
134 Reviews
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a pleasant film about friendship, life & love
5 June 2024
This film won an award at the Culver City film festival - I believe it was best international feature. It's visually stunning to look at. I found the actors and the movie to be a compelling Canadian initiative. In this camping trip, there is unfinished business, hidden secrets and sexuality crushes that play into the mix of a film that is best enjoyed with a glass of fine wine. My favorite part was the two guys that kept bickering until one confesses a secret to the next then it really gets interesting from there. I watched it a second time on Tubi now that it's been recently released and it was just a joy to watch as when i did back at the Culver City Film Festival. Recommended!
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No Way Up (2024)
Don't listen to the bad reviews!!! this movie was HIGHLY Entertaining!!
30 May 2024
No, im not related to the film and No this is not a paid for review, and No not related to the director. And No i don't need to read reviews to decide wether i wanna watch it or not because i watch movies i feel i want to watch base in their promotion period - never based on what others think! W that said, I stopped by to read the comments and oh boy the bad reviews made me laugh. This movie did its job and did it well!! It's main job was to entertain and that it did!

I was at the edge of my seat the entire movie! I specially loved when the plane went down. It's a nightmare fear kinda like the fear of dying. The other thing i really loved is how the story focused on those remaining survivors after the plane crashed underwater. Kudos to the filmmakers. I was also pleased w the finale even tho it did stretch my suspension of disbelief. Now what i'd love to do - and will look for it is how this was all made because it sure looked like a daunting task!
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unbelievable first gay experience review 5/10 - is wrong
2 May 2024
(Unbelievable first gay experience review 5/10) was the first review i read here and the person who wrote this review could not be off base more. Can you live in your bubble of labeling people straight? Gay? Sure go ahead - limiting your horizons just gives others more choice. Sexuality is a spectrum and i know many self identified straight men who have had other encounters w men and it's not all black and white as it is in your world. Also, thank the younger generations they are not a big uncomfortable or shameful about same sex interactions or encounters because times have changed. I pitty the person that lives within labels. Those of us not bound by religion or social construct know better and this film was a beautifully told story of real life issues - because life happens and that's exactly what happens in this movie. It is told with sincerity, acting is a bit on and off - the Josh (Andres Roman) character was the most compelling to watch as we follow his plight. He also looks like Eliah Wood. The music was a bit cheesy (music in these cases) could have really brought the scenes or performances home. I love the use of nudity and sexual situations - it really brought the message home and made the story more organic with its themes. No i'm not related to the cast in any way nor am i friends with any one related with this production. Many people if they see an opinion review that does not agree with theirs think immediately the review must have been planted. It was not. It's not a perfect film, but the story was well told and i just purchased it on amazon to add to my digital collection for i plan to revisit it to study it in more detail because these scenarios happen more often than people think even tho they may be talked about seldom. Congrats to the filmmakers and actors for a good movie i definitely recommend.
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Immaculate (2024)
Best horror film of 2024 so far
23 March 2024
As relevant as our 2024 election this film is scary as hell, a whole other level of disturbing and totally relevant as a cautionary tale and symbolism to the machinations of the religious right/turn fanatical/turn Republican extremism/turn maga you see this movie and you get a feel that they have symbolically neatly packaged all the crazy stuff happening in a neatly packaged most disturbing motion picture. And for those waiting for the second coming of Christ or for the world to end, this movie should give you a glimpse at all the begging and pleading for that to happen for many religious fanatics have been dreaming of that moment. Now you can see it on celluloid so you can watch as many times as needed so you can rehearse rehearse rehearse for the big day!

Cheers from the dark side! Best horror film of 2024 so far!!!! Great job Sweeney!!!
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When the light is green, the world is clean
22 March 2024
A huge Ghostbusters fan, I went into the theatre with a lot of anticipation. Even tho I think the film was very entertaining, I thought it dragged a bit and they played it a bit too safe. So much so, the ending could have very well played in the middle and the end be more gruesome and extended.

