
21 Reviews
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Prisoners (2013)
Masterful Movie Making!!!
24 March 2014
Legendary director Alfred Hitchcock could easily have crafted this brilliantly written, incredibly riveting and intensely suspenseful thriller. Instead, the virtually unknown Canadian director Denis Villeneuve is responsible for what is without doubt the best movie of 2013. There are staggering performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal,intricate plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat and atmospheric elements that will make your heart race and interfere with normal breathing patterns. Before viewing this movie, It is recommended that you keep a brown paper bag by your side to prevent hyper ventilation and make sure to trim your fingernails as you will be biting them to the very end.
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Nothing To See Here Folks!
2 January 2014
Intelligent movie-goers will be embarrassed by this latest offering from German born director, "Roland Emmerich". Renowned for several over the top movies in the past, including, ("2012", "Godzilla","The Day After Tomorrow" and "Independence Day", it was no surprise then that he continued in that fashion and gave us another movie with plenty of action and very little substance. Let's start with the casting, Jamie Fox could have played the lead role but was out of his element as the president of the United States. Channing Tatum seems to be the "flavour of the month" but he gets roles like this because of his broad appeal and not for his thespian dexterity. James Woods has made a living out of playing demented political characters and turns in the same expected performance here. Maggie Gyllenhall was the one bright spark that helped to keep the ship afloat, but there was too much water to bale out and this movie sunk fast. With preposterous action scenes, ridiculous villains, and a storyline that seemed to drag on forever, this movie was less than memorable.
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True Clash Of The Titans!
3 October 2013
Like watching a solar eclipse for the first time, or catching a glimpse of "Hayleys Comet" as it makes its rare appearance over the earth, it is quite the event when Hollywood teams up two legendary and heralded actors for the first time. Robert De Niro and John Travolta star as adversaries still conflicted by their experiences in the Bosnian war. Travoltas character (Emil Kovac) travels to the United States seeking revenge against the U.N. commander (De Niro) for atrocities committed by his troops against the Serbians. What follows is two heavyweights slugging it out with reckless abandon, each gaining the upper hand and both being knocked to the canvass on numerous occasions. Who will prevail in this intensely physical and psychological warfare being waged by the two old enemies? Will it be the last man standing or will they reach some kind of compromise and lay down their weapons? Travolta did well and was almost unrecognizable in this improbable role and DeNiro showed at the age of 70 he is still a force to be reckoned with.
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Mud (2012)
Just A Walk In The Park!
2 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Mathew McConaughey strolls through this "Southern coming of age drama" like Hugh Hefner at a festive party at the Playboy mansion. He was just the perfect fit for this enigmatic role created by the very talented director Jeff Nichols. With Arkansas as the backdrop and a strong supporting cast that included Reese Witherspoon and Sam Shepard, the groundwork was laid and the tale unfolded. McConaugheys character,( Mud) is befriended by two local kids who are inspired and intrigued by their new acquaintance and assist him in getting a boat lodged in a tree back in to the ocean. Wanted for murder and with the law and bounty hunters closing in to kill Mud,it is a race against time as he attempts to flee to the open sea. Sit tight as the adventures begin and the emotional involvement in the characters grow. With brilliant performances from Tye Sheridan and Jacob Lofland as the kids and the always likable and impressive Mathew McConaughy in top form, it was a joy to watch.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Seeing Is Definitely Not Believing!
30 September 2013
Magic at times can be so amazing that it literally will leave you dumbfounded, speechless, and wondering what the heck just happened. French director "Louis Leterrier" Attempted to replicate the same feat on film but unfortunately failed to reach the heights of even a decent Las Vegas show. Most of the magic/illusions and tricks were no great surprise and were fairly predictable. Although Disappointing in this area, the movie was actually very entertaining. Jesse Eissenberg has proved that he is no "flash in the pan" and really shone in this movie proving that he can handle a sizable role. Isla Fisher was as gorgeous as ever but with no real meat to her character she was there more for the aesthetics. Melanie Laurent, a relative newcomer to American audiences really caught the eye and could be one to watch for the future. With thematic elements including robbery, deception,and car chases coupled with an energetic cast, it was a nice distraction from the reality of every day life.
