
28 Reviews
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Watchable yet sloppy sequel
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The 1st Wonder Woman was surprisingly enjoyable. Yet this sequel is really really poor.

There are so many plot holes its ridiculous

My main points are

1- How do they get to Egypt & back in a fighter jet?

2- How is Cheetah the billed as a villain as she is only a Cheetah for about a minute

3- How are there thousands of Amazons with no men

4- WW is in the air near the end for ages yet still has time to go back & grab her gold armour

5-Why is the Mall scene criminals so inept?

6- Pedro Pascal is lucky to end up right next to his son after flying back to Washington

7-Best way to make someone look goofy out glasses on them

8- Steve Trevor,despite being dead for X amount of years, can easily fly a modern jet plane

9- At one stage they are in Barbara's office, yet when they leave it says on the door D. Prince.

I'm sure there are other points as well, all the leads are fine in it. There are just so many sloppy errors. Hopefully the 3rd film will be significantly better
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The Power of Music
31 December 2020
Excellent documentary on Bruce Dickinson playing a gig for the people of Sarajevo during the Balkans conflict. A story I had never heard about & probably would not have if it wasn't for this documentary

The story shows how powerful music can be, bringing so many people together & enabling them to forget about the war for those few inspiring hours.
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Rings (2017)
Flogging a dead Franchise
23 December 2020
A terrible, boring, dull entry into the Ring franchise

Watch the Japanese original or even the American remake, which shows you how bad this film is, before watching this dross

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How has this got a rating of over 6
24 September 2020
After watching RE: Afterlife I vowed never to watch another. But Extinction was on and I thought I would give it a shot. And boy do I wish I didn't

Another inadequate film in the God awful Resident Evil franchise

How some of these have high ratings is beyond me

One thing is clear if I had to join a group in a post apocalyptic world I would not be joining Ali Larters crew. They can't even work out that one of their own is turning into a zombie. But they do have these cool guns that never seem to run out of bullets. Handy when your fighting a horde of zombies

And why the hell do the zombies all head to a small wooden building in the middle of the desert?
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Generic Slasher That Does Nothing Good
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How some people have given this 10 is beyond. Either they are easily pleased or have never seen a decent horror film

The film has all your stereotypical horror tropes that are ineffective and unsurprising. It's not scary, not gory and not even original.

I knew who the killer was about 30secs

The director does seem to enjoy focusing on Jennifer Love Hewitt's talents when ever possible. This is probably the only reason I've given the film 3

I also enjoyed the part when the invisible force field around the road stops Freddie Prinze from running off the road when being chased by a car

And how did 4 college students believe that a 60/70 year old man could be the killer? Oh that's right because he has a bit of voodoo in his room.

Don't waste your time unless you want to see a early appearance from Jack Black as the stereotypical horror stoner. And we all know that Horror Stoners always die
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How was this made?
14 September 2020
Sometimes you watch a film and think to yourself who decided to invest in this rubbish movie.

It's completely unfunny, unoriginal, boring and just bizarre. There's more bits of the fantasy world then the real. These sequences just seen odd. And I'm not saying the removal would have made the film any better but would probably have been a improvement

Do not trust the fishy high reviews because I can guarantee they are fake. I'm being extremely generous not giving the film a 1 out of 10
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Stratton (2017)
Con-Air it ain't
10 September 2020
Simon West has gone a long way downhill since the excellent Con-Air.

Stratton is boring and slow paced.

From the director of Tomb Raider and Con-Air you expect thrilling fast paced action. What you get is laboured crap. It's almost lazy on the part of the director

And if you don't guess who the double agent is within 30secs you are a fool.

And what accent is Connie Nielsen trying?

Good cast but a poor film. Look elsewhere
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The words 'written and directed by Paul Anderson ' should put you off immediately
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is utter garbage.

I just don't know where to begin. The whole film is just one huge plot hole, I don't think I've seen a film with so many errors

Paul Anderson is the UK answer to Uwe Boll. He completely ruined the potential of this film series. Every entry in the franchise is awful

I think he forgot he was making a Resident Evil movie because the first 20 minutes and last 5 are a complete rip off of the Matrix. Granted a very poor low budget Matrix.

