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Jack Benny and 007?
7 June 2024
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Jack Benny was one of the greatest comic legends of all time. I used to watch his show when I was a little kid and am so glad to have found the episodes again on youtube (so many tv shows from the early days were wiped and lost forever like the first decade of The Tonight Show). I vaguely remembered watching this episode when I was about ten years old. I remember the scene where Jack and his wife Mary keep walking up and down a long flight of steps and where Jack has imaginary conversations with his ego. The most amazing thing about this episode is it features an early appearance by none other then Sean Connery! Five years before the first Bond movie he has a small part as an Italian accented tour guide who meets Jack and Mary when they arrive in Rome!
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If only
4 June 2024
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I have always liked watching Dennis Hopper, I have to admit he is a "guilty pleasure" of mine, an actor I'm almost ashamed to admit I like! For many years, Hopper was known more for his wild antics and drug use then he was for any solid work, however he was sober for the last twenty six years of his life and made us for lost time giving excellent performances in Hoosiers, Blue Velvet and Speed among others as well as directing the acclaimed movie Colors. A painter, a poet and an accalimed photographer as well as a director and actor Hopper was a true renaissance man. You only wonder what more he could have accomplished had been sober and responsible all of his career. He could have been the greatest and ruled Hollywood!
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Sight (V) (2023)
Ming Wang is a hero
31 May 2024
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This is one of the finest movies I have seen all year! I was so disappointed when I was the only one in the theatre. This is a powerful and uplifting movie with a message of love and hope and people want to see these stupid horror and super hero movies instead. Doctor Ming Wang is a real life hero. His early life was horror growing up in China during the cultural revolution he was beaten and subjected to untold horrors against him and his family. His only blessings are his intelligence and his loving parents. He overcomes racism and other obstacles to come to the us and complete medical school. He finds himself faced with the formidable task of helping a young Indian girl who has been blinded with acid. The opening scene reenacting her miserable excuse for a mother doing this gave me chills. He is passionate about helping this child and finds a new daring technique he thinks will restore her sight and he is anguished when it doesn't. Nonetheless he gets courage and inspiration from this beautiful child who sees with her heart instead of her eyes. In the end of the movie there is a beautiful message from the real life Doctor Wang and it mentions how his work has helped countless blind people see again. By all means, go see this great film.
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Nimoy singing
19 May 2024
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There was a story I read online about a man who was attending a Star Trek convention and gave Nimoy a copy of this song on a record and he said Nimoy looked upset saying that "I thought we burned all these!" I got a good laugh watching him sing about the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins. The people who only know Nimoy as the emotionless Mister Spock would get a big laugh watching him sing this song. Nimoy actually did a lot more then play Spock. He narrated In Search Of..., he was an accomplished photographer who wrote several volumes of poetry, he costarred on Mission Impossible for two seasons and directed several films and was also an accomplished stage actor. He was a man of many talents.
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Don't drink and drive
19 May 2024
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So many people have made fun of those old "scare" films that they used to show to us in driver's ed class (this was before texting and driving became a danger). This is a good film though with a grim message about drinking and driving. It opens at the scene of an accident where a mother and child have been killed and the driver that felt he could "handle" a few beers in his monumental stupidity and will have to pay for the rest of his life. There is a very good lecture in the film about how even a little alcohol can severely impair your ability to make decisions and drive. It is a terrifying message this film presents. How many tragedies and heartaches could have been avoided if only people hadn't drank and got behind the wheel.
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Mommy Meanest (2024)
I felt so sorry for the daughter
12 May 2024
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Lifetime movies are guilty pleasures. Yes they usually are the movie equal of junk food but they are entertaining. This one tackles the subject of cyber bullying. My goodness in my days the nerds just got their heads pushed in the locker or commode now they are bullied from afar. An intelligent sweet high school girl is almost driven to madness and suicide by the vile texts she keeps getting and there are hundreds of them disgusting beyond words. I at first thought the culprit was the dad because the opening scene shows the parents fighting and they mentioned the mother got a restraining order against him. Its turns out (SPOILER) that the culprit is none other then the mother who seemed so sweet and loving (they say its those kinds you need to watch out for). I felt bad for the daughter but was happy that they caught this mommy from hell in the end.
