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Fallout (2024– )
An incredibly solid show that's worth watching for both fans and newcomers
14 April 2024
What's great about Fallout is that you can go completely blind into it, not having played the video games, and you'll still understand everything and be immersed in the world and story being told. For those who've played the games, it's real treat seeing the world and all the lore-related things come to life on the tv screen. The set designs are impressive, the CGI is solid and the attention to detail is on point. This is a show that does justice to the games while also telling it's own unique story. If you've played the games, you can tell they did their research and really tried to emulate the style and feel of the world. The aesthetic, the look, the feel, the tone - they nailed it all. It felt very surreal to watch a video game world come to life in live action so seamlessly. The cinematography and lighting is top notch and definitely elevates the whole experience. The music, done by the same guy who did the music for Game of Thrones (Ramin Djawadi), did a great job with the score.

Walton Goggins is iconic and amazing as The Ghoul. His character's arc was really interesting to watch. Ella Purnell did a fantastic job playing Lucy. Lucy is the definition of how you write a strong female character. Woke Hollywood can learn a few things from this show. Her charm, her humor and those big pretty eyes really sell it. Lucy's character development was one of the best. Seeing her go through her tough journey, growing as a person and character, while also discovering the truth, was insanely satisfying to watch. It's not only how you write an interesting and compelling female character lead, but it's also how you write any great character arc. Everyone's a beautifully flawed character and it works especially in the world of Fallout. We get to see how far someone is willing to go in order to get what they want.

The storytelling is probably one of the most compelling and amazing things about the show. It reminded me a lot of the way Pulp Fiction is told. The way it jumps around to different characters' stories and the way it goes back and forth from the present to the past and back again. Really great storytelling going here. The acting is top notch, never once did it feel corny, lame or phony. The one thing that can be a bit over the top at times is the blood and violence. It can be quite brutal. But you gotta remember, this show is based on a game where getting a perfectly placed headshot on an enemy makes their head explode into a million fleshy pieces. And you also gotta remember the post apocalyptic messed up world in which it takes place in. A lot of times they use these super violent moments as a way of injecting a bit of dark humor - and it works. The humor in this show reflects the dark humor in the game.

Overall, I was unexpectedly impressed and satisfied by Fallout. I went into it with no expectations hoping that it would be great and it turned out to be something amazing. It's an incredibly well-made and put together show that's worth watching regardless if you've played the games or not. Highly highly recommend it.
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Repulsion (1965)
An effective and unsettling psychological horror film that messes with your head
27 March 2024
Repulsion is an effective psychological horror film that messes with your head. The intro credits with the continuous shot of the moving eye was pretty uneasy. The music has a paranoid and anxious presence. Catherine Deneuve is beautiful. She has such a natural and alluring beauty to her. Her features are something to admire, especially her eyes. The character she plays in this movie is shy and timid. She seems lost in her own mind, lost in the world and distant from everyone. There's obviously something that's bothering her, clawing at her that's making her feel this way. She definitely has some sort of trauma she's still dealing with. Maybe sexual abuse of some kind. It's interesting how Deneuve's character in this movie sort of reflects her character in Belle De Jour.

I liked the way Polanski shot this film. It feels kind of French New Wave with all the loose hand held camera shots. Especially the scenes on the street where Carol is walking with cool jazz music playing in the background. It's a unique hybrid style of French New Wave and 60's horror. They really don't pull any punches in this movie. 3 minutes in and they use the b curse word. This surprised me, especially since the movie came out in the mid 60's and cursing in movies wasn't really a common thing. But I guess this was around the time when things started to change.

Sound plays a very important role in this movie. The way they use certain sounds can make you feel uneasy or unsettled. Like whenever the elevator starts up and begins making that whirring mechanical sound. The dripping water as well, that kind of got under my skin. But then other times you feel at ease when you hear a piano being played from one of the other apartment rooms. Really adds to the lived-in feel of the world in this movie. I liked the old lady with the dog. "Walkies, walkies that's it" and "Time for din din". The trio of street musicians with the banjo and spoons was great too. So random but amusing. I guess they're put in there to let us know that even though Carol is dealing with her problems, the world continues on. Life doesn't stop just because Carol is losing her mind and going mad. I appreciated that they did that, it makes it feel more grounded in reality.

There's a creepiness to this movie that slowly builds as the story progresses. The mirror scene in the apartment genuinely gave me chills. That was an effective jump scare. That's how you do a jump scare! The way the apartment expands in size was a real mind trip. The use of mirrors is also pretty clever. I'm guessing since this movie deals with vanity and reflection. There's fantastic use of imagery. Some of it is genuinely unnerving and disturbing like the rabbit and the walls cracking. There's elements in this movie that I can see being used in Eraserhead.

Repulsion is a psychological horror movie about sexual repression, trauma and mental illness. How fear can play tricks on you and how our worst enemy is ourselves. It's a movie about a deeply disturbed person who can't overcome her trauma and past. It's not a comfortable or easy watch, but it's one that will make you think and reflect. It's a very well-made movie that definitely left an impression on me, but I probably wouldn't watch it again. I'll revisit it for the cinematography and the practical effects. Highly recommended.
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Tenet (2020)
An impressive technical achievement with cool action moments, but ends up being too complex to care about
27 March 2024
Tenet is more of an impressive technical achievement rather than a compelling story that you care about. The first couple of minutes I was engaged, but also already confused as to what was happening. It's very vague and ambiguous. The music compliments the intensity and suspenseful tone of the movie, almost giving off a kinetic and anxious feeling. It was also way too loud at times, Nolan is kind of known for doing that sort of thing. Unfortunately, the movie ends up being too complex for it's own good and tries too hard to be cool. The cinematography is solid, I'll give it that. Very tightly shot. I think the saving grace of this movie are all the cool stand out action moments that happen throughout. The bungie wire up the tall building, the art storage scene at the airport, the highway heist scene with the truck, and the final siege. The movie trickery of shooting scenes in reverse was pretty cool, probably one of the most notable things about this movie.

The biggest problem I find with this movie is that it feels soulless and hollow. It lacks character-driven emotion. There's no emotional connection to the characters or anything that's happening which leads me to not caring. I didn't really care about most of the characters, and that's a big problem, especially if the main character is one of them. This movie represents what happens when a filmmaker gets way too deep in his head exploring a concept and neglects to add humanity and emotional connection to it, while also taking itself way too seriously in the process. The dialogue was cringe at times. It felt fake, people don't talk to each other this way. Some of the lines that are said in this movie I couldn't take seriously, actually found them funny because of how ridiculous they sounded. Some notable ones are, "Don't try to understand it, feel it" and "We are being attacked by the future". It was hard for me to believe Kenneth Branagh as the Russian bad guy. Especially when his wife, played by Elizabeth Debicki, is an actress that stands 6' 3" tall. His character abuses her in the movie and it felt weird. She towered over everyone, which felt kind of surreal. She's pretty.

