
18 Reviews
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Oh This Movie Was Soooo Good!
28 May 2024
After watching the trailer I wasn't too excited to see this movie because it looked a little silly and like a b movie. But I was wrong!

From the very beginning it had my attention especially with the Black Friday Walmart theme which is very relatable and the humor made sense because of how ridiculous people can behave on those days.

There was a lot of gore and crazy kill scenes which were done really well.

I knew who it was the entire movie. It's not anything they did or said, it was just so obvious to me for some reason and I was right. So for that I give it 9 stars instead of 10 because I feel they should have chosen a different character to be the killer.

I am a horror movie buff and this is a good one. A really really good one from start to finish.

And you know what you're signing up for if you've seen the trailer so I don't see why you'd be disappointed because it's even better than the trailer.

I'd love to see a sequel.
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What Was That?
28 May 2024
I haven't been a big fan of the newer Ghostbuster movies so I was really surprised when I saw the trailer for this one and it looked incredible. I thought they were going for something more darker and impossible to survive from, the way the ice was sticking out everywhere, like how do you escape that? I was intrigued and excited to watch it.

And then, I sit through most of the movie wondering when the good stuff was going to happen that I saw in the trailer.

And when it did happen, it was so g rated. To me the trailer looked kinda scary but in the movie it wasn't scary at all.

Whoever put that trailer together should have made the movie because they did a good job.

The movie itself was such a waste of time even for a Ghostbusters film.
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Abigail (2024)
I Was Pleasantly Surprised
28 May 2024
I was skeptical of watching Abigail after what should have been a "twist" was revealed in the trailer.

But I still found it to be enjoyable the whole way through.

It gave me exactly what it said it would.

Unlike other trailers that show you all the good parts but then the rest of the movie is boring, that wasn't the case with Abigail.

Even knowing much of what would happen, the entire movie from beginning to end was fun to watch and I was never bored so I appreciated that.

There storyline does take a different turn than I expected which added something more to the story.

The young girl in the movie was fabulous. I can't believe someone so young was able to pull off a role like that.

I also thought the lead actress was good too.
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Stranger (2022)
Why Do Movies Like This Get Made?
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised that I sat through the entire movie since nothing interesting happened but I liked the couple and I thought oh there's a creepy guy that's going to be bothering them, making them think they're crazy by moving stuff around in the house, befriending them and then turning on them possibly. I kept waiting and waiting and nothing happened.

And then here comes the ending. Who was that?

The bad guy was a guy I'd never seen before in the movie with no real reasoning on why he was there to hurt them. I think he said he had to. But why did he have to?

Unless I missed something, I mean they didn't seem to know who he was either so.

There are so many awesome short horror movies on Youtube that should be full length films but this crap gets greenlit.

Please wakeup Hollywood. Good stories are on Youtube. Make those into full movies and you'll be surprised how many viewers and money you receive.
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Atlas (2024)
It Was Alright but What Was the Point?
28 May 2024
Where do I start?

The graphics were laughable. Almost embarrassing.

J. Lo spent nearly the entire movie inside a robot suit talking to a computer named Smith.

That's about it.

I mean it wasn't awful or anything but when it was over I was left feeling empty. Like what am I supposed to take away from this movie? It served no point at all.

It will easily be forgotten.

They should have had J. Lo on her feet, battling Harlan for most of the movie since he is super strong, it would have been hard for her to survive battles with him, so that would have made it more edge of your seat.

They could have explained more about the robots turning on humans rather than just focusing on two of them.

However, Jennifer Lopez did a great job acting. I was impressed by that. But otherwise, a completely forgettable movie.

But if you don't have anything else to watch, it's alright. But don't expect it to make you think afterwards. With it's premise, it should have.
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Civil War (2024)
I Really Wanted to Love This Movie
28 May 2024
The trailer made this movie look incredible but unfortunately, everything good that is in the trailer is all that's good in the movie. There's nothing else. I would have been better off just watching the trailer and not the movie.

It was incredibly slow moving. I still have no idea why there was a Civil War, who started it, what they wanted, when it happened. Absolutely nothing was explained.

I feel like they misrepresented what the movie would be about.

It was just about the journalists taking photos of what they saw along the way to Washington DC.

Their mission was to find and interview the President which made no sense at all. With war going on all around, especially in DC, why would they risk their lives to do something that probably wouldn't be possible to do and that would more than likely kill them all.

