
106 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
Oh, WOW!
5 March 2022
Honestly I've been pretty excited for this movie, Matt Reeves is a great director and I really like the casting in this movie so I was very interested to see where they were going to go. This is the most refreshing Batman film we could have asked for, it's nothing like any other portrayal we've had in the past as it finally goes into the more detective side of Batman which his amazing. I also love the fact it's the riddler as the main villain as he is one of the most interesting ones and I'm sick of the same villains being rehashed every time they do a Batman film. Paul Dano as the riddler is potentially the best portrayal of a villain in any comic book movie since Heath Ledgers joker. He plays the character with such menace and such charisma, he's a great actor in anything he's in and he really plays the 'mental disorder' style role down to a tee. But yes Robert Pattinson is the main talking point of this film, he is genuinely amazing! He can forget about his past movies now because this is his best performance in any film and I think he's just shut up a lot of haters with this film. The film really leaves the door open for plenty of sequels and spin offs and I really wish that Warner bros would just sack off the DCEU and build from this film, honestly a DC universe should be started with a well built Gotham story and then structured out to the more supernatural things after that and with Matt Reeves at the helm of it all I think this could really be the start of something amazing. This is the best comic book movie since Avengers: Infinity War, change my mind!
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Scream (I) (2022)
As typical as any Scream film.
27 January 2022
I really do love the scream series and this movie is definitely not the worst of the bunch, other than the first one they're all not great, but as Scream movies go this one isn't bad at all. It's extremely meta like always and it's hilariously self aware. The cast is good, bringing back the originals makes it feel nostalgic and brings back that feeling that the first one had. The writing is a bit sloppy at times and doesn't always work. It's a bit cringe and feels super forced. The killers are super obvious and I predicted it in the first half an hour. The kills are pretty good and sometimes the gore is superb, it might have some of the best kills in the series. All in all it's not a terrible film but it's really not great either, watch it for yourself and see what you think!
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After Life (2019–2022)
Absolutely amazing!
27 January 2022
This series is heartbreaking, eye opening and beautiful all at the same time and it really is some of the best television that's every come onto Netflix. Ricky Gervais has always been one of my favourite comedians of all time and this series really shows a different side of him and I love it. It's such a rollercoaster of emotions, one minute your laughing hysterically and the next your crying your eyes out. Gervais' performance in this is brilliant and it touches on so many life issues that people go through everyday and it really makes you think. I love this show and I'm sad to see it come to an end but it really is a beautiful story that I think everyone should watch. I love it!
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Big surprise!
27 January 2022
I had seen the trailers for this film and was slightly intregued by it, it's got a great cast and a great directed at the helm so I definitely wanted to give it a watch. When it started I was a bit confused with where it was going but it slowly turned into a brilliant interesting and unique story that I was so into. Bradley Cooper is amazing in this film, he's in nearly every single scene and he owns the room all the time while he's on screen. The story is a bit of a slow burner but it's just a brilliant drama/thriller. It's a very different sort of movie for Del Toro but I really really enjoyed it and it's direction. I really think people should go and see this and not overlook it at all. A very big surprise!
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1917 (2019)
20 January 2022
This movie is easily one of the best movies ever made. Sam Mendes deserves so much credit for this film, the direction is insanely good. The fact that the film appears to be one continuous long take is so amazing and a great way to tell this story. The scene where he runs across the battlefield might be one of the best scenes in movie history, it's absolutely breathtaking. I love this movie so much!
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War Dogs (2016)
Easily one of my favourites!
15 November 2021
Since the day I saw this film I loved it, I find it so entertaining and interesting to see a loose story about arms dealings. I think the direction on this film is brilliant, the way it's broken into like chapters is a great way to pace the film, the narration is a good way to keep the audience up to speed on what's is going on. The performances are amazing aswell, Jonah Hill is outstanding in this film and he really does prove that he can act so well, Miles Teller quickly became one of my favourite actors after this film and Whiplash were so good, his performance is so simple but so effective. The movie doesn't drag it's feet, it never slows down and is always moving forward, there's no exposition dump as the film is explaining itself as it goes on. I love watching this film and it genuinely is one of my favourite films ever!