Something I've also noticed about Nolan's films that annoys me is that he plays soundtrack music during conversations. It's distracting and unnecessary especially when you can't hear the dialogue and don't know if something important is being said. He needs to just let he dialogue and scene breath. You don't have to put music in every scene. I noticed it when Washington's and Pattinson's character meet in the hotel. Regardless, they make a good duo and had good chemistry. The Amalfi Coast in Italy looked gorgeous, especially the way they shot it with wide open shots. I didn't quite understand why Nolan chose to shoot the movie in different ratio formats with some scenes having the big black bars and other scenes with the black bars being small.

Tenet is thrilling and interesting enough to get through but not really enjoyable. It feels like an assignment, a chore with all of it's complexity and ambiguity. It's a convoluted mess that expects us to follow along. Kind of like when you're in math class and the teacher moves on from explaining a complex formula that you still don't understand. It annoyed me at times. Felt pretentious as well. I mean the main character doesn't even have a name. It's just, Protagonist. How dumb is that? Like at least give your main character a name. Robert Pattinson was the highlight in this movie and my favorite character. He really is the MVP in the story. The last 20 minutes are probably the best. Interesting conceptual-based movie with cool technical edits and action sequences. But unfortunately, it's long, too complex and soulless. Probably would only watch it again for all those cool action moments, but that's about it. I can recommend this movie.
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The Mummy (1999)
The epitome of how to make a fun and unforgettable remake
21 March 2024
The Mummy was one of my favorite movies growing up when I was about 10-12 years old. I remember watching it a bunch of times since Fox would show it all the time and we had the DVD of it. Fast forward 15 years later and now I'm watching it for the first time again and it still gives me the same amazing feeling it did back then. This movie instilled the fascination of movies in me. The Mummy is one of the best examples of how you make a great remake while still keeping it fun. The CGI, although a bit dated, actually holds up and looks quite impressive. It's a wonderfully put together movie that's very cinematic and large in scale. The way the movie doesn't take itself seriously by using self aware humor and silliness is one of the best aspects about it. It has this lighthearted charm to it that makes it feel very human and alive. It's got exhilarating action adventure, suspenseful elements of horror, moments of romance and playful comedy - and on top of that - it's fun! I mean what more could you want from a movie?

It does a great job at building its moments of horror and suspense. There's some genuinely creepy/scary moments throughout. Especially with the use of music and sound design/effects that helps elevate these moments. Tight writing and editing makes this a super fast-paced movie with exceptionally good pacing. I find it remarkable how it's an action adventure movie but also a comfort watch. It has this lighthearted, good-natured playful charm to it that's impossible not to love. The filming locations and set designs are fantastic.

Brendan Fraser is amazing in this movie. One of his best roles - he owns it. The way he has this boyish charm about him while also being funny, badass and the leading hero at the same time is something I admire and find inspiring. This is the movie that made me fall in love with the guy. Rachel Weisz is wonderful as well. I had a massive crush on her the first time I watched this movie, and still do years later. She has a very charming, cute and innocent way about her character. The chemistry between Fraser and Weisz is fantastic. Every single character in this movie has personality and charisma. Each one has their own characteristics and qualities to them that set them apart from one another and make them memorable and human.

The Mummy is the epitome of good ole' popcorn fun with a great cohesive story. An exciting adventure film that truly delivers an escape from the mundane day to day. A fantastic comfort movie that's a lot of fun. This is a must-watch! Highly highly recommend it.
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It (1990)
Mostly cheesy but still a creepy and okay adaptation
18 March 2024
The intro is so creepy with that sharp synth noise that gets pitched down. The sound design and music are top notch, it's very fitting for the movie. They get really creative. The cinematography is noticeably good. Tia and Tamara's dad is in this movie! Seeing a young Seth Green is so surreal. Great storytelling, I love the way they go back and forth through flashbacks from when they were kids to now adults. Film locations stood out and were really well scouted out. Some of them even looked surreal. Like the lake with the sewage building in the background where Pennywise is seen floating on top of the water - unforgettable scene. The derelict sewage system/warehouse were creepy and atmospheric. The movie has some great creative ideas when it comes to the horror aspects of it and the way they do them. Like the ballon in the sink, the photo album and the school shower scene. Some of the ideas they come up with are actually unsettling. They do a great job at creating a creepy feeling.

Tim Curry's performance as Pennywise is terrifyingly creepy but also amusing and funny. He makes this movie amazing. The library scene with the balloons always stands out to me as a funny one. The chemistry between actors both young and adult is good. They try to implement some 'Stand By Me' vibes with the kids which works pretty well. The chemistry between the kids can sometimes be really good. The asthma inhaler to the face was priceless lol. That made me laugh so hard. There's so many things in this movie that don't really make sense and seem random without any explanation. Like what happened to Eddy at the end was so stupid. The writing's all over the place and messy, but it works most of the time. Just not with everything. On a deeper level, this movie is about repression, past trauma and getting over your fears.

The main problem with this movie is the acting. Some of it can come off corny, lame and over the top. Some of the acting is so bad and over the top that it's actually hilarious. It can come off kind of flat and unbelievable. The school bullies were so overly done and cliche. There's a lot of very tropey and cliche things about this movie. It mostly has to do with the way they go about presenting certain characters and things. You can kind of tell that it's a TV movie. Some of the acting comes off unnatural and kind of forced, like the stuttering from Billy. The voice of the kid actor who played Billy really annoyed me lol. Bev's boyfriend, the business guy, was such an over the top douche. All the over the top abusive characters in this movie come off so cliche, cheesy and lame that it's hard to believe. This movie hasn't aged well, like at all.

I feel like the movie starts out strong and then declines once it gets past the middle mark. The ending sucked, it wasn't really satisfying. Overall the movie was okay. I haven't read the book but I can tell this movie wasn't a solid adaptation. I don't think I'd watch this movie again. There are some moments/scenes that I would revisit, but that's about it. I can recommend watching it just for Tim Curry and for certain unforgettable scenes.
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A funny, compelling and enjoyable ride definitely worth taking
18 March 2024
North by Northwest is a funny, compelling and enjoyable ride definitely worth taking. Hitchcock always knows how to reel in an audience with his intros. The bombastic symphonic soundtrack mixed with the graphics and the shots of hustling bustling New York get you ready. Another beautifully filmed film by Hitchcock. Again Hitchcock uses some fantastic filming locations. Some of which are interiors that feel quite cozy. That was cool how they filmed on location at Mount Rushmore. The architecture and design of that big house by the monument was gorgeous. The dialogue is compelling, clever and funny - very well written material right here. I would even say it's what drives the movie forward. The performances as well, especially by Grant, also propel the movie forward.

