
184 Reviews
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Exceptional piece of cinema jumbled from the orginal
26 November 2022
Make no mistake this is an exceptional piece of cinema that conveys the horror of war, but it is very jumbled up from the orginal source material. Judging it from the film it is really worth watch and conveys ww1 in way we have rarely seen before on the big screen. I was also left disappointed though because differs so much from the source material. The extra plot it ads from outside the book really let's it down massively. It does make up for it with epic sets and battle scenes. It's alittle bit frustrating because when it has scene from the book it delivers thay excellently its only added plot lime that really takes away from what is a Stella plot line. It does carry the main theme from book onto film but misses out all most all sub plots and ideas. Which really does stop the film being a 10/10. It a good film but I would definitely recommend read the book and watch the orginal film.
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Atonement (2007)
A rich and an emotive war time plot
5 November 2022
For my this move has such a strong and emotive war time plot. The war isn't the main subject of the film its more focused of the drama and love. I think this is good because reflects how the character feels. The war happens but its not the most important element. I do feel like the movie gets so much better in last third of movie. We're just gets so emotional and gripping. It might seem like a straight forward film but it has so much depth and alot of character. It showcase a beautiful and rich story that isn't overtoo or real expansive but feels more grounded and believable. A ww2 period drama that will leave it's impact on you.
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French high drama with sadness and a rich plot
5 November 2022
This French drama is many things. It's grand, it's gripping and is very elaborate. If you describe it in terms of trench; long winding, depressing, gloomy and brutal. Throught all that you have this sense of hope and optimism. A truly great world war one drama and has deeper plot then you would expect and also shows the simplist nature of war. I think this a truly great piece of cinema to add so many different elements to to the conflict but also stand ground with themes of love, loss and hope. The cast of character is amazing and memorable. If you fan of period drama's, war movies or even thrillers. This movie has it all.
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A classic emotional crime drama
5 November 2022
This movie is one of my favourite films. It is bold with its story telling and really does engage the audience. I feel like acting it pretty spot on and really does create this rich story. While I do think the 1st half of the movie is definitely the strongest and 2nd half is by the weakest. It probably more of a testament of how good the 1st half is rather than 2nd half being poor. Overall I find the movie tells a rich and expansive story that atleast seems get me emotive. All the characters are understable and relatable. The plot while rich doesn't ever seem to be lost or confused. Is on my must watch list.
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Hush (I) (2016)
Hush; Do not keep quite about this film
29 October 2022
You really should not keep quite about this film, despite his the films name. The problem with alot of movies is struggle to keep up the tension through out however I feel like this movie reinvents the rules. It really will keep you hooked through out. I think even non horror fans will enjoy this movie for the thriller elements and the original ideas it takes onboard. This is a serious underrated movie that deservers a lot more praise. The horror it creates through genuine tensions is something that should be admired. Don't keep quite about this film share it with friend and family. I would watch again.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
Chills to you the bone - Underrated horror/action
29 October 2022
I think this is a pretty underrated film. Not only does it have a pretty strong cast but it is finds success in a multitude of ways. For a small indie movie the action and horror is very capable. It is scary and action scenes are very ... well action packed. Although it does suffer from a lack of a budget there is very decent movie here that will keep you hooked. With the original setting and strong narrative perspective it is one of those movie that you will be glad you have seen. I really do recommend watching this movie even if it is lacking in few areas because it will make up for that in horror/action department.
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A fever dream away from the 2nd film
29 October 2022
This is definitely a fever dream away from they 2nd film. It does seem more thought out and honestly would serve as a better squel than the 2nd film. Although it is quite cheesey it has some great effects and turn to nearer the fourm of the 1st movie. The film goes in a new direction which I think is a good thing and while the acti g in some places in cheese the general direction the film takes is very good. Freedy is still creepy while retaining his back story. I feel that we gain enough information about him without being too much on the nose. The returning actors is great and I feel overall this movie is alot better than the 2nd film even if it doesn't quite live up to the 1st film.
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More of nap that you wake up grumpy from
25 October 2022
This from is more like waking up from a short nap when you feel grumpy. It not awful its just dissapointing and feels rushed. The gore and the effect aren't bad at all but it doesn't live up to the original. It's just got this feeling that it was rushed and pushed out the door to capitalise on the original film success.

You won't not enjoy watching this but you won't feel thrilled and shocked as the original. The plot isn't as strong as the acting is little bit on the cringe side. There parts in this movie were it becomes so obsurd its just funny. It all seems abit jumbled, kinda how you feel after waking up from an afternoon nap.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Hunting for action movie with a political message
26 June 2022
I put this movie for some light entertainment. I expected a pretty standard thriller but I have to say it was pretty decent. It was wacky, political and the action was great. The plot despite being a little out there was actually pretty decent. Make of the politics what you will but I found the whole concept of the film engaging. It throw little curve balls every 20 minutes and keeps you engaged.
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Untraceable (2008)
19 June 2022
Some how you can't beat 2000s suspence horrors. We some times take them for granted but they are a whole genre on there own really. Even though the Internet has come along way and makes this seem a little bit dated it dies make up for in the nostalgia front. The broody setting of settle just give me those 2000 vibes. This movie stands out enough to make it worth a watch and honestly very enjoyable. There are one or two moments that exposes the plot but other than that is a soild film.
