
179 Reviews
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
16 January 2024
Honestly, after watching this film, I am going to have to say that this film definitely has the right to be in the top ten greatest films of all time according to this app. Hopefully one day, I will see this film have a 9.0 star rating, but I can say that this is a pretty high rated film for how many votes it has. What is cool about this film is that this whole thing is placed in between two days. At moments, this can be a pretty funny film as well. All I am saying is that I need to answer this question: "Is this a must-watch?". The answer is sure, this can be a must-watch. Amazing movie, and I really loved the vibes to the real world in this.
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Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
29 December 2023
As of right now, my favorite episode of this amazing series. As of right now, I believe this is my favorite episode of this amazing show. I also believe that thos is my favorite television series as of right now. The plot twists, the cinematography, the pacing, the storyline, the plot, and the acting were all absolutely amazing. I am so glad that everyone in this episode had their happy ending in this episode. This is just an amazing series to watch, and it only takes like 15 hours to just finish the whole thing. I loved the dynamics in this episode as well, such as Sherlock and Irene. Amazing episode of television!
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Fleabag: Episode #1.4 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 4
27 December 2023
What an incredible performance by Hugh Dennis. Probably one of the greatest I have ever seen to be honest, if not THE greatest. It was such a relatable performance, and it almost makes me want to put something similar into my TV show that I want to make in the future. Anyways, I actually do consider this episode to be the best out of the ones I have watched as of right now. The storyline was just very very interesting, and it was very realistic in every second of the episode. This episode definitely felt more like drama than comedy most of the time, but that doesn't mean it was bad. This episode was definitely a special one.
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Casablanca (1942)
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To get it out of the way, I couldn't choose between whether this film was a 9.75 or 10. This is due to the ending not being what I wanted, but I am giving it a 10 because overall, the ending definitely was amazing. Either way, I am not going to argue with people who consider this a masterpiece or as their favorite film, because this film definitely is a masterpiece. Though I do wish Rick and Ilsa had their happy ending with each other, this does remind me that one of the most important things about loves is that the woman is as safe as possible in any situation or circumstance. I have to probably place this in my top 5 favorite films of all time, along with Singin in the Rain, City Lights, It's a Wonderful Life, and Titanic.
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Fleabag: Episode #1.3 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
27 December 2023
Honestly, I prefer this episode over the other two that I have recently consumed. The acting in this episode was very hilarious, and I think this should've at least deserved the Outstanding Comedy Series award for the first season. I am raing this an 8/10 series as of right now. Honestly, I find this to be a pretty underrated television series, but it is cool to see that it did rank as #5 on the top 100 greatest television series of all time on RollingStone, it ranks at #4 on the top 50 list on Serialized, and it ranks #90 something on this app/website. I think more people should watch this comedy series, because this is a hilarious series.
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Fleabag: Episode #1.2 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
27 December 2023
If I really had to be honest, I prefer episode one over this recent episode as of right now. I am about to go onto the lowest rated episode of the series, so if you had also watched this episode, I should wish you a good luck. After it, I start going onto the 8 or aboves rated episodes. So far, I am rating this series a 7.86 or 7.87 star rated series. I really think that this series is a little too much about sexual activity, but it is funny because Fleabag does this in third person and she is very honest about things. It is like she has been on earth long enough to know how men do things in life. Good series so far.
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Fleabag: Episode #1.1 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
27 December 2023
Honestly, I don't find this to be my favorite start to the series, but I also don't find this the worst neither. Something I find interesting about this series so far is that it is mostly just about romance and sexual activity. I also noticed that Fleabag's name was never mentioned throughout the episode, and I like how Fleabag's character is one of the most honest characters in all of fiction. As of right now, I think I am going to be able to binge watch this whole entire television series, even though I have to make reviews everytime I finish an episode. As of right now, I don't love it, but I do like this series.
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27 December 2023
This was an absolute spectacular of a masterpiece of a film. The music was awesome in this film, and the way that they ended it was absolutely, without a doubt, perfection. I can probably vote that my favorite types of storylines are love stories now, and this will be because every love story I have ever witnessed had some beautiful storytelling and astonishing character development. This would mean that Don and Kathy's dynamic in this film was definitely one of the greatest in any film ever, and that is an absolute fact. As of right now, I will have to put this in my top 10, if not 5, favorite films of all time. Good job to Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen!
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Sherlock: The Great Game (2010)
Season 1, Episode 3
23 December 2023
This was a magnificent episode of television. When I have witnessed this season, this had felt like a part one out of two storyline. I am now going onto the second season, which is literally the highest rated season of the show, with a 9.1 star rating, which also has the two highest rated episodes of the series. I am most interested in the third episode of the second season, because it has 40k reviews and is still a 9.6 star rating episode. Anyways, my ranking of the episodes are 3>1>2, which all of them are ranked pretty high for me personally. I love Sherlock's character as of now, and his dynamic between John. I can't wait for more.
