
5 Reviews
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Epic movie
4 May 2013
I remember when I first watched it , the whole 6 movies in one DVD set in fact . a very long time ago in a ... never mind . anyway , I found the original trilogy to be a bit boring . but the new one really captured me , especially this epic conclusion chapter . and made me realize something : star wars is not just for "nerds" .

Well , unless you take it too seriously ... but how can you? the robots and aliens are kinda comical . the acting is very "shakespeare" like , and overdone , and even some of the effects are outdated . and what I'm trying to say is that you need to light up , and see it for what it actually is : a fantasy adventure story in a sci-fi world .

And what a world it is - George Lucas created something huge , allowing other people to expand that universe by telling their own stories in it , from video-games , comics , and TV series ... although it does sometimes create "holes" . for example : General Griveous . while he was supposed to have his first and last appearance in this movie . someone probably saw the potential in him and turned him into a big villain in the Clone Wars series . and I'm glad they did , because he is awesome . so that is forgivable . fi anything really bothered me though , it's the way too easy deaths , but that's about it ...

The whole movie is full of wisdom , and memorable quotes . some epic battles . and to be honest , I had NO IDEA originally that (SPOILER ALERT?) Anakin is about to become Darth Vader . so this whole thing came as a surprise to me . him tearing apart between the Jedi and the Sith , doing some terrible things , along with the extinction of the Jedi . and lord Sith's identify finally being revealed (though come on...we knew who he was all along) and the birth of Luke and Leia ... made this movie not only really meaningful . but really emotionally powerful as well , heck I admit , some manly tears were shed when I first watched it .

So in conclusion , I'd say that while some things in this movie are a bit outdated . it set a new standard in it's time , and to this day it remains entertaining and EPIC . if you like science fiction and adventures it's a must watch .
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Samurai Jack (2001–2017)
Kinda overrated
31 May 2012
Don't get me wrong , this animated program did have something in it that made it worth watching ... the cinematic way everything was done , with strong Asian culture influence on the artstyle , the dark atmosphere and the music . plus the memorable hero and villain of the show and the decent fight scenes .

But there is one main issue with this show . like many other stuff on TV at that time , it was rather...pointless . it didn't progress anywhere , and no development whatsoever .infact after the pilot episode you could basically watch any episode you want and it wouldn't make a difference . and I just got sick of it at one point when I realized - he's not going home ...

Also , while the cartoonish designs worked with humorous shows such as Dexters laboratory , for a more serious action focused show you would expect cleaner artwork . but it's flashy and the character designs are carelessly made , with pointy teeth...

So while it is "nostalgic" and I want to see a conclusion with a movie of some sort (too bad the voice actor of Akku passed way though =\ )this show is really flawed .
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Tron: Uprising (2012–2013)
Ugly masterpiece
23 May 2012
After the Legacy movie , I couldn't get enough of Tron and I really liked the idea of making a series that happen in between the 1st and 2nd movie. yet I always hated CGI animation in TV shows , it just looks bad compared to something you see in the cinema . and I'm in the belief that cartoons should stay animated in the old fashioned way ...

The Uprising didn't change my mind . but it doesn't change how much I enjoyed this show . it looks visually great , very detailed and while I hate the character designs I can't say that it's not unique and highly styled . plus , while the animation isn't the smoothest thing I've seen . all the action sequences were AMAZING .

But the true reason why this show is so great it's because of the revolution themed story , the great voice acting , and how you can see the artistic vision the creators had in every shot .

I will be watching this :) and the only thing missing right now in Tron is - a sequel to the movie
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Sucker Punch (2011)
More than I expected
18 May 2012
When I saw the trailers (and came across a few reviews) . I was ready for a dumb movie with hot girls and overdone action . which was fine by me :) but while the movie does have AWESOME fantasy action scenes and beautiful girls it surely is ain't stupid .

I don't know , maybe people do only "see what they wanna see" . but they miss out a lot of things by doing that . the whole movie is treated like a music video , with beautiful artistic shots played on the soundtrack . and it was hard for me not to feel bad for the main character , and the other girls in the so called "asylum" . I could identify with the fear they felt from being supervised by that master douchebag that runs the place . and the movie delivers a depressing feeling overall ... until 1 girl stands up for herself and brings hope to the rest .

And it's funny how this movie is accused with putting women down when the whole idea of the movie is to talk ABOUT how they used to be treated , their struggle against it , and in the fantasy world she built in her head they have so much power and freedom (while still looking sexy - and there's nothing wrong in that) ,as they weren't treated as just sex objects by the story , they were breaking away from that tag someone put on them , making it possible to care for them as people . and while these adrenaline packed scenes put a smile on my face they were also emotionally charged and made you wonder - how do they effect the real life in the meantime .

Suprizingly enough - the movie wasn't over sexualized , or violent . (maybe people are disappointed because that's what they wanted it to be ?) and I'm glad it didn't , weather it's for rating reasons or not , it managed to produce some of the most amazing action scenes we ever had in a movie to date , without being too bloody . and while sex was a big theme in this movie , it wasn't just randomly put there (like a lot of movies do) but was part of the story , and even there it was merely implied , bringing focus to whats really important . I would even go as far and say there was something "feminist" about this movie . as 99 percent of the male characters were just hateful . well , except that old guy ...

so remember , don't believe any review you read before you judge it by yourself ...oh and one more thing - the movie starts and ends with a great message . so don't let that go over your head ...
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Thundercats (2011–2012)
A quality cartoon
9 April 2012
To be honest , I never watched the original thundercats except for a couple of episodes . and I thought it was corny - and that silly idea wouldn't work nowdays . but I gave it a shot , and this remake not only topped all my expectations . it became one of my favorite animated shows of all time . (up there with TMNT (2003) The Jackie Chan adventures , and even Avatar : The last airbender . just to name some)

it's really in line with them in terms of quality and charm . not only that , but it even easily beats most of the real "anime" out there . and I think this combo of American writing and voice acting with Asian artstyle and animation is just proved as a great choice again .

So , lets break this show down :

Artstyle - some may disagree with me but as an artist myself I find it very beautiful , it's colorful and easy on the eye . but it's detailed enough to be taken seriously . the designs have a modern touch to them and fit the fantasy environment well . and the characters have a lot more ...well , character than the original ones - who looked like your cardboard superheroes.

Animation - every episode so far was animated without laziness , with fluid character movement in every degree possible . and amazing action scenes . the quality is as good as something you would expect from a movie . and I just hope the animators realize they put that as a standard for the show and will never get lazy .

Story - Although I'm yet sure to where this show is heading at , so far the plot lines were good . every episode was pretty epic , and even the fillers were pretty good (the main problem with most "anime") they dealed with serious conflicts . there was a good amount of character development , background stories , and relationships building . and the dialogue was believable - as in , they feel like real people that you can connect with . the only problem I can think of is that every episode is so packed with things that it's sometimes rushed , and has some "holes" in the sequence of things so it could fit into this short time .

Music - the music is fantastic , other than not having a theme song (which kinda sucks).

but thats no biggy at all , the show is entertaining to watch to both old and young and it saddens me how people who can't let go of their nostalgia give this excellent show a bad name and drive it to cancellation. I hope that it will live up to it's planned amount of episodes because I just can't wait to the next one - CN got themselves an addict :)
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