
13 Reviews
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Backbeat (1994)
Great movie...but they don't SOUND like the Beatles!
17 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film, but I just had a little trouble with the music. It was truly terrific, but Dave Pirner sounds nothing like Paul McCartney by any stretch of the imagination, nor does Greg Dulli sound anything remotely like John Lennon. I thought it was great that they used such well-known and talented musicians as Thurston Moore and Dave Grohl, but couldn't they have found somebody that sounded a little bit more like Lennon and McCartney? Ok, enough about that. I didn't know the whole story about Stuart Sutcliffe, and I had no idea that *SPOILER* he died. That was awful. But I really enjoyed learning more about one of my favorite bands, especially since I completely missed out on their heyday. (John Lennon died about six months before I was born! Oh, the agony!) I really didn't know much about the early days of the band, so this movie was very informative. I thought all the actors looked incredibly like their real-life counterparts. I had already see Ian Hart portray Lennon in The Hours and the Times, so I knew his characterization of Lennon was awesome, and made me enjoy his performance in Backbeat all the more. I highly recommend this film to all Beatles fans and anyone interested in rock 'n' roll history.
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Blow Dry (2001)
26 February 2002
This movie gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling. It had much more depth than I expected and I thought it was a really sweet story. The hairstyles were crazy, but I think the ones in The Big Tease were worse. Alan Rickman, Natasha Richardson and especially Rachel Griffiths were all very good. This is probably a chick movie, but a very enjoyable one. I liked it very much and I'll probably watch it again.
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John Cameron Mitchell.
23 February 2002
This is such a wonderfully dorky, cheesy movie. I have always liked it, and I've watched it many times. I love the clothes, the soundtrack, the hairstyles, everything. The story is pure crap, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Perhaps the best part of all is the actors who've achieved so much since then: a pre-Matrix Laurence Fishburne, a pre-Jim Carrey Lauren Holly, and best of all, a pre-Hedwig John Cameron Mitchell! Who could have imagined that cute little silent Crazy would grow into the singing, song writing victim of a botched sex-change operation? Not I. It just makes Band of the Hand more fun. And was there ever a cooler Indian than Joe? I think not. My siblings and I giggle like mad whenever he appears on screen.
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Naked (1993)
I feel so STUPID!
13 February 2002
I usually consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but this film made me feel like an utter moron. The dialogue in this movie blew me away. Honestly, after just one viewing, I didn't understand a lot of what went on. Part of this was because of the accents, what with my being a simple country gal. David Thewlis was really great...a little scary, but incredible. His character was so brilliant and yet so messed up. Definitely not somebody you'd want to hang out with. I found this movie's attitude toward women a bit...uh...VIOLENT. I didn't see the point of the Sebastien bloke, either. Did he really have to keep running around in them itty bitty underpants? Ugh. Why didn't one of our poor helpless little heroines bash him in the head with the ever-present tea kettle? Sheesh. Well, aside from my nitpicking, this was a rather brilliant, thought-provoking (and ultimately quite depressing) film. I can't wait to watch it again to perhaps gain more understanding so I won't feel like such a dumbass.
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Gee whiz, this movie is stupid.
11 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILERS* I was really looking forward to seeing this film. I love all things vampire; books, movies, whatever. My brother saw the movie at a theater, but I waited til it came on Showtime cuz I'm a big cheapskate. I have to say I was really disappointed by just about every aspect of the film. I love Jonny Lee Miller, and he was great, but he really didn't have much of a part. Justine Waddell is quite cute in her own little British-y way, but I wouldn't have cared if she'd been hit by a truck within the first thirty minutes. She didn't have any reason to be there. She was boring. Everyone in this movie was boring. Even Christopher Plummer was just kind of...there. And that's just not right. He's Captain Von Trapp, for the love of Mike! I thought Gerard Butler was a sexy, if a little dorky, Dracula. And I like the nifty Judas Iscariot origin. That was the only truly original idea in the whole movie. There were so many pointless elements in this everybody from the frickin' airplane...and Jeri frickin' Ryan...sheesh. I don't understand the attraction of that woman. She's blonde and she gots big boobies. WOW. Omar Epps, Jennifer Esposito, and Danny Masterson were wasted on this picture. Maybe the producers, director, etc, could have just put Jeri Ryan and Vitamin C...I mean Colleen some sort of vampire porn and made a bit more money. I can think of lots of titles, none appropriate for this review.

I enjoy vampire films because of all the dark, sexy implications of blood sucking and eternal life. Creatures that can only come out at night are scary and yet at the same time very attractive in a nice creepy-deadly sort of way. This film made me want to stab myself with a stake. It began fairly well with the potential to be very good, but it just sucks. Hee hee hee.
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The ending still has meaning.
6 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILERS* I really enjoyed this film, basically because Archie is so deliciously evil. I saw the film Rushmore before the Chocolate War and found many similarities in Max and Archie's characters-their ability to control other people and to get themselves involved in everything going on at their respective schools. Compared to Archie, Renault is a rather pale and pathetic little hero, but he doesn't really win in the end anyway. I have not read this book, though my sister has, so I know how it's really supposed to end. As I haven't read the novel, I thought the film's ending still illustrated the Vigils' manipulative powers extremely well. Renault resisted their control for the whole film, but they still managed to use him for their own purpose-getting rid of Archie. I'm sure the book is better, but I think the movie is quite good in its own right.
