
69 Reviews
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The Queen's Gambit (2020– )
Definitely One Of The Best Netflix Mini Series.
30 October 2020
This series turns out be 2020's true winner. Truly an exemplary series showcasing one of the oldest and most intellectual games in our history and the show truly pays an homage to this breathtaking game. Most of us have grown up on chess, moving pawns across the board or watching Gary Kasparov and Vishwanathan Anand, but a little girl taking center stage in a male dominated game while conquering her vices makes this show's each scene worthy of view time. The passion displayed by the main character for the sport where you can see her whole world revolving around it inspires you to find your own and stick with it. The innocence of the young girl yet with no fear in her mind despite her adversities and intimidating circumstances, truly dominated the show just like her plays and leaves us with a few lessons to take.

A girl born an orphan finds her family in her friends, opponents, supporters and she finally learns to accept that she doesn't need to remain one. A truly well etched out character with a brilliant actress carrying this mega series to it's finesse. I love chess and show is an absolute personal favorite. Go girl!
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Do watch this Amazing Show on Netflix
4 October 2020
The Umbrella Academy isn't like other superhero shows. Although most of the main characters possess supernatural abilities, they're less crusading heroes and more like a dysfunctional family. I absolutely loved and thoroughly enjoyed both the seasons! The writing is so refreshing, graphics are visually stunning with great production design, cinematography, and direction. The screenplay along with the editing could have been a bit tighter and crisp. Performance from all the actors is phenomenal & noteworthy. I'm especially blown away by the unexpected remarkable Soundtracks which are infused during the action sequences that instantly made me fall in love with this series. Sure there are some one-dimensional characters, outlandish moments, and plot holes but it can be ignored and enjoyed as all the characters are consistent and believable in this fictional world.

Season 1 is decent as it acts as a base where the backstory is told and all the characters are introduced along with their superpowers. But Season 2 is an absolute riot (Entertaining to its core) I don't want to say much about the plot because I might end up revealing spoilers. Overall I Totally Loved the shocking cliffhanger and now I can't wait for season 3
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I didn't expect this to like it this much.
30 September 2020
I think I may have loved it. I just don't understand the unnecessary critisism towards it. There's just so much to appreciate here. The length or the pace never bothered me. Rather I was taken into the film right from the start and that intrigue towards the story and these characters reamined throughout the film. I loved the tone and feel of the film and the lived-in quality to the film which works so well mainly because of the methodical and atmospheric approach the film took, without any rush, taking its own time to tell such a rich and expansive story spanning decades with so many characters that it becomes almost overwhelming to take it all in at once. But that's necessary not a bad thing. In fact, I loved this film partly because of that. Once you start sinking into the story and the characters, it becomes such a rewarding experience.

The cast is absolutely great. Each one of the actors played their role with such honesty and sincerity that you just couldn't help but admire all of them. They are all brilliant. But the one that stood out for me was Robert Pattinson. I thought he was just sensational and a revelation. He has a small role but definitely a 'meaty' one. I loved and hated him at the same time. I also strangely felt that his performance was also a bit comedic particularly towards the end of his role. He delivered an excellently energetic performance. Tom Holland was great too. His performance was quite mature and unlike anything he's done before.

The music fitted well to the film. It came in during just the right scenes and that made it's impact felt much more than it would have. I personally loved the narration in the film. It really helped to understand what was going on inside the characters' minds and also helps us get a sense of the larger picture of what's going on. I never thought it would complement a film so well but surprisingly this is a perfect example of why a narration is required. It isn't in the past tense, it's happening right then and is almost like an additional character in the film. The film is very unexpected and you'll not be able to anticipate what will come next. Things happen so quickly and so suddenly that you'll not be able to anticipate the characters intentions. I loved how the film came all together as the film came to an end, in such a neat manner. The direction and the cinematography were so carefully done and it helped a great deal in achieving the tone and the feel of the film.

