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Blue Thunder (1983)
the place no ken starr should go...what does badham think????
12 November 2001
A film that asks a question if America looks within too much due to grift could a foreign power take us over from our exterior. I like good R rated movies but this reads like a PG except for one scene. A great movie about corruption and the sympatheitc but hardnosed bosses we have...yet, the lengths people will go to expose the truth. I was not in this movie or around these people and do not know badham...yet, a great film from writers jacoby and o'bannon in the harlan ellison position.
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Solaris (1972)
visualsecond coming refrence or a warning about false christism
9 November 2001
a thrill a minute theological evolution clash. for the mind..was a special effects shot a promise of the return of christ when we see the dead agaain ot a warnign about occultic imposters tied to demonism and decide a great visual. a great movie. a different tone than 2001 yet made in japan in the soviet era by a state film group while breshenv was in power.Inever met breshenv..this was ther era. The era of movies and this is a foreign one. great foreign sci fi. They do make them.
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1992 release.
8 November 2001
RESERVOIR DOGS..the trailer and the I won't vote for blair line great. the original trailer reflects different footage and angles. A few years ago I paid to go see the directors cut yet, did not see the added footage I paid full price at a bargain basement indie arthouse movie to go see this awesome film. or was it 1991 release. only one theater had the balls to show this..a goodrich. A great movie with a stage play feel but enough action exteriorly to keep a gun battle fan going.
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Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979)
flint michigan market trailers reflect other footage from pilot versions
8 November 2001
the 20+ million dollar pilot. This footage aired in the ABC market flint michigan showed a different take on the pilot. Better footage using cameras and special effects and acting scenes. This was different than grand rapids market footage aired on another station. This can be found ratings books etc. 1978. some markets have different versions on satellite transponders this is fluent currently with fox tv network and other satellite groups. (ex. commonwelath tv no commercials edits versions etc.)
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Martin (1995)
a sitcom with a all african american cast (main cast)
4 November 2001
In it's early years a very funny program and developed a steady following up until it's last epiosde. Of the notable guest appearances is PAUL MILLER of PSI FACTOR. A interesting concept in it's openign as it dealt with martin working at a all white country western station in the city.
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The Strip (1999–2000)
premise fell flat
2 November 2001
THE STRIP was the tale of two former cops crusing vegas and battling crime. Instead of rushing this out the series could have been different. The african american sidekick character should have been played straight and the one liners come from the flannery character with a mock arrogance and youth exuberance as if to say "nothign can touch me" The series also needed the presence of a heavy like ERNIE HUDSON and more hard hitting episodes and perhaps a few light ones. I liked the premise of them teaming up with the mob from time to time.
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the alternate version OMEN 2
30 October 2001
This version featured a tunnel system bathed in bluish red light and featured the exploration of this system with damien, a female friend and another kid. These films symbolic in nature, were popular yet, varied from the bible to reflect new age and satanist versions of the rise of antichrist. This version of the film also had some footage shot in england. The tunnel sequences were possibly a refrence to the stonemason era of the great awakening and occultism and occult kill cults. A fascinating story arch in the film which enhanced the story and appeal of the film. This made the film more than just a film about people finding out who he is and then he kills them. The tunnel sequences featured damien and his friends exploring the tunnels by torch light etc.
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Police Story (1973–1980)
only im movies and tv are celebrities cops in the UK and USA
30 October 2001
Police Story had real celebrities as cops and villians in a hour tale of myrth lies and gunplay. Only on tv can we see celebrities as federal agents. in real life ZSA ZSA GABOR and ETHAN HAWKE won't be going to bust up a chinese spy ring or a crack house. This show was interestign and as close to anthology as one could get. Not as realistic or disturbing as the crimes in OLIVIER OLIVIER, this film deal with a 1970's crime beat feel. Enjoy.
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the star of this show
28 October 2001
According to something i once read was spoffed in several comedic comic us magazines as a kid for his "supposed" buffonery in the 1970's. The star i refer to is chris potter. Potter is a capable actor who did well in this series about a father and son who battle crime. The plot film starred brandon lee. The series is based on a concept by BRUCE LEE deveolped with a Weintraub in the 1970's. Of note is the reported involvement of potter in the church of the immaculate soul aka heart grnated this like most news reports can be in error. A interesting show, with a modern take on the original.