The film focused too much on the family dynamics instead of busting ghost. That should have been the focus from begining to end w more and inventive ghosts. Not sure if my expectations were set too high but what can't be denied is that it was a fun and entertaining watch. However, I do feel like something was missing I just can't quiet put my finger on it. I may need a 2nd viewing. I just hope they take more note and learn from reading some of the good as well as the bad reviews because there are useful comments worth thinking about.
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A magical Romance! Oran Strainbrook & co-star glow w overwhelming chemistry
20 January 2024
Loved this movie. Not usually into romance films, but this one works beautifully. It's heartfelt. The actors are very good and most importantly for these kinds of film there is amazing chemistry between both protagonist. That's half the film right there. The locations and cinematography will totally win you over. Oran Stainbrook is in another movie "Altered Perceptions" currently a contender for this years Oscars. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both him and the film. Watching "Love in Tahiti" just reinforces what a leading man he is and the dexterity he's got w different story genres. The father also was very good. I would definitely recommend this film to couples or anyone seeking a heart warming romance adventure. Congrats to the filmmakers.
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Horseplay (2022)
A scorching HOT study in male relationships and another Marco Berger masterpiece!
13 August 2023
Unlike the bad reviews I read here, I could not disagree more w them. This film is by far is my personal favorite from Marco Berger! I've watched and followed all of his films since Plan B and this one is my favorite! Marco Berger knows cinema, Marco Berger is a master at portraying the intricacies of male relationships and sexuality. This film just goes to show you how complicated men are as a species. The subtleties and nuances depicted in this film are displayed in a true and organic way - the highs and lows of hanging with friends and how quickly things can evolve or devolve from play to serious business. There is the mirage of having a good time vs at times the hidden secrets and emotions that go with the undercurrent of toxic masculinity that has been bred in the Latin culture subverting feelings and true emotions. I rented this film but after watching it on amazing I decided to order the dvd for my collection. It's the kind of film you must see many times to better connect the relationships and unravel the mysteries these men share below all that horseplay. On the surface it's all horseplay until someone's feelings get hurt. Seek this one out because it's a MUST see!
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Fresh and outstanding piece of horror
3 June 2023
As a horror cinephile, it's an absolute pleasure to discover a gem. This movie had me and my friend jumping from the very well orchestrated scares. The story kept you at the edge of your seat and even tho it was a bit predictable and obvious, it's a fresh and well made addition to the horror genre. We need more of these. I think what made it so successful is that they use some very elemental concepts and brought them together to deliver a truly frightening film.

Th title is not original and it could come across complacent, but don't be fooled, this movie packs a punch!

Very much recommended. This is a film that could turn into a franchise or television series.
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Contradicting, yet informative doc -
10 April 2023
Love Brooke Shields. Grew up in the 70's and i do remember some of these controversies. However, the doc harps on the enticing and sexualizing of Brooke when she was young yet later on she goes deep into her own devirginizing and sexual experience w Dean Cain? Is Dean Cain aware that pop his sex laundry was exposed like this? Because he's the other half of the equation in this. It just seem very contradictory. It's preaching a morality tale of how awful Hollywood was back then yet her mother kept coming back for more collecting the cash from the "ill-gotten gains"? Putting her in these roles. Where there no kids shows her mother could have put her in... I dunno the Wonderful World of Disney, Sesame Street, other kid shows? Etc. It all seem like the mothers choices were skewed. I'm sure the filmmakers at the time were going for authenticity, but then again they could have cast 18 year olds who look (12) they are out there, if that's what the role required. But then had the filmmakers have gone in that direction, Brooke would not have had this ABC documentary platform to criticize the same people who help make who she was back then - the face of an era 70's/80's. Plus, as others reviewers mentioned, the blame here falls squarely on the mothers shoulders. A drunk or not she should have known better. You open yourself up for all kinds of views when these contradictory messages are all bundle in one doc. Granted the 70's was what it was but obviously Brooke's mother sold her out to the highest bidders certainly not worrying about the moral effects this would have on allowing her minor kid to be in these sexualized movies. I'm not blaming the filmmakers here because they were doing their art. We all have choices in life and ultimately we must live and deal w the consequences. She was under the custody of her mother, the mother is the person to fully blame here. My favorite part of the doc was revisiting that period and the films.

