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You haven't seen wall-to-wall action like this
29 April 2017
The foreign indie flick, The Raid, is an amazing work of art. It doesn't have any noteworthy plot or acting, but it is remarkable for its action and the tense and at-times unpredictable and creative scenes. I think The Raid is one of the best action films ever made.

The choreography and cinematography of the fight scenes are amazing. Often, many action films have some errors/flaws or the fights seem fake but I didn't notice any major flaws with the scenes here. The director and the stunt coordinator, along with the actors, have done a very good job making everything seem so real.

If you are into martial arts films, or if you have never seen a really good one, you should check out this film.

You don't know what wall-to-wall action is until you see this film!
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Amazing series for all ages
11 February 2017
I rarely give a perfect 10 for films; out of 715 films I have seen and rated so far in my life (as of February 2017), I have only given a perfect 10 to 25 films--only around 3.5% of the films I have seen. Usually a perfect 10 film tends to be unique, innovative, groundbreaking, pushes the filmmaking artistry to a new level, or touches me personally. This film doesn't really meet such criteria but I gave it a 10 anyway.

Sometimes you run across a film or television series that doesn't really push the boundaries but melds all the different elements nicely to produce a perfect film. This is one such television series. I just love how the filmmakers--Duffer brothers--got all the different elements, including acting, a mysterious plot, humour/character interaction, and style to work together seamlessly.

If you like a family-oriented (not safe for little kids but main characters are kids and teenagers) series that realistically portrays relationships between parents and kids, while also dealing with a mysterious story, you will probably like this series. I think the acting by the large cast was excellent--not everyone was perfect but overall, the kids, teenagers, and adults acted very well together.

The plot is probably the weakest part of the film. Some of it was kind of clichéd and predictable, with some minor parts seeming a bit unrealistic. I think the creators could have made it a bit more darker and unpredictable but I think they wanted to maintain the feel-good vibe, typical of the 80's. I think the careful attention paid to the style of the series, which is a homage to the retro 80s, makes up for the plot shortcomings.

Overall, I highly recommend this series to everyone. The plot is a bit predictable so hardcore horror/mystery or art film fans won't like it that much. But I think the family interactions and the 80's style makes up for its shortcomings and rarely is there a film or series that is well made and appealing to a wide audience.
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Biting Elbows: Bad Motherfucker (2013 Music Video)
First-person short that is precursor to Hardcore Henry
26 December 2016
This is a music video (short film) shot entirely in 1st person. It is unique and you don't see too many videos executed so well. It is freely available on YouTube so check it out. If you grew up playing FPS (first-person shooter) games then you will enjoy this.

This is a precursor to the follow-up feature length film, Hardcore Henry. If you like what you see in this short film, I recommend that you check out Hardcore Henry. You can clearly see the influences of this video and what a bigger budget can do.

The director of this film and Hardcore Henry is apparently part of the music ground Biting Elbows. Not entirely sure what they play but it sounds like some sort of electronic punk rock music. If you are into that type of music, might be worth checking out that group.
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Very unique film worth checking out
26 December 2016
This is the type of film that is hard to categorize and will be hated by many. Yet, if you are a film lover, one who loves to see filmmakers push the art to new territory, you should definitely put this fairly high on your to-watch list.

Hardcore Henry is an action film that is presented entirely from a 1st person perspective. If you have played FPS (first person shooter) video games, it will be similar; if you have not, you will watch the movie through the protagonist's eyes and will only see their hands and feet in some scenes. I have seen some films where the 1st person view is used for portions but Hardcore Henry is the second film that I have seen that is fully 1st person.

One downside to the film is that the plot is kind of weak. It is very stereotypical and farcical at times. Perhaps the director and writer wanted it to resemble a video game, many of which have similar simplistic plots. The camera-work can also be very dizzying during some crazy scenes so some people won't like it. Just survive through those scenes and you may get used to it.