Cary Grant talking to his mother on the phone at the police station while drunk was pretty damn funny. "No they didn't give me a chaser!", was a good one. The delivery of lines from Cary in this movie is just perfection. The line "Naughty, wicked, up to no good, you ever kill anyone?" got me, I laughed way too hard. Cary's on his A-game in this movie. Both hilarious and charming. There's a lot of quotable and memorable lines in this movie. The blonde girl, Eve, is something else. She has an alluring seductive charm to her as all Hitchcock female leads do. Hitchcock has this incredible way of filming romantic kissing scenes that always come off steamy and sensual. The chemistry between Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint (Eve Kendall) is fantastic.

I thought this movie was going to be a bit more on the serious side but I was pleasantly surprised with how comedic and lighthearted it took itself. I actually really enjoyed it. The build up to the crop field chase scene was done so well. The use of wide shots to show the arid lifeless Indiana fields. I always love how Hitchcock can subvert expectations. Like I wasn't expecting the airplane to collide into the tanker, that was crazy. I was laughing because it was so out nowhere. The idea popped into my head for a brief second but I didn't think it would actually happen. Hitchcock has a very cheeky sense of humor too and you see it in the way he makes a brief cameo in his movies. I love Hitchcock.

It's quite the interesting and clever case of mistaken identity. It's quite amazing how he gets roped into something that's way bigger than him unintentionally and by accident and goes on this grand espionage/man on the run journey. It's almost like this is Hitchcock's way of fulfilling his fantasy of becoming a spy in real life and it plays out sort of like a daydream that someone has at work. I wonder if 'Richie Rich' got the idea of climbing down the monument from this movie. The sexual innuendos in this movie are great. Namely the ending with Thornhill pulling Eve up to the bed and then the camera cutting to the train going high speed into the tunnel lol. Overall, fantastic film. Another great addition to Hitchcock's collection. I highly highly recommend watching it.
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King Kong (1933)
An entertaining and thrilling monster movie that set the standard for special effects and monster movies
5 March 2024
King Kong is an entertaining and thrilling monster movie with impressive special effects for its time. The premise is what makes this movie great. It's the thrill of an adventure to an uncharted place that no one knows about. The Chinese man on the ship is a pretty outdated stereotype but I still found him funny. The set designs are actually very impressive. Skull Island looks really well done. They did a great job at making everything feel grand and epic in scale. The movie is equal parts suspense, thrill and somewhat horror.

The special effects are obviously very dated compared to today's standards. And although they might look silly and awkward, I can tell they were ahead of it's time and the first of it's kind when it came out. They did a good job with the stop motion. The fight between Kong and the T-Rex was pretty intense. There's a lot of screaming in this movie. Some of the screams they used when people are dying were actually pretty funny. Very over the top and dramatic.

This movie can be seen in different ways. It can be a statement on how settlers invaded places and drove out/killed the natives. It can be seen as a statement on how American society perceived African Americans and interracial couples back then. It can also be a statement on warfare and weapons. It's funny how they start shooting at every living thing that comes in their way. Some of these prehistoric creatures probably thought to be extinct are now being permanently extinguished. That poor woman who was minding her own business sleeping in her bed and Kong picks her up and throws her down seven stories lol.

It was a good movie and entertaining but I don't think I'd watch it again. It's one of those check off the list movies. Still, I recommend watching it as it set the standard for special effects and thrilling monster movies.
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A hilarious and fun comedy classic, one of the greats
5 March 2024
Animal House is a hilarious and fun comedy classic, one of the greats. Equal parts charming, clever, silly and playful. I love the chaotic, messy and care-free nature of this movie. Endlessly entertaining and randomly hilarious. It's got good pacing, especially towards the beginning, and wonderful chemistry between actors. This is one of the best anti-fraternity/college movies I've ever seen. Maybe not so much anti, but more satirical. Poking fun at how ridiculous fraternities are. This movies filled with hilarious lines and moments. Plenty of skin is shown as well, which is always great.

I think I sort of fell for Karen Allen (Indiana Jones) in this movie. She has a cute, playful and starry-eyed charm about her. I love the pot-smoking scene with Donald Sutherland - legendary. The white horse was a highlight. That horse was so well trained and had such a funny personality that I almost thought it was one of the boys.

The characters in this movie are so intoxicatingly fun to be around. John Belushi is hilarious, he's got such a clever and charming way with his humor - he's quick, a brilliant mind. You can tell he has no problem improvising on the spot. You can't help but love the guy, may he Rest In Peace. You can tell everyone had fun on set making this movie. The good vibes throughout this movie are contagious.

Iconic and legendary film. Although the story isn't anything amazing, you don't really watch it for the story - you watch it for the goofs, gags and laughs. This is a must watch and probably one of the greatest comedies of all time. Highly highly recommend it.
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Vertigo (1958)
A beautifully hypnotic mystery about obsession, deception and trauma
4 March 2024
The intro is simple yet so beautifully stylized and hypnotic. The score is beautifully haunting and symphonic. It sets a suspenseful and uneasy tone for the movie. The San Francisco backdrop during the rooftop chase was gorgeous. I love the San Francisco setting in this movie, it's incredibly scenic. There's really wonderful and memorable stand out locations in this movie. The restaurant looked so lavish with it's intricate designs and velvet texture. The outside of that church was beautiful but the inside looked creepy as hell. And the hotel was just so cool looking with it's distinct style and mood. It's remarkable how natural and lived-in the city feels. It doesn't really seem like they closed down streets or buildings during the shooting of this movie.

Hitchcock's movies always look so beautifully cinematic. His mastery of visual storytelling makes an appearance here as well. I think it's amazing and inspiring how he can just have the visuals tell the story instead of constant dialogue. The way Hitchcock builds up his mysteries is so good. I really liked the investigative mystery premise of this one. There's something so unexplainably hypnotic about this movie that you can't peel your eyes away. There's a certain mystique, elegance and dream-like quality to it. The camera effect that Hitchcock does whenever there's a POV shot looking down from a high point is so good.

It's amusing how James Stewart was in a leg cast for Rear Window and now his character, John, is in a corset. John's place looks cozy. Kim Novak, who plays Madeleine, is pretty and all - but what is with those eyebrows? The sequoias were beautiful, wasn't expecting them to film there.

