
12 Reviews
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From (2022– )
Good, but...
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Took me a while to start watching. Not sure why, it intrigued me from the first commercial. I love Harold Perrineau from way back in his OZ days. Anyway, FROM... great idea, great story, for the most part, it is great. I get frustrated watching several times per episode. I can't tell you why, I just do. There were 2 characters I hate but after season 2 episode 2 there's 3. Hated Julie within the first 5 minutes of episode 1. Tabitha took about 20 minutes. I will cheer when they meet the monsters! Fingers crossed its soon. Fatima has been added to the list after her freakout the night the bus arrived. Good show, almost unique. Sometimes I have to force myself to watch.
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The Lie (2018)
10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this after the film I was looking for wasn't available. Quite pleased with my choice. It starts off slow, almost frustrating. Kayla is not a likeable teenager at all. Neither is Brittany if I think about it. Rebecca and Jay are your typical divorced parents who most likely still love each other's former younger selves. Anyway, it's not a fast paced film but it's good for a Sunday afternoon duvet day. Don't go by the other reviews, it doesn't deserve the hate. I liked Detective Barnes!! Give it a watch, open minded. There was 1 thing that bugged me. A house that size would have a 3rd bedroom so why sleep on the couch?
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My son...
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My son and I absolutely love sharks. He's 8 and has loved sharks for as long as I can remember. My love began when I was 5 and my parents took me to the drive-in to see JAWS. (Which I am watching right now) Anyway, we went to the THE MEG 2 today. I was a bit bored through parts of the first part but once it got going it was quite exciting. And to watch my son's reactions as he whooped and cheered made it all worthwhile. The other viewers found him hilarious. I love sharks, I love sharks films. And no matter how bad the film is (yes, JAWS 4 I'm looking at you) LOL We will still watch it every time it's on TV.
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Accused: Billy's Story (2023)
Season 1, Episode 15
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This on was a yawn fest from the start. The district attorney is a mealy mouthed holier than thou that annoys you more and more with every word. I actually thought it was a woman talking before he appeared on screen. Junkies are not victims of a disease. They chose to put that garbage in their bodies. And they choose to do it over and over knowing it hurst the ones they CLAIM to love. Giving money to a junkie just enables their habit. Leave them to their own devices. If they get better, great. If they don't, it wasn't meant to be. This series was great. The last 2 episodes were a bit disappointing. But I will keep watching. For now.
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Accused: Jessie's Story (2023)
Season 1, Episode 14
NOT up to par
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved this series ACCUSED. Until now. Jessie is a spoiled whiny brat that is not likeable in any way shape or form. Not one redeeming quality. There is no back story as to why she has such an obsession with her sperm donor dad. Stomps about the house like the world owes her something. The whole episode was no where near as good as the other episodes. Plus... LAW and ORDER: SVU has already done this story. I had it figured out by the first commercial. Kara isn't very likeable either. Will is bearable, Fern isn't even necessary for the story to work. Dominic is clueless. I felt bad for Andrea but only after I had figured out the plot.
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12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This story and all other religious fanatics stories only prove what I have been saying my whole life. All religion should be abolished. ALL. It is fine if you want to have a belief in a "god", but that should be between you and no one else. This series had a very similar feel to the Keep Sweet docuseries. And it was just as twisted. Anyway... I did watch bits and pieces of the Duggar's show and always had the same feeling of cringe. The way Michelle looks into JB's face as he speaks. Or just JB himself. I was surprised it was the son that was caught molesting young girls. I would have bet my life it was the dad.
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Resident Evil (2022)
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Redeeming quality?? LANCE REDDICK. His character(s) are the only reason to watch. The main characters as teenagers? Insufferable. The main characters as adults? Even more Insufferable. Jade is selfish beyond the normal parameters of selfishness. Billie is just the epitome of the annoying little sister. Evelyn and her eyebrows could have their own show. Poor Simon. I did cry for one death... the poor crocodile. I am a huge Resident Evil fan and this had none of the oomph of any of the previous Resident Evil films. Just watch the films again if you really need a Resident Evil fix. This series really isn't worth your time.
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28 April 2023
Stop releasing balloons into the atmosphere. Stop releasing balloons into the atmosphere. How many times do people have to be told this?? How is causing more death a good way to remember someone's memory. Now, as for this film. Her hair colour does not exist in nature. Her husband is more interested in selling her story than consoling her. She's like a robot. Does she even feel emotions besides feeling sorry for herself. If you're not happy in your relationship, leave. Don't cheat or lie. Once again before I submit my review... do not release balloons into the atmosphere. Don't bother with this film.
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Love it
21 April 2023
Saw this film for the first time when I was 12. (Yea, I know, too young) Just freaking love it. I have lost count how many times I've seen it. I will watch it everytime it's on tv. Sometimes more than once a day if it's on one of those lazy channels that repeats films a dozen times a week. Judge Reinhold is great. Sean Penn is hilarious. Eric & Anthony! Jennifer! And Phoebe Kates. She was always so beautiful. She's great in a tv mini series called Lace. Forrest Whitaker! The cast is beyond fantastic. The music! Just finished watching it again! Nicolas Cage! Sorry I'm all over the place. I can't express how much I love this film.
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How stupid?
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How stupid can these people be?? The dad screws around with his daughter's kidnapper. Then the mum has an affair with her daughter's kidnapper. The church elders knew exactly what :B: was and never called the police!! Jan actually believes the story of aliens and a mission. What 12-16 year old girl is this clueless? Their silly religion left them wide open for manipulation. WHAT THE ACTUAL F&^^!!!??? Truth is stranger than fiction I suppose. Boggles the mind the brainless people involved in this story. Sorry my rant is all over the place. I just can't fathom how truly braindead these people must be.
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Queer as Folk (2022)
20 July 2022
RUBBISH! I am a huge fan of the original UK & the Canadian versions. I was really looking forward to this! I am soooooooooooo disappointed. Not one likeable character. Sickening stereotypes. Bad acting. Watch something, ANYTHING else!
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9-1-1: Boston (2022)
Season 5, Episode 12
Not very often...
25 June 2022
Am I offended but an irish band playing Scotland the Brave on plastic paddy's day has to be the most offensive thing I have seen in a very very long time. The members of production responsible for this travesty owe every Scottish man, woman & child an apology.
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