
25 Reviews
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Airborne (2022)
Sunday mass service in a movie.
28 January 2023
Thats it.

This is the tale of one dimensional characters, that are either religious, anti-religious, or on their way to being religious.

Every modern cliche you will find. The religious people are the pacifist and good ones. Non-religious are all violent and need to exterminate religion. And the other guy ? The white almost useless guy who never gave a thought about religion is going through the experiences to become another zealot.

Thats all.

Dont expect a big plot, there isnt.

Dont expect great acting. Its just meh.

Dont expect anything too controversial. They play it safe. Even take the time to make an inmigrant to explain why he is a good one.

I think i agree. All the rating>5 are just friends and people related to the movie.

I have it a 4, because at least i managed to watch it till the end.
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Delusional (I) (2022)
Skip it.
28 January 2023
This is awful.

Story is flat. It keeps you guessing because they wont advance it for most of the movie. When you get the points, its just a regular non-interesting plot. Pretty obvious at it.

The acting ? Awful. The leads cant act. Some of the supporting actor are better, but overall, its like watching a school play.

I watched because i was intrigued by the rating. And as it is usually with these movies, they start with a really high rating then get rapidly downgraded as people without interests in the production start rating it.

Dont waste your time. Plenty of good movies to watch. This is not one of them.
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The Enforcer (2022)
Crime thriller that has been done again and again ....
24 September 2022
Nothing wrong with the plot being that common, if it is done right.

It gets 4 stars, because i watched from start to end, but I felt like giving up constantly.. Its far too slow paced and isnt really that engaging.

Yo could skip the first 70 minutes and you'll get all the action, and enough story to undesrstand what was all about. It could have been a short film (~25 min) and acomplished the same, and more.

Banderas did a good job, but the rest of the cast was just mediocre. The dialogue was dull and felt forced most of the time.

For me at least, felt like a waste of time and most likely i will just forget about it pretty soon.
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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
Not a rom-com. Not a comedy. Surprisingly good drama.
24 September 2022
I have to agree with other reviewers.. This is not a rom-com. Could be a dark comedy... But it is a (romatic?) drama. And it delivers.

I can see the hate on most of the low rated reviews, not sure if towards Pete or Kaley. Looks like those viewers are expecting to chuckle with anything with Pete on it. (or Kaley for that matter).

Some clearly dont event understand depression.

Yes, there is a time loop here (not a spoiler), but thats not even the point of the movie. If you are trying to make sense of that, you are watching the wrong kind of movie.

Most of us have suffered heartache from broken relationships. Some of us, Feeling alone. And some desperation to fit in a world that doesnt understand us.

You should watch this movie knowing it is an exploration of dark emotions. It might trigger you on some topics, but im almost positive you will end with an uplifting sensation.

And for those complaining of making sense... Time travel never makes sense. Thats a fact.
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24 August 2022
If you are a fan of Bud Spencer & Terence Hill, you might have found this movie. (i did). Only reason to watch it, was because of the reference to the 1974 movie.

The movie starts with a reference of the original one, telling the story of the buggies and what happened at the end.

This is a big problem, because you would expect the same kind of humor, action and goofiness. Instead, you'll get the same bland type of movies you get by the bucket today.

I might be biased, sure. I loved the original. This one however, was so boring i just forgot about the movie right after watching.

Your mileage may vary, but i can tell you that if you expect this movie to beanything like the original (other than the buggies) , you'll be dissapointed.
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Another installment of Willis doing.. Nothing.
19 December 2021
Let see.

Instead of a review, i will list WHY this movie sucks :

  • Acting is BAD.

  • Willis does nothing, and barely tries to act.

  • Plot is moronic.

  • All the people have reasons, and promise to kill the enemy, but then whenever they have a chance, they just dont. The low-level baddies got killed pretty easily.

  • Fight scenes are unwatchable. Seems they preferred to save money and put the camera on top of a big spring. Not even pausing you'll be able to understand whats going on.

Don't waste your time. There are other bad films better than this one.
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Fortress (2021)
Bruce Willis, being forced to act.
17 December 2021
Man oh man. This one is BAD.

Willis does not care anymore. Perhaps it wasnt enough money, he was constipated, or having a stroke.