They had no weapons the entire movie, even though they were being shot at. When a bad guy was killed, they didn't take his weapon. All they had were their cameras.

This movie should have never been made and I can only hope it inspires someone else to make it the right way.

Huge disappointment.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
I Am Beyond Disappointed!
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer I was like oh wow this looks amazing! We're gonna see an alien invasion and time travel, things that will blow my mind and make me think. But instead what I saw was an unimaginably boring 8 episodes with no action except for a few minutes in one episode. No aliens, no action, nothing that made me think real hard or that boggled my mind. I would have turned it off long time ago but someone else wanted to watch it so it was on and I just couldn't believe how boring it was. Almost as boring was watching paint dry, no joke. Now I don't anything about the book, I only know what I saw in the trailer and whoever put that trailer together is a incredible because he took the dullest most boring show I've ever seen and made it look amazing.

I am so so disappointed. What was this? What was the point?

I hope there is never another awful show like this again.

But for those who enjoyed it, I'm happy for you.
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Madame Web (2024)
This Is A Good Movie
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, I've learned not to listen to reviews because people are often over judgemental about movies that I enjoy.

I came into this with no expectations as I'm not familiar with the character.

As a fan of movies I enjoyed this one from beginning to end just as it was. Without overthinking it or over analyzing it.

It wasn't perfect but no movie is. It is a solid 8 because it held my attention and I found myself not focusing on anything else while it was on because I wanted to see what was going to happen next.

The fun part of the movie is that Madame Web can predict a few minutes into the future. One thing that made it a bit different is that the main character was an unwilling participant. She didn't want to help these girls but she did and she struggled with it throughout the movie.

I wish I had seen more of her powers or that she had more powers. I also wish they would have explained how the girls received their powers and what they were.

If you're expecting full on action, a spider man type movie then yeah you won't enjoy this very much. But if you're looking for a movie with a good story and character who you are rooting for then you may just like this.

It's definitely not a 3.7. I'd say a 7 at the very least but I gave it an 8.

Give it a try, you may just find yourself pleasantly surprised.
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Mea Culpa (2024)
Okay, Here's The Truth
2 March 2024
So, when I saw the trailer of this movie, it was blatantly obvious what type of movie it would be. Soap opera, mystery, erotic, cliche, steamy, love triangle.

I do not understand any of these reviews. It's as if everyone watched the movie without watching the trailer or knowing anything about it.

It gave me exactly what I was watching it for. It had everything it showed in the trailer but it had even more than it showed in the trailer. I won't spoil it but boy did I not see any of that coming.

I thought it was going to be super obvious but I wanted to be entertained anyway and it was cool to see Kelly Rowland in a starring role.

If you watch the trailer, that's exactly how the movie is but with a lot of surprising twists added.

So, if you don't like the trailer then I wouldn't watch the movie.

This movie told us what it was and it was exactly what it claimed to be so giving it bad reviews for being what it is doesn't make sense and is unfair to all the people who worked hard on this movie.

It's a great soap opera erotic drama, go ahead and enjoy it without over analyzing every single thing or comparing it to other films. It is what it is and it is great!
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
Please Don't Listen To The Bad Reviews
20 February 2024
It really makes me wonder if a lot of these reviewers actually enjoy anything at all. These are overly critical reviews of a show that is meant to enjoy as it is and not constantly think about what it could have been or should have been. That's a really bad way to watch anything. This season of True Detective has a supernatural feel to it. It's very mysterious, I definitely didn't see that ending coming and I'm sure no one else did either. I liked the characters and their stories. The mysterious nature of the stories and scenery of it being dark every day/night really added to the haunting feel of it.

I think episode 5 and 6 really delivered after following the first 4 episodes. If you like a mysterious, haunting story with characters that have a lot of issues their dealing with then this is for you. If you don't like stuff like that then guess what.

You'll be missing out on a great show and mystery by listening to these negative reviews. I honestly just don't get it.
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The Strays (2023)
6 December 2023
This movie was insane. What an emotional and mental ride.

I never ever saw that twist coming.

The ending was jaw dropping. It left me wanting so much more.

I hope there will be a sequel.

This movie was never boring. It didn't have any plot holes. Everything made sense.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen a story like this, just wow!

I can't explain the bad reviews except for if you don't feel empathy then you probably won't like this movie.

It is brilliant and I hope Netflix makes more movies like this.

