
38 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
Physically tiring but ultimately fulfilling
16 April 2024
You need to be on your A game to fully get in to this film. If the kids are messing around or the wife is bending your ear, forget it and save it for another time. Put the phone away and give it your undivided attention and you'll be glad you did.

You get thrown a lot of info in the first 15 minutes which to someone of average intelligence is a challenge to follow.

Stick with it and the story comes alive.

The visuals are phenomenal and there's never a hint of dodgy CGI.

I felt the whole Bene Gesserit thing was a distraction and an equally great story could've been told without it, but I'm being picky.

I'm never sure watching a film a second time in quick succession is a good sign, but with Dune it is. There's a massive and unfamiliar back story and the whole experience was far more satisfying after a repeat viewing.
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OK. And nothing more
7 January 2024
There are many problems with this series, and there are a few plus points. Thankfully at 4 episodes long, it doesn't suffer an overblown run the way many of them do. It finishes just at the right time.

The biggest issue is the mis-cast of Tom. Jack Farthing may be a fine actor, and he has that dormant psycho air about him. But a successful multi-millionaire Doctor who owns and runs his own GP practice? No, not believable.

Beth as a character is OK and I get the trade off of wanting to continue to live a life of luxury when her love life is falling apart, but she seems to wander from one strained expression to the next. Again Scholey has been a great actor but the development of her character is weak and even when she pulls a clever stunt at the end, it's difficult to side with her. Not helped by anyone with half a brain seeing the ending coming a mile off.

This needs to be filed under 'Could've been so much better'.
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Battlestar Galactica: Revelations (2008)
Season 4, Episode 10
Quite brilliant acting
5 December 2023
It's been well documented that Revelations was a mid season finale with no one knowing whether the final 1/2 would be made (writers strike). But in its own right, it's some of the best 40 minutes of TV that's ever been made.

The tension is relentless as the story builds to a climax, or at least what everyone thought.

What is often overlooked is the quality of the acting in this episode. It's never been better. Olmos, Hogan, and supporting cast have rightly won plaudits over the preceding seasons for their acting and portrayal of their characters. But many of the cast, particularly Hogan, reaches new heights in this episode. His portrayal of his tortured mind and how he tries and fails to deal with the realisation of who he actually is, is brilliant.

Finally the human traits of sadness, loneliness, hopelessness are all in evidence here making this episode all the more touching.
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Kandahar (2023)
A poor Covenant that could've been better
6 August 2023
Similar outline plot to the Covenant, but the Covenent was better.

This isn't a bad film but it suffers from a number of problems which could've made it so much better.

The pacing is terrible, it switches from overly long action sequences to even more overly long dialogue which doesn't add a great deal to the story.

Even with the phone away and giving it full attention, you need to be on it to follow the story in the first half hour.

Sticking with it, the 2 hour runtime feels too long maybe down to pacing and editing. It certainly isn't a story that leaves you thinking you've had an evening well spent.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
It's a marathon, but...
22 July 2023
Another Nolan masterpiece telling Oppenheimer's story and interweaving 2 different moments in time. Aided by the colour and black/white to contrast the 2 stories, it means you can sit back and relax, and marvel in what is an amazing piece of cinema.

Cillian Murphy has the gong in the bag already but so does Nolan surely. The storytelling, direction, attention to detail, cinematography, it's all 10/10.

Criticisms? None, only a realisation that I should've brushed up more on history before watching, particularly when you realise there's a whole 3rd act still to go after the bomb is dropped.

You know you've been in a marathon when you leave the cinema, but you also know you've witnessed something pretty amazing.
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The Happening (2008)
More a hit than a miss
6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With Shyamalan you're either going to get a masterpiece or a dud, and one person's masterpiece is another person's dud making Shyamalan one of the most subjective writer directors around.

Every Shyamalan film has that shock moment when you know you're in for a ride, and in The Happening it starts within the first 2 minutes.

Much has been said about the weak script, confused messaging, and weak ending but imo this film is a stereotypical Shyamalan thriller where the main characters are struggling to deal with the events that are unfolding around them.

The suspense never lets up and if the ending is a little underwhelming for some, that's fine by me.

Admittedly I'm generally a Shyamalan fan but this is a thought provoking film and a solid entry.
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Succession: Connor's Wedding (2023)
Season 4, Episode 3
Phenomenal writing, Unsurpassed acting..
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Struggling to think of a finer piece of storytelling in recent times. Taking the decision to not focus on Logan's actual death, but rather the impact it has on his kids as the events unfold is an utter master stroke.

