
68 Reviews
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Constellation (2024)
Awkward Pacing, Compelling Story & Visuals
29 February 2024
At the end of the first episode, I actually thought that I had watched the first two episodes until I checked and saw it was only the first. That first one hour episode seriously seemed like two hours of time.

The story premise is really compelling and there are bits of story along the way of the first three episodes I watched that really reward you for sticking with it. But there's no doubt that either the person who directed the first episodes is trying to mess with the viewer's sense of timing or they just don't know how to direct or edit. Or someone doesn't.

So, I kept getting this feeling, like why does this seem to constantly be dragging on and on? I'm normally very patient with a good story. Then in the second episode when Jo's capsule lands, I realized that I spent a full three and a half minutes watching her unbuckle her seat belt and begin to get out of the capsule. Three and a half minutes. That's an eternity for a scene that should have taken maybe a minute max. Before that scene when she's sending messages to her family that she loves them, I noticed it was almost like she was dragging out the lines and repeating feelings two, three, even four times, like it was bizarrely written, acted, directed, or all three. I could literally see Jo pausing briefly between words, seemingly for emotional effect, like she was directed to do that. There were scenes when Jo is reunited with her family where they were so awkwardly long that I found myself wondering if they were acting awkward toward Jo or if the scene was just so long that I was reading too much into what I saw in their acting. Like is Alice actually being awkward around Jo or is the actress playing Alice just standing there trying to act like she's supposed to be standing there staring coolly?

The other strange part about this show is I had to turn on the English subtitles specifically with Closed Captioning. Because there were so many times I wasn't sure if I didn't hear the dialog or if it was just one of the languages I didn't understand and there were no subtitles. They flip flop between languages so often, like Swedish to English to Russian to English to Swedish to Russian, etc. That it often just doesn't make sense, like people don't do this in real life, so what's the point? I got later on that maybe there is a point of something subtle changing related to languages, but it was a whole lot of language immersion for just that one point to be made. There were many times when someone is speaking a language that had no English subtitles, just "speaking Russian" or "Speaking Swedish", like huh? Why? It seemed mostly pointless. Or maybe the point was the character in the scene does not understand, so you feel that by the lack of subtitles or English.

And yet, this is a good show that I will keep watching. By the end I'll know for sure whether it was just poor writing and direction or if there was an actual point in the story as a whole. I'm hoping there's a point for all of this weirdness.
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Sci-Fi Fantasy With An Ignored Plot Twist
21 February 2024
As a huge, lifelong Sci-Fi fan, I think I see what happened with this movie. It is Sci-Fi FANTASY, with the emphasis on that last word. And it's directed by George Clooney. So, it was very sappy.

And, there's a "hidden" plot twist at 13 minutes before the end of the movie, most likely planted there to expose the worst movie critics.

Anyone who knows the Sci-Fi genre will know what I'm talking about with the "fantasy" part. Yeah, "fantasy" is not Sci-Fi, yet they always call them Sci-Fi Fantasy. Oh, we get excited for a new Sci-Fi movie, show, or book, then find out it's Sci-Fi FANTASY. OH, OK, Sci-Fi FANTASY. Yeah, I like Star Wars, too, but I grew up on Star Trek and I'm a hardcore math/science geek. This movie is more than drama, it's Sci-Fi, and it's FANTASY. Too many points in the movie just demanded that you suspend disbelief.

By the way, back tot hat plot twist: did anybody who rated this below a 6/10 actually bother to WATCH it all the way to the end? I mean, I didn't see a single mention of the plot twist that shows up almost at the end, explaining a lot of what I thought was just overly dramatic parts of the story. That plot twist ties up three or more nonsensical plot points.

Why is this terminal (soon to die) scientist struggling to stay alive to warn one of dozens, if not hundreds, of space missions to not come home? Why does he end up with a kid at the end of the world when literally nobody would "forget" that kid? What is the point, not to mention the practicality, of that astronaut being pregnant in space?!? Why do they keep flashing back to this dude, who is obviously Clooney's character at a younger age, and the opportunity he missed at his own happiness? What is the point?

Wow, I've never seen so many terrible reviews for a movie simply because of a lack of patience.

Nothing happened? It was boring and a waste of time? What?!? There were a half dozen scenes that could have been in any thriller, but maybe the editing was poor or clumsy. I've seen Oscar winning Sci-Fi movies that were drop-dead boring compared to this.

