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Flawed but faithful adaptation
26 October 2023
"Five Nights at Freddy's" is finally here after 8 years of development hell and what did I think of it?

Let me start off with the good. The animatronics are great. They look so good and faithful and the puppetry is also really well done. The performances are also pretty good. Josh Hutcherson does a really great job and his character was pretty well fleshed out. The directing as well is also really good. We get some pretty nice shots along with some really creepy lighting. There's a decent amount of bloody shots for a PG-13 movie which I really appreciated. There's a great scene involving people breaking into Freddy's which I thought was well done. And finally I thought the final 15 minutes was good, along creepy with some creepy scenes.

Now this is far from a perfect movie it does have quite a few problems. The first being the PG-13 rating. This movie would have benefited from an R rating. It needed more. The script also is a mess. It's a bit repetitive at times with a subplot involving dreams and it felt very redundant. I thought the character of Vanessa felt very unimportant from the movie. And finally I would have liked a bit more animatronic mayhem.

Overall despite a messy story and some odd choices, "Five Nights at Freddy's" offers enough that kept me satisfied.
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Unnecessary prequel features dull thrills and boring characters
6 October 2023
"Pet Sematary: Bloodlines" is a prequel to the 2019 remake that had a lot of potential but completely losses the scares of the original story.

Starting off with the good, the movie itself is actually very well directed. The director does a really good job at creating some pretty great shots along with a nice color palette. There's a pretty good cast here. And there is some pretty bloody kills here. If you're here for the gore, there is a plentiful amount of it.

Unfortunately that's really all the positives I have for this lackluster prequel. This movie really suffers from trading creepy scares for joyless gore and dull jump scares. This movie also features some really boring characters, especially the lead. He is very flat throughout the whole movie and he didn't feel interesting even once. Most of the characters are pretty bland. The acting is fine for the most part but there really isn't a standout. The movie too is also paced very weirdly as it really just pushes through everything too quickly. There isn't enough emotional weight since everything moves for quick. This is also a very poorly edited movie. It's very messy and scenes will quickly cut without any real end. And finally this movie has far too many characters that it never takes time to actually get to know them, some are basically forgotten throughout the movie until suddenly they come back.

Overall despite some good directing, this movie falls flat and should've stayed buried.
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Fun time travel slasher excels thanks to Kiernan Shipka
6 October 2023
"Totally Killer" is basically a "Back to the Future" type slasher movie and it succeeds quite often in what it does.

Starting with the good the best part of this movie is by far Kiernan Shipka. She is great in the movie and her character as well is very likeable and extremely funny. Everyone else in the movie is also quite good. The comedy in the movie is really well done for the most part. The movies got some plentiful bloody moments that had me satisfied. Along with that I thought the directing was also pretty good. There's some fun chase scenes and a pretty fun final act I felt the pacing as well was very good, it starts at pretty fast and doesn't really stop. And finally I thought they captured the 80's aesthetic very well.

Now this isn't a perfect movie and unfortunately it does have a few issues. Starting with the films plot holes. There are quite a few plot holes that are raised in the finale that weren't really explained. I thought the other characters aside from the lead were rather unlikable, well acted but still. I wish there was a couple more sequences with the killer as he actually isn't in the movie much for the middle portion. And finally the killer I felt was very obvious, they didn't do the best job at hiding it.

Overall despite some plot holes and a pretty obvious killer, I thought that this movie was still a pretty good time. It's well acted, has good comedy, and some decent kills.
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Kaitlyn Dever shines in "Signs" meets "Home Alone"
22 September 2023
"No One Will Save You" is a home invasion film and also an alien invasion film that features much more than it may seem at first, let by a shining performance.

Starting off with the good in this movie by far is Kaitlyn Dever. She is outstanding in a role that basically requires no dialogue. She is able to put so much fear and emotion in her expression that truly made this one of her best performances. The camera work is also great. It moves so well and the directing is on point here with many great action scenes. The aliens themselves were pretty creepy and the CGI for them was actually pretty good. I liked the emotional core the film gave. It made me really appreciate it more. And finally the movie is really fast paced and it was a nice 90 minutes.

