
48 Reviews
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Forrest Gump (1994)
An ordinary man
23 July 2003
I think that TV Guide (wasn't it?) summed the movie up very well, when they said this movie was about the adventures of an ordinary man. The film was kind of an homage to what can just plain happen to anyone. Who could ever be entertained (or forget for that matter) the wily accent Forrest Gump had in this movie? This was released in 1994. That was a very good movie year. This and "The Mask" (another favorite of mine) came out. They slowly showed how Gump was expriencing the important elements and occurings of the 20th century. I once went to a restaruant that was completely devoted to Forrest Gump. I think it was called "Bubba's Grill" or something like that, and they showed all the things featured in the movie. Like all those drink bottles that Forrest drank that caused him to say "I got to pee" to president Kennedy. You could never forget the various "words of wisdom" in that movie ("What's vacation?" "It's when you go to a place and you don't ever come back" "My mother always says, stupid is as stupid does") Another favorite part was the subplot with Lieut. Dan. With he lost his legs and years later, you see him a better man with metal legs.

This was based on a book. A writing teacher of mine, Mrs. Olmar said FG was the only movie based on a book that was better than the book. She said in the book, Forrest went into space with a monkey and a woman(!). The floating feather effect was nice too. Tom Hanks is another favorite actor of mine, with his roles in movies like FG and "Toy Story". Anyway, I'll give it a 9/10. Really nice movie.

Forrest Gump: (talking about president Kennedy) Then they shot him, and a few years later, they shot his brother.
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Baby Looney Tunes (2001–2005)
This is a disgrace
18 July 2003
I couldn't agree more with Skunkfanatic. Why is it that in "Space Jam" Bugs doesn't know Lola if he apparently met her in this show when he was a baby? There's just flat out NO reason for her to be here. I could see they were trying to balance the sexes, like in some Charlie Brown special. Was Melissa [the duck] even named in any Looney Tunes cartoons? And why is it that Granny doesn't seem a bit younger in this show? This supposedly takes place in the 1920's, yet she seems as old as ever! What's the deal? Is it some kind of Yoda/Master Roshi thing? I also notice how, indeed, they all seem to be friends in this show, but in the future, they became enemies. Why??!! Like, in the short one-minute sequences, they have Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam being friends with Bugs. If they're friends, why do Elmer and Sam try to kill Bugs in numerous LT cartoons?! I also see Marvin Martian in these sequences. Why is it that he tries to destroy the Earth in the cartoons, if he was apparently raised on Earth?! How did he get to Earth? How could Granny get around with having a baby alien?!! What the heck was going on here??!!!!

Overall, this show is awful. I give it a 1/10. Anyone, (are you listening Dootus?) who thinks that this is ten times better than "Pokemon" must have seen the episode "The Egg-Siting Adventure"!
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Gene Siskel, you had the right idea!!
17 July 2003
I would just like to thank Gene Siskel for all the tribute he gave to this movie. He ranked it as the best movie of 1998!! I would have to agree with him! This has got to be one of the funniest, wildest, best films of all time!!! The first "Babe" is pale in comparison to this movie! Anyway, it's about how Mrs. Hoggat is in debt, so she takes Babe to live in the big city with her. When Babe gets there, he meets tons of new animal friends, cats, dogs, monkeys, you name it! I also remember how the one monkey lady would always call him "the pig whitey thing". There were so many animal characters, but yet it worked because they were all each in some way important to the story. The duck was funny, too! Give us more of the duck! It was also cool how the bulldog wanted everyone to obey Babe, and it was like he was Babe's protector. What was also satisfying was how at the end, they told about what happened to all of the animal characters. It makes you realize how these animals all have their own communities and such. That's why I adore movies like this and "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey".

