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Little Women (2019)
Falls flat
23 May 2024
The 1994 version is what always comes to mind and I was really excited to see this because I like Laura Dern, Timothee Chalamet, and Saorsia Ronin. Sad to say, i didn't even finish this one.

It begins with the ending and there's too many flashbacks. I enjoy this style when it's a mystery or thriller but not necessarily a romance drama. It made it too difficult to witness the love story which is the heart of it. It simply didn't flow.

You also didn't get a chance to really fall in love with the characters. Many of them fell flat, as If the dialogue was spoken by a bunch of modern people who time travel and are speaking modern lingo in a different era. It felt weird and I'm not sure if I've fully put my finger on why.

Teddy , played by Chalame, had zero charm. Again, too modern for the story.

Why is Amy 20 when she's 12?

Why is Friedrich French?

So many things were just off.

If you love the 1994 version, skip this.

Please God, may they keep their filthy hands off of Legends of the Fall.
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The Layover (I) (2017)
I'm sorry, but what's happening here?
16 May 2024
This automatically played after I finished watching "A Simple Favor". I like the main actresses and let it play. Turned it off after 31 minutes. It's just completely unbelievable for two gorgeous women to be acting like there's only one man on the planet.

Fighting over this one guy who's like mid-level Calvin Klein model hot. And both of these women are complete goddesses.

The scenes are really outlandish as well. One scene with Kate Upton twirling around and she had a Janet Jackson Superbowl moment. Ummm was she not wearing a bra?

The way these women acted around this guy was how my friend and I used to act when we were teenagers. Like silly girls.

If you're wanting a romcom with intelligence, this isn't it.
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The Great (2020–2023)
This is awful
12 April 2024
I wanted to watch this show for such a long time because I think Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult are gorgeous and excellent actors.

I give every series one episode to reel me in. This one got exactly one. It was terrible.

It depicts Russian royalty as being brutish, foul mouthed, uneducated, animal abusers. I'm not Russian, I'm American. I'm not entertained by this. Russia is a super power and has given the world some of the most brilliant thinkers. Some of the greatest rulers came out of Russia. It someone knew nothing about Russia and watched this, they would get s horrible impression of these great people.

This show tries to make cruelty funny. The emperor is cruel to those around him, and to The Empress, his wife. He punches her in the stomach after he shoots her bear, a gift to her on their wedding night, and after she cried to him about how much she's hurting, due to his cruel behavior.

The amount of foul language is ridiculous. I believe it's proven that if one's vocabulary is made of mainly swear words it shows low IQ.

Everyone is drinking or drunk and throwing glasses on the ground.

It's like a huge fraternity with horny jocks, but in costumes. They act crude and abuse the women.

That's literally the best way to describe this hot, streaming dumpster pile.
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6.5 stars
4 April 2024
I truly love Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, so the two of them together is magical. They didn't disappoint in this one.

I enjoy the balance between Peter's healthy masculinity and Sydney's icky bad boy behavior. I don't want to call it toxic masculinity, because he's not aggressive or crude toward women, but he IS crude with men about being a man. Meaning, he never quite grew up. He borders on pick up artist rhetoric mixed with mgtow rhetoric. Guys who like Donald Trump can relate to him in some ways. His mantra is probably "boys will be boys".

Even though he doesn't say it, that's his attitude.

What made this movie funny is the awkwardness from Peter, who always tries to seem clever. He ends up with awkward sayings, nicknames, and silences.
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Couldn't get passed the soundtrack
27 March 2024
I give every movie 30 minutes to lure me in. I clicked on this because I actually like Amber Heard and don't care about the Johnny Depp mess. Well, even she couldn't save this movie!

The awful soundtrack (minus the one song by TV On The Radio) made it unbearable. The way it's filmed was annoying. It was grainy and shaky. It was like watching an old movie, it just felt icky, considering it's NOT old.

The story was predictable, as others have said the same.

I felt bad for the actors involved in this project. Especially Djimon. He had no business being in this movie. He was already an established actor at this time. Just, yuck! That's all I can say about this.

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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Dialogue for Days!
18 February 2024
The review left by Timmyhollywood is the most accurate I've read so far.

I probably saw maybe two trailors for ths film, so I knew nothing about it other than the actors and director. This made me want to see it. Unfortunately, I've been let down.

This movie was simply dialogue for days. I could really "feel" the time of this movie. The scenes are all very short but they run together through the dialogue. So you never get a break to process everything. It reminded me of reading a book, because it felt like that's what was happening. There were several scenes where it felt like I was reading the screenplay at the same time as watching it on the film. Does that make sense?