Then we get to the acting... They've all proved themselves over the past 30+ episodes, but the acting from Culkin (in particular), Snook, Strong and McFadyen are at another level. An hour of method acting that I can't remember seeing topped in recent times.

Whatever happens over the remaining 7 episodes, (and quite frankly I can't wait, will surely) this episode will remain long in the memory as some of the finest writing and acting that will not be surpassed anytime soon.
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Weak Directing considering the Director
17 December 2022
The worst Bond film of the Daniel Craig era. It's just a badly made film with a weak story that can't compensate for the director's shortcomings. Odd considering the Director (Forster) knows how to make a film.

To be fair he's not helped by what can only be described as a miscasting of the regulation baddie. Almaric may be a fine actor but you can't help thinking he doesn't belong here.

The on screen rapport between M and Bond is a highlight and is no small part down to both actor's abilities, but other highlights are few and far between.

Thankfully it's short runtime (for a Bond film) means it's over just when you think you've had enough.
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Accurate depiction...
4 November 2022
... of the horrors of war. Cinematography doesn't come much better and will surely be a shoe-in for a gong. Hopefully it won't be ignored due to the foreign language as this film deserves recognition. The acting too is top notch and the reality of war is shown in staggering realism.

If there's any criticism, the pacing is a little slow, and it lacks an overarching story in the way 1917 and Saving Private Ryan had that helps keep the viewer engaged. At times the 2.5 hours run time feels a little challenging.

Obviously it's constrained by the book, but ultimately it's a fascinating look as the hell of war winds down to armistice day.
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21 August 2022
Quite simply a masterpiece in storytelling. It has everything, except maybe action, but then that's not what this film is about.

Lock yourself away without distraction, and focus fully on this film, and it's only then you realise the messaging, acting skill, directing skill, pacing, everything when taken as a whole marks this film out as one of the best. Joyful, intriguing and sad in equal measure.

Faults? None. End of.

Anyone considering themselves a film buff needs to take a long hard look at themselves if this isn't in their top 10. It's in my top 3.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
Better than expected
17 August 2022
I went in to this with low expectations, for no other reason than struggling to find something that looked decent to while away a Friday night.

How pleasantly surprised I was with the way it turned out. The story is engaging and difficult to watch in equal measure. Norton is brilliant as the protagonist, while Arterton is believable as the victim who realises she's been had. Rather than thinking the other victims are just stupid for being sucked in, you realise how understandable it could be.

Credit to the director. This is a worryingly realistic portrayal and kept me engaged for the 2 hour runtime.
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Marriage (2022)
I get what it's trying to do, but....
15 August 2022
.... It just doesn't work.

2 great actors in the lead should guarantee success, but alas it doesn't here. Ignore the slow pace and consider what the writer is trying to do... show marriage as mundane and examine the impact of various scenarios on the relationship.

The problem is the slow pace becomes such an issue that the viewer loses interest in the characters and their interactions.

A 1 minute shot of loading a dishwasher? Really?

As an idea, it works. As a production for TV, it's a disaster.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
Always destined to underwhelm
30 July 2022
With Supremacy and Ultimatum being 2 of the best action films ever made with regard realism, acting, directing and general storytelling, a Greengrass follow up 10 years later was always on a hiding to nothing. (Ignoring Legacy of course).

The editing is the same ... fast, frantic and never letting up, but the issue with this film is the story. With the arc complete after Ultimatum, this entry wasn't required and the contrived story of modern day tech giants spying on us seems weak when looking back to the trilogy.

Bourne has its place in action movie folklore. It had never been seen before, and may never again, and let's not forget the original trilogy was the reason the Bond films upped their game.
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Decent with some mis-casts
23 July 2022
As a film it's decent enough though there have been far better Bond entries. Roger Moore is looking his age and Walken does his best with what he's given, but Grace Jones is the worst actress to ever appear in a big budget film and even Tanya Robert's looks can't outweigh her wooden acting.

Supporting cast aside, the story was relevant for its time but won't be remembered much beyond the Duran Duran song.
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The Counselor (2013)
Not the sum of it's parts
7 July 2022
I so wanted to like this film, but you know you're in trouble 15 minutes in when you're checking to see how long's left.

