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7 November 2001
I've watched 'Later..' a lot over the nine years that it's been running. I think what makes it an enjoyable watch is the musical vriety that this show embodies. For instance... a guitar-god like Jeff Beck ripping it up in the studio and then onto some plaintive African singing, and then to delta blues artists and current pop acts and also a couple of interviews for good measure. Unlike kid's music shows that just focus on Spice Girls, Hear'Say and Robbie Williams or whatever! So it has my vote. Keep it up Jools...! 9/10
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Enjoyable and Crazy Comedy!
12 October 2001
I first seen this movie years ago and really liked it, and now after checking it out again, it still has that magic. It also includes a fine cast of stars. Gene Wilder is pretty funny in this. There are plenty of gags too. But, unlike most comedy films, there is a decent and enjoyable storyline included as well. So I'd say there's something for everyone in this movie. It's romantic, funny, engaging and damn right crazy at times! Check it out! 8/10
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Porridge (1974–1977)
What's All The Fuss About?!
9 October 2001
I don't like this sitcom. It seems everybody else does, though. I find the gags are too obvious and I hardly laughed at all when watching it on T.V. It's a very old-fashioned style sitcom that probably only older folk will enjoy. The best comedy of all time is Only Fools And Horses. Without doubt! Oh and by the way, David Jason is in this series as Blanco. Check out the make-up! 4/10
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The Real...: John Lennon (2000)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
18 September 2001
I love John Lennon. I love The Beatles. I love allsorts of music so naturally I was interested in watching this documentary (what with being a SCOUSER like John! hehe) This documentary focuses on everything you wanna know about John Lennon. From his beginnings in Liverpool (cool!) to playing to millions all over the world and becoming a worshipped idol to millions of people). It focuses on the high points, the low points and everywhere in-between with interviews with key people who knew John the best such as his wife Cynthia Lennon, his sister and other family members along with various musicians who were inspired by John and The Beatles. An excellent look at the hysteria of a personal man who's songs pledged peace, love and happiness in the world over. WOW! 10/10
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The First Movie Sucked! But This Sequel ROCKS!
18 September 2001
This film is great! It's not so much a sequel to the first movie, it's more of a 'replacement' to it and it really does outdo it! Mark Addy is good as Fred Flinstone and it's a really bright enjoyable flick. Adults maybe are being aware too much, but this isn't just a dumb, colourful show for 3 year olds, it has a good story and plenty of gags throughout which everyone will enjoy. As I said, I hated the first movie, but I really enjoyed this one. It's so COLOURFUL and HAPPY and BRIGHT and SNAPPY and PLAYFUL and Joyful and...LOL. 8/10 :-)
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The Thin Blue Line (1995–1996)
18 September 2001
I saw this on TV in 1995/96 and just loved it! The storylines and gags cackle with invention and are simply sheer genius. Ben Elton did a very good job here. The stars in this show are perfectly cast and hilirious to watch, particularly James Dreyfuss, Rowan Atkinson and also David Haig who plays D.I Grim is hilirious! There's a good range of personalities embedded into each character and it's great the way they interact so well. Some great double meanings and even some toilet humour gags will keep you more than satisfied while watching this. :-) 9/10
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Popstars (I) (2001– )
8 September 2001
God why do people really rate and watch things like this?! It is just crazy! It's sad that so many talented musicians get left behind when the TALENTLESS ones are just screaming and shouting in public to be noticed! Everyone on this show is pathetic! Not one of them sing in tune and everyone thinks they are the best! AWFUL! 0/10
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The Music Outdoes The Storyline!
8 September 2001
I don't remember seeing the original BLUES BROTHERS movie (1980), but I saw this about a week ago on TV. I thought it was OK. No doubt I watched it mainly because I'm a blues guitarist freak and this movie features BB. King, Eric Clapton, Matt "Guitar" Murphy, Steve Cropper and Jimmie Vaughan. Somehow the music seems to win me over to like this movie as most of the stars just keep bursting into song throughout! BB. King was great singing 'How Blue Can You Get' and I really enjoyed the soundtrack to this movie. There are still some very funny scenes (now and again!) but if you love soul, blues and funky music you might wanna check this one out! 8/10
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Staggered (1994)
Strangely Enjoyable Comedy
8 September 2001
This movie isn't half bad! It has a great cast including Martin Clunes, Michael Praed and Griff Rhys-Jones (!) There are plenty of funny scenes in this movie although at times they tend to clash with the more serious issues like death etc. Overall I think this is a top British film that has a lot going for it. There were some very funny moments throughout and if you're a fan of any of these actors, it's pretty doubtless that you'll enjoy this. 8/10
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One Foot in the Grave (1990–2001)
Some Very Funny Moments, But Mostly Sick humour!