Now I do have some issues with this movie, mainly regarding the choice to have no dialogue. It works for the most part but it also left me having a hard time understanding what was going on at times. I felt the middle portion of the movie lost some steam from its great first act and action packed third act. And finally I felt that the ending left some unanswered questions about a certain choice that was made. Along with that the end did feel like it was stretched on for maybe 5 minutes longer than it should have been

Overall despite some issues, "No One Will Save You" is a pretty fun home invasion movie with standout lead performance.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Gory, chilling, and above all disturbing
27 July 2023
"Talk to Me" is a truly terrifying and remarkable debut from the RackaRacka twins. A twisted story told with amazing skill.

The good in this movie by far is the practical effects. They are absolutely terrifying to look at and immensely detailed. It's very disturbing and quite disgusting. Along with that is amazing gore. Again it's very disturbing and isn't fun. The performances are also very good. Sophie Wilde in particular is an absolute powerhouse here along with all the other cast members. The writing too is very good. Some of the best writing I've seen in a horror film in years. That immensely helps with making nearly every character here either likable or interesting. The idea of grief in this film is not only perfectly written, but is written in such a way that truly brings everything in the story to full circle. I love the subtle idea that this film in a way is an allegory for substance abuse for young teens. It gives the audience something to think about admits the bloodshed. Along with that we get some great directing with some amazing cinematography. The scares aren't jump scares, they're tense shots that linger for far too long to leave the audience in absolute shock. And finally the ending is's an absolutely amazing ending that really sticks the landing along with everything else this movie achieved so well.

All in all, "Talk to Me" is one of the rare horror movies that truly disturbed me and really showcases a great directing talent with these two twins.
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Zoey 102 (2023)
Nice nostalgia overpowers bland subplot.
27 July 2023
"Zoey 102" is a movie that I really thought wouldn't work, I was shocked though how much I actually really enjoyed this movie, for the most part.

Starting with the good, I think all the old cast members do a really great job at getting back into character. It was really nice to catch up with everyone. I liked the main story here, I though it fit very well for a Zoey 101 reboot. I also really like some of the new characters, particularly Dean Geyer and Audrey Whitney. I really like both of them and though they were pretty funny. Along with that I also thought the film was decently funny. And finally I was surprised how well shot the movie was. The lighting was very vibrant and overall it was a good looking movie.

However all of the new stuff including the subplot with Zoeys job I thought was very boring. I was really entertained with the main story but whenever it went back to that part of the movie I honestly was getting very bored. I also thought the pacing at times suffered as the movie felt a little longer than it was. And finally I did wish there was some more callbacks to the original series just to make it feel more like Zoey 101.

Overall though, despite a pretty bland subplot and pacing issues I did find this to be a pretty decent catch-up with the old series.
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Standard slasher fare, but hilariously fun comedy
14 June 2023
"The Blackening" is a very surprising movie that I wasn't expecting to like as much as I did. With funny jokes and good pacing, it was a fun time.

Starting with the good, I thought all the acting was very good. Everyone gave personality to their characters. The script was hilarious. I was laughing multiple times throughout the movie and I felt the commentary was handled very well. The satirical nature the film provides I thought was really clever and if you don't get it then this movie isn't for you, but that also doesn't make the movie bad. The pacing was also pretty good, the movie never felt like it dragged and I was enjoying myself. And finally there was a lot of twists and turns that I wasn't expecting and it really caught me off guard. Overall it was a really fun reveal.

Now this isn't a perfect movie and while I think the comedy is great, the horror I felt was lacking a bit. I was never bored when the horror started, but it was very standard stuff. The movie could've used some more blood and more stakes. And finally the body count is low.

Overall despite a somewhat standard slasher narrative, it's saved but a great comedy narrative filled with good acting, fast pacing, and some good twists.
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Fresh blood in cleverly entertaining reboot sequel
22 April 2023
Evil Dead Rise is the new installment in the Evil Dead franchise. Featuring a new setting, new characters, and gory kills this movie more than fits in with the franchise.