Right up until the last 13 minutes (literally, I checked), it seemed like this was just an overly sappy, way, way over-dramatized, movie, not very well directed. Then, the plot twist. And then it went from a 3/10 movie to a 7/10 movie.

If you panned this movie and have the guts, go back and watch it again, all the way through, and turn on the subtitles if you need help keeping your attention on the dialog.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Lots of Laughs, Deadpan Ending
7 January 2024
My wife and I got a ton of serious laughs out of this movie. It really is like an onion, with lots of layers peeled away as the laughs fly by. The layers are the jokes, whether they're displayed or spoken.

You realize as the movie goes on that it's a satire of modern social interactions as they're warped by social media and the effects on people. Through the laughs at semi-realistic, satirical displays of the people involved, you realize you know people like them or at least know of people.

By the time the end rolls around, it seems to be a typical mystery movie conclusion, like any Agatha Christie movie. The layers of laughs are mostly gone, and what remains is the ugly truth.

Human beings screw each other over. We expect an intricate, brilliant conclusion with a cunning villain, possibly with surprise twists we never saw coming, but what we get is dumb and brutally honest in its reality. And the biggest, ugliest surprise at the core of the Glass Onion is that we all know someone like the person who is the centerpiece of the conclusion, someone with a lot of appealing layers over a very ugly core.

Sure, it's disappointing, but we all get a very clear reflection of our modern society, complete with people we all know. What does that say about us? The answer is probably in the reactions you see in the reviews here.
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Arctic (2018)
More Realistic Than Most People Know
22 December 2023
I grew up in the northern plains states of the USA, where 8 months of the year is real, actual winter, and 4 months of the year every morning started at -40 F (same in Celsius, because frickin' cold is frickin' cold). And I served in the US Army as a grunt living in field conditions like in this movie for weeks at a time. Even being hardened by it, you cannot communicate what it's like, but this movie came close.

This movie is great, because it brings back reminders of not only the brutality of these areas, but also real survival knowledge. Yes, you can physically survive day after day in these conditions if you know what to do. If you've never actually lived in climates like this, you don't realize the hardest part of survival is not staying alive, but staying sane. Cold like this is a constant drain not only on your life, but on your mental health. But most people can go inside to the warmth after being in cold like this, so they can't really imagine the hardship of not being able to escape it 24x7. And this movie simulates the real additional hardship of being alone in these conditions with the lack of dialog. It's like you're the main character.

You can be critical of the story and things the main character did, but you likely wouldn't do better. During the movie I was thinking, at some point you have to save yourself and come back for the woman, but ... could you live with that if you survived? Would you have the mental strength at that point? A good/great movie forces the viewers to look inside themselves with questions like these.
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Incredibly Overrated, Unrealistic "War" Film
10 November 2023
I served in the U. S. Army a few years before the incident this movie is supposedly based on took place. For over 20 years, I avoided watching this movie because everyone I knew who had actually been in the military for a significant period of time told me it was just a terrible movie. Why? I don't know, it was just bad.

So, I finally watched the director's cut version of this movie for 2.5 hours. I kept hoping it was going to get better, but it never really did, except possibly what two characters said in the last 5 minutes of the movie, which hardly ranks it as a "great" or even good movie. Regardless of the 10+ times that I had attempted to watch this movie in the past and just stopped because I couldn't take any more B. S., I forced myself to watch all 2.5 hours so I could say I did not miss anything that maybe would have redeemed it.

First, there are so many unrealistic scenes, things that I saw, and even sounds that I heard that instantly made my mind call B. S., that I had to tell myself I-don't-know-how-many times, "suspend disbelief, it's a movie", that my mind finally got numb. I just started ignoring every time I saw something unrealistic. I noticed I just mentally skipped all of that stuff by the last hour. About a half dozen times an RPG or explosion hit within 4 feet of a soldier and they just got up and kept going. The soldier with a rifle equipped with a silencer (???) that did not silence his gunfire. The guy who got shot in the neck and the driver next to him who face got chewed up so he couldn't see and he's telling the driver to keep pushing the gas while he's steering and holding his blood-gushing wound, then the next scene where everybody's walking around fine except the driver still can't see. Yeah.

