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Enjoyable watch for me at my age....
18 February 2024
Not sure if my age and a fondness for Hallmark movies has anything to do with my enjoyment factor of this series, but I binge watched it and, apart from the acting and character of Jackie, really enjoyed it.

I've always loved the Mom since her excellent role in Suits. I've felt sorry for her acting ability and "star" quality being completely overlooked by H&M's PR & Netflix trying to pretend dreadful "5th on the call sheet" weak actress, Meghan Markle, was the "star" of the series.

She shines in this as the compassionate, busy Mother who prides herself on being good Mother but realizes, after a while, that she and her husband are actually neglecting their kids by not keeping up with what's going on with them all. They have their own problems that they are focusing on too much. Especially the father.

Aside from casting a dreadful actress as Jackie and the character's obnoxious, bratty behavior getting worse and worse as the series wore on, I couldn't get passed the fact their refrigerator was far too small for the family of that size!! Where were their additional ice chests or entire addition fridges? It must have been like Dr Who's Tardis with a never ending space inside to house all the food required to feed them all.

Having said all this, I thoroughly enjoyed the series. I could identify with a 15yr old girl from an all girl's private school suddenly being surrounded by a bunch of cute guys and I would have definitely had a crush on both Alex and Cole. Perhaps this is because it was back in the 60s and 70s. But the show had a period feel about it and I'd be curious when the book was written.

I felt that I was watching a modern version of THE WALTONS .. and enjoyed that.

I did find the ending ridiculously and unsatisfactorily abrupt. Again, I wonder if the book ended that way but even if so, the director and editor could have fleshed it out more. It didn't work for me. Just having the camera linger on her expression (not that she ever had any) and the reaction back at the ranch would have made a whole difference. Talk about rushed and abrupt.. it would have been annoying even had there been a following episode to watch right away. That's not a cliff hanger ... that's just rude.

I recognize some issues having read these reviews after watching the series but I still really enjoyed it and may even watch a second season if there is one. Although I doubt it since it's based on a book.
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One Day (2024)
Agonizingly long .....
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This one is hard for me to rate because it was entertaining yet disappointing and lacking in so many ways . I haven't read the book nor seen the movie so I watched with fresh eyes and found it to be too long, superficial and overindulgent.

I agree with the reviewers who felt there was no chemistry between the two leads but not because she wasn't beautiful. As mentioned elsewhere, Barbara Streisand wasn't your classic beauty in "The Way We Were" (which was so much better) and Robert Redford was even more attractive than Dexter. There are many surprising matches in real life and usually they are the longest lasting.... Paul Newman and Joanna Woodward as a perfect example... but here it seemed improbable due more to the actress' poor acting, her character and the lack of on screen chemistry between the two of them.

The "will they won't they" wore thin for me after about 5 episodes and the lack of confidence exhibited by both characters became boring and annoying.

She was always snippy and sarcastic around him and constantly berated him. She only had a limited range of emotions and expressions and generally just looked glum and discontented. He swooned around with a constantly nervous, puppy dog expression that became extremely boring and unattractive as time passed.

They never aged. No attempt was made to age either of them visibly and they certainly didn't mature. She had different hairstyles and clothing choices so they were slightly more successful with her but they only added a touch of facial hair towards the very end for him.

Perhaps it was deliberate in order to show they hadn't changed or matured and were stuck in their same insecure bubble, unwilling to risk being hurt and/or losing eachother.

The series was attempting to show the passage of time as crucial to the whole story so it was important to get the period right. This didn't happen. The excitement over his "live" TV show and the introduction of the mobile phone were my only reminders of the era. The clocking calendar graphic was the only real indication of the passage of time and others aged more visibly successfully than they did.

At first I found the technique interesting and looked forward to seeing who they were with and what was the latest development in their lives but eventually I began to wish it was just over and done with. Not another year of the same ... Aghrrr. I would have been content for the series to have ended when they argued in the street after their disastrous dinner date. His drinking and drugging was fairly well acted by him but it just dragged on too much and we never saw other friends around him either leading him astray or trying to help him. So she became his only stabilizing force and that got old quickly.

Neither character was well developed and it was always just more of the same.

We've all known people who lose by pushing their loved ones away through immaturity, fear of being hurt, through insecurities, through feelings of superiority but if their love for eachother was as strong as we are led to believe we'd have seen more evidence of it and the underlying sexual tension should have been visible every time they met or talked to eachother. It just wasn't there. I know from experience that sexual tension fades over time but you barely see it at all with this couple from the start.

She simply wasn't a likable character and it saddened me that he couldn't survive without leaning on her because he really wanted and needed to be her partner all along.. or when it suited him? We are led to believe that with her he could have been happy all along instead of trying to live a lie of a life and make the best of it so I couldn't understand why he didn't act sooner and insist she listen to him and her own heart. The fact he was a snob, an overindulgent drunk and extremely shallow were not attractive attributes so it became harder to understand why either of them were still friends let alone still deeply in love.

The best scene for me was the awkward get-together to "celebrate" the second year of her passing and to stop him from being destructive again. Everyone's uncomfortableness being in a room together summed up how I was feeling by then. Everything seemed just so superficial by that point I really wasn't invested in any of them.

The cleverness of him reminiscing over all their early encounters and ending with him kissing her passionately after he thought he'd "lost her" in the beginning of the show, left me confused. Either he wished it had happened that way and he'd just been too shy to do it at the time or he misremembered that it had actually happened that way because that's how he had really felt. I was surprised he'd even stayed after she'd treated him so badly that first night and then announced it was just drunken sex and they'd just be friends after climbing King Arthur's seat. I could only think he'd never been rejected by any girl so it kept him interested and "safe" but if he'd fallen so hard so quickly for such a judgmental, unhappy inverted snob, then he was simply a masochist and I felt like a bit of a masochist having watched the entire show.
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A Scottish Love Scheme (2024 TV Movie)
21 January 2024
I am Scottish and enjoy Hallmark TV movies so I had high hopes for this one but was sorely disappointed. The title was strange and didn't invoke a sense of romance in spite of it referring to the scheming Mums. The story was simplistic and very bland. The casting was poor. I felt there was no chemistry between the leads. Even the cute young son was rather amateurish. The two mothers definitely saved the day.

The saving grace was the location and I'm sure foreigners enjoyed the Scottish accents and cultural traditions they may never have been exposed to before.

I usually enjoy the lead actress in every movie I've seen but I got the feeling she was uncomfortable on this set and either wasn't enjoying her character or the script.

It was poorly directed and edited although well shot. It seemed extremely choppy to me and i couldn't get "into it" for all these reasons.

I realize this is a very person critique but valid non the less.
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Small Town Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling...
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the third time I've watched this movie and it never disappoints. It is so well cast and Kristoffer Polaha is delightful in every role. He is so natural, extremely good looking and sexy and exudes warmth and kindness on screen.

Ashley Newbrough is perfect as Nell, the successful novelist whose last stop on her national book tour is Springdale... the small town that inspired her latest novel. She's reluctant because it's still the home of her old New York junior copy editor colleague for whom she had a big crush but he broke her heart when he suddenly disappeared on the eve of their first date many years earlier.

He had inspired her novel with all his wonderful stories of Springdale when they worked together but she was deeply hurt when he left her waiting for him in a restaurant for two hours, quit his job, left without a word and never responded to any of her texts.