The good in this movie for starters is Alyssa Sutherland. She was amazing. Her role was not only terrifying but uncomfortable as she plays a mother who tries to attack her children. Lilly Sullivan is also very good as the lead in the movie and her arc throughout the film I thought was very well done. The kids are also great in the movie, really great moments between Lilly Sullivan and Nell Fisher. The setting is also used very well, it's a nice change of pace. The gore is of course great. It's very bloody and creative and while not as bloody as the 2013 remake, it's still got a few bloody thrills. The cinematography is also great. It's very well shot and the lighting sets the mood well. And finally the tension is this movie was great. It's so anxiety inducing that I loved it.

I hardly have any negatives to say aside from an ending that tries to connect to the beginning that honestly felt a little unnecessary, but it was still fine.

Aside from that, Evil Dead Rise is a bloody good time. It's bloody, scary, fast paced, and very entertaining. This could be my new favorite of the franchise.
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Scream VI (2023)
Gory, tense, and the best Scream sequel? YES!!
10 March 2023
Scream VI is by far the most gruesome out of all the Scream movies. However it's also the most, tense, entertaining, and most shocking one yet.

Starting of with the good all the performances are great. Melissa Barrera is amazing. She's so much better here than the last film. Jenna Ortega of course continues to solidify herself as a new scream queen. The twins are also very good. Kirby and Gale were used perfectly in the movie. All the new characters were also pretty good. Some even got me emotionally attached to them. The setting is great. They take full advantage of the New York setting and it's a nice change of pace. The kills, OH MY GOD these are the bloodiest kills in the franchise. The tension is absolutely top notch with some amazing set pieces. The chase scenes are great and by the far the best of the series. The directing is good and the movies very well shot.

Now I have honestly hardly anything bad to say about this movie. My one kind of gripe is that I feel one character felt underutilized and could've done more.

But aside from that, Scream VI is a great sequel. It's fun, brutal, tense, and has a lot of twists and turns.
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Sick (2022)
Sick is generic, but it's also tense, suspenseful, and fun
13 January 2023
Sick is the latest slasher written by Scream writer Kevin Williamson. And it's a Covid horror movie, and while it isn't the most original story, Sick is highly elevated, by great acting, suspenseful moments, and fantastic directing.

The good in this movie starting with the performances. Everyone is really good. The two lead actresses are really good. The villains are also very convincing. The directing though is amazing. This is a "chase" movie. It's a movie where once it gets going, it never stops. The chase scenes are amazing. They're tense, fun, and well shot. The commentary on Covid was pretty good. There's quite a few funny moments slipped in. The movies also very well paced, there's never a moment that feels like it's slowing down. And finally the kills while nothing to write home about, are effective, blunt, and bloody. I was very satisfied with the kills.

Now there are a few little things that hold this film back. The concept is pretty genetic. It's nothing special and honestly didn't need to be a Covid movie. I thought towards the end the commentary started to get a little heavy handed. There's also one sequence in the film that doesn't make a whole lot of spacial sense, involving a raft. And finally there's one character in here that really had no purpose in the first act hardly.

Aside from not being very original, Sick is a well executed slasher that has great performances, amazing directing, fun chase scenes, and good pacing. Overall, a very fun slasher.
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Velma (2023– )
It's dumb and unnecessary, but it's mediocre
12 January 2023
Velma is the latest Scooby doo show (without Scooby), that takes a highly different approach, and while there are things in this show that can feel too over the top and comedy that falls flat, Velma succeeds quite a bit in having a fun tone, and some genuinely decent moments.

The good in this show I'll start with is the humor, yes not all of it lands, but that's kinda expected from comedy shows. Velma has a lot of funny moments. Some so over the top and dumb that I actually had a laugh out of me. Mindy Kaling as Velma is actually pretty good for the most part, as is the other cast who also give solid performances. The animation is clean, and I like the tone of the show. I like that it is more adult and it does succeed for the most part.

Now this is far from a perfect show. Some of the comedy can be too much. It feels like it's reaching far out of its own grasp. There's far too much satire that can get old after a while. The show also feels like it isn't sure what it wants to be. The tone like I said I like, but it also tries too hard to actual be creepy, and it does fail at it. Some side plots feel rather unnecessary, and some of the character changes feel weird.