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Sherlock: The Blind Banker (2010)
Season 1, Episode 2
22 December 2023
I don't believe that this episode should be this lowly rated. I believe this should at least be an 8.2. It was kind of the same last time, which is with beautiful cinematography and amazing transitions. I love how the show made this episode like a part one of two. I believe in the next episode, some of this storyline would start to come to an end. As of right now, this series is definitely worth to binge-watch. It does place as #1 of best BBC series on Ranker, and places at #5 of best binge-worthy series. I am going to have to rate this series a 9/10 as of right now, this is based on average rating. I am loving this series so far.
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Sherlock: A Study in Pink (2010)
Season 1, Episode 1
22 December 2023
This was definitely one of the greatest pilots I have ever witnessed. As of right now, this television series does have some potential to be one of my absolute favorites. I heard that it was really good, so I decided to start giving it a try. I do have to say that Sherlock is one of the smartest characters in fiction that I have ever ran into. The transitions and the cinematography were absolutely beautiful as well, we can't forget about the dialogue. My thoughts about this show as of right now, this is a very interesting adaptation of the character Sherlock Holmes. It is interesting because the character is meant to be placed in the 1800's, but this was placed in present day. No need to worry, though. This was amazing.
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20 December 2023
This was such an amazing movie. It had a great idea about how imaginary things can be better than the whole seriousness in this world. This is such a fun movie of course. Besides that, I would like to say that this movie had a really amazing dynamic between Jess and Leslie, a really great one. The difference between at the beginning of the movie where Jess didn't even know the movie and at the end of the movie was magnificent in terms of difference. Though at times, this movie did feel slowly paced, this film is such a life changer most of the time. This is definitely one of the most underrated you will ever see. Never forget, just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.
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9.25/10, Amazing Film
10 December 2023
There were flaws to this film at times. It was mostly during the middle of the film, but most of the time, such as the beginning and last thirty minutes of the film, were some of the greatest things you will ever experience. This film isn't a masterpiece or whatever, and I will tell you why: just a couple pacing issues and confusing dialogue moments, but overall, this film had some great storytelling, characters, acting, and alot more. This film definitely deserved the three oscars that it received when this film came out in 2010. I am pretty sure that this is at least in the top 5 of smartest films of all time.
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City Lights (1931)
10/10, Perfect
7 December 2023
I consider this film to be a must-watch. This film definitely has a happy ending, and that is just another reason why I love it. I feel like this should be remade, but not really at the same time. I love The tramp and the blind girl's dynamic, and I think it is cool to see that they made this movie without using any names inside it. This movie had some great development as well. The tramp was just a normal guy at first, but then, he suddenly started to try to protect her by finding money. This movie can show how much a man may love a girl, because he didn't care if he was the W word which is something I can't mention. I think they are one of my favorite relationships in fiction. Aside from the romance, we should also discuss the comedy in simple words: "Some of the funniest moments you eill ever see in comedy.". Anyways, this film actually got me into wanted to watch more high rated old films from the 30's, 40's, and 50's. In conclusion, definitely go watch this film when you have the chance.
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Attack on Titan: Old Story (2018)
Season 3, Episode 3
9.5/10, Amazing
21 November 2023
I stopped watching Attack On Titan for a while again, but I realized that I want to keep watching to see some more amazing moments. I don't want to stop watching just because I am on an arc that is considered to be the worst in the entire show. After this one, I will be getting onto three arcs which are considered the top 3. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Levi, Erwin, and Historia. My favorite things about this episode were the protagonists, the antagonists, and the ending. So much information has been given put these last three episodes, so I am expecting something big in the last few ones of this arc.
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Attack on Titan: Pain (2018)
Season 3, Episode 2
9.85/10, Near Perfect
6 November 2023
In this episode, you see some of the greatest action you will ever see in anime. This was such an amazing episode of all of television. My favorite things about this episode were the action, the storyline, and the Antagonists. My favorite characters in this episode were Levi, Eren, and Kenny, I think his name is. I decided to keep watching just because Attack On Titan ended last night from where I am. I wish I could've watched with everyone when it premiered, but oh well, it is what it is. This episode also has to grest backstory into it, and the episode literally tricked us with a part. Such a good episode.
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Attack on Titan: Smoke Signal (2018)
Season 3, Episode 1
9.3/10, Amazing
21 October 2023
I decided to start the third season so that I can get to the second part of this season, which has Hero and Perfect Game. I think that this is definitely one of my least favorite Attack On Titan Episodes, but overall, this was still a great episode in general. I want to see if each season really is better than the last for my personally, so I decided to start this bad boy up. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Levi, Mikasa, and Eren. My favorite things about this episode were the ending, the action, and the antagonists. I can't wait to see the next episode because of the ending.
