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This kind of shows must end
14 May 2022
After watching one of the best Korean TV shows "Coffee Prince" from 2007, I wanted to discover more Korean series like this with a lot of enthusiasm. Apart from some good ones like "Our beloved summer", the rest was all disappointing to the bone. There's too many wrongs in how they treat and portray women in the series to a point of them being bullied, mobbed by the main lead, being grabbed by the arm as he pleases, getting too close with no boundaries that I can't let go off my dislike and ignore these absolutely incorrect, toxic behaviour.

Coming back to this series, there's two leads who happen to have a one night stand (which is surprising for a Korean series as even normal couples are represented as very shy when it comes to intercourse and they start acting childish) and meet up several years later. The problem starts right in the beginning; the female character presented in the first episode changes dramatically when she starts her job. She is no longer this strong and affirmative woman anymore; rather she is extremely easy-going, acting as a people-pleaser, apologetic for no reason and easy to bend. Of course the male character is super rich and happens to be the son of the chairman of the company. He takes pleasure in bullying her, grabbing her by the arm and basically treats her like a dog on a lead by making her follow him here and there.

For the young women who are watching this: this behaviour is not okay. Do not think this is love or respect of any kind. If a man in power at work tries to bully you around or tries to get too close without respecting your boundaries, talk to a supervisor. Also in romantic relationships, no one should be treated like this, neither men nor women.

Lastly, there is no story at all, no character development as a result of some lazy irrelevant flashbacks and the scenes of the side characters can easily be removed. It is sad to see that nothing can come close to the success of "Coffee Prince" since 2007. This kind of series should come to an end and Korean TV should finally start creating "realistic" shows. No once acts like this in real life and please stop with these terrible kissing scenes. The actors look ridiculous when they press their lips against each other like robots without any head movement. Nobody kisses like that, people are not dolls! Learn from "Coffee Prince", do your homework!
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The script writers need history& geography lessons
4 January 2021
There must be something really wrong with the education system. And there's nothing wrong with creating a fictional story based on myths and legends. But when you say Beijing is in Alaska, and the Chinese character in the movie sounds French, there's no way you can sell this cringeworthy, embarassing movie to an audience, who thankfully has access to internet and can look up for the facts.

It's said that the year is 1442, but the real Vlad the Impaler was 11 years old at that time. And the geography? The location of the buildings don't match up. The costumes, Ottoman swords are completely wrong. And Mehmed II, the future conqueror of Constatinople was also 10 years old at that time, but he magically grew up I guess. When Ottoman characters speak Turkish, it sounds like my French students who've just started learning the language. How cringy is that, like, really, could they at least not find the actors proper dialect coaches so that they could be a bit more convincing while pronouncing these two sentences?

If they think they can sell trash to the audience and not respect them, long live paid streaming channels. We don't have a dime to pay for a two hour long idiocracy.
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San Andreas (2015)
Remove all the CGI, what's left?
28 November 2020
First of all, I don't know why but I'm very much bothered by how white washed this movie was. It's like, apart from the black protagonist, the cast was all white. Even the children of the protagonist were both white. I mean, c'mon! I'm pretty sure Dwayne Johnson must have felt weird about it. Imagine being on the set and everyone is white.

Coming to the movie, apart from the CGI and ongoing action which is filled with tons of "not again" moments, all these absurd extravaganza offers nothing in the end. It's hard to believe that how only five people figure out everything and others simply can't.

I give 1 star for the lead cast, 1 for the crew and 1 for Dwayne Johnson who has to put up with white washed Holywood each and everytime.
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Nurses Who Kill (2016– )
Teaches a good lesson in the medical system
16 May 2020
I found this series on Netflix and couldn't stop watching it ever since. It's very interesting and also scary to see how some people are capable of murdering the most vulnerable just to satisfy their egos. And you get to see what's on their minds too; we learn about their lives, childhood, and how they acted during their work. I'm also addicted to the intro music and hope they'll have a soundtrack somewhere. My verdict: watch it to see how far some people can go to live in a fantasy and justify it to themselves, also how the authorities failed to do research when the alarms were raised in the first place.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Worst ending to a TV show, shameful and sad
21 May 2019
Game of Thrones changed the history of TV show and raised the bar to a whole another level thanks to the great storyline, acting on point, good directing, wonderful soundtrack which is one of the bests in TV history and also good script which was adapted from the books. The show had to condense the story in the books which the fans of the book understood and accepted. But the main plot and the character growth were still there; they had enough material source to rely on and when a character made a choice, it made sense. And the story still shocked the fans; almost nothing could be predicted. Main characters died, the most unlikely treasons or rescues happened and there was never a plot armor or any deus ex-machine moments that made the show too Hollywood and boring.

