
358 Reviews
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Geostorm (2017)
Plot, casting, and acting. Ugh
5 June 2024
The plot was one of the dumbest I've ever seen. I wasn't overly upset by it because it was what it was. I read the description. I knew that going in. Geez.

The casting? Was there one person in the film that was right for the role? I think they just drew names out of a hat and said 'Bob, here's your role. Susan, you're playing this person.' No one fit their role. Gerard Butler is not a great actor and he may have been the best one? The president? Omg

The acting was poor throughout. Just overly emotion in every seen and no one behaved like they should've.

I wasn't expecting much so I'm not too upset. The special effects were pretty good though. It's almost worth watching the weather wreak havoc on civilization.
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Worst of the trilogy
4 June 2024
This was the worst of the trilogy but still wasn't a bad movie. There was still that post apocalyptic feel to it which they were able to bring over from the first and second.

Two things I didn't like about this one. The Thunderdome was such a small part of this movie. I was thinking since the name is in the title it would have a bigger presence but sadly it didn't. Second it was the kids. I just didn't like their scenes too much. They tried to be funny and cute and they weren't.

Was it just me or did it seem like there were a lot of Star Wars and Indiana Jones references in this? They were huge in the mid 80's but dang it seemed like they just ripped them off.

Decent third film. Just felt a little flat. I was wanting a bit more.
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Amazing action scenes!
31 May 2024
Like others have said, this was one of those few sequels that were better than the original. Thankfully I went in with low expectations so I definitely enjoyed it.

The plot itself wasn't anything spectacular and neither was the acting. Nothing about them impressed me much. The real joy came from all the action. All scenes were well choreographed. During the last chase scene my heart was racing watching it. The ending had you guessing the entire time. Of course that was all due to the increased budget.

I'm binge watching these this week and I glanced at the 3rd one and saw the average reviews so again my expectations will be tempered.
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Mad Max (1979)
Not very PA for a PA movie
31 May 2024
I love a good post apocalyptic (PA) movie, book, tv show, video game whatever. I've always wanted to see this movie and finally did. I saw hospitals, police stations, stores, etc. I get there are different levels of complete societal breakdowns but I was wanting more here.

That all being said the movie was ok I guess. It started off pretty slow and didn't really pick up until the last 30 minutes or so and then it got really intense.

The camera was weird throughout. It had that weird jumping around thing that movies did during that time.

Is all of Australia just open wildness? I don't think I've ever seen a civilized city there, PA or not.
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Glory (1989)
Great story from start to finish
28 May 2024
This movie was told like a book. It started out with basically nothing and throughout the film you got to know the characters and see them evolve. Just great story telling.

There were several big name actors in this one. Morgan freeman always seems like he's the same age in all of his films.

I'm not sure how historically accurate this movie was and I'm really not interested in finding out. I just enjoyed it.

The ending took me a bit by surprise. I can't tell if I liked it or not. I'm going to guess that the ending was the most divisive part of the film. Since it wasn't what I was expecting I will say I enjoyed it.
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Little slow. Lot of dialogue
19 May 2024
This movie wasn't bad it was just a little slow. The plot was boring and predictable. The conclusion was unsatisfying. It just was a pretty below average film to me.

What made it worthwhile were the characters and dialogue. I think that was the movies main purpose, to show case these actors and their abilities. The dialogue was crisp and sharp, it made a lot of sense and none of it was too over the top.

The plot itself was just kind of boring. I imagine if you read this as a book you would fall asleep. This is one of those rare movies where the film is much much better than the book.

I just wasn't feeling it. I need a bit more action and suspense for me but I imagine this movie was perfect for some people.
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Refreshing movie idea
16 May 2024
I watch a lot of films and it's always refreshing when I see one with a new and unique plot idea. I also have a liking for old 60s sci-fi movies. This movie had both of the things that I loved.

I never read the book and probably never will but from what I hear this was a very good adaptation from the book. It's just kind of scary thinking what the government is capable of and how much people will allow their rights to be taken away.