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Aleve: Leonard Nimoy (2006 Video)
8 May 2024
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This is a television commercial for aleve pain medication. It shows Leonard Nimoy about to attend a "Star Trek" convention and he's talking to his agent on the phone telling him he will not be able to make it because arthritis pain won't allow him to spread his fingers in the legendary "Vulcan greeting". His agent recommends the miracle drug aleve and in the next scene Nimoy comes on stage while his devoted fans go into a tizzy and gives the famous salute. I got a autographed picture of Nimoy a few years before he died and I mentioned in my letter that I had never seen an episode of Star Trek but I loved In Search Of...that he narrated. It must have been one of the strangest fan letters that he ever got!
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A powerful lesson
8 May 2024
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Tom Schulman wrote the screenplays for What About Bob? Dead Poets Society and Honey I Shrunk The Kids. He got his start at the typewriter doing this little 1976 film with a big message that is still just as crucial today because kids are as irresponsible as ever when it comes to driving. There is drinking and driving and texting and driving and in this film it is auto theft and joy riding. This film is so 1970s. People leave theiir keys in the ignition and don't even bother to put on seat belts! Two Beavis and Butthead teenage boys steal a friends car and decide to go on a "joy ride". Of course it doesn't matter to them that they don't even have a license. To make matters worse they get two girls to go with them. The girls have doubts when they ask them to get in and you hope they make the right decision but no such luck. These kids are so dumb and immature you really don't particularly care about them or feel bad about their tragic fate in the end. They are being pursued by the police and end up crashing the car. The credits at the end mention this is based on a real life event and three of the kids were killed while the lone survivor was paralyzed for life. Play stupid games win stupid prizes people its as simple as that!
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Secret Agent: The Battle of the Cameras (1964)
Season 1, Episode 8
Theres a man who lives a life of danger!
6 May 2024
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There are certain songs that you just can't get out of your head and Johnny River's hit "Secret Agent Man" has always been one of them with me. This series was shown in both the United Kingdom and the United States starring Patrick McGoohan (who is best known to American audiences as the sadistic warden in the Clint Eastwood film Escape From Alcatraz) as John Drake a dashing and debonair secret agent ala James Bond (the Bond movies were at the height of their success when this show came out). Drake was a unique kind of hero because he usually fought with his wits however he never backed down from a fight. This episode has him after stolen secrets and dealing with a strange disfigured villian who reminds me of Blofeld in the Bond movies. Its a good show that gives Drake a chance to show off his intellectual and fighting skills (there is a good karate fight). A little bit of trivia, I heard they offered McGoohan the role of 007 but he turned it down.
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28 April 2024
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For a movie that is only six minutes long Bitter Old Man packs a whale of a punch with a powerful message. I couldn't stand the father in the story a foul mouthed racist who taunts his son about marrying an African American. In just this short film he disgusted me. I felt so sorry for the loving and decent son that was making one latch ditch effort to reach his father who did not deserve a loving son like this. SPOILER ALERT in the end the father's hateful angry heart gives out and he falls to the ktichen floor and finds himself face to face with Jesus, the shepherd, only its not exactly the kind of Jesus he expected. I just think that in real life this guy wouldn't go to Heaven.
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I can't really feel sorry for him
26 April 2024
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There is an old Biblical saying that what one sows thou shall reap and this is perhaps a good example. Cornelius "Chevy" Chase's career has had more ups and downs (mostly downs) as the wildest roller coaster and they certainly point this out at the roast. Even by Friar's Club standards this is pretty brutal to watch, Chase doesn't get "roasted" its more like cremated! You get the impression that the people saying the insults aren't joking they really feel that way. But you know what IT'S HIS OWN FAULT!!!! According to all accounts from co stars and from people who have met him Chevy Chase is unpleasant and difficult and this reputation has been with him since his days on SNL. He supposedly cried after the roast but he has no one but himself to blame for being so disliked.