As for the TV show, the story passed the storyline of the books right after Season 5 so they had to consult GRRM for the continuity of the series and add/omit some storylines. In season 7, this difference became too obvious and problematic to see in some of the scenes as it didn't make sense with the character developments and arcs so far. Daenerys losing almost all of ther allies by doing nothing although she could easily siege King's Landing without having have to attack the city with her dragons or Jon and his team going to north to catch a wight and bring it south to show it to Cersei, who will eventually betray them, but two of the most intelligent people in Westeros, Varys and Tyrion can not foresee this and agree on this plan. The relation between Jon and Daenerys improved too fast as well, but since we all shipped for it, it wasn't that irritating. Having children was repeatedly emphasized and it was expected Jon and Daenerys to have a baby at the very least, because a dialogue in GoT MUST make sense, as it has all these years. Nothing which was said was left unanswered; we could pick up the small hints and foreshadowings if we were too careful. And with all the expectance of the Long Night, the new and the final season began.

In season 8, all of a sudden the characters spoke unlikely for their personalities. It was as if Tyrion and Varys stopped existing anymore and were mind controlled by Martians. We couldn't grasp the dynamic of the relationship between Dany and Jon; it was simply shown on the screen, not executed. So the final season started to fall apart because there wasn't any source material anymore: Hollywood took over. The depth of the characters weren't explored, they just existed on the screen. The words came out of their mouths were untruthful to their personalities. Yet I tried to ignore all the nonsense and heavy rely on plot armor during the 3rd episode. I liked the fact that Arya was the one to kill the Night King. But what happened to Sansa? Why was she acting like a young version of Cersei all of a sudden? What caused all these sudden changes? Why was Jon suddenly a side character whose arc meant to collide with that of Daenerys', as even the title is called "A song of ice and fire"? Why did Tyrion lose all of his intelligence? Why was Dany brushed aside and acted like a typical Hollywoodian girl who's in love? Why wouldn't Bran help in any way before the great war came? What did all these symbols which the wights left behind mean? What did the Night King want? And so on...

And then the next episodes happened and ruined all the character development and their arcs in a single blade swing, leaving the audience simply shocked and confused, because this wasn't GoT anymore. Remember, shocking is not a success. It's just shocking after shocking. They could've also said Westeros was invaded by aliens and could've added X-Men to shock people. Would it still be considered as a success? GoT in its final season became another TV show which pretended to be GoT. I understand why the actors hate the petition which GoT fans started and signed over 1 million times, but they miss the point. The actors think people don't appreciate the effort that was put in. No. That's not the case. The problem is the screenwriters Dan and David threw away every single character development in the series (and in the books) and turned the series into a Hollywood movie. Poor Jaime who redeemed himself only to go back to being his old self again. Poor Brienne who is a strong warrior and a knight, whose character was used only to ruin the idea of a strong woman and turned into someone who "must" sleep with a man to keep the audience interested, and then cry while following him. Poor Tyrion and Varys, best schemers in Westeros, whose IQ lowered to the levels of that of the screenwriters. Poor Sansa who had to admit she became what she was thanks to the abuse she faced by the hands of men. Poor Daenerys, whose character may have suffered the most misogynistic approach maybe a female character on a TV show ever suffered: Dan and David basically said that "a woman can not rule ( or be successful and be a manager for ex.) when they lose someone they love, when they feel threatened and they become irrational and unstable. Women can not be trusted. They don't have dicks. Only the people with dicks can be trusted. Only they are honest and fair. And bam! Dany is full of hatred and kills innocents in a split of a second. Wow! 7 seasons of character development was thrown away in a garbage just like that. So for everyone complaining about the petition, again, people don't have any problems if Dany burned basically everyone in Westeros. But this must have been TOLD. Storywriting isn't showing a scene which is 15 seconds long and justifying the whole arc of a character. And Jon Snow being reduced to a someone who only has 2 dialogues per episode was also another devastating factor. Why was he important again? I forgot.

