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Rick Grimes is back! But is he the same Rick we all knew and loved?
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Rick Grimes is back and I've never been this excited about TWD spinoffs. But is he really, I wonder?

Seeing the talented Andrew Lincoln play Rick again was such a delight. Hearing his voice again felt so great. I missed the ol' tough, hard headed, gritty, responsible, moral and thoughtful pack leader. Is Rick still all that? Nope. Guy chopped off his hand hastily for no rational reason. The smart and calculating Rick I know wouldn't have done that cause that's crazy. He wouldn't have left with strong female character cause his little daughter is out there needing him.

The show was a bore and the story they fabricated is overcomplicated and silly. They're living in huge cities flying helicopters around. Anyone with eyes and ears would notice em. Unsubtle way of staying hidden. No matter how many pushups the apocalypse military does, they still are out numbered and outgunned by all the militias formed out there. So they're not intimidating in any manner.

The new characters introduced were quite dull. Strong, independent lady was unlikable and plain rude to Rick for no reason. I guess rudeness is seeming tough for current Hollywood writers. She was as toxic as it gets. The youngin Idris Elba wannabe with his silly tongue tied way of speaking was trying to boss around Rick who's older and experienced than him. Guy did not impress me at all.

Rick and Michonne didn't even work back then. Those 2 always lacked chemistry. It always felt forced. Sometimes it doesn't work but Hollywood doesn't get that I guess. And I'm hearing reports this show ain't about Rick at all. That sucks. I'm here for him. I do like Michonne and all but her character is not as well developed and as fascinating as his. She doesn't even come close to Andrew Lincoln's acting prowess which I greatly admire him for.

The pilot was boringly monotonous and no interesting event occured except Rick still kicking. Did not enjoy my time. They should do better. Make the plot more sensical and grounded to capture the magic of the original show.
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30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Hunger Games novel was fantastic. Captivating, skillfully written, unique, utterly brutal and quite authentic. The characters were fully fleshed, sophisticated and truly human. The plot was quite saddening and appalling but seemed like it was feasible as we've seen similar insanity occur in the annals of human history. The writing was very much profound, engaging and composed in a manner that you would refuse to put down the book unless you're done with it. The context of it all was not a love triangle or mere violence but a class struggle. How a powerfully villainous and utterly inconsiderate Capitol was punishing the starving and weak districts of Panem by using the emotional and mainly bodily suffering of their kids, their most valued possessions, as an entertainment to it's gore frenzied citizens. It was all meant to point out the heinousness of the capitol's leaders ( Snow especially) and the depraved audience who place bets on dying 12 year olds. In all this chaos, there is Katniss who has no identity, besides struggling to feed her little sister and mentally broken mother, volunteer in place of the only one she for sure knows she loves ( her sister ) to this atrocious massacre, the vile Capitol named, The Hunger Games.

The novel left me feeling saddened and mad reading about the agony the district populous and the tributes regularly go through whilst the gluttonous and wasteful capitol led a coddled and unblemished life. Especially, the death of Rue tore me apart. A sweet and pure hearted young girl murdered all for the entertainment of a bunch sickos barbaric pleasure was the final straw for both me and Katniss as well. An emotionally stirring masterpiece, The Hunger Games was.

And then there is the movie.

Love the way they portrayed the extra eccentric looks of the capitol citizens and found them making the infamously silly capitol accent, Briiish quite funny. Other than those, I don't think there is much positive remarks to say. Next I go on to present it's flaws.

The picking of Prim was supposed to be a shock. Foreshadowing it was intentionally avoided on the novel so that it comes as a pained twist. The movie though did not get that memo.

Without there being a first person narration to help audiences understand the deep and intricate lore, I find it hard to believe anyone who hasn't read the novel understood the actual class struggle context of it all. Character's emotions could have been only expressed through their facial expressions, intonation and body movements which was not enough for me as I wasn't able to feel the same attachment as I did with the novel's characters. If you're gonna adapt a first person book, please don't cut out the narration part.

The movie actors are too old and don't resemble teenagers at all. Even the district 10 people and especially Katniss looked plump and well-fed. She was supposed to be malnourished and skinny thus the reason she was a better climber that the career tributes. But here Katniss is practically the same build as Kato.

Cinna never called her brave for taking her sister's place in the novel cause that would show he's outright rebellious. The penalty for such crime being losing his tongue. He's a capitol resident himself. He never sympathized for her cause but was just genuinely nice.

The tributes made sure to hide what they're good at and stay an enigma to each other. Rue's climbing ability was revealed here at the training site. That was a secret even to Katniss.

Movie Katniss overdid it with the hostility against Peeta. Katniss never hated him and he was the only sorta friend she had at the capitol. Here it's like she resents him when she should be feeling grateful but a bit suspicious.

Peeta's irritable mother was never introduced in the movie but he claims she picked Katniss for the win, instead of him. Her character was not presented at all and would leave audiences wondering what she's like.

Again the two training together was not mentioned in the movie but all of a sudden, Peeta's refusal to train with her is told. Would have seemed pretty odd if I hadn't read the book.