I'll never forget my favorite part, the scene at the end where Mrs. Hoggat was flying in those big trousers and everyone was in a frenzy to get Babe. And they made cute references, like the part where Babe was giving the jellybeans ("Thank the pig") was probably a reference to the pope, I believe. I can't believe this movie has no quotes! Please don't listen to the Leonard Maltin review. I personally think the first "Babe" was darker than BPITC. Anyway, this is truly a wonderful film. I've only seen it once (I think) so rent it today! A perfect 10/10.
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elimiDATE (2001– )
Typical of a reality show
15 July 2003
This show is kind of the "Scare Tactics" of WB. Meaning it's the dumb reality show. Almost every network unfortunatly had one. It's about how a person goes on a date with 4 people at one time. (Is it legal?) By the end of the show, he/she picks one out they liked the best. They have every thing a typical reality show has...cursing, stupid dates, and dumb, gross uneccassary jokes. I sometimes feel sorry for the poor people who have to go on this stupid show. This is from the WB, a great network that has given me such good shows like "Smallville" "Jamie Kennedy Expriment" and "Pokemon". Another thing about the show is that it's just plain boring, unfunny and pointless. It goes right up there with bad reality shows like "Trigger Happy TV" and "Scare Tactics". This is still worse than the other WB dating show, the slightly better "The 5th Wheel".

If that weren't enough, they have this thing where the contestants guess who will be the next person to be rejected. They had one "Bikini Week" thing and I was kind of noticing it wasn't really any different than any other week. Please, please, WB, get this stupid show off the air! I wish they would bring back the episodes of "Perfect Strangers" which was a GREAT show they had going for awhile. Don't waste this time with this one, and even watch T5W over it. A 3/10.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Kind of goes beyond the normal super-hero story
11 July 2003
In the history of movies based on comic book superheroes, most of the time you either like them or you don't. And that has been the case for me. I liked this movie. It started out as a pretty humble plot, like something we could all relate to. A teenage kid with only one friend trying to fit in with the world, but the only conversations he can start are ones about science which not many people care about. Then he got superpowers in the simple way of a radioactive spider biting him. I especially like this movie because of how it knew where it was going, and all of the things in it were there for a reason. I especially think of this when Peter/Spider-Man realizes if he would have stopped that criminal, he would have saved his uncle.

He sure did mean it when it kept saying, "This is my gift. This is my curse" contrasting on his battle with the Green Goblin killed his best friend's father, and now he wants revenge on Spider-Man. It was also funny especially with the newspaper guys that wanted to get pictures of SM. The battle sequences with the Green Goblin were good, especially when SM stopped him by ripping the engine out of his flying thing (clever). TGG was a colorful villian, who fought with his human counterpart, making us wonder if he really was a seperate being or not. The special effects were nice, especially with the pumpkin bombs and Spider-Man dodging the blades slowly. All in all, a nice movie. Watch it over "Batman And Robin" or "Daredevil". An 8/10.
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Scare Tactics (2003–2013)
"Jamie Kennedy Expriment" it ain't!
10 July 2003
Like you might of read in my "Trigger Happy TV" review, most of the time I can't stand reality shows. This is just another example of a bad one. Anyway, it's about another dumb reality show, this time, it's about trying to scare the jeepers out of people. It's just *beep* this and *beep* that. I totally agree with Tom Hunter. What would happen if the victims had a gun and supposedly killed one of the attacking actors? How would that turn out? Another annoying thing is how EVERY SINGLE DANG commerical for this show ends with Shannon Doherty saying "Laugh it up, you could be next", "Laugh it up, you could be next", "Laugh it up, you could be next"...Well, I've got something to say Shannon, I'M NOT LAUGHING!!! A lot of the times the stupid pranks aren't even scary, like the one where the guy touches the fake meteor and gets these alien markings or something. It's not even scary!! Not that I know about this show, if I'm ever caught in some scary supernatural place, I can say, "I'm on that dumb show, 'Scare Tactics', aren't I?".

Now, if you want a good "Candid Camera" like show, you should watch "JKX: Jamie Kennedy Expriment". Now, THAT is a good reality show! The jokes are next to harmless, and the people are good sports about it, instead of the people in this show, pointing middle fingers at the camera. Sci-Fi Channel has shown some of my favorite shows like "Stargate SG-1", "Mystery Science Theater 3000", "The X-Files" etc. so this is a big disappointment. So, I'm just saying, please avoid this really bad show, and watch JKX instead. A 2/10.
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What would you expect for the fifth sequel?
4 July 2003
Not much, I would say. This is a way of showing the downfall of sequels and such. In 1988, "The Land Before Time" came out and it was one of the finest cartoon movies I've ever seen. It was shown in theaters, and that the was the first, last and only time a LBT film was shown in theaters. Then came the seemingly never ending series of sequels ALL which were direct to video and now there's 8 sequels. Up until Part 5, everyone was going pretty good, but nothing like that could last forever. So, we get this, the worst LBT sequel I've seen, seeing as how I haven't seen any after this one. It's just not worth it.