This finale will be remembered as one of the most disappointing ones in TV history, so the show stayed truthful to its saga and wrote another history; only to demolish what it has achieved so far. Without Emilia Clarke, this season would be unwatchable. Dan and David must thank her personally because thanks to her, her character made at least a little sense despite their horrid script. And this is not being disrespectful like some actors said. Some said people forgot about 50 night shoots. Remember, people don't have to give you high ratings because you had 50 night shoots? This is ludicrous! Some masterpieces are shot only in a month! If the source material is bad combined with all other things, it's bad anyway! How many night shoots did you have for the awful council scene with Tyrion? What was that about? Tyrion fixing chairs? Just tell us the story, the plot, omit everything unnecessary and answer the questions. So sorry these two Dumb and Dumber ruined GoT. This season will be erased from my memory as I'll wait for the books.
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The Protector: Episode #2.4 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Episode of nonsense insulting our brains
16 May 2019
So what happens is, people gather, they talk, agree on a plan, they're ready to go and we have no idea about what's going on. We just see the end of the plan, meaning that they won't reveal anything. OK, we get it, suspense stuff, yeah! (Or maybe there's no plan written in the script and it just said "everyone agrees on a plan") Then someone bails at the last minute, because, well, who cares? But then the same person comes back, and the impossibly awful shooting scenes on a James Bond level, like literally they shoot at people right in front of them and no one is shot, and there's a so called twist, but not really, it also doesn't add up, could be the worst twist ever, etc. I don't know if these are the same writers or if they hired someone new for the second season, but I don't care really, I can't waste my time googling this fact check, but so far this season is falling apart with so many plot holes and irrational writing which could be forgiven in season 1. Season 1 had at least some chemistry and something new to offer (supernatural events taking place in Istanbul) and also a great villain played by Mehmet Kurtulus. Bring him back already! The new villains in this season are like caricatures, overacting thus making their performance like the villains in cartoons. Season 2 keeps introducing new characters and new plot lines without no connection between them or whatsoever. They are all b-o-r-i-n-g. By the way, how come the old lady pronounces the name "Hakan" in such a weird way? It sounds ridiculous in Turkish. When the old lady yells his name on the bridge, she sounds like Google pronouncing a word, so robotic and so very strange. I mean, why?

I think the screenwriters decided to cause brain injuries on ourselves. Don't bother watching this season. Such a shame. They really need to hire good actors like Mehmet Kurtulus if they want to have some tension between the protector and the villain.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Ignore the haters who are caught up with their own GoT storylines
2 May 2019
The long promised episode of the epic battle at Winterfell came after years of waiting and trying to catch up with every possible theory out there, making it even more difficult to meet the expectations of every single GoT fan. It's known that the final season of GoT is shorter than the others due to budget issues, so the battle had to take place in the third episode, leaving the question of "What is going to happen now after episode 3?" in everyone else's mind. However; just as the second episode gave us a chance to say goodbye to many great characters out there and preparing us for the biggest battle, nothing could prepare the viewers for this one. It doesn't matter if you read the books, or didn't read the books, or even you don't know anything about GoT but just watched this episode because your friends forced you to. You'll sweat, hold your breath and bite your nails throughout the whole episode as the tension grows and it's so brilliantly executed that you now fear for your favorite characters once again.

Of course there were some sloppy moments, like the waste of Dothraki charge, and the weak defenses of Winterfell, the plot armor of the main characters and bad cinematography. But other than that, I think people are missing the point. Firstly, people fantasized about a big long duel between Jon Snow and the Night King, believing Jon Snow is Azor Azahi and he'll bring the light back to the realm. He still could be by the way; nothing has been proven or unproven, in that case. But if that happened, it would've been the most expected thing in the show, which never happened in GoT. People forget GoT never gave anything what we wanted; on the contrary, favorite characters died, things went bad when it shouldn't and unexpected twists and turns became the show's favorite move. I'm so glad I was taken by surprise by the screenwriters' decision to choose another character to do the deed. Secondly, the same fans (not all of them, they know who they are) complained that Arya Stark's training in Bravos was for nothing, and then they cheered and declared Arya the best Stark in the show when she erased all of the Freys, making maybe one of the best season opening scenes ever in TV shows. I think some fans will never be satisfied and will never be fair because their childhood dreams simply didn't come true. Just grow up and be fair people. Jon must still play a great role in the next episodes to come as well as Daenerys. The unanswered questions about the Night King and Bran must also be answered; so I'm counting on this. By the way, so many characters redeemed themselves in this episode and I wonder now what's next to come and how they can top this one. So GoT is challenging itself and its fans, making history of TV show whether you like it or not. My note: I was going to give 7, but because of unfair reviews, I gave it an 8. This episode will live in the memories for so long that people will make many references to it and Arya Stark will be a legend.
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After (I) (2019)
I can picture this one in my head: not having seen it
26 April 2019
I'll really, really try to be my nicest while writing a review for this movie and I'm doing this only because I believe that the fandom girls voted unfairly in order to raise its ratings. When you check the user comments, there are so many of them barely with two sentences claiming it was the best movie they had ever seen, giving the movie 10 out of 10. I'm aware of the fact that this story was first created as a boyband fanfiction which was intented to lure the teen fangirls into reading the story, and the audience at the movie theatre didn't prove me wrong. But the writers changed the story maybe to give a better message to the movie's potential audience. "After" all, we all read unfortunate stories about murdered girlfriends or wives in the hands of their lovers because of the abuse. Anyways, going back to the movie, I agree with the critics that things happened pretty fast between the two lead characters, making it difficult to relate to whatever they have. Hero Fieness-Tiffin playing Hardin as a sulking, arrogant boy isn't really new; and unfortunately it's not a performance worth being remembered. His impressions seem sometimes unnatural and need more work to be improved. He'll surely be remembered by his good looks though. It's impossible to understand how and when he'd fallen in love with Tessa, played by Josephine Langord, whose performance isn't also shining. Her Australian roots come up in some scenes and her facial expressions don't always fit in the place. It's sold as a good girl falling in love with a bad boy type of story, but the lack of chemistry between the two leads and bad editing jumping from one scene to another leaves the audience dull and confused. The soundtrack felt more like a Netflix movie; there were so many scenes where the songs weren't actually necessary. It seemed like to fill in the blanks when the characters lie on the bed, when they think, walk, wait, sit somewhere sulking, when they're in the classroom or driving. You're waiting for the characters to talk and see how they connect, or to see how their relationship improve, but you're given a lot of edited shots of them just goofing around with the songs playing. It's a shame that this was wasted and the director relied heavily on the soundtrack. But the audience should have been able to see why these two could connect in the first place. It's as if they had to promote these songs so they basically squeezed them in anywhere they could.

