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Becoming a Fan of Daigle
30 April 2024
I was born in 2000, by then Daigle's career had become a joke. My love for hockey history eventually had me aware of his story, and I was quite content at laughing at him for things I, and seemingly everyone else at the time, new nothing about.

The documentary paints a very positive story of Daigle's life, perhaps it was a little soft on him at certain points but still revealed the true mental struggle behind Daigle's on-ice shortcomings. I was very satisfied with the documentary, and it's easy to watch with its 49 minute run time.

PS: While the doc does talk about Daigle's "nobody remembers second place" quote and that Chris Pronger was chosen second, they left out how unbelievably amazing Chris Pronger went on to be, now reverted as one of the greatest defensemen to play the game. I think it was important to talk about this part of the story because it really added to the media's bashing of Daigle that Pronger quickly blossomed in St. Louis by the time Daigle was about to leave Ottawa.
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Actually the Worst Release of All-Time
19 March 2024
It's been a unanimous opinion for years now that remastering - or at the very least re-releasing with some improvements - the classic Battlefront games would be an easy money maker. The originals hold a place in the hearts of millions, and in a proper re-release would hold the hearts of millions more. Somehow, with the 20 years of developer knowledge built on since those games released, Aspyr managed to make them worse.

The first alarm came in the size. The original games were collectively 12 GB, the classic collection pushes 70 GB for no good reason. There were some minor graphical changes (which remains the only positive of the game), but that shouldn't take up more than a few GBs.

Another fumble came in the single-player: half of the cutscenes do not play.

But shouldn't I give credit to some of the new additions we can play with? No, no I shouldn't: because you can't. Aspyr only had 3 servers dedicated to one of the most popular shooter franchises of all-time, meaning the vast majority of players who purchased the game could actually play online. But they were lucky. The biggest issues come when you're in a game, it's far more buggy than the original releases.

I can talk about all of the additions they could have done, but there is no reason to because they abysmally failed to meet the minimum expectations. The only logical explanation was for Mark Sanchez to have paid Aspyr to fail so miserably because this has replaced his infamous butt fumble as being the greatest fumble of all-time. It's unbelievable, unthinkable, disrespectful, insulting, and disgusting.
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Silent Hill: The Short Message (2024 Video Game)
Cringy, Edgy and Tiresome
3 February 2024
The short game takes on the very serious subject of suicide. I've been suicidal before so I get it, I'm not tone deaf to the message. But the story, which is probably 95% of the game, was so bad. The story made no point to make you connect to Anita, the character you play as, and she quickly and consistently comes off as pathetic, annoying, and edgy (the bad kind). I rolled my eyes everytime she spoke, and the voice acting was bad. I don't think that's the actress' fault though, the reason it was so bad was because every word was very breathy, and that's probably a director's choice. I was so glad when it was over.
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Is It Okay For Me To Say This?
31 December 2023
***This is a review for the performance of the show, not the video***

Corteo has all of the hallmarks of what makes Cirque du Soleil shows great: unbelievable stunts, a universal story theme, a strong soundtrack, and an unexpectedly strong sense of humor. This was the third of the shows I've seen (following Mystere and Ka), and I have to say that stunts seemed relatively less impressive (still indescribably impressive in their own right), my favorite part was actually the music. I was blown away at how incredible it was, even compared to their other shows. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say my favorite part of a Cirque du Soleil was the music rather than the performances or humor, but when I got up from my seat the music is what impressed me the most. Still a great show with no weaknesses and very strong in all aspect as usually, but the music was some of the best.
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Napoleon (2023)
English Propaganda
8 December 2023
Hey look I love Ridley Scott and Phoenix, but despite my appetite to make fun of the French people Napoleon is my favorite historical figure so this was my dream movie. But unfortunately it came and went. I want to give this movie 2 stars but I have to give credit where credit is due.

That credit is in the cinematography: Scott's ability to direct epics is still incredible, and the production value for this movie is incredible. But that's about it. The acting was good but a little disappointing.