Second, I think there were a handful of very poorly written parts intended to be comic relief to break up all the "action", but they just came across as comic-book-like. The deaf guy that everybody knew couldn't hear anything, but everyone kept talking to him and he kept yelling "What!?!?" The scene where one of those three guys are running and he falls yelling "OOOF!". Every single scene where a guy jumps out and fires two shots at a guy with a 50 caliber machine gun and both miss. The part where the guy throws a grenade right past a soldier's face into the black hawk to demolish it and one or more soldiers' bodies inside it, while everyone around it calmly walks away. The part where an RPG flies into a vehicle and lodges INSIDE the torso of a soldier and they take him out later with that in him. Yeah.

Almost every part of the movie where they added music, it was cringingly bad, incredibly ham-fisted. It was so badly thought out that it literally made me laugh, even though I knew I shouldn't be laughing.

I just do not believe the details of what I saw in this movie actually happened except that it is extremely loosely based on the actual event, like they read the Wikipedia article. This movie looks so much like a Call of Duty or Battlefield video game, I refuse to believe they had a single military advisor on-set or even to look at it after they made it to sign off on it.

In the end, I'm glad I finally watched it after 22 years just so I know for sure I never have to watch it again because it really is as bad as everyone said. It really is that bad.
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Forgettable "Thriller", Random as the Teenage Lead Characters
2 November 2023
After watching this movie that I thought would be somewhat scary, I realized as I was looking it up on IMDB that I forgot the name of the movie. Yeah, it's that forgettable.

It's not bad, and it has a lot of good points. I was rooting for the main characters. I grew up in a rural area of the midwest (U. S.) that is practically identical to the setting in this movie, maybe a bit more vegetation, but the same hopeless drunks and related mentality.

So, yeah, I guess if you grew up in a city suburb, this movie is horrifying. The reality is that there are many, many areas (apparently all over the world) that are like this. I guess that's why they are known as flyover zones.

I related to this movie, otherwise I think I'd have given it a 5/10. Knowing first-hand about areas exactly like this, I guess, makes it more directly relatable and enjoyable.

Essentially, this is why people move to the cities...
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Beerfest (2006)
Good, Solid 7 Comedy, Coulda Been 8 or Higher
6 October 2023
I love this movie and watch it every year around Oktoberfest. There are so many funny German and Oktoberfest references and jokes that are just spot on. If you or someone you love is German, you will love this movie.

With all that being said, though, this could have been one of the greats with more edits. I hate to say, but maybe they left in some pretty bad parts to fill gaps or so the movie wouldn't get too short.

First, the miscellaneous storylines with Cherry weren't needed at all. Yes, it's funny to show what you typically think is happening when you're drunk and then show what's really happening, but that bit and the other bit with her being a secret agent were just slapped on top of the main storyline. It's almost as if they had to get that actress into the movie for some reason. Even if you cast someone else for those bits, it wouldn't be an improvement, they actually made the movie worse. This movie could have been an 8 easily, maybe a 9 without that character and her bits.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Great Classic Rock Fiction
31 July 2023
I don't know how anybody who likes the songs in this movie could not like this movie. The story is good, the songs picked are classic, the performances are mostly great, and there are parts of this movie that just make it one of my most re-watched movies.

I guess most of the performances by Catharine Zeta Jones were mediocre -- I usually just skip them. There were only about two. I can't think of any other performances that I skip. Most of them I turn up the volume.

The acting was "fine" to very good. There were a whole lot of laughs, so the writing is very good.

What else can you say? Great music, the story was believable enough, and it's incredibly re-watchable, as any musical should be. Well worth any money you spend on this movie.
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Succession (2018–2023)
A Great Show With Zero Likable Characters
21 June 2023
This has to be a first. This show is great and nearly impossible to stop watching, but I cannot think of a single character I like. Every single character gets drawn into the story and is either slowly or quickly corrupted into the worst possible version of themselves.

And the ending is absolutely great. Like every character, the ending developed into a being of its own from the very beginning of the series. And like the characters, the ending we get is the worst possible version of itself - a fitting end for all the terrible characters. At the end, every character gets a cherry on top that completes their development into absolutely terrible people.

I don't think there was a single episode in 4 seasons that was a let-down or just filler that didn't move the story, unlike so, so many other series that inevitably go bad.

This series is a textbook example for the people who made almost-great series like Lost, Walking Dead, etc. This is how you make a series.

Except next time, let's make a series like this, but with likable characters, right? Yeah?
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Great Show That Went Off The Rails In Season 7
10 May 2023
If you go back and watch this show from season 1, through season 5, it was absolutely brilliant 95% of the time, a complete 10/10. They should have ended it at the end of season 5 like Fringe, and it would have been an instant classic.