This is a movie about trauma, obsession, schemes and deception. The story didn't really grab me as much as Rear Window or Psycho did, but it's still interesting. The pacing wasn't as solid as the others, there were times where it dragged and I became kind of bored. Eventually, the movie does get very interesting especially towards the end and during the climax wen they do the reveal twist. It's something that didn't really grab me at first, but I think with a second watch will be a more interesting film especially knowing the story and the twist. Overall, highly recommend it.
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Psycho (1960)
A brilliantly told, powerfully effective and unforgettable classic horror masterpiece
2 March 2024
Psycho is a brilliantly told, powerfully effective and unforgettable classic horror masterpiece. A suspenseful mystery that progressively gets creepier and scarier. The opening song is so chilling and suspenseful, it sets the mood perfectly. The score helps heighten the levels of anxiety, suspense and terror. I love the way Hitchcock uses and moves the camera around. His use of visual storytelling is immaculate, it's inspiring. The way he uses dark spaces and lighting in this movie is amazing. I can see why he chose to shoot it in black & white. The pacing of the movie is excellent. It starts off kind of slow and the dialogue between the two actors at the beginning doesn't really feel that genuine or natural. In fact the dialogue doesn't seem as sharp or clever like in his other movies. But once the movie gets going, you don't want to take your eyes off the screen. They definitely make good use of Janet Leigh in a bra.

The Bates house behind the motel looks so creepy. Anthony Perkins is brilliant as Norman Bates - talk about a perfect casting. I honestly don't think anyone could've pulled it off better than him. The way he comes off pleasant and charming but deep down inside you know the guy is hiding something sinister because he has a creepy and awkward nature about him. The framing is incredible in this movie. The way Hitchcock frames Norman with the taxidermic owl/birds, and the shadows they cast, behind him was beautiful. It creates an uneasy tension and makes it feel ominous. The way the movie shifts from Marion being the main character to Norman being the main character was really clever how they did it. The way he cleans up the crime scene, you can tell this isn't his first rodeo. The transition from the drain to the eye was so freaking good.

Psycho is a movie about sexuality, guilt, repression, deception, overbearing mothers, hiding secrets, duality and bipolar disorder. Equal parts creepy, unsettling, suspenseful, ominous and scary. There's a couple of really effective and unforgettable jump scares that stay with you. So much so that people will have a hard time taking a shower with the door unlocked. The high-pitched violin shrieking sound will forever be immortalized as THE horror sound - absolutely iconic. I'm sure this movie was quite shocking to people when it first came out similar to how it was with The Exorcist and Hereditary.

Hitchcock taps into something truly scary that penetrates right into the soul and he does it so effectively without any CGI, special effects or gore. Relying mostly on simple yet brilliant and effective storytelling, fantastic acting, clever cinematography and striking unforgettable imagery. Psycho is a must-watch and without a doubt one of the best horror movies of all time. Highly highly recommended.
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Rear Window (1954)
A brilliantly conceived classic masterpiece of suspenseful mystery that has steamy romance, entertaining drama and a bit of humor thrown in
2 March 2024
It's amazing how they got the whole set to look like an apartment neighborhood in New York City - it looks immaculate. It's impressive how they constructed it all inside of a Paramount studio. That sliver of area down the alley where you can see outside of the neighborhood was brilliantly conceived. They implemented it so that the set doesn't feel so claustrophobic and shut-in. It helps it to feel alive, natural and lived-in. It makes you wonder what's out there. It makes you curious of the outside world and reminds you that there is a world outside of the buildings. The set also feels quite cozy, the whole movie feels that way in fact. There's so much brilliant storytelling done just with images and the way Hitchcock moves the camera around adds to it as well. He films with such a curious and observant eye. A true master at his craft. He was an innovator with a brilliant mind and made movies that were ahead of their time. I love how he always makes a cameo in his movies.

I'm so glad they filmed this movie in technicolor cuz it looks gorgeous. I don't think this movie would've had the same effect if it were in black & white. I love how right off the bat they're giving all the neighbors their own distinct quirks and personality that sets them apart from each other. Very sharp and clever dialogue throughout this movie, especially when Stella comes along. Grace Kelly, who plays Lisa Fremont, is beautiful. She has such a wonderful charm and grace about her. James Stewart is great as Jeff Jeffries. The character dynamics are fantastic. The relationship between Lisa and Jeff is an interesting one. Two people who love each other but come from different backgrounds and tastes. Lisa is a socialite and lives a quite high maintenance/high life style while Jeff is more bare bones, rugged and is always surrounded by action. That kissing scene between them was pretty hot, Grace is something else. I don't know if it's the casting in Hitchcock's films, but he's always able to have both the female and male leads in his movies have a chemistry and connection that feels so natural - look at Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant in Notorious. It was kind of annoying in a silly way how during that scene where they all have a glass of brandy in their hands, they keep swirling it around while talking. Eventually it becomes funny though.

This movie proves that TV isn't the only form of entertainment. Why need a TV when you can people-watch and tune in to people's personal lives from your own apartment? The visual storytelling is masterful in this movie. The cinematography and movement of the camera is phenomenal. The darkness that exists in the neighbors apartment when he's not there is so dark that it creates an uneasy and unnerving feeling. As if something or someone could be lurking in that darkness looking back. The last climatic 20 minutes of the movie were incredible, truly unforgettable.

It's interesting how Jeff's theory of the neighbor killing his wife could be interpreted as a metaphor for the fear he might feel about marriage with Lisa or how it could end up. This movie is about a man's fear of marriage and long term commitment. A suspenseful mystery, a steamy romance, a drama with bits of comedy - yeah, this movie's perfect. A brilliant and cleverly conceived film. The storytelling is so tight and immaculate that the movie goes by in the blink of an eye. I highly highly recommend it and I consider it one of my favorites of all time. I'd watch this movie again in a heartbeat.
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A fast-paced, action-packed and entertaining addition to the Die Hard movies
2 March 2024
It's so cool to see the signature orange glow at the beginning that is synonymous in every one of the Die hard movies. The explosion at the beginning was really well done. I love the way they capture New York in this movie, it feels very natural. The dialogue and line delivery is chef's kiss. The chemistry between Samuel Jackson and Bruce is so good, they make a good comedic duo and Jackson is hilarious. The cinematography is great. It's shot with a deft focus, intense close ups and frantic kinetic movement. It's cool to see McClane in his element in his own city, but also not so interesting because it's always the best when he's out of his element and in some other city.

This movie's actually got a fantastic sense of humor. It's quite playful but also serious at the same time, very similar to the first Die Hard. They pull the race card a lot during the movie, which can be annoying, but it's always done in a comedic way so it's no so annoying. The scene with the taxi going through Central Parka is so good. This movie's grander in scale compared to the other ones. It has a lot of moving parts, locations and a boat load of actors and extras.

Exhilarating, action-packed, suspenseful, entertaining and fun. The action sequences and stunts are phenomenal. The storytelling is fantastic and the pacing is excellent. It's crazy how intricate and large in scale Simon's plan is. Jeremy Irons is always brilliant especially when he plays a villain. It's kind of silly how Simon has McClane and Zeus going around the city doing tasks. This movie's like an unstoppable moving train. Once it gets going, it doesn't stop. It's super fast-paced. It's also got some silly and funny moments. It's a bit over the top but it adds charm to it.

