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Starred Up (2013)
Ran out of steam quickly.
27 November 2021
I thought this started off well, but soon became uninteresting, and there wasn't one character to root for, they were all utterly dreadful people, and you were glad they were all in prison.

I've seen some people saying it's the best UK prison movie, but I'd say Scum was far better (OK, technically not a prison, but about detention), this just didn't convince me, and like I say, I just didn't care about what happened anyone in the film.

Very disappointing.
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The Larkins (2021–2022)
14 November 2021
I thought I'd give it a chance, but the insistence on creating a false picture of British country life at the time has finished it for me.

I hope it doesn't return.
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Great as it stands , but nearly fantastic.
11 November 2021
I knew I had to see this film after seeing the trailer, it really had me intrigued.

First off this film is magnificently shot, the sets are wonderful, the atmosphere is fantastic, and to top it all, I have never seen another film quite like it, that is its U. S. P, and also maybe why it's had difficulty finding a big audience? Perhaps it's just a little bit too much 'out there' for today's audiences?

I've seen some reviews that say it's overlong, and I have to disagree, I don't feel there's a minute of screen time wasted, and if it had been shorter, I'd have felt cheated.

The actors involved all put their hearts and souls into it, and add some great over the top ness when needed.

Part grand guignol, part thriller, part 1930s Universal monster movie (that's what the end portion reminded me of!), I found this a thrilling ride, and was only disappointed with the rather lame ending which didn't really give a satisfactory conclusion, but after such a great 2 hours plus, it didn't completely ruin it for me.

If you want to be transported to another place for a few hours, please do give this a go, if it hadn't been for the ending, this would have been a 10 from me.
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Absolute rubbish.
10 November 2021
Nearly bought this on blu ray a while back, but having caught it on TV the other night , I'm so glad I didn't waste my money.

No thrills, no scares just a daft, pointless animation.

A proper film about Borley Rectory could be fantastic, this isn't that film.
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26 October 2021
Atmospheric, evocative, any superlative you'd like to mention applies to this excellent adaptation.

The cinematography is such you can believe you're eavesdropping in on the London of the period, everything is perfect, with scenes often looking like paintings .

The acting is a true masterclass, this is far better than the later BBC adaptation, with performances more nuanced, and Diana Rigg and Denholm Elliott giving the definitive Lady Dedlock and John Jarndyce respectively.

Do seek this out on dvd if you've not seen it, you'll thank me for it.
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Mona Lisa (1986)
What a film!
23 October 2021
I have only just watched this for the first time and cannot believe I actually avoided this thinking it wouldn't be my kind of thing! More fool me!

This is filmmaking at its absolute best.

The pacing is spot on, it a not a minute is wasted and the performances from all are superb.

Great to see London as I remember it too.

I've avoided 'The Crying Game' too, but think I'll now give that a go as well.
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Oh Brother! (1968–1970)
Gently amusing
16 October 2021
Watching this on DVD, I realise it was Derek Nimmos role in 'All Gas and Gaiters' that I recall with fondness, as I find his northern accent in this rather strange!

This is a very gentle comedy, with, obviously religious overtones, and I doubt people of today would get many of the jokes, such has society changed since this was made, which I find a shame.

It isn't laugh out loud at all, and unless you have an interest in or knowledge of religious matters, I don't think you'll get much out of it.
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Blotto (1930)
Very funny!
16 October 2021
Just watched the colour version of this, and I know purists will hate it, but I feel the colorised versions of the Laurel and Hardy shorts really add something to them.

Especially here, where The Rainbow Club is seen in all its art deco glory!

I don't get peoples beef with there being no story, there is one, no matter how slight !

The scene of uncontrollable laughter never gets tired.

Highly recommended.
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Burke & Hare (1972)
Rather dull.
5 October 2021
I wanted to see this having viewed and really enjoyed the Simon Pegg version.

No contest, the Simon Pegg version is far more entertaining than this one which just doesn't do it for me. Can't really explain why either, but nothing really seems to gel.
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I absolutely loved it!!
2 October 2021
Maybe seeing it in 2021 makes it funnier, as there isn't a chance it would be made today, but I found it to be an absolute riot!

If you like British humour you'll love this, and it's definitely a film to put on when you've got friends round for a beer.

Yes it's crude, filthy even, but it is genuinely funny with great performances.

Fantastic soundtrack too.
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Dark Waters (2019)
Near faultless.
26 September 2021
I cannot understand anyone who says they find this film boring, I found it compelling from start to finish, there wasn't a dull moment for me.

Performances were superb throughout, everyone really seemed to put their hearts and souls into it.

Great to see a company as huge as Dupont brought to justice, they really were completely underhand, and am utter disgrace.

Would have been good to see maybe one or two of the court cases in some detail, but I guess that would have shoved it towards being near a 3 hour film.

I watched this on DVD, and have to say the transfer wasn't great, made the film look like it was made in the 90's rather than 2019! I'll probably go for a blu ray of this before the next time I watch it.
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Wow how dull!!
19 September 2021
I've bought the Pink Panther dvd box set, and watched this today.

It's an awfully boring film, that only comes to life when Peter Sellers appears, and his onscreen time is quite limited.

Can't wait to get to the 70's films.
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Best of the series so far.
19 September 2021
I'm working my way through the Scream Factory blu ray box set having never seen any of the films before, and it has been a pretty disappointing ride so far, with only the 3D movie having any redeeming features the rest I've found very dull, until tonight!

