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28 March 2002
I saw this movie when I was in fourth grade and never forgot it. I can still remember shots from the movie but I never encountered it again and actually thought it was called "Something in the woods." Well I decided to just satisfy my curiosity and when I laid eyes on this page I knew it was the one.

From what I remember, this movie is extremely scary and it gave me a horrible fear of the woods. The music is eery and the camera shots are something you'd expect in a serial killer movie, but even worse. I guess I should have seen it again before commenting here, lol, but it's really screwed up and I definitely don't recommend you show it to young children.

Damn you Disney damn you.
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Session 9 (2001)
A true thriller
4 March 2002
I started the movie expecting to be scared and I was. The movie takes on several elements, and despite some plot holes and the last half hour that seems to drag a little, it's one of the best horror films yet. The music really adds the essential touch, and the isolation makes even the tape recordings sound even scarier. There are some unresolved issues concerning the characters, but perhaps that is to be expected and left up to your imagination. The film is very creepy and slows down toward the end, intertwining significant details in the plot to relate the whole story and end on both a mysterious and chilling note. I recommend this to anyone, but be forewarned, it can be quite intense. Very good film. Even makes you look past the faults you noticed while first watching. 10/10
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It had its moments
4 March 2002
I saw Harry Po the ad in the theatre some time ago and let me tell you did I LAUGH. My friend and I almost got kicked out because we were choking on our saliva over that damn centaur. Hahahaha, oh my GOD was that hilarious! I'm going to buy that movie just so I can watch that scene. "I'll save you Hairy!!" Haha, whoops I mean 'Harry'.

Sorry: I'll get to the point. The movie is slow but it does have its moments. The Quidditch (sp? wtf?) Game was very well done, especially the camera work, and same with the chess scene. Bascially the action scenes were nice. And Draco was very well cast, as he was in Anne and the King and the Borrowers, so we've all seen him around. As for the others, well, it seems that many people prefer Ron right away over the others. Harry seemed dull and just there so he could count on the attendance records. Hermoine acted stupid at times and she really needed to brush her hair. The Weasley twins- and I'm being serious- looked deformed in that scene where they, um, walk through the wall. Hunchbacks with square shoulders anyone?

Watch it for the laughs but don't except a marvelous adaption from the book... don't watch the film to see that heroic Harry you've read about because it might take another film to get the real him out, if they even manage to do that. If you're going to watch it, judge it as a film, as it is, and not because of the books. And in doing that you'll find it slow, unresolved, but... erm... with good action scenes.

There's always hope for the next movie. Will there be more centaurs I wonder... :)
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
11 January 2002
This movie is very fun and colorful! The songs are well done and catchy, and all the performances (the dancing!) are exquisite. Nicole Kidman did a wonderful job, and was perfect for the role. It was very funny to also see some "familiar" songs brought up in the movie, and some of the actors that were in the show were absolutely adorable (the little gypsy LOL). Just see it. 9/10

Note: Throughout some scenes in the beginning, there's a lot of cutting but be assured this stops soon enough, however it is noticeable. Also, the beginning and the end vary A LOT from basically the rest of the whole movie, so just keep in mind.
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Absolutely Superb
11 January 2002
I've never actually heard of the true story, and just came upon this movie because I'm a Kate Winslet fan. I have to say, it's one of my favorite movies and definitely one of the top films of all time.

Winslet and Lynksey are perfect. Their performances are moving and get you emotionally involved throughout the entire time you watch the movie. The scenes of despair are especially heartbreaking, and the funny and creative sides of the girls are admirable and fun to watch. If only they didn't get carried away with their imaginations.

But you'll just have to watch the movie to see what I mean. :) 10/10

I might also add that the adults who played the girls' parents- Peirse, Kent, Merrison, and O'Connor- did it flawlessly. A very good movie!
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23 December 2001
This is truly one of the saddest movies I've ever seen, if not the saddest.

I recommend this to anyone who can watch a movie based on love. Fiennes and Moore are perfect and brilliant in their roles, and Rea is pretty good but a bit sluggish in a scene or two.

