why do most of the side and main characters suck at acting? Yennifer and Tisea are the only two who can act. Coincidentally they're both very hot. Ohh and if one Cerilla wasn't enough now we have more? I think, not sure. Henry Cavil doesn't care, it shows. Lots and lots of screeching. Fights are cringey. All action is cringey in this season. Sets and makeup look cheep. This season has absolutely no soul.
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Destroyed in 1 Episode
19 March 2023
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The worst thing to happen to a tv show ever. People hate on the ending of Lost, the final season of Thrones, and the entire phase 4 of Marvel. As they should. However I truly believe this is the most egregious thing ever done to a television show. They fundamentally changed the main character at their core. Took a smart, manipulative, and cunning character who wants to be good and turned them into a raving psycho. Worse they made it so he can't even remember the things he has done, argues with his fake self, and is being blackmailed...By himself?? Not only that, they took a character like Rhys and made him pointless.

We also get horrible narration by Maryanne, who's dialogue is pitifully written. Nadia makes pathetic decisions all episode. Go to his class that day? Decide to Google him while your in his class? Don't return with any food or water while you have key? Leave her for a full day. You'd think Maryanne might want to use Nadia's phone to see if that daughter she always talks about is ok?

This entire episode was an abomination. This was one of the last good shows on Netflix. Why is everything be rolled out in the past couple years such garbage? Thanks for killing one of the few watchable shows left on tv. RIP Joe Goldberg.
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About as Bad as Anything Can Possibly Be
1 February 2023
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If it weren't for Woody Harrison this movie would be a zero. Kevin Hart cranks his whipped, annoying, neurotic, clueless, and loud persona up to an 11. There's times I really like Kevin Hart. I felt like he did this entire movie in one day just yelling in the background. It's just voice overs of him yelling about his butt.

He's a jealous beta male that comes off as a sociopath in this flick. How many dead bodies did this guy see and contribute to? It never phased him at all. The whole movie is just Kevin yelling frantically. It's like nails on the chalk board. He's an absolute moron, has no ambition, messes everything up, and has no feelings or compassion. This movie could have been a great dark comedy along the lines of Lock Stock, Snatch, and Rock N' Rola. This train wreck shows how talented Guy Ritchie really is.

I came away thinking, "Wow Hollywood thinks murder is funny, women only care about material things and hot guys, and Kevin Hart thinks his audience is stupid. How many times can you yell "my a$$" before start begging for real line?

You have teams of writers and some of the key "funny" plot related situations are Kevin mimicking Woody like a 6 year old. Kevin's big idea is non contacting boxing, and the jealousy of a beta male being cucked by an FBI agent. I could have overlooked a lot of it too if it weren't for the continuous "are we there yet, are we there yet" annoying, childish, and unfunny dialogue. Once they stopped the Venezuelans. You know the villians or something they showed for 2 minutes I turned it off. But I can guarantee what the last 25 min was going to be. Steaming garbage just like the first 70 min.
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Yellowstone: The Sting of Wisdom (2022)
Season 5, Episode 2
Not Digging it Anymore
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I gotta say that everyone in this show is becoming a jerk. Beth is a ridiculously unlikeable character. She has serious Daddy issues and really no redeeming qualities. The jealousy over Summer last season was strange to say the least. Jamie is also not a real person. Kevin Costner is whispering in a corner now for 5 seasons straight. Now it looks like they are taking Beth's worst qualities and making Beth 2.0 as a corporate lawyer.

Tell me, if you're an attractive girl does that give you the right to absolutely eviscerate any man in your general vicinity? It happened like 5 times this episode from multiple characters.

Even Rip is acting like a mean sonofa gun. Only interesting Character left is Casey and the Native Americans and none of them get enough screen time.
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I'm a Stubborn Bast...
3 December 2022
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I swear to god I'm on episode 8 and about 24 sittings of watching this show. It takes me multiple viewings just to get through one episode. It's really not keeping my interest at all. I can't name many characters at all. There are some decent acting performances and it has some cool parts but it's a very convoluted story. Why do I do this to myself? I only like the murderers in this show. The best characters are the hitman, Corbell Picket and his short lived wife, the Klept guy Lev, and Reese. I like Wolf's outfit but my guy needs to change it up a little bit. I like Alita until this most recent episode. The worst characters are definitely the Scientist, the Detective, the two people in Lev's house, the Deputy guy, Jasper, and Wilf at times. He always seems so clueless. It has really good moments don't get me wrong. But damn I'm stubborn. I should have quit this show episodes ago! Not much happens at all and I still haven't figured out why they need any of these Peripherals.
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The Strain (2014–2017)
Even Better Today in 2022
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been rewatching The Strain recently with my buddy. They really don't write shows like this anymore. Compelling dialogue that is poetic at times. Real tension, angst, and palpable situations. Real people with all their flaws. One thing I love is how they wrote Justine Feraldo. She's sexy and in charge as Dutch put it. She's the boss, but she still needs help. She's not superhuman, or catty, or sarcastic. She's a motivator in charge of men, while keeping her feminitity and sexiness. Find me a character like that today.