The movie shouldn't have been PG-13. Cut out the macabre personality of the lore only to water it down and make it suitable for the little ones to watch. What made the novel unique was the graphic imagery it was able to create in our minds to show how corrupt the capitol was broadcasting this gratuitously blood soaked slaughter as entertainment. Without witnessing the unnecessary horror, how's the audience supposed to loathe the capitol and share Katniss's spite and defiant spirit?!?!?

Jennifer Lawrence played her antisocial and awkward self here. Same character she played in silver lining. Her chemistry with Peeta was none. And most of Katniss's affection towards Peeta was all for the cameras and the sponsors. We don't know that here as there's no narration to point that out. That was a disappointment to Peeta at the end of the novel and was such a fantastic finale.

All in all, this movie was an unendurable garbage fire and a slight to the fans of the novel. It gets a 2 just for it's rather fitting makeup effects and cinematography. As the saying goes, the book is always better than the adaptation.
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Unnecessary Adaptation
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gone baby gone, the novel, was phenomenal. A captivating and powerful masterpiece of literature. Characters were well developed, the plot was addictively compelling and the writing was top notch. Type of book you don't feel like putting down till you've uncovered it's arcanum and got rewarded with the mental image of Amanda in flesh. A very enthralling and gripping story with colorful main and side characters all throughout. And at the end almost everything was rationally explained. Not flawlessly but in a well thought out and powerful manner. The novel was very much poignant and had a puzzling ending that would make you sit and ponder for a while.

However crushing down a 400 page book into just a 100 minute long content makes the movie unnecessary. As most book adaptations, the movie felt extremely rushed ergo most powerful and moving scenes in the book came out seeming sudden and unexplained. The dangerous confrontation at big Bertha and the disturbing and sad aftermath of it, the moment after where Patrick and Broussard share a drink on the playground venting their frustration about the horrors they encountered, the menacing threat Broussard casted upon Patrick after realizing he slipped up a bit, the startling and scary bar robbery/attempted execution, the passing of Broussard and the conflicting emotional reaction both the protagonists and us the readers felt and the harrowing conclusion where Amanda was ripped away from her loving abductees to be returned to her heedless wreck of a mother were all supposed to be powerful, compelling and intense. However, the movie botched it all mainly because development of the story and characters was hasty. The characters didn't have time to grow so their motives and actions seemed vague and abrupt.

A lot wrong with the casting choices as well. Some like Beatrice and Dottie were handled well as they fitted the book's description. On the contrary, most were stripped off of their charisma and personality. I really wanted to see who'd play ' The Cheese ' , the gigantic, humorous Scandinavian with a confused sense of identity. To my dismay, he was played by a person who isn't in any way like him and who lacked his energy and likable persona. Can say the same about Angie and Poole ( who were totally wasted to the point where the movie could've been the same without them ), Bubba, Lionel and big Dave.

Some scenes didn't make any sense at all even. The movie for some reason, unbeknownst to me, decided to get rid off Ryerson who played a very crucial role towards the very crucial final scenes of the book. Why would Lionel confess his felony if he didn't realize Patrick and Angie have edged too close to his secrets and there was no point in him lying anymore? And if the law's presence in the form of Ryerson hadn't pressured him to spill his secrets? " Don't have a heart attack. I haven't been honest with you. " was such a silly line. He had no reason to confess in the movie.

Cutting the part where Helene kinda shows her remorse for her reckless actions left a gaping hole in the plot. Patrick wanted to return Amanda to her because he believed maybe she has learnt and changed. Leaving us with the the following questions : Do people change? Do people learn from their mistakes and clean up their act? The opposing answer Patrick and Angie gave to these questions was the reason for their breakup. On the movie though, Patrick had no incentive to take Amanda away from those who'd do her good and return her to a life of hopelessness and deprivation. His reasoning of ' grown up Amanda will blame me for not messing up her future ' was plain dumb. The moral dilemma the characters and us the readers were faced in the novel didn't work here cause the movie decided to cut a vital scene. Kinda disappointing.

I say, they shouldn't have adapted the novel, if they were gonna rush and suck the soul out of it. Not a good adaptation.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
I'm insane and you're my insanity *deranged giggle
7 October 2023
12 monkeys was such a surprise. Bruce's best performance to date, outstanding screenplay, perfect sets, original foreboding score, impressive acting from all, hilarious dark humor, a well conceived and a captivating plot characterize this sci-fi flick.

I'm struck by Bruce's performance especially. Not playing his usual wise cracking, generic, tough guy character but a totally grounded and deeply developed man given the most strenuous task of solving a time bending mystery. This mission of his requires him to cross via several ' dimensions ' slowly wearing him out and making him dubious of what's real or what's a delusion. Bruce played his character to consummate mastery. He perfected being mission focused, scared, confused, protective, hopeless and all the emoting the script asked of him. Very much a fantastic performance from him.

The story pulls you in and captures you with the mystery of the source of the said virus ( that is if James isn't mentally divergent and didn't make everything up ). Who's responsible for almost wiping out the human race? Lots of misdirections, foreshadowing, twists and turns in the story. Not a single dialogue is a waste. One has to follow every line and scene to fully understand the finale.