The movie sadly shows the effect jealousy has on an obsessed lover and just how powerful the love of God is. It's based in the time of war and the aftermath of the movie will most likely leave you feeling angst and melancholy. It's a classic film, truly one of the top romances I've ever seen, and I'm quite a movie buff. I give this masterpiece a 10 out of 10 and I recommend this movie anxiously to anyone who's reading this and hasn't seen it.
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15 Minutes (2001)
Not bad at all
6 October 2001
I've been reading some of the previous comments, and to be frank, I don't see what the big deal is. The main objection here is that this movie actually does take on several themes, and at times the moods will shift altogether, but you never lose your interest in the film- yet how can you- with all the comedy, thrill, and action packed sequences; this sure is a winner in my opinion. It's also a movie where, and I don't see how anyone can deny this, the bad guys steal the show: two men wanting to make movies, who came to America to be rich and famous, perhaps even to leave a legacy. If you've seen the movie, then you know this, so why bother even going into the messages this movie is sending out? There are some serious aspects to it, and then there aren't, which is the same with all movies, but overall, this is an Action/Comedy/Drama (Wow, that sounds weird) which is the shortest title you can give it. I suggest this movie to everyone who is willing to watch an original story that gives you everything you could want in a film, perhaps not too recommended for a very serious crowd... If you can't deal with that, just leave it alone, because going against this movie is just plain pointless and you should get a new hobby. (Seriously....)

This movie ends on a fun note, and has something for everyone. Do yourself a favor and see it :)
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7th Heaven (1996–2007)
*laughs hysterically*
7 August 2001
HAHAHAHAHA. This show is soooo funny. For years, I put it off, cause I already suffered enough from all the corny advertisements, and then *big breath* my friend sat me down to watch it with his family. What a bunch of psychos! They all sit around the couch and watch the show every week, and are totally obsessed with it. Anyway, I was eating and I actually almost choked on my bagel from laughing so hard! The people are so stupid, I want to shoot the mom, the dad? OMG don't get me started on him... they've brainwashed their kids. When will they discover that being religious does NOT help their problems? And STILL they all go to this little church (spend anymore time there and they'd live in it) only to have the next episode filled with these HUGE problems (some of them not even possible) that they take way too seriously (like when they all found some pot in the mom's dresser and were all shocked to death) HAHAHAHAHA. Don't get me started... hahahahaha see it if you have a death wish!
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Julius Caesar (1953)
Moving, captivating!
7 August 2001
If you know about Shakespeare, then I strongly suggest you rent/buy this movie. Many people, as well as I, think it's the best version of 'Julius Caesarfor many reasons. It goes along with the events very accurately, and if you've read Shakespeare's book, you'll see it's like having the very thing acted out on screen. I also might add that the acting is excellent, especially Gielgud, who was my personal favorite. However, all the actors were wonderful, from Ceasar to Lucius. Even the battle scene reminded me a bit of some of the scenes in Spartacus...

There's just something about this movie that is very appealing. The powerful (and sometimes funny) Cassius is the most captivating character. A lot of the times I could just feel his anger- Brutus, of course, is a very melancholy character, but for him I didn't feel as much as I did for some of the others. Marc Antony was superb, and his presentation of near insanity (Okay, so he's crazy!) that builds up throughout the movie is breathtaking.

You must read the book, or else you probably won't be able to follow this movie. Really all you need to do is go through it with someone who knows how to translate it into easier terms, and then it's like learning a language, and you'll know exactly what the people are talking about, and feel very smart! Lol, this is a classic. A must see!

[And may Cassius, Brutus, Caesar, Calpurnia, Casca, and all the other actors who portrayed these characters, rest in peace!]
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6 August 2001
One of the best movies of the year, "The Talented Mr. Ripley" delves into the life of Tom Ripley, a poor and talented young man who craves for more in his life. His chance comes when he plays the piano at a wedding, wearing the Princeton jacket he borrowed from a friend, when the groom immediately asks him if he knows his son, Dicky, who came from Princeton as well. Immediately you start to pick up Tom's character, because he lies and says he knows his son, and fortunately for him, the father asks him to do something; Tom gets a chance to go to Italy and convince Dicky to come home.