The themes are so complex and asks such deep and unsettling questions and I can see why many people may not like this film that much. The Devil All The Time is a southern gothic tale about faith and fate. It's dark, twisted, bleak and fascinating. It's a film that demands your full attention. It's a film that makes you think about yourself, question your beliefs and whether it's all just randomness or a divine intervention.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
30 September 2020
Enola Holmes is real entertaining, with many adventures and twists. The brave Enola narrates her story throughout the movie and it's so interesting. She is very intelligent, funny, pretty and caring. Other characters like Sherlock and Lord Viscount were also very good. Although i didn't like them, Mycroft and Lestrage were also some characters that made the film cool. I had a continuous smile while watching the whole movie.

If you haven't watched yet, then please go for it. Just relax and don't guess anything before watching. You will surely love it. And girls, you will find yourself with the inspiring detective, Enola Holmes

Congratulations to everyone who made their effort to make this one so wonderful!
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When They See Us (2019– )
I was reluctant to write a review on this series for one major reason
16 September 2020
The reason is that I would have to step outside my normal format as this series deserves more. I've only done this once before. So I'm just going to let it flow as far as this series because I do not believe a format would show the respect this series deserves. This series had my mind thinking on so many different levels. I'm not going to go into detail regarding the plot or storylines as this series transcends that. There is a bigger picture.when this horrific incident and trial took place. seeing it on the news and having it capture my attention.That is what this series exposes, TRUTH. Taking into consideration dramatization this series probes the truth about racism, the justice system, corruption, politics, media and the general state of this country in 1989. The same types of injustice were exposed in the riveting and controversial, "Paradise Lost" documentary series. In that instance three innocent boys, the West Memphis 3, had to plead guilty via an Alford plea after serving over 18 years in prison. Millions, including the state of AR, believed a new trial would have completely exonerated the WM3 based on new exculpatory evidence. This occurred in 1993. Sadly enough these conditions still exist today. I do want to say that Ava DuVernay has created a bravura series. The entire production is outstanding. As far as the young actors, I can not recall any film or series where I have been more impressed than with Harris, Blackk, Herisse, Jerome and Rodriguez. Their portrayals are emotive powerhouse performances. This series evoked every emotion I can think of from this viewer including sadness, shame, joy, hope, disgrace and so on. I can't even list the entire envelope of emotions. As I've grown my beliefs have held fast, however my overall worldview has evolved. I believe the majority of this country is comprised of decent human beings. When they refer to the Central Park 5 as animals, that is the minority in this country. I don't mean minority as in race, I mean it in the sense of few. In this viewer's opinion it does not matter if your African American, White, Asian, Latino or any ethnicity when it comes to hatred. Hatred is something hidden deep inside. Whether it be the brain, heart or soul is arbitrary. It can be inherent or taught. One thing is for sure, if hatred is practiced by an individual then the individual lacks human cognition to decipher between right and wrong. This series brilliantly examines racism, discrimination and the destruction that follows. It scrutinizes the affects on the individuals, their families, their friends and their futures. There is symbolism such as when Kevin blows on his trumpet after the verdict. It's symbolic of a bugle reveille, as in wake up America! This series tackles monumental subject matter with such boldness that if the message is not clear then something is not firing properly. With that being said, I thought my eyes were wide open. This series has me thinking perhaps my eyes are still half closed. I know it is a wake up call for me. The fight for social justice continues to this day which is what makes this series resonate and makes it so relevant. I wonder if the word Us is a sort of subtle homograph meant to represent the 5 as well as the U.S. as a whole? This is a nearly flawless masterful dramatic series
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Tenet (2020)
favourite Nolan film?
5 September 2020