I would have bumped up a number if it weren't for the end. Some people loved the ending, I did not. It just kind of fizzled out. It was very anti-climatic, but at least they sewed up all the loose ends.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Great origin story
16 May 2024
We all love the Duttons and it was great to finally see how their family settled in Montana.

The cast was great. I wasn't sure about Tim and Faith but they definitely had some chemistry and it was fun to watch them act together instead of sing.

The realism that was portrayed was excellent. It wasn't too violent and wasn't too gritty. It just showed how every day life was back then.

The scenery was amazing. Such a beautiful part of the country and the vistas were incredible.

I do wish they had made it longer or added another season to it. They traversed quite a distance and it could've been stretched a bit.

I can't get enough of the Duttons and I'm looking forward to more spinoffs of the original Yellowstone show.
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Blockers (2018)
Funny and new! 7.5/10
15 May 2024
This was a classic 'sit down for a 100 minutes and don't expect much and leave with a few laughs' type of movie. It was funny. No one can argue other wise.

The plot was new and different which I liked. It wasn't the same ole rehashed comedy bit with new actors. It was actually a new take on a teen comedy, although not really a teen comedy.

The cast was great. The 3 younger ladies were pretty good especially the Indian one, I can't remember her name.

I wouldn't watch this with your kids, as it was an adult movie. There was some frontal male nudity that wasn't really needed but whatever.

Overall a great new comedic idea with a great cash that will make you laugh out loud several times. I did.
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Horror cliches abound!
18 March 2024
I will start this review off by saying I am not a fan of horror or slasher movies. I watched a lot of movies and the genre just never appealed to me.

This movie had so many horror clichés in it. It was nauseating. How many times did they have the opportunity to kill the villain and consciously decided not to. It's an old trope that is worn out and needs to go away.

This movie had two redeeming qualities. The first was the length. With credits it was about an hour and 15 minutes. The second was the villain. I admit they did a pretty good job with him. He was pretty scary and creepy. Also, maybe that bus scene was cool. That was pretty intense.

This could've been an OK movie but all those clichés and it just really were frustrating.
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Wonka (2023)
Surprise hit!
12 March 2024
I've never been a big fan of the Wonka movies. I've never even seen the previous two of them with Johnny Depp and the other one. For some reason, the whole vibe of the movies really turned me off.

I was surprised at how much I liked this one. The singing parts were pretty short, thankfully. I never enjoy those movies. They always seemed a little cringe. The plot itself was OK. Nothing too new.

What really made this movie for me where the characters. About everyone was unique and had a pretty distinct personality. Even the very subtle secondary characters that had very minor parts were fun to watch.

I watched this with my girlfriend and her two young daughters, and we all stayed awake, and really enjoyed it!
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Fun Family Comedy
6 March 2024
This movie was exactly what you expected. Just a quick and easy funny family comedy. They didn't try and reinvent anything. Just relied on some silly scenes and the charisma from the actors and it all worked. If you are looking for something like this to steam you'll enjoy it.

The plot was kind of cool. You've seen it before but they put a different spin on it that worked. With Hollywood running out of ideas this was surprising it worked.

Marky Mark is still jacked at 53. He's starting to look old but still is likable and a draw to the theaters.

What happened to the gun that fell in the van during the chase scene? Should I submit a good to IMDb?
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Gone Girl (2014)
Amazing twist!
25 February 2024
If you haven't heard of this please try to avoid all spoilers. They will ruin it.

This was a pretty good movie adaptation of the book. I remember reading the second half of the book in one sitting. When that twist hits, wow.

I know it's hard to cram everything in a book into a movie but I felt this film was a bit long. They could've trimmed it down 30 minutes I think. Especially that second half. It just kept dragging and dragging.

Also the acting from the two mains wasn't that great. Affleck has never been a great actor and the female seemed like she was over acting, idk.