Blue lagoon is one of those iconic films from the 80's. I recently read she rejected a phone call from the director. The only thing I would add here is the opportunity should have been given to someone 18 or over that looks younger and also maybe someone who years later and after maximizing the opportunity may have been grateful and appreciative for what this film did for their career. . It did not have to be a 15 year old, but to complain about the opportunity most actresses at the time would die for 40 years later would have made me as the director regret giving her the opportunity in the first place. But then again it's normal and of human nature to complain now matter how amazing an opportunity may be. It's built in human DNA.
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A Time Capsule and cinema study of gay life in the 70's
2 April 2023
This is an important piece of cinema. Why? Because it exposes the overall gay experience in its different facets - in this film it is represented through the characters at a bar. They spectrum of characters is like the rainbow flag even if it may not be identifiable or labeled as it is nowadays it does not mean it did not exist, it just means it was all under a few banners of the rainbow at the time. The situations are real, the pain in overwhelming and what makes this masterpiece so poignant is that this may not all be happening at one bar during one night but the film is set up as such.

These are the events lgbt people experienced on a daily basis everywhere from unrequited love only answered in the dark to family troubles to straight identified men having their side lovers. It's all there as it it today all converged beautifully and cinematically in one bar for us all to remember and never forget how times have changed and how far we've come as a society.

A brilliant piece of cinema and case study of how life was for lgbt+ back in 1971. A fine and highly recommended film.
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Close (I) (2022)
I cried hard with this movie, it's simply put a human experience
21 February 2023
Lots to be learned from a movie that shows us how society's prejudices come can really take a toll specially when you at a ripe young age of 13 and having problems knowing where you got in.

The film organically takes you through a range of emotions and at the end you realize that sometimes love does not trump over predisposed norm and that, if left unchecked can prove fatal.

I do hope it wins best international film because it is not only a memorable film that will stay w you long after it's done, it's the best foreign film that's out there.

Highly recommended. Tell your friends, show it to high schools kids- specially those who come from vulnerable communities. This film can serve as a vessel of change.
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My Policeman (2022)
A continuation of "Man in An Orange Shirt"
5 November 2022
If I didn't know better, I'd swear the marriage house where they get married was the same as the one used in "Man in an orange shirt" as it is many of the themes in this film.. Man in an orange shirt is a 2017 film yet the similarities are uncanny. With that said, "My Policeman" has some fresh moments of its own and hopefully with deep Amazon pockets behind it I can see some Oscar nominations in its future -maybe an Oscar or two. Yes, it was that good. I did not know much about Harry Styles, but after watching I'm sold on him and look forward to seeing more of his work. The film was beautifully shot and acted and it certainly is worth a viewing on the biggest screen you can find if not only for its gorgeous cinematography. I planned to go to the cinemas to watch it, but got lazy and saw it on amazon Prime. In hindsight, I wish I saw it on the big screen. Maybe I'll leave the house a few hours to catch this one of the big screen.
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Two of a Kind (1983)
People are CRAZY and Critics and DUMB DRUNK total lost of credibility a 5? critics are laughlable
22 July 2022
This is one of the best movies of the 80's! Best soundtrack! I LOVED watching John Travolta and Olivia Newton John in this movie. Their chemistry is undeniable. The only part I did not like of the movie is the back and forth with heaven. I could do without that but other than that this movie was AMAZING. Glad I have it in my collection. Ive watch it several times now. A total gem of the movie. Did I mention the music is glorious!!!!
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Dumb premise...& cringe worthy cliched rom com.
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So straight guy is dating protagonist for 4 months. Protagonist is upset because he was lied to for four months, yet the first thing he does when he dumps his married boyfriend is to ask his best friend to repeatedly lie to his family with excuses and make him pretend he's is his boyfriend. What a charming young man....(eye roll) Gay protagonist is as annoying as the movie itself. You can see where the gay protagonist got his annoying ways... the family. I give two stars for the effort to do something for LGBT holiday. If Netflix wants to do more LGBT holiday film, they should pick up the phone and call filmmakers who have really impacted gay cinema. I dunno say the makers of "Call me By Your Name" or "Man in na Orange Shirt", or other countless good creators of LGBT product. Something to think about. Ok, so I decided to give it 3 stars because I like xmas films. But it sad to see how family of protagonist sabotage a date. Felt bad for the victim mother chose to "date" son. (eye roll again)
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FANS REJOICE! coming from a die hard Ghostbusters fan, this is EXACTLY what we were waiting for. an event film
18 November 2021
Ive been waiting for this movie for two years. So my expectation were at another level. I had the pleasure to attend the advance screening and I have never experience anything like this. This movie, with its die hard following, make the viewing experience an event film. The energy was electrifying from begining to the last credit. And everyone stayed to take pictures of each other. Its exactly the movie we needed to continue the Ghostbuster legacy.