Tenet is certainly an extremely ambitious project even for a director like Nolan, who will use any means necessary to achieve his vision. The film is supposedly shot using zero green screens, not to mention less CGI than most romcoms, and it really shows. The spectacle is absolutely off the rails this time, with some of my favourite set pieces from any film ever. There was one action sequence in particular that I won't spoil, but I even preferred it to the infamous rotating hallway sequence in Inception. However where Tenet absolutely excels in it's action and scale, it completely fails to miss the mark with its exposition. I cannot count the sheer number of times a vital piece of storytelling was explained in a quick exchange that, if you somehow didn't hear, you will most likely not understand half of the proceeding events. They even used the classic 'fish out of the water' technique, in which the character is introduced to a new world of sorts, and taken through it step by step, but somehow the audience will still somehow not feel like they're learning with the protagonist. Maybe it's just the case that the brilliantly complex narrative is simply too hard to instantly comprehend in your first viewing, but I firmly believe it could've been handled better. On the bright side, Tenet doesn't rely on deep meanings in its story (unlike interstellar which felt almost like a Terrence Malick film), but rather leans into what Nolan is good at; Weaving intrigue and intricacy into the plot, and like in all of his previous attempts it works wonders. The film has perhaps one of my favourite iterations of the time travel formula, and once you to an extent understand what's going on you feel instant satisfaction. I'm certain the film will demand several viewings to get what is happening at all times, but for now I simply don't have the intellect to tell you if it makes 100% sense. John David Washington and Robert Pattinson make a fantastic duo, and I enjoyed every minute they shared on screen, however none of the other characters really resonated with me. Kenneth Branagh is a decent villain but at times it feels like he's just forcing his lines. Elizabeth Debicki was the pretty much the only character I could sympathise with, but at times she only felt there like a damsel in distress or a plot device, and they even took the time to try and flesh out her relationship with Washington, but then decided to take it absolutely nowhere. Something I realised when I walked out the cinema, was that I could barely remember any instance where the musical score was memorable. Ludwig Görrason's soundtrack is simply quite unremarkable. It's certainly not bad, and it suits the atmosphere well, but in comparison to both Zimmer and Julyan's work in other Christopher Nolan movies it just feels lacklustre at times. To sum up, Tenet is certainly a highly enjoyable action movie, and for spectacle alone it's worth seeing on the big screen, but a mediocre script, convoluted plot and an altogether forgettable ensemble cast prevent it from being anywhere near my favourite Nolan film.
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Worth Watch,Recommend
4 August 2020
Overall The Movie Is Awesome But It Is Not this kind of movies that I will watch it again in the future. I enjoyed it, it's a very emotional movie that will make your feelings change, and I appreciate that point. Worth Watching, Recommended, Definitely, it is one of the best movies Made IN And By Egypt.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
One of The Best War Movies
20 July 2020
An extraordinary film about an extraordinary man who, true to his beliefs saved the lives of a reported 75 men without firing a single shot during the battle for Okinawa in WWII, if the story is to be believed and apparently it is, then I couldn't help but think that miracles do actually occur when -after watching this- I checked it out and found that historically, apart from the usual so-called 'artistic licence' without which no such film could exist and be 'entertaining', the detail is essentially correct (phew). Desmond Doss refuses to give in to those ('lessers' as it turns out) around him during basic training only to go on to prove his strength under real duress when the time comes, by demonstrating true courage in the face of enemy fire and true compassion also (he tends the wounds of Japanese soldiers on occasion so the story goes). Mel Gibson and his team do a brilliant job of re-creating the battle scenes even if the gore is heaped on, but there can be no such things without such scenes in to-days modern cinema and I doubt anyone would watch without being so aware, they also deal well with the more sentimental issues which are an inevitable part of the human condition on a daily basis anyway, but under such circumstances are inevitably heightened. I found the film hard-hitting, but ultimately satisfying no doubt due to the 'under-dog' theme which carried it along for the first hour or so which was turned on its' head in the finale, nice touch too from those survivors of the time as the final credits are about to roll...
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Snowden (2016)
11 June 2020
It's a pretty good movie. As the political establishment at the time under that loon GWB used the 9/11 violent acts of jihad as a smokescreen to more than double the size of the federal government. As GWB, like his father before him, didn't have a genuine conservative bone in his freaking leftwing to the core body.