The movie sins come about the portrayal of Napoleon. It feels like English propaganda again the way Napoleon is portrayed as an angry cuck rather than who he really is. They might as well have made him four feet tall. The difference between this and other movies with questionable historical fact-checking is the message. The Patriot, Braveheart and Scott's own Gladiator all had notable historical inaccuracies, but those were forgiven because each of those movies was still able to capture the spirit of their subject. The Patriot was still an inspiring patriotic film that captured the feelings of Americans during their war for independence; Braveheart still captured who William Wallace was and what he meant to Scotland; and while Gladiator's tale was completely fictitious the real life characters used in the movie were still portrayed accurately. That can't be said for Napoleon. It didn't capture the spirit of the French Revolution, the intensity of the Napoleonic Wars, or Napoleon himself.
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Renfield (2023)
More Cage as Dracula Please
28 October 2023
Look, Hoult, Schwartz and Awkwafina were great, but Nicolas Cage as Dracula was truly fantastic. I would love to see Cage take on Dracula in a more traditional sense as he was easily my favorite part of this movie.

That's not to throw shade at this movie at all. Though not all of the jokes landed in my view, I did chuckle enough and enjoyed the movie. The idea of the plot is very funny, and decently done. The action is above-average, though I found the use of blood lame. They were obviously trying to go over the top but there was so much of it that it looked noticeably fake and was much more of a distraction than a contribution to the art. But the in the it was a good movie, with good action, good humour and good messages. Nothing that stood our, except of course Cage doing one of my all-time favorite villain performances, especially at a time where well-done villains are hard to come by in modern cinema.
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Skull Island: Rise of Kong (2023 Video Game)
No, This Isn't a N64 Game
24 October 2023
The playing time isn't worth the price even if the game had decent enough quality. I honestly had fits of laughter over the graphics and clunky gameplay of this game. I've seen free assets look better than the assets used in this game. You can easily get stuck in this game as it clearly didn't have more than 30 minutes spent on legit play-testing. The music also feels incredibly basic. The map is useless, and you never actually feel like Kong, just a slightly-larger than average gorilla on a half-done Skull Island. The game developers enjoy throwing you in big, empty areas with nothing to do, each area feels the same, and their favorite strategy is to put invisible walls in areas because putting in actual work would hurt them.

The best parts are easily the cutscenes for all of the wrong reasons. They're so laughably bad.

The dinosaurs look cool though, but I am a sucker for dinosaurs.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Everyone But Young Sheldon
23 October 2023
It's a good show with good stories and fun characters, all well acted. However the show's focus on a young Sheldon isn't as enjoyable as the surrounding cast. Sheldon's family is enjoyable and funny, but young Sheldon himself is never funny or enjoyable. He's only annoying (nothing against Ian Armitage though, I think he does fantastic as Sheldon). The only time Sheldon's in a funny or enjoyable scene it's because of the surrounding casts quirks or reactions to those of Sheldon's. Thus scenes that are focused on Sheldon are dull and annoying. But the show remains fun, because the plot lines are so always good and the supporting cast, particularly Sheldon's siblings, father, grandmother, and Dr. John Sturgis are always enjoyable.
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PAW Patrol (2013– )
3 October 2023
While some of the reviews obvious anger at a kid's show having talking dogs is entertaining, the fact is no show was watched more at my mom's day home, because it grabbed the kid's attention more than anything. The same was true for my younger family members when they were younger. Because I was often babysitting tried to get them to watch kids shows that I liked as a kid like SpongeBob but in the end the kids always circled back to PAW Patrol. The show does exactly what it should, no more, no less. And heck, there were even a few rare gems where I had to chuckle. Are you, as an adult gonna enjoy? No. Well, probably not. Will your kid eat it up? Yes; and that's what matters.
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Something Bit Me (2022– )
They Made True Story About a Polar Bear Attack Boring
24 September 2023
Something Bit Me offers a cool experience with a good narrator and good videos of animals and the environment. But you quickly realize the execution is abysmal. The show tries to create tense stories to make you really think "will this person survive the attack?" But they have one massive problem: they have the survivors telling the story from the start, so knowing they and everyone survived removes all tension before the attack is even talked about. It wouldn't be so bad if the re-enactments were good. They weren't, they were goofy at best. The show tries so hard to be dramatic and tense but fails incredibly miserably. It's a shame because I love animal documentaries and especially learning about these fascinating creatures. But it's so boring. I'm frankly flabbergast at how poor the execution was. Only watch if you want something in the background about animals, or maybe to laugh at some of the goofy re-enactments. The shaky camera parts makes me chuckle with an eye-roll every time.
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Crash & Bernstein (2012–2014)
Crash On Top
23 September 2023
The early 2010s seemed to be the peak of Disney XD in my opinion, or at least the end of. Maybe I'm biased. But anyways entering my teens and watching plenty of shows on the channel, it was clear what the best one was: Crash & Bernstein. The idea of Crash lends itself to have more fun than the other shows, and I've always enjoyed the voice acting.