Depending on your musical tastes, you may also like the music and soundtrack in the film. The music is very eclectic and covers a diverse genre, with it tilting towards electronic punk rock type. I thought it was quite good and have even ordered the soundtrack (one is the music while the other is the soundtrack so order the one you want). The use of music reminds me of the film, Drive (unrelated to this).

The film also uses real stunts, as opposed to much computer graphics, so that is a plus. There is a YouTube video showing behind the scenes and these guys executed some crazy stunts.

Overall, I found the film very creative and unique and highly recommend it. The film itself is kind of weak--plot, acting, etc are typical--but it deserves high praise for its creativity. I think this is the type of film one should see at least once in their life. Even if you don't like it, you will at least remember how unique it is and remember what the art of film is all about.
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
Creative, beautifully crafted, film about meaning of life, love, and science
18 September 2016
I have seen a lot of films in my life--689 according to my IMDb ratings--and I have to say this is one of the most creative films I have ever seen. It is a beautifully crafted film that is hard to describe. It is a romantic drama that touches of philosophical notions of time and how our decisions impact the path we take in life.

I like how the film nicely mixes plots and styles and themes and music and costumes and art. Music selection was also good. Films covering similar topics can get clichéd and boring quickly but this film is an exception; it kept my attention and my brain thinking for the entirety of the film.

If you want to experience something that is uncommon, do check out this film. Even if you don't like the film after watching it, I'm sure you will admit that it is a unique film worth experiencing.
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Rage (2016)
Well-acted but ending weakens film
16 September 2016
Saw this film at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) yesterday. It is a somewhat lengthy Japanese film (2+ hrs) with strong acting and interesting storyline. Most films covering similar topics--unsolved crime, mysterious loner, young lovers, homosexual relationship--would have ended up clichéd and boring after an hour but this film definitely kept me interested throughout.

Unfortunately, I feel the ending weakens the film. The way the crime details were revealed at the end seemed rushed and wasn't as imaginative as the rest of film. Overall, a good film worth watching if you are looking for a foreign film with crime drama plot.
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The good, the bad and the ugly -- a balanced look at Steve Jobs
22 August 2016
I feel that a lot of content about Steve Jobs, whether film or TV interviews or books or written articles, often present a simplistic, one-sided, view of Steve Jobs. Many present just a portion, such as the technological achievements; others just cover certain time periods--the resurgence of Apple after 2000--and doesn't clearly convey the character of Steve Jobs and his history.

This documentary is something unique: it presents a balanced view of Steve Jobs. It is mostly about Steve Jobs as a person and less about Apple or technologies he was involved in.

Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine covers not only the good side, including his spiritual journey, but also his terrible personality, some serious ethics lapses (such as the options backdating scandal or the secret deal with other companies to prevent tech workers from getting jobs elsewhere), and some controversial manufacturing practices sanctioned by Apple (regarding its suppliers in China and elsewhere). This coverage of the controversial issues is what makes this a great documentary; it doesn't whitewash anything at all.

If you are looking for something more about the technology or how he made Apple into a success, you should check out other material. But if you are looking to learn about how Steve Jobs was as a person, I highly recommend this documentary. I have seen or read quite a bit about Steve Jobs (since the 90's) and this probably does the best job of covering his complex personality and his decisionmaking.
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Powerful, visceral, look at the reality faced by child soldiers
1 August 2016
There are many wars in the world where child soldiers make up a chunk of the soldiers (numerous Asian and African wars are famous for it). This film focuses on the notorious wars in Africa. It is a fictional tale and a specific country is not mentioned but any of the numerous central African civil wars in the 90's could nicely represent the film.

Presented from the viewpoint of a child, forced into picking a side that he doesn't understand, the story nicely weaves in the realities of war. The acting is superb and the plot is somewhat unique and keeps it interesting. The cinematography is also very good and it felt just like Africa.