Overall Velma is flawed, and doesn't quit know what it wants to be yet, but it's not that bad. It's fun, funny, and does have potential. As of right now, I actually don't mind it.
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A blood soaked, insane slasher thrill ride
10 December 2022
Christmas Bloody Christmas was a huge surprise as it not only some how made the concept of a robot Santa fun, but also gave some truly likable characters, bloody kills, and an insane third act.

The good in this movie starting off with the cinematography. This is a very well shot and well lit movie. The neon Christmas lights give the film such a nice vibe and I was impressed with the tone they were able to pull off. Performances were actually pretty good, particularly the lead of the film. She was great and actually had some great chemistry with the other lead character. The film has a fun tone to it that doesn't take itself seriously which was nice. The kills are very bloody and the effects for the most part were really good. And the final 40 minutes of the movie was just an insane thrill ride that never slowed down that I had a fun time watching.

There's only a few things I think could've been better. The first act, while good defiantly did drag a bit as it does take about 30 minutes for the film to get going. Some of the performances did get a little over the top. Finally I think the pacing could've been a little better.

Over all Christmas Bloody Christmas is a very fun movie with some really good performances, good cinematography, and bloody kills. This is a definite holiday horror treat.
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Ella Balinska keeps things moving despite poor third act
30 October 2022
Run Sweetheart Run has a very simple concept, that works thanks to a great lead performance and an entertaining first two acts. Unfortunately it doesn't fully stick the landing.

The positives of this movie, of course Ella Balinska is great. She is easily the best part about this movie and did a really nice job. Pilou Asbæk was also pretty good as the villain. The movie is very well directed with some nice cinematography. There's some nice stylistic choices that give the movie a kinda fun feel. It's very fast paced and once the movie starts, it never really stops. Its constantly entertaining from start to finish which made this movie a fun watch.

However this film suffers from its final 20 minutes. It completely shifts into something quite ridiculous, and it almost steered away the first two acts. It suddenly tries to bash you with this message in the final act that just kinda felt a little too much. And finally I felt that the film had too many scenes of 4th wall breaking. It felt very strange and rather distracting.

Overall despite a disappointing final act, and strange stylistic choices, Run Sweetheart Run is a fun movie elevated by a great lead performance, fast pacing, and good directing.
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Jamie Lee Curtis kills it in otherwise conflicting finale
14 October 2022
Halloween Ends is the "final" film in this new Halloween series. This film features some of the best things in this new trilogy, but also features some of the worst things in this trilogy.

Starting off with the good Jamie Lee Curtis gives her best performance not just in these new films, but in the whole series. She is great and I loved what the did for the most part with her character. Also Rohan Campbell as Corey was really good. His character was very interesting in the beginning. The opening of this movie is well done, it's creepy and even a little shocking. The movies very well shot with some nice callbacks to the franchise. David Gordon Green also does a really good job directing. Some of the best directing in the series. There's one kill in here that really stands out that was not only bloody, but creative. And finally the final fight at the end of the film was very well done.

However this film really stumbles with this story. No spoilers but this film does something very different which while commendable makes for a very messy and unsatisfying finale. The movie surprisingly is really slow. It takes nearly 45 minutes for Micheal Myers to show up. This movie has the lowest kill count in the series which was disappointing. Certain characters like Lindsey Wallace have nothing to do in this film. The movie really seems like it forgot how to be a Halloween movie. I also didn't like how Corey ended up in the movie. They set up some intriguing things but it didn't pay off. Certain things in the finale just felt very weird and almost like the film didn't know where it wanted to go with the story. And finally this movie did not have nearly enough of the stakes or thrills to make it a good finale. It ends surprisingly far too quickly with only 15 minutes left for the movie to give us what we want. Laurie and Micheal.

Overall this is a very conflicting movie. It's not bad but very hard to really understand. Jamie Lee Curtis is great, it's well directed, and clearly has passion. But the story is a mess, the pacing is poor, and the decisions made in this movie really make it hard to call this a satisfying finale.
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Grimcutty (2022)
Meme horror movie is cliche, but surprisingly fun
11 October 2022
Grimcutty is a unoriginal horror film that doesn't fully explain itself but is elevated by some surprisingly well directed scenes, and some nice commentary.