The most impressive part is that I don't have to write this review from the perspective of my twelve-year-old. With Disney+ my younger siblings began watching the same shows I did as a kid, and most of the live action shows aged terribly as my now more matured eyes roll at the content of the shows I loved a decade ago, but those same eyes are fixed on Crash & Bernstein as the humor, though childish still, is fun and goofy.
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Crash Canyon (2011–2013)
One Great Strength, A Plethora of Weaknesses
17 September 2023
Maybe as an Albertan I'm a little biased but I enjoyed this show, while also understanding it's pitfalls.

When it comes to comedy I enjoy outlandish characters, and in Crash Canyon there is a whole host of wild a goofy characters, and it's this shows greatest strengths, in fact I think this show does better than most when it comes or having a good cast of oddities. Every character is uniquely enjoyable, and there's very few shows I can say do that .Unfortunately, that's the show's only strength.

The animation is quite terrible, though I never minded it, but more egregiously no episode and a memorable plot. The setting was rather fun though.

I personally would've like to see more from this show as I value odd characters the most, but I'm not delusional: I understand why it was had a short shelf-life.
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One of the Best Military Experiences
9 September 2023
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter at its time was a bar-setter in triple-A tactical shooters, and in my opinion has stood the test of time in that regard (you can take that as a commentary on modern Ghost Recon games if you'd like, not that they're bad I think they've just lost their way from greatness but still exceptional). Anyways, the game really scratches my itch for realistic military shooters, which can't always be found with the Call of Duty games (they scratch the high-octane itch very well though), as it nails the feeling of being a squad commander.

What's preventing me from giving a score of 10 is that story, gunplay and multiplayer could be stronger, the former two are still quite notable.

If you're gonna play this game, it's gonna be to simulate the experience of being a squad commander in the hectic arena of urban combat, and if you're not put off by it's age, you will be wholly satisfied.
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You've Seen It Before But A Great Ending
9 September 2023
Ben Foster and Chris Pine do well in their roles, but it's not enough to save the movie. Unfortunately this isn't one of Sutherland's better jobs, though I'm not sure it's his fault. There's a lot of useless scenes, and the directing is very questionable. The editing is however terrible (laughable at the part where James Harper was on the roof and then on the ground in a second), with some glaring mistakes as well as some scenes and shots being ended way too early.

The plot is a Frankenstein of a thing. It pulls some exceptional pieces from good works of art together to create an ugly, stitched monster. The plot is so boring and reused that you can sense exactly what the "big twist" is because there had to be something to give this plot the green light. It's very predictable and so lame that it feels more like a corporate attenpt to take advantage of our love of veterans than actually honoring them with moving art.

The script has a lot of middle-school grade lines, with a few quotable liens to remind you this snoozer was brought you by a lot of money.

I also found the action quite basic, with some exceptions. Even annoying at times. Whoever's shooting at our protagonist seems to have terrible aim (except when the plot demands it), with no sense of actual, basic military operations despite the said shooters being ex-military. I'm a "civvie" and can conduct their ops three times better.

But I must say what annoyed me the most: the last 15 minutes were great! Why couldn't the rest of the movie be like that!