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Renegades (1989)
a great film
28 October 2001
THE film RENEGADES, was a movie shot in ONTARIO and used such locations as a building used by TORONTO POLICE 42 division or a similar unit. The film was also shot partially in Pennsylvania. The film had moments of on screen brillance which is a trademark of all the JACK SHOULDER aka SHOLDER movies I have seen. The film should have had a alternate version. I am a fan of such films as the COWBOY WAY which use projects modeled after the "big city modern western approach" of film plots. This film has a big city western feel yet, also has a supernatural polt which ties in with indian myths and religion. RENEGADES also featued a early appearance by the respected actor who played LIAM KINCAID on EARTH FINAL CONFLICT (VON FLORES. I would have done things differently yet, i am nobody. The film was not a bad film, yet, could not LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS have played a triabla cop in pursuit of a criminal or a PI? Yet, giving him the role of a normal citizen who can handle himself is possibly better. This avoids cop movie cliches. In the film BUSTER and "CHIEF" played by Phillips get caught up in a mob war after a well financed mob thug steals a sacred relic. This film is not the DEER HUNTER but is worth a evenings view and features BILL SMITROVICH doing a great job playing a role we have seen in the movies one hundred times...I liked the character. Formula, well made formula sells. Or is that statement trite on my part? RENEGADES has the edge on being a restrianed action piece which brings it down to earth on believability. I enjoy seeing Sutherland playing agood guy hot off the heels of playing a psychotic in THE KILLING of his best roles.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
a surreal movie
28 October 2001
BLUE VELVET hints at the supernatural and the demonic the way TWIN PEAKS tackled the subject full bore. In this film there is a HOLY SEE CLUB sex brothel ssytem beneath the surface tied in with corrupt mobster FRANK BOOTH. In the film, two local people in their late teens or early 20's uncover the seedy underbelly of a culture within a culture. There are other things hinted at in this film, filofem, and a blackmail system that puts people into a sort of slavery. Blue velvet is at times absurdly amusing and disturbingly dark. It would seem that this well made film shows us a slice of the underworld teetering on the edge of insanity. A interesting film, complete with the classic "mommy mommy" line. Blue Velvet is similar to TWIN PEAKS but is much more dark and is entertaining to watch but makes one wonder do people like this rreally exist...the troubling thing is turn on the tv news..the answer is yes.
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the classic historical tale
27 October 2001
More intriging than the actual evacuation was a group who stayed behind to hold off the advancing germans. This "alamo style variant" to the tale is seldom told. I tend to like the classic tale of surrounded or out numbered groups fighting desperate battles. The evacuation at this place was a blessing and a curse for the british and french.The groups had to leave heavy equipment such as tanks cannons etc. behind which was captured by the nazis. The rescue of the BEF by a rag tag floatilla of ships and planes with the RAF doing cover is a classic story and was the first chapter in the coming battle of britain. Originally hitler's generals insisted on a cross channel invasion but this would have been repulsed by the RAF and royal navy. (germanys navy being puny) Videos such as this highlight often the historical side of history's disasters. This is something you could possibly catch on the history channel.
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A interesting night at the movies
27 October 2001
Being someone who usually when he has the cash heads to the film theaters alone. I liked this film...the stuffy kid in the suit reminds me of what I possibly could ahve been like had I gone along with stuffy stupid republicans at a similar event. I was involved in the close up foundation and am so glad I lost. This film spoofs those functions. Naturally, this film was not about me or my situation in life (i am different than this character and excell at dressing like a slob and looking like one.) this is a film anyone tied in with student political groups in school could love. The film satires the political ssytem and student "young" party groups that are so green they have no concept of what the ssytemis actually like. Foolish kids breast fed on half truths in cirriculum books and the "90's senastionalism" news. A great satire on the gen x generation as well. Not as clever as ANIMAL HOUSE but clever enough..yet i am not a film maker and never will be one...who am I to judge. A fun night of viewing one of the few comedies I laughed at in the 1990's.
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Wall Street (1987)
the rich get richer the poor get poorer but are th poor freer than the rich?
27 October 2001
WALL STREET asks a stark question in it's last hour. The rich in this film are part of a system that enslaves them. A system of greed and intolerance that ensnares them, feeds them, nourises them, and then does away with them if they step out of line or say the wrong thing. Totalitiarianism within a democracy with a constitution. WALL STREET is about how the high and mighty rich crook GECKO ultimately falls much like most corproate tyrants. This is a movie yet, in life sometimes the bad guys do get what's coming to them and sometimes not. The film tells a taleof greed and power and a system that gets you anything you want but like a drug hooks you for much so you lose your identity as a human being. You become a machine, a automaton to some corporate firm. The film contrasts the small airline workers and how happy they are with their meaningless lives and their bills compared to gecko, his henchmen their big bucks and big problems.high finanace and success is a cult..a cult one cannot escape. This film tells a tale of greed in a era that will one day be america's undoing. A great commentary and a social conscience tale similar to 1970's films such as SERPICO.