We're promised a big climax in the end which just happens to be something that a 10 year old could easily write. It's like an insult to our brains after enduring all these unlovable, not sexy making out scenes. But the teen girls sitting next to me started crying there after the big revelation; so I must be wrong. They also screamed and clapped at the scenes of so called "sex scenes" which are made of a lot of small, tongueless kisses. I'm guessing they also toned down the sexual essence of the books in order to reach a larger audience, but kissing shouldn't look that boring, really.

I gave it a 3 star, one for the actors and two for the following reasons: After the film, there were only two things left in my mind. First being the song "Beige" by Yoke Lore and the sad song which is playing when Hardin sits on his bed towards the end of the movie. That's all about it. And the fact that the movie quotes from Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice made me angry and also cringe as well. It's like a B movie comparing itself to a classic like Godfather or something. Neither the story, nor the book could ever come close to what these masterpieces achieved both literally and artistically. The writer of Twilight did the same and that book is also not literally recognized as well as the movies.

Like Hardin said in the movie: I can picture this one on Netflix and not in the movie theater: not seeing it.
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Overrated and disappointing
9 March 2019
I had very big expectations for this film as I read really good reviews so far besides the fact that Spike Lee was behind the camera. And honestly, even after the half of the film I was still trying hard to enjoy the film and to convince myself that the turn of the events must be later amazing if I wait enough. Unfortunately the promised climax was nothing but a "nah" and the typical Holywood clichés started pouring down that I don't know how many times I had to roll my eyes. There were other problems as well, like the editing which didn't make a lot of sense in some scenes and also the soundtrack. The main theme coming up in most of the scenes killed the whole vibe as it sounded like a cheap erotic b-film and even the jokes didn't work and come to rescue. By the way, I really respect Adam Driver and love how he progressed in his career, but seriously, how could he get an Oscar nomination for this role? To sum it up, a promising film ended up being a possible, actually would be better, a youtube video and this was one of the most non-deserving Oscar nominated films ever.
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Brilliant: we need more of this!
7 January 2019
I read some negative comments from other users after I was obsessed with finding all endings in the film, and I'm glad I did; they convinced me to write about this film.

There are things to criticize about this film none of which were pointed out in some of the users' comments. The critic was that the plot was either too simple or boring and the film didn't deliver what it promised. I wonder what it promised in the first place. This reminded me of some people who would try a new restaurant and have a very nice dish, but then they say it tasted similar to what they had anywhere else, that it's boring. Rather than enjoying what they watch, they start comparing the film to other films in the same genre and also to their incredibly high expectations. Therefore I must say, this film might deserve a 7/10, but not something lower. They don't need to have a Holywood superstar to make things interested. If you only concentrate on the plot from A to Z, you miss a lot of foreshadowings and references in the film.

A young game developper Stefan is suffering from mental issues and lives with his father. One day he's accepted to a very big company which agrees to release his game and gives him a deadline for the release date. That causes stress on Stefan, who's relying on his drugs and then, we start making choices for him more and more. Do not underestimate even the first questions, they do make a difference later on. What I found intriguing is that the plot expands to parallel universes, mental issues, or there's a story within a story, etc. and it never gets dull. Just like Stefan you're stuck with making choices and that might feel claustrophobic sometimes. You keep questioning if all is in character's head or if all is real.

