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I.S.S. (2023)
You had your orders!!!!
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The orders were to take control of the space station. Both sides knew that they had been issued identical orders. Yet, they just piss around until things go fubar! How stupid!

They should have just grabbed the nearest weapon of opportunity and started offing everyone on the other side. First ones to kill everyone survives!

It really is just that simple!

If you hesitate, you're screwed!

So, don't hesitate!!!

This movie is an example of what's wrong with current society. We lack the determination to act!

This is why fighters are trained to kill the enemy quickly, stealthily, and efficiently.

Anything less means defeat and death!

That's war, and if you're not up for it, get ready to die.

That's reality! The rest is just window dressing!
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Unfrosted (2024)
Falls flat!
3 June 2024
Really wanted to like this movie, but it became painfully obvious to me about half way through that the jokes were bombing, the timing was off, and there were just too many unfunny gags filling this film. I love Jerry and Jim! They're my favorite comedians! I'm always rooting for their cleaner brand of comedy! But I had to face the fact that this just wasn't their best effort.

The premise seems to offer potential, but it was just poorly handled. I especially am a fan of Thurl Ravenscroft, but Hugh Grant just doesn't cut it! He doesn't have the voice to bring it off! Thurl had a massively deep baritone voice that was unmistakable. He sang the song, "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" in the original Boris Karloff narrated "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." But his "GREAT!" just fell as flat as this entire movie!

I love the team of Seinfeld and Gaffigan, but maybe their future projects together will be better than this mess!

Too bad. So sad.
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Gojirah! FAFO!
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great FX! A well-deserved Oscar!

Gojira is one serious badass, as usual, in this film. Love the monster scenes!

Although a slightly less heroic figure than in the recent Hollywood versions of the Big Thermonuclear Lizard, the star of this film is no less impressive!

Want to mess with Gojirah? FAFO!

Good to see the Japanese continuing to make their claim as the originators of the concept. Shin Gojirah was a very good first effort at redefining the big dude on Japanese terms, and this film just serves to further that agenda.

I'm not sure if I like the Japanese Gojira better than the Hollywood version, though. The Hollywood Godzilla has a robust heroic persona that just makes you want to root for him. He's the Godzilla I always wanted to see as I was growing up, watching those Japanese rubber suit monster movies. I always cheered for Godzilla, even in the early films where he was supposed to be the villain. In the later rubber suit films, he had pretty much evolved into a hero.

So the Japanese version does contain both the villainous and the heroic aspects of Godzilla, but this current version seems to lean heavily towards the villain side.

The script writing is pretty atrocious, and the storyline is full of holes. The dialogue is insipid, and the main protagonist is an annoying pussy! But who cares? The two bright spots are the acting of Minami Hamabe as the beautiful, courageous Noriko and Hidetaka Yoshioka as the scientist Kenji Noda.

Didn't like the ending. Too contrived and implausible.

Not cool to kill Gojirah! Booooooo!

Regardless, the more Gojirah, the merrier!!!

He'll be back! You can take that to the bank!

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Good, scary fun!
26 May 2024
Really loved this little roller coaster ride of a movie! Adrenaline driven. No thinking or dialogue. Just a lot of creepy stuff with running and fighting. Great creature effects!

Devers is perfect for this role. She really shines as the resourceful, intelligent woman trapped in a quite hopeless situation where the whole world has gone crazy with alien phenomena.

I loved the tongue-in-cheek humor that pervades the action of this film! Nice to see a sci-fi movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

As they say, "It ain't Mamet," but it's lots of scary fun! Enjoy yourself, and don't overthink this little gem!
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Witch (2024)
High ratings are just trolls and gaslighting!
4 May 2024
Don't believe the high ratings for this film!

These people must be paid shills who are inflating the film's quality for profit.

Historical inaccuracies and inconsistencies abound. "Okay" was not used until 1839. A bowl of obviously plastic fruit is set on the blacksmith's table. Swords are flimsy aluminum. Acting is at best 2nd rate. The horseshoes that the blacksmith is hammering are absolutely cold, and made for gaming, not for shoeing horses. After he hammers these cold horseshoes uselessly for a while, he hands them directly into the bare hands of a customer, and later his wife, even though he was holding them with tongs while hammering them, indicating that they were very hot!