I loved the dark humor too. Was laughing my ass off from Brad Pitt's performance and the black humor all over. Everything was gritty, realistic and sometimes too dark but that's how life is. 12 monkeys was an achievement. A well thought out, entertainingly and smartly written, excellently performed sci-fi with a beautiful ending.

Also loved the fact this movie acknowledges past events can't be undone and only thing a time traveler can do is learn from history and better his own future. Anything more he tries to do would just be an already inscribed record and he just might even end up being the sole reason for the unwavering scenario to happen. One simply cannot change the past but learn from it. Most sci-fis these days botch this simple concept, however 12 monkeys recognized it. A 10 for me. Love this one.
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Gen V (2023– )
Cussing, Gratuitous gore, Boring melodrama
30 September 2023
" How do you do, fellow kids "

Gen V is like 50 yr old Hollywood writers trying to relate to the youth and doing a god-awful job at it. College is not all about pot, intercourse, gossip and the like. This cliched Hollywood trope has been unrelatable and wrong since it's inception.

So far this show is all about needless gore for shock value ( which is never shocking cause something violent happens scene after scene making the gore predictable ), needless and perverted sex scenes, constant swearing as if they used urban dictionary as a basis when writing the script, ear rape rap music, too many pop culture references ( which is gonna make the show age like milk ), no engaging premise at all and awfully bland characters.

The main character is unfriendly, narcissistic and as likable as a case of crabs, however everyone is interested in her. They all want to befriend her. That's not how reality works. Her abilities also don't make sense. Won't she run out of blood or get lightheaded and dizzy after spurting out man juice all over?

Gen V is Hollywood being edgy and trying it's best to appeal to the youth but failing in an epic manner. At least the boys had colorful and grounded characters like Butcher, engaging drama and some hilarious writing to lighten things up. Gen V lacks it all.
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The poor beetle left by all to spin around till it's final demise.
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The wicker man was original, mysterious and engaging. However, I doubt those who watch it now would find it horrifying. Most scenes and the copper being aghast at every strangeness he witnesses came off as hilarious. He was no likable character though. He was pushy and rough with everyone, but he did display some spunk as well. In an island filled with uncooperative pagans, he kept his stance and dedicated himself to finding the girl. The twist was surprising but not to be pondered that much as it's kinda implausible. The lady hitting on him I don't get, if they plan on luring him with the missing girl and sacrifice him eventually. Him sleeping with her does not help their plan in any manner but the makers must have really wanted to show the lady nude. All in all, the wicker man was original and well performed, so was a fun watch.
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Very well!
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tense all throughout. Terrific performance. Chilling atmosphere that does not let up with goofy humor like horrors these days. Quite an experience, however flawed in a lot of manners.

Clarice is an obnoxious character. She's supposed to be a trained agent but acts like a naive teenager in all respects. Cocky, contemptuous and arrogant. We're supposed to sympathize for the awful things that happen to her in her line of work but she intentionally and willingly sprints towards danger constantly. All for a mere promotion or a pat on the back by her boss. Walking into the psychopaths dungeon by herself, telling Hannibal her personal story when specifically told not to and seeing this beast whose sole purpose in life is to harm others as a human being. An amateur is what she is. The warden showed her what this animal does to innocents before she even greeted him and she's like ' Am gonna go in by myself. I don't need y'all's protection. '. Very stupid. What An annoying protagonist!

To make Hannibal seem like the perfect escape artist, movie portrayed the authorities as literal clowns. The warden who constantly warns visitors to give Hannibal a wide berth is now instructing the orderlies to leave him alone in his cage. The cautious warden suddenly got so careless, he left a pen right next to Hannibal. Stretching that suspension of disbelief real tight.

Whatever happened to the police escort and the dozens of security men when Hannibal was butchering the only 2 guards assigned to watch him. Police downstairs didn't even hear the guard screaming just cause the plot demands Hannibal's escape.

The twist was plain stupid. I immediately recognized Hannibal was the one disguised as the guard. The experienced cops should've or the face he put on himself should have slipped off when he was being transported.

And what's everyone obsession with sex here? I get the psychos brooding over it but expecting us, the audience, to focus on intercourse when a serial killer is on the loose is stupid. I'm talking about the last hand shake, of course.

Engaging, tense and well performed but not as great as it's deemed by many. A 7/10 for me.
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Chronicle (2012)
Unique fantasy flick
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chronicle is a fantastic drama that tried to portray how super abilities, if gained somehow, will be used by people of different statuses. The rich and popular will use their power to garner more of their superfluous wants. The poor and disadvantaged will use it to push away the boots of the man ( serving the rich ) to fulfill their dire needs.

Andrew here has an awful life. Horrible and abusive parental figure, rejection and more abuse at school and even more abuse in his neighborhood. The only person he has is bedridden and sickly thus he's alone and utterly deprived. Suddenly he gets this gift capable of solving all the torturous hardships in his life and he takes action which should've been taken a long time ago but not being possible due to his powerlessness.

Then privileged and uncaring cousin walks in immune to all the misery Andrew goes through. He never lent a hand to Andrew when he was getting brutally abused by his ' father ' , bullies everywhere or even wanted to be around him. Some altruism he practices by neglecting his own kin. As Andrew said he never cared, always treated him like sh** and left him all alone.