I don't know why but it didn't feel as satisfying as the previous films. It wasn't my favorite and I'll probably never watch it again, but it was still a lot of fun. The problem with 'Vengeance' is that it doesn't feel that much like a Die Hard movie. It feels more like a buddy cop film that takes place in New York - instead of McClane being stuck in some place and has to take on everyone. I also didn't really like the filming locations, they didn't really stand out to me. It felt like they all melded with one another and didn't really stand out. Regardless, this one is definitely worth checking out and is a fantastic addition to the Die hard franchise. Highly recommend it.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
An enjoyable action-packed thrill of a ride
2 March 2024
Although not made by the same director who made the first Die Hard, it's still an enjoyable action-packed thrill of a ride. The main difference is that this one feels a bit sillier. It almost has Home Alone vibes. Like why is that guy practicing martial arts butt naked? Lol, makes no sense. It's like they're trying too hard to capture the Christmas spirit here, whereas in the first one, they didn't even try and it has that Christmas feel. It feels like they're trying to recapture the things that made the first Die Hard amazing. The action sequences are definitely there. I liked the first gun fight that took place in the luggage room. It's so unrealistic and phony how much of a joke the security/cops are in the D. C. airport. It feels even more phony when you see that the snow is actually paper flakes.

I like how this movie celebrates the boom in technology that was happening around that time with mobile phones, fax machines, tasers, and airplane phones - it's nostalgic and charming. The storytelling is good and the pacing is solid. It's bigger in scale with more actors, extras and locations. I was actually surprised they went through with the destruction of the plane landing. It sort of changes the tone of the movie and takes from being silly to a bit more serious. Even though there's a whole bunch of different characters McClane has to deal with/bump heads with, he still comes off as the same badass that gets things done. The one liners and quotes aren't really there, but there's still a couple good ones that get tossed around and there's definitely humor in the dialogue and the delivery of lines.

Entertaining, thrilling, action-packed and at times funny. A lot more unrealistic and sillier than the first one. But it goes by in the blink of an eye and it's undoubtedly enjoyable. There's some really awesome and crazy action moments that stand out and a lot of memorable scenes. And even through the villain isn't as memorable as the Gruber brothers, the evil is still there, there's still an imposing threat. I also really liked the airport setting and the fact that it was also set during Christmas Eve just like in the first one. Awesome movie, I'd watch again. Definitely recommend it.
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Builds upon Fistful with more style, more characters and more budget
1 March 2024
A Few Dollars More is more stylized, bigger budgeted and has a more layered and expanse story than Fistful. It builds upon the amazing spaghetti western that started it all. Quite a striking opening. I wonder if the guy had to stay there for the duration of the entire opening credits lol. The cinematography is noticeably better in this one than in Fistful. The shots in this movie are more cinematic and better thought out. There's some shots of the scenery/landscapes with the sun setting in the background that are gorgeous. It seems like they had a bigger budget to work with. More cameras and better ones to get cooler shots. You can tell Sergio was honing in on his style more clearly and precisely in this one. The music continues to be great and builds upon what was already composed for Fistful. I especially liked the locket theme and the way they implemented it during the climatic gun fight scene at the end.

I love how the movie starts with Lee Van Cleef's character instead of Eastwood's character. It immediately makes you interested in Lee's character. He has such an alluring presence that demands your attention. I almost thought he was going to be the only main character for a second. Eastwood continues to be his effortlessly cool and badass self. Lee's character brings a more grounded approach with more of a human and relatable personality. Even though they got the same actor that played Ramon in the first one, he looks different. The character he plays is a bit different as well. He's a more maniacal, evil and vile person. His backstory was pretty good. They even got the same guy who played Chico in the first one. But with him they didn't even change his look, just his name.

That scene with the landlady and husband at the hotel was great - wasn't expecting that clever bit of humor. Wow, Klaus Kinski used to be pretty handsome at one point. Using the old abandoned church as the criminals hideout was a really cool touch. I love how the old man who made coffins is back. Now he plays a prophet who hates trains. Not as much of a memorable or impactful character as in Fistful, but still nice to see him return for this movie. The dynamic and friendly rivalry between Lee and Eastwood's characters is fantastic, it's pretty much what drives the movie. That was so weird how Clint's face was covered in black paint for a split second then goes back to normal and there's no rhyme or reason why.

One thing I noticed about this movie is that the pacing wasn't as tight as the first one. It tends to drag at times whereas Fistful always felt like it was moving at a constant forward speed. I feel like the way the story was told in Fistful was better. It was more engaging, interesting and fun. The storytelling didn't really grab me in this one. Even though the story is more layered and has more twists/turns in this one, it feels like it takes longer for them to get to the point in this one. It also felt like they didn't develop the characters as well, I felt more invested with the characters in Fistful. This is a longer movie yet it felt like they didn't use the time wisely to get me to care enough. They should have spent more time giving the characters depth, personality, quirks and backstory. It's probably a hot take and weird to say, but I liked Fistful more. Lee Van Cleef was a highlight as well, bringing a lot of personality and intrigue to the mix. For a Few Dollars More builds on the things that Fistful created but doesn't do them as well, namely in the presentation and pacing. I think that just because a movie has a bigger budget, is more stylized, has more characters, and is more expanse, doesn't mean it's better. It was good but I don't feel that inclined to watch it again. The only reason I'd watch it again is to make sure that I didn't like it as much as Fistful lol. Regardless, I can recommend this movie for sure, especially if your watching the Dollars trilogy.
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The spaghetti western that started it all and paved the way for others to follow
23 February 2024
A Fistful of Dollars is the spaghetti western that started it all and paved the way for all the others to follow. It's undeniable the influence that this movie and the entire Dollars Trilogy have had on media - with movies, games, music and pop culture. The music is so good, really unforgettable. The pan flute melody with the acoustic guitar is too good. It fits the movie perfectly. They scouted and found some really amazing places to film at. The architecture of those white buildings at the beginning were so interesting. Never seen anything like them, and they're in the middle of nowhere as well. It's so cool to see where a lot of the locations in Red Dead come from. There's a beautiful mystique that exists in this movie and I think it has to do with the locations and the way it was filmed. The cinematography is wonderful with a good eye for framing. The style is iconic and has inspired so many filmmakers that came after.

Clint Eastwood is effortlessly cool and badass in this movie, and what a handsome devil. So many great quotes and one liners from him. His character has no name, as he never says it, but we'll just call him Joe. He's clever and quick-witted. The movie has a great sense of humor that lies in it's eccentric and funny characters. Like the old man who makes coffins and Silvanito, the cantina owner. Love those guys. It's also pretty funny how the voices are noticeably dubbed over in English. Crazy to think that all the actors were speaking their native tongue so you had some people speaking Italian, some speaking German and some speaking Spanish, which is pretty damn cool.

