2 Reviews
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The Dark (I) (2018)
29 October 2018
Probably it won't win any Oscar, but I think it's worth watching. It's an Austrian movie shot in Canada. It's a dark fairy tale and it's about pain and friendship. Basically two kids share a sort of common pain, a similar fate. Both are victims of their own families, both have been abused or have suffered some violence from the ones we should call "the dear ones". Here the point is not asking yourself "Why is the girl like that?" or "Why does she eat what she eats?" (trying to avoid spoilers here). But rather enjoy the love, or friendship, or need of each other between two kids in extreme situations. I mean, do we really need to know why the "walkers" in The Walking Dead walk? Do we really need to know where Alien comes from? Sometimes, what people like to call "plot holes" or "unexplained stuff", it's where we should read between the lines instead. What we call "horror" or "gore" here might very well be read as metaphors. Anyway, the rhythm is somehow slow but never boring. There are some scares. And I think overall the acting is good. Way better than many other horrors around. Maybe 10 stars are too many, right, 7 or 8 would be fair, but it's to counterbalance the frustrated ones who gave 1 for no other reason than personal issues.
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The Missing (2014–2016)
I loved it.
18 January 2015
Somebody among the reviews said that the positive ones are paid for. Well, I'm not paid by anybody to review this show and I feel like giving it 10 stars because once I watched the pilot episode, I could not stop watching the rest of the show. Somebody might find the pace too slow, some others won't enjoy the acting, or the editing... whatever, I found it interesting, nicely done, realistic, dramatic, catching... I feel like recommending The Missing to anybody, although I respect the fact that it might not be for anybody. The whole show is characters' driven and it's about a couple losing their 5 year old child while on vacation in France. There's a lot of drama in it. If you're a parent you'll understand and "enjoy" the show even more, clearly. Again, it might not be your kind of entertainment, but I objectively think it's a well-done show worth to watch it. Can't wait for next season. PS: The show is 100% European, whether you like it.
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