
3 Reviews
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Divergent (2014)
A very good movie
24 July 2014
I was pleasantly surprised with this one, because more often than not, movies that were books just don't do anything for me. The story kept me interested most of the time, I actually stopped doing my dailies in WoW to watch... so I would say it was a good solid 10 IMHO. It didn't hurt that the one they had playing Four was without a doubt, hot... and even the other instructor that was a butthead was kinda cute. The script seemed well done and though there were a few moments when I had to laugh at the delivery of lines... all in all it was good. I love my movies, and have watched more than probably any one person should, so I will count this among one of my favorites... and that is saying a lot. I also liked the fact it was set in Chicago instead of the always present post apocalyptic New York, though I would love to see a film destroy Philly once or twice... if there are any out there, please let me know!
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Dominion (2014–2015)
Not to bad
24 July 2014
So we are up to episode 5, and so far, though the story is a bit weak and slow, this might end up being a decent show. Now I am a huge fan of the movie Legion, which this is based off. It picks up a few years later after the movie, and though there are some questionable choices for characters and places, it seems to be holding its own. Of course they had to add the lesbian/bi-sexual/gay characters in there, after all, they must cover their bases and be a diverse show. They have quite a bit of sex, half naked and fully naked people, which honestly, I don't see why... I would much rather let my imagination fill in the blanks then let them do it. Afterall, my imagination is soooo much nastier than anything they could come up with. I am curious why they show Michael (yes, the archangel) to be this sex crazed person, okay, maybe sex crazed is a bit much... but they show Gabriel to be a bit more reserved. Considering how they are portraying the two, I would think it would be the other way around. It is very hard for me though, being a Buffy fan, to see Mr. Head without his delicious accent, and knowing that Alex is actually from Australia. They have learned well, bravo to the voice coaches. The story itself needs to pick up a bit, and Alex needs to grow a pair. Right now I think that the "Grand Poobah" character has bigger balls than Alex, I seriously think he could take him in a fight. So after 5 episodes, I find it worth watching for now... let's just hope it picks up so there can be a season 2.
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Noah (2014)
One WTF moment after another.
24 July 2014
Okay, let me start off by stating I am in fact, a preacher's daughter. Now I was raised with a Christian background, and grew up listening to my family speak about these stories as told in the Bible. I am not what one would call a Bible thumper, I have a mind and do not by into what is always told to me by people, that being said... I must say, this movie has to be one of the most idiotic and blasphemous things I have ever watched. I am pretty sure there were no "scaled" dogs before the flood, I am certain there were no "magic" glowing rocks that helped the people living then create what we would call a gun in todays day and age... and I am damn sure there were no twisted, deformed "rock" angels that talked. It is a shame that Hollywood had the makings of an epic movie, but decided to twist the story so much, that anyone who did not have a clue (or a brain) would even think this to be truth. Hollywood needs to stop twisting these stories and do something good with them. I can see giving them a bit of lead way to help make it something people would want to watch, and filling the time up... but let's not go all willy nilly and do something that is such a slap in the face, that it gets them reviews... of the worst kind. I thought they were in the business to make money, not upset people... even a few atheists have said this was a joke of a movie. And to think that Russell Crow, Jennifer Connelly and Anthony Hopkins allowed themselves to be a part of such a God awful movie amazes me. Surely they are not so hard up for money and to get their names out there they didn't seriously stop to ask themselves that even if they do not believe in God, what if He did exist... I mean do they really want to face the One who created them and explain this movie to Him? I don't think saying I needed to pay for the condo in Reno will quite fly as a explanation... for those of you who will no doubt add a lovely flame to that statement... call me what you will, go on, do your worse. But personally, I think that everyone who says they don't believe in Him, have had a moment, even if it was brief or in a drunken stupor, and have wondered if maybe, just maybe... He does in fact exist. All I can say is those in Hollywood who continue to put this drivel out and do not take care about that thought, should seriously stop trying to ram their BS down my throat. You don't care for the Christian and their point of view, you think us stupid for our belief, I say I find you lack of belief to be more than a bit disturbing, and your take on a pretty awesome story to be offensive. Oh, by the way... I got through about 30 minutes of this before turning it off and just taking a moment to try to digest what I had just attempted to watch.
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