The premise is quite simple, but the way they go about telling the story is what makes it interesting. It's all about seeing how everything plays out and what Eastwood's character does. The way he gets the two sides, the Rojos and the Baxters, against one another is brilliant. Only a wise and smart person can play both sides to his advantage, make some money and get both sides to take one another out. Outwitted and outsmarted all of them. And the best part is that he was a guy that was just passing through. It's crazy how precise and fast his shooting is. I love those quick zoom-in shots, they're always funny. Ramon and the Rojos are ruthless and vicious. They're animals the way they viciously burned down the house and gunned everyone down afterwards. It's also easy to see how this movie was directly influenced by Yojimbo since they share the same premise. Only this movie has a more western and unique style to it that sets it apart from Yojimbo. Definitely recommend this movie. You'll want to watch the other ones once you're done with this one.
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The Fall (I) (2006)
An extraordinary visual spectacle about the power of storytelling and the magic of movies
21 February 2024
The Fall is an extraordinary visual spectacle about the power of storytelling and the magic of movies. You wanna talk about movie magic? This movie is magic. I honestly don't know how they did some of the shots in this movie. It's remarkable and clever the way they executed a lot of the visual ideas on screen. The editing and transitions are like some sort of wizardry. The way they weave in and out of locations is amazing, something that's really captivating to watch unfold. This is how you do visual storytelling and just storytelling in general. Both beautiful and poetic. The filming locations are some of the most exquisite and unique I've ever seen in a movie. I don't even know how they found some of these locations. I don't even know how they got permission to film in some of these places! Some look super lavish, ancient and even protected from the public. They really scouted around to find the perfect places to shoot.

Some of the most creative cinematography I've seen. The way they film certain scenes and things makes you wonder how they even thought of the idea in the first place. There's a lot of very iconic, striking and unforgettable shots/scenes. The elephant and sand dune scenes stand out to me. It's very grand in scope and lush. This movie beautifully captures the child-like imagination that we have when we're a kid. The way we view life through curious and fascinated eyes. I was not expecting the stop motion sequence, that was really cool.

I love the dialogue and chemistry between Lee Pace and Catinca Untaru, it feels very natural, genuine and sweet. It's almost like there's a genuine language barrier between them which makes it all the more funnier and charming. Catinca was so good, honestly the star of the movie. She has such a cute, innocent, witty and funny charm to her. The hospital has this realistic lived-in genuine feel to it. It feels almost documentary-like with all the background noises going on like footsteps, floorboards creaking, doors opening closing.

Although the tone of the movie is quite light and playful, there are some themes explored that are quite dark. It adds depth to the story and keeps it from being just an adventure fantasy. I like how each of the characters in Alexandria's story is supposed to represent people that exist in her real life. The doctor, the nurse, the old patient guy, the ice guy, the famous actor, Roy's actor friend. It's beautiful how Roy and Alexandria help each other out. They end up getting through their problems through the telling of the story.

Ultimately, The Fall is a love letter to movies, stories/storytelling and the stuntmen that put their lives on the line in order to provide entertainment. It's about the magic of movies and stories. How we tend to put ourselves in a characters shoes and live out a fantasy in order to escape the sad dark reality of the real world and get through our problems. It's a beautiful movie and one worth watching at least once in your life. Highly highly recommend this movie.
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A visually stunning spectacle to behold that's both alluring and bloody
19 February 2024
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a visually stunning spectacle to behold that's both alluring and bloody. Super rich in detail, extremely creative and lavish. The cinematography and visuals are sublime. I was immediately hooked during the intro. The reddish oranges contrasted with the black silhouettes was gorgeous. I've never seen war depicted in such an artistic and fresh way. The visual creativity of this movie reminds of Terry Gilliam's Brazil. It's as if Tim Burton, Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Terry Gilliam had a child. The music is operatic with its haunting choirs, melancholic strings and grand feel. The sound design is off the charts, it toys with your head.

You can tell Coppola's creative juices were definitely flowing when he was making this movie and that he had plenty of money to play around with in order to make his vision come to life. I absolutely loved the style and aesthetic, it felt very unique. It captured the gothic/victorian aesthetic beautifully. It kind of reminded me of the game Bloodborne. The atmosphere and eeriness is definitely there. The set pieces, costumes and props are immaculate. The practical and special effects are impressive. The way they play with shadows is very cool and original. The pacing is excellent, it never feels boring or slow.

Some of the acting and delivery of lines can come off silly and stiff, namely from Keanu Reeves. No but for real, he should not be doing English accents. I love the guy but I wish they'd gone with an actor who naturally had an English accent or American actor who could pull it off better, even if they were a lesser known person, oh well. Winona actually did a good job with the English accent but it's her delicate and sweet performance that really sells it. Anthony Hopkins is amusing and funny as Van Helsing. Tom Waits nearly stole the entire movie as the tortured Renfield. Gary Oldman is amazing as always.

That scene with the female vampires and Reeves' character was crazy. Idk if giving the baby to the female vampires is part of the original story, but that was pretty twisted. What was the whole reasoning behind Mina and Lucy kissing? I didn't mind it but it felt random. This movie definitely has a more edgier and flashier vibe to it than your typical Dracula movie, definitely more fitting of the 90's. It has that silly 90's charm to it similar to Army of Darkness, but just not as funny. It's an interesting and different take on the Dracula that we all know of.

Coppola definitely takes some interesting creative decisions when it comes to the story and how it's told. He seems to add, what some might say, unnecessary things to make it more flashy and appealing to the masses. This includes nudity, half naked vampire chicks, gallons of blood and violence. At one point, the movie turns into a gratuitous nightmare with all manner of crazy things happening. But again, I don't mind it. It doesn't really take away from the story and even adds to the style it's going for. Ultimately, it ends up being an alluring and bloody romantic film about eternal undying love, immortality and death. It gets pretty deep at times. I highly recommend this movie, it was a good watch. It's worth watching for the gorgeous visuals alone.
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A great addition to the show that continues it's effortlessly cool and one of a kind style
18 February 2024
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie is a great addition that continues the brilliance of the already existing show. The dialogue is sharp, at times funny and playful. The animations, although noticeable that they were done in the lats 90's, still hold up and look fresh. The art style is amazing, ahead of its time and distinctive. The art/colors for the landscapes are beautiful. And even though we don't get the original Tank intro, I think the intro we do get in this movie is great. It shows people living their life in the city. Sort of a wonderful celebration of humanity. Spike is an amazing character. Beautifully written with some killer moves and one of my favorite characters of all time. The ex-military girl with the red jacket is really pretty. Vincent, the main villain, is very cynical and depressed. A tortured soul wanting to be released from his mental prison. The pacing, although slows down a bit at times, is still great. It manages to keep things interesting and moving forward.