Do not bother

Couple more things I need to get off my chest, Alice can walk away from a plane crash but Wesker can't, she can now fly a plane around the world without stopping for fuel, she still looks good despite being in the air for 100+ days, all the zombies just hang around one building and the roof wire which caught the plane was short then became super long so she could reach the floor. Which was handy. I could go on and on about this joke of a film
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4 July 2020
Absolute Crap

Watched 2 episodes and didnt even crack a smile.

Dont bother. Watch Mike Bassett for a football comedy
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Ride Along 2 (2016)
Was this meant to be a comedy?
30 June 2020
Could possibly be one of the unfunniest comedies I have every seen. Absolute garbage.

Loads of mistakes & plot holes.

The only reason I decided not to give it 1 was because the only thing the film gets right is the great cars and beautiful women.

If you want to watch a great cop buddy movie watch Lethal Weapon and avoid this.

I promise to never watch this film ever again
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Black Ops (II) (2019)
Distinctly Average
17 June 2020
Very average film that could have been executed better.

The interesting storyline which could have been explored in more depth leaves you underwhelmed.

You can see the film has a tiny budget and with this the action sequences dont have the desired effect.

Go elsewhere for similar Groundhog Day style films. Happy Death Day or Edge of Tomorrow spring to mind
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Not worth your time
23 May 2020
A absolute horrendous horror movie

I know it's low budget and you can't expect great things but this film is awful

The gags are lame, you almost need a prod to know if it's a joke or not, the acting is poor and I can't believe Arrow released this on Blu Ray

This film probably had the biggest microwave you will ever see in your life

Find another low brow micro budget horror before watching this one

One thing that did make me laugh the guys are meant to be working on a construction site and there is literally 4 people working on site. Haha
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Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000)
I can't believe they cancelled this
8 May 2020
I've been meaning to watch this show for years and lockdown and 4 On Demand (UK) has given me that chance.

I was not disappointed. This show was amazing. Funny and touching, hitting the trials and tribulations of growing up perfectly

The cast was outstanding. So many actors/actresses from this show have gone on to become famous

Massive shame that they couldn't give the characters any sort of ending. You really get invested in their individual stories

Plus it's got bloody Biff Tannen in it
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In my top 5 comedies
8 May 2020
This film is utter garbage but it's so bad it's good. I was laughing my head off

What was the funniest part? Was it the the uncomfortably long time Matt has his hand on Courtney's shoulder at the start, the excessive product placement, the hilarious pillow fight, the awful band or maybe the dance number they throw in at the end

Plus The Driller Killer, what the hell is all that about?

Also was it just me but did it not seem Matt was far to old to still be in school

The writer Deborah Brock needs to write more comedy horror
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Prom Night (1980)
Excellent Slasher 80s Style
8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting a great deal when I decided to watch Prom Night but I was pleasantly surprised

A great set up at the start of the film. A group of children playing accidentally kill a young girl. Leading to revenge 6 years later from some unknown person.

What I really like is the killer isn't killing everyone with one whack. He's got to work for the kills. This is evident in the great chase sequence of Wendy through the school. And this also leads you to question who this killer is. Killing isn't their forte.

Paul Lynch does a great job with the storyline. Implementing different story threads to make the viewer question which of the characters is the masked killer on the loose

Also who knew Jamie Lee Curtis could disco dance so well.

I'm a massive horror movie fan and I definitely recommend watching this classic.
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Mr. Bean (1990–1995)
Forgot how good this was
25 March 2020
Recently revisited Mr. Bean and I forgot how funny this show was

Very little dialogue which makes Rowan Atkinson's performances even better as a majority of the shows are physical humour rather then spoken

I did feel the quality dropped towards the last few episodes but I think it may have been getting difficult to continually put Bean in different scenarios without getting to repetitive

According to the trivia a theory is that he is a alien. I'm not religious but I thought more of a Angel kicked out of heaven and he's got to earn his wings to go back up. He's sent down to learn how to behave and grow up a bit.

Because essentially he is a good guy but he can be a bit of a wind up merchant to other people. Intentionally as well.

Only 14 episodes at half hour a time so definitely worth a watch for some classic British humour
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Worst One
25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely the worst Blade out of the trilogy

I have to be honest I hate Ryan Reynolds in this. His character is such a dick.

And I can't understand the point of Sommerfield being blind. How is she meant to protect her daughter from vampires?