In typical Hallmark fashion, misunderstandings occur when she first arrives. She gave a stranded guy a lift to the town and when Emmett first meets her, he assumes he is her boyfriend. Later, she meets Marnie (Bailey Skodje) and assumes she's his daughter.

Nervous about seeing Emmett again, she warms to her new friend Brad ( Preston Vanderslice) and enjoys his upbeat energy and help. This complicates things even more.

They both assume the other didn't feel the same way about each other because he never responded to her texts and she had never responded to an explanatory letter he had sent to her a few months later.

There is great chemistry between them, both in the story and on screen, and as they spend time with each other, their old feelings are ignited and grow.

The movie invokes the essence of a small town at Christmas without being cheesy and the supporting cast are all more natural and interesting than many of their Hallmark counterparts.

My only complaint with the script is when Nell immediately assumes that Emmett is betraying his convictions and selling his bookshop for the money. Like many years earlier, she jumps to the wrong conclusion and doesn't wait to hear his explanation. It's classic Hallmark but out of place here because she packs to leave immediately without a thought to the effect it will have on Marnie and the rest of the townspeople she has bonded with. It doesn't fit here. Then, when the misunderstanding regarding the letter is resolved, they finally kiss and all their old feelings rush back.

Her publisher and her whole family conveniently come down with the flu so her invite to spend Christmas with them is withdrawn, opening up the opportunity to spend Christmas with Emmett and Marnie and alls well that ends well.

It's a very enjoyable movie set at Christmastime and about small town Springdale's Christmas traditions but it is much more about the townspeople and their interconnected lives. Unlike so many other Hallmark Christmas movies, they don't overdo the Christmas message and, without unrealistically decorated surroundings, it could almost be set at any time.

.... And if you are a Kristoffer Polaha and Ashley Newbrough fan this is a must see.
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Christmas Tree Lane (2020 TV Movie)
Boring ...
30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I imagined Andrew Walker could save any Hallmark movie but, thankfully, he is usually cast in their bigger budget, better-written films with an excellent leading actress. The leads also usually have great chemistry. None of this was the case here and I was proven wrong.

Alicia Watt has never been a favorite of mine and I had no idea she is apparently a good 'singer and musician'. From her singing and piano playing in this one I'm not convinced. At first, when she twittered something for Andrew in the house, I found it embarrassing that he had to compliment her.

Her performance at the concert was so quiet and nervous it was underwhelming. I could tell it was her singing because of her distinctively whiny voice so I thought it was an actress being encouraged to try singing herself ... and failing miserably. I couldn't even listen to the lyrics because I was embarrassed for her. She apparently wrote the story upon which this movie was based so she obviously wrote in her opportunity to perform a song she'd also written. Shame the story was pedestrian and a copy of so many others.

At least she took lessons to lose her irritating laugh a number of years ago and that has been an improvement. But it has also dampened her upbeat energy. She was really flat and her range of expression limited here. Mostly frowning rather than bright happy smiles. Except for her laugh I have enjoyed her in a few rom/coms in the past so I think she's better at comedy.

She was playing a selfish, unlikeable character but did not seem to be aware. Andrew was just there as a prop to move the romance along and she treated him terribly. He was seen chatting with an old girlfriend and she sulked and pushed him away. He was spending all of his time with her to fight for her cause and she had the nerve to treat him like that. She was also so rude to him when she up and left the park because he hadn't told her immediately that his father wasn't going to budge. He had even tried but they were interrupted. After everything he had done for her and the risk he was taking going up against his father ... she immediately stomped off in a huff, claiming she had to think about how she felt. So ungrateful and nasty. But some women treat men like that and they, in turn, seem to enjoy apologizing and feeling less than worthy. Then they seem to worship them more.

The concert was embarrassingly like a high school show and they could have cast a girl with a fantastic voice instead of the student who sang. I doubt half the town showed up for that concert and from the sparse group of background actors I suspect they didn't want to pay much for a healthy sized crowd.

I didn't mind that there wasn't tension and conflict between Andrew and his father. It's so predictable and it was nice to see his father still held some fondness for Christmas Lane when reminded. Highly unlikely though.

The store interior sets were small but beautifully decorated but her music store was most unappealing. I can't imagine anyone visiting except for music lessons.

This was a tolerable movie but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it.
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Better than a 5..
20 November 2023
I don't normally begin a review before I've finished the whole series or movie but at the end of episode one, I decided to read the reviews to get an idea about the rest of the episodes .. and whether or not I wanted to invest any more time in it.

I, too, was lured by Douglas Henshaw on the cover picture. I should have known better. Looking at the Netflix cover picture for SUITS with '# 5 on the call sheet', Meghan Markle, in it along with the two leads ought to have tipped me off.

The first episode set up an interesting, although recurring, premise. The lead was neither a good actress nor a believable action figure but I take umbrage at the comments from the prejudiced reviewer who felt the need to call her 'white'. Technically she is since she is Swedish with Kurdish heritage but she's a role model and very involved in the inclusion and diversity movement within the entertainment industry. They also felt the need to discuss her looks rather than her acting.

She was not a likable character and her daughter was a psycho brat. I would have liked Harper to have received some counseling after the trauma in the supermarket and the vicious attack on the neighbor's son . From that, and her artwork, she has, obviously, needed it well before the attack.

I am so fed up with shows depicting serious violence which ends with the bad guy being killed and the good not being injured in the slightest or both getting up and walking away. This limited series was a prime example.

There was also no police presence at the crime scene following the incident in the supermarket and surely there were other witnesses to be interviewed in the store too. Perhaps this doesn't happen in Barcelona? Nothing else seems to reflect real life in this story.

When finally interviewed, the police inspector brings up the fact that her reference for her substitute teaching position cannot be verified. But it goes no further when she shrugs it off as not her fault.

You really have to suspend disbelief with this one but I'm going to give it a chance and watch episode two. Let's hope Erin finally smiles or has any facial expressions other than her dour, hang-dog one. Reading about her acting and her charismatic personality on screen I think they must have muddled her up with a different actress.
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State of Play (2009)
Enjoyable but suffered from all the changes...and plot holes.
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So many reviewers have more than adequately described the story and it's characters so I am not going to repeat it all. However, my review is full of spoilers.

Somehow, I realized immediately that it was going to be an 'old-fashioned style' journalism/political thriller a la 'All The President's Men" and that really excited me but the plot holes and some dubious directorial decisions almost put me off watching.

The movie had no soul and there was no chemistry between any of them. All the characters were kinda boring but there was still enough action and intrigue to overlook the lack of character development. However, the fact that a police investigation was completely non-existent and Cal McAffrey (Russell Crowe) proceeded to solve everything single-handedly and up against the clock, began to irritate me. I appreciate this is the nature of this genre (it's all about the journalist's relentless investigation and pursuit of the truth) but the lack of police involvement seemed more obvious and implausible here.

The opening scene was a winner in my book. Great chase sequence through the nighttime city streets with a guy fleeing from something or someone, pushing people out of his way, stampeding through stores, being 'hit' by a car and realistically colliding with a cyclist ... before finally meeting his maker. The cold-blooded shooting of the pizza delivery guy, who accidentally witnessed the murder, set the stage for a great action packed, compelling thriller. But sadly that was the best we got. There was a 'drabness' to the overall feel and there ought to have been excitement, intrigue and tension but there wasn't.