Matt was an annoying and selfish character. Depicting him as a hero was just wrong. I really related and felt bad for Andrew and everything he did was purely out of protecting himself and those he held dear to him.

Chronicle has relatable drama but then again it's not flawless. The way it was filmed was kinda annoying sometimes, some unrealistic scenes like ' hey guy, let's jump into the hole we clearly realize is dangerous ' , their vague abilities and weaknesses. All in all, Chronicle is unlike any superhuman movies being released these days. Exploring the characters personalities deeply and foreshadowing their future actions in a brief 90 min period was admirable. I see this movie as an achievement and will definitely rewatch it again and again.
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Brightburn (2019)
Chronicle and homelander were way better.
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Brightburn starts off with a couple doin it ( bad start ) and then an alien white boy drops from the skies. I never understood origin story of superman where the writers expect audiences to believe some white human baby is an alien being. If he's an alien why does he look human?

Anyways, brightburn is not a horror movie as it's not terrifying at all, unless jump scares, creepy kid trope and tired gory makeups scare you. It's full of cliches since the start with generic writing all throughout. The intro I've seen a bazillion times in a lot of movies before.

The guardians instead of mentoring their kid to be moral, use his powers for good, they instead try to murder him in cold blood. Stupid character decision. The kid's abilities are very vague. His motivations are undefined. He's just pure evil. He says he wants to take the world but what does that even?

There was impressive performances especially from Jackson Dunn and Elizabeth Banks but that was not able to cover up for the bad writing. Brightburn was a hackneyed and badly executed rip-off of Chronicle. Homelander did it better.
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Rots by each passing hour.
14 August 2023
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Started out great and eventually devolved into a boring civil war history lesson and then again into an unsatisfying turn of events where the characters I thought were interesting and fun go mouldy ( Sam L Jackson's character in particular ). Movie just gets too convoluted and colorless by the last hour. Why Channing Tatum out of all people, I wonder. I was told this was a serious and gritty Tarantino movie. Not some raunchy " comedy ".

Even though the writing and performances were top notch, a mediocre finale and a lack of clear vision and theme killed this flick. A more eventfut and a succint plot would've helped.
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The Orphanage (2007)
I didn't know it was Spanish.
2 August 2023
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105 mins of derivativeness! No originality whatsoever. Every scene here is a cliched horror trope. Kid dealing with demon boy, creepy drawings and dolls, loud bangs at night, exorcists, non sensical fables to ground the non sensical plot on ... I'm bored. Belena Rueda, who plays Laura, is terrific throughout, but the story is inconceivable, unrelatable, non sensical and tired. Thus her efforts were in vain. Most scenes meant to be scary were predictable cause a horror movie with the same trope gets released every year. The scene where doctor husband ( He's just those things. His character has no personality and a goal to achieve ) is giving mouth to mouth to the car crash victim, old lady's droopy jaw, mangled face was so stupid, it was a lol moment. The orphanage was not bad. It was just too damn bromidic.
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Shyamalan's best
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Quite an unforgettable experience. Sixth sense was a well made, fairly well conceived and written and definitely well performed thriller. Bruce Willis was surprisingly fantastic here. I never knew he can act this good. Plays the same tired, cynical muscle head in most movies he's in, but for sure he was to damn impressive here. Impeccably depicted his character's thoughtfulness for the kid, adoration for his wife, jealousy of her seeking others and utterly somber reaction to the realization he has left his women all alone. I'm surprised seeing him perform this well. Then there's is the then kid actor, Haley Joel Osment, who didn't perform but lived his character. Truly remarkable for a kid his age. His chemistry with Toni Collette also felt emotionally natural. Hard to pull such believable attraction between characters but those two managed to get it done. Those 3 characters performances made this movie enjoyable, and draped over it's flaws. The anxiety inducing soundtracks flawlessly matched the nervousness of the scenes they were inserted in. Audio wise, movie was perfect.

The realistic goriness of the phantoms was also bloodcurdling. Those scenes even after repeated viewings disturb me. I also love the fact Dr Malcolm actually helped Cole deal with his fear ,and turn such terrifying curse into a way of helping the now gone and helpless. Might not make sense if mulled over but was a feel-good ending to the kid's disturbing affair. The entire sinister atmosphere shows the dedication that went into making this movie a horrifying experience. Kudos to Shyamalan for his commitment. The twist shocked me on my first viewing. I know that shows I was not paying enough attention but at least I'm not the first to drop my focus on the foreshadowing written and portrayed here and there. A lot seem to have enjoyed it. The kid getting shaken up when seeing Bruce sitting with his mother after returning from school or the obvious line ' they don't know they're dead ' should have waken me up. It was a fairly well thought out twist but some cheating was involved. Lemme point out the flaws.

Who keeps informing Dr Malcolm about Cole's whereabouts? How does he keep accurately showing up in all the places Cole ends up being? Whether at the school director's office, clinic ( with Dr Shyamalan lol, shoving yourself in the movie you're directing is a bit solipsistic ). Who even gave him the report on Cole?