After William and Twyla escape from the jail, the guard who pursues them suddenly just gives up and goes back to town, even though the escapees were only about 20 feet ahead of them!

Johanna was caught red-handed, holding her parents' heads in her hands in the middle of town, yet William screams out at her trial, "How many innocent people have been sent to the gallows by these so-called trials?" Apparently, William does not consider fratricide or matricide as crimes worth prosecution!

"Twyla" was not used as a name until 1965.

AntiChristian bias also abounds! The town priest is a sadistic psychopath who thinks it's his job to cleanse the filthy peasants of their sins by corporal and capital punishment. The gray-robed shaman says that the devil is nothing to be feared. And all religion is a lie based on fear. Demons are evil, but the devil is OK? WTF? Who's the chief of the demons? Wouldn't he be the devil?


The old shaman also claims to be William at a younger age. But this begs the question, how did young William's huge nose shrink so much over the years?

Of course, we have more of the parallel universe string theory nonsense that prevails in way too many stories these days. Conveniently makes even the most moronically rudimentary plot too complicated to make sense of! Utter garbage!

I got swindled out of $5 to suffer through this worthless mess, but I am writing this review so that perhaps, in your universe, you will be wise enough not to repeat my painful error!

May the Farts be with all you motherlovers!
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Poor Things (2023)
Poor excuse!
28 March 2024
I waded through as much of this preposterous sewage as I could bear. But I at last decided that to go on would be pointless and serve no useful purpose.

I must say that I never imagined how unattractive Emma Stone actually is without her usual makeup! That was a real discovery! Otherwise, I found the entire enterprise rather unbearable.

The set design and costumes were quite amazing, and the makeup job they did on Wilem Defoe was very impressive. The music was quite original and interesting as well. But the story was just a blob of pointlessly offensive nonsense.

Don't know whatever happened to Bella; and I couldn't care less.

I will definitely avoid anything created by Alasdair Gray in future! Blah!
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Fantasia 2000 (1999)
Most of these selections are rather stupid!
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Flying whales? Good and evil butterflies for Beethoven's 5th? A repeat of Mickey's Sorcerer's Apprentice? These were mostly silly and much inferior to the more profound thinking that forms the content of the original version.

The worthwhile sections were Rhapsody in Blue and the Firebird; but even these pale in comparison with the standards of the original.

Also, the much shorter run time is a telling reminder that attention spans and, proportionally, IQs, have sharply diminished to a tragic degree since the time of the original!

If audiences can't sit still and listen intently to great music without cutting out content mercilessly, then what's the point?

This was just a poorly conceived, waste of effort.

Where as the original was a well executed introduction to great music, this mess is just a bone tossed out in hopes of humoring some minority interests in hope that they'll just shut up and go away; never to bring up such an unpopular idea again!
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On the Beach (1959)
A moving classic cautionary tale from Kramer
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We can all thank God that we haven't had to live through this story---YET!

The long monologue by Fred Astair about how the war started was prophetic; but in the opposite!

In 1983, Russian nuclear weapons technician Stanislav Petrov declined to initiate his missile firing sequence, determining that the threat he was ordered to respond to was a false alarm. This averted a worldwide nuclear catastrophe!

Please pray that God forestalls such a horrible fate to our world indefinitely!

On the Beach is a rare cinematic masterpiece.

Perhaps it had something to do with averting what happens in this film.
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Birth/Rebirth (2023)
Gruesomely original!
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one nasty little horror film about the evils of medical innovations, even with the best of intentions. Marin Ireland is her usual menacing scream queen self; A tour de force for her talents!

If ever a film was a strong recommendation for letting go of deceased loved ones, this is the one! If this story is the alternative, then just don't go there!

A mother's love is boundless, apparently, and this film is a prime example! In a choice between medical reanimation and actual witchcraft, witchcraft seems more humane!

