
11 Reviews
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Frasier (2023– )
No longer listening
13 October 2023
I managed to get through the first episode of this new Frasier series. It was cringy, but I did it and thought "okay, the worst part is over, first episodes are often hit and miss, the second has to be better." Sadly, I couldn't drag myself through that, it was even worse than the first one.

The cast is completely off, they would probably fit fine into a soap opera, but definitely not Frasier. Everything feels forced and not believable, I never thought I could hate so many characters in a show, but it truly is possible here. Overacting seems to be the keyword here, that, and jokes that are not the least bit funny. I agree with all the bad reviews, it's awful. Not going to watch any more of this garbage. Such a shame, as the original show was so good, it had atmosphere, the jokes were always funny, well most of them anyway, and everything was kept at a level, where it didn't come off as a Laurel and Hardy script written by a teenager. Sigh.
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Carmen (I) (2022)
What was that?
23 September 2022
I'm a big fan of Natascha Mcelhone and I'm so glad I have seen her performances in other films, before watching this. I can't remember having dragged myself through a worse movie in many, many, many years. It's awful. The story is thin at best and the acting is amateurish beyond belief and the songs from this will keep me up at night for weeks to come. Scenery is nice though, that's it. I'm sorry, but there's absolutely nothing to like about this movie, except for how gorgeous Natasha McElhone looks, while she does her lines with a bad accent. I've seen school plays more convincing than this garbage. Please do not trust high star reviews of this, you will not be rewarded for your time, nor patience.
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My Brilliant Friend (2018– )
Please let this continue forever
11 March 2022
I have to admit, I haven't watched that many Italian tv-series, but this is a must see. The acting is amazing, the scenery is equally fantastic, the story engaging, everything is binge-worthy. Not only is it interesting to get an understanding of the times in Italy at the time, but also you really empathize with the women back then. It's an amazing series, don't miss it.
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After Life: Episode #3.1 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
No need for a 3rd season
20 January 2022
I enjoyed season 1 and 2, but gave up season 3 after the first episode. Boring beyond belief, nothing engaging, whatsoever. I really do like Ricky Gervais, I think he's brilliant at times, but this just smells like riding the moneywave, as long as it's possible. Shame really, but nothing new, just boredom and sadness for the sake of it. Move on, nothing to see here.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
7,4 really?
22 June 2021
How is this rated 7,4? Sure, it's a decent vengeance flick, but completely one-dimensional. I gave it a 5 and that's pretty high considering what it offered. Acting is fine, story is absolutely crap. Good for Sunday afternoon entertainment, but not anything else.
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Completely addicted to this show
14 October 2019
Below Deck Mediterranean is the only reality show I watch and I can't get enough. The surroundings are amazing, the dramas are intense, there's constantly something happening. I love the insight you get to all that goes on under the surface of a luxury yacht and I would love being able to afford a trip such as the ones you get to follow. Although I would definitely treat the crew a lot nicer, than most of the guest seem to do. It's both good and bad, that the crew changes from season to season, though so far in season 4, the crew seems to work really well together. Absolutely love this show and hope it will continue for many more seasons.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
13 April 2018
I haven't seen the original series, so I have nothing to compare this to. But all in all, I think it's a good show, great visual effects and lots of action. Sure, some of the acting is a bit corny, but I've seen a lot worse. If you compare this to either the newest Star Trek, which is utter garbage in my opinion, or The Orville, which is even worse, this comes out more than decent really. Netflix is doing a great job, if you ask me. I've only seen the first two episodes so far, but there wasn't a boring moment and a good sci-fi is hard to come by these days. I would highly recommend it, if you're into sci-fi.
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Gladly surprised
24 March 2004
I have to admit, I almost didn't watch this movie, due to the comments I read here about it. It might be because I'm neither an american, nor have I read the book. Still, I decided to give it a chance & I'm so glad I did. This movie is sweet & romantic, the kind of movie I'm a sucker for. Also, it seemed to last just long enough, instead of being too long or too short. Both Natalie Portman & Ashley Judd are gorgeous in this one, I wouldn't want to have to choose between the two of them. Anyway, watch this one as a romantic movie, nothing more & nothing less, then you'll just have a good experience.

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A strange, yet impressive film
10 March 2003
I admit at first I thought this was a very bad movie. Especially the music irritated me, but then it got better, a whole lot better. It's a strange film, but moving none the less. For once Adam Sandler isn't funny all the time, even though he has his moments. I guess this is one of those movies that grows on you. The love story is nice & also a bit funny now & then. But most of all, I love how Adam reacts when something doesn't go his way. Give it a chance, I really don't think you'll regret it.

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Girl Fever (2002)
This one gives you fever all right..
7 March 2003
Erinn Bartlett is in this movie, the only reason for me watching it to the end. Do not compare Girl Fever with 100 Girls, no matter what. The story in this one makes no sense at all. On top of that it's vulgar & gross most of the time, without being the least bit funny. It might be good if you're about 11 years old, even though I doubt it. So if you have a choice between watching Girl Fever & a different movie, choose the other one. Even if you don't have a choice, don't waste your time watching this awful film.
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Just my point of view
1 August 2002
I watched this movie tonight, having read the first review. I have to admit, first part of When Strangers Appear is good. I got the sence that it was sort of a "cult" type of movie. It's good when it comes to the plot, gets your brain working, but the last part of this movie was, in my opinion, a waste of time. Well, maybe I just expected an other kind of ending, but you might like it. I give it 2 - 3 stars.

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