His acting is plain. Barely moves around, and speaks without emotion, like reciting lines in a play you just dont want to appear.

Action scenes are so shaky, that you cant even figure out whats going on.

And the characters ? Wow. The worst offender, Ken, is so annoying that youll be dissapointed that he doesnt get killed.

Bruce Willis is the new Steven Seagal. Barely moves, barely acts, and we are supposed to believe he is the only one who can save them all.

I kind of like some cringeworthy movies. But this one, is just BAD. (and there is a sequel coming.. :S)
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Deadlock (II) (2021)
Repeated formula... Somewhat entertaining.
17 December 2021
If you play first person shooter games, i can summarize this for you :

The main character is playing "rescue the VIPs" in Counter Strike using an aimbot. His teammates went rogue and are trying to kill him. (not sure how, because everytime they find him, they do anything but shoot him).

There is a story behind all this. Not sure if anyone will care too much, because is not that original. The flood footage is just dumb, and badly put in scene.

The fight scenes are hard to follow. Seems like the cameracam didnt have access to a tripod or any kind of stabilization. (or perhaps it on purpose to hide bad choreography)

Oh, Bruce Willis tries to do some acting. Not sure if willingly.

I gave this 5 stars just because it kept me entertained.

It is kind of fun trying to figure out if Willis is acting, or having a stroke. His work has become cringeworthy, which in itself is not a completely bad thing :-)
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Good movie ,if it were done in the 40s
22 September 2021
What was this ?

Comedy ? Horror ? Action ? Fantasy ?

It was horror alright. I ended up horrified after watching this. Couldnt believe i completed the movie.

It is awful. I dont mind cheap CGI but this one but even cheaper than cheap.

Dialogue ? Its borderline moronic. Trying to justify what tries to pass as science with some pseudo science.

Plot ? Non existant.

There might be some value for those who like the low budget horror. But having this movie with a rating over 5 will just misguide people trying to find a decent flick.

If you dont enjoy bad horror films.. stay away. Really away.

You could die (?) just like the guy in the first minute for watching too close.
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Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
Unrealistic, lousy plot and yet, entertaining.
22 September 2021
I had to write a review, as many of the ones telling to stay away because its crap, are usually one liners from people either too lazy to write or just too whiny.

I think most people read the tagline and immediatly understand that

  • The plot is lousy. And has been done many times.

  • Fights are not that great.

  • Not realistic. Duh, It cant be. Check the plot.

Ive been critical about movies with a bad plot, way too unrealistic (and trying really hard to explain how it can be realistic) and badly choreographed fights.

Still, this one will keep you entertained and wont try to validate the weird stuff. Plenty of action and youll be rooting for the protagonist. Youll also be cursing at him for being *so* stupid at times.

For some it might be better to watch it by "episodes", some just in one sitting.

I gave it a rating of 7.

Considering all of its shortcomings, seems high, but i enjoyed it as much a other movies rated similarly.

* A lot of the complaints in the bad reviews are baseless : Looks like they didnt even pay attention to the movie.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Dont ignore negative reviews ! THIS IS DUMB!
21 September 2021
Way too much people trying to give this movie a better rating than it deserves.

Just because you are a "father" and feel connected to the plot, does not make this movie great.

Suspending disbelief (as in many other movies) wont make this movie good.

Jason Momoa was good (great? No). That doesnt save this movie.

I wont spoil the plot, but if you pay attention, youll figure the twist right after the first act. It is DUMB.

I dont have issues with it not being realistic (yeah, like most movies are) or even with the issues related to the fighting scenes.

The problem is : THE PLOT IS DUMB. Really dumb.

If it is for the fighting, or the girl power.. Better go watch "Kate". Now thats a lot of action, blood, and a better plot.

(i had to watch something else to wash off the bitter taste of "Sweet girl")
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This was a bad one.
23 February 2020
What the hell ? There is another movie from 2017 called exactly the same. Same name, same premise. And it has a 4.1 rating.

This one is more of a commentary on the racism and police brutality you get to watch on the news. The drama surrounding that, is what drives the movie.

As far as sci-fi, it has none. It is just blurbs of pseudo scientific language with a mix of time travel stuff. It makes no sense whatsoever, and seems like the time travel theory gets adjusted every time they need for something to work as they need for the plot.