How does Dr Malcolm or the other spectres be able to interact with physical objects? This ability of theirs creates an issue. For instance, if the poisoned girl is able to move objects, why couldn't she have just put her video tape somewhere where the dad would've seen it? She didn't need Cole at all. Why did she even eat the meal she knew was poisoned? Does not make sense. Who paid for the bus ride to her funeral? Dr Malcolm as an adult clearly would be the first to pull out his wallet before allowing a kid to pay for their ride. Won't this event make him figure out he's a ghost. And also, Ghost pennies, you must be joking with me!

Ghosts can be recorded and also they have reflections. We can clearly see Dr Malcolm's imitation on the door knob at the funeral.

All these and probably a lot of flaws I haven't mentioned made Dr Malcolm seem like a physical being roaming in the real world as a still breathing person. Twist was a shock partly cause of such lazy trickery. On your second viewing, you realize some holes hither and thither.

But such errors don't rob this movie of the amazing work done to keep it utterly disquieting. The exceptional performances, the disturbing horror and the fretful soundtracks provided for it's overall creepy atmosphere. Superb thriller. Thumbs up from me.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Nolan has done it again.
29 July 2023
Well made film. In all manners just fantastic. Nolan is exceptional. When Hollywood is taking itself out with politics instead of entertainment, Nolan saved the day and brought us a spectacle. As good as I hoped it would be. Fairly accurate story telling but very much biased. Here's how.

Oppenheimer was a nationalist and a warpig. Making the bomb was completely unnecessary after Nazi Germany surrendered. " We made a destructive gadget to counter evil nahtzees " pretext doesn't apply anymore, nevertheless he still kept on working on the project. US's nuclear attack didn't make Japan surrender but Soviet's marching to Manchuria and then some gave the vapors to Japan's emperor. Whether he regrets his work or not, it doesn't matter. Oppenheimer is responsible for handing a genocidal weapon to the psychopathic US politicians all in hopes of either attaining fame or satiating his country's jingoist cravings. Oppenheimer through " international control" wanted the Soviets to not develop their own bomb and the Imperialist US to retain it's monopoly. Would've liked him more if he was an agent to the Soviet union. Rip Klaus Fuchs, the man who worked to ensure atomic weapons would not be the sole possession of one country. They should make a movie on such a brave and rational man. He sure was more logical than sorry a*$ Oppenheimer.

I still don't get how Oppenheimer getting his security clearance revoked is more important than his work which wiped off 150,000 lives ,and got more coverage in the movie.

Great flick when it comes to it's technical and performance aspects. Contrariwise, it's story could have done some tweaks here and there.
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Chappie (2015)
" Chappie " more like cr@**y
24 July 2023
The intro was a replica of District 9, a rather fantastic movie in comparison, and makes you realize how the director has hit his nadir. Massive drop in quality.

Everything was goofy and definitely not endearing or funny. Writing is awful. Characters were clownisly bad. Story was non sense. Movie really seemed like a Taika Waititi project cause the humor was infantile. Waste of Sharlto Copley and Hugh Jackman. The former who was totally impressive on district 9.

Don't ever make sentient robots. Enough depressed humies being conceived every freakin day. Instilling our self destructive, aimless and anxiety ridden consciousness in an everlasting titanium robot is nothing but sad and disastrous.

Trash movie.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Donnie Darko is one heck of a name. Very much awesome word duo. Movie is also pretty cool. Well thought out, fresh and unique, well acted, excellently designed effects and one freakishly eerie and anomalous bunny and an enigmatic and enjoyable story.

Jake Gyllenhaal delivered well. Most of the plot is a bit mundane ( an adolescent drama ) but it didn't, even for a minute, get boring. Story is not as knotty and difficult to comprehend as a lot tell it to be. If one follows the excerpts from the time travel book, a lot of what's happening is explicitly stated. Researching on it's lore would also help fix some holes you were not able to fill on your own.

Donnie being a living receiver is chosen for untold and unknown reasons to return the plane engine ( the artifact ) which crashed onto his chamber so as to return to his original/ primary universe and halt the formation of a black hole which would bring utter annihilation otherwise. All the other characters are there to guide him instinctively or knowingly ( if it's the lipless gaunt bunny / manipulated dead ) to accomplish his mission. Eventually he does do the deed and saves all except himself.

Very much well conceived and an original sci-fi. A fun watch.
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Worth the wait!
15 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mission impossible delivered! Was one of the few movies I was eager to watch at a cinema this year and I very much enjoyed Dead Reckoning part I a lot just like I hoped I would. The humor worked which is a very big deal for me as I was extremely burnt out from the goofiness in recent releases ( yes marvel humor is trash ). Spectacular cinematography through out, awesome and captivating action scenes, matured and likable characters, breathtaking stunts and did I mention the witty humor? I was truly entertained. Been a while since I enjoyed my day at the local cinema this year. Thank you Tom Cruise for keeping this grand and terrific franchise alive! May you never age!

Tom's dedication has always amazed me since his Burj Khalifa stunt in ghost protocol. Another death defying one here, jumping off a steep cliff into a sheer drop. Not only once but 6x. A stickler for perfection. Even the magic trick with the key is performed practically. A point to that. His devotion and enthusiasm at his age needs a praise. He breathes life onto this franchise.