Starting off with the good this movie's premise is actually kinda interesting. There's some good commentary here on how parents view their children's interactions online. The performances for the most part were okay. The lead actress is actually pretty good. There's some really well directed scenes here that actually have some tension. I was surprised how many tense moments there were in this movie. And finally this movie is also really well paced. It's quick and surprisingly entertaining.

Now this is far from a great movie. For staters there's some character choices here that really make no sense. The design of the Grimcutty was kinda laughable I was never really scared by it. Theres some plot points set up with the lead that aren't really ever brought back, and finally the movie doesn't really explain itself. There's some ideas set up but the movie almost feels like it doesn't know how to explain them.

Overall Grimcutty is unoriginal and fat from a great horror movie, but it's a decent movie with some tense moments and good pacing.
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Naomi Watts is great in otherwise unnecessary remake
16 September 2022
Goodnight Mommy (2022) is a remake that I didn't even know was coming out. But here we are and unfortunately it feels very unnecessary and rather soulless, however it is elevated by some good acting and good cinematography.

Starting off with the good. Naomi Watts is giving it her all her and she does great. She gives so much emotion. The two kids are also not too bad they do mostly good with the material. The cinematography is also really good. It's a well shot movie and a good looking movie, and finally the movie is nicely paced at 91 minutes. It didn't feel too long and breezed by.

However this is such a dull remake compared to the original. Firstly the movie doesn't do much different in terms of basic story beats. The movie also isn't as mean as the last film. It plays it far too safe. The movie didn't feature as much tension as it should've. The movie also felt way too short as it cut out a lot of parts from the original story. And finally while the kids did do fine there were times where they didn't give the best performances.

Overall despite Naomi Watts and some good cinematography, Goodnight Mommy is unnecessary and rather forgettable.
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A hilariously wild and tense whodunnit
19 August 2022
Bodies Bodies Bodies is one of the most fun and hilarious movies I've seen so far this year. With great satire, funny moments, and some good acting.

The good in this movie I'll start off with is the acting. It's great and the standouts are definitely Amandla Stenberg, Maria Bakalova, and Rachel Sennott. These three were amazing and extremely funny. The movie also has a nice clean look to it. It's well shot and the lighting techniques they used in this movie were really inventive and creative. The movie's also pretty well paced, it never felt like it slowed down and just was consistently fun throughout. The horror events they used were pretty good. It's actually a lot more tense than I thought it would be and it really worked, and finally the comedy in the movie was just greats. This is a hilarious movie from start to finish that had me laughing throughout.

Now I only have very few things about this movie that I didn't love. The first being the characters while purposely annoying did at times tend to get on my nerves. And finally the twist ending I both like and don't like. I won't spoil it but it's the kind of twist that I commend for being different, but at the same time would've liked it if done a little differently.

Overall Bodies Bodies Bodies is a really fun time with some amazing comedy, and great acting.
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They/Them (2022)
They/Them fails to deliver the slashing
6 August 2022
They/Them is a dissatisfying slasher that has interesting ideas, and a decent first half. But quickly divulges into a dull and uninspired slasher.

Starting off with the good, Kevin Bacon and Theo Germaine are very good with the material their given. Theo Germaine especially is a standout as this actor gives some surprising depth to their character. Speaking of depth all of these young kids actually have some character scenes that feel real. There's quite a bit of great emotional scenes between these characters which really made the film more grounded. And the first half of this film was actually somewhat decent. The physiological horror is actually done pretty well.

However despite some good ideas and good character moments, this film is a tonal mess from the last 30 minutes. The pacing is way too slow, in fact it's not really even a slasher for about 75 minutes. The movie builds to really nothing. It almost makes the slasher part of the film feel unnecessary, and almost a completely different film than the first half. The kills are very dull and uninventive, there's no creativity here. There's no tension or even any chase scenes. The movie falls back on a lot of horror clichés, and it made the final act very boring and disappointing. There's also some really bad editing in the final 20 minutes that make some scenes involving a certain character and the killer make no sense. And finally the killer was blatantly obvious. It's a terrible twist that you can see coming a mile away and really it makes you look back and see that none of our protagonist were in actual danger with the killer

Overall They/Them has an interesting premise, but doesn't do anything with that premise and offers no thrills, no blood, awful motivation, and a lack of scares.
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A compelling mystery with a slasher edge to it
29 July 2022
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is a surprising and compelling show that breathes some new life into the franchise, and offers just enough chills to keep you invested.