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Fright Night (1985)
a intersting film
26 October 2001
This film is the classic tale of the boy who cried wolf yet wasn't and no one would believe him. This film has several role reversals...a mom who acts like david doyle in CAPRICORN ONE...a sarcastic mom....and a son trying to grow up too fast. The film was also a religious morality tale and possible metaphor. The hero this PETER VINCENT finds renewed faith in himself and in a higher power when confronting the demonic powers of the vampire played by CHRIS SARANDON. The key note to sarandons appeal in this film is his sex appeal with the women complete with disarming charm and utter ruthlessness as a villian who consorts with satan. One of the best and most beleivable vampire movies ever made. FRIGHT NIGHT mixes tounge in cheek humor with scares and suspense. A film that has emotional pay off in the end of the film and a film that goes well above schlock horror. Of note is the humorous "movie within a movie" spoofs of hammer films.
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The Space Giants (1966– )
a interesting tv show that I loved as a kid.
24 October 2001
WTBS started running this around 1979. The program was purchased in syndication for cheap around the time Japanese tv shows and animation such as BATTLE OF THE PLANETS and STAR BLAZERS hit US airwaves after syndication deals with such firms as Claster and Sandy Frank etc. Turner ran this series which was a GODZILLA/RODAN style robot space opera mixing kung fu, fantasy, espionage, and science fiction in adventure show aimed at kids and young adults. The program was not a ratings bomb and fired well on cable in a era where you had a different approach to afternoon broadcasting (pre talk show era). Some have said the program mixed wiccan legends like THE FACE OR OLD MAN OR WOMAN IN THE WOODS with symbolism in a robotic battle of good and evil. The program was family oriented science fiction that was almost 15 years old when it hit America on mass in many different tv markets. The series cost effective faired well but is not on video or in release on tv yet. If you liked Godzilla but like a little "tounge in cheek" humor this show will be up your alley.
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the classic talk tough real fast film.
24 October 2001
THE MALTESE FALCON is a classic tale of a gumshoe caught between several greedy factions wanting a valuable statue of a bird. The classic film, is mostly all dialogue and bogart dealing out mile a minute insults and threats to "would be assailants". The film was released in 1941, on the eve of the US entry into WW2. After this the next few Bogart films were war or espionage themed, yet he excelled at playing a smooth talking, tough as nails gangster or PI. When people think of JOHN WAYNE they think of westerns, war pictures or MC Q. When people think of BOGART they think of film noir gangster and PI films and films like CASABLANCA. Bogart was the poster boy for 1940's coolness in a suit and strutting on film into a crowded bar like he had a chip on his shoulder and he could kick the whole worlds ass. This is a fine film and well written. Enjoy.
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a original "no gun use" action hero for film
23 October 2001
Romeo Must die was a urban retelling so to speak of ROMEO AND JULIET. The film was a martial arts/gang ;land actionpiece in which BLACK MASK star JET LI uses his wits and hands and feet to fight crime and does not use firearms. There is something unusual about Li, he is a good actor and has original moves and a fighting pace that is potentially greater than BRUCE LEE's. The film was one of several that has come out with LI. Recently, he came out with one featuring BRIDGET FONDA but myself in a budget crunch this past summer was unable to see it yet will catch it on video. ROMEO MUST DIE is a film that mixes darma, gangsterism and martial arts for a film that appeals not only to african american audiences but also die hard martial arts fans. ROMEO MUST DIE represents a move in film that says a martial arts film can be fun and yet have a plot. The action revolves around JET LI who gets caught between to battling gang families in a LOS ANGELES like urban city. A interesting action movie.
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The Dukes of Hazzard (1979–1985)
a family action adventure hour..complete with fast cars
23 October 2001
THE DUKES OF HAZARD was about to gunless heros who use bows and arrows and fast cars to battle crime. The show featured several traditional plot devices but proved to be fun for families and a ratings smash for several years. The shows appeal was tounge in cheek humor complete with a corrupt comedic county seat that was, when it boiled down to it, ruled good people. The series progressed until the 1980's and was a mainstay on CBS. There was at least one short lived spin off called ENOS. The Dukes itself spawned a new life in syndication and with follow up tv movies. A great clean cut family hour. One of the last shows in which the action was over the top the good guys "heroically" good and the bad guys "dastardly" bad.
