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Nothing new here... but watchable
2 June 2024
This film was absolutely fine, but don't be expecting anything new... you won't find it here. I liked the characters, they had a strong friendship and on the whole they behaved fairly sensibly. The actresses did a fine job. And the setting is beautiful. So that's all good!

The problem is that we've seen it all before... it's very predictable and that's a real shame. There also isn't enough shark/s in my opinion- which unfortunately makes it a pretty tame watch.

It's one of those movies that you'll watch once and that's it. Definitely doesn't compare to the likes of The Shallows or even 47 Metres Down.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Good... but not as good as the original
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Little Mermaid is my ultimate childhood film, and I was so excited to see the "live" version. In my opinion it's good, and Halle Bailey does a fantastic job, but it's no where near as magical as the original. My 3 main gripes are: 1) Some of the under water scenes are so dark and the camera angles so weird that it's like watching The Battle of Winterfell all over again.

2) I have absolutely no idea why anyone would leave out "Daughters of Triton" and instead add in 3 new songs, all of which are totally forgetable. Actually, I tell a lie... I wish I could forget the one where Scuttle and Sebastian rap! Painful.

3) It is absolutely criminal that the most iconic line, "My poor little poopsies!" has been cut. CRIMINAL!
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Absolute perfection
2 September 2022
This is the funniest film ever made. Hands down. And it gets funnier every time. I have never laughed so hard, and I quote it almost daily. Just perfection!

The cast are all amazing and are perfectly cast. Kristen Wigg has never been better. There are just too many funny scenes- the plane scene is an absolute classic. If you don't pretend to be Ms Iglesias on your next flight then there is something wrong with you. But all the scenes are hilarious- the wedding speeches, any scene with Annie's mam, any scene with Megan, any scene with Rita... just brilliant. You feel like, somehow, even though they're all completely bonkers, you know them. And you leave the film feeling great.

Watch it... on repeat! You will not regret it!
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Men (2022)
Just... odd
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, first things first. As ever, Jessie Buckley is incredible.

But that's about where the praise ends. I love quite liked the slow, creepy build up. But it really led to nowhere. A lot of symbolism and the idea that all men are bad.

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Great potential... terrible execution
8 March 2022
I am a massive Drag Race fan. This was a great concept and had an exciting line up... but what a waste. All the best queens went first- only 2 queens in the finale even had a win, it says it all. They REALLY need to rethink AllStars rules.

Terrible snatch game. Weak group song. Boring final.

And don't get me started on the winner. One note all the way through- just very annoying in general. Won because they were the best of a bad bunch of lip syncers.

Thankfully, the season was short. Every cloud and all that!
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The Manor (I) (2021)
I enjoyed it... until the last 10 minutes
13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Barbara Hershey is fab. And this is a decent little horror flick. I liked it and it made sense... until the last 10 minutes. Here's why: 1) Why did we see Babs taking the hair off the old guys brush? It ruined any form of suprise when he throws the hair on the fire. We already know!

2) Did Babs have a personality transplant in the last 2 minutes? She's outraged they're killing people to keep them young... but suddenly she decides to join their little coven. The problem, is they didn't build up her fear of growing old enough- it got a couple of passing mentions. They also didn't delve deep enough into her relationship with her grandson, and the loss of his dad (who got 2 mentions the whole film). It just didn't feel at all authentic, and jarred with the whole rest of the film.

Worth a watch though!
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Pretty terrible
17 October 2021
Awful acting. Stupid storyline with stupid characters making stupid decisions (oh, there are 3 of us but let's all wander around the house with the killer alone). Honestly, none of the characters behave in a way that makes any sense. Not enough Laurie.

Such a shame after such a good first reboot in Halloween (2018)
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Good, but not as good as the book
15 May 2021
Ok, I loved the book. The book is superb. And the film is just good. Amy Adam's does a great job, she's totally convincing. In fact, the whole cast are good, but are just underused.

The book develops the characters and relationships so that they are much more complex, and lots of that is lost in translation from novel to film. It's that common issue we've seen time and time again with adaptations. But, it's definitely worth a watch.
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The Notebook (2004)
Simply the best
12 February 2021
The most romantic movie in the world. Ever. The end.
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Wow... unexpected and thought provoking
5 February 2021
Firstly... Carey is amazing in this movie. Full stop.

The movie was unexpected in so many ways and ended in a way I wasn't ready for! It's thought provoking, dark and heartbreaking. I can't describe it, but you must watch it.
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