The good in show right off the bat is the tone. This show is oozing with creepy 80's slasher feel. I love the feel the show is giving and all of the young leads in the show are great particularly Bailee Madison and Chandler Kinney. Everyone does a great job here. The show definitely feels different from the first show, but keeps some of the aspects of the first show so it doesn't feel like it's retreading anything. The mystery surrounding the show is very mysterious and kept me curious even throughout the 3 episodes. And finally I think the show just captures what a lot of mystery and slasher fans like, and it makes it a very fun watch

Now I only have a few negatives. The first being that there are far too many references in the show. Mainly the first episode. They really pay homage to Halloween a lot and it became too much. And at times the show does have many subplots that aren't fully being explored.

Besides those two things Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is a fun watch filled with great acting, a creepy tone, and an intriguing mystery at the center of it all. And it doesn't need to be like the original. It's a different take on the formula that shouldn't be compared. It's never gonna be like the original, but it's still a fun show.
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Nope (2022)
Jordan Peeler's third effort is an intriguing sci fi horror
23 July 2022
Nope is a very interesting effort from Jordan Peele that's complemented with great performances, amazing cinematography, and tension filled direction, even if it isn't his best film.

The good with this movie I'm gonna start with is the cinematography. It's a gorgeous looking film with amazing lighting, and great camera direction. Speaking of direction, Peele has definitely mastered directing tension as the film has many scenes filled with great tension. The performances too are also fantastic. Daniel Kaluuya is really good in the movie, but Keke Palmer is the standout. She is hilarious and truly amazing. All of the acting is really well done. The visuals are also really good, and the message that this film is presenting about crew on movies is something different and commendable. And finally the story overall is just really interesting. It's simple which I liked.

Now there are some things I'm a little mixed on. For staters the movie feels a little too long. It did feel like it dragged a bit and could've had maybe 10 or 15 minutes cut out. There's a character in the movie who has a tragic backstory, but they don't fully do much with it as this character isn't really in the film that long, and finally the final 20 minutes of the movie felt very different from the rest and the ending felt very abrupt.

Overall despite the film dragging at times, Nope is a admirable effort from Jordan Peele with great performances, amazing cinematography, and an interesting story filled with some great tension.
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The best horror film of 2022 so far
27 June 2022
The Black Phone is just dripping in dread as we watch a truly terrifying story play out with great acting, terrifying visuals, and amazing directing.

The good in this movie is of course Ethan Hawke. He is phenomenal in this movie. He plays a truly disgusting villain that makes you wince every time he's on screen. Young Mason Thames is also terrific as the lead character. He's also very smart and you feel bad for him. Young Madeleine McGraw is also great in the role. The whole look of the movie is really nice. It does give off an authentic 70's style. The music also is very good, it's creepy, but fits with the setting. And the story is just also great. It's an amazing concept that the movie takes full advantage of, with clever jump scares that actually kinda get you. The pace of the movie too was also great. It actually takes a solid 25 or 30 minutes or so for the kid to get kidnapped and it takes the time to build up these characters very well. And it's a very bloody movie. It doesn't hold back and it shows that these kids have gone through some stuff and doesn't try to make their lives perfect which is nice. And the twists in the movie too are very affective. It actually surprised me a lot.

I honestly don't have really any flaws with this movie. The Black Phone has amazing acting, great directing, a chilling story, and a villain that you will remember long after the credits.
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Fun action, and likable performances help overcome its weak story
12 June 2022
Jurassic World Dominion is the third and final film in the Jurassic Park/World franchise. And what we get is great visuals, fun action, good performances, and nostalgia from the series. But at the cost of a good story.