The relationship between Fet and Abe is a brilliant one. The love between Gus and Angel. The feud with Zach and Eff, or Eldrich and his father. This show really explores how important it is to have a positive male role model in your life.

Abe Setrakian and The Born are poets when they speak. I still quote them. Phenomenal dialogue. Abe and Eichorst too. And of course The Master. Maybe the best character of all time. I love this show. Also I legit teared up over Nora. What a show!
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Foundation (2021– )
Started Back Up and Now I Member
18 October 2022
The acting in this show is ruined by a few characters. The biggest being the Warden. I can't stand it. It's really korny and at times the CGI is completely awful. Especially the shooting scenes. However I find the Lee Pace scenes interesting but even those can have more action. All of that deserved more screen time. Not really interested in the main character. The Queen Arakian is also terrible but no one compares to the warden. Even the guy from the wire and Lorenzo De'Midici give hollow performances.

It's very slow moving in the Lee Pace scenes. He Carries It but it deserved more. The CGI is great at times but and the story is okay. But it's a chore to watch it. It's taken me almost a year to get through 5 episodes.
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Reacher (2022– )
Good Fight Scenes And Lots of Social Justice
6 August 2022
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Once again this show comes down to sex and race as the most important thing. I think the main cop is a good character and actress but she's forced to say some really out of place lines. You just shot a guy in the head and you're mad about Reacher trying to protect you? Cuz you're a girl and don't need protecting. We got that from your characters actions. Why do writers need to literally spell it out in lines? Worse yet they do it twice. The Captain is ridiculous and is a jerk, but sure it's cuz of race. Literally every white male cop is crooked in this show. Leave the force in GA and they even shoot their black partners in the head. Give me a break. Name a white male cop in the show not crooked. I'll wait...The only non crooked cops are the blonde girl, Boston guy, FBI Agent, Neagley, cop who got shot in head, and Secret service girl. I'm noticing a theme here. Also the scene of the Boston Cop getting beat half to death by two podunk cops after breaking into a house seemed so out of damn place. This show has a serious angle. I actually like Reacher though. I think he's funny and intense. And the main girl is pretty.
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For All Mankind: New Eden (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
The New Designated Survivor
30 July 2022
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This show has gone the way of Designated Survivor. Take a decent show and jam a bunch of political garbage and hot button issues instead of a script. Terrible writing and stupid plot points. One of the driving forces of the show now is a one night stand between Karen Baldwin and Danny. Which happened to be like 12 years ago. Give me a break! This show sucks now.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
It's Not Just the Worst Movie I've Ever Seen...It's the Most Annoying Movie of All Time
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are awful movies and there are annoying movies. This movie in a rare combination is both. It wants to be Deadpool so bad. Only HQ's voice is unbearable. It jumps around and doesn't know what it is. Whoever edited this movie should be fired. It's so noisy. Like nails on a chalk board. The story is terrible. HQ telling them story makes it so convoluted and unwatchable. It's made for people with A.D.D because HQ clearly can't hold a real conversation. In Gotham Victor Zazz is funny and psychotic. In this he's a lunatic who cuts himself. The story builds up to a 10 min scene and then completely abandons that as Harley abandons the crew. I died laughing when the singer blows them away with her voice. Are you kidding me? I ended up hating Harley Quinn by the end. I felt bad for Ewan McGregor. It must have been a cash grab because he probably filmed his scenes in less than a week. You think well maybe there will be a good fight with him at the end. Nope dead in 30 seconds from a grenade. Once again every man is stupid and incapable and every woman is bulletproof and unstoppable. This movie was made for teenage girls with ADHD but is rated R for some reason. This is the worst movie I've seen since Open Water and is definitely the most annoying. It honestly hurt my head. It was like cats fighting, or bats, or sleeping in a machine shop. I never thought I wouldn't like Margot Robbie in a movie but she couldn't save this. DC you will never be Marvel. Black Widow will be amazing as a female led movie. This was trash. Absolute garbage.
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Can I give it a 3 and still say I enjoyed it?
26 January 2020
The writing and acting are so bad. People love this town lol. The two gay kids relationship is so funny. Alice is such a bad actress. The female cop made me crack up everytime she spoke. Even after all this I binged it. What is wrong with me? This show is so bad.
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The Feed (2019)
It was really good Until it became the Kate and Martha Show
23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How dumb can you be? First off Kate becomes a terrorist out of nowhere. Then she lets a little girl become an axe murderer with every chance to run. Then hits her with a car, waits for her to get up and stab her, then takes a nap in the woods a mile away while leaving her baby with said psychopath in the car. That drove me nuts. Also Ben was such a loser. I liked it a lot until that stuff in episode 9 went down.
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Ad Astra (2019)
The Worst Movie of 2019
6 January 2020
I was talking to my friend about the worst movie I saw all of last year and immediately brought up Ad Astra. When I brought up the IMDB page I was shocked to see this movie had an 80 rating from Critics. Are Critics being paid to give ratings like this or are they really that disillusioned from cinema going fans?