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rebellion and the series starts to end a a symetrical note.
23 October 2001
This film picks up several decades after the last and focuses on the rise of a fifth column lead by the son of the long since dead ZIRA and CORNELIUS. The setting is a police state future and the battle is similar to the warsaw ghetto uprising of 1943 and the watts riots etc. The cinematic conflict in the film is against slavery, tyranny, and oppression in a united states gone wrong. The film strikes a note. Several story pieces from the last are explored. Instead of a contemporary setting which would have been interesting the setting is the not too distant future. The urban king story is also elevated along with a realization of societies cinematic fears in the last film. A great story done on a tight budget and on few shooting locations a epic on a meager budget which does not scrimp on thrills and suspense. The film also has a quality when the character of MACDONALD a descendant of slaves is compared to Ceaser a slave ape. A great cinematic and literary script metaphor.
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Solaris (1972)
russias answer to 2001
22 October 2001
This film isfar different to 2001 which was a stanley kuvrick film that took 3 years to make. SOLARIS is more a psyche introspection and a tale of supernatural style first contact. The film visually alludes at times to the fact the main russian character is a "island unto himself". The film also at times showacases a world where evolution is developing out of a void ocean. yet, there is a allusion to creationism as well. The film a secular piece is a great russian film. The plot is dialouge driven and not "lazer combat powered" like some western science fiction offerings. SOLARIS is more arthouse film than genre, but the moments of beauty are breath taking, like a fine painting or a play written by a master scribe. A thinking persons science fiction arthouse film. Fans of films like SOLDIER OF ORANGE might like this film. A intertesting foray into soviet era russian cinema.
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A Prayer in the Dark (1997 TV Movie)
family values meets cinematic bank terrorism
21 October 2001
A tv film about bank terroists who take hostages for bank loot and high profits amid casualties and gun fire. the seeminly typical story is also a drama when one of the terror thugs is a former family member who helps impriison his former family at gun point. This was a interesting film. i saw almost the entire film along wiht the ending. A good tv film. I liked the movie as it was better than most tv fare. I find most tv movies lame except for a few. The winners on the tv movie meter being projects like BILL, WW3 (circa 1983 version), and V, etc. Thyis film was a film about crime and family ties. The writing persepective was left on the political meter with a dash of political correctness, yet this is refreshign from a tv standpoint as we all drown on the far right froth of such tv series as BLUE THUNDER. A intersting diversion for a afternoon. Similar in composition to most LIFETIME films...this film features strong female roles. A good film.
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Solaris (1972)
a science fiction oddessy
21 October 2001
This film is a film that such later american projects as THE BLACK HOLE and STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE have given nods to. The film deals with a space station and the appearance of a woman who maybe a time space anomaly or a ghost or a supernatural apparition. The film is a analogy on love life and letting go of lost loves and a chance at renewal in love when all is lost. The film also waxes the poetic at times on visuals hinting at a creationist darwin clash. The film is darwinian in tone. A interesting and thought provoking film shot in JAPAN circa 1970. Of note is one more thing, in space even soviet space heros where monogramed pajamas. SOLARIS is a interesting delve into the psyche and time and space.
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Solaris (1972)
Ascinece fiction oddesy from a communist persepctive drawing on spiritualism myths
21 October 2001
This is part sceience fiction and spiritualism ghost story in space. The film is part black and white and also color stock. The color sequences are particularly breath taking. The film is a russian piece shot outside of the USSR based on a soviet science fiction novel by LEM. A interesting film, but not for DOCTORWHO fans. the film is more surrealist thought and less normal science fiction fare. the film takes a psychological approach to outer space and is more about the human mind than about a space mission. thew film uses the human mind as a metaphor for the space mission. the film also deals with such spiritualism topics as the cult of familiar spirits where a ghost or demon assumes the identity of a long lost loved one. In the film Chris gets visited by his long dead lover and his freind on the space station by somone else. A interesting foreign film.
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The interesting characters
19 October 2001
This show was not bad for a tv series. The two most interesting characters were the female police captain and the former spy named kermit. The show used a fake chinese culture. I wish there would have been more emphasis on the culture and on the criminal syndicates within it (ie. the seemingly invincible triads). The series was penned by one of my favorite tv writers MICHAEL SLOAN (ie. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, THE RETURN OF THE MAN FROM UNCLE and the EQUALIZER). The series stressed virtue and martial arts action it was also escapist and for many years the only action hour left on tv. I am a fan of the original once conceptualized by BRUCE LEE. Of note is a tv movie in which BRANDON LEE stars.
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