You may think this is a bit weird at first, the dad sending Tom all the way to Italy just to get his son, but everything will reveal itself in time. So don't worry, this wasn't one of those stupid parts used only to start off the plot. The movie is brilliant and Tom's character is fascinating. The theme to the story is what would happen to you if you were not true to yourself, as Tom wasn't cut out to be his true self, and this provides plenty of trouble for him and many others.

I strongly suggest this movie. Each character is presented so differently, you wouldn't believe how far apart they are if you step back and look. I'll quote Paltrow, who says that if you yourself have not been truthful to yourself, you will be left feeling very strange when it ends. A fabulous movie. I rate it 10 out of 10. Wonderful acting by Damon and Paltrow especially.
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Best movie ever made
29 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say I read the book before seeing this film, but the movie based off of Anne Rice's "Interview with the Vampire" has inspired me to, and not only did I read the book, but I actually have the whole series now and am awaiting her future writings.

Interview with the Vampire takes you into the world of Louis de Pointe du Lac, a two hundred year old vampire who tells the tale of his eternal life of hunger, betrayal, love, and suffering. The general mood of the movie is quite depressing, but this doesn't take you off guard, as the plot immediately sets in as soon as it starts, so make sure you're prepared from the beginning. Almost all of the movie is set in the late 1700s, then continues on a bit further, then briefly goes over the events throughout the nineteenth century. A note beforehand: This movie has some gore... it's not all about feeding on helpless victims or special effects, but about the first hour may seem very gory for some people, but this doesn't last long at all, so don't for one second start to think this is what the movie's all about.

**SPOILER WARNING**: Anyway, the immortal Louis (Brad Pitt) tells of his life as a vampire and his own personal hell. These vampires are beyond amazing- they are not just bloodsucking creatures, and feel as they felt as humans. This captivating tale takes you back to 1791, where Louis has turned suicidal what with the recent deaths of his wife and infant son. He roams to taverns, drunk, picking fights, with an invitation open to anyone to end his life. Soon a vampire, by the name of Lestat (Tom Cruise) offers Louis a life without pain, one that cannot end. Ever. Louis accepts, not really knowing what he's getting into, and so therefore Lestat transforms him into a vampire. Immediately the movie's theme mood is set: Louis is distressed. He despises his vampiric ways (You'll find out MUCH more about this if you read the book) and hates to kill more than anything. As explained in the novel, he was extremely sensitive about death due to his family's death, and simply could not take a human life. When he did kill, he felt awful and throughout his time with Lestat went bitter. As the movie continues- and you're praying for poor Louis to be happy- fights start breaking out between him and his maker, who only wants Louis to share his love of human blood and immortal power.

Then, one night, when Louis' hunger was unbearable, he drank from a little girl named Claudia (Kirsten Dunst) and Lestat appeared... then, as a gift (as said in the book, but in the movie it's more brutal) Lestat makes her as one of them. Thankfully, the scenery changes, and there are a number of funny scenes- Claudia's clumsiness and Lestat's inevitable impatience- then, of course, Claudia started asking questions. After all, she was made immortal in such a small body and seeing all the older and larger women, she grew distraught and closer to Louis. In an unforgettable scene, she throws all her dolls out of a trunk and Lestat sees she hid a dead mortal in there... then, in a fury, she screams at Lestat and Louis, demanding answers, and then cuts her hair and runs into her room, only to scream even more hysterically when she sees it has all grown back in a matter of seconds. From here on, she is as Louis is, and then the plotting begins.