8 September 2001
I don't mind this sitcom. Richard Wilson is OK I suppose. He can be quite funny although still to dry humour for my liking! Some of these episodes will have you laughing out loud, but some sre absolutely rubbish! The gags rely on spooky coincidences and sick humour such as a tortoise cremated alive etc! I can't say that this is a bad show, but I think it'd be better if it was slightly more lighthearted and breezy. The Funniest moment is when Victor is asleep in the chair and the phone rings and he reaches down to the floor to pick it up, and instead he picks up a puppy, put's it to his ear and says, "4291"! LOL. 7/10
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You've still got your 50/50 and your phone-a-friend! hehe
7 September 2001
This was a good show. It started off and for like the next 6 months it ROCKED! But, unfortunately ITV obviously milked this show too much by putting it on too often! The show became very monotonus and predictable (stand up Chris Tarrant! lol) My theory is that ITV should have sheduled this show at like once a week (maybe on a Saturday!) then people like me wouldn't have got so bored with it so easily. Shame. 8/10
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Ready, Steady, Go! (1963–1966)
2 September 2001
I'm only 17 years old so obviously I wasn't around to watch READY STEADY GO! when it was first transmitted! Duh! But watching the repeats of this show proves to me what a great decade the 1960s were for music with so many great bands performing such as The Beatles, Gerry And The Pacemakers, The Rolling Stones, Donovan, The Dave Clark Five etc. And also the likes of Donovan, Dusty Springfield and Bobby Vee. It's an excellent and nostalgic show to look back on and it gives you a great insight into the BEST MUSICAL DECADE EVER!!!!! 10/10
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Scream (1996)
A Real Spine-Chilling, Red Herring-Led Adventure!
2 September 2001
Let me start off by saying that I'm not normally one for horror movies or thrillers (well, maybe once in a while!). I like mostly comedy movies. This movie is a masterpiece. It will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish! Unusually for a deep, thought-provoking horror/mystery movie, it has a good balance of humour and wit embedded into it that somehow works great with the perfectly cast characters. An excellent piece of movie making that probably couldn't have been done better. 9/10
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Big (1988)
Tom Hanks Is Awesome!
2 September 2001
God this movie is just THE BEST! I loved it when I was a kid and I love it even more now! It's just such a magical movie that shows that if you want something really hard enough, your wish just might come true! Tom Hanks is stunning in this movie. He has so much vulnerability as the kid trapped in a mans body. It is just an entertaining and lovely movie for kids and adults to enjoy. TOP NOTCH! 10/10
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Grease (1978)
A Musical And Romantic Masterpiece
2 September 2001
I first saw this movie when it was on TV in 1991 when I was seven years old. Watching it again 10 years later, this film still has it's magic. All the characters in this flick are perfectly cast with each star taking to his/her role just like a duck to water. The songs are very catchy and it is simply a 70s classic. 9/10
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Classic Performance From One Of The Greatest Guitar Players
1 September 2001
I have a couple of Jimi Hendrix albums and stuff and I'm getting more and more into his music. I bought 'Jimi Hendrix Live At Woodstock' cheap on video. Even though this Jimi performance is seen as 'classic' I personally don't think he is at his best. Hendrix was best in 1967-68 (performance-wise) when he was raunchy, loud and showmanshippy! This performance iis very tired and drags on and on unlike his earlier performances. There are some classic tunes including FIRE, IZZABELLA, RED HOUSE, VOODOO CHILE and THAT version of THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER!!!!! I'm not a die-hard Hendrix fan. Real Hendrix freaks would adore this because of it's classic tunes and just seeing Jimi play like that! But for me to look at listen to this I found it to be very repetetive and dragging on and on too much. He doesn't even set his Fender Strat on fire! LOL. I feel Hendrix was at his best when he was more enthusiastic and showy, but Hendrix fans will love this as it'll have all they want. Definately worth checking out to witness Jimi's genius! 8/10
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1 September 2001
I've seen a couple of movies starring Ben Stiller and I quite enjoyed them, so naturally I rented MEET THE PARENTS out from the local video store. My first impression was that it wasn't funny! If you're looking for anything new in a comedy, look elsewhere! Fair enough it's a nice, clean family comedy that doesn't rely on foul toilet humour and crude gags (not too much anyway! lol), but the jokes are so predictable and not funny at all. I think I laughed ONCE during the movie! Rob Deniro is OK in this movie as the mean and strict father, but there's NOTHING NEW to be had here! 6/10
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Musical, Funny, Romantic And Nostalgic Comedy.