And she was wise enough to make a 'if your watching this I'm dead' video. Done to death.

They try & add to many new characters to his team. Plus you don't really care for any of them

Blade doesn't need loads of help as he's a total badass.


it is still Wesley Snipes being awesome as Blade killing loads of vampires. Perfect casting.

And one more thing what was the point of the post credits scene? None
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Really enjoyed it
24 March 2020
A very enjoyable entertaining movie. Great action and effects.

Can't see why there was a bit of controversy surrounding it. It's a film, don't take it serious.

The film flew by and didn't seem to drag which is always a good sign

Definitely worth a watch
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What was the point?
11 March 2020
Despite the horrendous reviews I decided to watch the latest remake of Black Christmas. I am a massive fan of the highly under rated original. And I thought it can't be as bad as the 2006 remake

Oh how wrong was I

A 90 minute social commentary but in the context of a horror film. If you want to make the point of all men being put it in a film that isn't titled Black Christmas. You expect certain things from a Blumhouse film and this fails to deliver any of them

Stupid, almost idiotic storyline and storytelling

Stick to the original superior film. Now that is how you make a horror film
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Cabin Fever (2016)
Why did Eli Roth agree to this?
9 February 2020
Money, money, money. Only reason I can assume Eli Roth thought this was a good idea

In total agreement with many of the other reviews on here, a pointless remake. I enjoy the 1st one, not great, but enjoyable

There was no need to remake it. If you want to watch a crap Cabin Fever film they made 2 sequels which are also meant to be garbage

Some of the story is laughable. The main characters each try to find help at various points. Instead of heading down the road they used to get to the cabin. They decide the best idea is to wonder around the woods. Hoping they will bump into someone. Must be some small woods because they keep meeting a random bunch of crazy characters

4 might be a bit generous but the gore effects for a low budget film aren't bad.

Stick to the original.
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Average Anthology
7 February 2020
Despite being having a decent cast the film doesn't do anything particularly great but doesn't do anything badly either

Last story in my opinion was the best story but again nothing amazing.

Being a 70's horror I was expecting a bit more gore or jumps from the stories but its light on that front as well.

Better multi story horror films out there, go to them 1st before heading to this one.
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And I thought the 6th one was turd
28 January 2020
Absolute crap.

That was going to be my whole review but I decided to add more

I watched the 6th Academy film and thought this is awful only to watch this one and realise how low comedy films & the series can really go.

The actors must really like each other to have got back together to make this awful film. A decision well made by Steve Guttenberg to walk away from the series

I did not even smirk during the whole film. I would not even bother.
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They get worse & worse
28 January 2020
I use to love the Police Academy films as akid. Number 6 was on ITV4 (UK) recently so decided to revisit after not seeing it for years.

I wish I didnt bother. A hour and a half of lazy slapstick and humour. It seems they got to a point where the writers just thought all we need is a scene of Hightower being tough, Hooks shouting, Jones making loads of noises, Tackleberry having loads of guns etc, etc & we will have a smash. How very wrong

Only reason I gave it 2 was for G.W Bailey who seems to at least be trying to get some humour out of a otherwise humourless film
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A decent sequel
3 January 2020
Recently shown on the Horror Channel in the UK. And as a fan of the classic original I thought I would give the sequel a view

Have to say I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. The practical and computer effects were half decent considering how small the budget was. $4m according to IMDb

Plenty of mentions to the original as well to tie it nicely with the first film. Chris Gartin is pretty poor as the Kevin Bacon replacement in my opinion but let's be honest it's a Tremors movie, no one is in it to win a Oscar. It's light hearted comedy horror that knows what is is.

If you enjoyed the 1st film then you should enjoy this one.
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LA to Vegas (2018)
You can see why this was cancelled
9 March 2019
The only reason I watched this was because Will Ferrell was producing the series. And I wished I hadn't

More miss then hit I'm afraid

Watched the first episode and I didn't laugh once. Thought to myself I will give it a few more episodes, hoping that it would just be a slow starter of a show. It picks up in the next couple of episodes and then dramatically drops off.

Terrible unfunny joke after unfunny joke. There were whole episodes where I didn't even laugh. I don't think I even cracked a smile

I can fully understand why this was cancelled after one season.
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