I felt bad for the charming little pig, Muriel! She really was the only bright spot in this absolute tale of woe!
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Good atmospheric folk horror!
16 February 2024
You really have to give the filmmakers credit: they did a fine job on a very low budget!

This film has a creeping dread about it. Circumstances of daily life become increasingly ominous and malicious, leading to a catastrophic conclusion that leaves the audience wondering.

No cgi, no sfx, no high tech anything. Just ringing phones, apparitions of the dead, mysterious shadows, nightmares, slaughtered animals. All building to a climax of monumental dread.

Although it's not a great film by any means, it ranks as one of the best folk horror films of recent years.

You have to admire how much sheer malevolence it achieves on a bare economy of means.
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The Chosen (2017– )
NOT Jesus!!!!!!!!!
9 February 2024
Dallas Jenkins himself admits that 95% of this series is not in the Gospels. But it's actually much, much, much worse than that! So many scenes are direct contradictions of the facts presented in the Gospels!

Jesus refuses the worship of Nicodemus; this is a reflection of purely mormon theology. Mormons do not believe that Jesus is God. The entire issue of mormons being part owners of this enterprise must put all the details of this production in serious question!

The Jesus who is presented in this series is nowhere even close to the Jesus Christ of the Gospels. He is a non-offensive people pleaser!

If the Jesus presented in "The Chosen" is the one you are trusting in for your salvation, you must repent of your delusion and make an effort to know the true Jesus of the Bible! The Jesus portrayed in "The Chosen" is a deception that will lead to your ultimate destruction and damnation for your sins!

ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES! Know the Jesus Christ of Scripture first; then you can watch things like "The Chosen" with properly critical and discerning mind by the power of the Holy Spirit!
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The Holdovers (2023)
Adversity builds character; but not military school?
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tries to be a second Dead Poets Society. The film has its moments, especially with the character of Mary. But Mr. Hunam is definitely no hero and is in fact just a very poor influence for young people. The "wisdom" he imparts to Angus is actually rather destructive. Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is NOT superior to the Bible or any other book, and especially not because it never mentions God.

Although Mr. Hunam states that "Adversity builds character," He contradicts this by claiming that military school would actually ruin Angus. Why would this be true if adversity really does build character?

Throughout this film the accusatory finger is staunchly pointed in the direction of wealthy parents and any authority figure who dares to enforce rules or discipline. I don't see why this is so laudable. How can people improve themselves if they're constantly encouraged to despise authority and discipline?

I say, give it a pass.
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Don't care what happens to anyone in this film!!!
26 December 2023
In order to care about what happens in a film, you have to care about somebody in the film. But all the people in this film seem better off dead.

This film is a new low point in human degradation and nihilism. I'm just glad I didn't have to smell these people as well as watch how they live! Watching this film with stench-o-vision would have really made it more intolerable than it already is!

Even the girl who was kidnapped would be so ruined that she'd be beyond saving. Better off dead. Give it up!


If this is what passes for humanity today, then I will side with the human exterminationists!

Who cares?

Not me.
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Maestro (2023)
I remember Lenny.....
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderfully human and moving tribute to the beloved Lenny; how we all miss him!

Although Cooper's performance is laudable, I have to say that, at least for me, despite all the make up and study he obviously invested in this role, he doesn't quite nail it. Especially in the voice, there should be more of a deep, gravelly quality with much less stuffy sinus quality. The stuffy sinus especially is overdone, and actually detracts from the genuineness of the role.

Cary Mulligan is just superb as Alicia! The scenes during her final battles with cancer are definitely the best for both her and for Cooper.

No one will ever replace Lenny, either in the world of music or in our hearts, but in this film we have a genuinely moving tribute to a man whose love for both people and music was truly inspiring!
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She could've just got married and had kids!!!
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nice special effects and a wild ride of a story, but it's a lot of death and destruction just to have kids!

I mean, even if she was infertile, there's therapy and adoption! Geez!

As preposterous as the whole enterprise actually is, it's a fun ride with lots of Sam Raimi craziness to spare. Lots of cameos by just about everyone in Hollywood.