Anyway, as the story goes, Littlefoot and his friends hear about the story of the "Lone Dinosaur" (bad name, huh?) and how if anything happens to Sauraus Rock bad luck will occur over the Great Valley, and a new dinosaur, Doc comes and yada, yada, yada. It's just an occuring remake of the same movies with the same morals, the same action, the same everything! PLEASE, do not make a Land Before Time Part 10!! The only enjoyable thing was Sarah's little cousins. They were so cute!! Don't waste your time on this. A 2/10.

By the way, after Peetree went out of the log to see if it was safe, (and trust me, I rewound the part three times) I KNOW he said, "We can cross big b*tch!". I swear! I know he was trying to say "ditch", but it came out wrong.
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Siskel & Ebert (1986–2010)
What's not to like?
1 July 2003
What can I say? I've known this show all my life. First, it was Ebert and Siskel. I'll also remember how it was when Siskel was in the hosptial and he talked, like, over the phone I think, and tell his reviews of movies like "Godzilla". It seemed to have such an empty hole in the show when it was just Ebert, with his thumbs up or down. I mean, one person's opinion? What fun is that? Then, they had a different guest star every week. Finally, it was all down to just one critic on the show with Ebert: Roeper. Basically, I have no problem with him. Just the simple concept of two critics having reviews of movies is entertaining. The same formula has not worked for shows like "Hot Ticket". I've read Leonard Maltin's reviews and there are a lot of times when I have to disagree with him. He's definitley not my favorite critic. I should start getting some of Ebert review books, but they don't explore as many movies as the Leonard Maltin books.

The one episode where Ebert was reflecting on his reviews with Siskel was probably the most memorable. Sure, I disagree with them, sometimes, but it's cool to know critics that agree with most of what you think. I liked to give a tribute to Gene Siskel for rating "Babe: Pig In The City" as the #1 movie of 1998! I totally agree with him! Anyway, I'll be sure to watch this whenever I can! A 9/10.
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Nice work, Jim Carrey!
28 June 2003
Jim Carrey has always been one of my favorite actors. He was great in "The Mask" and "Liar, Liar". I was noticing that recently he's been in more serious movies ("The Truman Show" "The Majestic" etc.) and I was kind of waiting for a classic comedy of his. This funny film is his best comedy since "Liar, Liar". Anyway, the film is quite entertaining in my opinion, and offers a very original idea...a human getting God's powers. I kind of think Ebert and Roeper were focusing more on the bad jokes than the good. (I mean, come on! The wind lifting up the lady's skirt was only in like one scene!) Morgan Freeman was very good as God. A very fine actor indeed. I (or at least my dad) was noticing that wierd thing with the signs througout the movie that the poor guy had and how he turned out to be God at the end. I wonder if that "Armeggadon Outta Here" sign at the very end, meant "I'm A Getting Out Of Here" or something. Yeah, the film was really suttle in its messages.

The idea of someone having a special ability is kind of reminiscent of LL. Anyway, one of my favorite parts was where Bruce was messing up the guy's news report. That was so funny!! The movie also kind of showed you kind of how everything has an effect, and it not always seem as it should be, but we as humans beings should just do as we're meant. Allright, I've probably said enough. A 9/10. Hope you like it!
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The Amanda Show (1999–2002)
I don't care what some people think, I really liked this show
27 June 2003
I don't really like it how a lot of people here keep saying how this show is so terrible. I think it's a good show in my opinion. One of the best live-action Nick shows since "Kenan And Kel". Many of the skits entertain me, especially the ones with Mr. Gullible and the hilarious two "Survivor" spoofs. The first was everyone stuck in a car, the second was everyone stuck in a bathtub. It was so amusing to see which character would drive the others the most craziest.

I agree, some of the skits were pretty stupid at times ("Moody's Point", the one where a group of people, like cheerleaders or old ladies attack people) but most of the times it's very funny! I especially like the skits with the family that does everything wrong. I always laugh every time they have those hilarious skits where Amanda crank calls an old man to irritate him. It's dead funny! Also, the one where the family works terribly at places like movie stores ("This is better!" "Much better!")