Please make more films like this Netflix. Thank you for not being boring and repetitive. And if you want to try Bandersnatch: Enjoy your own stroyline and you'll see when the story sets you back, you'll want to discover each one of the alternate endings. I gave it 8/10 at first but because of unfair comments here, raised it to 9/10.
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Rogue One #morecash #boredom
31 December 2016
I find overall 2016 not so very successful about blockbuster movies that came out, but deep inside I told myself maybe Rogue One could come close to the unanticipated success of The Force Awakens. Nevertheless in the end we all asked ourselves "Is this movie really necessary?". After watching it, I believe the answer is a big "No".

The story is about how the Rebels got the plan of "Death Star" in order to defeat the Empire and save their galaxy. The daughter of the main engineer of Death Star is Galen Erso, played by incredible Mads Mikkelsen, is put up a difficult task. His tiny little fierce daughter named Jyn Erso is given the task by the Rebels to capture his father as well as the plans to Death Star. The Rebels intend to destroy the biggest war machine through this little girl by giving her a quite impossible mission.

So by taking a look at features of Felicity Jones, you might say Daisy Ridley wasn't tall or an Athlete either. However, Daisy Ridley in The Force Awakens was very convincing in her role as a scavenger and was a muscular, agile fighter. With Felicity Jones, from the beginning I had no belief or whatsoever that she could take down one Trooper with a single hand , or could fight them off with only a stick. Something with her is really off-putting, I'm sorry but she is really not meant for action roles. Even during her speech in front of a group of Rebel soldiers was far from convincing, her facial expressions and her voice sounded.. amateur.

The other characters had all problems as well. I think the main problem starts with the script which was heavily loaded with clichés such as countless repetitions of "Hope", not getting killed during prayers (and how come is this a Jedi thing?!), slow motion deaths, Deus-Ex Machina moments and so on. The movie was so predictable that no one could really care about any deaths in the movie. You will be like "Yeah, that was coming".

After all, I think this was a huge waste of time and a very unnecessary addition to Star Wars series which proved that Lucas wants more cash and that's all about it. By that, I don't know how much more money, I mean, they are super rich right? Just stop! And for Felicity Jones, sorry but it was very unfortunate that her lead came out after great performance of Daisy Ridley. She shouldn't be in action movies.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
A cringe-worthy end to James Bond, shame Bond
25 March 2016
I've never been a fan of James Bond movies. One agent/superhero doing everything impossible, like in the Mission Impossible series, does not really appeal to me. However, after the fantastic addition to Bond series with Casino Royale, I thought maybe this could be the start of a new era in Bond series as the main character was not there just for his looks, but also for his acting. Daniel Craig raised the game to a higher level that all the other agent/action series were forced to keep up, creating more background stories with more realistic characters. What happened next was, the director changed from Martin Campbell to Marc Forster and the moviegoers thought "What an odd choice is that?". Casino Royale's director Martin Campbell had a background of action movies and he proved that an action movie could also premise some drama and real acting in it.

Marc Forster's Quantum of Solace must have been still a warning for us to how low Bond series might sink because the editing and the performances began to lose their grip. Then came Skyfall, yes directed by another director who had zero background in action movies, Sam Mendes. By the way I can't even remember the faces of the Bond girls in all these 3 movies except with Eva Green. The girls started to come in and get out, falling into Bond's arms so quickly that we began to wonder how he could manage get under their skins, you know, that quickly in the first place. After Bond and M played a bit of "Home Alone", the movie left the fans all empty, missing Casino Royale.

For all these reasons I had no intention to watch Spectre at the theater. I was 100% sure that I'd be bored and disappointed again so I waited for the DVD. But I was lucky to find it by chance on the plane! In a nearly 3 hours flight, I watched Spectre on a tiny screen and believe me, I missed nothing than a person who paid 12 Euros to watch it on the big screen. The opening song was the first thing that put me off. Am I going to watch an episode of "Young and Restless" or a "James Bond" movie? Secondly, the very famous talked-about helicopter scene was there looking very impossible to execute indeed and now I realize that that was maybe the only average action scene in the movie.

If Christoph Waltz is supposed to be the worst villain in James Bond series, I'll be damned, he is as cute as a grandpa here. I am sure that his performance was under his league because of this horrendous script. All the other fight scenes felt like as if someone's playing Counter Strike game since they never got shot-and could shoot others super easily, the scenes were completely surreal and absurd. It is like making fun of our intelligence as spectators. Literally Daniel Craig was never in danger at all in any of the scenes other than a possible threat of a wart after jumping on Monica Belluci so fast. Really, that scene was very creepy too. I felt embarrassed for both of them.