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A Romance For The Ages!
7 September 2013
Rod Stewarts debut album, "An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down" springs to mind upon viewing this timeless classic for the sixth time. It was even better on this occasion as the anticipation of the memorable moments kept you glued to the screen like a teenage boy watching a "Cindy Crawford pepsi cola commercial". Writer and director Nancy Meyers, has demonstrated an uncanny understanding of the male and female psyche that produced Oscar worthy performances from the featured stars reminiscent of "Bogart and Bacall" and "Tracy and Hepburn". With an amazing script to work with, Jack Nicholson and Dianne Keaton have never been this funny, this adorable, and certainly never this believable. It was as if they were not acting and merely living out their every day lives in front of the cameras. "Old Jack" reveled in this role and was sensational, but, there are few superlatives to describe Dianne Keatons performance, other than, it was simply astonishing. Her facial expressions,and body language conveyed more to the viewer than any written dialog ever could. Her lines when they were delivered were effortless and Her beauty was so evident for all to see that it was difficult to take your eyes off of her. With these two stars at the top of their game, it was pure Hollywood magic.
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Erased (2012)
Edgy High Tech Thriller!
6 September 2013
With the aesthetically pleasing cities of Brussells and Antwerp as the back drop, this exciting international thriller opens full throttle and keeps the pulse rate steady throughout. This movie contains all the necessary ingredients for success, including action, suspense, mystery and intrigue. Aaron Eckhart does well in this starring role and is ably assisted by a solid, mostly European cast which only adds authenticity to the movie. While not quite in the same class as "Bourne" or "Taken", it is never the less a strong effort from German born director Phillip Stolzl that will keep fans of this genre more than satisfied. Like a great meal enjoyed in a fine restaurant that lingers in your memories for days afterward, this motion picture sits well on the palate and will be recalled long after the credits have closed.
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The Factory (V) (2012)
A Disturbing Dose Of Insanity!
25 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Warning!!!! This is a James Wan directed movie! That should tell you to strap yourself in and be prepared for the shock and awe that is to follow. Not familiar with his name?, Think, "Saw", "Insidious", and his latest effort, "The Conjuring". Everything that you would expect from this Malaysian Chinese director is on show. His specialty seems to be showing the very depth of human depravity in all its glory. At times the violence is just too graphic and seems unnecessary, but this is his trademark. If he is going to direct a murder scene then it is going to be bigger, better and more realistic than anyone else's. Frankly, I found it all very unsettling and was tempted to bale out long before the end. I stuck with it though as the story itself was compelling and who doesn't like John Cusack?. The ending will surprise most people, although some might think it improbable. I'm not sorry I watched this movie, just sorry I didn't realize who the director was.
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Well Acted Drama!
18 August 2013
There are few movies in Hollywood that can succeed on the depth of a good story and the quality of fine acting. Too often they are produced on a large budget and filled with special effects simply to keep the average moviegoer attentive and satisfied. This picture directed by Robert Redford is old time movie making at its best with over a dozen top notch actors carefully chosen specifically for their roles and not simply to add glamor and prestige to the project. Shia labeuf's character Ben Shepard, was so well written and the overall screenplay so darned good that recognition and awards should have been forthcoming. Almost every scene was filled with engaging dialog that kept the viewer interested and anxious for the rest of the story to unfold. Jackie Evancho was very refreshing in her movie debut, but the real star here was Mr. Labeuf. It was his sensational acting skills and charm that carried the day.
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Dynamite Action Flick!
17 August 2013
"The action thriller" is alive and well thanks to Antoine Fuquas' latest addition to this genre. This young director knows how to showcase his leading man and does so brilliantly elevating Gerard Butler into the "Matt Damon,and Bruce Willis fraternity". Keeping politics and trivial subjective criticism aside, this movie was thoroughly enjoyable. With the nations capital at the center of the drama,the story moves at lightning speed leaving no time for bathroom breaks and no need to wonder when it will come to a conclusion. The fault finders and agenda driven reviewers can bark all they want to sabotage any future success that "Olympus Is Down" will have, But they'll be barking up the wrong tree.