Overall, this was a memorable Nick show. It gets a 9/10. Keep this and "Kenan And Kel" around.
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The best pokemon movie ever!
24 June 2003
Being a fan of the pokemon TV show, I really wanted to see this movie, and it was worth it. It told the wonderful story of a girl named Molly, and how her mom was taken by the Unown(by the way, in the original version, her mother was institutionalized instead of taken by the Unown) Molly's father loved her dearly, and he (too,) was taken by the Unown, and when the Unown saw Molly miserable, they made all her dreams a reality. The whole landscape was turned into ice and her home was a castle. The Unown created the legendary Entei, who took the place of Molly's father. Ash, Team Rocket and everyone else tries to convince Molly her world isn't "real" and she needs to get back into the "real" world.

I really adored how innocent Molly was and how her parents loved her. She is my favorite pokemon movie character. Entei was well done, and I liked his purple fire balls and the battle he had with Charizard. Great to see Charizard back, by the way! (It returned again when Ash was getting the Rising Badge from Clair in Master Quest, but that's another story) The computer animation with the Unown was nice as well. The crystal tower was good, and it was kind of reminds me of Emerald City from "The Wizard Of Oz". We also see Molly become older, and the first anime/movie appearences of Kingdra, Teddihursa and Flaafy. (Watch the credits, and you'll see she got a real Teddihursa)

"Pikachu and Pichu" was another good short, with LOTS of interesting pokemon and all-around cuteness. "Pokemon The Movie" was pretty bad with the 2nd and 4th movies better, and this WAY better. Go see it! You won't be sorry! A 9/10.
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
Did this show EVER take place out of the beach?
21 June 2003
That's just what I've been wondering. Was there EVER a time where this show took place somewhere that was not the beach?? I mean, come on, this show is obsessed with the beach!! How can all these characters stand never being anywhere but the beach?! Do they live there?! Anyway, it is a pretty bad show. I know shows don't need to have a point, but this just like abuses the privelige. I mean, how long have some of these guys been lifeguards anyway? Get a new job, will ya! It was an amazing shame when I found out it was one of the most watched TV shows of the past 10 years according to TV Guide. There were even people in tribal African countries that knew about it! What a total waste! Anyway, the characters were quite one-dimensional and most people (well, guys at least) did watch it because they showed girls in swimsuits 24-7. They were even trying to make it look romantic in this one episode where they had a romance song, and showed the woman whom a guy loved, and it was like she was doing nothing but posing in a bikini for the "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit issue.

The TV show "Muppets Tonight" did some funny spoofs of Baywatch called "Bay Of Pigs Watch". It's too bad they took MT off the air. Anyway a 3/10.
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Inspector Gadget 2 (2003 Video)
I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I absolutley HATED this movie!
17 June 2003
Okay, I'm gonna admit it right here and now. I liked the first IG. I know most people hate it, but I thought it was a very nice little movie. But THIS. This was just plain silly!!

Nothing at all made any sense at all. Okay, now I thought in the first movie, John Brown/Inspector Gadget got a girlfriend, but WHERE IS SHE IN THIS MOVIE???!!! Second of all, how the heck could a human guy like IG fall in love with a robot??!!! What the heck where the writers thinking??!!!!! How could a human/robot breed with a robot?! ROBOTS HAVE NO REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS!!! The whole thing was totally whacked! And IG was just annoying in this movie!!! He was nothing but a smart-aleck know-it-all who was stupid and totally unfunny. Sheesh, what in the world happened to him after the first film?? And I hate what they did with Claw. How come in the first movie, he talked normal, but in this movie he has that wierd robot voice. Also, how come he turned into an old man? WHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON HERE??!!!!

Overall, this movie was just dead awful to me. It made no sense at all. This piece of crap gets a big fat, 1/10!!! Once again, I apologize to "The Secret Of Nimh". This movie, along with MST3K's "Invasion Of The Neptune Men" were worse.
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The Beverly Hillbillies (1962–1971)
Great black and white show!
14 June 2003
This and "The Munsters" are pretty close for my favorite black and white show ever! Anyway, it was a great show that had these hillbillies becoming rich and moving to Beverly Hills where they would have all kinds of crazy antics in every episode. I found it funny how there were more animals than people there! The 2 monkeys, cougar, oppossom, it was amazing! I'll remember all the memorable expriences they had like when they worked at a company, and were told they were supposed to help people get money, so they threw a box of money out the window! Or when they wanted Jethro to join the Marines so they took him to Marineland!! He heard there were "feeding" hours, and he thought that was when he ate! I also found out what crawdads were for the first time. My favorite character is, without a doubt, Granny. It was priceless with her complaining personality and voice. I especially remember her when she thought she was killed by a firing squad and when she found she was in a surprise birthday cabin, she thought it was Heaven!