So far I could say "Spectre" is the worst of the latest Bond series and deserved plain "1" with its greatest efforts. Watch it on the plane, train or on a bus, don't waste your money.
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Brooklyn (2015)
A motion picture like a TV movie
25 March 2016
If you've never seen this movie, or heard about it, don't worry. The story is plain simple: an Irish girl emigrates to New York, and is trying to build her a new life there, but then will be stuck between two guys and so on. Well actually, that's about it.

I've waited for "that moment" while I was watching this movie. You know, when you hear that a movie is nominated for "Best Picture" for the Oscars, you kind of wait it to stand out among other movies came out last year. Unfortunately, as dull as the storyline itself, the movie has overall nothing to offer and brings nothing new to the table. It could have been easily filmed as a TV Movie for BBC or Netflix. The characters and the story are so predictable that you feel like you're watching a Nicholas Sparks adaptation. The worst part is that it is nearly impossible to relate to the main character. I appreciate a lot Saoirse Ronan's work so far but I really can't say that her performance is really outstanding among other Oscar nominees. We get that she feels homesick and can not stand up to bullies and stuff, but the movie is so vacant that you feel like it might be only for the nostalgic feelings that the movie could even get a nomination.

Out of 8 nominees in the 2016 Oscars, I would say that Brooklyn had already zero chance at winning and I still don't understand how it got nominated. Maybe there are also some Academy members having Irish roots? I'm sure that nobody around really watched this movie and I'd say, well, just watch the trailer and that's it.
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Sheldon charm doesn't work anymore
26 February 2016
Since Sheldon's character became so popular and likable, the show pretty much concentrated on him, rather than other characters who became later on side characters. And then this got too obvious and predictable that the show needed new characters, nevertheless, when got stuck, the writers used the "Deus-Ex Machina Sheldon" tool again just to invent something out of Sheldon's past and then make the whole episode about him.

This became so predictable like we're literally saying "OK now what's next?" and then yawning. This episode is entirely focused on Sheldon and even the story is not convincing. I bet they'll include his sister very soon. In fact, you can all predict everything already:

1) When will Amy and Sheldon get married? 2)Leonard and Penny will def. have a baby soon 3)Raj may have another "nerd" girlfriend

And then yawn. The writers probably ran out of stories already. That might explain why they jump in another "Sheldon themed" episode and again, again and again.

PS: Is this the 200th episode that they made such fuss about? No way!
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Winter Sleep (2014)
From Shakespeare to Sartre: Excellence
7 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've spent a long time to write a comment on this movie, as I couldn't rely on my judgment about Nuri Bilge Ceylan, who is one of the best directors that Turkish cinema could have ever nurtured; so it took a very long time. Finally I've come up with something to say. If you're one of the people who's always looking for something worth watching and who are sick of superficial movies with cliché stories, Winter Sleep is what you need. For my point of view, this is Ceylan's second best after Uzak (Distant), the movie which also conquered Cannes Film Festival and many other international festivals.

You don't need to know the story – there isn't one. There are only 3 basic characters, let's say, three reflections of beings represented by real actors of this life. It's not a coincidence that the lead character of the movie was once used to be an actor in the story. And Ceylan is using the actor's real life images on stage to dramatize the effect. So it's not easy not to think of what the real actor has done in real life, who also performed in Shakespeare Globe Festival in Antonius and Cleopatra in UK, and the photo background in his room is quite visible. The character always speaks of the virtues "conscience" and "morality", none of which he has, and also he uses the word "ignorance" as if he is in a war with it. He might not seem ignorant to you, but deep down, he is ignorant to what he is and everyone around him. He is like the emperor over a small capitalist system he's created and looking down on everyone as if they were beneath him. This is why he is struggling so hard to make everyone think that he's got all these virtues. However, just like Sartre's play "No Exit", it is through your actions and by other's reflections upon you that you can define yourself. In Ceylan's play, three main characters of "No Exit" is Aydin, his wife Nihal and his sister Necla. Knowing there's no escape in facing the reality, to what he truly is, the fear of losing overtakes him. Either he has to accept his "essence", or leave – a spoiler: he can't leave. He must be in "hic et nunc", he is unable to leave.

As a reminder of a play in the movie, Shakespeare's play "Richard III" has the most striking quote of the movie: "Conscience is but a word that cowards use, devised at first to keep the strong in awe". , stating Aydin's fear of exposing his true identity and using "morality" as a tool to fight it. The word "conscience" has sickened his wife, Nihal, who can't accept him for what he is anymore, but she isn't able to "choose" her identity either. Therefore she is stuck with him. And his sister Necla disappears right after the truth is spoken to her face: she has done her part in the play.

I must say I am amazed by all the references in the movie and it doesn't really need a plot. Ceylan has outdone himself in writing the scenario and of course, most applause should go to the actors who have done an incredible job, especially Haluk Bilginer in creating such an ambiguous character.

