4 Reviews
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bad anime
9 July 2001
Violence Jack is back ! and this time our brave hero has to do battle with the deadly hells wind ! in this exciting tale of action and.........oh forget it. Violence jack is horrendous i was only joking. sorry for getting any ones hopes up.

As with the first violence jack we get more bad character designs, more bad dialogue , more stupid action sequences that annoy rather than thrill..... basically everything that made the 1st one rubbish is present and accounted for here so i dont really need to tell you about how bad it is. Nor do i have to tell you how unappealing the central character is . Do your self a favour and watch a good anime instead , there are tons to choose from .

The screen dwellers mark : *
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The best bit ? The end credits.
9 July 2001
This post apocalyptic tale of giant on giant violence and porno rape sets out to be serious and dark but with the aid of a ridiculous set of character designs , bad dialogue and a bland script , fails. Badly.

Add to this set of flaws a hero who is just as unlikable as the villains he graphically crushes under his big feet , and you get a violent , corny , and unintentionally hilarious anime that's best watched and mabey (just mabey) enjoyed while drunk. Very , very drunk.

Violence jack ? Unintentionally funny jack more like. grrrr.

The screen dwellers (mark out of 5): *
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Ghostbusters (1984)
"who ya gonna call......?"
9 July 2001
Ghostbusters was an incredibly huge smash hit on its original release back in `84 and its not hard to see why - its a funny , exciting and imaginative thrill ride. There is a lot to like about ghostbusters , like bill Murrays constant and always funny wise cracks, the films constant shift from a light hearted comedy to intense ghost busting thriller and of course , the technically flawless attack of the marsh mallow man that is probably one of my favorite parts of this film.

In this day and age of computer generated fx wizardry the completely analogue special effects still look great ( especially the stay puft marsh mallow man , its rampage through the city looks incredibly real ! ) and the film it self is still better and more imaginative than a lot of event movies you will find in a cinema near you today .

And to top it all off Ghostbusters is one of the few films out there that actually had worthy TV spin off that was the "real Ghostbusters", a cartoon that i loved as a kid.

Ghostbusters is a film that truly deserves its iconic status.

The screen dwellers mark (out of 5 ) : * * * *
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Watch jackie chan get drunk and beat up kung fu masters with bad hair cuts !!!
9 July 2001
Drunken master is an important film. Not only is it responsible launching Jackie Chan into super stardom , it also revitalized an other wise stagnant kung fu film genre . So is it any good ? well yes it is , its very good indeed .

Featuring some brilliant and inventive fight scenes, well judged slap stick humor and a suprisingly coherent plot line for a film that is really all about fighting , drunken master makes for excellent entertainment . But the entire affair wouldn't work as well without the relationship and training sequences that occur between Jackie Chan and sui tien yuens characters, these moments are among some of the best in the film .

And on the action front drunken master does a good job of giving you a hard time deciding what your favorite fight scene was . Theres that excellent fight scene in the restaurant , the fight with Wong fei hungs aunt , the fight with the king of sticks , the final confrontation ... the list goes on and on.

So if you like your action , choppy , funny and fueled with alcohol, make yours drunken master !

(out of 5) : * * * *
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