Great movie though. The book was better of course! But the film was pretty darn good.
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Hilarious Classic
2 February 2024
I don't know of anyone who hasn't seen this. It's just pure fun.

Marisa Tomei stole the movie for me. Every scene she was in was great, especially the court scene towards the end. She is a fantastic actor and simply just a gorgeous woman.

All of the other characters shined too. The judge, the sheriff, the prosecutor. There were no real villains in this movie and that was refreshing. Everyone was likable.

Marisa Tomei. What a great job she did in this movie. Did she win any awards? I'm not sure.

I've seen this movie maybe 4 or 5 times and I can guarantee it won't be my last. A definite must watch.
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Reign of Fire (2002)
Different movie idea!
24 January 2024
I'm always interested in watching a movie that has a new plot idea. It seems like they are always rehashing old plots and this was refreshing.

The CGI for 2002 was pretty incredible. That was over 20 years ago and I remember movies back then being very cheesy. Maybe this one had a pretty big budget I don't know. Very good CGI.

I wasn't crazy about the idea of the alpha male. I won't spoil anything, but it sounded like a cheap cop out to me.

The ending happened kind of sudden and quick. I was hoping there was a longer resolution to the movie but it was just over an hour and a half so it wasn't a very long movie.

Someone else said a pretty good sleeper hit!
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Fantastic. Beautiful. Funny. Wow.
23 January 2024
Like most people, I went into this with to mild expectations. I've seen the previous dungeons and dragons movies and even though I thought they were OK, they just were not all that great. They really outdid themselves with this one.

I played dungeons and dragons a lot when I was a kid. And the references to that game in this movie were amazing. It's been a few years but I can still point out the different monsters and settings and spells etc.

I really hope they do more movies with this universe. Turn it into like a Marvel or Star Wars type thing. I want to see more movies and spin offs and just a whole lot. More of everything in this movie. Well done I love this film.
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Hijack (2023)
Very suspenseful!
23 January 2024
I always enjoy watching airplane or train hijack movies/shows. There's just something claustrophobic about the whole incident that gets my heart racing. This one was no exception.

First, I love Idris Elba. I think he is an amazing actor, and he really shined in this show.

The entire TV series was pretty well done. It was hard to stop after one episode because you knew it was a short series and you knew you could probably finish it out. I ended up watching it in two sessions.

I won't talk about all the good parts, so I'll focus on the bad parts. My main gripe was that certain scenes moved way too fast. Someone would die or some incident what and it just got skipped over. It was almost like the director forgot about it. Also that very end scene. Was that necessary?

I really hope they do not make a sequel to this. Just let it go and create something new.
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Cool premise. Little slow.
16 January 2024
Any time a movie has a new and unique plot I'll watch it. I'm tired of the same old thrillers out there. This was different. It was pretty cool.

That all being said, it was just kind of flat. It had a few suspenseful parts but not enough to cover all the hype. Speaking of hype, no way this won or was nominated for as many awards as it was.

I main gripe was that no one would have acted the way they did in the same circumstances.

The plot twist was interesting I guess. It didn't seem forced which I liked. I see that a lot. The ending was pretty abrupt and not that satisfying.

Short movie though if you're looking for a quick thriller!
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Escape Earth (2021)
Overall just a weak movie
15 January 2024
Like everyone I was in the mood for an apocalyptic type movie and stumbled onto this one on Prime. First thing I noticed was the rating and how short it was, not good signs.

My main gripe was the budget. They had to skip over some of the fight scenes because they didn't have the time or money to choreograph them. I've never seen that in a film before.

The CGI was horrific. There was this one scene where there was this armored personnel carrier type vehicle in the road. It was comical. Then the other things like smoke in the distance and the space scenes. Could I have done better? No, but come on.

It had a pretty cool plot I guess. I think if they had more money they could've done more with it.