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This is easily Leo's best performance ever!
15 November 2021
This movie is absolutely amazing and it deserved way more Oscar wins. Leonardo DiCaprio is unbelievable and this movie is his best performance and he isn't the only one putting in an amazing performance, this film is littered with them, Jonah Hill is amazing, Margot Robbie is so good to say this was her first major role. I love the story that this movie is telling and the direction on how they tell it is amazing aswell. This is easily one of the best movies of all time and it will go down in history as one of Leo's best ever movies. I love it so much!
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The best of the trilogy but still not a good film!
14 November 2021
Look I get it this movie is bad, the pacing is awful, the acting at parts is shocking, the boring exposition scenes are dull and the dialogue is terrible and I'm general it's just too long and full of crap filler. What it does have though are some of the best lightsaber fights in any star wars movie. I love the duel fights scenes at the end of the movie with Anakin and Obi Wan and Yoda and Darth Sideous, it's super fun and exciting to get to see the fights that have been building over the trilogy finally happen, the choreography is amazing and the effects are really good, to be fair the effects are pretty good throughout this entire film which is a massive improvement on the last two. The opening 20 minutes of the movie is really exciting and entertaining, I love the chemistry between Anakin and Obi Wan and I love how they work together in that scene it's so cool. The score as always is amazing and fits the movie so well. Ewan Mcgregor is obviously the best part of this movie as he is in all of his Star Wars movies, he's just brilliant. This movie is definitely over loved purely on nostalgia but really it's not that great. It's an okay Star Wars movie that could have been made a lot better with some scenes cut out!
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Super dumb and super fun!
14 November 2021
Look this movie is hated so much and yes it is easily the worst of the trilogy but it's really not that bad. The action scenes like most of them in this series are super fun and entertaining, the final battle with all the villains is really cool and exciting. I really like Harry's story arc and how it finally concludes in this film, I really like sandman and his compelling story and the way his story ties back to Peter is a cool way to give his character motivation. The main problem with this film is the symbiote because it's just super unnecessary, venom is a throwaway villain in this film and the black suit is just an awful side plot that ends up with the iconic cringe fest that is the dancing scene, Mary-Jane is a manipulative cow and I cannot stand her character in this movie, Peter is dumb as hell and makes some of the worst life choices I've ever seen. Yes this movie has a lot of dumb stuff in it but as a massive Spider-Man fan I just can't help but love this movie, and to be fair if you watch all these movies back to back they just feel the same. I love it but I get that it's bad!
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Fun as hell!
13 November 2021
This movie is considered the greatest Spider-Man movie ever made and although I don't agree with that, it's definitely great. As a sequel to the first one this movie does everything right, it brings in another great villain and fleshes out Peters character even more. The whole plot line of his Spider-Man powers stopping working is abit cringe and abit daft but I do think it works quite well and is quite an interesting thing to see. Toby Maguire's performance is still okay, it's not amazing but it's consistent to the first movie so it still feels good. The action scenes in this is super fun and super entertaining, the Doc Ock fights are so good and I love the weird horror type scene in the hospital as that feels very Sam Rami. But the main scene for me is the train scene, this scene has turned into one of the most iconic Spider-Man things to ever grace the big screen and I love watching it, it makes you really believe in the power of the character and I just think it's amazing. This movie is fun as hell and I love it!
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Eternals (2021)
Way too long!
10 November 2021
This movie was unnecessarily long honestly you could cut out about 40 minutes of the movie and about 3 characters. I really like that the MCU are trying to introduce some new hero's since the originals are slowly dropping from the universe and honestly it's needed, but some of these characters are just bland and not fleshed out enough. I feel like they just dumped way too much information about brand new characters all at once and it's abit much to care about all of them at once, it just doesn't feel like a marvel movie. The deviants are a little bit boring in terms of villains and again they aren't given enough time in screen for us to care who they are. The effects in this might be some of the best in a marvel movie and I really like some of the costume design on the characters, some of them are a little similar looking at first but for the end fight scene they look really unique and interesting. I love that this film introduces more celestials as they are some of the coolest characters in the marvel universe and they look amazing in this movie and I can't wait to see more of them I'm future films. The end credit scenes are pretty exciting and they do keep me excited for future films. I just wish this movie had a few more things going for it because there's not really much else to say, it's just a little bland with some cool ideas that would have worked better over a couple of movies instead of all crammed into one. Definitely not the worst MCU movie but not the best either!