Things just didn't seem quite right.

It was obvious that someone was following Sonia Baker and was getting ready to push her off the platform but I couldn't get passed the fact that they had left it too late. It looked like the train had already pulled up along side her...even if it hadn't. The platform had been crowded so it was hard to believe no one saw anything. Also it was convenient she chose to wait in one of the CCTV's three blind spots. Then, suddenly, the newspapers and media announced, without question, that it was suicide.

In the hospital, Officer Brown was placed on guard duty outside the witness's hospital door but obviously didn't take his job very seriously. It was a stretch that Della Frye (Rachel McAdams) could just stroll right into his room and that the killer she'd collided with at the elevator managed to make his way all the way to an adjoining high rise... in the same few minutes she walked to the room... to shoot the witness dead.

It was very hard to envisage Cal and Anne Collins (Robin Wright) ever having had an affair and sometimes it seemed it was still on-going but then they'd immediately argue so I found their relationship inconsistent and confusing. I was surprised she even sat down in his shoddy, messy flat.

The fact that she and her husband Stephen (Ben Affleck) could come and go at will without a single paparazzi following them during this huge unfolding scandal made no sense. She was having clandestine meetings with a man (Cal) in public or at his flat with no paparazzi to capture it? When Stephen was summoned to the motel to hear Dominic's intel, not a paparazzi in sight.

Stephen came to stay with Cal because he had "nowhere else to go". Highly unlikely since Cal had said they hadn't seen each other in ages and he had been having an affair with wife. One minute they would be stressing how close their friendship was and how could they betray each other but, in another, it was as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

I stuck with it to the end because I do enjoy this genre and it was entertaining but it definitely lacked luster. The plot twist at the end couldn't save it and actually felt rushed and confusing. Did Stephen really love Sonia and were his tears at the briefing genuine? (That seemed a bit overdone anyway and led to the speculation about their relationship). Why didn't Stephen go immediately to the police if he suspected his old buddy had killed her? Did he really ask him to do so? Did he know she was pregnant ? Would the hired gun have missed shooting Cal? (I doubt it). Was Robert Bigham deliberately encouraging a 'suicide by police'? The opening of the movie was great but the ending was dreadful.

I think all the rewrites, the last minute actor substitutions, and the studio demands negatively impacted the film. To lose your lead actor (Brad Pitt) a week before filming is scheduled to begin specifically because of script changes and interpretation does not bode well. Then to lose your other lead actor (Ed Norton) because of a conflict due to the delay has to have affected the whole dynamic. It makes sense why the chemistry just wasn't there. It's too short a prep for the new actors to fully embrace their roles and their relationships. Very hard on the costume, make-up and hair departments with so little time to redesign the look of the two new lead actors. Apparently, Crowe was in make-up/hair for three hours every day primarily while the hair stylist (very successfully) disguised his long hair he'd grown for Robin Hood. Personally, I would have just given him a wig. At least he had more time to learn his lines.

Affleck was his usual dour, wooden self but it almost worked in this role. I can't help wondering what Ed Norton would have brought to it. Brad Pitt would have been interesting as Cal McAffrey. Perhaps reminiscent of Robert Redford in "Three Days of the Condor"? The affair between Anne and Cal would certainly have been more believable. I don't think those two would have had any better chemistry but they would have been closer in age to have shared a room in college. I think Russell Crowe was well cast and brought a realism to the role in spite of being such a last minute hire.

Since they shoot TV series and movies out of sequence, I think the actors had too little time to develop their characters and relationships in their early scenes so, overall, the movie and performances appeared choppy.
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Only viewed 6 episodes..
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's interesting to discover there are 8 episodes. I thought we were being left with a massive cliffhanger in the hopes of a second season.

I also find it interesting that major characters and events have been changed from the novel. Sounds like they were the things I least enjoyed.

Many have praised Brie's portrayal of Elizabeth Trott. I didn't like her flat delivery and dour face throughout most of the episodes. Her acting was as inconsistent as the story itself.

The use of inaccurate language and idioms for the time frame didn't bother me as much as it bothered other reviewers but "above my pay rate" really did jump out at me and take me out of the show.

The dog didn't work for me at all. It's interesting to discover that he played a prominent role in the book. There seemed no reason to have his back story, have him narrate part of an episode from his point of view and to have the dog go everywhere with her. I actually found it unbelievable that they'd have him in the lab at all let alone playing 'catch the ball' there. Aside from all of Calvin's allergies, the lab was full of unsafe chemicals and lots of breakable glass.

I'm glad to know there are two more episodes and that we're not left with a massive cliff hanger. That would have been extremely upsetting.
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New Blood (2016)
Anyone watched "Psych"?
10 November 2023
I am surprised that, so far, no reviewer has brought up the show's remarkable similarity to the popular, old American series "Psych". The style, the direction, the quick cut/slow motion/high speed editing techniques, the type of humour, the wild stunts, the plausible and implausible situations, the plots and the unusual, yet strong, camaraderie between the two main characters. One cocky and gregarious, the other more reserved and reluctant but just as impulsive underneath. They compete with and bounce off each other, both with a dogged determination to expose the 'bad guys' and bring them to justice... albeit within a mixture of real and comic book action.

They make intelligent connections then pursue them in a reckless and impetuous manner. And, in the case of "New Blood", rarely with the approval of their respective bosses. Even their racial combination is the British equivalent of an American white and black guy team.

Having said all this, the show is upbeat, exciting and entertaining in it's own right, with the added attraction to a younger audience of two young, handsome, 'rookie' leads who think they know it all, feel no real need to follow protocol or report to their bosses, and don't really take responsibility for their actions.

Stefan Kowolski (Mark Strepan), a Polish native who had to drop out of University due to a lack of funds and was given a life-changing opportunity to work for the Serious Fraud Office, thinks everything is an exciting game to have fun with whereas Rash Sayyad (Ben Tavassoli), whose family was granted British refugee status after his police officer father was killed in the revolution in Iran, desperately wants to fulfill his life-long ambition to become a detective. Although graduating top of his class, so far, his attempts to retain the coveted trainee detective constable position have been thwarted by his know it all, forthright attitude and his lack of deference towards his superiors and fellow officers. This six month trial posting may be his last chance.

The premise of Case 1 is a great one. They first meet at a bike race and childishly compete with each other to win. Their silly antics slow them down and neither wins. Stefan is immediately attracted to Rash's sister and the feeling seems mutual. This further upsets Rash. As fate would have it, they find themselves thrown together while investigating the same case from their different perspectives.

Thus begins their unlikely, quasi-competitive friendship which grows stronger and deeper the more they coincide through work and the dangerous capers they undertake together. Very much a high school vibe.

The series has exceptional production values and must have had a huge budget. The locations, the multiple real and hired background actors, the fabulous production & costume design, the costumes, sets, props and ultimately the stunts must have cost a small fortune.

What lets the series down a notch is the acting of the two lead actors and the repetition of everything by "Case 3". There was wisdom in only making one season.

The first case had a great premise and it was fun getting to know the two lead actors. Their antics and expressions were fresh and endearing but Rash's overacting, limited and often totally inappropriate facial expressions and body language quickly became a little annoying. Stefan's enthusiasm and attitude bordered on obnoxious at times yet they were both still entertaining when excitedly collaborating.