Jason Reitman did not dissapoint and makes his father proud in this new Ghostbusters. And can you spell nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia. Did I forget to mention nostalgia? All of us Generation Xers who experienced this film at the cinema in 1984 and 1987 will be brought back to our childhood once again. I can't stop ranting about this film. It was that good. I am going to watch it again tomorrow and this time Im seating my ghostbusters wardrobe! Don't go, run, run, run to the cinema and experience this once in a lifetime event from the biggest to the smallest fan. This is a movie for generations to come. Congrats to the filmmaking team in bringing us back to the original experience. It was wonderful!!!!
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Outstanding movie with a Superb Soundtrack
17 September 2021
A very moving film with a terrific soundtrack. This British film will move you to tears. Its uplifting, filled with joy and emotion. Everything you seek in a good film and song are memorable. You will be thinking about it long after it's over. Congrats to the filmmakers. All of the characters were very well acted. Very impressive was the protagonist who, apparently this is his first film. Her is filled with talent and I can't wait lo see what he does next. Outstanding, Outstanding, Outstanding, Highly recommended!
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Firebird (I) (2021)
26 August 2021
An outstanding experience in cinema. Firebird is a piece of history from USSR Cold War worth its stunning images in gold!. This movie is so filled with passion and filled with amazing performances you can't help but to watch in aw. Highly recommended! I saw this at Outfest and I must say of all the films I saw, this one was truly my personal favorite and the best picture I saw. When it is out, do not hesitate to seek it out!
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Dry Wind (2020)
Outstanding! Outstanding! Bravo - An accomplished work of art
23 May 2021
This film was fantastic. It beautiful to see when all elements come together to make a film work. In Dry Wind, between the cinematography, the music, the fierce chemistry between the actors this makes for a delicious film not soon you'll forget. The silent parts and the strongest for so much is said with looks and action. My favorite scene is when they went on the amusement park ride. So much was going on as the ride was in full swing... and the music All in all this film is a keeper. I know there's a uncut version to the film. The film on Dekko does not show the uncut version -only on DVD. And after watching the film several times, it is definintnely worth it. A provocative, raw immersive experience you must watch. In short this is nothing short of beautiful art!
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Separation (I) (2021)
Don't read any of these bad reviews. This movie is quiet original and entertaining
2 May 2021
I loved the filmmakers work in the Boy so when I heard he had this one I had to check it out. I was not disappointed. It goes w his brand. Even tho I did like "The Boy" better. Don't know where all these negative reviews are coming from. Lots of haters. The guy is doing his thing and I for one appreciate him for it. Keep doing what you do. We'll keep watching.
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Monday (2020)
This movie belongs to Sebastian Stan
28 April 2021
Sebastian Stan was magnificent in this movie. He carried it well. I loved him in Endings, Beginnings and now he killed it again with Monday. I love that he takes daring material and makes it his. He is a true artists. He's not afraid to tackle complex roles and push to the limits. You are my new hero. Please continue to do wonderful work. You have a fan in me. The movie was superb because of you. The Director did a wonderful job directing the actors and bringing the story to life. If there is a Dvd to this movie, I'll sure be ordering my copy. Highly recommend this film because of Sebastian. I followed his movies and all i can say is that he really brings it. He does really great work. Congrats to the team as well. The cinematography, the locations everything was wonderful. I wish there was more nudity and sexual situations pushing boundaries, but what I say was very enjoyable as it is. I'm looking forward to more great work from Sebastian. This guy is bonified movie star material. I could not take my eyes off him.
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The Special (2020)
Don't read all these bad reviews. watch it! its good
14 April 2021
My friend she told me to watch this film. She wanted to say nothing more.