You've seen this plot many times before, in movies many times better edited, better choreographed, better scripted and better directed, but to The Contractor's credit, maybe not better acted.
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Instant Dream Home (2022– )
Comes On Too Strong
26 August 2023
It's a good show with a great twist, but there are few things that really bug me. I think the show runners were hoping that Danielle Brooks would bring an overbearing personality that helps the show be unique, but she is too much. She has a great, fun personality and is a very sweet person that I'm not bashing, but I just don't think this was the place. The music choices were bad too. They were too strong and loud, and like Danielle's personality distracts from the house. The show runners also made a push to have heart-warming story, which is nice and all but once again takes over for the actual home improvement parts. Finally this is an odd nit-pick, I found the camera angles during the interviews very odd and weird. Anyways, all in all it's a decent show with a great idea but with so many home improvement shows they want to be unique but in reality they distract from the actual home improvement (you know, the part we're watching for) with the soundtrack, the hostess and the focus on creating a heart-warming story. Like, man I just want to watch a home improvement show!
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Sisu (2022)
19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is really cool, and the guttural main music theme was cool too. The action, though unnecessary excessive at certain points, was great as expected. The idea of having the protagonist, Aatami, only speak at the end was a good choice too. But in many ways the film fell annoying short.

There are many glaring goofs that greatly annoyed me (I'll leave that for the end), but the biggest grievance of is note is the portrayal of the Nazis, and the buildup of Sisu, or lack thereof. While the first chapter of the movie properly hints at Aatami's background, the movie does little to build up his legend until nearly halfway through the film. Meanwhile it's hard to fear or hate the Nazis, or even care that they're there. They don't seem human, and the director takes for granted that it's antagonists being Nazis should be inherently hated by the audience. In reality the director gets lazy, and does the absolute bear minimum to make us to identify the Germans as the antagonists. Again, they are Nazis (SS troops even!) so shouldn't that mean they are automatically the antagonists? Sure, but that doesn't mean the director could do a little more to make us hate the villains more so that Aatami's fight with them becomes more personal and vindicated. The villains also routinely make dumb mistakes, mistakes of that the fearsome and elite SS troops would never make, such as at the river, Wolf's inability to hit a single target with his sniper unless it's another Nazi, sending troops into the minefield instead of letting the dust settle and failing to properly ensure Aatami's death despite being well aware of the threat he poses (later explained at the bottom of the review). I also believe there was a huge missed opportunity with Bruno, the tank commander. I'm not sure if this was because of the actor or the director, but Bruno seems quite controlled of his emotions, or at least detached. This is understandable, as he believes the war is futile. But if he was more vocally emotional, I believe it would have made the final fight between him and Aatami more punctuated (but it was pretty awesome).

Finally I think the movie struggles to properly build towards "the Sisu." We are left to assume that Aatami has reached a point of anger, but is not properly explained until almost halfway through the movie. Having a better buildup at the beginning of the film would have made me and other audience members more invested into Aaatami's vengeance rather than seeing it as a simple Nazi-bash film.

Look, I did enjoy the film. There were lots that I really, really liked. But I personally struggled to look beyond its faults. If you just want action to to see some Nazis killed, this is a great choice. Just don't come for the plot.

The most notable goofs to me: -The German tank is actually a Soviet tank that wasn't first produced until 1948.

-Most of the Germans are wearing additional clothing to brace the harsh winds of the barren territory of Lapland, but Wolf and Bruno seem content wearing less layers than are standard issue. Guess they've been in Lapland or Norway for a while?

-During one scene Aatami used the body of a dead Nazi to protect him from incoming fire as he runs away from the tank. However, the bullets from the MG on top of that tank that hit the human shield were high-caliber and should have easily ripped through the body to hit Aatami.

-The Nazis, despite being established as an SS squad and therefore likely elite, struggle to hit Aatami when he runs in a straight line.

-Despite being an elite execution squad, the Nazis somehow forget that it's important for the victim of the noose stands on a box that is then taken from under him/her so that when he/she falls the neck is broken by the noose.

-For some reason the tank is at or near the rear of the SS convoy, contradictory to the whole point of having a freaking tank in a convoy.

-In the final chapter, the motorcycle finds itself at the back the convoy (despite usually being used for the reconnaissance purposes but whatever, not a huge deal) after being at the front for the whole movie. They also seem to to have lagged way behind from the convoy without explanation despite being the fastest vehicle of the bunch, as if to magically give space to the fight between Wolf and Aatami.