Also I loved the fact Ethan was not fighting in service of any of the factions whether the CIA, MI6 or Kremlin but to destroy such cataclysmic weapon as it does not belong in the hands of power hungry politicians. His struggle was not for the sake of nationalism or personal gain but in furtherance of human life. A hero for all. A movie for all.

I enjoyed my time a lot. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean Dead Reckoning part I is flawless. The writing was very much cliched and was bored a lot on all the chatting scenes. Craziest and most implausible villain so far. An all knowing, clairvoyant, God like AI. There are scenes where a display of an eye or some bubbles on a screen embody the treacherous computer program and it's supposed to be terrifying but came of as just silly. Fights felt too unrealistic and choreographed. The Japanese girl was not even a tad bit intimidating. She was a weird choice in an all matured cast. Some dragged out scenes. The Russians should've spoken in their native language instead of English in a stereotypical accent. Awful Hollywood trope. Benjie and Luther were almost missing after the first act. The airport scene with them was delightful. The rest of the movie would have been cooler if the old cast was there.

The biggest disappointment was the passing of Elsa. She was a capable and a likable character. Her role as a mercurial secret agent matched Ethan's, so they were perfect for each other. She was awesome on the last 2 movies and replacing her was a blow to the sack. Her new substitute is likable and fun indeed but uninteresting as she's a mere thief who lacks the enigma and warrior spirit Elsa possesses. The villainous Jap had a longer period of grief than Elsa. After her death, the crew immediately went straight to business. That was just wrong.

Taking everything into consideration, Dead Reckoning part I was an extravaganza. Another great sequel. Not the best for sure but a thoroughly pleasant experience. A seal of approval from me.
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It can't be bargained with, it can't feel pain or mercy, and it will stop at absolutely nothing until you are dead!
9 July 2023
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The Terminator is one of my all time favorite thrillers. Backed by impressive performances from Micheal Biehn and Arnold Schwarzenegger, spine chilling sound tracks , a simple but very consequential plot ( made conceivable by Kyle Reese's astounding performance ), memorable lines that still get churned decades later and very entertaining humor dropped in between.

I wanna give praise to Micheal Biehn ,first and foremost, cause his performance is the unique flake that made this flick sparkle. He was anxious and broken to his core ( had no joyful stories to tell Sarah. The war and the suffering that comes with it had swallowed his soul ), but still was hopeful and certain of himself and his story. He emoted his character perfectly and morphed into Kyle in all his scenes. Him explaining the terminator's determination to Sarah while they're hiding in the parking lot was so tense and believable ( even his veins popped up, damn ). He's an incredible actor.

Arnold was too still, too cold and too stoic to seem human. Perfected acting like a robot with human flesh or cyborg as they call it. The terminator's tenaciousness, unstoppable and unnegotiable violence is what made him a great villain. He just does not get killed. Does not take a break. Has no fear. Is bulletproof. Fireproof. Explosion proof. Once he has he's eyes on you, there's no escape. Quite a nightmarish villain.

All the characters seemed very much ordinary. Average Joes and Janes. Added a lot to the movie's gritty realisticity. Perfect casting. Enjoyed the back and fourth between the two cops. Loved the slow building tension till it encompasses everything and all the bouyant vibes die out. The practical effects seem believable for it's time. Story is told at breakneck speed thus the movie's lean and mean runtime. Lots of unforgettable, frenetic and captivating action scenes. Just a well conceived superb thriller.

I feel like this movie and Michael Biehn are a bit underrated compared to it's sequels, but I adore this one and won't think it will ever age. An aeonian thriller to be enjoyed by generations to come.
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Killing of one's sacred time
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste! A waste of my time and acting ability of all the renowed cast. Pretentious is the right word for it. What am I suppose to make of this? Was neither entertained nor did I learn a valuable lesson from this utter waste. Worthless!

Colin Farrell was squandered. The character he was given was a boring mute. He's was numb all throughout. There were scenes were you'd expect him to react ( like when he was threatened by Martin ) but he was frozen. No emotions whatsoever. Unnaturally still. Same as Barry Keoghan. His character's lexicon and articulation wildly transformed after he revealed his true intentions. He was totally reset. Was he pretending to seem slow the whole time? Ludicrous.

The pacing was as slow as molasses. The performances were dull, unnatural and monotonous. The uneasing sound effect in almost every single scene was ear defiling. So many unnecessary, creepy, perverted scenes. No sex scene was essential to the development of the story. No rational or even irrational explanation is given on how Martin was able to envenom the family. It was left untold like it was unimportant when I was eagerly awaiting for his techniques to be revealed. The Greek fable references don't mean and contribute anything. The twists come out of nowhere ( like the anesthesiologist lusting for the wife or the surgeon being a drunk ).