I'll do the same here. What ever you see in this move you should discover through your viewing experience. It has many messages and it is wonderfully made.

Fresh, original and it kept my interest the whole way through.

The Special is the kind of horror film that the least you know about it- the better.

I promise it will make your head spin in aw. It's that good!.
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too much chatter - Oh yeah don't speak soo loud when the killer is around you. He can hear you!
9 April 2021
Too much dialogue during the most awkward moments. This movie was beyond campy. The dialogue was ham strung! Im talking turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I like Bruce Willis but I could not believe this movie and the awfulness of scenarios poorly constructed. Ive never seen so much chatter during with worst moments of duress, distress, stress and anxiety. At many points during the movie I saw my self rooting for the killer (that is not a good thing), but he too made so many dumb choices you just don't know who to root to kill who so you start laughing at the improbability of the situations. This production team was lacking of a person who would not be a YES man. Because when you are surrounded by YES men bad things like the choices made by the characters in this movie happen. I see this movie also has the dubious distinction of being nominated for a Razzie. All i can say to that is that it is well deserved.
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Inventive, original, fresh and a breath of fresh air! you do want to see what lies below
7 April 2021
Why? Because it will make you think. Because it will entertain you and remind you that there are filmmakers who still have fresh ideas out there. Don't believe all these bad reviews. Take a chance on this film. You will find yourself amused and thinking about the real underbelly behind the main male character. It's always pleasant to see filmmakers come up with these fresh premises.

You will find your mind racing as to what may actually be happening in this film.

I always find myself trying to compare past films to use as reference. If I had to compare it, i would say its kinda of a "Night of the Creeps" mixed with other 80 type horror films. The only gripe I have with the film are the choices the teenage daughter does. There some reason poor/dumb decision making going on there when I think/and hope anyone in an extraordinary situation would act and make better decisions. But I'm thinking if that was the case, we would have a different film. Also I had a bit of a problem with the ending, but I will leave that up to you to discover and decided what you thought of it. In the meantime, put this film on your watch list and enjoy.
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Magic Hour (2018)
A slice of life
6 March 2021
I loved this movie. Jeff Allen from Medusa stars in it so I had to see it. I found it compelling and beautifully made with a wonderful message. I also loved how it captured the essence of modern day Hollywood. This film is a showcase of broken hearts attempting to live in a world where we seems to be in the presence of each other, but we fail to see each other. See the inner turmoil and struggles beneath the surface. Jeff Allen does a great job in this film. If you want to go to Hollywood and see what its like, take a look at this film, it will give you a good feel of it.
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after watching the film, I had to read all of the reviews.
2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After reading all the reviews here, I stumble upon the review from soldier-1530527 posted January 27, 2021 and it could not be the farthest observation from the film I experienced. So much so, that I felt compelled to address specifically his poor attempt at explaining what he saw (w erroneously described spoilers) This has got to be the most oblivious review I've read of the film. The fact that you have to mention that you are gay (as in only gays can get this film) while addressing your points is insulting to gays. So you have your opinion, state it as yours, but don't generalized thinking that somehow anyone who has not gotten your experience from the film is less than. So I guess every award this film has won must have been given by numbnuts who know nothing about film because their perspective differ from yours and your expertise and wisdom on the film must be absolute. (that was sarcasm) - it is not.