As he duped the country into believing the ludicrous fairy tale that the horrible evil scourge of Islam is somehow a so-called Religion of Peace, morally equivalent to all true faith-based religions. Thus, in his fairy tale narrative, Muslims are morally equivalent to all non-Muslim unbelievers in the world and never mind the fact that Muslims have been the archenemies of all non-Muslim unbelievers in the world ever since that menace to all non-Muslim unbeliever societies first evolved approximately 1400 years ago.

Hence, instead of acting swiftly to separate our two fully incompatible societies from one another completely, permanently, and forever and as common sense dictated in response to 9/11, that utterly unhinged loon, GWB, increased mass Muslim migration with all of its excess baggage and in which is really stealth demographic jihad to invade and infiltrate non-Muslim unbeliever countries in mass, by five-fold, and at the same time created the biggest federal boondoggle the world had ever seen when he created the gargantuan Department of Homeland Security to spy on all of us today.

Then he declared an exceedingly fantasy-based War on Terror that was preordained and doomed to miserably fail no matter what since even before it was first launched because it was premised on the fairy-tale that the horrible evil scourge of Islam is somehow a so-called Religion of Peace, morally equivalent to all true faith-based religions.

Hence, exactly like all things premise and based on a stupid stupid fairy tale, that incredibly fantasy-based so-called War on Terror has been miserably failing year after year to the tune already of over $8 trillion dollars and with no end in sight.

Anyway, my biggest criticism of the movie is they could have at least found someone far better looking to play the part of Snowden's girlfriend to give us, the audience, something far better to look at during the movie.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
I honestly don't understand how so many people are rating this show badly!
11 June 2020
A lot of triggered conservatives have left one-star reviews because the show continually points out the foolishness of American sensibilities and American leadership (and also supports a pitch for open marriages). Conversely, it appears some liberal reviewers are offended that the show tries to laugh at what they perceive as solemn topics. Humor is so particular, but I think less political folks will find something to enjoy. Despite the frustrations and inadequacies of institutions in Space Force, the characters find fulfillment in their personal relationships, and you can root for them cause most of them show some kind of growth.

That said, some of the storylines weren't as sharp, and I don't understand why they limited Lisa Kudrow's role. They probably planned to elaborate on her incarceration in a second season, but we'll see if they get that chance. John Malcovich was the stand-out, but the supporting cast was also excellent, especially the other generals.

The show is neither as funny nor as heartwarming as the Office so a lot of viewers won't stick it out. But if you understand that the show is trying to do something entirely different, you might just enjoy it.
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21 Bridges (2019)
An Engaging Action Thriller
6 June 2020
Andre Davis (Chadwick Boseman) is the NYPD detective tasked with the case of two criminals who kill several police officers during a drug heist. The deaths enrage an entire precinct, and the captain (J.K. Simmons) now has a bunch of trigger-happy cops thirsting for revenge. He decides to pair Andre with a DEA agent (Sienna Miller). But the incident also uncovers a conspiracy, and Andre doesn't know whom to trust. He has just one night to solve the case and catch the killers before they escape the city of Manhattan.

Chadwick Boseman's rendition of Andre Davis is intense, and the actor has a commanding on-screen presence as well. He continues to display a lot of range in his acting repertoire to prove, yet again, why he deserves to be a leading man. J.K. Simmons is perfectly cast as Captain McKenna, who makes you really care about why the police deaths matter so much to him and the rest of the cops. Sienna Miller is also impressive in a restrained performance as the DEA agent Frankie Burns. On the other side of the law, Taylor Kitsch and Stephan James make a strong pair. Kitsch plays Raymond Jackson, a sharpshooter who knows how to dispatch whoever is in his sights, and James plays Michael Trujillo, the brains of the operation, who needs to figure how to escape without getting arrested.