There is no "real" ending. And the moves of the main characters (supporting ones too) are just infuriating.

You have been warned.
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Afflicted (2018– )
What ? This is a bad one.
2 November 2018
Im not going to touch the syndromes the people on this docuseries say to have. Some of those have been studied, and some are generating controversy. HOWEVER, most of the people shown in this docuseries are clearly suffering from PTSD and/or depression. It is baffling how one of them, calling herself a psychotherapist, cannot realize she is in denial over her failed marriage ! Most of them refuse to try anti depressants (perhaps for fear of being labeled "crazy people" ??) but are eager to try most moronic treatments available, wasting TONS of money.

And no. Im not saying ME, CS, FM, etc are not valid illnesses. But as i suffer from anxiety and depression, i can tell the first sign you might have it : refusing meds just because.

The whole show is way too long, allows people to misunderstand the syndromes, and fall short on giving real answers and real science to the viewer. It is just a POV of how dramatic these topics are, but nothing else. For me, i feel it was a waste of time, and a disservice to people suffering from the condition AND for the people that appeared in the show.
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Someone already put it right : Unexpectedly Entertaining
26 October 2018
Hey, This was a fun flick ! I don't like zombies movies (i think most of them are just dumb), nor horror movies (i dont find the horror... horrific .. it just makes me laugh xD) but this one is neither. The movie is fun, there are a couple of familiar faces, the pacing is ok (not fast, but not crawl-like) and, its REALLY violent. The action is ludicrous, and the bad guy is... comic-like. It is a nice movie to watch while having a drink, or to be amused a couple of hours. Dont expect a masterpiece, a packed action movie, or a comedy. Just expect a movie and enjoy the flow.
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Upgrade (2018)
Just your average revenge movie.....
7 September 2018
Or is it ??

Im not sure if it was me watching this with low expectations (because ive watched a lot of stinkers lately) or.. this is a good movie !!! When my gf and some friends agreed, i can be sure it isnt just me.

This looks like your average revenge movie. You will guess the plot in the first 10 minutes or less. But then, tiny twists will keep you wondering and being surprised about how the movie develops. Yes, i guessed the ending, but i didnt care! Because it was a good one!

I cant even understand how such great quality was achieved with a low budget, in a time most blockbusters seem to need hundreds of millions to try. Shame on Hollywood!

There is no shaky cam !!!! Instead you have a crazy fluid cam that makes the action scenes really something !

I feel i will spoil stuff if i keep writing stuff, and then you will watch this and not be surprised. And that will affect the rating and review you might give, so... In short :

Watch this movie. It is a breath of fresh air in a really saturated atmosphere.

p.s.: Anyone though about Tom Hardy watching the main character ? It was awesome how he moved that way.
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Wow. What a piece of crap.
31 August 2018
Really. I cannot understand how this was made. But now i understand why it went direct to video. If you are a fan of Cloverfield, yeah, perhaps it might be for you. But if you see it objectively, it is a disaster of a movie. My girlfriend liked the previous movies. She likes non-sensical horror, and some ridiculous movies. And even she couldnt stand this one. I will try not to spoil anything. But honestly, there is nothing to spoil.
  • You will follow a group of "scientists" that will babble some stuff that might sound sci-ency, but its rubbish. Mostly words put together without any real meaning behind it.
  • They must be the dumbest scientist in the universe. Most of the movie they are fighting/arguing stupid things, and when they need to use logic to fix simple things, they forget science and do the most dumb thing you could do.
  • Physics are completely out of whack in space. I dont mind some wackiness
in the movies, but this one just went crazy with it.
  • I was told to watch this movie because it will explain some nonsense from the previous ones. It does not. You can see some effect to it, but no explanation.
  • Other reviewers say there is a great twist ending... Im not sure which movie they saw.
  • Thats about all i can say without spoiling.

Effects, acting, all is decent. The content is the problem. You might think i hate all the Cloverfield movies, and you are partly right. I didnt like the first one (didnt hate it tho) , the second one was great right until a couple of minutes before ending, and this one.. hate.