I found your observations to be - in one word - Clueless. First, let's go to the technical aspects. No film is perfect. Any film is rippable no matter how amazing you think it is. Even multi-million dollar films have defects. as a cinephile, find me any film (any film) I can find you its defect no matter how low budget or expensive it may be. And again you make false claims of the film being zero budget. If that was the case, try leaving your house to make a film - you already spent money on gas. Now add cast & crew, equipment etc. and everything else that goes with making a film - you'll start getting my drift.If you don't get it - google it. It is what it is no film is zero budget...ever! Even an independent film takes a certain amount of human, financial and technical resources. My personal opinion - the movie was beautifully put together - it filled me with emotion and the story moved me organically as it seems to have moved many on this comment section based on what I've read (note: read comments- not sarcasm) - something very few movies can do because they are all so formulaic they seem re-packaged w repetitive concepts. So this film, to me, did its job. It brought me here to read everything about it include other peoples comment's and your thoughts. To the very least and to the benefit of this film, the story was very original. The only thing I found offensive was reading your reckless disregard for the narrative. Maybe you need to re-watch the film. Its like you saw an entirely different film or you picked and chose to see what you wanted to see. This is not a gay vs straight movie and if that is how you saw it, it says more about your thought process than the film. Art is not always as obvious as you'd want it to be. Sometimes you have to make an extra effort to comprehend what is actually happening. This film leaves a lot to interpretation. It is clear - from your detailed descriptives of what you see happening, this film is far from obvious for your taste. Art is subjective and if you paid close attention and followed the narrative you would have discovered that. Re-read the opening sequence of the film (the part that scrolls) - it is a fairy tale first and foremost. (Google the definition), you'll get a better picture of what was presented in the film. I will not give any additional spoilers here on the details of all that you missed - because it was A LOT ! Your poor observations only highlight the fact that not all gay men are created equal. What you failed to see that the film beautifully showcases through music, montages, and yes-the acting is that love can be messy and it's not as linear to your liking. And if it was as torturous to watch the film, there is the STOP button on your remote (the red button -this is sarcasm). There are thousands of movies that I'm sure would fit your linear liking in storytelling. In an effort to help you see what the other reviewers have so eloquently described in their comments-again - pay close attention to the very beginning - the words being said in the bathtub - you might get a thing or two that will help put the rest of the story into perspective.

Allow me to shed some light to your thought process - with a few elements you may have missed during your rant. spoiler - The time frame of the movie is not a week - the film happens over several holidays. Those long pauses (montages) with musical score that have those abrupt cuts (it's called jump cuts - not sarcasm) moves the story along.

Your other comments about the acting, music (I guess it was not fitting because it was not to your taste) -To me all three actors showed a bond and chemistry, specially the two male leads. The music helped push the story along beautifully but I will not rip into you for that for it is totally subjective as is the film and your opinion of it. You claim the main actor must not want to do anything with the film because they have not posted nothing on their social media. If you were a bit more observant and you looked above where you write, you would have noticed on this same page interviews with the actors and photos at different events. And if you really cared to dig into your false claims you'll see many more interviews on the social media of the film. But its easy nowadays to make up fake news. However, if you will make up stories about the actors dedication to the film, make sure they are not showcased supporting the film on the same page you are writing your review. (the IMDB page of the film)

Another note - Your constant comments about the straight guy - answer: Again - read the scrolling letters at the beginning it may shed some light to your wrong assumptions.

There is so much that you mention that is not accurate - I would suggest viewing a few more times - but by your logic, regardless of the amounts of times you were to view this film, I have a feeling you still would'nt get it.

Next time you choose to berate a movie you think its abhorrent (because you must know something no one else does) write down your frustrations and think before you post, because it only makes your comprehension of the story lacking in substance - and your logic absurd specially because you missed so much story details. I would recommend you read other positive comments here. You may find something revealing, and It may shed a different light to your processing of the film.

The only thing you made clear in your review is your arrogance is equal to your ignorance for what you failed to see - the message of the film. We get it!, you didn't get it!
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