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10/10, Perfect Christmas Film
16 October 2023
This has to be one of the Christmas films that are just very perfect. For me, it fights against It's a Wonderful Life of what is the better Christmas movie. Let me explain. This is another movie that it kind of mind controls you. At first, I was like, "How did the parents enter the room not thinking about how the presents got there", but it kind of makes sense in the third and fourth act. Next, this movie really does show how some commercials can just be a bad representative of how something can turn out when you actually get it. Santa in commercials looks fat and older, but in this movie, he is alot different. The last and probably most important thing to mention of what it this movie shows it how Santa actually is a good helper. Santa in this movie was able to help Kate and Teddy become very nice and kind to each other. The visuals and CGI in this film was probably better than any movie I have seen in phase 4 of the MCU. The ending was great as well. It was all kind of like a loop in a way. Overall, this should be in the debate of the best Christmas film, and definitely has the perfect representation of who Santa Claus really is.
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9.5/10, Near-Perfect
15 October 2023
This has to be the third time I watched this amazing snd fantastic movie/film. To get it over with, let me go over the flaws real quick. The only flaws I could really find were just some pacing issues and corny/cringy moments. Overall, the was close to being a masterpiece. The themes about friendship and guilt in this film were potrayed perfectly. Shoya is definitely one of my favorite starring characters easily. This movie will make you happy, it will make you laugh, and it will make you cry at individual moments in the movie. Also, the animation in this movie was just amazing, and we obviously cannot forget about the foreshadowing. Overall, amazing movie. You should definitely check this one out if you are looking for a good romance movie.
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Flipped (I) (2010)
10/10, Perfection
15 October 2023
Let's be honest. Calling something a 10/10, masterpiece, or perfect is a very high statement to say. Alot of people can hate on this, but I am not one of them. I feel like this movie should at least be in the top 250 on this app/website. The themes of guilt in this film were potrayed perfectly, and the storyline was very consistent, even with two character POV's. The backstories in this movie was great as well, and we cannot forget about the ending. I loved almost every single character in this movie, and there are some parts in this movie that teach me to do things I wouldn't usually do in life. This movie taught me to be better and to not make the same mistake twice.
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Attack on Titan: Scream (2017)
Season 2, Episode 12
10/10, Perfect
15 October 2023
This episode fights to be my favorite episode in the series against Warrior. This episode was just another amazing, if not perfect, conclusion to an epic season of television. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Eren, Mikasa, and Ymir. My favorite things about this episode were the storyline, the action, and the protagonists. Overall, this was just another 10/10 season, and the average episode ratings for me were a 9.95/10. Now that it has been long enough, it is time to finally admit it. Attack On Titan replaces Mr. Robot as my favorite show of all time. So far, this show is just far too good.
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Attack on Titan: Charge (2017)
Season 2, Episode 11
10/10, Perfect
11 October 2023
So far, this is my favorite episode of the entire series, and yes, I think it is better than Warrior/ep6. So much Dynamics were covered in this episode. From Ymir and Historia to Eren and Mikasa, we were able to see how good of a dynamic they all are. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Eren, Mikasa, and Historia. My favorite things about this episode were the storyline, the protagonists, and the antagonists. Don't get me wrong, Warrior is a perfect episode, but this was just on another level. I was surprised at the ending, so that Eren could do something he wanted to do for a long time.
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Attack on Titan: Opening (2017)
Season 2, Episode 9
9.9/10, Near Perfect
9 October 2023
This was definitely my least favorite episode of this epic season so far, but this episode was still just near-perfect. For right now, I am expecting that the finale of the season will be my favorite episode of all time. Why? Because the finale of the first season was it already. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Eren, Reiner, and Ymir, and my favorite things about this episode were the storyline, the dialogue, and the pacing. I really think that this could be it. I will never see a show better than Attack On Titan ever again. Not even Mr. Robot, my original favorite, is better than this masterpiece show.
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Attack on Titan: The Hunters (2017)
Season 2, Episode 8
9.9/10, Near-Perfect
9 October 2023
Even though this was a 8.4 on IMDb, I personally feel like this was a near-perfect episode. This was kinda of like the "Long, Long Time" episode of The Last of Us of Attack On Titan. This episode really shows how Eren, Mikasa, and Armin have been together since the beginning, since the very first episode I mean. This was just emotional. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were obviously Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. My favorite things about this episode were the storyline, the dialogue, and the acting. This is one of those episodes that is just way too underrated for it's rating on this app.
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Attack on Titan: Close Combat (2017)
Season 2, Episode 7
10/10, Perfect
9 October 2023
So far, this was my favorite three episode trilogy of all time. Historia, Warrior, and Close Combat were just a perfect trilogy with all three of them being 10/10 episodes. This one was probably the worst out of them in my opinion, but it doesn't change the fact that this is just an amazing and pure perfect episode of television. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Eren, Mikasa, and Reiner. My favorite things about this episode were the action, the antagonists, and the protagonists. I calculated the average rating of the episodes in both season 1 and 2. Season 1's average for me was a 9.85/10, and this season was a 9.95/10 so far. It has potential to be the first ever 10/10 season based on average rating for the episodes.
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