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The Witches (1990)
My favourite film to watch on Halloween!
31 October 2021
This is one of my childhood faves and I still enjoy watching it to this day! I love the story and I love the way it's told and the pacing of the movie. The effects are amazing for the time and all the special effects makeup is amazing. The children aren't the best at acting but it's fine as for most of the film they're only voice acting. I really wish they weren't remaking it as this movie is near perfect and does not need adapting again! I love it!
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A solid meta comedy!
30 October 2021
This film is a silly, very meta and very funny. If you like these actors then you will like this movie. It's the silliest kind of comedy and it's very subjective and if you don't like that sort of comedy then you won't like this film. It's a very unique that all the actors in this film are just playing themselves and it's all one meta film where they are all joking about each other's roles in films and things like that and it's very cool. There are so many big name actors and actresses in this and it's funny to see different people popping up here and there. If you like Seth rogan films then you will like this. Solid comedy!
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Halloween II (1981)
An okay sequel!
29 October 2021
This film is okay, but just okay. It's a little boring to be honest, it's basically the same as the first one but just worse because it's so repetitive. Honestly there's not much to say at all about this film, it's fine yeah but it's just not really necessary, it's a very forgettable film. Like I jsut watched this and I've already forgot the whole film apart from the ending. Speaking of the ending, it is the best part of the whole film. It's a very well shot and well done end do the film and honestly this is where the series should have ended, but no they had to drag it on forever and now we're stuck with a series of films that will never be better than the first one. Not necessary but not bad!
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Antlers (2021)
A really surprising horror!
29 October 2021
This movie was quite surprising to be fair, I was expecting a typical horror with the basic format of scare here and there with a cliche ending, but no this creature feature is actually quite unique with very interesting themes about trauma and abuse and has great parallels between the two main characters. The effects were pretty good and the creature looked really good when it's finally revealed. The acting was solid even the kid actors weren't bad at all. The score was pretty cool and fit the creepy vibe of the film. Not too long and not too short of a film, perfect length for these sorts of films as they drag on if they're too long and feel bogged down with exposition. Not much to say really about this one. Just a solid horror, go see it!
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My film of the year so far!
29 October 2021
Wow, Edgar Wright has done it again, this man can do anything, he genuinely can't make a bad film. This film is unique as hell and i really didn't know what to expect when I went in. The trailer looked really cool and interesting but didn't really show much of what is going on and so I didn't really have a clue on what this would be, but wow is this a neat story. The pacing of this film is perfect, the tension is built and the story keeps the audience guessing. The score is so cool and fits the aesthetics of the film so well. The costume design is amazing, the 60s feel is so great and I love the way it flows between modern day and old fashioned. The acting is phenomenal, Anya Taylor-Joy is amazing as always and her performance as well as Thomasin Mckenzie' work so well side by side. This movie is like a murder mystery/ghost story with so cool unique twists and themes throughout and I had a blast watching it. Edgar Wright is definitely one of the best British directors of all time! I loved it!
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Dune (2021)
Gorgeous visuals. Not so gorgeous story!
28 October 2021
Look I get that this is basically a sci-do politics movie but I've honestly never been so bored in the cinema. This film is way too long and is basically just one big exposition dump for future films, which I'm kind of not mad at, I'm hoping that this film is basically just gonna be a big set up movie for a brilliant series of things. This the easily the best looking film that I've ever seen in my life, the cgi and effects are easily the best I've ever seen, it looks amazing. The score is beautiful and fits the movie so well, the acting is really good also, Oscar Isaac is brilliant and to be fair everyone is doing a great job in their role. I did enjoy this movie but for different reasons, I've changed my rating for this film 4 times since I saw it and it's only gone up, the more I think about the film the more I realise how much I enjoyed it. Honestly go see it for yourself because it is definitely a movie to be watched on the big screen. Not bad!
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What If...? (2021– )
Very cool and very interesting!