This movie is really slow. It seems like the Director is adding elements to the film that are not plot driven just to make it a feature length film. I didn't like a single character. It really is just bad. No other way to say it. Don't see it. I was really disappointed because I love Sci-fi and had high hopes, but this is not Sci-fi. I fact I don't know what this is. Sad. Just sad.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Everyone is Looking for the New Game of Thrones and This is Not It
28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Game of Thrones was able to amass a large audience because they slowly introduced the fantasy element into the show. The reason for it's large success was due to gripping realistic story lines with fantasy aspects sprinkled in overtime. The battle for the throne drove the plot and things like dragons and white walkers were laughed at and considered taboo until they weren't.

The Witcher hammers you over the head with fantasy from the very first scene. It's not a bad thing, but it's the reason shows like this will never capture a large audience.

If you're not a fan of the books you're going to have a difficult time following this show. There are about 50 new names and places said in every episode and they all seem to sound the same. None of the characters are memorable outside of Yennifer so why should I root for or even try to remember them? The Witcher wants you to take in the stunning visuals while trying to catalog all of the information they are spewing on you each episode. The character names I can recall after just watching every episode are Geralt, Yennifer, Renfri, Tissaia, and Cirila. Or is Cirila the name of the town? Or is it Cintra? Or is that the Grandmother's name? Or the mothers? Did they say the mother's name? Was it a surprise? The Law of Surprise?

The Bard also got really old really quick. I was hoping Geralt would chop him in half but he whimpered off. If he doesn't make a comeback some how that relationship was a complete waste of time. Then there was the dragon that was also human but somehow talked like a ventriloquist! What was that?!?!

This show isn't terrible but they are trying to introduce too much too quickly rather than develop characters. I mean what's up with Nilfgard and the guy in charge?

The worst thing about this show is the terrible job it does with timeline. I jumps back and forth between the present and past with no rhyme or reason and characters don't age which makes it even harder to follow. Even the humans don't age. The more I write this I'm realizing this show stinks. I'm changing my review from 7 to 5. Hopefully season 2 will correct the growing pains of season 1.
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619 Reviews and Counting
7 October 2019
This show is on after the NFL which has tens of millions of viewers. This show has been rated 619 times including mine. What else is there to say?

Terrible. Who gave this the ok? This show reminded me of the 3rd season of Designated Survivor. Pandering to a Liberal audience (badly I may add) by shoving cliches down your throat. Also, what is Bluff City?
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Humanity's Greatest Threat: Abby and Clark Griffin
14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying I really like this show. I just rewatched it all the way through for a second time and I actually changed my rating from a 9 to an 8. This was mainly because of Abby and Clark. They are both selfish lunatics.

Let's start with Abby. The self righteous Doctor who uses Raven Reyes as her own personal punching bag. She floated her husband, sent her daughter to the ground to die along with 100 other kids, picks and chooses who gets to live, becomes a junkie who electrocutes Raven, kills a man to save the dude who floated her husband, saves a bunch of killers for her drugs, and destroys the radiation machine that could possibly save the human race after barbecuing a grounder and forcibly taking bone marrow from Luna. She forced everyone to become cannibals and then turned her back on Octavia making her out to be evil. She has done the worst things in the show but holds her head high as if she's better than everyone. It's insane. She does this to Raven often. I literally laughed when she tried to make Raven feel like shit saying I'm clean now...for 2 days. Suck it up Raven I'm better than you. I know that's not what she said but it seemed like it.

Then there's Clark. By god you better hope you're one of "her people" or you're done for. It's comical how often Clark is able to piece complex things together based on a fragment of a sentence someone else says. Clark let a missile drop on a 100 people to save 40. Clark tried to save a murderer in Finn after massacring a village putting about 500 people at risk. She decided to kill 1000's of grounders and Octavia to steal the bunker. Then she decided to side with murderers and kill the rest of the human race to save 1 person Matty. She left her best friend in the fighting pits to die. She then put a shock collar on the one person she tried to save. She helped her mom barbecue a grounder. She tried to force the flame onto Luna. Everything she does is to save herself and Abby. Dioza says it best. "Clarke, I have a hard time keeping track of which side you're on."

All in all the 100 is a very entertaining show and though these characters are ridiculous their stupidity makes for good storylines. Also here are the Top 10 hottest girls in The 100: 1.Octavia 2.Raven 3.Lexa 4.Echo 5.Josephine Prime 6.Allie/Becca 7.Ontari 8.Luna 9.Harper 10.Abby
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