28 Reviews
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One Day (2024)
I don't understand this story
22 April 2024
My friend urged me to watch this. It is so beautiful and real and emotional, she said. I guess I just don't get it? The two leads have no chemistry, I didn't believe they were best friends, or whatever they were. The relationship felt really forced, they have nothing in common, it doesn't even feel like there's an emotional connection. Yet they miss each other? They kiss and then call themselves 'friends'? I know sometimes romances build up over time, but how annoying is this build-up? Their conversations feel cliche and the way they flirt is so painfully cliche as well. I know this is based on a book, but come on: let's go on a vacation in Greece and share the same bed, and then nothing happens. The RULES forbid it. How childish and unrealistic is that? Who would go on holiday with an old friend you really didn't know well and you haven't seen in a while? Especially a male/female friendship. Some people said it gets better in the 3 last episodes. Well, even the end was not great. I didn't relate to the characters, I didn't feel any sympathy. I think this series is a bit overrated. Sorry.
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Curiosity won!
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I did this to myself, but here we are. The idea is great and twisted and the movie is quite watchable. It's not as gross and revolting as I thought. I didn't expect great acting but I have to say the Dr's performance is quite good. The beginning is VERY cheesy with the 2 girls talking, it gets a bit ridiculous. As it progresses, there is terror and absurdity in the situation. I thought kitamura's suicide was a good end as it reinforces the message that there are some things better than death. And here this is the dehumanisation of the subjects. That said, I will never watch this movie again and don't expect people to 'like' watching this.
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Not great but not bad
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this series, I really did. I was SO excited when I saw del Toro's name, as I loved many of his movies (Pan's labyrinth, the Devil's backbone...). Unfortunately, as much as the visuals are AMAZING, most of the stories are unsatisfactory, sometimes dull, sometimes just poorly written. The overall quality for me is okay, but it rarely wowed me. My two favorite episodes were episode 3 and 6, the rest I had to push through and be patient and hope it'll get better.

Episode 1- I really liked the premise but it ended too abruptly. I would have liked to get deeper into the sister's story (Dottie) and maybe have a more complete story about the nazi family and its link to satanism. The demoniac creature was so cool though. I enjoyed the commentary about greed and racism, but again I would have liked more.

Episode 2- Amazing heavy atmosphere, keeps you nauseated from start to finish, very tense and bone-chilling. The story is intriguing at first but the end doesn't satisfy as much as it could, it's style over substance again. If the script was better, it could have been brilliant. Give us another dimension than 'greed is bad' please. Felt more complete than the first episode though.

Episode 3- By far the best episode in the series. Very gory and beautiful visuals. The story is refreshing, well thought (loved how the tape recorder is used) and very fun.

Episode 4- I liked the social commentary and the intent of the story, but it just lacked pace for me. I found myself skipping over some parts that I found quite dull and predictable.

Episode 5- Again, I liked the premise, but too long and bit boring in the middle. The visuals are amazing, especially at the end where it gets raw and shocking.

Episode 6- (I didn't read the novel) I actually really liked this episode, I thought the story was quite good. Rupert Grint is brilliant in depicting the pain and desperation he goes through while looking for his sister. I love the ending, very fun and different.

Episode 7-Ah yes, this. I have no other thing to say except I didn't understand it. Just deep talk, which was kind of interesting at first; drugs and insanity. I'd love to have a conversation with someone who knew what was the point.

Episode 8- Another case of 'I see your point but it's a bit boring and predictable'. It was okay, just not shockingly horrific or gory nor even incredibly touching.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Still good (S3)
18 November 2022
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S1 and S2 were really fun, well written, full of twists and insanely well acted. Granted, S2 was much poorer in quality ( it has its overdramatic moments and GOD it has the stupid twins story). The third season starts out great and I was so excited to see the ending of this beautiful friendship story. Unfortunately as it goes on, each twist feels a bit forced and over-the-top. The cancer, the pregnancy, Ben the father of the child in prison, the FBI agent dead, those felt like cliché twists for the sake of twists. Also, the way they wrote Ben into the story of Ted's death was a bit much. Like really? He was there passed out at the back of the car so it's a little bit his fault? Now don't get me wrong, season 3 is still entertaining. I just wish the writing made a little bit more sense.
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
Really great
7 November 2022
I never expected to like this movie but I loved it. Cate Blanchett is so convincing in this interpretation, you could feel and relate to everything she was going through. Even as the flaws of the character pile on, you're still rooting for her and you connect with her humanity. You watch her hang to her former status as she crumbles internally and tries to protect her pride. You watch her be secretly grateful for her sister and still be judgemental about how she lives. She lies and despises people but you still love her. She's so deep in her delusion that you feel sorry for her and understand her.