I also wondered if their last name "Clampett" was a reference to Bob Clampett who directed some Looney Tunes cartoons. Anyway, this is a classic show.

Some Guy: This Jethro is amazingly smart. Where he comes two plus two equals five! (or something like that)
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xXx (2002)
The "Two Week's Notice" of action movies of 2002
7 June 2003
I'm referring to action movies taking place today, not ones taking place in other times (meaning "The Scorpion King" doesn't apply) Anyway, at times it seemed like the characters were just, well, just...THERE. I mean, why were they there? They all just seemed to pop out of nowhere and suddenly become involved in the plot. Triple X was just there, and then the police/FBI whatever just came out of nowhere and said he was the right man for the job. The least they could have done was just tell more of how they met Triple X and if they'd been following him. I mean, just where did all these characters come from and WHY? Very poor introductions.

Or in other words, it's the Poor Man's James Bond. "Die Another Day" was much better than this. I hate it how that one stunt guy died because he was working in this movie!! That's awful!!! Still, some good fight scenes and a little bit of good character development give this a 3/10 for me. P.S. On the plane, Triple X said, "Where's my peanuts?". In the episode "Fishy Business" of Cartoon Network's "Courage The Cowardly Dog" Eustace said, "Where's my peanuts?". Coincidence?
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Invader ZIM (2001–2006)
The best thing Nick got in the millienium!
5 June 2003
Yes, this was a wonderful show!! I don't know if they even air it anymore, but I'm going to stay strong, and keep liking it!! Anyway, it's a work form the mind of Jhonen Vasquez whose work is classic and somewhat anime-like. No other thing could imitate its style. It was all on its own. I'll always remember Gir and how he would sing the "Doom, doom" song! I'll never in "Bestest Friend" when he sang it in slow-motion!!! ("Doooom, Dooooom") And how he had those giant eyes with a senseless head. Zim would always exaggerate at times, and stop at nothing to fulfill his dream of conquering a planet. Dib is great too, and you sometimes feel sorry for such a kid who's right but is isolated by everyone. And then of course, there's the friendless, game-obsessed Gaz. Every show should have a person like her! I noticed how every character's fingers looked kinda like claws, and the Skool kids were totally clueless about everything and just kept to their own insane "normal" things. ("Rain, rain, rain!! We love rain!!!"). Also note how their pupils were squares and they would always talk about monkeys, piggies and moose. I guess it's not shown on Sundays anymore, or on Nick on all. It had the same fate as "The Angry Beavers" (another really good Nick show canned) though TAB is still aired sometimes on Sundays!

Favorite eps are "The Sad, Sad Tale Of Chickenfoot" "Bestest Friend" "Hamstergeddon" and "Tak: The Hideous New Girl". Dib: Wait! You're not a freak! You're just stupid!
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Yep, a cheesy movie
2 June 2003
I must say, I'm glad I didn't pay money to see this. My brother taped it, and it's downright cheesy! I believe it has no relation to the first "Speed" except that Sandra Bullock's character is here. The opening chase scene is quite pointless and does absolutely nothing. At the end the ship starts to be destroyed when it hits the dock, and guess who escapes? Yeah, the villian! (only to be killed in a plane crash) It seems like an episode of some bad hour-long action show. Sandra Bullock is annoying and complains a lot, saying the ship hijacking is "ruining" her vacation. Little character development too.