By season 5, it seems the writers realized they could draw this way out and milk it for all it was worth if they took a page from the show Lost: write episode after episode with tons of extra content that does almost nothing to move the story forward. Then move the story forward at the end of the season.

My realization that they did this happened season 4 episode 9 when they spent the entire episode doing nothing, but found a giant can of chocolate pudding. Then, the episode ends with us watching Carl just relaxing out in the open and eating that giant can of chocolate pudding. I was amazed that they had just wasted an hour of my time on that. I spent season 5 looking for signs the show was not going downhill, found little improvement, and season 6 was even worse.

Then season 7 basically flushed the show down the toilet and everyone I knew stopped watching it. That was the season the viewership dropped to less than half and never recovered.

In retrospect, the writers were probably write about their ability to draw the story way out and make a lot more money, because some fans just kept watching it no matter what. The end result is every season after 4 has zero value to watch again. I suppose you could just watch seasons 1 through 3 or 4 and let your imagination fill in the rest. Honestly, your imagination is a lot better than every season after season 4.
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Beef (2023– )
Great Detailed Look At Two Horrible People
10 April 2023
The story changes multiple times, almost to the point of drawing things out too much. It probably would have been a better 2-3 hour movie than a 5 hour series, but then you would have missed some parts of the story. There were a few too many scenes with nudity and really just soft-core porn in them, to the point that you're left asking yourself what was the point or just skipping those scenes entirely.

Overall, it's a good series that goes in-depth into what kind of person is part of or causes a road-rage incident. The two main characters are basically horrible people, and that story is told in great detail, to the point where you really loathe these people, and eventually kind of feel sorry for how pathetic they are.

They really did do a good job just making the two main characters, the perpetrators of what most people think is some of the worst human behavior, road rage, come across as so horrible, so absolutely repugnant, that in the end you really don't want to see them again. I mean, unless you're like one of these people in real life.
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Brutally Honest Human Reflection
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a hard movie to watch. I had to watch it, I think, three times to make it all the way through. This is the kind of movie I watch late at night, because nobody else would want to watch it, but the background sound gets increasingly, annoyingly, louder as it goes on. As some have said, it can be hard to hear the mumbling from the actors over the music.

Some small number of human beings are like Del, and I'm one of them. I don't like to be around a lot of people, because it's just taxing, mentally and emotionally. We're OK being alone. The isolation of the pandemic was not a bad thing for us. Del worked at the library at night in a town with 1600 people. That's even more introverted than I am.

Del acts like a machine most of the time, but then one other human being shows up and surprises him. I'm sure he thought he was the last one. He tries to send her away so he can go back to his isolation, but he does have a heart, because she doesn't want to go and he tries to make it work.

She seems normal. Typical human beings like to be around other people, like to talk a lot, and like everything about human socialization. This is where a lot of the worst of human nature, the reasons people like Del and I avoid people, come out. It seems like she was alone and now she very much wants a normal existence with Del, but he doesn't want anything with anyone.

Then Del finds out near the end, in a twist, that she has parents. And, not only that, that there are thousands of other human survivors where she and they came from.

This infuriates Del, because he had a chance to be close to another human being, without having to be around lots of other people, but she gets pulled back to it, humanity, at least what's left of it. That's no place Del wants to go.

The symbolism of the goldfish becomes obvious at the end: all the normal human beings that are left try to move on and solve all the problems with human nature by basically eliminating their long term memories, to become like goldfish. They say a goldfish can look at himself in the reflection of the bowl, think it's another fish, turn around and see the same thing, and think it's yet another fish, turn around, and it goes on and on without him ever knowing he's in a bowl and not surrounded by other fish. You make normal human beings like that, and all their unhappiness and all the worst things of human nature disappear. At least, that's what the scientists of post-apocalyptic humanity think.

The very end comes with freedom for Del and his friend, leaving behind the mentally truncated, mostly brainless fragments of post-apocalyptic humanity. I suppose that's a happy ending for people like Del and me. I suppose for normal people it looks like a nightmare and it's a terrible ending. And I think that's why most people don't get this movie and/or don't like the ending, because they are normal people who aren't constantly tortured by crowds of people and constant human socialization. The view of life and the world presented in this movie is strangely alien to most human beings, but for the rest of us, it's relatable.
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Night Court (2023– )
Updated: Many Flaws, Worth Watching All Episodes, Only Got Worse in Season 1
22 January 2023
Well, I watched all of Season 1, hoping it would improve, but it just got worse. A lot worse. Everything I say below applies, but the good parts just went away and we were left with the worst parts.