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The Tribe (1999–2003)
Dig the hair dye!
19 January 2002
I just adore The Tribe. Just as everyone else has said, it is very addictive. I love all the characters, especially Alice. If only I could kick that much ass. I've never seen another t.v. show with such creative hair and makeup. Where do those crazy kiwis get that pink stuff? I enjoy the Tribe because the kids have to handle so many issues besides the obvious dead parent thing. Not only do my beloved Mallrats have to deal with their own personal relationships, they also have antidotes and crazy religious zealots, too. It's so much fun to watch, if only to see how each character's makeup changes from one week to the next. I watch the Tribe on WAM!, which occasionally has some other decent programming for people over the age of 10.
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Javier Bardem is incredible!
27 November 2001
Before seeing this film I knew next to nothing about the subject. All I knew was what I had read about it when it was released in theaters. I had never heard of Reinaldo Arenas, as I have yet to go to college and Cuban authors are not typically required reading at tiny midwestern high schools. After seeing the movie, I definitely intend to read Arenas. I thought the poetry and story excerpts Bardem read were very moving. I really liked the movie. The cinematography was incredible. I had no idea that Cuba was so beautiful. The story was a little hard to follow, and I had a little trouble understanding Bardem's accent. Other than that I have no problem with the film at all. Javier Bardem was terrific, and gorgeous. I had previously seen him a Spanish film completely different from Before Night Falls. At the time I thought he was very good looking, but I didn't know he was such a wonderful actor til now. I intend to watch the movie again soon and I recommend it very highly.
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Much better than I expected.
16 November 2001
I've loved all things concerning vampires since the first time I saw The Lost Boys. (Obviously not an Oscar-worthy film, but it certainly is entertaining.) When I saw previews for The Little Vampire, I must admit that I thought it looked really, really bad. I had the opportunity to watch it a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised by the film. I was impressed by the special effects, especially Rudolph's bat form. The cows were an interesting addition, too. I loved the costumes and makeup. The story and plot weren't all that original and were very predictable, but I think kids from 6 to 12 would enjoy those aspects of the film. I thought Rollo Weeks and the actress who played his sister, Anna, were terrific and I hope to see them both in more films. Jonathan Lipnicki was cute, but is that kid ever going to grow? Sheesh, he'll look 6 when graduates from college. I liked most of the adult characters, especially the vampire parents. I've seen Richard E. Grant and Alice Krige both in other movies and I enjoyed their performances. I would give this movie a 7 out of 10. It's fun to watch and only a little bit too cutesy.
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Interesting relationships
5 October 2001
This movie wasn't too bad. It was an enjoyable way to pass an hour and a half late at night. I really enjoyed Marc Warren's character. I was a little disturbed by the cousin nookie, but I got over it. I didn't exactly understand why Ted was so important or why Steve was off his rocker, but I guess it just made the movie a little more interesting. I also thought that John Simm looked a bit like Andrew McCarthy, which made my viewing of the film a little confusing. I kept thinking of all those Brat Pack movies. Scary. Over all I liked the movie (I didn't find it to be anything like Trainspotting, and I don't really understand the comparisons. The only similarities I can see are the characters' aimlessness and the fact that the films were both made in the UK). It had some unique relationships between its characters and some memorable scenes. And I just love the bizarre yellow teddy bear.
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This really happened! It's not just a great film.
23 September 2001
I just finished watching the fourth episode of this mini series. I must say that it has been the best four hours of television I've ever watched. I really enjoy the cast and the film style. I read the other comments posted and noticed quite a few references to the soundtrack and the usage of the handheld camera during battle sequences-called nauseating by one reviewer. I would imagine it would be a bit more nauseating had any of us actually been there. I haven't really noticed the music, either. I just keep thinking that over 50 years ago these very normal men went to other countries, fought and died for America and freedom. This is very relevant now, with the recent events in our country. I think it's important to watch movies about the war, because we can never forget the people who actually lived those movies. Band of Brothers may not be perfect, but I think it is a wonderful tribute to the men of the real Easy Company. They deserve much more than a 10 hour movie.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
This movie is so great!
21 September 2001
I absolutely love this movie. I so wish that I could go back to the theater and watch it about ten more times. I can't wait til it comes out on video so I can watch it over and over and over again. I've never watched any other film that compares to Moulin Rouge! It is an experience unlike any other. I'm sure that many people really hate this movie, and I can understand that. I think you probably have to have a certain twisted bizarre mind to really get in to it. I think everyone should watch it at least once, because there really is no other film like it.
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Just enjoy the movie....don't think about it.
26 February 2001
If you put too much thought into this movie, you have issues. I have never seen this movie in a theater and I still enjoy it every time I watch it. I lost count a long time ago of how many times I've watched it. I love the cast, I love the characters, I LOVE the music. Anybody who finds it weird or who has a problem with the homosexual themes should just get a life. I don't understand all the comparisons to Being John Malkovich at all. The two are nothing alike. I really think that some people are just not made to enjoy the glory that is Rocky. But if you don't enjoy it, don't poison other people's minds.
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