Rash would often roll his eyes and shift in his chair when being told off and had a great "hang dog" act while half-heartedly apologizing to his superiors. Stefan was genuinely more crushed when reprimanded but soon bounced back when given a new task to perform. He had to be reminded to take it seriously since it all seems like a fun video game to him. He was confident he would always keep his job whereas Rash, although confident in his ability, was resigned to failure and the probability of losing his.

Since none of it was realistic, allowances could be made, short-term, and they were certainly surrounded by an impressive cast. The two senior police detectives (Dorian Law and Mark Addy) were excellent in their well-written roles and I'm glad it played out the way it did. The head of Stefan's company (Anna Chancellor) is always a brilliant actress in all her roles. Can't go wrong with actors like Matt Bardock and Mark Bonnar playing bad guys.

Impressive writing and well-rounded characters balanced out the cartoon ones and the direction was top notch.

However, I did think the likelihood of Stefan being allowed into the 'inner sanctum' of the SFO dressed like an impoverished student with only one set of clothing was OTT. Only when he came to work with a black eye was a comment made by the head of the company and he was sent home. I suppose it was vaguely acceptable given his continuing 'undercover' role play.

It was refreshing not to have any real violence or sex in the series and Stefan and Leila's flirtatious scenes were sweet and believable. Both guys had hearts of gold too.

Cases 2 & 3 were becoming more like a Marvel comic each time. The coincidence of yet another overlapping investigation. The almost comedic edge to the genuinely vicious hired killer in Case 2. The two stylized hired killers (echoing the two women in Case 1) shooting off multiple rounds of ammunition at close range yet missing every time. The top bosses of multimillion pound corporations allowing themselves to be interrogated by these rookies (especially the way they were dressed and presented themselves) Their escalating impossible escapes and their almost complete disappearance from their workplaces was stretching the whole concept a little too thin.

But still a refreshing, lighthearted, entertaining limited series and a fun watch a la "Psych" (which I enjoyed every season of).
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Father Brown: The Winds of Change (2023)
Season 10, Episode 1
Winds of change... really?
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have been an ardent fan of the cozy mystery series since the start but wasn't aware all the crucial characters who made the 'ensemble' work would be gone. Very disappointing.

I have only watched two or three of the episodes in Season 10 but have yet to warm up to it.

The fact that they brought in new characters but basically gave them the same dialogue as their predecessors is unacceptable to me and doesn't make any sense. Other shows have done this and when most visible, you can actually visualize the old character delivering the lines. "New Tricks" was very guilty of this at first until the new characters evolved into their own personas and we got more used to them and their camaraderie in general. Of course, none could 'replace' Jack and no attempt was made for there to be anyone. In my opinion, Sandra and her special relationship with the guys just didn't translate in spite of the producers and writers' efforts to cast a younger lookalike and give her Sandra's dialogue.

Hopefully, a similar evolution will be true of the new line-up in Father Brown but the show isn't as well written and the characters are basically 'comic book' so they haven't much room to develop. They have to fit the mold in most ways.

I was always disappointed in the changes to Sid's character over the years and he lost his eager, cheeky, roguish edge and actually seemed to just dial in his performances towards the end. He and Lady Montague were definitely long time favourites of mine (until he went to jail in the script and his character changed) and together they brought such a sparkle to every early episode. I was happy they would both flit in and out but he was never as good as he'd been as 'the ruffian chauffeur to Lady M'. She has always shone in every episode she was in.

I found Bunty really irritating at first but grew to enjoy her contribution. I couldn't stand the stupidity of Inspector Mallory, after Valentine and Sullivan, but even he grew on me to a certain extent because it was believable that he would never like Father Brown no matter how often he solved the cases for him. He, with his disgusting moustache, was basically an irritating, clownish character and usually too OTT for me. Sergeant Goodfellow and Mrs McCarthy were the glue holding the whole ensemble together. Their relationship with Father Brown was the magical ingredient that kept each episode special.

So, to bring back Inspector Sullivan but try to give him Inspector Mallory's attitude and lines just didn't work for me at all. After Father Brown had saved his life when on the run for murder, he had lost most of his dismissive attitude towards him so it didn't work to have him be back at square one, behaving like Mallory. Tom Chambers, himself, seemed uncomfortable in the role. Miscast as the stupid Inspector all too ready to arrest the first (and wrong) character a la Mallory, he had very little involvement in the investigation and solving of the crimes. Very little involvement in the story at all which kept Goodfellow's role minimal too. His inspector exams being a good excuse. Father Brown did it all for him in a much more obvious and methodical way than ever before. Better to have the Inspector question the suspects and look for clues only to be wrong and for Father Brown to bounce off those mistakes than not have the police investigate anything at all. For the intelligent officer Sullivan had always been and his years in Scotland Yard it didn't make any sense so I think they had to keep him in the background until they could perhaps take his character down a different path (brewing romance with Mrs Devine) and give it a whole new dynamic. Hopefully, he'll be more involved going forward as the interaction and unintentional 'collaboration' between them all is crucial to the enjoyment of the solving of the case. Father Brown's trio doing it all my themselves was almost boring and completely unrealistic.

I found the new Beth character totally annoying and, like Inspector Sullivan, they have basically given her Bunty's role and dialogue which makes no sense either. She has no history with the characters to make the kinds of judgements Bunty would have made and her 'street smarts' can only work up to a point. Obviously, the writers already had Bunty's lines written and the effort to make them identify with each other's 'naughtiness' upon meeting in Season 9 was a cheap shot at introducing her as her 'replacement'. She just delivered the same lines without the posh accent. I had hoped she'd leave with the guy she'd only just met and we'd never have to see her again.

Like Jack in "New Tricks", Mrs McCarthy can never be replaced and I hope she comes back into the series when Mrs Devine is cast in a play in the West End or the church affairs need more serious attention than her wayward sister.

Mrs Divine is, however, the brightest addition and, although also given most of Mrs McCarthy's 'presence' in the threesome, she has brought her own character to a very different role and is gung-ho to solve the crimes with gusto. Like Beth, who doesn't seem to do any housework in her new position, one can't imagine Mrs Devine keeping any church business in order or prompting Father Brown to write his homilies and to keep up with his religious duties in general. But she is a fun and spunky new addition. I can see Mrs M coming back to put the church affairs back in order and Mrs D moving more into a combination of Lady M & Bunty's roles.

I did find it rather surprising that Lady M and Flambeau had supposedly gotten so close she was prepared to run away with him and then equally as surprising she fell back in love with Monte at the end if Season 9. Even though we knew she still cared for him, in spite of her many dalliances, it all seemed a bit conveniently rushed.

I rarely write a review this early in the game but felt it necessary to air my views on this new line-up and the decision to have Father Brown investigate and solve everything by himself. There are lots more episodes in Season 10 to take the show in many different directions and I see there is a series 11 planned or already shot and airing so multiple changes can obviously still take place. Lady Montague and Sid always reappear when scripts get a little stale so, hopefully this will happen with all the 'old timers'. I couldn't believe I found myself actually missing Bunty and Inspector Mallory. Scary.
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The Tower (2021–2023)
Dull, poorly written, procedural ...
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having forced myself to watch season 2 hoping for some answers and improvement, I can safely say it just got worse. The plot holes, inconsistencies and complete disregard of police procedure and reality was astounding to me.