Highly recommended for anyone that wants a worldly perspective of wars with children.
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Very good look at the struggles and successes faced by indie video game makers
20 September 2015
I was quite surprised by how well this documentary kept the viewer's interest. This is a documentary that follows three popular indie game makers. Some of the developers have had successes in the past and all of them had a lot of hype before the games were released. So the documentary is sort of biased in that it doesn't show a typical indie developer; rather, it shows the best of the best. As the title suggests, this documentary covers INDIE game-makers which means a team of 2 or 3 people developing a game. This provides a different perspective from big-budget studio games where there are 50+ people working on it.

The filmmakers had full behind-the-scenes access to the developers. So we get to see their personal life and the impact it has on some family members.

The film also imparts some good wisdom for indie developers. For instance, one successful developer that is profiled mentions how you don't want indie games to be fully polished and perfect like those blockbusters released by the big studios. Instead, being a bit rough around the edge, and having unique personality and feel is what one should aim for.

If anyone wants to see the struggles indie developers go through, this is a very good introduction. A lot of long days and nights working on a game that may or may not turn out to be a success. The saving grace is that if the game does become a big hit, you will literally become a millionaire overnight. In some sense, this no different than what entrepreneurs trying to start other businesses face.
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The Fall (I) (2006)
Spectacular special effects and cinematography with very unique plot
3 November 2013
Regardless of one's interests, I think The Fall is one of those films that everyone should see in their life. I wouldn't quite say it is a masterpiece that should be near the top of everyone's list--it isn't--but it is so unique that you will probably not see another film like it.

The special effects, costume design, style, and cinematography is unlike anything you would ever see. When people praise special effects, some people think of the modern blockbuster with tons of explosions and collapsing cities; yet, that is not the case here. Great care has been taken in this film to bring unique environments to life. Some of the Eastern-influenced scenes are remarkable.

Although the plot follows a traditional arc, the scenes depicted are very unique and memorable. Everything is just so styling and unlike what is seen in most films. Having said that, the somewhat predictable story weakens this film. I think Tarsem Singh should spend more time on the plot (or work more closely with a better screenwriter--same weakness exists in his other films). What could have been a spectacular film is reduced to merely very-good because of the plot.

This is the type of film that isn't ranked very high by me (8 stars) but is so unique that it is worth seeing over some of the other higher ranked films. If the film didn't lose some marks for its weak, somewhat clichéd, plot, I think it would deserve more stars.
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Immortals (2011)
Good special effects and cinematography but weak, confusing, plot
3 November 2013
Tarsem Singh hasn't made too many films but all of them have good to spectacular special effects and cinematography. He also presents unique artistic direction that is incomparable. That is the case with Immortals as well.

The scenes are very stylish and illustrate unique landscapes and characters. If you want to see a film with unique computer effects and costume design, do check out this film (as well as his superior, prior film, The Fall). I'm glad to see him pushing the capabilities of modern special effects, without it being the clichéd explosions and destruction that is so common in other films.

Unfortunately, the plot sinks this film into something that could have been good, into average territory. The film is limited by the historical background of the main story and is daring in its interpretation of events. The plot is weakened by its confusing back-and-forth into several characters (it would have been more suspenseful if we didn't see what some key characters were doing), and its clichéd outcomes in many scenes.
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Superbly-acted American epic
10 September 2013
There aren't many films I consider as American epics. There are several Westerns and a few others that are uniquely American but they are rare. This is one such rare film.

There Will be Blood is an epic that spans the life of an oil driller from the early 1900's. The plot is a bit predictable and there is very little dialogue so this film appears to move slowly, yet keeps the viewer interested.

Superbly-acted, the characters are very realistic and recount the struggles faced by pioneers of that era. I can't recall too many other films where I felt empathy for a one with questionable ethics.

As some have suggested, the film is depiction of "true" capitalism, that built America over the last few centuries, with its inherent requirement of hard work ethic, ruthless pursuit of profit, and, at times, setting aside family values.