Irrelevant scenes are overly long, they don't flow, there is barely any plot, the list is endless.... Fassbender is his usual intense self, Pitt is cool, Bardem hams it up and Cruz is simply gorgeous. But the sum of its parts fall woefully short and the whole thing collapses in to a mediocre slog.

Anyone who makes it to the end has done well.
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Roger Moore debut...
3 July 2022
Roger Moore's first Bond film, and he was never better. A great film with great characters and an original story line.

Cashing in on the blaxploitation era but with a heavyweight budget and the Bond juggernaut to back it up.

Subsequent entries saw the jokes get tackier and more frequent, and the stories more lightweight but this film in my opinion holds up as one of the best Bond films with iconic scenes and action sequences (the crocodiles anyone?) and a brilliant debut for Moore.
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Cop Land (1997)
Flies under the radar
25 June 2022
A film that every film buff needs to see particularly as it's flown under the radar for the past 25 years, and considering it's cast.

It is quite some performance from Stallone when he outperforms De Niro, Keitel and Liotta, but outperform then he does.

Quite simply Stallone's best ever performance.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Not as bad as people make out
3 May 2022
Stylish, realistic and well made. You need to be on your A game to keep up with the story, but concentrate and you'll be rewarded.

Those that say they can't understand the dialogue or they don't get the story were probably on their phones and not giving it the thought it deserved.

It's not without its faults, the Cuba section drags on and although there is a purpose to the story, it falls flat.

But at the end of the day, who wouldn't want to be Sonny with the Ferrari, powerboat, long hair and charm. Wrap this up in a stylish film with a great soundtrack, and this is another great Michael Mann film.
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Brilliantly told story
30 April 2022
If Forsyth says the ODESSA existed, that's good enough for me, but regardless of the accuracy of the story, this is a brilliantly engaging film.

A film that isn't exactly action heavy but keeps you riveted to the end must've been well told and well executed.

Voigt is continually front and centre and despite the sometimes annoying German accent delivers a great performance.

This film is everything. Engaging, thought provoking, realistic, sad, joyful. You know you've come across a great film when it's still with you 20 minutes after the ending.
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29 April 2022
Showed early promise but at the half way mark you realise it's going to fail to deliver.

Slow. No action. Long drawn out scenes. It's like the budget went on the salaries and left nothing for the production.

I guess Pine looks the part and Newton ... well, takes her clothes off, but they both can't rescue this mediocre slog.
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Not a masterpiece, but not bad either
17 April 2022
Nowhere near as good as Thunderball, but also not as bad as some would have you believe. I would rate it better than Octopussy made around the same time despite this technically not being a Bond film.

Brandauer's quirky performance is an acquired taste and Basinger isn't the most believable Bond girl.

The star of the show is still Connery and that's the way it should be despite being in his 50's.

A solid 7/10.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Promising but fails to deliver
6 April 2022
Nothing wrong with a slow burn as long as it keeps the viewer engaged. This is not so much a slow burn as a dead stop. I get the real time angle but far too many scenes are too slow and the dialogue too meaningless.

Every now again some events make you sit up but in the end it becomes an ordeal to stick with it.

Badly made, badly written, badly executed and badly fails.
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Masterpiece. End of story.
3 April 2022
40 years on, this film continues to impress. A masterpiece in storytelling where we are shown one man's dynasty beginning to crumble around his ears and he has no idea why.

Bob Hoskins delivers a masterclass in character acting where his emotions, actions and reactions to events are are so life like it's astonishing.

Any faults? Maybe the setting up of the backstory in the first 10 minutes could've been clearer. You need to be on your A game to process what's happening, and apply it to the unfolding story 90 minutes in to the film.

Nonetheless, sit back and marvel. Any film buff not rating this a 10 needs to take a long hard look at themselves.
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Spencer (2021)
Good lead performance Bad film.
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Stewart nails Diana's character perfectly, but this film is an ordeal to watch. The pacing is slow, the music infuriates and the directing is amateurish at times. I could've switched off a number of times but kept with it hoping it would improve, but it didn't.
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Blacklight (2022)
Instantly Forgettable a...
27 March 2022
...nd lightweight. Bottom of the pile of the continual stream of Liam Neeson vehicles.

This one just feels like it's 1 too far. Feels cheaply made and lightweight, it's boring and slow.
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