And yes. I am being harsh with the 1-star rating. It deserves a 4. But, there is so many irrational 10-star ratings, that i feel compelled to balance it with a rational 1-star.

My conclusion ? You need to watch this movie expenting the worst. And really love the cloverfield series. If you watch it expecting a rational movie, or an horror film, or even a tie-in movie for the others... you are going to be dissapointed.

You have been warned.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
Holy crap. This is not what it looks like.
30 August 2018
When i saw the trailer for this, i kinda liked it. I said, animation-wise it looks a little like Rick & Morty, and it has some bizarre humor. I watched the first episode, and it was fun, original, and the humor was special. I was hooked, although it was not what i expected.

Then i kept watching. And watching. until i watched the whole season. WHAT AN AWESOME SHOW!!!! the story is complex, the characters develop a lot, the humor is really something new (or old if you are like me and have a similar sense of humor), and the ways the episodes are introduced makes you remember something like "Breaking Bad".

Im not going to spoil anything. But keep a couple of things clear before you dive into this :
  • Dont expect it to be funny or crazy like Futurama, or Rick 'n Morty.
  • Dont expect it to be a masterpiece of anything.
  • Pay attention to the characters and their story.

I am really glad to watch a new animated show, with a profound story. Its been a while since a new show had this depth. And i made the mistake of expecting something that has been done while watching Disenchantment. But after completing the season, i can say that this are new animation series with a profound story behind. Just like you would expect of "real" series as 3%, Happy!, Breaking Bad, etc.

Give it a chance!
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The Commuter (I) (2018)
Liam Neeson with the same plot as ever..... and it was good.
17 April 2018
Have you watched Non-Stop ? Its almost the same idea. Im not going to spoil anything. But this is Liam in his classic action movie. And i liked it. It might feel recycled, reused, etc.. But it was fun, and i was enjoying every moment.

The only thing, now he is taking more hits... Perhaps he is getting old ? :)
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Órbita 9 (2017)
Hardly Sci-fi. Just a romantic overused formula.
16 April 2018
There is a sci-fi idea behind.. But it is hardly relevant. All the movie revolves with the drama between the protagonists. I fell for this one. I usually don't watch Spanish movies (and i speak Spanish too) because most of the times, the actors don't convince me. This one was another one where i couldn't believe any of the actors. There are times where a couple of actors spoke with sentences mixed in Spanish and English, cant really understand why.

I don't like spoiling anything, But the main plot twists are really easy to spot, and/or guess in advance. And even if you don't guess them, when they come, they are not really surprising. You are left feeling " well.. that was obvious".

The pacing is slow. Not annoyingly, but unnecessarily. The first time i watched i fell asleep right in the middle.

For me , i didn't care for this movie. If i had missed it, i wouldn't even care. Still, the quality of the production has some value.

If you like Spanish movies (and i mean, spoken Spanish, like Abre los ojos) you might enjoy this one.

If you don't like subtitles, or Spanish accent, or romantic movies. skip it.
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Reset (2017)
Time travel ? Or parallel universes ? They can't decide...
28 February 2018
If you think of this movie as Sci-Fi, it is a mess. Let go the Sci part, and look at it for what it is. Fiction or just plain Fantasy.

The issue is that the script itself doesn't decide what this is. Time Travel or Parallel universes. If they don't understand the difference, explains why everything happened how it did.

Now.. it is not total garbage. As the pro list, i could say it was fun, characters are likable, and the FX is decent. The con list would be that the story/dialogue is borderline stupid (honestly, you will guess every single plot twist before it even start), and the acting ability is amateurish. So, if you watch this not expecting a mind bending movie, you might enjoy it. (Hey, there are some hollywood movies about the same topic that are completely moronic... )
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What a waste.
28 January 2018
This one is just a waste of time.

This is not a mistery, or a thriller. It is a drama, and a bad one at that. There is nothing to spoil, because there is no surprise in the movie. Some of the reviews mention a big twist or a big reveal. Im not sure if i watched the same movie, because there is no surprise. It is a flat story.

Clearly this movie was constructed basing the lead with an interesting past. However, it spends most of the time just with awkward silences, and scenes that do not make sense (i mean, they dont make sense to be put on screen).

