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Poor Things (2023)
The film that apathetically uses prostitution as a way a character finds sexual awakening.
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Things Review

There are some spectacular insights and laughs in Poor Things. The film would have been better off with the name Bella instead of Poor Things. The director wanted to honor the novelist, Tony McNamara, who wrote the 1992 book the movie is based on and thus didn't change the title. Also, Yorgos Lanthimos may have thought fans of the novel should be clued into the film based on the novel.

The film looks amazing, the costumes and sets are spectacular and the makeup is well done. The plot choices are again the downfall of a Lanthimos film, as it was with Lobster. The Favorite worked throughout for me.

People produce so much pablum and infantile cinema that are poorly done films today that any film that is well produced, shot and acted gets praise, often too much praise. Poor Things is one such good, not great, film.

The ending is fun and works and the introduction also works. But the basic themes regarding of what is life, what is being alive, and how an infantile mind can grow and mature mentally and sexually is ruined by the director's choices.

Often, less is more. Why is the shark so frightening in Jaws? It's a mystery, and our fear of it is heightened by the mystery. In Poor Things, Lanthimos often films Bella as an object, not a subject, especially in the sex scenes, and with a little more subtlety and mystery, it would have been a better film. Why do we have to explore Bella's sexuality in a brothel? There are better, less problematic ways to demonstrate a characters sexual awakening. Perhaps Bella finds a sexually adventurous couple that offers themselves to her for sex. She could have survived in Paris if hadn't given away her money to her possessive ex. It was that choice that forced her into prostitution, and without that choice, she could have lived freely and explored and the audience could have enjoyed Bella's-played wonderfully by Emma Stone-childlike wonder even more.

The film would have been better with Bella freely exploring Paris than selling her body. Prostitution is generally harmful to women involved in many ways and it shouldn't be treated lightly in film. And that Bella apparently has no choice shows how Bella is objectified by the director and writers. Was this their way to say, 'see, brothels aren't so bad'? If it was about sexual awakening, there are better ways to do that.

Knowing when to step back and being subtle, however, is not Lanthimos' style.

Rating: Matinee.

Tex Shelters.
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Japanese filmmakers take back what was rightfully theirs all along, the Kaiju, Godzilla!
22 December 2023
G -1 does what most US films fail to do: it shows Godzilla in the first ten minutes of the film. Let this be a lesson to monster movie makers, horror directors and serial killer films: show the monster early in the film, or at least refer to him, or her. There are exceptions, like Psycho.

It's a fun film with a plot that only falters for a moment at the end. The main character is flushed out more than most action roles, and the supporting characters are good, especially the sisters and female "friend." There are allegories to nuclear war, US hegemony, natures revenge on humanity, manhood, bravery and survival through cooperation after a tragic war. I am sure there is more I missed.

The music is reminiscent of the original Kaiju films, which is dramatic and over the top, but mainly when Godzilla appears. Thus, it worked for me. The film was in color, but the stock looked like a 1960s or 70s film, gray and yellow at times. It was an excellent choice. And Godzilla has never looked better.

The acting is emotive and passionate, men and women alike, very much like older Japanese films.

I actually felt tension during the climax and clinched the arms of my theater chair. That is rare for any movie, especially a silly monster film.

Rating: Pay full price. It is great on a big screen.
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If you like animation for all ages, this film is for you.
8 December 2023
The Boy and the Heron, a mini review, no spoilers.

Studio Ghibli is known for two dozen ground breaking animation film for all ages. Some of their most renown films include Castle In The Sky (1986), My Neighbor Totoro (1988), Spirited Away (2001), Howl's Moving Castle (2004), and Ponyo (2008). I have seen three of the five classic, all surreal masterworks of animation art. Now I have seen my fifth, 2023s The Boy and The Heron.

There is a boy, and a Heron, and they adventure to find the boys lost mother in an antagonistic trip as frenemies. There are the amazing sets, characters, bird, birds, and more bird, with the Heron and a cast of hundreds of parakeets and pelicans.

It is in theaters in English with a voice cast that include some familiar names like Willem Defoe, Christian Bale, Dave Bautista and Mark Hamill. That is the power of this animation studio that they can get A list actors to voice their film.

The animation is stunning, the plot is so surreal to make it irrelevant, but it doesn't matter. The characters are fun, the visuals are beautiful and there is a plot, we just get lost sometimes, or I did.

Rating: Pay full price.

If you like animation for all ages, this film is for you.
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Saltburn (2023)
Saltburn: A review
24 November 2023
Saltburn: A review A working-class Oxford 'scholarship' student, Oliver Quick, befriends an upper class student, Felix Catton from a castle-owning family. After Oliver does Felix a good turn, so he gets invited to the Catton family mansion for school break. Bedlam ensues. Seriously, this is a subdued psychological thriller with moments of madness and many twists and turns. It is well constructed and written.

The acting is superb, including Barry Keoghan (a character actor taking the lead here) as Oliver. His only flaw is he looks thirty, older and not college aged like the other actors playing students. In many scenes it is evident he is older, in others he looks college age. He certainly acts the role well. The parents, the subtlety mad Sir James Catton played by the Richard E. Grant and Elspeth Catton played with a delusional obsessive by Rosamund Pike, are fabulous.

The sets have twists and turns (stairs, balconies, layers) like the plot, the costumes are well designed and appropriate for the scenes. The music was also not a distraction and enhanced the action.

Rating: Pay Full Price It is a fun drama with lots of psychological games and fun to watch. It's the first film I have seen in a long time that I immediately thought, I will have to see that again.

Joseph Callahan.
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Beautiful scenery and people are not enough
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The English patient is a boring film that lasted too long and never got me to care about the white imperialist or his nurse. The protagonist is working for an empire that got him killed. I'm supposed to care because Feinnes is a good actor? Nope. Every moment in Fargo is compelling. The English Patient? Beautiful scenery and people are not enough.

No wonder it's popular. Pretty people suffering while the true crimes are being committed by the British all over the continent. His life "doesn't amount to a hill of beans." I guess good looking people together means they have to fall in love, right? Based on what, the danger of having and affair and knowledge he could die? What a snooze fest.

Did anyone think Almásy was going to live at the end? What actually happened in the film? Not much.
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Cassandro (2023)
Cassandro, not a cliche drag sports film.
21 September 2023
With equal parts spectacle, grief, sadness, joy, sorry and... (no spoilers) Gael Gabriel Bernal gives us Cassandro! The film avoids most of the sports movie tropes, other than a training video with Sabrina, played by Roberta Colindrez, who is a female luchadora and trainer. She is spot on as Saul's (Cassandro's) friend and the mother is played by well by actress Perla de la Rosa. The whole cast is great and while I am not a fan of Lucho Libre, the film gives us an interesting take on the art form. Cassandro is an exotico (drag queen luchador) and the film is a tribute to the exoticos that came before. The ending does not disappoint.

# Pay full price.
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