
11 Reviews
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It is just a bad movie. Don't waste your time.
15 December 2017
An great ensemble cast, the preview looks fun and engaging, what could go wrong? Well, when you start asking the people around you "Why? Why would they do that?" and it happens a few times, that is a big red flag. The fact that there is literally NO point, no connection between certain characters, events, etc. is another red flag. Ok, bad decision making, no cohesion between elements, a meandering and senseless plot, I feel dumber having to have watched it. And I really like ALL of the stars! Why? Why did this movie have to be so poorly executed? I guess we'll never know.
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Machete Kills (2013)
A Delightful Romp for the Whole Family!
9 November 2017
OK, not really true what with the violence, objectification of women, and the explosions, but this movie is absolutely great. Ol' Bobby Rodriguez still has his touch. This is definitely one of the great movies of the 21st century. It will hold a place near the top of the list of great films of our time. Machete Kills is a modern marvel of cinematic achievement. A high water mark of film making and civilization itself. This movie has it all: action, suspense, beautiful scantly clad women, explosions, disguises, nuclear bombs, and a cast of stars. It also provides quality instruction on how to hold, swing, carry, and use a machete in extreme situations. I found myself taking notes and practicing moves while watching this movie on repeat in my living room. In fact, by the Machete School of Mexican Arts rules and regulations, I am a red belt! This movie is the best and everyone should watch it.
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I Kinda Love this Show!
1 November 2016
I read the book many years ago, but went into this show with 0 expectations and open to where it would take me. And I kinda love it! It's a madcap, comedy/adventure that I think captures Douglass Adams' narrative style (at least as it applies to the Hitchhiker's Guide - my fav book of all time). It's a little bit out there, sure, but that's how the source material is. After watching the first two episodes back to back, I'm in. 100%. I can't wait to see where they go with this show. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is a lot of fun and I'm excited to continue with it.

Don't pay too much mind to the negative reviews. This show is going to find a sweet spot with an audience, and if it looks interesting to you, give it a try. You may like it or dislike it, but you certainly wont be bored by it!
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
Such a great show!
30 June 2015
Going in to this I had heard mixed reviews with a bit of apprehension. I am SO pleased to say that this show is really good.

As a big fan of Game of Thrones and Dan Carlin's Hardcore History which includes the most excellent and fascinating series about the mongols, I viewed this with trepidation. "Marco Polo" succeeds as being an excellent show. It does not leave me wishing I was watching GoT or something. I'm excited for each episode and this is completely binge worthy.

The attention to detail - costumes, customs, armor, etc. - is incredibly well thought out and researched. The storyline and the drama are engrossing as well. I find that I'm easily pulled into the plot and concerned with what happens to the characters.

This is a show worth watching and it is spectacularly executed. It's thoroughly engrossing and I can't wait for season two. Certainly give it a go.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Why you should or should not watch this show.
26 January 2015
After seeing this on Netflix for a couple of weeks, I decided to give it a go. I'm three episodes from the end and I'd like to share some thoughts.

This is NOT the Walking Dead. This does not have the production quality (that is NOT to say that the production quality is 'bad'), nor does this focus on the many dramatic elements that WD focuses on. I am only bringing up the Walking Dead because it is the closest, widely viewed comparison piece.

What this show does, and what I like about it, is focus on the many elements that an apocalyptic zombie world might contain. Things like a tornado picking up zombies and throwing them around. Massive (1 million plus) hordes wandering through the Midwest. What different survivor groups are like and how they get by (some in very gruesome ways). They even touch on a power plant mid shutdown and radioactive zombies. This show is free - due to the nature of the cross country mission - to explore a ton of different elements that the Walking Dead is unable to explore. It's really cool in that manner.