Although the plot is neither new nor inventive in any way, it has an interesting setup with perspectives from both sides of the law. Director Brian Kirk shoots the film, particularly the action, well enough to keep the pace engaging throughout. The screenplay has the potential to explore different motivations, but the film barely scratches the surface of its subject matter. If you're familiar with the crime thriller genre, the chances are you'll predict the outcome because we've seen this story play out many times before. Despite that, you'll still enjoy '21 Bridges', because the action combined with its competent cast and their performances make it highly watchable.
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Almost A Perfect Movie.
5 June 2020
This is wonderfully heartwarming, and emotive film.This film is not a biopic on Mr. Rogers but a tale on how he inspired someone to get his life back on track. Based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. It's a thoughtful,textured contemplation of how we can effectively deal with our expectations, disappointments and imperfections. The film brings back many aspects of nostalgia for viewers of the original show .

Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers is every bit as perfect as anyone would have guessed. He finds a way to capture the essence of Mr. Rogers, the beacon of positivity he became. The teacher. The friend. The nicest man in the world. I stopped seeing Mr. Hanks and started seeing Mr. Rogers, which is what an iconic actor will do when given the chance. Tom Hanks offers a subtle and layered performance.

Matthew Rhys is brilliant as the cynical Lloyd Vogel. Chris Cooper as Lloyd's father is excellent. The movie is beautifully shot; the cinematography is top notch. Beautifully written and wonderfully directed. The screenplay is absolute genius.

Tom Hanks' beautiful and compassionate portrayal of Fred Rogers, Mathew Rhys and the entire cast delivering remarkable performances, a beautifully structured screenplay , and Marielle Heller's nostalgic and sincere directing style culminate together and craft A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood as being the most most healing film of the year. 8/10
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Almost Perfect - Very Good
1 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched the whole series. Not a perfect crime story by any means but very watchable due to top-notch acting though at times brought down by bad stereotypes. Chris Evans turns in one of his finest performances. He elevates the drama from streaming tv to theatrical and you can't take your eyes off of him due to his deep internal work. Every scene he brings layers of subtext ranging from love, rage, guilt, and denial as the story unfolds about his son's supposed crime. Jacob (Jaeden Martell) is also an excellent actor and someone with a long career ahead of him. His portrayal is astonishing as he careens from typical preteen to the potentially demented murderer. His mysterious stares and evasive emotionless answers keep the guilty or not guilty part of this drama in constant suspense. Hopefully, his next role will showcase a more happy and chipper character to expand his range even further. The character portrayal of the wife/mother, (Michelle Dockery) is the most irritating part of this mini-series. Michelle Dockery is a fine and absorbing actress stuck with writing that veers from one bad female in distress stereotype to another. From the very start of the event, her arc is nothing but crying (literally every other scene). Worse is when she goes gonzo hysterical, where she accidentally gives an account to a reporter but gets so overwrought she couldn't simply say 'off the record' even when the reporter offered to strike the interview, with a simple declaration. Her arc then builds to an ending that becomes a composite of a female so out of control, (spoiler alert coming) that she somehow feels justified in crashing her car into a wall with her son beside her, based solely on a feeling. You begin to wonder if Jacob's guilt (if he is such a murderer) wasn't caused by the bad genetics of his father and his murderous grandfather as presented as a possible theory. but rather his mother's instability, (I'm certain this wasn't the intent). The other actors have their own stereotypes to overcome like an over the top JK Simmons who somehow has the means to control the events outside his prison cell like a mafia don, which is never explained. Cherry Jones is stuck with a one-note role of a defense attorney, and some further development of her character would have been more interesting, (think Robert Shapiro's real-life tortured persona in the OJ trials) which could have spiced up the mysterious aspects of Jacob's innocence or guilt
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
1 June 2020
The Revenant is one of the greatest movies I've seen in my life everything in this film felt real and scenes in this film felt so intense especially the bear attack, Leonardo DiCaprio deserved that Oscar after being snubbed like 10 times throughout his career, I still think he should have won that Oscar in 2012 and 2013. This movie is about a guy who gets betrayed and left for dead by his own hunting team, but luckily he got up and went all the way to get his revenge on them, mostly to Tom Hardy's character.