I will buy at least the first 1-2 episodes of season 2 to see if they are sticking to their pathetically horrible guns on the casting and writing, but I'm not buying the entire season until it gets better.

Original review, after watching 2 episodes: I'm a big fan of the original series, mostly during the 80's, so when I heard they were doing this, I was 110% on-board.

I watched the pilot and 1st episode after the pilot, both in their entirety. I think whoever is actually directing the episodes and making them is trying to do a sitcom, but definitely learning in the process. I'm not sure on the writing, but I can see an improvement from the pilot to the first episode, and overall the first episode was much more of what I expected than I got in the pilot.

After watching both of the episodes at this point, I think I see what were problems in the pilot that they fixed later in the pilot and/or in the 1st episode that came after.

First, most of the acting at the beginning of the pilot was way over the top, just bad. That may be partly just start-up jitters and maybe partly chemistry between the actors/actresses. It makes you question the casting of most of the actors. By the second episode, this is clearly improved, and is pretty much average to good. I still think, even at the end of the first episode after the pilot that the casting of the actress playing "Gurgs" (is that even right??) is terrible. It seems like she got the part just because she looks a lot like one of the baliffs in the original series, because her acting is still not so good. The writing she has to act isn't so great, but she just tanks it. It's like she's straight out of a bad 90's high school kids sitcom.

Second, the writing also was not so great, with a lot of poor comedy, in the pilot, but clearly was better in the first episode. Who knows if the people changed or what, but pilots don't mean much traditionally, anyway.

Third, the traditional sitcom theme music and video is nice, especially a modernized version of the 80's theme music, but the transitions from the theme music/video was weirdly harsh with just a switch to the scene and not even a pause. Again, it's like the people making this show don't know what they are doing or they're learning, because by the end of the first episode after the pilot, it changed and was right. And I realized what the problem was -- you have to transition the music from the theme and video to the scene in the show itself or it's just harsh, like someone snapped you out of sleep.

Last, if you don't like laugh tracks, live with it. Good lord, it's not that bad, but if you're used to watching old sitcoms, then you should already be tuning the laugh track out automatically as I do. I don't even notice it, and I do not laugh every time the laugh track cues up fake laughs. I know some people have a real pet peeve about laugh tracks, enough that on MASH DVD's they made it an option to turn it off, but if you want a sitcom that's a sitcom, the laugh track comes with it.

Anyway, I think overall, you can't really judge if a show stinks after just the pilot, or even the pilot and the first episode. You have to give it at least 6-10 episodes or whatever is half a season. The people making this show seem to be figuring it out.

Just get rid of Gurgs. Her character and her acting style just do not blend with the show or the other actors.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Good, But Not Completely Coherent or Believable
26 November 2022
I watched through all the episodes and did like the ending.

But, especially in the second half of all the episodes, except the final episode, I found myself saying "this is weird" and "did they have problems with the writing?" over and over again. If not for those repeated problems, this show is an easy 8.

So, the premise is very good, and they do sometimes make you question what you thought was happening as the show goes on, but I think in the later episodes they just go too far into that realm.

The acting was good, and this was almost like a version of the movie Funny Farm, but mostly without the humor (ridiculing small town life). Having grown up in a small town, I found myself almost rooting for the perceived villains in later episodes. "Pink marble?!? It's worse than the butcher block counter tops!" The ridiculousness was sometimes actually funny. I think people miss out on these subtleties if they can't relate. You could also say there are a lot of similarities to the movie "The Burbs".

Bottom line, some of the later episodes were written in near incoherent circles, but this is a good show worth watching to the end.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Watched All the Episodes, Loved It
31 October 2022
I didn't look the show up on IMDB first to check the rating, I just watched the first episode.

I liked it. Some of the characters and acting are a bit over the top, but it definitely works. I like the fact that I kind of dislike the "good" characters to some extent and kind of like the "bad" characters to some extent. It's more complicated than I expected.

I just finished watching the last episode for season 1 and I was a little disappointed - I want more.

Then I come here and see the 4/10 rating with tens of thousands of ratings, so I just assume it's the fanbois. Seems like the over-exaggeration in almost all the low ratings has far more overacting than I saw in all the episodes combined.

I have a unique perspective: I didn't play any of the games before seeing the first Resident Evil movie with Jovovich. I liked that movie, I've liked some of the RE games I've played since watching all the RE movies, but not all the games or all the movies.