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Uncharted (2022)
Off the chart with cringy
19 June 2022
I don't get why people even wanted this. It kind of shows you the limitation of film over games. It's werid to say that even the big set pieces were done better in the game. I don't know how you take a game with a good story and then make a terriable Hollywood movie. Some stories just fit certain mediums and some don't, this is case here.
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Out for blood
5 June 2022
This movie contains the right amout of action, to dialogue to set up. It peaks in the middle section were it is absolutely gripping. It dies get weaker towards the end as the intensity feels like it dips. Overall this is what you want from an action movie, original setting, a worthwhile but not lengthy set up and good gripping action.
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Carriers (2009)
On the road but not the road
5 June 2022
Alot of people would compare this movie to the road which I think is fair enough. It is also reminded me abit if the last of us game. The movie is better than people think. It explores themes that have really been flushed out in other media. The issue I have with this movie is that the side plots are more interesting than the main movie. The actual main cast of 4 characters are actually quite boring and there stories kina suck. The characters they interactive with are by far the more interesting. It's hard to pinpoint excalty why but I think could just be down to the 'show don't tell' style. I find the main story just doesn't do this. It never needed to do this but just too much when whole jist of the movie isn't really about that. I think the road really perfected this type story arc but at the same time you have to be super careful with how you deal with the story.
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Do not reject this movie .....
29 April 2022
This movie really isn't bad, it has it's moments. It something alittle different that is worth watching. The acting and cinematography makes it a decent film. The only trouble is plot is weak in places and doesn't make all that much sense. Not that you're really watching for the plot. For action and entertainment this is a very decent film.
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Minotaur (2006)
Has some funny moments if you into that sort of thing
29 April 2022
To be fair I do have to give some praise some original elements in the movie. The plot is some what interesting. Maybe for the right or wrong reasons this movie gains a few laughs from me. It does have a few good moments. Overall the film just so bad is comical for the most part. I think they should have good a bit further with the wackiness could have made a for a decent movie.
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Against the ice the managed to make a good film
19 March 2022
Despite all the ice (filming on location) they actually managed to make a decent movie. The setting and story is definitely original. The setting is beautiful but chilling. The film never gets too griping but it does stay on point. The acting and and dialogue could have been slightly improved. However, this movie us really worth a watch.
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Troy (2004)
Impressive set piece drama
11 February 2022
The sets and action are very impressive in this movie. It makes it enjoyable and fun to watch. I would say however it does have some weaker scenes in the movie when there are close scenes between characters. I really do think this movie is worth watching as long as you take it with a pinch of salt. Fight scenes are pretty epic even if not that historically accurate .....
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The Rock (1996)
Between a rock and a hard place
11 February 2022
The rock is a hard film. Not because it's tough to watch but because it's gripping a fast past. As much as MR cage is hit as a miss, somehow he really pulls it out of the bag here. Off-the hook performance seems to work well here. Yes, it's a cheesy action romp. But the action is good and the characters are seemingly well developed.
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Platoon (1986)
Unrelenting master piece
2 January 2022
What's one the films that's scares me the most? Probably this film. The grim depection of war just feel so real and so unrelenting. This film is all action and when it not action its reflective and brooding. It can been seen as little dated now as it was shot on a cheap budget at the time, however it really does take you back. Only 120 minutes in length, but after watching you really do feel like you have experienced the horrors of the war. From a solders point of view, it doesn't give you context and doesn't show the conflict as a whole. That's makes it so effective. Is we get isolated view straight from the soilders.
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Hollow (I) (2011)
Minimalistic but scary enough
10 October 2021
This movie doesn't really push the boat out or doing anything different. I think it be branded as an British Blair witch is fair enough tag. It's not as good as Blair witch but it does have some good points. I might be abit bais when reviewing this movie because I love the setting and also was big fan of James actor. Still there some creative work with handheld camera and is effective. No terrible special effects or anything like that. The acting is passable. This is only one of the better handle camera movies and if you fan of movies like that you will rate this.
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Beowulf (1999)
Oddly enjoyable and very wacky
17 September 2021
In many ways, this is a hidden gem. If you can see past some bad acting and bad screenplay. This is a late 90's film that really fancies itself as an 80's flick. The use of synth music is the bizarre and post-apocalyptic atmosphere. It all meshes together to make a slightly odd film. A fun action romp with a lot 80's vibes. You should only watch if your a big fan of B list movies.
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The Hatred (2017)
I have alot of hatred for this movie......
17 September 2021
Not just for the plot or the acting. But I just generally dislike it as a film. It feels like they lacked the effort to make this. There is nothing scary about the movie apart from the acting and the characters make the worst decision possible. Really this is bad but not even in a good way. The only good part is the main villains acting.
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The Brood (1979)
Very average film that leaves me brooding
10 September 2021
Leaves me brooding and wanting more. It was worth watching but didn't impress me. Watch if you are into this sort of film but if you are not into probably don't bother. Isn't was as shocking or interesting as other 70's horrors.
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This movie appeared on my DVD player ........
10 September 2021
This movie isn't quite so bad. It has some good effects for a C list movie. It is let down but some father flat acting and dull story. It is quite spooky but never really surprises you.
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Mediocre space action at best
10 September 2021
Netflix is renowned for making a run of the mill 5/10 movies. This is a film is case and point. However, just because they messed up a good movie franchise I'm dropping another star. Clover field lane was awesome this was a letdown. Space packed movie failure! Not too many redeeming features, however, does have some good special effects.
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