1 September 2001
I saw this movie a while ago and to be honest I didn't think that much of it! But now, watching it again a couple of times, I really enjoyed this comedy. Weird?! Yes, but some movies are like that aren't they? I'm not a fan of Adam Sandler, but in this film no-one could've been better cast as the main character. His sweetness, experience and honesty really shine through as the wedding singer Robbie Hart and this is perfect alongside character Julia Sullivan (or Julia Goolier! hehe). All in all this comedy has a lot going for it. A nice, nostalgic look at the 80s in a fun, light-hearted and romantic way. Some very good music throughout and a fine cast that simply shines. 8/10
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Carpool (1996)
1 September 2001
I'm 17 years old and I watched this movie from beginning to end. I hardly laughed at all throughout the film and all I can say is that adults won't find this movie funny! It's all child's play with obvious gags and action scenes that will appeal to a young audience. It's all very predictable and lame. 4/10
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Wagons East (1994)
I Couldn't See This Movie To The End.
1 September 2001
It's really a great shame that someone as likeable and genuinely adorable as John Candy adhered to take a part in this trash! I really couldn't see any point in the storyline and the direction in this movie was very poor. The whole movie is like a big comic rip off! Sadly, John Candy died of a heart attack while in the middle of this movie that adds to the tradgedy of the whole thing. I couldn't see this movie from beginning to end. Shame, 2/10
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Groundhog Day (1993)
I Am Reliving The Same Day Over And Over Again!!!!!
1 September 2001
This movie is just awesome! Weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) has got to go to the Groundhog Festival every year (he absolutely hates it!) and report on the groundhog's prediction of an early summer. Never having believed in this event it backfires when he wakes up after a day in Punxittony, PA to find it's Groundhog Day AGAIN! Now he has to get up every morning and cumpulsorily do the same thing over and over again and perhaps win the heart of Andie MacDowell when he gets it all in perspective! This is an absolute gem and a movie masterpiece. There are gags, laughs and inventive scripts that make it SO enjoyable to watch. Spot on perfect! 10/10
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Touching Comedy
1 September 2001
A very nice, heart-warming family movie with plenty of gags thrown in for good measure! The funniest gags is when Steve Martin has a bit of trouble with the dogs at the posh mansion! Steve Martin is OK in this movie. He is George Banks. He is a nice, kind man who wants the best for his daughter and wants his whole family to be completely happy with their situation. Diane Keaton is good as his wife and mother of their daughter Annie. This is a great, touching movie that doesn't have to rely on 90s toilet humour and crude gags and shows that a classic movie can be created using imagination and sensitivity. 8/10
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Delirious (1991)
Not John Candy's Best, But Still Pretty Great!
1 September 2001
Many people on IMDB say this movie is boring and that there is no laughs. That is ridiculous! This movie is great! OK it's not the most original idea for a movie, but I'm a real John Candy fan and he makes me like it. Basically, this movie is about a writer Jack Gable (Candy) who writes for a popular TV soap opera called 'Beyond Our Dreams' when one day, after being knocked out, he appears in his own soap and is able to write what happens in it! Candy carried this movie well with support from the lovely Mariel Hemmingway and Emma Samms, but I feel I have to note that the ending to this film was a complete let down and just too obvious! But overall I enjoyed this perfectly watchable movie from THE LATE, GREAT JOHN CANDY! 8/10
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1 September 2001
These movies don't make any sense! The dubbed English accents over french/German/Spanish or whatever is so lame! This is just a softcore porno movie with fluff surrounding it and it just doen't work at all. NONE OF 'EM WORKED!
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31 August 2001
This is fantastic! The whole muppet crew embarking on an adventure to find treasure. Plenty of great actors feature in this movie as well as the classic muppets Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Rizzo The Rat, Fozzie etc. There are some very funny moments in this movie that will just make you laugh out loud! In fact, it's nearly as good as The Muppet Christmas Carol, but not quite... 8/10
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