
10 Reviews
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Don't let the critics Roadblock!
14 February 2024
A Marley fan, I went in worried having read the critics reviews ultimately saying it's "ok" with some great performances but a missed opportunity as it's bubblegum Marley.

I disagree, this was a compelling and entertaining movie, sure there is some rich material that was left untapped, but it would take a Netflix series to unwrap his life - one day maybe!

Endorsed by and produced by the Marley family, it's clear that they wanted it to be about hope, love, unity and the making of his definitive album; Exodus. But they also did touch on some of the tougher material - but maybe didn't dwell on it as much as the critics would like. We don't witness his ill health and death, but do we really need to? I don't think so.

Lots of references and small touches that will resonate with those who know his story well, that may be missed by others. If you know, you know and that adds an extra layer, but none of that knowledge is needed to enjoy the movie.

The soundtrack is of course fantastic and acts as a narrative through the movie, there is emotion, joy and a clear mission.

A very well executed, and acted, biopic that although pulls a few punches, doesn't fail to entertain and give the viewer a window into Marley. Yes it leaves you wanting more...but thats fine by me. Come on Netflix :)
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Creed III (2023)
Miserable action, no heart or soul
8 March 2023
This is a real departure from other movies in the Rocky-verse. The absence of Stallone's input (ignore the 'produced by' credit to Stallone - he wasn't involved) is felt throughout the films style, writing, direction and lack of any sentimentality.

It simply doesn't feel like a Rocky/Creed movie, it's darker, more angry, more miserable and a lot less fun. But worst of all you just don't care about any of the characters...and that means no hairs on the back of your neck as you approach fight night.

On the fight, the way it was shot is very stylistic with heavy CGI and feels further removed from reality than the other movies (and hey - they weren't realistic!).

If you forget it's Creed or part of the Rocky-verse, on its own it's an 'ok' film. Stack it up against what's been before and after what was a really entertaining first and second Creed instalment/s - it's a bad movie.

Hopefully that's it now, unless Stallone gets back involved...then maybe.
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Star Trek: Picard: Disengage (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
S3 E2 - Continues to impress
24 February 2023
Season 3 continues to impress and deliver what we had hoped for from the first season but never got.

Great introduction of Worf and his connection to the plot revealed. Feels very cinematic Next Gen - more like the movies than the TNG series, so if you like them you will like this.

It isn't wholesome and painting a picture of a better world (which some reviewers find disappointing as deviates from Roddenberry's vision) but it creates a more corrupt universe that lends itself to a different type of story - terrorism, intergalactic gangsters, drug addicts, freedom fighters etc - which I am enjoying.

If it continues at this rate, it looks like a strong 8/10 series and an entertaining Trek (at last!)
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Star Trek: Picard: The Next Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
E1 S3 - That's more like it!
17 February 2023
Ok - now this is more like it!

Season one was a strong showing and it was great to see Picard back for what was an enjoyable ride, not great, but enjoyable.

Season 2 failed to deliver the same enjoyment, maybe the nostalgia vibe the first offered had now worn off and we were left with an 'ok' plot and execution.

Episode 1 of season 3 is the best episode of all so far and sets us up for what the first season should have been - a modern extension to Next Gen.

More familiar faces for fans, a darker more modern feel for sure, great writing and story building so far...come the end of the episode you really want more.

Let's hope it builds from here and is the farewell to Picard he deserves.
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The Whale (2022)
A window into the soul
13 February 2023
Well...this is a masterpiece in cinema with a leading performance that is moving and emotional.

Fraser is completely believable as a morbidly obese man that has one thing he is proud of, but doesn't have in his life, his daughter.

With his health declining he wants to reconnect in some way and reaches out, the story evolves over its 1hr 57min runtime at a mild pace, but still keeps the viewer engaged, intrigued and increasingly aware of the fate that awaits.

Supporting actors are strong, adding to what feels like a very real story. The aspect ratio is the old 4:3 creating a more intimate feel, a window into the soul of Charlie.

It's not perfect, it could squeeze you even harder emotionally, but chooses to ease off the gas a little - you are kind of relieved and grateful for that when the film ends though!

Got to be an award winning performance by Fraser.
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Season 1 Review - 2023 watch - it's ok
13 February 2023
Came to this super late watching in 2023.

Basically it's ok, some good actors, some average actors. It's got a Erie feel to it and some of the story lines engaging, it's also ridiculous at times and you find yourself passively watching (maybe on your phone or something while scenes play out).

I felt I needed to watch the whole season to see how it all went and ended, enjoyed some episodes and others a bit silly or boring. If you scare easily that might offer a little more excitement (I don't), but this isn't a great show, but decent enough time filler.

I might try season 2, I hear it's better!
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Kaleidoscope (2023)
Doesn't work well enough...
25 January 2023
Firstly important to say I lost interest after 4 episodes so haven't seen the conclusion, but that kind of sums up the show.

It's intriguing enough to get you started and the acting and production values are good - plus the concept of viewing episodes in a different and random order to others adds an initial layer of interest...but the result is that character arcs are floored and you don't get the same anticipation as things build that you usually would in a heist show.

What you are left with is a bit of an experiment that fails, a bunch of 'ok' episodes and the opposite of gripping. Sure you could probably stick with it and maybe the ending 'White' is rewarding, but with so much great tv these days - why bother?

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Tulsa King (2022– )
You Sly devil!
14 November 2022
That was fantastic!!!!

The build up promised a cross between Sopranos and Yellowstone and I was nervous going in, having had big promises disappoint many times - but Sly looks to have found the perfect role and it feels as much a cross between Sopranos and Yellowstone as you could wish for.

Well done everyone involved, it's gritty and funny in all the right places, it's got the markings of a classic. Let's hope it continues to impress beyond episode 1 and before you know it we are watching season 5!

I think a rewatch of EP1 is on the cards as a I can't wait a whole week for another fix.

Top marks.
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Mike (2022)
It's an OK watch - if your expectations are low
15 September 2022
The story telling, the acting, the style in which its shot, the way it unpacks the events of Tysons life is all 'OK'.

Nothing here particularly impressive, no new insights for those who have followed Tysons journey and without Mike Tysons personal input, it feels both unofficial and a little surface level - not really tackling the complexity of the man or the circumstances of each of the events that unfold.

If you watch it knowing that it isn't very deep, is unofficial and the acting and production is 'ok' you will likely find enough to consider it enjoyable and pass the time. If you expect and want more than that, you will be disappointed.

6 stars just airs in the side that the majority will see it for what it is, I can see why you would also give it only a couple of stars if you went in expecting more than what's on offer.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Popcorn Fun
26 August 2022
Firstly, its a good movie!

Now to expand...there is nothing new here in this action packed popcorn superhero movie, a solid 7 is fair if a little generous, though my teenage self would have rated it 10/10!!!

But the fact it doesn't bring anything new doesn't mean it isn't good of course, it's a lot of fun and Sly fans will see a good movie outside the usual Rocky or Rambo stable - so that's good news.

CGI not top notch, but this is a fast paced, worthwhile story that gives you that feel good movie experience. Settle in and enjoy it for what it is, a good old fashioned superhero movie that keeps you entertained!

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