Oh my biggest gripe was when the guy uses his SHOES to lure out the shooter then proceeds to run through the woods with no shoes on. Why not use anything BUT your shoes?!? Who wrote that?
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Interesting plot 6.5/10.0
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just didn't see the mass appeal to this movie. It's been noted as one of the greatest with an 8.0 rating on IMDb but I'm not sure why.

99% of the movie was pointless. It was misdirection and I get that but it was way too much. Nothing that the characters did made any difference on the outcome of the movie.

The villain was my main gripe. There just wasn't enough explanation on why he did what he did. You saw him briefly for two scenes in the movie and while you got the gist of his character, you never understood why. Then at the end she just coincidentally bumps into him at the airport and puts 2 and 2 together? Just didn't buy it.

Brad Pitt was good, he's a good actor although his mental patient acting was a bit much at times.
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Annabelle (I) (2014)
Few creepy scenes.
5 January 2024
These are not my type of movies. I never really cared for horror movies much.

This one was just kind of slow and boring. There were mage. One or two scenes where I thought were kind of clever. There were also a few jump scares which I definitely don't like. Why do some people like them? I don't know.

The doll itself wasn't even that creepy. I did appreciate that they didn't make it move at all. At times I was waiting for a Chucky time moment but it never came. By keeping it still, it added some originality to it.

My main question was why not just burn the damn thing? Maybe they couldn't and I missed it.
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Uncle Buck (1989)
Perfectly fun movie
26 December 2023
I can't believe I'm just now seeing this classic. I heard of it and knew it existed but for whatever reason never watched it.

Typical John Hughes film setting. You know right away whose movie it is. I love the way he has that touch in a movie.

The actors were all great. The kids were very likable and shined in thejr roles. John Candy is such a personable and likable actor. His face and smile just have a thing about them. It's hard to believe it's been almost 30 years since he passed.

Not much of a plot in this one but that's ok! He just babysitter the kids for a few days. I guess the plot was his relationship with them changing?

Great movie. A definite classic.
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Gremlins (1984)
Classic 80's Spielberg.
6 December 2023
I can't believe I've never watched this movie. I was an 80's movie kid but always steered away from the fantasy horror movies. I was more action and comedy. I wish I had watched this sooner, as it was pretty awesome.

Classic Spielberg. The guy is a master at his craft and it shows here. His movies all have a similar awesome feel to them and you can sense it right away.

What stood out most to me with this film was the animation. It was so good. There was some clay animation I think? Was it? But most of it was just good old puppetry and it worked.

It was also hilarious. It didn't take itself too seriously and that was great. When the gremlins took over the town and chaos ensued I laughed out loud on a few occasions.

I'm cautiously optimistic on the sequel! Hard to top this one!
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Nowhere (II) (2023)
Surprisingly decent but the Plot Holes!
20 November 2023
I love these type of WWYD in these situations type movies. I always find myself Monday morning quarterbacking the situaion. Of course I would never find myself in this situation.

My main issue was just how unbelievable the whole movie was. There is no way this girl would have the luck she has nor would she be as creative as she was. The things that she did, were just a bit much.

That birthing scene. Wow. That was about as real as it gets. Her prosthesis looked real. The birthing looked real. They did a great job there.

The plot hole is that container staying afloat. It was riddled with holes and has a large opening up top. It should've sunk. Also that water had to have been freezing.

All that aside, it was a pretty entertaining film with a satisfying ending.
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Radius (2017)
Cool premise
16 November 2023
I wanted to like this. Every time I see a movie with a new plot I've never heard of I immediately want to check it out. This one is definitely different.

It just moved a little slow. It seemed much longer than 90 minutes. The first half was a lot of them walking around or driving around and just got a little boring.

The movie seemed to be based on a book. You could kind of tell when they added little things to the story that didn't quite fit in. They could've cut a little bit of the unnecessary fat and added a bit more action.

That twist was dumb. I didn't expect it which was cool but it just kind of came out of nowhere and just felt a little disjointed from the overall plot.

I don't know. It wasn't a terrible movie. I was just a little disappointed with the delivery.
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