This series is overall better than some of the games and movies, but I don't get the hate. It must be a fanboi thing.

Watch a couple of episodes. If you don't like it, move on. If you feel you must warn the world about how terrible it is, you're probably a fanboi - nobody really cares.
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Nope (2022)
Extremely Over-Hyped, Better Than Average
8 October 2022
I kept holding on for something better. Something better didn't show up.

Toward the end of the film, I just realized that nobody other than Jordan Peele could have made this film that showed in theaters across the country. Anybody else and it would have been a well rated film at something like SxSW film festival.

It also occurred to me that this must be what it is like to be surrounded by Yes-men constantly telling you how great everything you do is. You just have no idea the real value of what you're doing.

You can really see throughout the movie that they think they're showing you some earth shattering stuff. The reality is that that actually makes this movie so much more pathetic.

I'm not trying to be mean, because I liked this movie, but it's so much worse when you realize it had a serious movie budget and wasn't made by a first time filmmaker for $10k of his own money. Because, in the end, it could have been.
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Blank (II) (2022)
Had No Idea Where It Was Going & Couldn't Stop Watching
25 September 2022
It's pretty rare that you actually find a movie that you just have no clue where the plot is going and is really unlike any of thousands of other movies you've seen before. There were so many ways the plot could have gone in this movie, but there was no way to predict the way it really would go. Any complaint about the ending is laughably simple-minded since after the path the story followed, the ending is truly a twist that, again, nobody watching this entire movie could predict.

You can't stop watching this movie if you believe what's happening, because it's a bit unbelievable. But, if you don't believe it, that means there's some incredible conspiracy going on. And yet, the longer you watch it, the more it goes on down that path you can't believe, the more it just seems like it really will never end, like maybe the truth is something else. So, you keep going back and forth from "it's a conspiracy" to "it's an apocalyptic coincidence" to "is this all in her head???"

The poor reviews and low rating of this movie are very predictable, the way most people sadly are, and the way this movie is in no way. The handful of people who made this movie really were incredibly brave.

Most people today just want something that is predictable and entertaining, quickly rejecting anything that is not formulaic, not a remake, not a sequel in an established franchise. This movie is none of those things.

It is unique, from beginning to end.
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Night Sky (2022)
Great Sci-Fi with Some Poor Writing & Editing
18 September 2022
I watched all of the season's episodes and just couldn't give this show a rating higher than 7. The middle episodes in the first season likely killed any chance of a second season, because I'm sure a lot of people gave up on it.

The acting was overall excellent, as you'd expect with the lead actors. The story premise is very exciting for a lifelong Sci-Fi fan like me. The actual story, after the first couple of episodes, as I watched it, seemed very drawn out and beyond slow paced.

The middle episodes, especially the ending of each one, had me flashing back (or was I flashing sideways?) to the god-awful forerunner of great modern TV series, Lost. Like Lost, I kept asking myself what actually happened in this episode, if anything? They barely pushed the story forward for several episodes, almost like they were stringing us along for some reason. Did they just not know what to write for 8 episodes? Or did the Amazon paychecks bounce? Or did Amazon sign them up to do 4-5 episodes, then after they paid them, told them they had to stretch it to 8 episodes?

Whatever happened, the first 2 and last 3 episodes were wonderful and the middle 3 episodes were practically a complete waste of my time. By the last episode, I was rushing to watch it at 1am, thinking they're going to leave me hanging like one of those middle episodes, or leave me with a completely vague ending, or some combination of both -- like Lost.

But the ending of the last episode not only gave me way more than I expected, it was downright satisfying, even now finding out they canceled season 2. It was as good of an ending as any good Sci-Fi book I've ever read, one that you don't know if you'll ever get a "part 2". There were things that I wish I knew, but it gave me enough to imagine the endings to those other plot lines, so I'm happy with that.

Too bad the middle 3 episodes were so badly written/edited, because this show is easily an 8, most likely a 9, if those episodes had been up to par with the others.
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Parasite (2019)
Very Good Movie, Very Over-Hyped
3 September 2022
This movie is very good, but watching it for the first time several years after it was very popular and all over the news, it's obvious that it was highly over-hyped at the time it was released.

The director is not a genius. The story is not brilliant. The actors/actresses were not wonderful.

The director focuses the movie on modern issues with class that we all relate to. You have sympathy for everyone in the movie, from the rich people to the poor. The story isn't exactly believable, but it works to get the point across. The actors and actresses all did well, but to say that much of the acting ranges from wooden to incredible exaggeration is an understatement.