22 October 2021
Just a quick one here, what if was really cool to watch and if your a fan of the MCU then this is a must see really. It's so interesting to see where the MCU could have gone abit different and how much of an impact that would have made on the universe. The animation is great the voice acting is mostly really good and the style of the show is just pretty cool. Nothing much to say really on this one, its just another solid addition to the Disney plus shows!
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Halloween (1978)
Absolute classic!
18 October 2021
Halloween is a slasher horror classic. Everyone has seen this film and every horror fan ever still loves it for what it is. It's a revolutionary horror film and it changed horrors forever. Micheal Myers is one of the most iconic horror characters ever. His simple look is still imposing and still so effective. I like how effortless Micheal is when killing people, he genuinely looks insane and it's what makes him such a well made character. The way he pops up in the background of shots is so cool and I love that you can always see some imagery of him throughout the film. This film is in the horror history books and it will be remembered forever!
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What a terrible follow up!
18 October 2021
The 2018 Halloween film really revived the series and I thought was a great and creative way to re-introduce the world to Myers, unfortunately this film is a huge step backwards. Amazing gore and some good scares really aren't enough to make up for the boring and stupid characters, the terrible and predictable script and most importantly the insanely crap acting. This movie was a huge let down, it had all the potential to be a hit and another good edition to the series but sadly not. A terrible follow up!
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What a waste of money!
16 October 2021
The whole production of this film was just a massive waste of time and money. This is easily the most disappointing movie of 2021! The acting, to say how good the cast is, is absolutely shocking. Tom Hardy is awful in this, the jokes and comedy just feels forced and unfunny, the action is hard to see because of the god awful CGI and the plot is just boring and clearly unfinished. The film just isn't long enough, it's too short to be able to fit any character development so the film just fly's through all these plot points and you don't get to process anything that happens. Carnage is wasted and that really upsets me as he's one of my favourite villains in the comics and now he's been used in one of the worst marvel films. This film is just a big mess and I wish it was just left in the oven for another 2 years so maybe we would have got a film that was actually worth watching. What a loads of crap!
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A classic story that anyone can enjoy!
11 October 2021
This movie has never been one of those movies I watch every year, but that does not mean that I don't enjoy it! It's a cult classic that so many people love and I get why, it's an amazing film with some amazing aspects to it. The animation is amazing, the voice acting is great but most importantly the music is perfect and fits the tone and flow of the movie so well. This movie will go down in history as one of the most iconic movies of all time. What a classic!
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Superbad (2007)
Easily one of the best comedy's of all time!
6 October 2021
This film introduced the world so many stars, Jonah Hill, Micheal Cera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and many many more. It's hilarious from start to finish, it has amazing writing with a fantastic script. It's just a very well made movie, they definitely knew what they were doing when they crafted this masterpiece. The story is so simple and a story that everyone can relate to, we've all been in the same situation as these characters so we can all sit and feel the way they do. I feel like at this point everyone has seen this movie and if not then you need to because it is easily one of the best comedy's ever made. I love it!
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Squid Game (2021– )
Brilliant television!
6 October 2021
This show has some serious hype at the moment so I thought why not give it a go. This series is such an interesting concept, it's like a blend of hunger games and saw with some real life elements thrown in as well as some interesting Asian quirks. The way the show is set up just keeps you asking questions, the whole show is just a lot of questions really and it's great as it keeps your mind racing. Once I'd started this series I couldn't stop as I just needed to know what was happening next! This show just keeps you hooked and I love it. It's pretty emotional at times also, I didn't think I'd be so emotionally attached to these characters but by the end I was so engrossed and found myself really sad as certain characters were eliminated from the games. Honestly believe the hype that this show has and give it a watch!
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A good way to send off one of the best Bonds!
3 October 2021
I went into this film with very low expectations. It has been forever since I saw the first trailer and the hype for the film died a long time ago. But I think thanks to my low expectations I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. It's a typical bond movie with a typical Bond villain and plot, but something about this one just felt better. Great fight scenes, great cinematography, great acting, it just ended up being a very solid film. The ending was a fantastic send off and way to wrap up Daniel Craig's legacy as Bond and I thought it was all very well done. Honestly not a lot to say about this one, just a very solid movie!
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