I am too exhausted and disappointed in seasons 1 & 2 to actually review them so I'm glad most of my concerns have been covered by other reviewers.

You could tell immediately that this was a second rate show as the production values were poor and the cast relatively unknown in lead roles. I did enjoy Whelan's acting but even she was not a sympathetic character one could get behind and route for. For all of her intelligence and devotedness, she was meek and cow-towed to her dominating bosses... even when they were wrong and she was right. One wonders why she stayed in the job when everyone around her was crooked. Ready to lie and cover for each other at every turn.

Even her partner, with whom she had enjoyed a good working relationship apparently, betrayed her at the end of season 1. And he made a bright young rookie into a bent copper on her first big case. That was upsetting to me.

I completely agree with one reviewer who was disgusted by the message that all cops were racist, misogynistic and bent and that they were the winners whereas the one good cop (Whelan) was actually demonized for trying to get at the truth and doing her job properly. I went to bed quite angry that the good guys didn't prevail at the end of season one. If the intention was to show the depth of police corruption, then it wasn't a show I would have watched. But it was all so very unrealistic it was actually laughable.

I saw that the "bad guys" were in season 2 together again so I only really watched to see if they finally got their comeuppance. Sadly not, but they were at least slightly more honorable.

Even the scene in court, where the young PC was shot down by Georgia, was ridiculous. Not only could she not defend herself, no council jumped in to object. When badgered by the defense attorney regarding if she saw an unhappy, mistreated child, neither she nor the prosecution retorted that it wasn't her area of expertise. How could she know the child's state of mind or see bruising without examining her? Things like this were repeated over and over in an effort to be dramatic but ended up just being improbable and ridiculous.

Some points not covered already. Surely, the rookie PC would have been suspended awaiting the results of an investigation given her ludicrous actions and reactions? The lack of questioning, her changing of her statement, 6 days later, and her absconding surely would have prompted serious repercussions? Surely, she would have had to undergo some psychological counseling? And a party for her upon her return? Really?

In season one, the poor father was left having to deal with the apparent disgrace of his young daughter, who was only a 15yr old child, when, in fact, she had been badly betrayed and lied about. Maybe even killed. No on seemed to care. Even Whelan's character never mentioned him again. Nor the original suspect being beaten up because she (Whelan) had been told to publicize his name and likeness, seemed to matter to them or the reputation of the Met.

The mother not allowing her child to be questioned seemed OTT to me. Surely, she would have welcomed the psychological counseling that I'm sure social services would have encouraged. Are mothers even allowed to say "no"? Her son was the only other witness to the truth. That was just brushed over and no one appeared to be working with the mother to change her mind in spite of her son perhaps supplying the vital evidence required. Of course, there would be no show if she had agreed.

No one seemed to care how that little boy was coping.

Likewise, in season 2, the child (terrible choice of actor) ran off happily into the awaiting arms of her smiling grandma without any signs of trauma after, perhaps, witnessing her mother's death, being kept in the trunk of a car, watching her beloved dog being slaughtered in front of her, being chained to a radiator and realizing her father was going to hurt the PC with the knife he was wielding. All smiles and fuzziness. Really?

The lack of cops on the Tower roof and the lack of any media on the surrounding ground was almost comical in season one. In fact the Met seemed devoid of any staff throughout. The only people chasing the bag guys were Whelan, her ex-partner, and the rookie PC. Her stupidity entering the house to save the child was validated rather than punished. But perhaps her final statement, that she'd do it again to save a child, will lead to us finding out the truth in season three which is already in production.

The idea that Shaw's wife has kept the incriminating phone is preposterous. Does she not trust the husband she seems happy enough to be with? Does she really hate him enough to threaten to bring him down?

Nothing seemed to connect in any way. And clues appeared out of nowhere. Whelan conveniently finding the photos of the memorial garden in the school yearbook, and the original suspect being forgotten about in spite of them assuming his exposure and subsequent attack was supposed to bring down the Met...just ridiculous.

The whole back story of the ex-wife, which hadn't been exposed by the media either in spite of the more famous her husband had become over the years.

The list of faults is endless...

Having thoroughly enjoyed watching "The Pembrokeshire Murders" earlier in the day, which was also a 3-episode procedural, I couldn't believe the difference. Chalk and cheese. It was taut, a great script and well acted. A true story to boot. I'd highly recommend watching that one instead.
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Well done, fast paced, period drama 1933
21 October 2023
A clever story with enough intrigue to keep it exciting. The characters are all very interesting and their chemistry works well together.

Stanley writes and edits a local music rag and hears Louis Lester's band in a local dive. He decides to help them become successful and succeeds.

I wouldn't read the blurbs here accompanying each episode because they describe exactly what happens in that particular episode.

The production values, camera work, sets, costumes, make-up and hair are all great and authentic. There is just the right balance between the drama and the music.

They don't get too bogged down with the politics of "negro" prejudice which is refreshing. Yet we are always aware of it in the background.

My only disappointment was I felt the ending of Episode 5 was extremely rushed with a lack of the usual explanation and depth.

I assumed it was the final episode until I saw Episode 6 listed in the TV guide for tonight.

The Interview was something Stanley always wanted but I found the episode boring and superfluous especially since it wasn't the interview I was expecting. We didn't need this companion piece. They would have been better spending more time on the the end of the series although I think Stanley left us with a wimpy cliffhanger for a potential Season 2.

It's almost as if they ran out of funding, time or backing and several of the main stars left before the end of Episode 5. Episode 6 was improvised and didn't make any sense because Stanley obviously had been gathering interview material from the start.
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Secret Diary of a Call Girl: Episode #1.1 (2007)
Season 1, Episode 1
So entertaining without smut
19 September 2023
I was curious enough from the title to watch and was pleasantly surprised. Billie Piper is perfect in the role. Good acting and the right amount of sassy humour. Plus she's beautiful. She breaks the 4th wall by talking directly to the audience. She narrates most of the show but there are regular scenes with dialogue and fun action.

I enjoyed that there was no nudity or explicit sexual situations in the first few episodes I watched. The one I watched tonight certainly had more but even then it was the male client who was naked from behind. But it focused more on her having sex with her clients and that was boring and tacky.

She doesn't seem to have signed the nudity contract as we never see more than just naked ankles, shots of feet, legs etc. In an episode where she was considering breast augmentation, they very obviously used a body double for her naked breast shots. All shots of her were cut off above her breasts.

The reason this is important is that it makes us concentrate on the acting and the humorous scenarios and makes the show so much more enjoyable than just watching soft porn scenes strung together.

I think I must have missed some episodes. Last week she was falling for a guy and it was interfering with her work but tonight's episode had jumped to her having published a book and there was no sign of the boyfriend. It also had more sexual scenes in it which were a little embarrassing and it would have been much better without them imo. They seemed to be trying too hard at the expense of the writing. It cheapened the show so I hope this is not the direction it takes. That would be unfortunate.
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Major plot holes .. but enjoyable
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't had the opportunity to watch the original French version but looking forward to it.

