3 Reviews
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Beast (I) (2022)
An idiots guide to what not to do with a lion about
23 September 2022
Ever seen that part in scary movie when the girl is running away and ignores all the useful things laying around and does all the stupid things instead? Ignores the weapons and picks up a banana etc. That's this movie. Every 5 minutes someone does something unbelievablely stupid. Big lion outside? Let get out of the car. Big lion slashes you? Punch it in the face. Idris and his accent....... wow, starts off as a really bad new york accent but half way through he just gives up trying and defaults back to English. Happens so many times it's grating. Look cgi isn't too bad which is about the only positive part. I can't even be bothered to write anymore about this awful awful move.
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Prey (I) (2022)
You know Arnie won using "boy scout" B.S right?
10 August 2022
Dealing with some of the complaints ive seen in some reviews:

How a woman could beat the Predator just using made tools and the environment around her? You have watched the original right? You watched the 3rd act?

The predator design was too basic? This movie is set 300 years before the original. Its been mentioned in Predators that they evolve and improve themselves after each hunt with whats been learnt and especially when one of the predators are killed.

Why were they speaking English? This for me is the worst complain btw. Check the version on Disney +. The film makers also filmed the dialog in native tongue to be watched with English subtitles. That extra thought an effort is amazing.

Anyway, good bits...... Great back to basics move for the franchise which tapped back in parts to what made the original so good.

Very good female lead ( and her dog! ) loved the pred design location settings were amazing

bad bits couple of moments which i thought made it too obvious they were there just for foreboding for later but thats me nit-picking.

Comfortably in to 2nd place in the franchise in my opinion.
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Inspiring TV
10 August 2022
A sign of a good show is where you feel emotions towards the cast rather than just simply watching it. This is a great example of just that.

You will decide pretty early on in episode 1 who you think didnt deserve this chance and who did and who will annoy the viewer through out their time with their attitude/ lack of effort etc.

Some moving stories thrown in with a few that are there based on their own decision making rather than hands that life dealt them.

Routed for all of them at the beginning but that starts to fade away for a couple pretty quickly.

For me the star of the show was Shanikwa for what she has been through and her attitude to improving her life. She took on everything that was thrown at her and when people seemed to be cowering away the closer it got to the end goal she stood tall.

Great show. Inspiring thanks to a couple of key people in it. Not sure how easy it will be to replicate this again for a season 2 but i will definitely give it a watch if one is made.
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