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Evil should never win out
22 April 2024
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I loved these old cartoons as a kid and still watch them on youtube. For some reason however this one has always stuck with me as an unpleasant memory. There used to be a rule in Hollywood passed by the Hays censorship office that evil should NEVER win out in a movie. Apparently this one slipped by them. I know its only a cartoon but it bothered me that evil dog got away with so many things form letting a burglar rob his loving masters house to trying to kill that poor little dog in the end and to top it all off that heroic cat who saw him for what he was got the bad treatment and justice didn't triumph in the end.
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The Verdict (1982)
Frank is so unlikeable
19 April 2024
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I enjoy legal movies just as much as the next person (The Caine Mutiny and Inherit The Wind are my favorites). Paul Newman won an Oscar nomination for this film playing a down and out lawyer named Frank Galvin who has fallen on hard times (and into alcoholism as well). Once an important lawyer he has only had four cases in three years losing them all. We see him going to funerals and giving out his card. He spends the first part of the film playing pinball in a bar while telling dirty jokes in a dumb Irish brogue. Jack Warden, always a great character actor, plays his former partner who offers him one last chance at redemption a case involving a young comatose women who suffered permanent brain damage during childbirth at a large Catholic hospital. Galvin finds himself going up against the hospitals high price lawyer played by James Mason (I always think of him in North By Northwest he makes a slimy bad guy). The Verdict is technically a good film with a satisfying ending but my problem is that Newman's character is so unlikeable. He really isn't that good of a lawyer and spends a good part of the film bumbling around like Inspector Clouseau and making a fool of himself in court. Its only at the end that he pulls a rabbit out of a hat and gives a brilliant summation and a surprise witness comes forward to pull his case out of the fire. By the way, Bruce Willis is one of the spectators in the courtroom as Newman sums up his case.
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Buddy was a yutz!
12 April 2024
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I have been a big fan of Billy Crystal ever since I saw City Slickers and When Harry Met Sally. In most of his movies, and in interviews I have seen with him he comes across as the most likeable kind of guy. This movie was such a big let down for me because so many have called it Crystal's materpiece. He directed and co wrote it as well as starred and in many ways did a great job. He handled the dramatic shifts in time in the movie very well and got a great performance out of David Paymer as Buddy's long suffering brother but Crystal made one mistake. This movie is supposed to be a funny tear jerker where you feel sorry for Buddy but he is such an unlikeable character a mean bully to everyone around him that Don Rickle's wouldn't even like him. If you want to see Billy at his likeable best watch City Slickers.
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Brings back memories
8 April 2024
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The first show that I ever have clear memories of watching is the Sonny And Cher show. It brought back a lot of memories watching a lot of the clips on youtube. They certainly don't make them like that anymore the variety shows like theirs and Carol Burnett's featuring a little bit for everybody from songs to sketches to surprise guest stars. This episode does a clever spoof of All In The Family that had just come on the air. It is done as an opera (!) called All In The Familius featuring legendary opera star Robert Merrill as Archie Bunker, Cher as Edith and Sonny and a young Terri Garr as Mike and Gloria. Of course Carroll O'Connor does a cameo as a knife wielding censor.
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Good people involved in one bad movie
7 April 2024
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Everybody loves Julie Andrews don't they? James Garner was one of the most popular actors in tv history and Paddy Chayefsky is seen as the greatest movie and tv writer next to Rod Serling. They starred in and wrote this film and I had such high expectations so my question is where did it go wrong? First of all Jim Garner is famous for playing likeable heroes and I couldn't accept him as a selfish coward in this film. He is a man of few words and I could tell he was uncomfortable with the long monlogues he had to deliver. I like war movies just as much as the next guy but I like them where they show the military as heroes here we see a bunch of the brass living high on the hog and getting drunk while the poor soldiers are getting ready to charge Normandy beach. If you want to see a good movie with Garner watch Tank or Muphys Romance, if you want to see a good Julie Andrews movie watch Mary Poppins and if you want to see writer Chayefskys best work watch the Hospital or Network. Sorry folks this is a bad film.