Equal parts entertaining, exciting, thought-provoking, action-packed, playful, funny and effortlessly cool. An unforgettable anime with a unique and distinctive one of a kind style. Nothing can match Cowboy Bebop. This movie expands upon the characters that already existed in the show. There's some good character development. Cowboy Bebop at it's core is very human. It's existential and asks deep questions about ourselves and about others. It's interested in humanity, morality and philosophy and explores these topics in an insightful way. These timeless and forever relevant themes make this anime one of the best.

This movie takes a look at terrorism and biological/virus warfare. It's more relevant now than it's ever been since covid happened. The concept of the drive-in theater was cool. That whole aerial dog fight sequence between Spike and the fighter jets was amazing. The animations were out of control. Some of the most gripping, exhilarating and detailed animations I've seen in all of Cowboy Bebop. I love how there's an all out Halloween party throughout the entire city like a Macy's Day parade.

This is a must-watch for anyone that's already seen the show. For those who've never seen it, go watch the show then come back to this. You won't regret it. It's one of the best anime ever.
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Fright Night (1985)
An 80's horror movie that doesn't take itself seriously and has some sweet practical effects
18 February 2024
Fright Night is an 80's horror movie that doesn't take itself seriously and has some sweet practical effects. It plays out like a teen horror/comedy movie. It feels very 80's. The music is great. The window scene with the teenage girl was good and then the pov shot of the vampire guy jumping from the rooftop was really well done. Good story, good acting, great practical effects. Some of the practical effects are actually frightening. The practical effect with the werewolf was great. That scene was pretty hard to watch, it was like watching an injured dying animal ask for help. Evil Ed is such an odd and amusing character. He was the stand out character and the favorite. This movie subtly taps into the fear of having a new father, a step dad. I really like Peter Vincent's car.

The only problem with this movie is that it feels like it takes a while for it to get interesting. I felt kind of bored at times during the movie. Idk if it was because the way it was shot or presented or because there's moments where there's nothing really exciting happening. Kind of like soda that's lost its fizz. Eventually the movie does get good and things start to get interesting. This is a movie that explores sensuality. There's moments that are pretty sexy. This movie subverts expectations, which is very welcomed. It's a unique and different spin on the typical vampire movie, similar to The Lost Boys. It's not on the top of my list of movies, but I think it's one worth watching for sure. Especially if you like 80's horror movies that don't take themselves seriously and have great practical effects. I recommend it.
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Happy Gilmore (1996)
A silly feel-good comedy with a hilarious sense of humor
17 February 2024
Happy Gilmore is a silly feel-good comedy with a hilarious sense of humor. I liked that they gave backstory to Happy at the beginning. The irony that his name is Happy but has a short fuse and is always getting angry is so good. Adam Sandler is brilliant as Happy. The way he goes from angry rage to immediately apologetic and calm is amazing. We also get to see his charming side. Wow, a young Will Sasso, that's crazy. He used to be a much heavier guy. Carl Weathers is amazing in this movie, his comedic chops were fantastic. It actually took me by surprise how naturally funny he was. The chemistry between Carl and Adam is something special. Ben Stiller as the ruthless dictator caretaker at the nursing home was so good. Julie Bowen is charming and cute. That scene with Bob Barker will always be iconic. Christopher McDonald as Shooter McGavin was perfect, he understood the assignment to a tee. See what I did there? Tee hee, ok I'll stop now. I love the childish antics and quips between Happy and Shooter. That scene with Carl Weathers playing the piano hits on a whole different level now that he's gone, definitely teared up a little bit. Gators are the true menace to society. They also chose some really nice locations to film at. The different golf courses with the mountains jutting out in the background were beautiful.

It's a good-hearted and sweet comedy that evokes good vibes. This movie has the heart of a child and the brains of a grown adult. A movie about learning to control the inner rage and finding a happy place. The delivery of lines in this movie is priceless and the soundtrack is great. I love how there's these funny random things that happen throughout the movie that if you weren't looking you'd miss. Like the car that was being driven on the sidewalk. The Zamboni driver singing the romantic song. This movie hits on such a pure human level that it's impossible not to love it. This is a comedy movie I'll definitely be coming back to. Highly highly recommend it.
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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
A thrilling, intense and suspenseful ride that doesn't let up
17 February 2024
Duel is a thrilling, intense and suspenseful ride that doesn't let up. The story is simple: a trucker gets upset at a guy in a car then proceeds to terrorize and bully the guy for the rest of the movie. What makes it interesting and gripping is the way Spielberg chooses to shoot and execute the movie. Spielberg films Duel with a deft eye. You can see him experimenting and using the camera in creative ways. The camera is very interactive, acting almost like a third character. Watching this movie, you would never think it was Spielberg at the helm, but it is. This movie builds on the paranoia and fear one might feel if they went through a similar experience.

The worst part is that there doesn't really seem to be an explanation why the trucker is behaving in such an erratic and aggressive way towards the guy in the car. It's almost like he's bullying him, toying with him out of simple road rage. That was funny how the tanker ends up helping the school bus that was stuck. Shows a kind of compassionate, human side to the tanker. It's interesting how throughout the whole movie we never see who's driving the tanker. It's almost like the truck is an entity that drives itself. The truck is the monster. That slow-mo crash during the climax of the movie was amazing.

I like how they also showcase the beautifully dry and arid side of California. I think I recognized some of the filming locations based on GTA V. I think they filmed out around the area where Trevor lives. The premise and story is very simple, but it's the different interpretations and ideas that one can put on the movie that makes it interesting. Is it a statement on social classes? White collared vs. Blue collared? Is it a statement on road rage, unchecked aggression and masculinity? I think it warrants a second watch. I recommend this movie.
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John Wick (2014)
A slick and entertaining action movie with a wickedly good sense of style
17 February 2024
John Wick is a slick and fun action movie with a wickedly good sense of style. The cinematography and style is exceptional. The way they capture a gritty and dark style is awesome. It reminds me of Michael Mann's movies. Great storytelling and setup of the premise. I like how they slowly pull you into the story without telling you everything right away. The mystery is what keeps you watching and wanting to know more. The soundtrack is banging. I like how they got the actress from I, Robot to play John's wife - I like her. The little beagle is so cute, that was sweet how his wife posthumously gave him the dog as a final present. John's got some sick style. His house, his outfits, his car - all real nice and classy.