With that said, this is a far from 'perfect' show for a number of reasons. In the first few episodes, the cheezy radio stuff at the end of the eps had my eyes rolling. And that character in general is kind of annoying, but they are able to explore some cool elements with him that I can appreciate. The production value is exactly what you would expect from a SyFy network show (they make a passing reference to Sharknado!). They take some creative liberties, for sure, and the acting isn't that fantastic. But it is enjoyable. It's a fun ride. There is action and plenty of gore (hand blender to the face type of stuff). It is entertaining and unlike the Walking Dead, the tone is much more 'light'. The show is self aware and doesn't try to be an Emmy winning masterpiece. And the characters begin to grow on you if you stick with it. But if you are the type of person to pick apart a show based on all the flaws, or looking for a dramatic masterpiece, this isn't for you.

As I said in the beginning, I'm three eps from the end. And I am looking forward to enjoying the final three tonight.
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The Raid 2 (2014)
The Only Best Picture Candidate Worth Talking about. Also, the best action movie ever.
16 October 2014
When I first saw the Raid: Redemption I was blown away. It was the best action movie I had seen in many years. By that I mean for the first time in a while there were no CGI effects, no shaky cam, no cut aways, no absurd explosions, none of that rehashed nonsense. This was choreography and stunts like the old Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies.

Which brings me to the Raid 2. This sequel absolutely blew me away in every way and out did the Raid: Redemption. The stunts, camera work, plot, violence, action sequences, and scenery were..... outstanding. This is a movie that is made for martial arts fans, for action fans, and for organized crime fans and it succeeds on every single level.

I saw this on opening day in a crowded theater and the audience was completely hooked. With each bone snap and crazy stunt a cry of sympathetic pain arose. There were many unanimous "Oh S**t!!" and lots of squirming and "arugh!" The Raid 2 succeeded in eliciting a response from the audience that I hadn't experienced in quite some time. The last time would have been the Raid: Redemption and before that, I can't recall.

This movie is an incredible sequel. It is ultra violent, though so be forewarned. If you enjoyed the first one, the sequel stands taller and gives you a lot more to work with. It is also stand alone an awesome movie. I can't recommend this enough to anyone who is sick of the Michael Bay brand of action movie and is thirsting for something original and well executed. This movie has almost ruined action movies for me because the just can't begin to compare. I hope you enjoy this thrill ride as much as I did.
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This movie kept me up at night
19 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The the plot holes were so big, I was kept awake as my brain tried to process the inconsistencies and the nonsense. I kept thinking over the details and arriving at the same conclusion: "That doesn't make any sense!" This is a terrible movie. Read this and don't bother wasting your time. The logic is out the friggin window from the very beginning. In the first shoot out scene there are two cops on the scene and the second cop doesn't even help the first cop maintain order with the townies or help out with anything else for that matter. For such a big and volatile situation there would be an army of police. And what, they didn't have a fire department in a small town? That's just the first five minutes. It only gets worse from there. Sure they used some nice cameras to shoot it and there was some gore, but they changed the Leatherface character from a mindless killing machine with some mystery into a bumbling idiot with a chainsaw. To compound the logic issues with this mess, the twist in the third act just didn't make any sense. I mean, how could you watch your friend get cut in half by a chainsaw and then just be OK LIVING with Leatherface? How do you go from being chased by this dude who has killed off your besties to reuniting with him because you found out that he's your long lost cousin. You find out your real family is just a bunch of redneck murderers and then you decide that you have to pick up where they left off. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!! How does the good looking cop in his 20's not want to help this cute girl? He's just OK with his old man trying to kill her? How does the sheriff who has been trying to go by the book the whole friggin movie just watch Leatherface kill off one of his townies - bad guy or not? None of it makes any sense at all and the problems are so big, they make Leatherface look like a dwarf. You can even play a drinking game with this movie. Every time someone spots a plot hole you take a drink. There are more but if I think about this any longer I'm going to suffer a brain aneurysm.
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Cheap Thrills (I) (2013)
Fantastic little film, can't wait to watch it again!
16 November 2013
Saw this movie at the Chicago International Film Festival with a buddy and I've been thinking about it ever since. I mean that in a good way. Before I continue, I would like to make clear that this movie isn't so much a horror film as it is a very dark comedy and the less you know going into this film, the better. It contains some good surprises and twists not to be spoiled.