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Nova: The Case of the Bermuda Triangle (1976)
Season 3, Episode 20
A wonderful special
28 March 2024
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I hadn't seen this special since I was about nine years old and it first came on and was so happy to find it again on youtube. It has aged very well and is still just as relevant today because there are still those fascinated by the "mystery" of the Bermuda Triangle. This show really points out that there is no mystery. A writer named Larry Kusche is interviewed and debunks so many of the myths. He pointed out that the Bermuda Triangle really came about when a pulp magazine writer coined the phrase for an article he wrote and so many just parroted his falsehoods. Kusche pointed out that ships and planes disappear all over the world NOT just in the triangle. It is a huge area that is traveled every single day is it any wonder? Kusche even pointed out that statistically the Bermuda Triangle is one of the safest areas to travel through. Get the facts people!
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Spaceballs (1987)
Not as funny as Blazing Saddles
22 March 2024
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I was never much of a science fiction fan but since Mel Brooks made this film I thought I would give it a try. It was the only one of his films I haven't seen. Its actually passably funny but just not as good as Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein. You have to really be a science fiction fan to catch a lot of the "in" jokes and gags in the film where they mock Alien and Planet of the Apes and also Brooks has a clever piece in the film where he mocks the movie executives who do all kinds of merchandising to make extra money with these sci fi hits. John Candy does a great job and steals the show from Bill Pullman andn Rick Moranis (from Ghostbusters and Honey I Shrunk The Kids) has a ball spoofing Darth Vader. Spaceballs is good for a laugh but for grade A Brooks watch Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein.
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17 March 2024
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Hollywood can be a cruel place where one can go from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the barrel in a heart beat. John G. Avildsen is a good example. He directed Jack Lemmon in his Academy Award winner performance in Save The Tiger and the first Rocky film and then he became infamous for directing John Belushi's last film neighbors and THEN this lowbrow film about male strippers. Christopher Atkins had achieved pop stardom in 1980 with The Blue Lagoon where he starred with Brooke Shields. According to all accounts he is a good guy but made it more on looks then talent. He plays a big feeling college student who moonlights as a male stripper and has a torrid fling with his much older teacher played by Lesley Ann Warren. They are definitely an unlikely couple and despite a few steamy scenes you don't believe two people like this would ever connect. I disliked Atkin's character and my favorite part was where he got his comeuppance at the hands of her outraged husband after he found out about said affair.
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Inside Story: False Witness (1989)
Season 9, Episode 7
I changed my mind he is guilty
17 March 2024
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Doctor Jeffrey MacDonald's case is the most litigated in American history. It has been going on now for 54 years. When the murders of MacDonald's wife and two children happened at Fort Bragg, the Vietnam War was still going on, Richard Nixon was President and J. Edgar Hoover was FBI director. The case spawned a best selling book and miniseries called Fatal Vision that convinced many people of Jeffrey MacDonald's guilt in this horrific crime. Was Jeffrey MacDonald an innocent victim who saw his family murdered before his eyes or was he an evil cold blooded killer with a psychopath's charm. I saw this special in 1989 and it convinced me of MacDonald's innocence at the time but I now think he was guilty. He pulled the wool over a lot of people's eyes including me but now I know better. I'm glad that justice was served and he will die in prison.