It's kind of weird how he doesn't have an alarm system for his house. I can't believe what they did to John's dog, what scumbags. He gets two things taken from him back to back, a double whammy. I don't blame John for going beast mode. I loved the interaction between John and Jimmy (the officer). This is where you get a feeling for the movie's sense of humor. It was funny seeing the Allstate guy in the movie. He fits in oddly well. It was unexpected to see Willem Dafoe, but I definitely welcomed it - love the guy. Lance Reddick as the hotel concierge at The Continental is so good. Alfie Allen playing Tarasov's son was great - I hated his guts, god what a spoiled entitled cowardly brat.

This movie has a surprisingly clever sense of humor. It's a movie that I was surprised to see didn't take itself too seriously. The dialogue is straightforward, to the point but also witty and lively. The choreography in the stunts, fights and gunplay is where the movie truly shines. They're amazing, like watching a beautiful, bloody and violent ballet. The way they integrate martial arts within the gun fights is something mesmerizing to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if they watched older Jackie Chan and John Woo movies for inspiration. There's so much storytelling and backstory that goes on just through certain interactions and introductions with characters without having a full long conversation - I thought it was brilliant how they did that. Saying less is more in this movie and I 100% agree with it. The pacing is excellent.

Keanu Reeves owns it as John Wick - kills it. The guy was born to play him. What I love most about this movie is it's ability to be gritty, violent, slick and action-packed while at the same time managing to not take itself too seriously and feel fun. Awesome movie. Highly highly recommend it.
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An exciting and entertaining space pirate adventure that's visually stunning
16 February 2024
Treasure Planet is an exciting and entertaining space pirate adventure that's a beautiful visual marvel. Hand drawn animations look beautiful, I wish they still did them like this. The energy and movement that you get from hand drawn is unmatched. The art style is amazing and the alien worlds look fascinating. It's like a mixture of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I loved the way the different worlds looked. The art for the different settings and locations were gorgeous. The idea for the different frog, dog and animal characters is weird, but I like it, it's different. This movie's full of unusual and bizarre-looking characters that are wonderfully fleshed out and conceptualized. The combination of CGI and hand drawn actually works really well in this movie. I really liked the Goo Goo Dolls song. I thought it paired well when they were showing Jim's backstory.

I can relate and sympathize with Jim Hawkins on some level. He's a character that just wants his father back in his life and to have some sort of support. He's also someone that loves and seeks the thrill of adventure. I didn't really like Captain Amelia's personality at first, but she eventually warmed up. Her anatomy is insane lol. I really liked Delbert, he was a joy. Morph is such a cute and amusing character, probably my favorite. Ben was a really annoying and insufferable character, I felt like the movie could've done without him. I feel like his character didn't need to be so manic and extra, it takes away from the movie. Long John was a great character as well, although you couldn't really tell where his heart was.

That was pretty dumb how Jim cyphered the sphere map in like 2 seconds. Kind of have to suspend your belief, but I can look past it. That was pretty scary when Mr. Arrow was falling into the black hole. It's kind of hard to believe that Long John would give up the treasure to rescue Jim. I feel like it's Disney plot armor, but whatever I'm able to look past it. Every Disney movie needs to have a happy ending since their movies are made for kids. I feel like it would've turned out differently in real life, but then again, this isn't real life.

This movie could also serve as a cautionary tale for kids to be careful of the people that come into your life - you can't trust every single person. The movie is also quite surprisingly touching at times. The whole Long John being like a father figure to Jim. Although it could've done some things better and could've gotten rid of other things, it's still a great movie that's sure to ignite your adventurous spirit. Highly recommend it.
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Rush Hour (1998)
A fun, entertaining and funny buddy cop movie
15 February 2024
Rush Hour is a great buddy cop movie. Beautiful landscape shots at the beginning of the city and the harbor, it almost looks neo-noir like Blade Runner. Whoever did cinematography for this movie definitely has a keen eye. The movie's actually got a great sense of style even if it is a bit subtle. Great selection of music, it keeps the tone of the movie feeling light instead of overly serious. Jackie is amazing, one of the greats. The way he's able to be so physical and playful with his comedy but at he same time knows how to kick ass while also not afraid to be silly or show a weaker side is something I deeply admire. It's one of the many reasons why Jackie is the best. And even though he might not be in his prime, he's definitely still got it. I do have to say though, I was a bit disappointed with his stunts and fight sequences. It was definitely a lot more tamed and toned down in this movie than in his other Chinese movies like Police Story and Drunken Master. Chris Tucker brings his hilarious high-pitched boyish manic humor. The chemistry between Jackie and Chris is great, it's pretty much what drives the movie forward.

The pacing in this movie is great. It never really skips a beat or becomes boring. Awesome action sequences, good stunts and great sense of humor. What more could you ask for? I appreciated that they splashed a little bit of blood on the little girl's face after the two bodyguards got shot. It sort of adds to the realism, makes the situation seem grittier and more serious. That being said, I don't wish for any child to go through what she went through, that's the stuff of nightmares.

Equal parts fun, entertaining and funny. Something I couldn't help but notice is that they nail the crime style and vibe of other movies like Thief and Heat. I have a totally new appreciation for this movie after noticing that. It's a pretty standard/generic and straightforward premise, nothing amazing and nothing really with substance. Instead, it relies on the wonderful comedic chemistry between Jackie and Chris and on the action/stunt sequences. There's moments where there's action, stunts and thrill, but they're mainly put in there so that the movie doesn't fall flat and keeps its momentum. Overall, fun buddy cop movie with some good action and humor. Recommended.
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A feel-good and heartwarming rom com that doesn't take itself too seriously and provides some unexpected laughs
14 February 2024
Just Like Heaven was a movie I went into with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised by how funny it was. The views from the San Francisco apartment were amazing, the stuff of dreams. Definitely gave me some interior design ideas. I'd watch this movie again just to see those views and experience the cozy vibes of that apartment. Although the tone of the premise might seem a bit silly, that's kind of the whole point. This is a comedy movie that shouldn't be taken too seriously. Mark Ruffalo really shows his comedic shops and boyish charm while Reese brings her cute charm. The delivery of dialogue is great and the charisma of the characters is intoxicatingly feel-good. Even though Ruffalo and Witherspoon seem like an unlikely romantic match, their comedic chemistry was actually what sold it.

This ended up being a very entertaining and enjoyable easy watch of a comfort movie. The movie teaches some life lessons about grief, loneliness, anti-social behaviors, moving on with life and missing out on life. It's sweet to see how they both ended up helping each other out with their own problems. The storytelling and the humor is quite clever, but you also have to suspend your belief at times with certain aspects of the movie since it's not that realistic. The reveal with Reese's character at the hospital came quite unexpectedly, that was a standout moment for me. This movie sort of delves into destiny and fate. It's also about the power of love. This movie really got me with some unexpected humor, I loved it. Even though it's a bit cliche and corny at times, it still manages to surprise with some of it's humor and storytelling. If you want a feel-good rom com that doesn't take itself too seriously, this is definitely for you. This one's definitely worth checking out.
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