Anson Mount looked really stupid as Black Bolt! And, although I never really noticed it before, Rachel McAdams should really give some serious thought to having that yucky mole surgically removed from her left cheek! Yikes!

All-in-all, I enjoyed the madness. Lots of fun if you check your rational thinking at the door.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Hey, Ben! Casey would NEVER be caught dead involved in a crap film like this!!!
30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is untenable, since it becomes all-encompassing and therefore contradicts itself. All the action, suspense, and mystery that you think you're enjoying during the first half of the film becomes meaningless, and everything becomes an illusion. Premise begins to contradict itself and everything gets increasingly stupid! Then, suddenly, the hypnotic becomes irrelevant and reality becomes stable again, for no good reason.

This film is aimed at morons who think that being baffled with BS is the same as gaining insight.

Ben should take some tips from brother Casey, and just step away from stupid projects like these. Casey's films are always truly insightful, real, and relevant to life.
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Good acting and production value, but too inconsistent.
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film purports to be based on the captain's logue of the Demeter as it is included in Stoker's novel. But there are numerous departures that I find detrimental to the overall story.

First, as many reviewers have also noted, Dracula appears as comically similar to a larger-scale Gollum from LOTR! This is just too silly, and is completely inconsistent with Stoker's description of the count. There are a few mentions of Dracula's ability to appear as a human, but we never actually see him in this guise, even in the final scene when he's in the tavern! The goal seems to have been to portray Dracula as a loathsome fiend, which he certainly is; but wouldn't it have been more interesting to have him masquerade as a nondescript crew member to facilitate his predations on the hapless occupants of the ship?

A huge departure from Stoker's novel is the negation of any power over Dracula by Christian symbols and faith. It's such a shame that our current culture will not tolerate any idea that Christianity has power over evil, which was an essential aspect of Stoker's original story!

A big inconsistency has to be the puzzling way that Dracula apparently never actually needs to retreat to a coffin of his native soil during daylight hours. Where does he go? The film initially makes a point of this necessity early on, but it never seems to factor in to the plot later, especially when the crew is frantically searching for him in order to destroy him!

The scene in the captain's quarters when the vampire zombie is attacking little Toby is especially confusing! Apparently, Dracula has been crouching in a corner of the room during the entire ordeal! Why didn't he just either open the locked door and allow the zombie to enter, or just attack Tobey right away? Instead, he seems to wait until the rescuers are at the door and about to break in!

Lastly, what about the "black dog" mentioned prominently in the newspaper account of the Demeter's landing according to Stoker's novel? The implication is that Dracula transformed himself into a black wolf in order to escape from the wreckage once it made landfall, but there is no trace of any such ability for Dracula to transform in this film, except for his apparent ability to sprout wings and fly around like fighter jet, even in the midst of a raging storm at sea!

In any film that includes supernatural elements, it's necessary to suspend some degree of incredulity in order to enjoy the story. But there are just too many inconsistencies throughout this film to ignore!

I find it immensely disappointing.
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Now, that's what I'm talking about!!!
4 November 2023
Best series I've seen in many years!!! All three principles were excellent!

Aria Mia Loberti is a revelation! I can see why she was selected out of so many candidates for this role. She is a natural born actress. Like the many facets of the Sea of Flames itself, she brings a depth and intensity to her performance that is truly remarkable!

Louis Hofmann is the misfit genius, Werner, who despises his role as a hunter of resistance radio operators who are under a death sentence from the Nazis. Hofmann brings a refreshing perspective to his role of the lost soul who is seeking goodness in a world gone mad.

Lars Eidinger is thoroughly convincing has the maniacal Nazi villain. He gives a wonderfully twisted turn to the obsessed seeker of the cursed diamond, deludedly believing that the gem will grant him a cure for his terminal illness.

I loved everything about this series!

I think you will too!

Highly recommended!!
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Siccîn (2014)
Whoever wrote the English subtitles does not speak English!!
3 November 2023
I tried to watch this, but the translation in the subtitles is just atrocious English. Totally inept at speaking the language!!