This is an ok thriller to fill in some dead time but nothing spectacular. Russell Crowe is not convincing as a Community College teacher but his acting is consistent and very good throughout. He looks and seems more believable with cuts and bruises as he YouTube's his way through the underworld of gun and fake passport procurement, stealing cars and breaking and entering.

The kid is excellent and steals the scenes even some with Russell Crowe. His rejection of his mother is perfect and so natural. There is great chemistry between the two of them.

The lead actress, however, is a let-down. Her first scene when she sees her husband and son in the jail is so fake and unconvincing. Hardly the actions and demeanor of a desperate mother, separated from her family, incarcerated and accused of murder.

She is just inconsequential and glad she's hardly featured in the film. But a stronger actress would have added so much more to the overall tone of the movie. It's all about Mr. Crowe.

The script starts to fall apart when he starts pulling together all the elements to plan her escape. There isn't even any tension because it's all so low key. Still doesn't prevent it from being completely unbelievable.

The cops are ridiculously all over what's happening from the scantiest of clues. In the final chase sequence the detective catches up with them in ridiculous, impossible ways. I nearly gave up on it.

I love Paul Haggis's work but this was not a good example and perhaps he was too close to it. He produced, directed and wrote the screenplay. It showed.

I really hope I get an opportunity to see the French version. This was a bit of a waste of time.
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Secrets (1992 TV Movie)
Christopher Plummer at his best ...
29 July 2023
I agree with reviewer 'holdencopywriter'. I had to look up the movie on IMDB to double check this actually was Christopher Plummer! He's a consistently good actor and fairly attractive in my opinion but he's the best I've ever seen him in this little caper. The main difference is he seems so relaxed. I always think of him as a bit stiff albeit charming and even pretentious sometimes. Here he's genuinely affable, natural and very, very sexy.

Now ... about the TV movie. It's typical of the cozy shows of the period.. "Murder She Wrote", "Columbo" etc., with a touch of "Dynasty" flair. Even Linda Purl looks nice and is acting well. She's never been a favorite of mine and I disliked her in "Lou Grant". She guest starred in so many series, "The Rockford Files", "Quincy" etc., but I could never understand why. Here I found her pretty and acting well.

The script is based on a Danielle Steele novel but the dialogue could be better. I found it enjoyable for it's genre. This TV movie includes all the "regulars" and the production and acting style predates it's "Hallmark" version. I much prefer it.
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Black Work (2015)
15 July 2023
I had high hopes for this mini series based on the premise and the actors but it fell way below the mark for me. The script was rather dull and predictable and the actors all seemed to lack luster.

The lead actress is better in comedic situations. I loved her in "Two Pints Of Lager.." but here she looked bad with her dark pixie haircut, bad make-up and total lack of expression.

I blame the director, editor and camera person for the poor choices they made that contributed to this being an average piece of work.

The script could have been reduced to either a TV movie or a two part mini series. There were too many red herrings and subplots (hate to even call them that) that went nowhere and slowed down the pace. The dialogue was often ridiculous.

One of my biggest gripes was the shots chosen. Either the director or the DP instructed the camera person to shoot the most mismatched, ridiculous 'fancy' angles and what I call 'indulgent shots'. Of course the editing made it much worse as happens. But when I start noticing the chosen camera shot just because they are trying to show that they 'can" I get immediately frustrated. This show was full of them unfortunately.

All the acting was mediocre, including Douglas Henshaw who I think (like the lead in "Murdoch Mysteries") was perfectly cast in "Shetland" but isn't a particularly good actor in anything else. He always acts the exact same expressionless way and is boring.

At least they were all consistently a mediocre ensemble so no-one stood out in the bunch. I kept getting the impression they didn't want to be there. Some of the writing was good and I did enjoy all the twists in the final episode which is why I awarded it 5 stars.

What I found most annoying and inappropriate was Ms Sheridan's wimpy demeanor. She was supposed to be a good beat cop but from the very beginning she acted weak, insecure and vulnerable. More so than any ordinary woman. She clung to her 'boyfriend' at every turn and gazed up at him appreciatively when he'd step in to help her out or have a clever thought. She also was simply unlikeable. The idea of her breaking protocol and going off to solve the crime herself was so unrealist (like so many situations) it was almost laudable. I'm not even going to discuss the "Hallmark" ending.
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Six Four (2023– )
It's not Shetland ...
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was by pure accident I watched this and was delighted it was Scottish. I had no idea when I chose it.

It has a SHETLAND feel about it with everything underplayed and realistic in places. But that's the problem for me. It's patchy. Some of the acting is great, some of the writing is great, some of the tension, suspense and twists are great, some cinematography is great and the vistas of Scotland are great without being a travelog. But, equally, others are very poorly done.

The female lead was annoying and an unrealistic character. The police boss was a very poor actress and totally unbelievable as the head of the department. Even she seemed uncertain of why she'd been cast in the role.

The were lots of boring bits and embarrassingly stagey action. There were characters who weren't developed (the daughter, the journalist, the criminal real father, the dead body from the river etc) but perhaps there was a plan to develop them in a second series. Certainly the ending leaves us to wonder.

It seemed a little insensitive that no one was concerned about him having to investigate a missing girl, especially after identifying a dead girl who may have been his 'daughter' who was also missing. However, it was gratifying that they didn't follow the stereotypical presentation of missing teenage girls in procedural dramas and thrillers. No one seemed very concerned about Olivia or Annabel. Annabel was a a well-written character and the actress pulled her off extremely well. Just the right amount of fear, tenacity, vulnerability and logical thinking.

The "heavies", on the other hand, were laudably stereotypical and the fact they were outsmarted at every turn was hilarious. Although I suspect this has more to do with Glasgow humour than bad scripting or casting.

I'm from Glasgow so I have an obvious bias and wonder how much I'd have enjoyed it otherwise.
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Grace: Dead Like You (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Not a great start to season 3... bad script
20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had been anxiously awaiting the new season of GRACE but was thoroughly disappointed by it this evening. The story in the script was poorly conceived, constructed, implausible and lacked lustre. Grace was very quiet and actually rather boring throughout and his overbearing partner moving in with him on the strength of just having seen his wife kissing someone was ludicrous and implausible. Practically everything in this first episode was implausible. Perhaps the reason that John seemed to be just 'phoning in his performance', was because he recognized how bad the script was too.

The whole episode and even the cinematography felt dated and the writing was not up to the standard I expected.

Ironically, the episode kept flashing back to 2012 and a series of rapes which had eluded Grace and his team under the supervision of an overly objectionable boss, but this episode in its execution felt a lot more period than that.

Even though the intention was to show how dreadful a boss he had been, it was just too much. There's laziness and sloppiness but his response was OTT. Grace had damning potential evidence that suggested a link between a missing person and the rape victims. For him to dismiss it out of hand and not even consider looking for the missing girl at all didn't make any sense.

The fact that there is a blatantly, too obvious red herring storyline that just becomes a coincidental subplot is a bit too much to accept. And the police dealings with him at the end of the episode are highly unlikely and just silly.

There's also another unlikely suspect from within the force served up to us on a platter but that leads nowhere. He had been a thorn in Grace's side at the time of his wife's disappearance but there's no reason to suggest he might have played a role in obscuring the identity of the rapist or in hindering his arrest.

