
108 Reviews
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Fails to resonate or inspire
21 December 2022
If you've seen After Life and Derek before, you will be forgiven for thinking a type cast David Earl is playing a variation on the strange, single middle aged man character he is so well known for.

This film was sold to me as an endearing tale but it just isn't. The whole washing machine man story is uninteresting, the humour feels lazy and the 'coming of age' type story just doesn't resonate at all because of the lack of depth to the washing machine character.

It feels like this movie tries to be abstract and unique but there isn't enough substance in this film to pull it off.

The supporting cast of characters also lack imagination and interest.

Definitely would not recommend as the film has few highlights or redeeming features.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Could've been Jaws meets Die Hard
2 December 2022
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Despite the promise of an interesting concept, this movie could've been so much more.

Beast could've been Jaws meets Die Hard but in the end is let down by a weak script, unrealistic action, poor special effects and sadly some bad acting too.

The set up of the bereaved father feels lazy, it's never really explored beyond some contempt for the father and isn't concluded satisfactorily at all.

This is the least of the films worries but it also paints an unfair portrayal of lions and the ability of the lion fluctuating depending on what the script demands at the time.

It isn't a bad movie, and it's short runtime is favourable but it is still a disappointing watch.
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Wolves of War (2022)
Westwick and Willis chemistry
25 September 2022
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The storyline of Wolves of War is the sort of typical army fodder which sees a small team sent on a suicide rescue mission. It doesn't break any new ground but there it tells a solid enough story.

It has an interest cast featuring Ed Westwick and Matt Willis who have some decent chemistry throughout.

There are a couple of emotional arcs which are tide up nicely by the end and I appreciated the subtlety of the love story and the interesting twist involving going back to rescue the children.

The film is obviously low budget and isn't always the most engaging but it if you aren't a historian focusing on the details or a Marvel loving CGI nut, then you can excuse these flaws and appreciate some decent performances and passable story.
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Jaw dropping scenes and moral dilemmas
25 September 2022
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The Green Mile is one of those 'must see' films as so comes with a great deal of expectation. It doesn't disappoint.

The setting of death row is unbelievable and feels truly worthy of a film, while the strong story has you constant moral questioning of who the real heroes and villains of the story are.

Tom Hanks is a great lead and demands respect, being the perfect foil to the evil prison guard.

I though the story of the mouse was there to provide some light relief and it was pleasantly surprising where the story went and by the time of the initial mouse stamping, you are so invested that it is absolutely jaw droppingly shocking.

The film does really well as showing the light and dark of these terrible situations.

There are some horrific scenes, none more so than not wetting the sponge. I didn't expect the film to take the 'supernatural' turn that it did but it does make for a thoughtful storyline.

The whole 'breaking out of death row' does feel very unbelievable and there is something to be said about the film length. Any film over three hours does become something of an endurance test but that isn't to say it doesn't warrant its runtime as it's tricky to know what could have been cut.
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Burnt (I) (2015)
At its best during the kitchen scenes
25 September 2022
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Burnt tells the story of an angry, flawed, intimidating chef. The many intense kitchen scenes highlight how flawed the typical angry chefs are.

It is an interesting and easy watch and Bradley Cooper is at his most entertaining when he is screaming and shouting in the kitchen (even if he doesn't always make the most convincing French speaking chef).

But you do buy into the journey and the simple enough story of redemption.

The gay waiter is cheap and the chef's drug addiction feels pointless and serves no real purpose. The kiss at the end is also borderline offensive.

I'm also not sure I buy the romance story which seems to come from nowhere. One minute he is shouting at her and without doing too much she suddenly loves him...

Burnt is definitely at its best in the kitchen and it's quite emotional seeing people pull together, trying their best to meet service despite being at breaking point. The cake scene is also a real emotional pull and a reminder of what's important.

I'm also not sure how realistic the cayenne pepper twist is... Would you really bide your time for that long just to get back at someone in that way? I'm also not bothered for Emma Thompson or the therapist side of the story.
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Wanderlust (2012)
Predictably bad
25 September 2022
I want to absolutely hate Wanderlust. Paul Rudd and Jennifer Anniston show some promise in the opening ten minutes but it quickly fades and you it feels like a poorly thought out concept being badly executed.

The hippie vibe storyline doesn't promise much and when you realise there's still an hour and fifteen minutes to go you know you are in trouble.

The initially amusing scenes quickly turn to several very unfunny set ups and cliches like the group of oddball hippies who just aren't funny.

Paul Rudd has some occasional great moments and it does come to a mildly interesting end.

But I hate how predictably bad it is. It doesn't feel like it's trying and at times feels like it could have been written by a high school child.

I don't hate it as much as I thought I would, it's not the worst but worth avoiding.
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Final singalong makes it all worthwhile
25 September 2022
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Wild Mountain Thyme is a unique film.

The story on paper is terribly boring about a dispute of land and it takes a while to realise that this is all we are here for.