The main character barely had any dialogue and the film is 2 hours and 30 minutes long which is incredible, my favourite quote from Leo's character is "I ain't afraid to die anymore. I done it already." it gives the character power and more strength even more than an average superhero gets.

The entire film looked so real and it felt like we weren't even watching a movie and more like a documentary or a guy went back in time and shot all the stuff that happened, one of the reasons why the movie looked real was because of the lightings, the movie crew did not use one single studio light and only used natural light or fire which was really impressive and it this movie has one of the best cinematography ever put into a film. This is a movie that will be remembered for a very long time people in the next 10-20 years will go back and check this movie out and study it just like other great classic movies like 'Taxi Driver' and 'Raging Bull'.
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When bad thing happen you have 3 options
30 May 2020
Succumb...Fight Back...Overcome.

A dialogue travelogue of the comical misadventures of four survivalists in the ongoing aftermath of a zombie holocaust. (*I never saw first film so this is seen without that reference*)

The Zombocomedy Satire of black and dry humour ~ barbs, puns relying on those relationships --all whilst-- buttons are pushed, tollerances are tested, and boundaries are stomped on. Newbies join the needy foursome, which adds comic relief and refresh the isolated jaded team who live with each other bc up to now they had no other.

Some times the humour digs among themselves is exaggerated bc they are easy whiney targets bc they know each other's buttons, which they relentlessly push to get under each other's skin to show their love kinship and repressed feelings. They truly are fond of each other, stuck with each other, though the pretence is they just tolerate each other. But they always know they are a team.

There is lots of zombie slapstick action kills to satisfy all snickering bogey-hunter-fans. Blood like black gold texas tea, comes bubbling, spewing, spurting out of exploding zombies as they are hacked and riddled with bullets. Action enthusiasts will be delighted.

Stay after the credits for a very funny cameo outtake.

The writers do the job of a script soley relying on the cabin fever talkie banter, many egg-on-the-face close-ups, and twerking overtime on the actors give-me-a-break self deprecatory moody characters. Everyone is set up in rotation as the attacker, victim, straight guy and fall guy irrespectively and gets a chance to be the butt of a joke or the joker. Which makes every situation fair game. There are a lot of fun and funny times, like a very long SNL skit. No one is safe or superior. Also, everyone's got comedic tragic flaws, which plays out well when a few of the self-hyped-out characters literally get to see themselves thru their own twin eyes...(nuff said, without making a spoiler.)

Finally, it is an entertaining comedy with a grade of B. I mean it's a zombie-com, it's got zombie in the can't expect Streep. Although Streep as a zombie, or zombie bounty hunter would make a great film, cause you know She make it Oscar worthy. (IE Buffy, Lincoln)

Oh one final moral of the story warning: "Leave your place you lose your space", in someone's heart in the real world and especially more so amongst apocalypsic trysts so: "Love the one your with!"

Now who should see this, for focus groups: There's cattiness, testostoronic posturing, target practice, narcissistic nerds blowing air up each other's ass, fireworks, so I guess everyone!
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127 Hours (2010)
30 May 2020
127 Hours really changed my thought of going out exploring without telling anyone where you're going. Very inspiring, and well-directed. I will caution those who haven't seen this movie: if you are looking for a good time in watching a movie, 127 Hours is not what you should watch. It's very emotional, but you won't be getting any spoilers from me, even though this is a true story. Just don't watch it if you have a weak stomach or are prone to fainting. It's a great movie, but not for everyone to watch.
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Cast Away (2000)
Outstanding !!
29 May 2020
Tom Hanks and Wilson <3

It's all about love - about the difficulty of finding it in a world obsessed with success, about the freakish accidents that can produce or destroy it, about an ordeal that led one man to re-think what is meaningful in life, and about the need to bring to the pursuit of love the same resourcefulness and courage that enabled the hero to survive on an island for 5 years.