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The Hunter (IV) (2011)
Just Fizzled Out!
24 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although this Australian production of the Julia Leigh novel was beautifully filmed, well crafted,and featured the excellent William Defoe, it just never rose above the level of the instantly forgettable. There was an undercurrent of negative ambiance throughout the movie that left the viewer uneasy, uninterested, and unable to shake it off. Sure, the scenery was breathtaking, the story was decent,and the acting was good, but this adaptation from the book leaves you disappointed and depressed. Don't wait for the excitement and thrills to pick up the pace, it didn't happen. It was all in all, rather dreary, leaving you to wonder why you even bothered watching. I guess some books just shouldn't be made into motion pictures.
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Don't Waste Your Time!
14 July 2013
If you have ever gotten up early filled with excitement to watch a beautiful sunrise only to have your hopes dashed because of the low lying cloud cover, then you will know how I feel after watching "A Good Day To Die Hard". This 5th installment of the storied franchise is nothing but disappointing drivel. The original "Die Hard" is the crown jewel in this series of films and should be the blueprint for all movies that follow. Instead, the moviegoer is insulted by this testosterone driven and embarrassing offering from Irish director John Moore. With a weak script, ridiculous action scenes and dialogue that only a 12 year old could find amusing, it was painful to watch. No longer is "John Mcclain" a regular everyday guy who could do extraordinary things, now he is a superhero, who is invincible and can just about fly. Let's hope the next director entrusted with this once great franchise looks back to the first movie for inspiration and stays away from fantasy land.
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The Call (II) (2013)
A Refreshing Ride!
11 July 2013
Not being a fan of Halle Berry, no foreknowledge of the plot and with zero expectations I sat down to watch "The Call". It did not take long for this edgy little thriller to announce its presence to the viewer. A brutal murder,a serial killer on the loose, a botched 911 response and an operator (Berry) haunted by her mistake. Seeking redemption, she finds herself front and center once again as the killer attempts to procure another victim. Strap yourself in as the tension builds and the movie spirals towards the inevitable yet unexpected climax. Like a rainbow's welcome appearance after a summer shower, this movie was a pleasant surprise.
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Broken City (2013)
Dull and lifeless!
28 June 2013
The idiom, "All Dressed Up With No Place To Go" seems apropos for this disappointing drama. All the ingredients were there, two of my favorite actors, Russel Crowe and Mark Wahlberg, great supporting cast in Katherine Zeta Jones, Barry Pepper and Kyle Chandler and with New York City as the backdrop, how could it fail? It did though! The script was dreadful, the storyline was completely confusing and the audience was left wondering what was really going on. You cannot fault Crowe and Wahlberg as they did the best with what they were given, but with weak direction, little character development and a total lack of clarity this train never left the station.If you skip this motion picture, you are not missing much.
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Premium Rush (2012)
Well Worth A Watch !
28 June 2013
Joseph Gordon Levitt is indeed a rising star in Hollywood and he handles the leading man roll in this offering from director David Koepp with great aplomb. In this thrill ride through the streets of New York City, bicycles replace "muscle cars' as the vehicles of choice for the chase scenes. The camera captures all the speed, skill, stunts and tricks of the bike riders as they complete their deliveries while competing with motorists and pedestrians in America's busiest city. A weak plot, and a bad guy with not enough "menace" hampered the success of this movie, but the bike scenes are so amazing that it makes you want to dig the old bike out of the garage. This movie is different than most out there and with the Who's "Babba Oreilly" cranked up as part of the soundtrack, it is well worth a view.
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Warrior (2011)
A Terrific And Titanic Tale!
28 May 2013
British actress Vivien Leigh won an Oscar for playing the most southern of Belles in "Gone With The Wind". It is rare that an actor can take on a roll where they have to learn an accent and make it sound convincing to the audience as well as their peers.The two lead roles in "Warrior "went to an Englishman and an Aussie. They are two of the most astonishing performances I have ever seen.Tom Hardy,and Joel Edgerton, you have left me speechless! Where did you guys come from? How is it possible that you are both virtually unknown? I never for one moment detected a breakdown in your accents. You were both truly remarkable. You don't have to be a MMA fan or even a fight fan to enjoy this movie. It is loaded with action, drama, intensity and gut wrenching emotions. A super supporting cast of Nick Nolte, Jennifer Morrison,and Kevin Dunn just added the icing on the cake.