This is a fun 100 minutes, with the only disappointment being that so little of it actually takes place in Manhattan.

It's a schlocky, fun film that seems to recognise its ridiculousness, with the actors seemingly having a whale of a time (the gag reel is worth seeing!), and is the one film in the series I'd happily watch again.

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Entertaining enough.
18 September 2021
Whilst I'm sure this probably seemed quite violent when released, it seems very tame by today's standards, and therefore any shock value is reduced.

Having said that, there's decent performances from all involved, and it moves along at a decent pace, and therefore entertains with no problem.

Would I call it a classic of cinema? No I wouldn't, the storyline is very basic, and whilst apparently based on a true story , it seems reality has been stretched to its limits for the film.

Worth a watch, but once you've seen it, you've seen it, there aren't layers there to keep going back to.
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The Haunted (2018)
Started off well...
13 September 2021
Why is it so difficult for filmmakers to tell a proper story anymore? Whilst there are some very atmospheric moments in this, the storyline is very basic, and the supposed twist at the end just had me scratching my head. Having read an explanation of the ending, that just makes the rest of the film make even less sense.

Also shaky cam really detracts from the film a lot too... Had promise, but it's a no from me.
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United 93 (2006)
Stunning filmmaking.
5 September 2021
This film was wonderful. From beginning to end I was there in the film with the people, that's how real it felt. It was a real roller-coaster of a ride.

The genius idea to use the actual people who were there on the day in a lot of the parts really paid off, really did give it a sense of realism.

You will be breathless as the events unfold, and you will come away knowing you've experienced something special.

Wonderful film.
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The Unholy (2021)
What a shame.
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This started off really well, wonderfully in fact, then the CGI kicked in and completely ruined it.

Up until then, this was a beautifully shot, well acted film, then they just cheapened the whole thing and ruined it.

Had it been the one instance, I could have accepted it, but there was a vast overuse of it and I just couldn't get back into the film.
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The Super (2017)
A strange one...
28 August 2021
Caught this on TV, and it kept my interest throughout, but I have to admit, I didn't really fully understand the conclusion, but that just makes me want to see it again!

A cut above your average horror in terms of acting and production values for sure, and I don't understand the negativity towards this one.

I'll be buying it on disc to watch again for sure.
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Hugely entertaining.
21 August 2021
A unique storyline, fantastic atmosphere and decent acting all combine to give a memorable film a cut above the average Hammer (much better than some of the Drculas to my mind).

For its time it's quite gory and sensual, and also the pacing is good with no dull moments.

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Full of plot holes, but still entertaining.
7 August 2021
Did nobody do research before making this film? So many factual inaccuracies, and goofs, even more goofs than I realised when I read the list in this page!

Having said that, it's an enjoyable thriller which entertains, and if you're in the mood for a brainless thriller this will do the job.
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Hugely disappointing.
7 August 2021
Last week, I watched 'Zero Dark Thirty' and absolutely loved it, so thought I'd watch what is supposed to be the same director's masterpiece and... I hated it.

Firstly, it made my head spin, I cannot stand gimmicky shaky cam cinematography, it doesn't make things more realistic to me, it just annoys me.

Secondly, whereas in 'Zero Dark Thirty' there were characters you cared about, there were none here, and there was no character development.

Just awful.
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5 August 2021
Really cannot see the fuss about this at all.

Weak storyline, very average acting, the only reason this film is popular is due to its over the top violence, and its reputation as a video nasty.

Compare this to the masterful 'Maniac', well you can't, this isn't in the same league.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
So far..... so disappointed.
4 August 2021
I didn't see this when it was out, but had heard so many good things about it, I bought the blu ray box set.

Well 10 episodes in, and I'm wondering what all the fuss is about, it's basically a soap opera with swearing and violence.

I'm hoping it improves, as I've never been so underwhelmed by a highly rated programme as I am by this one.

Midway through the second season and still not excited by it, there are no likeable characters at all, and boy, do American men wear some awful clothes.

Now onto the third season and I'm giving up and putting this on Ebay, it just hasn't got any better

So many nasty, moral free characters and how can anyone take the likes of Paulie and in particular, Silvio, seriously? They are both complete walking cliches.
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Very good but could have been even better.
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I thought this was a great film, but one thing that dragged the score down for me was Jessica Chastain, or rather her character.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I couldn't believe she'd be allowed to speak to her superiors in the way that she did without consequences, and writing the days of inaction on the bosses office window? Really?

Other than that, this was a great film, and like another reviewer said, the 157 minutes just flew by. There was enough action and suspense to keep you riveted for the entire film.

There was a bit of the score that really reminded me of James Bond for some reason,and it sounded a little out of place to me, but a minor matter.

I think it's a film you have to be in the mood for, and you need to concentrate on, but if you're in the mood, you'll be well rewarded for the time invested.
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The Drop (2014)
27 July 2021
Went to this not knowing much about it except a bare synopsis, but am so glad I gave this a chance.

What a film! Probably not for everyone, as you need to concentrate, and the pacing would be considered slow by some, but for those willing to make the effort, you're rewarded with a great story well told, and superbly acted by all concerned.

Whilst touted as a crime thriller, I'd call it more of a drama with the emphasis on relationships. Sure there's a little violence, but no wild car chases, shoot outs and the like.

I really liked the way all the main characters were given room to breathe and develop over the course of the film.

Really recommend this.
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