There were several cameos in this movie but I felt like it was unnecessary, probably anyone could've played those roles.

The nude/sex scenes were undoubtedly added in to spice it up because otherwise you'd fall completely asleep. Those scenes were unnecessary, like the majority of sex scenes. We don't need to see it to understand the nature of a relationship. I especially don't need to see Florence Pugh grinding on Cillian Murphy in a room full of people. How awkward!

The movie was also fluffed up by scenes of explosions and strings vibrating on a suggested microscopic level, giving us a visualization of what's on Oppenheimer's mind all the time. It was like watching a music video from TV On The Radio. I imagine those splices had more value on a large screen. While still beautiful on my TV screen, it didn't save the movie.

Three hours of nonstop talking isn't my cup of tea. No amount of star power, fancy cutaways of physics visualizations, and no amount of Cillian Murphy nude can make me give this anything higher than 6/10. I feel that's generous, considering all that this movie had at its disposal.

You're better off watching a PBS documentary on the topic. In fact, there was one I saw a few years back.

I can't recommend this film unless you're someone who likes wasting precious time.
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Incredibly boring time suckage
7 January 2024
I watched thirty minutes and quit. I always give a TV show one episode to wow me and movies 30 minutes to wow me. Well, if they don't, they don't get to take up any more of my time.

This movie had no plot, the story was all over the place. Jumping back and forth between characters, and you don't even get to know the characters either. I know who these people were, but if you don't know who they were, then you'd be COMPLETELY lost in this movie.

The clothes for Sharon Tate were beautiful, they'd have to be.

The hippy scene looked like a bunch of millennials dumpster diving, it looked like a modern scene or a YouTube video.

I had to pass on this and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who values their time.

Tarantino has lost his mojo.
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Kandahar (2023)
Ignorance is the enemy
28 November 2023
I was definitely disappointed by this movie. Gerard Butler is great at action films and the description of this was promising.

Well, it turned out to be a bit shallow. Both in terms of action and storyline.

Who is Roman? They could've used an extra 10 minutes to explain who he is and why he joined the desert cult. But we just see him throwing a lavish party, which is actually "haram" for Muslims. He says "it's all for show". So the viewers believe he is pretending to be Muslim to get the inside scoop.

The film definitely romanticizes Islam as this beautiful, peaceful religion. It's not.

It flips between showing these seemingly beautiful, peaceful Muslim prayers and then Muslims blowing people up and discussing who to kill next. They want the viewers to believe that "those" Muslims are not the real Muslims.

Ignorance is the real enemy.
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Much better than the newest Scream movies
31 October 2023
I'm not sure how this got a lower score than the last two Scream movies. This was actually somewhat thrilling to watch. It had a fairly good plot.

There are definitely flaws. I became quite annoyed when Norma was being chased and she's only running at 1/4 speed you'd run if your life were in danger. This is why people say things like "run like a girl". Donna was walking and STILL managed to catch up to Norma, even after walking up stairs. Makes zero sense.

And for Manny to wait so long before shooting at Timmy. Why? You know that's not Timmy and he's drowning your friend. Just shoot!

I wish they'd given more information on the Pet Sematary. The back story was very brief. I guess they want to leave some mystery but to me that's the interesting part of the story.

I also don't understand why Jud and Norma decided to stay. After all that happened, just leave. Let someone else deal with it. But I guess that's me.

I'd still recommend this to people who like the Pet Sematary movies.

Did it terrify me? No. Not like the original. It was still entertaining to watch.

Was it better than scream 5 & 6? Absolutely.
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Is this thing serious?
28 September 2023
I watched about 10 minutes before looking this up on IMDb. What the hell did I watch?

This was so corny and cheesy. Like watching a documentary on a fake supervillain in a comic book.

It was so desperate to look graceful yet edgy. Seriously, this was like a Disney or Nickelodeon show but for a supervillain. The "acting" was so awful. To be honest, I think these people really thought they were going to be winning an Oscar or something like that. So, they gave an over the top performance. I refuse to believe anyone is like this in real life. Ultimate cringe.

And what's with the people being interviewed? Was there a little boy wearing a red satin suit?

It's just so cliche of what people think goth and occult people act like.

Who even is this woman? How did this film get so many awards?

Are we supposed to take this seriously? Are they serious with their cringe? I'm genuinely confused.
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Fear the Walking Dead: This Land Is Your Land (2017)
Season 3, Episode 13
19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This one and the last one, Brother's Keeper, are so damn boring. Too much talking and not enough doing. Get in a truck snd honk the horn and draw the walkers away from the camp. Why are you blowing up the fuel reservoir? Why not send the people who got bit to go outside and clear whatever is blocking the vent. Heck, just get in the bunker and don't bother fighting, let them pass through. Why is it taking so long for Madison to come back?

