
9 Reviews
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The Days (2004)
Oddly Appealing
18 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, "The Days" is an "O.C" wannabe family drama minus the snazzy location. It features a family that must have very serious problems because everything basically went to hell in the first episode. *Spoilers* Essentially the oldest daughter and the mother are both pregnant and the father quit his job, great timing. The 2 younger sons are just kind of bopping around not doing too much. This show is overly dramatic, poorly acted, has totally weird camera angles, but for some odd reason I enjoyed it. The bright spot, for me at least, was Evan Peters as the middle child Cooper. He seems to be more comfortable with his character than the other actors on the show. The parents and the older sister are definitely overdoing it in the drama department. This seems to be one of those shows that a lot of people will either love or hate, so my advice is check it out for yourself.
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It's Bad
15 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Watch out for spoilers* Dear Lord, this movie was heinous. I can't even begin to talk about the ridiculousness of this entire film. First, some old man (Connery) is asked to defend England against world war with a rag-tag team of people with creepy powers/abilities. So, the team is formed: a female scientist/vampire, Dorian Gray, an invisible man who likes to call people "freaky darlings", a turban wearing crazy-bearded Captain Nemo, Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde, and of course, Shane West. Sounds silly? Yeah, it was. So anywho, this mosh of "extraordinary gentlemen" go to Venice and try to stop the mysterious Phantom from starting a world war. Then there are some storm troopers. Then Robo-Cop shows up. I kid you not. And then it turns out that the Phantom is actually the guy who hired them in the first place. Really, it makes no sense. In this movie, Shane West is totally Sean Connery's bitch (can I say that?) I feel bad for Shane West, I really do. He is a really good actor who probably took this job because it meant that he got to work with Sean Connery. But really, it was not the greatest move. And it's not his fault. The material that they gave him to work with was BAD. The only other person who was good in this movie was Stuart Townsend as Dorian Gray. He was fabulous, and also a little *fabulous*. He did a really good job with the crap lines he was given to say. He is very Johny Depp-esque, and I admire that. The only good part of the entire movie was when Sean Connery said something to Shane West and Shane West responded, "Whatever it takes." And, of course this is hilarious to all Shane West fans because his first starring movie role was in.... "Whatever it Takes." Ha! Well, it at least had me rolling in the aisles. The rest of the time I was rolling in the aisle because of the ridiculousness of it all. They left the movie semi-open ended, my guess was, in hopes of a sequel. But, I beg of you, don't go there. There are only 3 reasons why anyone should go see this movie: 1) you are a huge Shane West fan (me!), 2) you are a huge Stuart Townsend fan, or 3) you want to have a really good laugh and mock Sean Connery, which I think is an excellent reason. Woohoo for Shane West!
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Everwood (2002–2006)
Oh Boy
12 October 2002
I would like to start off by saying that I have loved Gregory Smith ever since I saw "Harriet the Spy" 7 years ago. On that note, it really makes me mad how the WB is pulling it off like they discovered him! Anyone else notice the "And introducing Gegory Smith" commercials? Oh yeah. It's not like he is even being introduced to network TV (i.e. last year's now defunct "Kate Brasher") so give the kid some credit. He has been in movies with people like Richard Dreyfuss, Mel Gibson and Colin Farrell, so I would hardly call "Everwood" an introduction. The next thing I would like to rant about is the fact that his chracter, Ephram (which, by the way, is a really stupid name) is supposed to 15. Come on now, Gregory Smith is nearly 20! Ok, now that I am done venting, I would like to begin my actual comments about the show. I think its great! Its one of those sappy but you gotta love it shows, like "7th Heaven." The plot is fun, the characters are fun, its just fun all around. Oh, also I would like to say that the girl that Ephram is supposed to like is played by a girl who is barely 16. Ew. But, the guy who plays her brother, Chris Pratt, is very talented (not to mention hot), so watch out for him, too. So, everyone should watch "Everwood" featuring VETERAN actor Gregory Smith. Lovely.
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Much Ado About Whatever (2001–2002)
Oh no
25 September 2002
Ok, they totally did cancel it! It makes me a combination of mad, sad and outraged. Boo-hiss. But, Adam Brody who played Zack was on "Smallville" last season so that was very cool. And, Johnny K. Lewis (Gilby) is in a Sharpie commercial.
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Much Ado About Whatever (2001–2002)
"Now What?"
29 May 2002
OK, I totally sweat this show. It is totally hilarious! I think that "The Sausage Factory" was supposed to be one of those MTV made-for-TV movies that is then spun off into a series, like "2ge+her", but instead they just skipped ever airing the movie. But, back to my point, this show is sooooooooooo funny! I especially like Gilby, played by Johnny K. Lewis, and Zack, played by Adam Brody, formerly Lucas on "Undressed" (which I miss by the way.) Everyone should watch this show. Even my friends that think they are too cool for MTV like it. It's just clever (i.e. "Sometimes I add extra Rs. Its a speech imperdiment.) It's on Saturday nights at 9 and and most days at 4:30 (right after TRL) so everyone check it out, mmmkay?