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A competent Doctor Watson
13 March 2024
The Hound Of The Baskervilles is the most beloved of all the Sherlock Holmes stories. I first read it when I was in the fourth grade. The most famous version is of course the one with Basil Rathbone as Holmes. I was lucky enough to watch this version with Peter Cushing as our favorite detective. Cushing did a Holmes series of which only five episodes survive and this is one of them. Despite the fact it was obviously shot on a low budget it is very entertaining and Cushing makes for a very enjoyable Holmes (even though Jeremy Brett was shoulders above). The other thing I like about this is that they play Watson as an intelligent and able person (even though he isn't as brilliant as Holmes). In the Rathbone movies they played him as a bumbling dolt! Oh and yes Cushing gets to say "The game is afoot Watson!"
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Revenge for a Rape (1976 TV Movie)
Mannix goes Charles Bronson!
13 March 2024
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Death Wish came out two years before this tv film was made and it made people think it was cool to be a vigilante taking the law into your own hands. Perhaps Revenge For A Rape is a cautionary tale for anyone thinking about following Charles Bronson's example. TV legend Mike Connors (Tightrope, Mannix) stars as Travis a likeable guy and a loving husband with a pretty (and much younger) wife. They arrive at a national park during hunting season and while he is away from their campsite she is raped by three "deliverance" like rednecks causing her to miscarry. Connors is enraged when the sheriff (played by Robert Reed) tells him the might get away. After his distraught wife points out three strangers in a crowd, Connors goes from nice guy to savage as he hunts them down through the woods killing them one by one (at one point he even does a Butch Cassidy like leap off a cliff) HOWEVER the three men he's chasing and killing are totally innocent. His wife identifies the three real culprits and in the end Connors is about to be arrested and go to prison for life. This is one of those few tv films that doesn't have a happy ending.
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I, Tonya (2017)
What a sad life
11 March 2024
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Margot Robbie was wonderful as Sharon Tate in Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and she does another great job here as the most infamous figure skater of all time. The sad thing about Tonya Harding is that if she had behaved herself, trained the right way and above all avoided her criminal act, she could have gone down as one of the BEST figure skaters of all time. Her tale should be a cautionary one that fame doesn't buy you happiness. There is not a single likeable character in this film from Tonya's wretched excuse for a mother, to her idiotic abusive husband and finally to Tonya herself. Watching this movie is like watching a train wreck and it is depressing. Yes Tonya Harding brought on her own downfall but in the end you feel sorry for her because lets face it from day one she just never had a chance for a happy life.
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Behind the scenes of a forgotten gem
1 March 2024
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Winter Kills is one of the most underated movies of all time. It deserves to have a revival where people realize how darkly brilliant it is (like the Manchurian Candidate did). This is one of those films where the story behind how it got made is almost as fascinating as the movie itself. Actually Winter Kills has a lot in common with Apocolypse Now because its a MIRACLE that it even got made with all of the problems that went on behind the scenes from drug use to difficulties with funding. William Richert did a fine job directing but his career went nowhere after that and its a shame (he directed a movie with River Phoenix in it). Richard Condon wrote the Manchurian Candidate and also wrote the novel Winter Kills. He was a master of dark satire.
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Tales from the Crypt: Maniac at Large (1992)
Season 4, Episode 10
A little gem
26 February 2024
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Tales From The Crypt was a popular show on HBO back in the 1990s and has retained an enormous cult following. This is the first show that I have watched and it really grabbed me. What a fine bunch of people were involved in the making of this show from the acclaimed actress Blythe Danner to "Rocky" composer Bill Conti and the piece de resistance is that this episode is directed by the legendary John Frankenheimer (the guy who made The Manchurian Candidate, Frankenheimer began his career as a live tv director in the 1950s). Danner is Margaret a mousy timid librarian who is having a terrible night at work. She has to deal with obnoxious customers (including English rock star Adam Ant who is a wonderful ham as a weird customer who loves talking about serial killers). She also has to put up with a drunken library guard (played by Clarence Williams III) and a newspaper headline telling about a serial killer on the loose. Frankenheimer is the master of suspense and keeps us guessing until the end who the killer is and SUPRISE its Margaret herself. It just goes to show you that those quiet ones are the ones you have to watch out for.
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