The movie depicts reality so well and still remains incredibly engaging and entertaining.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Pretty good
26 August 2022
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The visuals are honestly amazing and the first 6 episodes are truly great. Episode 5 I found a bit boring and too much, even though I understand the point it was trying to make. From episode 7 we get a completely different arc, with a new main character, which is not bad in itself, but maybe not what you would expect after the first half. The second half is much less focused on the Sandman and feels a little bit more mundane. I also thought that the Corinthian's arc (and the part with the serial killers) is not as interesting and feels almost forced into the plot. There are a lot of things I love about this though, the Endless with the family drama linked to Rose's arc, Dream's charisma, the Dreaming and the elements of mythology. This is a good show, a bit inconsistent but I can't wait for season 2.
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Merlin (2008– )
Still re-watching it
11 August 2022
I've watched this series about 4 times, I just don't know what it is about it. It feels like home. The relationship between Merlin and Arthur is the most beautiful and funny I've seen on TV. I am very aware that the dialogues can feel a bit corny sometimes, especially in the first season, but it's just...endearing. The adventures are really fun, more so in the last seasons when the tone gets darker. Obviously the CGI isn't the best, and the show has its overdramatic moments, but it doesn't impact the quality significantly. Oh and the ending is not great and feels a bit rushed, which was a bit heartbreaking. It's not perfect but when you're this emotionally attached to a show it means it's pretty good.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
6 August 2022
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I really liked casually watching this show, it was comforting and quite entertaining. You really get attached to the characters and to Shaun, which is I believe proof of its quality. Melendez dying broke my heart, you could feel the emotion through the screen. Unfortunately from that point, the show lost it a bit. The characters became shallow and overdramatic, every bump thrown at Shawn felt very forced (oh the pregnancy, the almost abortion, then miscarriage...) Oh and Debbie and Aaron relationship was ridiculous from the beginning.
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Actually fun
24 May 2022
This is a weird and ridiculous comedy, but a hilarious one. Obviously not for everyone, but it's so fresh and out of the ordinary. I really liked the humour and the actors' performances, their chemistry is so great. Certain scenes are quite gory, which I found to be very funny. The movies doesn't take itself seriously and clearly no one should.
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Senior Year (2022)
Better than expected
23 May 2022
Yes, very predictable teen comedy but honestly quite funny. Rebel is hilarious as always and the premise is pretty fresh. The 'woke' stuff was so good and honestly heartwarming. The writing is modern and the visuals are amazing. Recommend if you need a good easy laugh.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Couldn't get through it
23 May 2022
I couldn't finish this movie, I tried twice, impossible. I thought the Italy part was watchable and fun, but then its's just..insanely boring. The movie in itself is so unrealistic and very pretentious. I mean she makes friends wherever she goes and all of them have a special life lesson to teach her. Really? She got into the meditation thing because her boyfriend is mildly into it, then it's suddenly a big thing for her. Julia Roberts is no doubt great in it, but it's just an..annoying story.
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Late Night (2019)
Emma Thompson is great
22 May 2022
This is a good movie but I feel it never reaches its full potential. It has its funny moments but I'd place more in the dramedy category. It tries to teach a life lesson but never gets that deep, and at the same time sprinkles dry humor and smart jokes from time to time. The story is still very predictable but Thompson's acting is so precise. I did feel that the Molly character was a bit annoying and over the top. Also, the ending is too rushed, too perfect, everything magically resolves in less then 20 minutes screen time, which left me a bit unsatisfied.
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From Hell (2001)
A bit disappointing
15 April 2022
I love gothic horror movies, Victorian London, Johnny Depp and the Jack the Ripper story. I should have loved this, but I barely liked it. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I found it to be empty and dull sometimes. The plot is interesting but I just didn't engage with the movie. The acting lacked emotion and depth, and the end is a theatrical mess.
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10 April 2022
This is a very emotional movie. Everything is written in a way that allows people to fully engage with the movie, to care about every single detail, to feel like you were there. And at the same time, the story carries this magical grand feeling through John's abilities. I think it's this duality that gives the movie its wonder. Sometimes, it seems a bit excessive but it's so beautiful that you want to believe it. You want to believe John' purity is real so his message has meaning. Very beautiful movie, although a bit long.
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Spirited Away (2001)
Truly beautiful
7 April 2022
Really great animated movie. I was immediately hooked and did not break focus once. The vibe is very light, eerie, strange and melancholic. You enter a bizarre world, where nothing and everything has meaning, it feels very surreal. The characters are very interesting and Chihiro's evolution from a little scared girl to a determined and serene mind is great to see. I also loved the social commentary about greed, kindness, truth and love, which gives the story depth and makes it enjoyable for adults.
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Holidate (2020)
Cliché but watchable
7 April 2022
It's exactly the movie you expect. The story is painfully predictable and the acting is cheesy. But it's feel-good and fun, and there were some interesting moments (the girl is the asshole for once...)
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Resident Evil (2002)
As good as a 00s zombie movie can be
4 April 2022
Takes a bit long to get into it, but very entertaining. Obviously the acting is a bit over the top, and the CGI stuff is harsh to look at in 2022, but the plot is decent, the action is fun, Mila is amazing. It is an iconic zombie movie, recommend if you miss the 2000s sci-fi stuff.
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Just Magnificient
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is beautifully written and hilarious. The tone and acting is a bit awkward at the beginning but then it just works. The acting feels very stagey and too much but then you get used to it and it carries the dark comedy tone perfectly. The chemistry between the parents is unreal, you completely believe it. The writing is insane: no loose ends, hilarious resolution one after the other, just so smooth. Great great great show. Also, the undead theme is tackled with super fresh ideas: Gary's head, Mr Ball Legs...
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Interesting and complex
2 April 2022
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Fascinating to discover how criminal psychology and profiling was developed at the FBI. The interviews with the killers let us enter the criminal mind, accompanied with gory and quite bloody details about the murders. Clearly, not for everyone, but will satisfy viewers interested in that universe. Also, the tone is cold and aloof, which intensifies the heavy atmosphere. Holden's determination is quite stimulating and helps engage with the story. His arc is also interesting, as he gains confidence throughout the series and feels more comfortable to get passionate about his convictions.