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Cool Beans!
4 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so can I just say that Brad Pitt is sooooooooo hot. It's entirely possible that he is hotter thatn Jon Bon Jovi, but that is rather debatable. This movie was so good. And it wasn't even the insanely hot guys that impressed me the most. It was the genius of the characters. I suppose upcoming info could be considered *gasp* spoilers so be warned. The best part of the movie was the genius of the characters and how they pulled it off. I guess that would make the script the best part of the movie. And the second best part was how Deanna got in for free (inside joke). So, if you like movies with hot boys or simply movies with coolio plots, you should totally check out Ocean's 11, you'll be glad you did. Have a nice 2002!
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Strike! (1998)
Fun movies are fun.
16 November 2001
Hi IMDB friends! Wow, this is a funky fun movie. I rent it frequently because, alas, it is very hard to find in stores. Anyway, if you liked "Now and Then" or even if you didn't, you will still sweat this movie because everyone does. This is a coolio movie about a group of girls at a finishing school and the reek all sorts of havoc because that makes the movie fun. And you know what? Did you see "X-Men"? Yeah well the kid who plays Bobby Drake("Welcome to Mutant High") {his name is Shawn Ashmore and he's a hottie.}is in it and he's in his underwear. That's way fun. Oh, and Hayden Christensen is in it and he looks like he's 12 years old but really, he's like 17. And he is funny and drunk in it. HA! Anyway, see this movie or I may have to hurt you. Lovely. Bye.
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Dogma (1999)
21 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Can we just take a minute here to discuss the genius of kevin smith? or rather revel in it. this was like the best movie ever! well, that may be a bit of an extreme statement, but not far from the truth. this a fun-tabulous movie that follows the adventures of two fallen angels, loki and bartleby. (p.s., aren't those the best names)fun fact for y'all: loki was a bad god in Norse mythology who convinced this blind guy to throw a sprig of holly through the heart of this other god named balder. deep stuff here. but that's not the same loki as in the movie. well, anyway, this is how the movie goes. ****warning to those who have not seen the movie**** some of the upcoming info may be considered "spoilers", so stop reading if you don't want to know details of the plot. wow, now no one is ever going to read this.... *boo-hoo* anyway, even the reason loki and bartleby took a plummett from grace is funny. one day, they got drunk, and bartleby (ben affleck) convinced loki (matty damon), the angel of death, responsible for sodom and gemorah, to stand up to god, and refuse to do his job. well that pissed god off, so they were sent to spend all eternity in wisconsin. sad yet true. and god issued a decree that from that day forward no heavenly creatures may "imbibe" ( to quote the metatron) alcohol. well, anyway, loki and bartleby find a loop-hole in catholic dogma that could get them back into heaven, and out of wisconsin. well, they must be stopped, or it will prove god wrong and there for undo all of creation! the last scion (linda fiorentino) is chosen to perform this task. and along they way to new jersey (where the physical sign for the loophole in catholic dogma can be found, along with the birthplace of jay and silent bob) a hilarious cast of characters is encountered. of course, they are the lovable, huggable, jay and silent bob. then there's rufus (he's usually long rufus, but its a little cold out), played by the hilarious chris rock. anyway, now i've taken up too much of imdb's space, so go see dogma, it's so funny, that the movie viewer will wet him or herself. ( to paraphrase a dogma quote) and another thing, this is one of those movies you can grab great quotes from and use in everyday life. see dogma, it's funny, it's touching, it's genius.
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Hum, what to think?
17 August 2001
I saw the movie about 1 hour ago. The script wasn't all that great, and Colin Farrell's acting was simply atrocious! He got so much acclaim for "Tigerland", dude, what happened? Gabriel Macht was really good, he should have been cast as Jesse James, although Colin Farrell is hotter. And Scott Caan was good for his role as Cole Younger, but I was expecting him to be funny because he's so good at it! But if you are a fan of his simply based on his work in "Varsity Blues" and "Gone in 60 Seconds", this is not the Scott Caan movie for you . Gregory Smith did a great job as Jim Younger, the typical "naive young man". But he wasn't in it enough, you barely got introduced to him! It was the same type of role as his in "The Patriot", small but very essential. Not much more to say about it. I had a great time (cause I Love Gregory Smith!), but if you are expecting a lot from this movie, you are setting yourself up for dissapointment. So all in all:Not a great film, coulda done much better. Macht was great,Scott Caan will be more appreciated by those expecting serious acting, and woo-hoo you can never have enough Gregory Smith!
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