If you took this movie, and edit out all the silences, unneeded dialogs, and useless scenes... it would last 10 minutes. Including credits.

That might be worth a watch.
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It is a decent film..
29 December 2017
I have to say, that i liked it. Firstly, i watched it without much expectation (that always help).

Now, i dont understand people here rating it 1-3 criticizing Vince lack of fighting ability. As soon as i saw him as the lead, i thought he was going to be the same character he always plays : The goof neurotic comedy guy. Seeing him as a dark tough guy was a pleasant surprise. There is also a lot of criticizing of the effects. Yeah, they are not stellar, and most of the time just laughable. However, they fit the line of the movie. It really looks like a those gory 70's flicks.

The plot ? its simple. Its not non-existant. There are far worse movies out there, but this is by no means the worst.

If you like violence, gore, cheesy fx, and can stand slow pacing for the first hour, i think you will enjoy this film. Perhaps it is not an 8/10, but it certainly is not a 4.
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Singularity (I) (2017)
Wow. That's a new low.
22 December 2017
I tend to trust "some" imdb scores. But lately this has proven wrong.

So, now i try movies in the mid-range. When i watched this it was sill passing 5 stars. Now i can agree with other reviewers that complain about tons of 9-star ratings with no review.

The story was dull. Don't get me wrong. I like post-apocalyptic themes, and technology stuff. However, i want a least a vague sense of plausibility when tackling the theme.

This movie tries to go into Terminator territory. AI gone crazy, and deciding to exterminate humans. That's just the introduction, there is no explanation not development on that. You have to witness the AI kill humankind and then skip forward 97 years. (why not 100?).

And then, the story revolves around 2 novice actors. Novice as in "they can't act". It is awful. I've seen best acting in street comedy. The "old" actors (Carmen Argenziano and John Cusack) and like they are not convinced. . I can pass that up. Then there is the FX. It is BAD. I don't require great FX for a good movie, but c'mon. At least try. Most current games look more realistic.

But then i return to the story. And that i cannot forgive. It is boring. The lines are tedious and repetitive. You could guess what was going to happen or was going to be said.

I won't spoil the movie. But it keeps on going. It is boring, dull, and tiring. Other movies, with less money, unknown actors, had brilliant scripts, and kept me engaged. I feel this movie will bore you as it bored me, so PLEASE .... Skip it. You can go watch Terminator, and even if you don't really like it, you will be more entertain with the action.
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First Kill (2017)
Another Bruce-bait movie.
6 December 2017
Awful. Another Bruce-bait movie. He delivers an incredibly flat performance. All the cast do. The script is stupid (i mean, its like the script for a cartoon), and the pace is slow and weird.

Looks like they spent all the budget in Willis, because the cameraman doesn't seem to hold the camera in its place, or the camera is put on a spring to the floor. Action scenes don't look fast, they look epileptic.

The one good thing i could save from the movie, was the advice Levi gives the kid. And that's it. The rest, is just awful.

If you are going to pay to watch this movie... DON'T. If you value your time, go watch another movie, or play a game.. or sleep. Almost anything is better than this.
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If you read the synopsis... You spoiled the whole movie.
7 November 2017
Got the movie, because i like revenge movies... It is dark, depressing, surrounded by scum bags and drug addicts. That gets really well presented.

But that's it. The acting is sub-par, the voices sound like they are non convinced with the script, and the story ? well, it is described in the synopsis. Nothing new. (and nothing wrong with that)

I feel these flaws basically killed the movie :

  • It is filled with long unneeded dialogues. Most of them don't really matter, and skipping them wont affect the movie in the end. - I got annoyed with Slaine/Hondo first... And then i started noticing the same behavior. Everyone take long pauses to deliver lines, without purpose, perhaps trying to give it a hint of suspense. - Cerebral ? Intelligent ? Not a chance. It is a simple movie, you can follow it even half awake. Presenting the story in a non-linear way does not make it intelligent.

I don't have an issue with slow movies. But this one is slow just because. And that bothers me. 30 minutes into the movie i was bored and waiting for it to be over.

I can't recommend this movie. Perhaps if you like to watch a favorite actor, but that's it.

So, summary : Sub-par acting, boring long dialogues, annoyingly slow pace.
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