And thank you Ceylan for speaking up for what is silenced in Turkey, this movie's going to be remembered with one of Cannes Festival's photos, the lead actors holding the text #Soma. Enjoy.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Mediocre plot - could have been better
7 February 2010
I'm saying that this show could have been better because not many opening scenes have hit me more. Wow, what an extreme sense of suspicion and horror. I loved it. I kept asking these questions: "What happened to that woman? What's with this little baby?". This scene kept me going through the rest of the show. However, I am watching now the 10th episode and so far, I'm truly disappointed by the way how the show continued. The opening scene of the first episode was totally the highest suspense and the rest is, well, going really low. In some episodes, I got the impression that the script writers were in such a hurry that they just wanted to end the story. You have a climax, a very high moment of suspense and then things get dissolved so easily that this climax is tore apart in few minutes. The happy end comes like "deus ex machine" even though some things rest not solved for the audience.

Therefore, the complexity of these supernatural, paranormal things are solved and brought to an end very easily, almost in a childish way(you can make guesses right after the episode commences)which creates an irrational plot; how come they could have not find the ghost-or whatever it is- that have killed their mother? Maybe this is the suspense of the first season and I have some episodes to go, but really, the sudden appearance of the big brother and of course bad acting plus sloppy plot lead me to that idea that this show is mediocre. Therefore, in these 10 episodes that I have watched, I found nearly in each episode the same history or almost same scary cliché elements in most of popular horror films. But, the show seems already to accept its own vulnerability by making references to the popular culture and shows like "Ghost Whisperer", "X Files" or films like "The Shining", etc. Not only the child ghost, or asylum ghosts are super clichés used as images in this genre, the main story of each episode is based on popular urban legends. This could be a "plus" for the ones who is familiar with these legends(nevertheless there is this teenager slasher film "Urban Legends" in the 90s in which the killer reproduced these legends) or a "minus" as we know already the ending - like an ordinary mathematic problem to solve without any excitement. The cool car, the songs of AC/DC, a cool brother(sometimes showing skin)are nice elements to create a dynamic atmosphere, but still, they don't help either.

Supernatural can not bring anything new to its genre; it's mediocre and fulled with clichés. I am really surprised by the way that it is appreciated by the most of the reviewers. I think the scariest thing about this show is it's high review. 8.6? C'mon, the spirits appearing in each 20 years and suddenly starting killing people in the sink one by one? I'd say it's a big chain of coincidence going out there to keep busy these two young boys.
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Into the Wild (2007)
A journey of a free soul
21 May 2008
Before writing this comment, I was worried about my ideas, my subjectivity and also my admiration for Sean Penn. The fact that Sean Penn has made a great choice in everything in this movie surprised me a lot. The music, the casting, the places, I give 10/10. This movie reminded me of my journeys- and I really wanted to set off the road. It's like, we think, we dream while we are travelling, we plan things, we imagine to find something else new and somehow, we feel free. In this movie, you say, yes there it is. This is what it feels like! You discover, you experience and there's nothing compared to that amazing feeling. Sean Penn reflects this imaginary view through his camera. There are some parts in the film which i can describe as a painting or a camera shot. Those brilliant moments are combined with Emile Hirsch's great performance who appears to belong into the wild. This IS acting, this is REAL. It feels like the film has the effect of a documentary, and in some other parts, you can call it a journey film like Easy Rider and My Own Private Idaho. The number of the characters which Emile Hirch's character comes across on the road is high, but he shines in every scene. The plot mainly depends on him and he does his best. I actually couldn't believe Emile Hirsch's performance, there was no flaws at all. He became literally that person. I almost forgot the end even though I knew what was coming for him. There was just one thing maybe, because of the screenplay and also the plot, he barely spoke. His inner voice was his sister's. Thus, we can understand his "philosophy" or his reasons by his sister and figure out his journey which means that his every single move contributes a lot more than we think. Maybe we can define him as a 20Th Century libertine or a 2000's easy rider. Finally, I think Sean Penn did one of the most important things of his life by shooting this movie and he stays true to the character's real story, honoring his life and his purpose. Rest in peace.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005–2010)
A real copy-cat, mixture of Elm Street and Sixth Sense
6 January 2007
I know this title is a little harsh, but that's the truth. First of all, Americans like J.L.Hewitt and I still don't know why since she lacks in acting and perhaps, in singing too. She tries everything else to be famous or to look like a real good actress, however, she doesn't have a chance because she wasn't born this way. No need to push it. Anyway, when I first saw the trailers of this show, I kinda had flashbacks. I remembered "The Sixth Sense" and also the movies which after, copied its original idea. It was like, someone dies but can't pass to the other side because he/she has still something to do on earth, like taking his/her revenge or something.. What-ever! It kinda made people sick because for the last 5 years, many of the horror movies used the same subject. Oh please please be creative.