Finally, I had to give up, since I couldn't make head or tail of what was happening in this film.

Too bad the distributors didn't think this film would be of any interest to English speakers! I would have liked to give it a sympathetic review, but I can't.

It would seem the muslim world doesn't care about winning any western audiences unless they learn Turkish first.

Whatever! I've got better things to do than waste time watching films made by people who only want to entertain themselves.
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Lie to Me (2009–2011)
A logical conundrum:
25 October 2023
Since everyone in this series is always acting, pretending that they are people whom they are not, then everyone in every show is always lying on at least one level! So, nothing that any of the actors do or say is entirely truthful! Therefore, nothing in any of these episodes actually demonstrates that the "science" being touted as such a reliable skill is either true or effective in any degree!

The great enthusiasm expressed by so many reviewers of this show in light of this fact is therefore rather premature and even embarrassing. I agree that this show is quite entertaining, but the fact remains that if any of Dr. Lightner's "science" were actually useful, everyone would be using it for everything!!

But, they're not......

Reality sucks, I know.....
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
More unoriginal, pretentious bluster....
21 October 2023
I suppose the premise had some degree of potential, if handled well; which it is not in this film.

Really annoying how everyone in the film was so gullible about believing everything that the spirit entities told them, especially the Mia character. None of the characters had the least skepticism about either the genuineness of the phenomenon or the truth value of what the spirits conveyed to them.

What is really disappointing about this film is that, if this is what the actual youth of Australia are like today, then they are really a bunch of worthless idiots!! To think that a supernatural experience is merely some new induced state of intoxicated ecstasy says something very disturbing about the upcoming generation of Australians!

It leaves very little to hope for in the future!
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Why can't directors just stick to the original story??!!
16 October 2023
Ok: start with a great story by the greatest American horror novelist of all time, then go ahead and screw it all up with a bunch of dramatic cliches and silly additions that detract from all that was so effective about the original story.

What do you end up with? Basically crap!

Mom's ghost to the rescue? Oh, come on!

Why can't directors and screenwriters just not try to fix what's not broken?

I remember this excellent short story from way back when I first read it as a teen, and I was so impressed! All this time I have been waiting from someone to adapt it faithfully to the screen.

I guess I will just have to keep waiting......
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Feels like a long, boring episode of George Noori!
4 October 2023
Astral projection to a mental construct called "The Further?" This film is a really long, boring episode of "Coast-to-Coast AM"!

Lots of interminable emoting and hand wringing over daddy issues, mommy issues, grandma issues, and over reacting to ugly faces that hiss and moan and scream at the characters. Not one of the characters is capable of just telling these entities to just go and "for coffee". It's just soooo annoying!

The original Insidious film was quite good, but all the sequels have ineptly beat a dead horse, becoming increasingly boring and silly!

It's high time to dig a deep hole and bury this dead animal!

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The Producers (2005)
31 August 2023
The addition of all musical numbers makes nonsense of a classic comedy. Will Ferrel is a poor substitute for the hilarious job done by Kenneth Mars in the 1967 film!

This is basically 2 ¼ hours of stupidity! The musical numbers are a waste of time and effort!

Nathan Lane is masterful as always, but he's outnumbered by a cast that is mired in mediocrity.

The added sexual innuendos are mostly in very poor taste, especially the stereotypical way in which the gay characters are depicted.

If this film was the actual play that Bialystock and Bloom produced, they would have indeed retired to Rio with untold wealth!
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Nefarious (2023)
Bravo, SPF!!! Welcome back!!!
28 August 2023
I have a master's in theology, and I can confirm that this the most biblical film dealing with demonic possession I've ever seen!

So glad to see that Sean Flannery was given a real tour de force role to act in! He's been languishing in B movies for way too long.

Although his production is also a B, it is nevertheless a true breakout performance by the "Boondock" star. While Norman Reedus has achieved star status through "Walking Dead," SPF has been struggling. So it's great to see him back in top form!

If you want to see a spectacle of what true demon possession is like from the teachings of Scripture, this is the film!
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