Tom Hanks is superb as Chuck Noland - creating immense sympathy for an ordinary guy trapped - not against his will - in a job that is eating him alive. How many actors could have made Noland's attachment to "Wilson" believable? Yet Hanks does.

Everything about it works, the cinematography, the locations, the acting, the story and this is Robert Zemeckis' greatest showpiece. Tom Hanks has done some bad roles over the years but this is as brilliant as any Jimmy Stewart performance captured on film. I revisit this film about once a year and find things about it that make it even better with each viewing. The story is so well written in its simplicity, and Helen Hunt and Hanks have amazing chemistry. It is a love story with action and heartbreak like few films have been able to pull together. I guarantee you will never pass a Wilson volleyball again without a big smile!
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Se7en (1995)
The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part.
28 May 2020
Outstanding! One of the best thrillers ever made. Morgan Freeman deserved an Oscar for this (though he got one few years later for Million Dollar Baby). Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow are strong in supporting roles (yes, William Somerset is the obvious lead in this movie). The rest of the cast are adequate including an individual who was considered one of the best at that time (alas, after what we learned about him I don't wish to mention his name). David Fincher's best film according to me. Special mention for the editing (Richard Francis-Bruce) and cinematography (Darius Khondji).
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Never seen something like this...blown away by such love story...
18 May 2020
V for Vendetta: The savior and absolute redeemer of the archaic, pompous and stifling, British film industry.

Hugo Weaving, brings to life a multidimensional, multifaceted character unlike anything we had ever seen before, which paradoxically, we never get to see.

As we are grudgingly introduced to V by a sudden twist of fate, a new dynamic to this already complex story line is instilled with the incorporation of the humble idealist, Evey Hamm (Natalie Portman).

Hugo Weaving explodes on screen with a mesmerizing repertoire of allegory and blazing determination from behind the symbolic, Guy Fawkes mask. The sublime chemistry between V and Evey is extraordinary and serves to fuel the spectators with a combustible mixture of ardent desire and vengeful compassion.

V for Vendetta overshadows all other anti-hero themed movies and sets a whole new standard or benchmark for the fans of emotionally satisfying, action, romance and drama.

It will most likely be a long time before we the spectators are presented with an equally compelling story as V for Vendetta. I would recommend the 2002 version of The Count of Monte Cristo as an alternative to help fill the void, while we patiently wait.
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Capone (2020)
Acting Is Not Every Thing.
13 May 2020
Maybe I should wait until I finish the whole movie, but an hour and change in I must say, this movie is totally different than what I expected. Tom Hardy is great as usual, but the story and script not even he could help make it work. Capone basically just walks around his mansion paranoid in the beginning stages of dementia. The story is confusing, boring, and leaves much to be desired! Hard to differentiate between whats real and imagined in Capone's head at times. Only the die hard Tom Hardy fans will find a way to enjoy this underwhelming film
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Bad Education (2019)
Well Done
11 May 2020
This movie is much more than the famous early 21st century scandal and the actors chosen to portray their respective roles are undoubtedly best placed in every moment.

For me, this movie was not just about embezzlement of funds but more than that, the two minutes of agony that Dr. Frank Tassone(Hugh Jackman) had against the system and the world was the highlight. Although shown as a negative character, I could empathise with the actions taken by a public school teacher and how frustrating it is to be a part of a system where people instead of appreciating their mentors, forget and move on in their lives.

The movie is about the mindset that the people in public service develop over-time, which is what compels them to do things that even they consider heinous. A frsutrated person tries to reason out with himself that his actions are justified and this is what drills him deeper into an abyss of negligence from which it is unable to crawl out.