If you like art films and are interested in Americana, this is a film worth checking out.
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La haine (1995)
Captures the ethnic friction in Paris
8 August 2013
Just as relevant today as when it was made, La Haine (or Hate) captures the difficulties faced by disenfranchised youth in France. The news of rioting in France a couple of years ago made the film seem all too real. Looking back on the film, the film seems very prescient in foreshadowing the problems percolating beneath the surface in France. I imagine the economic slowdown since 2008 probably has made it even worse than what it was in the 90's.

Powerful,gritty, and quite realistic portrait of contemporary France. The film is sort of a precursor to the rise of social realism in French films, with the Dardenne Brothers' works being the most successful example.

The plot is a bit weak but the acting and the realism more than make up for it. Recommended for those who like social realism in films.
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District 9 (2009)
Interesting and unusual science fiction
8 August 2013
District 9 is one of the most unusual films I have ever seen. I'm a big fan of science fiction films and have seen quite a number of them, yet this is a unique film. Most sci-fi films are futuristic or have a simple good-vs-bad plot. In contrast, District 9 is a more realistic portrayal of what would actually happen if aliens landed on earth. I like how the aliens were unlike what one comes to expect in these types of film.

Although the plot is intriguing and more mysterious than most films involving this subject matter, I found some of it hard to believe and ludicrous. Nevertheless, the film is exciting and you just never know what to expect.

Kudos to the director for making such an interesting film and pulling it off for the most part.
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September 11 (2002)
Hard to rank; some weak segments; some powerful segments
23 September 2002
This is a collection of documentaries that last 11 minutes 9 seconds and 1 frame from artists all over the world. The documentaries are varied and deal with all sorts of concepts, the only thing being shared is 9/11 as a theme (very minor in some cases). Some of the segements are weak while others are very strong; some are political, some are not; some are solely about 9/11, some simply use 9/11 as a theme to touch on human feelings, emotions and tragedies that are universal; some are mainstream while others are abstract and artistic). This film has not been censored in any fashion by anyone so the thoughts that you see are very raw and powerful.

This is a very controversial film, especially for conservative Americans. I think two segments might really tick off the right wingers (one from Egypt where a dead American soldier and a dead Palestinian bomber come back as spirits; another from UK which recounts the US-backed overthrow of Chile on Sept 11, 1973, which resulted in 50,000 deaths and horrible atrocities). The segment from Mexico was the most powerful, recounting the fall of the towers and the resulting death in vivid fashion (you have to see it to believe it).

Even though the final product is uneven, with some segments being almost "pointless", I still recommend this. It's very difficult to rank this film because the segments vary all over the place (some weak, some very powerful; ). I'm giving this a rating of 9 out of 10 simply because some segments were excellent and covered issues that usually get censored (Mexico segment, UK segment, Japan segment, Egypt segment).
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City of God (2002)
Excellent Brazilian epic covering gangs
23 September 2002
City of God is a Brazilian film that chronicles the formation of gangs in poor neighbourhoods of Rio de Janerio. The film is based on a true story and is an epic covering around 30 years. The story is told via the overlapping lives of several children who grow up to be gangsters. The film is very violent (most violent movie I have seen) so some might be turned off by it. The script is very good and the acting is great (this is remarkable considering how most of the actors are non-professionals hired from these same neighbourhoods).

The film is very stylistic and borrows a lot from films like Pulp Fiction and Boogie Nights. A lot of shots are very cool and innovative. I also liked how music from that time period was interlaced within the film (as in Boogie Nights).

If there is anything bad about this film, I would have to say that the style (although very nice) detracts from the issue. The message about gangs, the violent neighbourhoods, the corruption of the police, etc would have been more effective if the film followed a traditional docudrama style approach. This is really a minor point given that the film captures the essence of life and death in a way few other films have.