But it is the glimpse of Irish culture and life which makes this such a warm, atmospheric and heartfelt film.

Yes, there are lots of Irish phrase which go over your heard and you will have to ignore Christopher Walken's occasionally Irish accent. The rest, including Emily Blunt's actually deserve credit.

Dornan and Blunt bring a lot of class to the film and it's nice to see them in such different roles. The American villain does also get a lot of heat.

There is an emotional weight to the film and it does make you consider your own parents.

There is a lull around the hour mark but the end is absolutely beautiful and the final singalong makes it all worthwhile.
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Life (I) (2017)
Great cast, disappointing execution
25 September 2022
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Life features a brilliant cast including Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds and Sarah Ferguson and an intriguing concept of dealing with 'life' found on Mars.

The first 20 minutes are very slow and there are initially low stakes and low interest.

The tension does grows alongside Calvin and by the point of Hugh's death we are hooked. The hand crushing scene is particularly horrific. Ryan Reynolds doesn't last too long in the film which is a shame because by the time he gets serious with his performance he does impress. His death deserves credit for its uniqueness.

However the film labours, the Moon book scenes are cringeworthy and by the time you get to the whole plan a/plan b dilemma you realise how little you care anymore.

Which is a shame because the ending was probably the most intriguing part of the whole film but it ends and you don't get to find out how Calvin gets on in Earth.
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Once (I) (2007)
Mesmerising Piano shop and studio scenes
25 September 2022
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Once captures the sweet relationship between a Man and Woman and the story deviates a little from the typical romance that you might expect and is instead a nice tale of companionship, showing the flaws of each character.

The highlight of Once is the great music. The songs are of varying quality but the piano shop scene is absolutely breathtaking. Seeing the two leads harmonise together to that beautiful song, you are happy for it to never end. Similarly. And the final recording session scene where every thing seems to come together is the real pay off for this film.

The film is refreshingly short and gives a glimpse of the heart of Irish character and culture.
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Worth it for the David Walliams cameo alone
25 September 2022
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I was sold on Run Fatboy Run as a child based on the silly title and on watching it 15 years ago was largely disappointed.

Watching it as an adult I could appreciate it for what it was: a silly and easy to watch Rom-com.

Simon Pegg is his usual endearing self. He is funny, but never as funny as the small and brilliant David Walliams cameo.

The set up of entering the marathon is especially flimsy and there are several cheap jokes like the Erectile Dysfunction charity. The film is often trivial and occasionally boring as we find out whether he will race or not.

Hank Azaria plays the stereotypical American step dad Whit really well and is one of the highlights of thee film.

There's nothing truly original about this film but it has a strong ending and some feel good family vibes so is worth a watch.
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16 September 2022
I had high expectations of this film with Emma Stone and Steve Carrell and I had expected good things.

The forbidden love story of King is intense and interesting but the film slows a lot in the middle and never really recovers, nor does it give a satisfactory ending to this storyline besides end credit text.

For much of the film it is difficult to works out where it is going and what the point is. We head towards this inter gender match but there is a real indifference to Steve Carrell's Bobby Riggs until the entertaining sexism scenes where we see a bit of life in this character.

There is nothing interesting enough to watch this film again and even the tennis action isn't dramatically shot and there's no real tension in the match.

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Fall (I) (2022)
So intense. Stunningly shot
3 September 2022
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The first hour of Fall is one of the best and most intense movies I've ever seen. The drama of climbing to the top of that tower and the brilliant way it was shot was edge of your seat stuff. I found myself covering my eyes and fearing for myself as they climbed to such a great height. Leaving the cinema at Romford VUE I was dizzy and on edge even going down the escalator. And that is what you want in a film, for you to feel something, to make you feel alive.

This film was stunningly shot and destined for 5 stars but the unnecessary relationship drama felt cheap and unneeded. For me, there was more than enough drama is just being at the top of that tower. The twist also took the edge off for me slightly as I would have preferred a linear story.

The simplicity of the husbands death is heartbreaking and it works and even the relationship with the Dad works but the whole cheating thing felt unnecessary.

4.5 stars.
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E.T. (1982)
Phenomenal soundtrack
3 September 2022
The soundtrack for ET is obviously phenomenal and really makes and brings out the heart of the film.

There are some great and classic scenes like the bike ride towards the end where you find yourself really rooting for ET and the gang. Even 40 years in a world of CGI on he still looks ok and has aged well compared to some things like Star Wars.

The young actors are all pretty decent, the little girl makes for some hilarious moments. It slows a little towards the end and the hospital scenes could be considered slightly confusing at times but it's still a decent watch and worth a rewatch.

Watching it for the first time ever you can't help but think about the cheap BT adverts which have cheapened those classic moments slightly.
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The relatable intensity of falling in love
26 August 2022
500 Days of Summer is the story of falling in love and the infatuation of it. What it nails is the intensity of falling in love. Zooey Dechanuel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt make for a very relatable couple.

The film labours slightly as they fall out of love but the rekindling and eventual move on is also sensational in how relatable and accurate it feels.