-The truck driven by the previously-bondaged was at the front of the convoy, but at the end of the scene the females arrive at a beaten wolf from the end of the convoy. Did the truck turn around? Probably, but it would have been nice to know.

-The plane in the final scene does not pull in its wheels after liftoff without explanation.
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
The Best Original CBC Sitcom
31 July 2023
You know those sports teams that are actually quite bad but one or two players make it a playoff team? Yeah, that's what Kim's Convenience is like. The vast majority of the jokes are lame and half-assed, cringy versions of things that the Office and Parks & Recreation, and frankly I had absolutely no care for a lot of the characters. That's not a hit at the actors, I thought they were fine. But I always kept coming back for Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as "Appa" and Jean Yoon as "Umma". Those two were awesome. The other characters had no flair or uniqueness to make them memorable. Eventually I stopped watching out of boredom.

The worst sin of this show isn't it's fault so I won't judge it for it, and that is giving CBC a ton of confidence. Now CBC is crapping out terrible sitcoms left and right, and I have to see those cringe advertisements while I'm trying to watch a hockey game. "Run the Burbs?" "Hiccups and Hookups?" Oh my gosh you can tell how bad those are just by the title let alone having to watch ad after ad. Yeah CBC has some shows here and there, I really like Heartland, but CBC just needs to stop please. Sorry I had to get this out and I was not gonna watch those shows just to leave a review. Anyways Kim's Convenience is fine, great background show, but I wish I could always get more of Appa and just Appa.
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"When God Tells You What to Do, You Cannot Hesitate"
23 July 2023
I am quite happy to report that the movie was very well, with good performances, and exceptional ones from Jim Caviezel (Tim Ballard) and Bill Camp (Vampiro), great directing and shots, and really good musical theme. It was very respectful to the source material and the highly sensitive and ugly subject matter. But this is one of those rare movies where none of that is the focus. What makes this movie so powerful is that you can tell that everyone involved in this movie regardless of their various backgrounds and political opinion have a powerful belief in the message of the movie. This faith bleeds into the quality of the movie, making each scene believable and powerful, weaving a truly inspiring piece of art that sends each ticket holder home with a desire to spread the surrounding message: "God's children are not for sale."
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Blood & Gold (2023)
Inconsistent Quality Fun
8 July 2023
The main draw for the film is its unique plot: hunting for gold in Nazi Germany before the Americans arrive. But like much of the movie, I feel conflicted. Whenever the movie does something right, there's always something weird of odd. Despite the unique nature of the plot, it takes its stylings from other movies and thus feels less unique despite being rather original.

Then there's the action, it has some really good moments at times, but at others it's quite bad where characters regularly switch between being able to shoot amazingly or terribly.

Finally, there's the music: the western twang soundtrack is nothing short of incredible, but it's weird because this isn't by any means a western movie: it's a German movie about Germans in Germany.

As for some side notes both good and bad, there's a scene where Elsa loses Paule (I won't expand on it to avoid spoiling) and that makes no sense because Elsa makes an unbelievably dumb mistake, there were also some firearm mistakes, and finally Alexander Scheer as Von Starnfeld was very well done, particularly the whole scene with Elsa.
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True Art of Great Value
5 July 2023
With great action and acting, most notably from Gregory Peck in the lead role, Lewis Milestone beautifully illustrates one of my favorite topics, one that is incredibly complex, intriguing, and often with no good answer. Throughout the move Milestone the duality of war: showings it's glory and heroism as well as it's tragedy and futilely; constantly begging the question, is it worth it?

While the hill in the movie may have not been worth it (depends on how you see it), the movie is. I've already mentioned the great art and acting, but I was also impressed by the scale and action of the movie (of course I'm cutting it some slack for its age), but it also has a great story with great lines.

On a side note I also enjoy that it takes place during the Korean War: there's very few movies of note that take place during that time.
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Extraction II (2023)
A Return to Form for the Shoot-'Em Up Genre
24 June 2023
While we've certainly had incredible shoot-'em up action movies in the last twenty years like John Wick, I've still questioned when will we get the next Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone? When will we get the next big, muscular action hero? The answer has arrived in Chris Hemsworth. I loved Hemsworth in Thor, and thought he was great jn the first Extraction movie, but he was incredible here. He delivered all of his lines very well.