At the screening, the main actor was present and told the audience that it was OK to laugh. That little piece of advice was invaluable. It is worth noting that this movie won the Audience choice award at the SXSW film fest and I can confirm that it was well received in Chicago (based on audience laughter and applause). The premise is simple, but the execution, writing, and acting are complex and flawlessly executed; the combination of these elements were absolutely key to making this an enjoyable watch.

The film walked a very fine line and flirted more than once with turning into a twisted, gross mess, but it made the choice to stay true to the original premise and to the characters and in doing so it kept the attention of the audience. David Koechner's character was especially pivotal in performing this role. He delivers a fantastic performance and is perfectly cast in this. The three other primary actors also do an excellent job in their performances; they all were extremely challenging roles with lots of subtlety and depth. If you are into dark - very dark - comedies that push the limits of what is decent and right, you will find a well done and enjoyable flick here. But be forewarned, there are a number of grimace worthy moments in this one so it's better watching with an equally twisted friend.
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'Shotgun' Delivers Justice!
29 July 2011
First and foremost this movie is called 'Hobo with a Shotgun' - and that is EXACTLY what you are going to get! If you are considering a movie called 'Hobo with a Shotgun' but are turned off by violence, then this is NOT the movie for you. Move along.

The movie starts off with our title character riding into a crime ridden town during the mid 80's that is run by an excessively brutal crime lord and his two psychopath sons. After witnessing first hand how morally decayed this town is, our hobo delivers his own brand of justice - shotgun style! I'm a fan of the revival of the grindhouse genre and was thoroughly pleased by this addition. This movie showed some crazy violent stuff that - being a fan of horror movies and the grindhouse types - I hadn't seen before. The whole film was delivered in a very self-aware and somewhat campy fashion which adds to the delight of watching it. This film was well made and a lot of fun to watch. Some pizza and a couple of beers just added to the enjoyment. Guys rent it, watch it with a couple of buddies, but keep the girls far, far away.
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This is what a horror movie should be
15 February 2009
Hands down, excellent remake. This movie had absolutely everything that you could want in a horror movie.

This story was told in two parts and both parts were linked. The kills were awesome; much better than expected. The characters were nothing new, but they were perfect for the story (especially the girls ;).

The first part begins with some twenty-somethings on a hike in the woods looking for a field of marijuana when they unknowingly stumble on Camp Crystal lake and its lone, evil, inhabitant.

Part two takes place six weeks later where we meet a group of young people out to take advantage of a weekend home. We are introduced to the brother of one of the hikers from part one who is searching for his missing sister. The weekend home is situated on the same lake as the camp and Jason shows us that in the first part he was only warming up.

Every aspect for this horror movie was well done. Jason is badder than ever. The director holds no punches and just lets loose with everything he had. The on screen talent was great (for a horror movie - don't expect an award winning performance, we are talking about Friday the 13th here). The story was good and it moved along, the sex and nudity were top quality, the kills were awesome as well.

With Rob Zombie's remake of Halloween and this remake of the classic, I'm pleased to see Hollywood going down this route. Both of these movies were very well done and they breathed new life into a stagnating and over saturated genre/series. I love it, bring me more!
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The Mist (2007)
When your whole world falls apart, how will you survive?
1 December 2007
The Mist wastes no time in rolling in and unleashing terror upon the world. Trapped inside a supermarket with his son, an artist fights vicious, unworldly monsters and a crazed religious fanatic bent on ruining everybody's good time. Soon, some rationally minded survivors lead by the artist discover that there are some fates worse than death, like being victim to hideous, oversize bugs or the other monsters lurking in the Mist.

A first rate creature thriller, the Mist succeeds in delivering a great adaptation of Stephen King's novella, possibly one of the best Stephen King movies out there. As a fan of the book, it was great to see that the movie stays true to the story, but the real thrill was the ending. Be forewarned, you will either love or hate the ending, which is different from the book, but a pleasant surprise. I loved the ending, and the whole movie, but there will be lots of people who feel differently. If you are on the fence, give it a chance, its a great experience.
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