No matter how cliché your subject is, you can still do a very good job. There hundreds of good examples which I can give right now, though, this show can and will definitely not take part in them. There's a girl, played by J.L.Hewitt who sees ghosts and who feels like she has to help them. Of course the producers didn't forget to put in story some love, affection, friendship which are totally superficial and never seem real to the audience. These secondary characters appear when the script writer needs help. Therefor there's no connection with the plot and no evaluation of these characters. Lot of things make nonsense like, at first, we see a ghost that looks very evil,scary, but after our pretty ghost whisperer finds out its story, it suddenly looks prettier! and nicer. God, this really doesn't work. We're not so stupid to believe in those stuff. And of course, every episode has to have a message, right? You have to see at least one episode to see what I mean. Ridicoulus messages.. "There's always hope... I'm talking to ghosts on the bus, but nobody understands it... I'm so pretty that i wear low-necked clothes even though it's cold or I'm scared...I know everything, I'm the one, I love make-up, etc." But, there's one thing that I must admit, I must get it off my chest: No one could have played that ghost whisperer better than J.L.Hewitt because she doesn't do anything but just to read her lines. That can not tire her, right? And since every episode is full of stolen parts of the movies like: The Shining, The Sixth Sense,etc, she must be familiar with the faces and parts of the actors that she's copying. What an easy way to make money!

Last word, this show only occupies the TV, it does nothing more and J.L.Hewitt should find another way to prove her talent, if she has one...
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Muñeca brava (1998–1999)
The pure, naive Natalia
21 September 2006
I've seen this show when I was in high school and as you can guess I still remember it because it's very lovely, dramatic, funny and surprising. It's full of surprises such as Carlitos finding his real dad which ends up with chaos and of course being the step child that is Facundo Arana and etc.. We've become addicts to this show and every evening we waited for it impatiently. Therefore, Natalia Oreiro is another will to see it because she is very pretty in this show. It's become very popular in Turkey. I guess the reason is that it wasn't like the other classic soap operas. At last i can say you can enjoy yourself while watching this show.
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A Turkish Version of Snow White
24 July 2002
The story is Snow White's story, as we all know, a tale for the children. When it comes to tale adaptations, the production companies aim mostly the young audience. However, this movie is an exception. I think what the director, Ertem Gorec, did was to create a realistic tale with phenomenal actors of his time. The Snow White is played by beautiful Zeynep Degirmencioglu, that time's most popular young star, a singer and an actress. Most of her roles are stereotypes like in other tales, such as Cindrella or Pollyanna. To create a plot which is true to the tale but also aiming at a more mature audience, the director brings sort of a real background to the story with this actress. Her performance is adorable! It's like as if we could come across to that sweet creature in the forest. In addition, this is a musical movie and it takes place in the city Antalya and there are some nice views in the film like the waterfall Duden. There is also another phenomenal actress, Belgin Doruk, who's died at a very young age who is playing snow White's mother, the queen, but she only appears for few minutes. The director's choice in casting the dwarfs is excellent, they look so real(they are real short men). The actress, Suna Selen is considerably convincing in her role of the queen-witch. And also the make up is very successful even though it's 70s.. This film is one of the nicest memories of my childhood and I watched for several times, again and again because of it's very genuine.
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Agir Roman (1997)
Life in spite of everything
2 May 2002
I can say that this movie is one of the best Turkish movies in the 90s knowing that it was nominated for many awards in several film festivals. The story is about a family who's living in a suburban in Istanbul. This big city, that we know better for the Bosphorus, its history and all the beauty that it's surrounded with, has also another aspect: a society even stranger to the most parts of Istanbul that still has hope and will to survive. The youngest boy of this family, Salih, is the center of the chain of events of this poor neighborhood. He falls in love with a prostitute and has to prove his power against the villain who is a threat to everyone living up there. Love, family, passion, death, pain are the main themes as well as hope and rage which define the life in this area. People need to fight in order to survive. In the end, the tragic chain of events keeps going on as if in old Greek tragedies. All of the actors are quite convincing, especially the villain played by Mustafa Uğurlu who succeeds in being a sadistic killer and his rival, the prostitute's young lover played by Okan Bayülgen who is a famous TV star in Turkey. The growing cultural differences in Turkey creates such problems not only in İstanbul, but also in many other big industrial cities. By watching this movie, you get to face the facts that these stories are real and inevitable. The suburbia in he movie is called "Kolera - Cholera" like the illness bringing only dead, but the people still have dreams and hopes and fighting against it. I highly recommend you watch this movie to see some rare examples of good Turkish films and also to know more about the life in the poor areas in Turkey.
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