
2 Reviews
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The Matrix Revulsions
8 November 2003
Don't get me wrong. I am a fan of the first Matrix film, because it was simply a very good action film. With the sequels, the Wachowski bros have obviously travelled so far up their own behinds in searching for some cod-philosophy and religious imagery to fill them up with, they have forgotten about such minor details as plot, character development, and scriptwriting.

Matrix Reloaded at least had that car chase and some 'in the matrix' action in between the rubbish Zion storyline. Unfortunately, Matrix Revolutions is just boring. The invasion of Zion looks fairly good, but is badly directed and lacks any excitement or coherence whatsoever. The worst thing though is the dialogue, which ranges from the simplistic at best, to laughably bad at other points. As with Matrix Reloaded there are a number of pointless incomprehensible monologues as well.

Not everything that has a beginning has a total cop-out ending.
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Clever black comedy
26 October 2003
It's always nice when Americans make thoughtful, atmospheric, and reflective films. Especially when they are black comedies, because America is home to some of the masters of the genre. Dealing with the most taboo of all subjects, this film makes you squirm in your seat even more than Thomas Vinterberg's 'Festen', and the subject is dealt with using the tact and subtlety that many Hollywood directors lack.

Anybody expecting a slapstick, South Park type movie will be sorely disappointed, but fans of Todd Solondz will probably love it. Plus there is a great soundtrack by Morphine.
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