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Heart Wrenching And Realistic
28 May 2013
You will experience the full gamut of emotions as you travel on this roller-coaster ride. Fear, shock, anger, joy and euphoria just to name a few, and keep the hankies close by as you can't help but empathize with the victims and survivors of this brutal tragedy. This story was well told and even riveting at times. It is easy to watch footage of a natural disaster on TV and not be affected by it. This movie really hit home hard and gives you a deeper understanding of the suffering and struggle that is involved in the aftermath of such an event. As usual, Ewan Mcgregor and Naomi Watts were at the top of their game, but it was young Tom Holland who impressed more than anyone. This well acted drama is definitely worth watching.
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Trapped (I) (2002)
Never Really Caught Fire!
26 May 2013
A decent thriller with superb performances from the major players, but it just fizzled in the end. An amazing performance from Dakota Fanning and the surprising Courtney Love could not elevate this movie into the top notch category. Kevin Bacon as usual plays the disturbed, sicko bad guy and does it as well as anyone. Charlize Theron also did a great job and she is maybe one of the most photogenic actresses of her time. Everything was there for this to be a memorable and unforgettable movie, but unfortunately, the director missed too many opportunities to create and build the tension to a level where you could not wait for the bad guy to meet his end. It never reached boiling point, the intensity just was not there, and you are left wondering what could have been.
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Nearly Achieved The Impossible
24 May 2013
Not only is Ann Hathaway the greatest "Cat Woman" ever, but she also won an Oscar for best supporting actress in a roll with limited on screen time that probably should not have qualified for a nomination in the first place. Yes! She is that good! It would have been simple to cast seasoned Broadway performers throughout the movie, but the brilliant cast choices will surely bring in some curious onlookers who otherwise would stay away. Russel Crowe gave an adequate performance, but did not quite capture "Javert" as the relentless,heartless,despicable and sadistic individual that he was. Hugh Jackman continues to demonstrate his great versatility. Is there anything he can't do? Samantha Barks, Eddy Redmayne, and Aaron Tveit helped to elevate the whole production to new heights with their amazing voices. At times the movie was breathtaking,but it did seem to drag on. It is much too long and even the die-hard fans were starting to fidget in their seats. Les Miserable 2012 is not going to attract legions of new fans, but the appetite of the staunch followers of the stage production will surely be satisfied.
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The Patriot (2000)
Highly Entertaining Period Drama
21 May 2013
Judy Garland sang it best, "A clown with his pants falling down, or the dance thats a dream of romance, or the scene where the villain is mean That's Entertainment!" It is understandable that the Brits have disdain for this movie as it certainly takes liberties with the truth and shows them in a bad light. All directors have creative license to maximize the entertainment value even at the expense of rewriting history if it is necessary. This is a work of fiction loosely based on events and people at that time. It is not a documentary proclaiming that all you are about to see is factual. Gibson is great in the role of Benjamin Martin, but it is his adversary that makes the movie special. Jason Isaacs was masterful in his portrayal of the sadistic Col William Tavington. A supporting cast that includes the impeccable Tom Wilkinson, Joley Richardson and Heath Ledger only adds to the enjoyment of a memorable movie. That Is Entertainment!
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Jack Reacher (2012)
An action movie done right with little over the top nonsense.
19 May 2013
If you are not a Tom Cruise fan and usually skip his flicks you will be making a big mistake. The complexity of the character Jack Reacher called for a subdued portrayal which Cruise handled skillfully. Rosamunde Pike complemented her costar and was very believable in the role. Robert Duvall as usual made the most of his scenes and the interaction with Cruise was great.The movie flowed with great action, a terrific story and superb entertainment throughout. All the normal ingredients for a great flick are there, cops, corruption, mystery and intrigue. Once again, Tom Cruise has reinvented himself to prove his critics wrong. The trade mark smile might be missing from this movie but, it is Mr. Cruise who comes out smiling in the end.
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