So, I felt plenty of emotion watching this movie, and I felt strongly for everyone in it. But, to say that this made me see or feel anything I've never seen or felt before is as exaggerated as some of the hype about this movie.

I am not "born again" because I was witness to this movie, but it makes you think and reflect on different people that these people remind you of in the real world. Maybe if you are very much like any of the pathetic characters in this movie, and believe me, every one of them is absolutely pathetic, then watching this movie may be like an earth shattering revelation.

But, for the vast majority of us who live a very tamped-down version of the existence of one or more of these characters, watching this movie is just a bit like looking in a mirror, causing you to pause and think about yourself and others. And that is always very good. Not great, but very good.
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NorCal Techie Version of Wrong Turn
13 August 2022
From the very beginning of this movie, you'll swear you know exactly what's going to happen. You'll start saying over and over, "I can't believe this, this is either terrible writing or worse writing. I think I'm wasting another 1.5 hours of my life."

But, the brilliance of the story the writers present in this movie is that from the beginning it draws you in by making you very over-confident you know exactly what's happening and what's going to happen next. And it does that by proving to you over and over with pseudo twists and turns exactly how it is very predictable, just exactly like you thought.

But about a third to half-way into the movie, the twists and turns start showing you everything you thought would happen is more and more wrong. From then on, everything you predict will happen next is even more wrong, and eventually everything you predict, the exact opposite happens.

Then you get to the point at the end where you really don't know if the next thing to happen is going to be the opposite of what you thought or some direction completely sideways. You just don't know and you can't move. Then it ends.

At the end, it occurred to me that this is like a Northern California, SF Bay Area, Silicon Valley, techie version of the movie Wrong Turn. Not exactly, but if you've seen that movie and you watch this movie from beginning to end, you'll see the connections.

But, I have to say, for this movie and its writing to turn me upside down so many times while convincing me it's terrible, only to pull the rug out from under me -- it's brilliant writing.

The acting is good, making this movie a solid 7. The writing and cutting of the scenes back and forth to give the above effect elevates it to a solid 8. I almost rated it a 7, but once you watch it all the way to the end and realize how you've actually been conned by this movie, you can't help but give it an extra point for the writing and presentation of the story.

It's easy to "walk out" early on this movie because it seems like it's yet-another-terrible-thriller. But, if you hang on and really pay attention, you'll be rewarded.
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Quirky, Very Funny, Sobering Sci-Fi Adventure
12 June 2022
I first found and watched this as a part of my late-night Sci-Fi Saturday routine, purposely knowing as little as possible about it before watching. I watched it all the way through, but skipped several times in the last half hour of the movie when the story seemed to drag on. I felt it was a 6 or 7 out of 10 movie. I was a bit disappointed with the ending, because it was such a strong movie most of the way through.

Then the next morning I felt I may have missed some things and wanted to find any bits I missed. I also wanted to share it with my wife, feeling she'd most enjoy it the same way, knowing nothing about it from the beginning. I saw some more things I didn't see before, and she enjoyed it very much like I did the first time, except obviously the ending was a downer for her, too. After the second watch-through, I believe this movie is a solid 8 out of 10, not just average or above average or average with some really funny parts, but deserving of an 8.

This is a funny movie with a great message for everyone, no matter whether you're young or old, liberal or conservative. Basically, we are somewhat to far less capable and connected with each other today than we could be because of the time we waste or throw away using electronic devices and the Internet.

Agree or disagree with that statement, this movie pushes right into our faces a picture of what we and many others we know look like every day. It makes you think about your convictions and realize that you can change or at least think about whether you should reconsider them. It tells you what you want to think, which is that if you're not happy with your life, you and only you can decide to change it for what you think is better for you. Only you can and will do that.

What we get in this movie as we begin to see its message is a very entertaining ride, in so many inexplicable ways that you must see them yourself firsthand, with a crash-landing (not literally) ending that just drives the point of the message home with sobering clarity.

You may not like the message and you may not agree with it, or you may think it's only one over-exaggerated point of view. Regardless, watch this whole movie all the way through and in the very least you will be entertained. At the most, it will give you the shock you need to realize some changes you need to make in your own life, maybe even so you start to make them every day.
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Solid Alien Movie Showing Beginning of Civilization's Fall
5 June 2022
How many times do you read about idiots and the idiotic things they do? I'm guessing, like most human beings, at least once or twice a day. I mean, even idiots laugh at the stupid things people do, because it's a proven fact that the vast majority of people think they are of average intelligence.

