
11 Reviews
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#Horror (2015)
Diabolical is a compliment here
22 May 2024
Whilst I understand that various 'artists' (I use the term loosely) like to attempt divulging into realms of unique creativity, I can appreciate that.

However, this 'film' (if you can call it that) is about as 'try hard' as you can get in the realms of notoriety.

Whilst the young actors may be good, talented and of want for a good role, the production and direction here is like someone trying to push a tomato through a needle. It's redundant.

I hope the talented actors in this manage to get better roles in the future and the directors/producers of this haphazard monstrosity can develop greater creativity in their future endeavors.
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Absolutely diabolical
8 May 2024
I have watched many film throughout my lifetime. Terminator and Terminator: Judgement Day are brilliant...But this is "try hard on stilts"

I literally couldn't wait for this to end.

The loopholes and inconsistencies are mind-blowing.

I hope whoever's behind this hot mess made whatever they were after but, best assured this is not something to be proud of.

I couldn't wait for it to end and it dragged and dragged....😴

Some good special effects by extremely trying throughout.

It would be good if true fans were listened to, to try to make things better or to even rectify things.

So what is next? Reversing the levels of common sense?!

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Real (I) (2019)
Absolutely superb and touching!
16 April 2024
Absolutely awesome film. So well produced, directed, written an acted. So genuine and raw. This was actually filmed near to where I live. The storyline was so poignant and touching and you could genuinely feel the emotions and passion. More films like this are needed. It speaks very well of the true of the real trials and tribulations of what people go through and the struggles in an ever growing tough world. I wasn't aware of this film until tonight when I watched it and I'm so glad I did. Life can be so painful and hard to endure in this current climate, which continues to get harder each day! I highly recommend this film to anyone!
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Brightburn (2019)
22 February 2024
Only just seen this and the concept and execution is fantastic! Cannot wait for the sequel in 2025!

Very unique idea and very well produced. I will be recommending this to other friends.

In this day and age it boggles the mind at the creative and future possibilities.

If you'd shown this to someone in the 80's or 90's they would have literally been traumatised and mind blown beyond belief.

There are so many imaginative and superb ideas appearing these days that it makes you wonder what is coming next and in such a chaotic world right now it's bound to have more ideas continuing to push epic boundaries!

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Mom and Dad (2017)
WOW! What a highly deranged hot mess, obviously festering in the fractured minds of directors ((👁)), writers etc
8 February 2024
Well, oh dear. What we have hear is someone trying to to pretence the artistic ideas of 'The Purge' within the underlay of **** like 'Hostil' and 'Saw' franchisees with winks to 'The Strangers', ...well I could go on.

No, this review contains no #spoilers if that is what you're worried about.

It was contrived, not only disrespectful but utterly inane.

I'm sure Wes Craven would be massively recoiled in despair if he ever saw this travesty.

I mean, come on, Nic Cage, we could have created some greats.

Anyway, was a great read-venture, as not seen this in years.

All my love and light xx💗xx.
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Alive (I) (2018)
Oh nope!
31 August 2023
Whilst this is a greatly produced film, the storyline is pretty much all over the place, with zero understanding or explanation and very random 'twists and turns'.

I really dont understand why people think it's okay to 'hook' onto a niche (SAW etc) and flaunt it.

Also, after the 'male patient' (Thomas Cocquerel) had his lips sewn up it was amazing how no signs of the scars after they 'escaped'...

Good film but needing some serious new directing and building.

I've worked in media and artistry for many years and I found this highly disappointing.

Kudos to those who created it though........
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Incredible classic
22 January 2022
This film still creeps me out to this day! Very effective and extremely eerie!

A must watch for all true horror fans!!

If you look into the origin of the movie you'll discover it's based on a true story!
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An absolutely DIABOLICAL hot mess!!
24 October 2021
Truly dreadful and a true insult to the original! Leave classics alone! Not even remotely entertaining or funny. Appallingly bad!

Avoid at all costs.

I don't know why in this day and age people can't come up with original ideas and instead opt to remake old classics!
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Absolutely generic, nonsensical tosh!
27 July 2021
Never seen anything so generic, monotonous and mundane in my life.

A waste of time. Don't bother!
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Unnatural (2015)
More hype and tension than content.
29 November 2018
This was a thoroughly disappointing, drawn out movie, with a very poor script that made it arduous to watch.

It had the potential to be so much better but just kept falling flat at every available 'twist and turn' and apart from a few good scenes and some remotely okay acting it just appeared to become a bit cliché and lacklustre.

Shame as it had the potential to be so much more.
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Hell Ride (2008)
I lost count of how many times I yawned whilst watching this!!
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
ABSOLUTELY DIRE!! One of the most POINTLESS films I have ever seen!! 1 hour and 20 mins of washed-up American actors playing their usual type-cast characters of "Oooh, look at me!! I have rugged looks, dirty clothes, a ridiculously deep voice and a gun!! That must mean I'm a hard-nut!!". A-duh!! Even worse is the DIRE British 'actor' (and I'm stretching the human imagination in calling him that!!) Vinnie Jones who, once again, plays a hard-man, only, as always, it's about as believable as a buffalo auditioning for Cinderella!! The lame fake American accent is so grating!! Why do any of these 'actors' feel the need to put on such ridiculous voices when they play these parts? It just sounds pathetic and really annoying to listen to, especially for over 1 hour!! There's no real storyline to this other than some silly tart called Cherokee Kisum who gave Pistolero a key and asked him to keep it safe. She is then killed, along with some other social-retards and Pisterlo and his gang of "Ooh look at us, we're hard-nuts" set about tracking down who killed them and getting revenge. All a little bit sad.

The bar-fight between Comanche and 'The Gent' is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in a long time. It's just the same old tosh men seem to love in movies and also reminded me of a typical Saturday night out when you see the really sad little men who have to fight someone just to make themselves feel like they are real men and aren't inferior to everyone!! It's a real eye-rolling experience and you end up looking at the clock thinking "For Christ sake, get your masculine bull and rough 'n' tumble over with so we can move on!!".

A lot of deluded "I've got my breasts out!!" whores also frequenting the film with their fellow deluded male actors thinking the world revolves around violence and sex. Anyone who is actually like this in the world obviously has a serious lack of social skills and grasp of common sense.

Anyway, a load of idiots are killed, there is a load of gruff/deep-voiced chitter-chatter about absolute rubbish and most of the time you look at everyone and ask "What the feck are they on about?". None of it makes sense.

Anyway, at the end they go and retrieve a box from the desert and the '666' key, which Pisterlo has been looking after, opens the box and Comanche looks into the box with a look of shock on his face. However, don't get excited - we NEVER find out what was in the bloody box!! Pointless much?!! Just a tad!! Honestly, it's bad enough having to watch a load of washed-up hard-men wannabe actors doing the yawn-worthy 'macho-trash' for 1 hour 20 mins but when the end comes and you still have no idea what it was all about you kind of lose the will to live!! Honestly, don't bother with this!! Absolute TRASH!!
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