An utter highfalutin garbage this movie was. Could, would and should have worked with all the ensemble stars in it, but failed out of bad directions clearly demonstrated by the stupid, pretentious plot and screenplay. I kinda foresaw it but was not prepped for such voidness and disappointment.
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I sincerely like.
27 June 2023
This flick hits right in the feels. Greatly aided by Clooney's impressive performance and the well written dialogue, the descendants was truly lovable. Some characters may get too obnoxious and it might be a bit slow, dreary or somber at times, but eventually a powerful scene follows to capture your attention right away. All the characters felt genuinely human. Clooney's character didn't throw a fit or went on crying like a p***y, but handled the awful news of his wife's passing and infidelity in a very mature manner. Clooney was perfect here. The descendants feels under rated to be frank.

The music and the scenery is pleasing. The humor is germane to the tone of the movie. Everything here is just down to earth. A fantastic and often heartrending drama.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Did you rummage to fruition?
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's rare to find not even a good one but a watchable show these days. However, the final season of succession was fantastic. It had it's flaws but still might just be the most eloquently written and executed of all the seasons. Throughout the finale, we saw the selfishness, grubbiness and duplicitousness of the main characters, backstabbing each other constantly whenever they think there's some route that ends with only them making it to the top. Those 3 siblings especially could conquer the world, if they squashed their narcissistic ambitions for the sake of brotherhood, sisterhood and family. However, they just can't seem to do it. It was so insane to watch them backbiting each other whenever I thought, maybe they're finally gonna respect each other or they're at last gonna put their family bond first and put aside their colossal ego. But that didn't happen and it makes clear sense to me.

Logan is responsible for their self centered and meek nature. He's the one who sowed the seeds of CEO to all three thus each growing up looking in contempt of each other and brainstorming for a way to one up each other. So many double crosses packed in this season. Quite a captivating experience it was.

Logan passing out like he did was unexpected and maybe they should've kept him a little longer or gave him a more dramatic exit but even without the energetic presence he provides, the show was incredible. I loved the suspenseful music they kept playing throughout, the brilliant and often hilarious script and the engaging storyline filled with twists and turns. Season 5 was a great accomplishment.

The final episode showed the true colors of the Roy siblings. Shiv spites following her brothers so much, she chose to burn her dad's lifelong work and her family's legacy. Roman swallowed his ego for once after a lot of struggle but eventually reverted and humiliated and truly offended his brother. Ken ( the nicest of them all imo ) could have taken care of them ( I'm sure if any of the two were left in charge, they would immediately look for a way to forever silence the rest of their kin ). Mattson chose Tom and not Shiv cause he's a ruthless egomaniac who does not like to work with people who see themselves as an equal to him. He chose Tom cause he's a sycophant who knows his place. Tom knows he doesn't need Shiv anymore and probably is going to leave her. I don't think Shiv made the right decision for herself but she knowingly sold ATN to the man who used her and threw her away only cause she spites her brother Kendall being on top. The selfishness in this show has no limit. I love it.
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Lives up to it's repute.
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Impressive performances, memorable screenplay, eye catching cinematography, thrilling score, engaging and fairly realistic plot, dramatic action sequences... all characterize the dark knight. A well conceived white knuckled flick which takes itself seriously. No silly and childish moments but all focused and sensical. Remarkable and astonishing performance from Heath Ledger who blew me away. Even his voice changed to be honest. I'm astounded by how much he fitted the skin of the agent of chaos.

Filled to the brim with great features as it was well thought out in almost all aspects but some elements don't make much sense and seem shoved in for the sake of the continuity of the story. Not as sturdy as I remember.

How was joker and his goons able to infiltrate every organization?

How stupid of Gordon to let cops accused of siding with the mob ( like wurtz ) to pick up Harvey? Weren't there any other cops for God sake?

Joker convincing Dent doesn't make sense. His speech on how he doesn't strategize persuading Dent is inconceivable. Even I didn't believe him. Joker does plan, infact he's the best tactician. He plans and always has an ace in the hole. Always has a backup plan.

How did batman find Harvey's torture hall?

Joker escaping Gordon's station is an impossibility.

How's the press allowed to be used as a fear propaganda tool for the joker?

Why did Alfred let Rachel go when she's Joker's next target?

Why is Rachel so quick to sprint to danger when she clearly knows she plays a huge role in the psyche of both of Gotham's heroes? Why can't she stay put? Both men seemed to have lost their way and went down the route of evil for Rachel after all.

Not a drop of goofiness meant to appeal to the kiddos on this fantastic flick. Suck on that marvel. I still love the sequel more but this was awesome. I like.
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Spy Game (2001)
Some f up barometer this movie has for morality.
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lame game as one reviewer put it, this movie was an utter disappointment. Who am I supposed to root for? The movie portrays this evil, murderous, psychopatic man as a savvy and nifty patriot. Muir justifies the death of 74 innocents to kill one man, the imperialist US deemed a terrorist, as a successful mission and at the end him and all those who collaborated with him get away with it. The movie expects us to applaud these villainous terrorists. I refuse to do so.

Bishop is a spy caught trying to break out a terrorist woman who blew up a building. I wanted all of them to get punished for their sinister acts but the conclusion was a sheer fiasco.

What was to be gained from listening to Muir blatter about Bishop's past for hours on end? Other than dragging the movie's runtime, it really was no help to the CIA agents plan. And they are depicted in the most asinine manner. Muir is always a step a ahead of them not cause of some smart trickery but the movie presents his counterparts as completely incompetent.