The good in this movie is of course the visuals. They are outstanding. The dinosaurs look great, and it's a true spectacle. The action too is really good. It may not be the best in the series, but it's fun and exciting. The performances are also pretty good. Isabella Sermon is a lot better here than in the last film. She is actually pretty funny here. The new characters brought in are for the most part pretty good. But the returning cast is great. Jeff Goldblum is very funny here. The overall nostalgia in the movie is quite nice. And finally the pace of the movie moves nicely to be entertaining.

But the story here is not very good. This movie isn't bad, but the story could've made it worse. The premise doesn't live up to the promise that the last film set up. The villains here are pretty bad. They're not threatening at all, and pretty forgettable. The movie also has a messy narrative as it jumps from one place to another. Overall this is the most disappointing film in the series.

Overall Jurassic World: Dominion suffers from a weak story, forgettable villains, and a messy narrative, but it's saved thanks to great visuals, fun action, good performances, and nice nostalgia from the series. This may be the most disappointing film in the series, but it's far from the worst.
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X (II) (2022)
A fun throwback to 70's slashers
19 March 2022
"X" is a very bloody, and satisfying horror film from A24 that is able to pack enough scary moments, while also talking it's time to develop its characters.

The good in this movie right off the bat is the performances. Everyone in the movie is great. The standouts here are Mia Goth and Jenna Ortega. These two were great. The movie also has a really strong message about sex and what it really means for these people. It's a very strong message and it works. The gore here is also great. It's a very bloody movie and the final 40 minutes are amazing. It's also a very good looking movie. It's very well shot and there's a lot of creepiness to it. And finally I actually felt that the villains in this movie were actually very well portrayed. They were given a somewhat tragic issue, and it really added a lot to them.

Now I do have a few negatives. The first being that I do wish there was a little more crazy moments. I wish the movie had just a little more bloody moments. I also felt that the first act, while good, was a little too slow paced. I wish it do move a lot faster. And finally there are some things aren't fully explained towards the end.

Overall "X" is a very bloody good time with great acting, great direction, and some truly bloody moments.
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No Exit (I) (2022)
A quick thriller with a game performance from Havana Rose Liu
26 February 2022
"No Exit" is a quick, fast paced 95 minutes that features a good story and a great lead performance.

What I liked about this movie is of course as I said the lead. Havana Rose Liu is great in this movie. She gets to shine a lot here. All the other performances too are mostly pretty good. The movie is very fast paced. It's gets to the plot very quick The story I also really like. It defiantly takes inspiration from other movies, but it's intriguing enough. There's some really great tension in the final 20 minutes of the movie. And finally I like how at times they presented some of the twists. It was actually kinda shocking.

Now this isn't an amazing movie and it does have its issues. It is derivative of some other thrillers. The movie isn't as intense as I wanted it to be. I think there could've been a little more tension, and finally the movie kinda just abruptly ended and it just felt like the movie didn't know how to end.

Overall despite being a little derivative of other movies, "No Exit" is a quick, fast paced thriller with a great lead performance, and enough intrigue to keep you interested.
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A decent update to the franchise
18 February 2022
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" 2022 is a fast paced, and bloody horror film that ends up being one of the better films in the series. Even if it doesn't do a whole lot new.

Let me start off with the good. The gore in this movie is great. It's a very bloody movie. The kills are great, and inventive. I was very pleased with the carnage candy. The movies well shot and well directed. The performances for the most part are fairly good. Mainly the two leads, they worked off each other very well. I also thought the movie was very fast paced. It's a quick 83 minutes , and it's hardly ever boring. Leatherface is portrayed very well here. I like the look of him, it was very good. And finally I felt that the plot and the whole reason as to why leatherface is killing again was actually kinda believable.

Now this isn't a great movie and the flaws I have are most of the characters here are either dull, or unlikable. I really couldn't get behind everyone in this movie. I felt that the inclusion of Sally Hardesty was rather pointless. She wasn't really in the movie that much and she didn't really add a whole lot. They also bring in a touchy subject about school shootings with the main character and I felt that could've added something but they didn't really explore it that much. And finally this movie didn't do a whole lot new to the series and it just felt like another Texas chainsaw movie.

Overall despite a weak story, and some missed opportunities, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" 2022 is a step up from other installments and features great gore, some good acting, and quick pacing.
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