Let me add that this took me totally by surprise when I first saw the movie. Claudia had come to hate Lestat so much that she hints of killing him- and then does. Sweetly, she makes peace with him and leads him to two 'drunk' boys, who are actually dead, but filled with a poison that keeps their blood warm. As a rule, vampires can't drink dead blood or they'll go down into death with their victim. And so did Lestat... and in another breathtaking scene, he drinks from one of the boys and starts gasping for breath, thrashing around on the room and yelling for Louis, but by the time Louis arrives, Claudia has just cut Lestat's throat, and the two watch- Louis in shock, Claudia only smiling- as Lestat chokes on his blood and shrivels down on the floor, dead. The two fledgings then drop Lestat's body into the swamp, figuring the blood put an end to him. The two make plans for Paris, both wanting to seek out others of 'their kind' as Claudia put it, and then, on the night of their leave, they hear someone at the door. In a heart pumping scene, Louis opens it and sees no one is there. In a long moment of silence, he looks around strangely, and then turns around in confusion, when suddenly Lestat jumps up and shoves Louis against the wall, his hand around his throat. Louis then slams the door on Lestat's hand, making him back off into the street.

He picks up Claudia and the two run up the stairs. Entering a room, they stop in fear as music from the piano suddenly starts playing, and they see Lestat is there, alive and well... but, not exactly. The makeup in this scene is excellent. "Claudia... you've been a very, VERY naughty little girl.." He then attempts to harm Claudia, and with a thrust of his arm, Louis throws a lantern on Lestat, aflaming him. The two escape and barely make the ship, watching from afar the burning city of New Orleans. Another cheerful section of the movie is set in as the two arrive in Paris. "We were alive again," Louis says. The scenes of Paris are also breathtaking... then the part with Armand comes.

A lot of people don't like Antonio Banderas as Armand. I agree. Armand is supposed to have a cherub face, but 'play the devil' inside, him only living up to 16 years of mortal life, but 500 as a vampire. Instead, the Armand in the movie has an evil expression... and the age not even appropriate for his character. Here, Louis so sadly seeks out the answers of their kind; what they are, where they come from, when Armand answers the best he can, when really they're both just falling in love with each other. Claudia immediately senses this, picking up a message from Santonio, Armand's evil side kick, and assumes Louis is going to leave her... and with thinking that, she demands Louis make a dollmaker from one of her favorite shops, by the name Sybelle, immortal. Louis desperately denies him ever leaving her, but still ends up making Sybelle immortal, in one of the most emotional and powerful scenes in the movie. And as soon as this resentful deed is done, Armand's vampires (from the Theatre Des Vampires) come and take them to the theatre. Santonio then orders Sybelle and Claudia executed, and Louis to be shut up in a coffin for eternity. They want to punish them because Santonio thinks Louis killed his maker, and also, though not known to Louis ever before, children are NOT allowed to be made vampires.

Unfortunately, the killing of Claudia and Sybelle is successful- with regretful Armand shutting himself up in a room while the three screamed for him beforehand- but he gets Louis out right away, who then discovers the bodies of the two vampires, and then- in one of my favorite scenes- slowly walks out of the room and turns to the vampires, with the most powerful glow in his eyes, full of hatred. And for a good reason. That night, he returns, and burns the Theatre Des Vampires to the ground, killing all of them except Armand, who then saves Louis from the daylight, as he wasn't exactly keeping track of time while destroying all of his enemies. The two are then together, but not for long. In an emotional scene, Louis confronts him, and of how he could have stopped them, and with that, leaves Armand.