But one of the most annoying problem for me was the age of the protagonists. Since the rapes had happened ten years earlier, the age of the rapist seemed all wrong. It also seemed highly improbable he would have shown up at a 10yr reunion with the horrendously abusive kids 5yrs older than him, just to show off how much of a success he had now become. Maybe I am the only one to have difficulty figuring this out? Perhaps I'm just getting old and the actor seemed too young?

The fact that he had frightened and controlled a girl enough to have her act as his accomplish 10 years earlier seemed implausible. More so that he successfully stopped raping just because she'd begged him to after the murder of his last victim. Then, the fact that the overacted, cringeworthy high school bullying behaviour by the lads at the reunion triggers him to start raping again beggars belief.

It also makes absolutely no sense that he'd walk into the police station to report his abuser but that didn't stop his renewed desire to abduct and rape. Nor did his girlfriend seem to care either. He even had the same white van after 10yrs but, with his new connections, could rape them in their own homes it seems. None of that made any sense either.

I felt embarrassed for John Simm to have to convey the 'lightbulb moment' when he realizes the Security camera company is at the heart of the rapes. Hard even for him to act out such a bad script. Again, it may just be me, but I couldn't see how they found the bank of monitors, got access, and how those monitors were supposed to have helped the rapist. Luckily, they just happen to see the latest attack (like the luck of spotting the accomplice following a previous victim on CCTV) so off they go to intercept. Unlike before, the rapist decides to drag his victim to the chute still alive giving Grace and team enough time to rescue her. The rapist conveniently killing himself saves the need to explain his motivation and execution. Grace seemed rather too kind and accommodating to the accomplice. She was still an accessory to murder and rape and perverting the course of justice. It was hard for me to believe she'd been a victim.

The previously interesting subplot surrounding Grace's wife's disappearance was also very disappointing. Season 2 had ended with such a great cliffhanger but the result was anti-climactic in this first episode. The end scene of her in some sort of retreat, reading, tearing out, and burning Grace's announcement in the German newspaper was so heavily handed and childish it was reminiscent of a scene from an episode of Poirot or Midsommer Murders. Why not just burn the whole paper if not to leave a clue later from the gap left behind on the torn out page?

Since I've written all this I've removed another star from my rating. I hadn't appreciated just how badly written it was because of my enjoyment of the previous two seasons.
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Ending killed it for me...
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't seen this one in the series before and I did enjoy watching the solution unfold. It was a little different to the others as the subplots were more prominent and detracted from Jennifer's hubby finding out what she was up to this time. I do think Jennifer was harsh with Tyler who wanted to share his excitement at their dinner table of winning an opportunity to go to China on an exchange year. Just because her young daughter thought he was going to propose, she selfishly acted like a prat about it instead of being happy for him. Mum was annoyed at hubby for forgetting their Wedding Anniversary so maybe that contributed to her being rather cruel to Tyler and almost supporting his indecision about going after all. She, of all people, would recognize her daughter was far too young to put love before this boy's incredible opportunity.

But there were major problems with the main plot too. Strangely, we are privy to the fact that there has been a concealed murder in the opening minutes. To the movie's credit it didn't detract from the enjoyment of trying to solve the mystery of what happened.

Frank and the police department were particularly dumb and disinterested about this mystery. Not sure if it was because it was a cold case but, as Jennifer pointed out, there's no time limit on murder. Obviously, the original police investigation was rubbish when it took very little effort for Jennifer to figure it out. Of course, she is psychic so that helps.

The main problem with the original lack of police success is that you'd think the rich families would have expected every stone unturned and they certainly could have searched for blood. Actually, there ought to have been a lot more and Ted would have been covered in blood and been unable to slide into the reception. If she helped to drag his body to the cabinet then she'd probably be coveted in blood too.

The excuse for the lack of police intervention in the present being 'no body no crime' is pretty weak and more especially that 'no one wants to see such a prominent humanitarian be found guilty of murder'. Really?

They tie up the two subplots well although it was obvious all along that her hubby hadn't forgotten their anniversary but how it transpired was sweet.

The real problem for me that lost the movie its better rating was the ending. I couldn't believe it and it prompted me to write the review. My first thought was how could they justify no trial or conviction or accountability especially for his family's closure. We even met his sister and saw how affected she'd been not knowing anything all these years. Using a lie detector wasn't a sure fire way to prove which one did it and they were both guilty of covering up their crime, hiding the body and later disposing of it. He may have even been still alive when dragged into the closet and they chose not to report it. How the police didn't spot it was pretty lame. And we only have their word for it that they weren't having an affair and that her hubby was trying to kill Ted when she stabbed him.

Then, to make the ending even worse we see visiting with Jennifer and them romantically starting over and wandering off hand in hand into the distance as the couple they really should have always been with a flashback of them hand in hand in love as they were in 1979. Who thought of this ending? They both needed to go to jail for their crimes but then Jennifer would have opened a can of worms with her snooping this time and the "nice couple" would have been convicted. C'est la vie.
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Love's Sweet Recipe (2021 TV Movie)
So slow and boring. No chemistry....
3 March 2023
I tried to sit through all of this without starting to read Daily Telegraph article comments but it was impossible.

It was as slow as molasses with absolutely no chemistry between the two lead actors and a really boring script. Neither actor was very good but worse together.

The story of Courtney running the family business was absurd since she was never there cooking or serving or anything to do with it other than trying out some fiddley new fusion dishes. She just kept reading old recipes to remind her why she fell in love with the cooking we never see her do other than in her own little kitchen. I suppose she has a staff to deal with the restaurant since we see nothing of the hectic brutal schedule of running a restaurant i'd havd expected. In addition she's trying to impress the judges of an upcoming competition.

She's also reading her father's old book "of love".

Jake, an old beau athlete, comes back to town after an injury and surprises her that he can bake. They start to work together as he saves to own his own bakery one day.

There is absolutely no energy in this production. It feels completely flat and if there is supposed to be any romance brewing I think they forgot to put the kettle on.
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Autumn Dreams (2015 TV Movie)
Enjoyable and well acted
18 February 2023
Autumn Dreams is one of what I call the 'professional' Hallmark movies with Jill Wagner at the helm. It's a good premise with a good strong cast. Unlike the low budget, amateurish subpar ones we are seeing more and more of.

The actor playing Ben is a little weak and stiff but she mostly drags him up to her level. I don't really see the chemistry between them but she carries the load. His lawyer and driver more than make up for his weakness. He's also not a very good match to the youth playing his younger self which makes me wonder if he was a last minute switch in. Every one else is great.

It's another "she didn't get his letters and he never got hers" after they broke up years earlier when he left Iowa for NY after marrying her at 18yrs old. Her father felt they were far too young and had the marriage annulled.

Out of the blue she gets word that she's still married and is given a subpoena to appear in court in NYC immediately to sort it all out. There are enough twists and turns to make it really enjoyable rather than just predictable. There are glaring plot holes but I didn't dwell on any of them and really enjoyed the movie.
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School play? A diabolical disaster.
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was too unbearable to watch more than 20minutes of. The acting is abysmal especially the lead actor playing Sean Green. The script is really bad too but it might have been slightly better if actually acted by any talent. I can only think the lead actor's Dad paid for the movie to be made with all his friends.

The script seemed to be starting off ok with a potentially promising premise but the acting was so bad I just couldn't continue to watch.

The lead actress was so disconnected from the project it just felt like she was in acting class rushing her lines most of the time.