Highly recommended to everyone that can live with violence... Even if you don't like the film, you'll learn about the lives of the poor in Brazil.
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Fun and humourous examination of gun culture in USA
23 September 2002
Micheal Moore's take on gun culture in the US. The basic premise that Micheal asks is: Why are there so many more gun-related deaths in USA than any other Western country? The movie was very humourous and fun (although there WERE some disturbing scenes eg. 9/11 call and security camera footage showing what happenend in the Columbine High School massacre). I can't see any Canadian not liking this movie since it portrays Canadians in a positive light--a bit too postive IMO :) The film is very entertaining (any film that makes Marilyn Manson look smarter than anyone else is worth checking out).

The film is a bit more ambiguous than Moore's typical works and doesn't really arrive at a solution (although Moore's final thought is that the culture is responsible for the problems).

If you want something fun and different, check it out.. Unfortunately the largest theatre chain the US has boycotted this movie so I don't know how well it will do in theatres :(
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Traffic (2000)
Excellent movie
8 July 2001
This is one of the most accurate movies dealing with drugs. Traffic presents the issues of drug trafficking as they happen in real life without exaggerating anything. The acting is excellent (especially by Benio Del Toro as the Mexican cop), and the screenplay (which mirrors the Traffik miniseries which it is based on) is interesting. Finally, I loved the use of three different lens tone.

Highly recommended for anyone that likes dramas. As a companion piece you might want to watch the Traffik miniseries after viewing Traffic.
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The Matrix (1999)
did someone say special effects?
8 July 2001
The Matrix is an action movie with excellent special effects and an unorthodox science fiction plot. If you are an action fan, I don't need to say no more: you HAVE to check it out. If you are looking for something deep this movie isn't it. Nevertheless it has spetacular fight scenes with an interesting story so you might want to see it eventually.

One of the things about this movie is that it has a lot of innovative special effects and camerawork. Some of these effects have since been used in other movies but it is still cool to see how it was originally done.
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Titanic (1997)
very fine romantic drama
8 July 2001
Titanic is one of the most expensive movies ever made (cost of $200+ million) and is the highest grossing movie of all time. In addition, it won many oscars. So if that doesn't make you take notice I don't know what will.

The film is really a drama with a strong romantic thread. The acting was above average, directing was amazing, and the cinematography showed you how it actually felt when the disaster took place. I rank this movie highly and would recommend it for everyone that likes a good romantic drama. Almost everyone universally praises Titanic except for a few (I suspect that these few don't like romantic movies).
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one of the best action films of all time
8 July 2001
Terminator 2 is one of the best action films of all time (in fact, it is the #1 action film on my list). The special effects in the movie are amazing even now (2001). I highly recommend this to every action fan out there. The sci-fi story, though somewhat weak, is plausible and lends itself to the action scenes. The acting/special effects of the terminators are very good.
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Traffik (1989)
Excellent miniseries
8 July 2001
Traffik is an excellent miniseries dealing with drug trafficking in Europe. This is the European produced PBS series on which the Oscar-nominated movie Traffic is based on. If you loved Traffic then Traffik is a must see.

Overall I would highly recommend this miniseries to anyone that is interested in seeing drugs from a social point of view. The screenplay is exciting and unexpected as it weaves through the lives of drug dealers, traffickers, farmers, policians, and police officers. Unlike other movies that sensationalize the issue of drugs, Traffik presents it AS IS.
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A feel good old fashioned romantic movie
8 July 2001
Having problems in your relationship? Then perhaps you should view this movie. This is an old fashioned romantic movie that will leave you happy at the end. It basically centers on a jewelery shop in Poland where two couples meet and then follows their lives afterwards. I don't think there is anything spectacular about the movie yet I loved it for some unexplainable reason :) Maybe it has to do with the fact that it is a somewhat touching movie that ends up cheering you. This isn't an Oscar quality movie but is worth checking if you have an opportunity and are in a romantic mood.
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