This is the part that kills you. The music from the beginning comes back- "Medley", the theme song, which is extremely sad- and as it was as his last days of mortality, when he longed to die, the mood is the exact same but worse. By now anyone watching the film feels his pain terribly, and he talks about what he did after that, recklessly traveling from country to country. "But the world was a tomb to me; a graveyard full of broken statues, and each of those statues resembled her face." He then tells of how the technological miracle, film, let him see the sunrise for the first time in 200 years. The movie is definitely concluding, but not before Lestat pops up again. Coming out of the theater, Louis catches the scent of death as he walks into a graveyard... but it wasn't coming from the graves. He continues to walk and then finds Lestat, weak, dry, his back to him, talking in a small voice. The reunion isn't too long... in a touching moment, Louis comforts Lestat when he fearfully cowers when a pilot comes over them, and then, pretty much Lestat telling him of how he can be like he was in the old days, Louis simply says "I have to go" and leaves him there. He then goes on to say he lives on, night after night, feeding on those who cross his path. The scene comes back to the setting of the first, where Louis has just told this all to an eager reporter (Christian Slater) by the name of Daniel. Daniel then comes to say that he's not dead, and with a sudden outburst, Louis comes and threatens him, scaring Daniel away. He runs out of the building and into his car, racing along the street. Daniel then starts to calm down, joking to himself a little, when suddenly Lestat comes up behind him and sinks his fangs into his neck. Daniel screams out as the car swerves madly on a fast moving highway, and then, Lestat, regaining the wheel, hears Louis' tape playing. "Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that... for centuries!" Lestat sneers, then turning it back to the radio. "Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice...I, never had."

He then looks at Daniel and starts laughing mockingly, which, is a very funny ending, as it reminds you of his cockiness in the beginning of the movie. It ends with an upbeat tune of 'Guns and Roses', the singer actually telling about his immortality when the credits come on. This, truly, is a classic.

The movie goes through three stages: Louis becoming a Vampire- His meeting Lestat and learning the ways of a vampire, the suffering even more intense and neverending. Falling in Love- A part of the movie where it's actually funny and somewhat high spirited, how he fell in love with Claudia, still mixed in with a vampiric sense of evil. And then... the happiness ends. Surviving it All- Conclusion to the movie, where it's back to where it was in the beginning, only far worse. The last scene is great and it sets the mood for the other Anne Rice books, and the upcoming sequel of this movie, 'Queen of the Damned' due out in October, starring Aaliyah (none of the IWTV cast).