She has promised to fulfill her obligation of producing her third book on schedule but has writer's block with only has a few days left before she's due to submit the galleys.

He suggests she go home to remember how to write about romance and she takes him literally and goes home.

As soon as she gets there she bumps into her old flame but he doesn't mention he's in a relationship with her old school friend Heather. In fact he tries everything to avoid mentioning it. The girlfriend is like a caricature she overacts so badly.

There's a scene where Heather trips on the porch stairs and Grace and Sean try to help her and drive her to the hospital. It's like a high school play the acting and direction are so bad. He manages to delay the girls finding out about each other and Grace rushes back to her mother declaring that she has finally found the ending for her book. She's had an unrealistic timeframe to begin with but then decides to help Sean write his proposal to save the mansion before the blue moon ball in a few days. Absolutely ridiculous. They wait for the response which seems to only take a few hours rather than weeks and they start congratulating each other for all they've done to save it. Did I miss three weeks somewhere?

I had to sneak back in to check how bad it gets and I despair. Grace catches Sean with Heather and is furious. She gets a call to return to her publisher in LA who tells her that she's a failure. Sean shows up at her mother's door with a broken 'cinderella' shoe ready to try to win her back. He shows up in LA at Grace's apartment with the shoe and an empty box wearing a really ugly dress which is so cringeworthy. He asks her to the ball and she wears the dress which would be at least 5 sizes too big for her. Then he asks her to marry him and introduces her to Heather as a potential business partner which they immediately jump at hours after hating each other. Somewhere in between she tells the pathetic guy who's followed her from LA that she couldn't be in a relationship with him. Sean gives up his dreams follow her. Her third book is successful and she and Sean are happily in love.

The End.
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Abby Wathen & Michael Rady were great....
17 February 2023
I wanted to watch this purely to see why it's never mentioned as part of Meghan's acting CV.

Strangely enough, she's featured prominently in the foreground on the poster and holds the starring role spot on IMDB. I find this hard to believe as she is definitely the supporting actress here albeit the character that drives the action forward in a very Shakespearian manner.

She plays Mindy, Laura's roomate, and is the female trampy version of a "player". She parties every night and brings home one night stands who she then ignores in the morning. She's quite promiscuous and her comments and actions are more raunchy than usual Hallmark movies.

The 'real' lead actress (Abby Wathen) is an aspiring actress who accidentally spills coffee on a would-be screenwriter (Michael Rady) in a cafe. It's love at first sight for the pair of them but they are both shy and don't exchange numbers.

They spend the rest of the movie trying to find each other. It's fun to watch how that all pans out and I truly liked how sweet and naive Laura was and how she handled all her mishaps calmly without much drama in contrast to the crass, loud Mindy.

I've liked Michael Rady in other Hallmark movies so I probably cut him a bit more slack than his acting as Kevin deserved. He was supposed to be timid and he didn't have much of a part to work with but he could have still shown a bit more spark I think. They were well suited as a pair though so perhaps that was intentional.

I wonder if this rom-com is played down by Meghan's camp because of how raunchy her character is. She was hired as the "lead actor's love interest" on Suits, according to her in an interview on Larry King Live, and she is always cast in sexy roles. Even her Reitman's campaign and a few music video appearances are sexy. Funnily enough I find her extremely 'girl-next-door' material and her partial nudity in Suits and attempts to be sexy quite cringeworthy.
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When Sparks Fly (2014 TV Movie)
Predictable but sweet movie...
17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure I would like this movie especially with Meghan Markle in a lead role, but it was actually quite enjoyable. It had been rumored to be less successful and enjoyable than her other Hallmark movie "Dater's Handbook" but I preferred this one as there was a lot more 'down to earth' Hallmark warmth and charm about it. The ensemble cast worked really well together, the pacing was good and the story was enjoyable in spite of its glaring plot holes and predictable script. Another enjoyable version of a tried-and-true Hallmark premise.

Putting aside the initial implausibility of Amy (Meghan Markle) not having kept up with her family, friends and old boyfriend during her 7 years in Chicago enough to know that her best friend, who she apparently skypes regularly, is dating and about to marry her old boyfriend, Hank, the rest of the story is predictable but sweet.

She comes back home to write an article for her newspaper and also, as it suddenly turns out, to be Maid of Honor for her best friend Sammie's upcoming wedding to her old flame Hank.

Thinking she's well over him, she takes on the task of planning the wedding without concern.

She's dating a jet setting older businessman but apparently has never known that Hank had planned to ask her to marry him before she left town all those years ago. We aren't given any explanation why their relationship broke up even though she was only a 5hr flight away. Hank is very unassuming so I found it believable that he could be with either Amy or Sammie. There's a tenderness about him and the rekindling of their romance is well-played. It creeps up on the audience as much as it does on the pair of them which is great because it is so predictable it wouldn't work otherwise.

Here again, you have to ignore the fact that Phil and Amy aren't suited to each other but they manage to make an acceptable couple. Unlike the couplings in many other versions of this theme and the total lack of chemistry between Meghan and her two beaus in "Dater's Handbook". There is a very similar scene in both movies where Meghan is ignorant and uncomfortable at the table of a posh restaurant where her boyfriend orders her cordon bleu meal for her. But it's somehow softer here even though her "hamburger" comment is a bit too much. The same scenario is just cringeworthy in "Dater's Handbook".

Just as well she finds she still has feelings for Hank and it's mutual because Phil immediately takes an obvious interest in Sammie. It should be seen as rather rude and thoughtless of him since he's Amy's boyfriend and Sammie is the bride-to-be but it works here because we don't want to hate Amy and Hank for what's happening to them. Phil is so smitten he hangs around town to enjoy the 4th of July party and get to know Sammie better. Nice and tidy conciliation for losing your fiancée and having your wedding cancelled at the last moment. All's well that end's well.

It's probably the best acting I've seen from Ms Markle and the scenes with her darling parents are warm and enjoyable. I feel the movie was well cast, well acted and well directed.
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A Love to Remember (2021 TV Movie)
A twist on 'While You Were Sleeping' ...
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Part of me wants to rate this TV movie version of 'While You Were Sleeping' really low because I love that movie so much and this was a very weak script built around a very similar premise...but I couldn't.

In spite of the lead actress driving me crazy with her irritating giddy laughter, her speedy and shrill line delivery and her appalling appearance (not her fault the costume designer was stuck in the 80s) I actually enjoyed the show.

When she and Everett first meet there was a hint of a spark. But, after that, there didn't seem to be much chemistry between them. Mostly his 'look' was very off-putting and the two of them didn't seem to have anything in common. Their interactions seemed so contrived. She being clumsy followed by a lot of fake laughter from both of them. In the end I saw that flicker of attraction again so I guess it all worked out.

Unlike Sandra Bullock in WYWS, she has more opportunities to tell the truth to the family who don't seem at all concerned their son is in hospital recovering from a coma but always fails too get the chance. This also becomes a bit too contrived.

But, I enjoyed the ensemble cast and the mother was a great character and well acted. Also Judith's best friend and his younger sister gave enjoyable performances. Even the girlfriend acted well when she came to reveal herself as the 'mistress' she feared she had been.

I enjoyed it overall and ignored the gaping holes and impossible scenarios in this script. It's a premise I love so I still smiled at the end.
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