
6 Reviews
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ThanksKilling (2008)
29 May 2017
This is terrible Just so bad but I quite liked it. The first omg line is "your legs are harder to shut the the Jon Benet case" It only got better with the arrival of the killer Turkey. And what a turkey he is, a walking, talking killer evil turkey. The acting is pretty bad with all the stereotypes present. The jock guy, the slut, the last girl, the virgin and the backwoods stoner go camping in the woods could have been a working title. If you like bad movies and have a spare 90 minutes this could be the movie you afternoon nap to.
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10 May 2017
This is a truly terrible movie. Do not watch It is slow, boring and just generally bad. I wanted to turn it off after 20 minutes but my partner wanted to see it through. All the actors seem to be as bored as I was. Warm bodies, Burying the ex, Shaun of the dead all much better options.
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Not the worst I've seen
31 August 2009
Ha I have just read the above reviews and although I agree in practice I don't think many of you have watched Asylum movies before.

In fact the land that time forgot is great in comparison to the delights of Transmorphers and Alien Vrs Hunter.

At least the dinosaurs looked relatively real by maybe 2001 standards which is'nt to bad for this studio.

The acting is bad, the setup sux, the plot cant be knocked really cos it has been done well in the past, but the delivery could be better.

Overall I would'nt actually recommend it to anyone unless they really liked cheesy movies, but it is worth a watch if the alternate is a root canal.
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A good nights entertainment
17 January 2008
After watching every other new release worth watching I brought this home on movie night to annoy my partner more than anything else cos he'd heard this sucked, Instead we laughed just about the whole way through. Im not usually an Adam Sandler fan but I really liked him in this, the cameos from a heap of well known faces was great to. We were'nt offended by any of the gay/Asian stereotype jokes in fact some of the funniest moments in the movie were as a result of those jokes. This was well worth the rental paid and I'm glad I decided to annoy the other half, I may even add it to our DVD collection. Ignore this last bit I had to have 10 lines.
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another for the so bad its good list
17 May 2007
As anyone who has ever read one of my reviews knows, there's nothing I like more than subjecting my poor boyfreind to really bad movies and I think I won a prize for this one.

I stumbled across it as a free download from a film archive and after checking the details here proceeded to acquire it. An hour and a half later I was in spasms of laughter ( one of the kids actually came out to see who was choking a seagull) This movie has it all, real bad special effects, terrible acting, very bad editing, it goes back and forth from night to day at an alarming rate, ha just bad all over.

BUT! and hers the but, I hav'nt laughed so much at a movie in a long while, for the exact same reasons sited above. It follows a basic storyline of young lovers gone missing (due to gila) investigation follows, giant monster(ha ha ha ha ) comes and goes,People are eaten often, Jhonny be good visits his poor crippled sister and sings for her, Jhonny be good realizes somethings up then Johnny be good helps investigate and saves the day yay! Seriously if your a fan of B-movies, this is right up your alley, and I don't think I'm getting my prize, the boyfreind laughed as much as I did
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Evil Bong (2006)
don't let the title put you off
27 April 2007
I read a review of beerfest where evil bong was mentioned and thought that sounds like the sort of movie I like to torture my hon with and looked it up, yes it sounded perfect. A couple of days later we sat down to watch it and it was just like it sounded, but in saying that I have to also say I was more amused and entertained by it than the last half dozen movies I've seen. The basic premise is into a flat\dorm full of adolescent male stoner\muscle man\surfer types a nerd is introduced, hijinks ensue, the difference is an evil bong that tries to kill the foursome by sucking their souls after a session. The acting was so so and the special effects what ones there were weren't that impressive but it was really funny in places and tommy chongs cameo at the end was worth the wait. So if you have a couple hours to kill and have had a big toke and want to lay back and veg watch this.
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