Something to be said about remembering the good time and it gives a feel good ending speaking of possibilities.

I love the musical references like The Smiths, Summer on the whole is lovely.

There are a lot of unique elements to this film and not all of them land. The mature little sister feels slightly unbelievable.
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Typical sequel
21 August 2022
Classic sequel review - not as good as the original but still has some good moments like the TV scene. It retains 3 out of the 4 original cast who were great value for fun.

The concept here of time travelling is more dodgy and convoluted and it does undo the feel good ending of the first film.
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Cool concept done well
21 August 2022
Hot Tub Time Machine is a cool film which does justice to a cool concept.

It is really well cast with 4 good characters and plenty of funny moments. The ending is fun and feel good.

It doesn't take itself too seriously or lean to heavily on the 'time travel' element.
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Offender (2012)
Joe Cole's weird breathy intensity
19 August 2022
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Offender has some truly brutal scenes such as the harrowing miscarriage but then several weaker scenes such as the man having a violent fight scene and then 'slipping' to his death on the bathroom floor.

English Frank is a terrible actor, he did manage to generate some hatred as a villain but his performance as a gangster was cringeworthy.

Joe Cole also isn't at his best and brings a weird, breathy intensity to his character that didn't really work. Shaun Dooley has some good moments but similarly doesn't really work playing the undercover gangster style role.

The film is short and sweet but nothing to write home about.
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Believable dysfunctional family
19 August 2022
I really enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine. It features a believably dysfunctional family who all have great character arcs in the film.

It also has an emotional feel good ending and shows up child beauty pageants for the weird mess they are.
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Timeless storyline
11 August 2022
Christopher Eccleston makes a great villai and the storyline of having to steal 50 cars in 3 days is timeless.

There are some very slick scenes where Reigns and the gang steal the cars and Vinnie Jones plays another badass gangster.

There is some corny dialogue, especially the cringy use of women's name for the cars. The dog eating the keys is also a cheap scene, as well as Nick Cage's 'fear' of one particular car.
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Odd Danny Boyle stylistic choices
8 August 2022
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Slumdog Millionaire is an eye opening story about the shocking treatment of children in the Indian slums. The scene where the child is blinded is particularly harrowing.

To my taste.", the sequencing of this movie is odd and makes a conscious decision to distance itself from the drama of the Who Wants to be a Millionaire format. The drama should come ready served using a game shot format but Danny Boyle opted to start with him one question away from the jackpot.

It's a stylistic choice and there is arguably enough drama in his life to warrant this decision but it feels like it could have been even better by taking an alternative approach.

Many people will be sold on the plot. Someone wins the jackpot on WWTBAM is enough, but still the story seems unrealistic at times, in terms of how he gained his knowledge in certain scenes.

Dev Patel also has a weird temperament that makes him weirdly unlikeable at times.

Still a decent film but maybe my expectations were too high.
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Magicians (2007)
The original Harry Kane
8 August 2022
Magicians is fine. If you enjoy Mitchell and Webb you will probably enjoy this more than the casual viewer.

There isn't much character work, it's basically Mitchell and Webb.

The story is predictable and though it is amusing at points, it's not that funny that you'd watch it again.
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RED (2010)
Oddball casting
8 August 2022
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This purposely oddball casted comedy is not always good. The plot is wishy washy and has quite a few unrealistic stunts.

There is some other good actions but the major conspiracy features the Vice President, yet the main agent in charge is a fairly useless operative working seemingly alone at time.

The scene where they are escaping and she ends up rolling down the snowy hill is laughable and Bruce Willis' odd obsession with the girl is never really explained.

It's watchable action comedy but not the best.
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7 August 2022
Made in Dagenham is only the second film to ever make me cry. Sally Hawkins many fantastic and inspiring speeches make for emotional viewing and it's powerful seeing the women stand up for themselves and make real change.

I'd recommend it to anyone, and there's even a nice cameo from Roger Lloyd Pack.
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4 August 2022
Thor's Love and Thunder is a mixed bag at best. There is nothing here to make me want to go back and watch this again.

The story really ran out of steam in the second hour. I enjoy the Guardians cameo for what they were but once the movie was done it made me which they'd do a full crossover movie because it probably would have been more entertaining than this.

Russell Crowe is entertaining enough and Valkyrie is an understated and captivating highlight. Christian Bale's Gorr is a really great villain, truly scary with some Voldemort vibes (if a little too much at times).

As the movie starts you're not sure where Thor's place is and where has the story got to go after everything that has gone before. It has to usual Thor banter (though there's an argument to be made that the goofiness goes on a little too far at times).
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Bad accents
1 August 2022
The main takeaway from Scottish Mussel is the distractingly bad accents. The American is horrendous, Joe Thomas looks scared every time he needs to open his mouth and Harry Enfield just about gets a pass.

The film has cartoon gangsters and a slow burn romance that is given away half way through the movie. Martin Compston is great but there isn't much else saving this flick.
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