And another thing, why oh why, didn't he just shoot the villian when he was behind the window?! I'm sure the bullets would have gone through, as in "The Godfather". A 3/10. Sandra Bullock doesn't deserve to be in films like this and "Two Week's Notice".
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Trigger Happy TV (2000–2016)
Give it up, Comedy Central!!!!!!
25 May 2003
AAAAAAUUUUUGHHHH!!! This again shows the downfall of Comedy Central!! Why can't they be nice and give us back the older episodes of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" with Joel? Anyway, this is a very stupid show. It's about these "hidden cameras" and they do all these dumb things like dress people up like cats and bears and harass people and beating each other up and getting chased by animals and stuff. Like "Crank Yankers" the show has no plot and no point. They have these other dumb jokes like a lady asking people to rub her "lucky" feet or a guy smearing a hot dog in ketchup and throwing it away. Wha------??!!! Or things like a guy running away (in slow-motion, keep this in note) from guys in bull costumes. How could this show be liked so darn much when it's just plain stupid!! But I never liked reality shows. Just look at "Survivor" "The Fear Factor" or any of the others. This needs to be locked away and cancelled immediatley!! I have to rank this with "Crank Yankers" and "South Park" as the dumbest, and crappiest Comedy Central shows ever. A 3/10. Occansional showings of "Saturday Night Live" are the only reasons I "still" tune into the network.
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Awesome movie!!!
23 May 2003
Or as my mom would say "cute". This is by far one of the finest family films I have ever seen. I consider "Toy Story" and "Babe: Pig In The City" as its only rivals for my favorite family film. Anyway, it's by far a very enjoyable movie, with nice special effects (the giant insects) and a real play-fun spirit like the part where they eat a giant oreo cookie or slept in the lego block. The kids are indeed very likeable, and the movie even has a sense of adventure. I'll never forget the giant (well, giant to them anyway) water drops that were terrorizing them and Amy slowly falling into a pool of mud and grime(and the grimy pool with the dead ant floating in it they found earlier). I'll always remember the funny way the dad said "Russel!" and the overviewed music they had at the beginning where they first saw the large outside or Wayne's shouting of "Get off the grass!!". I really can think of very few things I didn't like about this film. I now wonder exactly how many times they had a shrinking story (from an episode of a show or a video game etc.) that had the words "Honey, I Shrunk The .....". I recommend it to your kids. They won't be disappointed. A 10/10. Nice sequel too.

Could it possibly be that in the movie "Dinosaur" when he was dodging the fireballs that was a reference to this movie with how they were dodging the water drops?
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All That (1994–2020)
Quite hard to watch anymore
21 May 2003
I have to say that everyone here is completely right. I used to really like this show. They had really great skits like Pierre Escargo and Vital Information. Amanda Bynes was actually one of my favorite characters and I'm glad she got her own show. Even with the newer episodes where they got rid of Lori Beth Denburg I still watched it. Danny Tambreli was a good addition. It was really living up to the greatness of "Saturday Night Live". But then, they got this big fat guy... ...and that's where it went downhill FAST. The cast members were getting off the show like mad, and yet it got even worse...They got rid of ALL the cast members and in replace of them, they got these stupid kids. I mean, KIDS in the show??!!! That makes no sense. Nowadays, the skits aren't funny and frankly, I just plain wish Nick would just can this whole show. It really bites now. From 1995 to 2001, I'd give it a 9/10. 2002 to whenever, I'd give it a 2/10. I'd pick "Saturday Night Live" over this ANY day of the week.
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So vague, and yet, that's not a bad thing...
20 May 2003
I mean, gosh, was this movie boring!!!!! You see the trailers, you've seen everything. I remember seeing this movie awhile back, and it's memory is very vague in my mind, and that makes much sense. This was such an unmemorable film for me I can remember hardly anything. It was so boring!! What more is there to say? Even kids will snooze with this. The fairies didn't even appear until the end, and they were just THERE. They just popped out of nowhere. The story is so stupid. I mean, is there some kind of moral to the story? Fairies don't exist. And that goes the same for my entertainment for this film. It was all talk, talk, talk with nothing going on. Back in those times, I was just a little kid that was tolerant of anything, but even this bored me so much! A 2/10. And by the way, while I'm talking about movies I don't like, I would like to apologize to "The Secret Of Nimh" because "Invasion Of The Neptune Man" was even worse than that movie. But it was the funniest episode of MST3K ever!! Just thought I'd say that.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
What can I say? This show is awesome
17 May 2003
This is perhaps my favorite sitcom of all. I don't see how people complain Debra is annoying. We're all like that sometimes! And so what if Ray is whiny/wimpy sometimes? It's supposed to be funny. I'll never forget how hilarious way Robert would talk in that deep voice. I mean, I don't there's a single character in the show I don't like. Ray[mond]'s dad is perhaps the funniest. I also remember how he'd just come out and say it like it was ("holy crap!") Raymond's mom is a petite lady, yet she is firm and everyone seems to want to please her. Even the twins are great! It is indeed, a modern-day "Honeymooners" show, with every episode just simply being a crazy antic of a modern-day family, though it's mostly husband-and-wife affairs. It was so funny in that one episode where Ray and Debra and Ray's parents compared each other through skits. Although I think that perhaps my favorite ep was the one where Debra was trying to get the canister back to Ray's mom without her knowing.