The first season was more interesting for me than the second. Season 2 felt slower, and messier with the storyline. Not as exciting as season 1, there were less interviews, more police work stuff. I had trouble finishing it, quite dull sometimes. Although, there was an interesting parallel between Bill's personal life and his work through his son's behavior. Also, the interviews with Manson about a race war and the investigations that followed in Atlanta within the black community were nicely connected and helped understand the link between crime and society in the late 70's USA. The investigation of Wayne Williams is shown in a very realistic manner: leads amounting to nothing, politics in the mix, budget issues...It is also great to see that in the last case of the series, the BSU achieves the recognition it deserved.
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Messy and cheesy
30 March 2022
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I didn't feel comfortable watching this movie. I found it just didn't age well. Dialogues felt very corny and quite sexist. Not even so much about the prostitution bit, it's Redford's character that I didn't like: macho, patronizing, wealthy smug cliché of a guy. He was very insistent in pursuing Diana, in a very 'I can get whatever I want' attitude. Diana even says : "you collect things " and that idea of objectifying her stays during the whole movie. I hate how she warms up to John and then she gets with him for whatever reason. That normalizes John's behavior because he got the girl. Oh it's okay to be a predator if you're rich, good in bed and handsome. Also, the outbursts of jealousy from the husband and the furious moments from Diana were just a bit too dramatic. The ending was the best part I think, still cheesy but at least watchable. I realize this review is very feminist but I really couldn't focus on anything else as the movie is quite messy. Oh yeah the moral of the story: limits to what money can buy, can it buy love? Well I guess the message didn't get across.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
Pretty good
29 March 2022
This is a great show about the origins of Batman. The quality varies a lot throughout the show, though. I'm thinking about the end of Season 4, when the narrative becomes too much. Too many storylines, high intensity, it's confusing. The characters are well developed but the villains are so much more interesting than the heroes. It's very fascinating to see how each villain is going to impact the city, and what method he'll use. The tone can change from episode to episode too, some are much darker than others. There are hints of comedy here and there, but sometimes it's cringeworthy. Overall a really good show, especially for fans of the DC universe.
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High Crimes (2002)
Unremarkable but okay
28 March 2022
Very charismatic performances of Judd and Freeman make up for a passable storyline. Certain parts of the plot are confusing and leave the viewer unsatisfied. The end twist is painfully predictable.
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The Old Guard (2020)
I need that axe
28 March 2022
Interesting premise. Great writing. Outstanding action sequences. You add Theron's extremely charismatic performance and a fascinating backstory and you got yourself a top action superhero movie. Also loved the fact that the main character and the new recruit were female (and black for the latest). It's always refreshing to see women in powerful roles.
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Top Gun (1986)
Iconic but not good
28 March 2022
Enjoyable to watch and iconic, but the most fun happens in airplanes. Everything else comes off as bit cliché and cheesy. Was probably more fun to watch in 1986.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
Entertaining but shallow
28 March 2022
Limitless (2011) The premise is fun, the rest is disappointing. If you want to tackle addiction, productivity and money, you should do it in a smarter and more impactful way.
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