Like the first movie, Extraction 2 delivers best-in-class action that's as wild as an '80s movie yet quite believable (mostly). Part of that was not only having protagonists getting shot, but then reacting and getting slower as a result. Again, like those great classic action movies this one brought exceptional one-liners (not as great as others but still pretty good ones). However one thing that griped about from the first movie is they didn't spend enough time developing the characters, but Extraction 2 did, making the emotional scenes far more impactful.

All in all this is a great movie that reminds me of the fun of those classic '80s movies while taking advantage of modern technologies and techniques. Most impressively it doesn't make the same mistakes those movies made: it has a very unique setting, it found a way to bring the character back into action, and the action wasn't just senseless, it was very well thought through and planned. In fact, this movie did something a lot of movies across a lot of genres don't do: be better than the original.

Even if you don't agree with me about the artistic mastery in the movie, you will still enjoy the incredible action. This movie really restored my confidence in Hollywood to the maximum (probably temporarily)!
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Extraction (2020)
So Close Yet So Far from a Perfect
23 June 2023
The action is a ten out of ten easily. Both Chris Hemsworth and Randeep Hooda were very good at being serious, action-orientated characters. Harbor was also enjoyable, as usual. However what keeps me from giving this a 9 or a 10 is they didn't spend a lot of time on the plot. The plot isn't entirely original but has enough unique aspects to be its own. But Hargave, the director, focused more on the action than the plot; this wasn't a bad choice at all as it kept the pace very high and again, the action was incredible; but I can't help but think the ending would have been a 10/10 if the relationship between Tyler and Ovi was more fleshed out.

All in all the most enjoyable parts were the action and the shots, lots of great sequences. Maybe a bit too much plot armor for the main protagonist at the end but was pretty believable otherwise.
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Mailed-In Garbage
19 June 2023
Somehow it was difficult to finish a four minute Simpsons-Star Wars crossover short, but that's exactly the case here. I got near the end but didn't bother much more because there was such an over-abundance of plot armor (even for a Simpsons parody) with too few quality jokes to keep me. While I cracked a small smile at a few of the jokes, the plot was lame. I usually give the benefit of the doubt for four-minute parodies, but this was so over the place it tried to do so much in so little. I'm really not asking for much from a four minute parody, I'm aware it's not supposed to be some majestic tear-jerker, but it felt so lazy and half-done. They got one line from Chief Wiggum and it felt like worse quality than the when he first appeared thirty years ago, and they couldn't even get some of those classic grunts or "d'oh"'s from Castellaneta. Don't they know the funniest part of Homer's physical comedy is Castellaneta? I guess not. I suppose it takes a special kind of talent to make someone spend more time reviewing garbage than they did to watch it...
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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
So I'm a Car Fan Now
10 June 2023
As a boy I had a car phase like almost any other boy, but unlike my dinosaur phase J grew out of that car phase. I had known very little about cars, but my cousins showed me this triumvirate of trouble: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. These are super funny, and their chemistry is unquestionably top in the business. If the three broke up, it'd be more shattering to me than the Pitt-Jolie divorce was to The People magazine subscribers. Heck, I even know a thing or two (but not much more) about cars. There is not a single bad episode and I was laughed a lot a learned a new dar fact. While the show is mostly comedy and cars, the adventures they have often act as a great traveling show and can even blindside you with some rare somber moments. I have never regretting watching these three, and I never will.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Incredible Tension
10 June 2023
I was fully prepared for a lame movie and I only watched it because I was a big fan of crocs, and I was okay with that. I can't remember what magic I had to use to get my mom to watch it with me, she's not so quickly interested in big, toothy creatures. But as the movie picked up pace my Mom and I realized this was no lazy creature-feature, this was actually exceptional. The weak spot I'll get out of the way and that's story. It's not bad at all but heart strings aren't really gonna be pulled. The big strength is in the special effects and the extreme tension; it was the latter of which I remember the most besides this one scene where two crocs both leap out of the water and... well I guess that's spoiler territory. Anyways if you have any appreciation for creature features and/or really intense situations, you'll like this.
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