The title is very approiate, seeing how everybody DOES love Raymond pretty much. My mom adores this show as well, as she can almost never miss it when it comes on, and I'm very glad I got to see it. I consider "Mystery Science Theater 3000" it's only rival for the funniest show I have watched. This is the show that got me to watch ABC, as I hadn't usually. Keep up the good work! Long like, ELR! A 9/10 or an 18/20 or 27/30, or whatever!

Ray(imitating his dad)(talking to Debra or his mom) Yeah, and I've got a lifetime subscription to you!
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Dragon Ball Z (1989–1996)
Surprisly good show
16 May 2003
Now, when I first saw this show advertised on Cartoon Network, I was like, "This is so stupid". But I really forgave the show, and after I started becoming more involved and learning about the plot, I have come to the conclusion that this is an enjoyable show. The thing is, in order to like it, you need to learn to accept the "alternate-world" to enjoy it. And yes, a lot of people are right. The fights last for many episodes, and the villians never seem to die, and such. But there's so many complex characters all with different backgrounds and personalites, that you kind of forget it. I mean, if you want to see an anime with repetiveness and confusion, see that dang "Yu-Gi-Oh!".

With the arrogance of Vegeta, the smart-aleckyness of Trunks and Goten, and the funny child-like character of Mr. Buu/Fat Buu, it's quite enjoyable. The villians are cool, and it's nice when they find a villian that's really so evil they're entertaining.(especially Babidi, he's such a wicked little troll^_^?) Although I was wondering how many times they would have Vegeta become GOOD before he actually BECAME GOOD, he is indeed one of the finest characters. I'm glad they did alot with him, though I wished they'd do more, such as tell how he married Bulma. Anyway, try to catch it. "Dragonball GT" sounds stupid, but I'll have to watch it sometime. An 8/10.
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The Mask (1994)
Jim Carrey at some of his best
14 May 2003
As you might have read in my "Liar, Liar" review, I really like Jim Carrey comedies. I'm not sure if this outdoes LL or not. Anyway, it's a really good movie. It was the film debut of Cameron Diaz. I especially adored the funny Tex Avery cartoons homages they did with the fine CG effects. The mask seems just like the kind of person Jim Carrey would become. It was cool how they would have the shy Stanley Ipkiss at one point, and then he would turn into the zany, funny, wise-cracking mask guy. He is by far, one of the funniest movie characters I've ever seen. There was no stop to it!! My brother used to do impressions of him all the time. Whether it was "Somebody stop me!!" or "Party! P,A,R,T,Y? 'Cuz I have to!!".

Anyway, it's full of memorable gags, like the part where the dog gets the mask and such. This was probably one of the earliest PG-13 movies I remember seeing. It's the same with "Liar, Liar". You just can't miss it. I personally think Jim Carrey has kind of lost his good humor in his latest movies, but I'm looking forward to "Bruce Almighty". Anyway, a 9/10, or a 10/10, I'm not sure.

The Mask: ("dying") Tell Oliver I won't be coming home this Christmas! Tell Scarlett I do give a damn! (gets Oscar and applause from audience)
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Crank Yankers (2002–2022)
I actually agree with Dootus
12 May 2003
This is by far the worst show on Comedy Central! Why must they torture us with these stupid shows??!!! Air the early episodes of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" if you want to redeem yourself, Comedy Central! Anyway, the plot is just STUPID. I actually watched an episode last night because I didn't want to write a comment until I'd seen a whole episode, and it stunk!!! It's all about these stupid ugly puppets. I mean, are the calls supposed to be real or what??? I'm serious! When I-know-care-who was calling a Spanish guy, and talking about car crashes, was that suppossed to be a prank??!!! There isn't even a plot!! A stupid hillbilly wanting to serve in the Peace Corps? IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! The media should bring back "Muppets Tonight" which was a GREAT puppet show. Anyway, this piece of rubbage gets a big 2/10. Please, get rid of this, "Happy Trigger TV" and "South Park"! They all stink!!
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