You expect us to believe the Arab doctor fell for the story, told to him by some nobody, that his client was involved in his parents death and went to the point of risking his very life for such flimsy rumor. That's plain ridiculous.

It's implausible for one CIA to get a Chinese prison raided and even for men in 2 choppers to breach a well guarded prison.

Soy game was filled with tacky spy movie cliches and was flawed to it's to core. Dog's dinner of a movie. At the end, imperialism sadly won.
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GOTG 3 did not live up to my expectation.
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jesus wept! Why? Why does Marvel feel the need to shove it's tasteless humor in everything? Why not spare the only franchise ,that still had a soul left, from all the cheesiness and vapidness Marvel is lambasted for? Worst one of the trilogy if I am to be honest.

Sitting through, my rating for the movie kept on dwindling and I reached a point where I was eager for it to end. GOTG 3 flaws were egregious. Compared to Marvel's recent releases this one is at least watchable but parallel to the series's prior movies, it's horrendous.

Let's start with the humor. Part 1 had witty, timely, germane lines that would crack you up. Second one had some marvel goofiness but the engaging drama it had balanced it out. This one is chock-full of lazy, unfunny, kiddish and annoying lines meant to be amusing. Filled to the brim with marvel style goofiness which kept clashing with the gloomy story they were trying to tell. The first one was perfect without trying to appease the under 10 crowd with puerile humor.

Drax is a great example. On the first one, he was a furious soul looking to avenge his massacred family but also a bit odd, nescient and irrational. Second movie made him slightly clownish but his grim soul and character was intact. Here, he's a buffon. A jester for pleasing the gang and amusing kids. Stripped of all his deep background and essence, he's merely the original character I knew and loved. An insult to fans, what they did to his character.

The hella dragged out story was not engaging in the least. Rocket, my favorite character, was shorn of all his charm and made to sit this one out. He was replaced by none other than Mantis, the goofiest of all, chosen to entertain the kiddos. She kinda reminds me of my kindergarten teacher with the way she acts. Her silliness was endurable on the 2nd one cause there was some drama attached to her with Ego and all, but here she gets the most runtime and Gawd she's obnoxious.

The oversentimental animal scenes were extremely cringe and cheesy. We don't know the characters so expecting us to sympathize for them cause they have big, puppy eyes is very lazy. The lines exchanged were very tacky and sitting through those was the hardest. Quill reminiscing about Gamora was heart wrenching because their relationship was well developed and we already are familiar with the characters. I can't say the same for Rocket's friends.

( Also, Rocket's craftsmanship was gained through experience, not innate skill. Him being gifted felt like a retcon ).

Chukwudi Iwuji as High Evolutionary did emote well and definitely is a more interesting villain than Jonathan Majors. Nevertheless, his character's motivation and goal was vague ( Making perfect beings, but how perfect? ) and he was too powerful. A villain deemed a God killed by stab to the heart. How pathetic! Same as Wanda, he was built up as an invincible demigod but perished in the most dissatisfying fashion.

The screenplay was full of tired, generic lines and the CGI and costume was mostly bad. Honey I shrunk the kids level. All our main characters seem tired and worn out. Some scenes and lines were repeated from the earlier works. The music wasn't as catchy as the prior ones, as if they exhausted their playlist. 2 hrs was enough to tell the story they felt like telling. Riding out the whole thing was not a delight, I tell you.

Adam Warlock was unnecessary and did not help in developing the story in any manner. The sequel and spin-off baiting finale where all the characters depart for no reason but to wander on to their own respective shows sealed it for me. At that point, I decided this flick deserves nothing but a 1/10. I genuinely feel distraught Marvel's formulaicness and childishness got to my favorite flick.
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28 May 2023
Very much over rated. Repetitive, tiring and inauthentic fight choreography for 3 hrs straight. Unnatural and generic one liner filled script. No deep drama whatsoever. Just bland, perpetual killings till one is numb. Awful and fake seeming blood effects. Bland, cliched action hero.

All these characterize John Wick 4. These movies keep getting shallower with every sequel. The little soul the first two had is dead and buried here. I don't get the hype. John Wick has become like those generic, action B movies with cliched scripts and characters. Not to forget the unlikable and uncharismatic addition, black guy with a dog. He was as dull as it gets.

Beautiful cinematography though. Loved some of the scenes except the CGI ones. A point for that I guess.
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What's the French word for stake out huh!!!!
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of my favorite thrillers. Matt Damon was the perfect cast for playing Bourne as he was impressively good at emoting the character's confusion and frustration. The score is what I love the most. Releases suspenseful and tense sensation unto the listener and preps you to the captivating experience you're about to have. Movie had both engaging drama and awesome action. Unless one tries to be fussy, everything seems well conceived.

The woman who played Marie was also a great emoter. Her frozen in shock reaction when she first sees Bourne kill a man and the poor land lord shot point blank on the forehead sealed it for me. She was as good and likable. Loved some of her zingers too.

The last leap should have broken all his bones but nevermind that. This movie is ideal for me. My all time favorite thriller.
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