If you can understand English, you should see this movie. I love it! If you want more info email me. It truly is a classic.
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Little Men (1998)
Brilliant movie
28 July 2001
Although I can't say I've read any of the books, Little Women or Little Men, I CAN say that this movie is fantastic. For an independent film, I'm absolutely impressed. You wouldn't have thought it to be independent at all- the scenery is marvelous, the acting is wonderful, the plot tantalizing, and best of all, the characters are attracting in the most interesting way and never did I lose interest in the movie. Also, I might add, the camera work and lighting is excellent. You could tell that this movie was obviously made by professionals, but never once did the earlier centriuth feeling leave at all. You feel like you're a part of their lives, it's great! I love this movie much better than I liked Little Women- I think Little Women was too slow in the beginning and too fast at the end so it left you both exhausted and feeling like the movie was long, but still didn't get to the point in time. Anyway, I tell anyone who wants to see a story about adventure, discipline, and finding home, rent this movie about two street urchins who struggle to adapt to the 'be good and obedient' manners of Joe's house.
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Just not the same
9 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I've read the reviews and to sum it up I think you either like this movie or you hate it. (Bit of a spoiler warning!) First off, I think the most important element of the story is that the atmosphere has changed dramatically. Not only is the main cast mostly teenagers, but Issac still has the height of one! He actually scared me a little when I first saw him- His head is big but his height is very small and his face looks papery like he smokes or something. Still, this adds on to that 'Adult mind in a Child's Body' concept you kinda had in the first one. I'll have to agree with the people who said if you're looking for something to finish off the story from the first one, don't get over excited. I think the most shocking part was the revealance of the guy who was supposedly 'Thee who walks behind the rows'. I mean, he looks 19, come on! Are you telling me he was one year old in the first Children of the Corn? COMPLETE disappointment. What would have made a good Children of the Corn 666 was if it was the same eery yet kind of old atmosphere, and the children were in their late teens, so they weren't yet adults, and still children. And Issac returned and they found out Malachi was coming back or something, now that would have been phat. But really? This is a cheap movie and it's becoming more clear than ever now that horror movies aren't what they used to be. Now it's all about making money and having it star some idiotic teens, nothing slightly interesting or any real decent plot with its killer to always be an ex-boyfriend or some guy with a hook. I'm getting off track, but if your hopes are low, I think you should still see the movie. Thank John for keeping his creepy attitude, for that and that alone saved the movie... and yet at the end it still concludes with that kind of 'Time for another 5 sequels' dilemma! What a messed up plot. And thee who walks being the rows *SPOILER WARNING STILL* kills Issac... WHAT? He must have loved Issac to only speak to him, and then he kills him? Yeah... right... oh, and one more thing, how the HELL could Issac have a kid? Two even? Are you telling me he impregnated a woman when he was in his coma? Right... anyway... the movie is okay, I give it a **** out of 10, still though, they could have done better. One more thing: NONE of the spiritual stuff is back! Issac has another scene where he's giving a big speech while everyone is sitting on the ground, but really? This is basically about how Hannah is getting chased by psychos in their trucks while she tries to find out what the hells going on. See it if you want, your choice!
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9 July 2001
HILARIOUS! I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even get through an hour of this terrible excuse as a sequel to COTC 1! What a stupid movie! However, I hear three and five are good, but they better be, because if they are any worse I'm going to personally start making the other sequels MYSELF! (The seventh sequel is due out this year! Somebody call Comedy Central!) lol, but seriously, my hopes are up for the seventh one- I hope they start improving these Corn movies, because the first one was the best, and to say that about a movie made in 84 compared to what we can do with movies now, that's sad! Anyway, I agree with everyone else who said it has funny parts- it does! First off, in the beginning, a reporter is going around asking some children what went on. He approaches a young man... "Excuse me, did you see anything go on?" The child looks up slowly. "I saw the corn." "Right... er... excuse me young miss, what happened here?" The little girl glared beneath her extension-looking hair, "I saw the corn!" The reporter rolled his eyes. "What is it with this corn?" Oh! And of course there are the old ladies, and don't ask where they came from, because they convinced us that all adults were dead in the first one, so I guess the old ladies just came out from the woods and started living in some of the houses built there! Anyway, they know ALL about the children, of course, and get killed in the funniest ways. One disgusting part is the voodoo kill in the church and this guy just bleeds right in front of the priest! Like his wife is ever going to go pray at THAT Church again! Also, the newcomer who's rebellious and likes to walk around because he's... rebellious? I find it great for him that he has free porn, pretty much in his backyard! LMAO! Some girl likes to take her shower under a waterfall (obviously street trash) she begs him to take her with him when he leaves when they've only just met. Right, now whoever says this is a great movie should really stop being obsessed with Corn, it's not good for you! However, I might rent this movie again and try to finish it- don't be surprised if I have a heart attack and die laughing hysterically. WATCH THE FIRST ONE. That one kicks.
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Like it or Hate it
9 July 2001
Like many of the Corn movies (seven as of 2001!) I find that either people like this one or hate it. Some viewers despise the plot and say the setting is cheesy and the acting is bad, and that after watching it years later after we've all our bad tastes of horror flicks- let us not forget the Scream series- they find it is not as scary anymore. All I have to say is that if you're open-minded and you're into a plot about what would happen if these kids took over (sound familiar? sounds like my home town...) then definitely see it. I, personally, love this movie, although I started the second one and I couldn't finish it because I was laughing too hard. I'll try the third one, but really, the original horror movies are usually the best and in this case that is very true. On to the plot: This is basically about two newcomers who come to this deserted town and find out that these children are actually killers and worship 'Thee Who Walks Behind the Rows', a demon in the corn fields that speaks to Issac only, the leader of the children. Of course, there's the rebellious Malachai who turns it all around for the children in the end, and then to make matters worse there are now two new adults: things really get busy! I think this is the most appealing because you pretty much find out everything as the adults do, as opposed to the other movies where you pretty much expect just all these adult killings, although I've only seen the 6th one (which should be illegal in the US because it's so horrible). But anyway, a 7th Corn Movie is on its way, and it's on Post Production last time I checked, so maybe things have turned around! All I can see is that a new sequel is coming out every two years, but none will ever match up to this one. So see it! I give it an 8 out of 10!
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