So, is anyone surprised a tragic futuristic Sci-Fi movie involves more than a few idiotic human beings who desperately need AI/android beings that are obviously far more intelligent than them to fight for their survival?

Yeah, so from the beginning we know what we're getting. This is a solid Alien movie, second in the prequel trilogy that precedes the original Alien, itself the original Sci-Fi Horror Tragedy.

This is the central statement of the movie. All of this is basically being predicted today when they talk about AI superseding human intelligence within a few decades and how people are more and more depending on AI to make decisions for them. This dependence breeds the stupidity we see in humans today and the shockingly advanced stupidity in this movie.

I guess I'm not surprised that a lot of fans find this insulting. It's basically saying you are the forerunners of the idiots in this movie. Without detailing spoilers, in the end it's a stark warning about our dependence on AI and how it can and will bring about our downfall.

If you paid attention to this entire movie, you got the point. If you didn't or are maybe one of the great grandparents of the people in this movie, you are insulted. You make the call.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Very Good, Not Close to Best of the Series
26 May 2022
Wow, there are so many rave reviews here for this episode that I was expecting earth shattering revelations.

Nope, we got what we can expect from a mid-season finale of a great show in its last season: an astonishing ending for a main character while making a point.

That point is, don't ever think you know what's coming in this show. Because truly evil sociopaths do exactly what you, the non-sociopath, never expect. And the only way one sociopath gets the upper hand with another sociopath (or pair of sociopaths) is by shocking with the unexpected.

That's why the death of that character makes no sense in this episode. Because it doesn't have to, and driving that point home prepares you, us, for the second half of season 6.

Do not think you know how this is gonna end. And I don't. I, like everyone else who watched Breaking Bad, has some idea of where we're going, but no idea how we're getting there.

I very much look forward to the coming episodes, so I rated this episode a solid 8/10. Unlike the 10/10'ers, I think we ain't seen nothin' yet...
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80's Style Action With Some Ludicrous Elements
15 May 2022
If you watch an 80's style action movie like Big Trouble in Little China before watching this movie, you'll be amazed at how similar this movie is in style. Many times during the movie, it reminded me of a lot of the kind of B-class action movies I watched during the 80's, but some elements of the story were kind of crazy, which is why I kept thinking of Big Trouble in Little China.

But, this movie was surprising in many ways. Sure, one main plot point was pulled straight from a famous Twilight Zone episode, but even with that I was surprised how unpredictable the plot was. With all the movies and TV shows I've ever seen that obviously had elements borrowed from them for this movie, I was surprised that I didn't really know what was going to happen next.

There was one part where you're stuck in one place like a play, and I honestly had no clue what direction the movie was going next. I was suddenly questioning everything I thought I knew about the main characters. It's really refreshing when a movie does that to you.

Even with the ludicrous parts, I couldn't stop watching. A couple of the ludicrous parts were honestly really cool or seriously made me laugh. I don't know if the laughs were intentional, but they were definitely very entertaining.

This movie was fairly exciting, not predictable, had funny parts, and was generally entertaining enough to watch at least one more time. And that is honestly something that I cannot say about the vast majority of movies that I watch, even some that I would rate higher than this one. That has to be worth a least a 7/10.
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Biohackers (2020–2021)
Surprisingly Great German-Language TV
30 April 2022
I may be a bit biased because I'm learning German and always looking for movies or TV shows to get real-world exposure to it, but I can honestly say that this show would be great in any language. I'm also very surprised to see NetFlix backing a non-English show that is really, really good.

It is not perfect. I couldn't quite rank it as a 9/10, because there are some parts here and there that are not well acted. But, it is a solid 8/10, better than most other 8/10 TV shows in any language. The writing is very good, similar to Fringe, not in the nature of the stories, but in the quality and the consideration of the science.

On top of all that, this show has some very unique elements that make it unlike any other show I can think of. One, which always makes me smile, is the use of a character who doesn't look like she should be speaking German, but speaks it very well. Not only does she speak it well, but so fast that it's an ongoing joke in the show. But, it's a subtle joke that I often enjoy seeing, so it's part of what attracts me to the show.

The storyline is interesting and not formulaic, most of the actors are very good most of the time, and there's nothing that makes me facepalm because they didn't do the research on the science.
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