It all comes down to the role that we are expected to play in this world. We often forget the small, yet significant contribution of some people in our lives. That is why we should appreciate the people who help us in becoming who we are today, otherwise the other Dr. Frank-s won't have an option but to repeat the history again and again
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Radioactive (2019)
Between Bad And Good.
7 May 2020
The script was trash, but i thought the surreal effects were what kept it from being more boring than it otherwise could have been. it's not a great film, but i can always appreciate strange creative choices.... i think it would have been better if it had been more surreal throughout... maybe like a time travelling dream.
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PG Ha??
1 May 2020
It was "family movie night" and I could barely keep observing this none sense. The animation style is weird looking as if they were supposed to look like dolls or smth. The plot is so random. Like some candy droplet baby is given to some guy looking like Elmer's glue and then the kids want to become orphans? Then there's so much other weird stuff that goes on that I can hardly understand the story line or the moral of this whack. None of the characters are really likable and the whole thing is so cliché. Don't even get me started on the ending with the whole flying rainbow machine. Anywayssss... I just don't understand all the good ratings.
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After Life (2019–2022)
After Life Is Semi Perfect Series.
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ricky Gervais plays Tony, whose wife (Kerry Godliman), has died recently of breast cancer. He struggles to come to terms with his loss and is in a perpetual state of deep depression and despair. He has nothing to live for. Except for his dog...

Gervais is no stranger to uncomfortable and shocking subject matter. And it's not all played for laughs. As well as some laugh-out-loud moments there are also many solemn and touching scenes. For example, Tony visits daily, his father (David Bradley), in the care home. On one occasion, his father surprises Tony by remembering him as his son.

In After Life, Gervais engages many such subjects with confidence, empathy and wit. In the six episodes of the first series we encounter a near A-Z of sensitive subject matter; Attempted Suicide, Breast Cancer, Child Abuse, Depression, Mental Health, Terminal illness and Xenophobia. Plus, some more common themes: Alcohol and substance abuse, Dating, Death, God, Marriage, Old age, Prostitution and Racism.

This is a Comedy/Drama. There is a scene where, Tony (in a prolonged state of despair) attempts suicide with a razor blade, only to be interrupted by... his dog (Brandy, his only companion), who wants feeding.

I thought it was quite poignant and effective how we are encouraged to engage with and learn about his wife (and their relationship), through her video blog - as if she were in the here and now. However, we are brought sharply back to reality as he abruptly closes the laptop and she is gone. This is also emphasised with flashbacks to fly-on-the-wall scenes of their private moments during happier times. Now they only exist in Tony's memory.

Tony does attract an eclectic bunch of friends and confidants in the form of: 'sex worker, Roxy (Roisin Conaty); homeless drug supplier, Julian (Tim Plester); widow, Anne (Penelope Wilton) and his father's nurse, (Ashley Jensen).

Yes, it is a Comedy/Drama. Both elements are played well by all the cast. His daily visits to his psychiatrist (Paul Kaye), provide several opportunities for giggles. And, as part of his job on the local free newspaper, Tony and news photographer, Lenny (Tony Way) find themselves 'covering' some very lame and banal 'stories' which is played out to good comic effect, including one about a damp stain that resembles Kenneth Branagh and another about an infant that resembles, Adolf Hitler.

All good stuff!
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The Way Back (I) (2020)
Oscar For Ben Alffleck + Respect.
25 April 2020
In the best performance of his career, Ben Affleck tells a story of a son and father dealing with great personal trauma and loss, suffering through his inability to deal with it - choosing alcohol to dull and suppress the pain. It's a well told story of the darkest moments and the struggle to find healing among family, friends realizing it requires a calling from within to live up to being our best selves - - which he achieves. His emotional portrayal is honest, intense and appears to come from deep inside. Writing, direction, cinematography, editing, settings and musical score are wonderfully synchronized - simple - direct - and very personal taking the viewer close-in and a part of the has documentary-like realness - rare for is cinema magic!!! The rest of the cast are "perfectly selected" and also as real as imaginable...

Ben's had a lot of controversy in his life recently, I couldn't help but imagine that this was very personal and soul exposing for him. His portrayal and the theme of this movie are both redeeming and may give him the second chance he has worked to realize. This is a very good movie!!, 7.5/10
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