The acting was on point, the uneasiness of everyone, the build up, it all came together masterfully.
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Smile (V) (2022)
One of The Best Horror Movies Since The Ring & Saw
16 October 2022
From beginning to end I was mesmerized the whole time. I was hanging on to every word, every face, every moment. When it ended I wanted more.

It's been a very long time since there has been an excellent horror movie. This movie reminds me of the first time I watched The Ring and Saw. I left the theater energetic and excited. My fiance who isn't really into horror movies loved it too.

There are tons of jump scares, and creepy moments. The creature in the movie is the scariest one I have ever seen. EVER SEEN! WOW!

I felt a sense of terror inside after seeing it's face. I don't recall ever feeling that before during a horror movie.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone who loves to be scared. Enjoy it for what it is because it delivers.
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The Last 15 Minutes Made Sense
16 October 2022
Watching this movie feels like a stand alone Halloween film. The part about it being a trilogy is sprinkled around every now and then and in the last 15 minutes.

A new character is introduced and he doesn't seem to have anything to do with anyone from the past but the whole movie is about him which makes it feel like a stand alone film and not the end to a trilogy.

In the last 15 minutes of the movie we finally get to the part about this film being the end of the Halloween movies.

We don't see Laurie as often as we'd like and we see Michael Myers even less. He seriously is barely in the entire film and when we do see him he's weak and fraile. The Michael Myers we all know is never weak nor fraile. In fact just 4 years prior, he was just fine. You would think all those years of rest would have helped him regenerate like he normally does.

The entire movie was entertaining but not as the end of a trilogy. By itself it was fine.

Finally at the end of the movie they get back to the original point of the trilogy and I was satisfied with how it was done. They weren't playing around at the end.

But it leaves me to wonder what everyone who made the movie was thinking when they read the script.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
This Show Is Great!
22 June 2022
I felt compelled to write a review after seeing all the bad ones. I don't know what any one is talking about, but we thoroughly enjoyed La Brea. The plot is unique and intriguing. You really feel the plight of the characters and want them to be able to return home.

I'm looking forward to season 2.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Wow what a ride!
26 September 2021
I really enjoyed this show and can't wait for a second season.

I really liked the characters and became invested in them.

A few things I didn't like was I wished they focused more on the games. A lot of the episodes focused on the characters.

I also wish the main character put his daughter first. That was a bit annoying to see because I like his character.

I still don't understand the point of the games and offering the money. I wish it had been explained better. Seemed like they tried to and I still don't get it.

But other than those things it was enjoyable and very unique. I was on the edge of my seat so many times and I had to remind myself it's only tv.

There are a few twists in it too if you like twists like I do.

Highly recommend it.
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A Deadly Deed (2021 TV Movie)
Better Than Expected
26 September 2021
I am a long time fan of the Lawrence Brothers so of course I had to watch this movie. At first when it came on I was like this seems a bit off but once the actors started talking it got more like a movie and I got into it pretty quick. The acting was very good especially Samantha Cope. She has a lot of talent and was very convincing as was everyone else. But she had that extra something in her acting that tells me she's going to do good in movies.

The title gives away the twist but they surprised me with another twist I didn't see coming so that was great.

I read someone say that they look alike I don't think any of the brothers looks like the other really but it was odd that Joey's daughter who looks like his twin was playing his girlfriends daughter and not his. She did a good job as well.

The movie was a typical lifetime movie and it was entertaining and had a twist.

I didn't understand Matthew Lawrence's character because it seemed like he was very rude and didn't want to be bothered but then seems to change his character by the end. It's like it wasn't the same character.

I think if you like Lifetime movies you will enjoy this. If you aren't used to Lifetime movies then you may not like it much.

I enjoyed it and I hope they make more.
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Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Know Who The Killer Is?
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the whole movie which was quite slow and I kept noticing myself flipping through magazines during it. When she confronted the guy he didn't admit to killing anyone or messing with her brakes. Who was the killer? Did I miss something? Both of us watched it and have no idea. I see that he helped but she was telling him that he could get off easy because he didn't kill anyone. And they never said who did. WTF? I can only hope in those few seconds I missed something.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Captivating & Engaging Show
6 July 2021
I'm on season 13 right now and have thoroughly enjoyed binge watching this show.

The stories are unique, intense and crazy. The only thing I don't like is that the characters keep changing and the ones that are brought in don't have much personality which is probably why they don't stay very long. I think casting has been a big issue but overlooking that part, the actual show and the stories are what's most important and that never let's up.
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