This episode and the last reminded me of that ridiculous episode on TWD where Carol is chasing a rat in the house.


Just skip this episode. You aren't missing anything.
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Dune (2021)
Could cut about an hour of it
22 August 2023
A good enough storyline and fantastic acting. But this movie was way too long. It took me several tries to finish it. There are way too many slow motion scenes and close up shots done in slow motion. It wants to give the sense that every little thing about this film is epic beyond imagination.

There's really not that much dialogue but what was there was hard to hear among the loud music. This was very annoying because the loud scenes practically blew up the house.

I felt like there was a lot left unexplained as well. I guess these issues will be cleared up in the sequel.

I liked the story but also got no real character background or development, so hopefully it will be better in the sequel.

Overall, if you're not into these types of opera SciFi, just pass. It was way too slow for my taste. Ninety minutes movies is where it's at.
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
Not enough to keep me going
8 August 2023
I ended up giving this show a LONG chance because of Martin Starr and Zach Woods. I stopped about halfway through season 2. I usually will only give shows one episode to hook me in. What I did see was only okay . I felt it could've been better.

For me, it just kept the same narrative going and not much changed.

It was a constant cycle of "will they get funding?" And "will they manage to beat Hooli for the product launch?" Etc etc. Just constant stress over these two issues. It became monotonous and irritating.

What I did enjoy was Martin Starr's character, Gilfoyle. He did a great job as the geeky satanist who's also socially competent. While the rest of the characters were your typical socially awkward guys. TJ Miller's character, Ehrlich, was funny but sometimes it was too much, too much of a charicature. Zach Woods' character, Jared, was very similar to his Gabe character on The Office. Shy, soft spoken, but also very good with communication and team building.

You might enjoy it more if you're into the tech world, but if not, meh.
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Death Proof (2007)
I remember why I forgot this movie
1 July 2023
I saw this movie when it came out and didn't even remember it existed until I saw it recommended on Tubi. So, I thought, "hmm kurt Russell, okay let's rewatch". Well, I gave up. It's just too much, not in a good way.

All the nostalgia is too much. And it's not even set in an older decade. It takes place in the early 2000s.

The gritty film style. The groovy music. The references.

Too much talking with fake redneck accents. And I say this as someone who lives in Texas and has an accent. It's just so drawn out.

At 20 minutes into the movie I still don't know the point of what to expect. It's just women chit chatting in a bar about guys they will possibly sleep with. I'm guessing Tarantino imagines these conversations often because it goes on for some time.

Time for me to move on.
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Background music doesn't make things better
16 June 2023
I got really excited to watch this but couldn't even make it passed 15 minutes. It's a slide show documentary with loud background music which is an attempt to stir dramatic effect. The music is annoying because it's not needed. If what you're saying is important then, please turn the music off or make it more subtle, so I can listen. The subject matter IS important. I want to hear the scientists, not background music.

Also, this documentary uses music to make mundane tasks seem more interesting. They also show a lot of stupid things like conversations that aren't pertinent to the documentary.

I didn't learn anything from this and I'm disappointed by it.
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Overboard (1987)
Never fails to make me laugh
3 June 2023
As another reviewer wrote, this movie doesn't suffer from repeated viewings. I have seen it many times and each time I cannot help ut laugh out loud, good belly laughs!

It's hard to decide who's funnier, Goldie or Kurt. Goldie does a great job playing the snobbish, stuck up, spoiled princess. Her outlandish clothes are another character in the movie. They always make a statement of "I'm so rich, I can wear anything, no matter how ridiculous it is". Those outfits always get me laughing.

They're such a contrast to Kurt's blue collar ensemble. Kurt plays the role of ill-mannered, buffoon quite well.

The two come together and both learn and grow from each other. The bonus in watching this is knowing that Goldie and Kurt fell in love during this movie.

I highly recommend this movie to my friends and every one of them thanks me and tells me they thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Bomb City (2017)
Took me back to middle school
1 June 2023
I randomly found this movie and was intrigued by the title and title photo. After reading the description I watched it because I remember this story happened while I was a goth teenager in middle school in Dallas, Texas.

This movie really hit home and I had to take several breaks because it was very intense and showed an accurate depiction of how cops treated punks, or anyone who didn't fit the "clean cut, all-American white boy" mold. And truth be told, COPS STILL BEHAVE THIS WAY TOWARDS PEOPLE WHO LOOK DIFFERENT.

The murder scene was quite graphic and made me feel physically ill. I had to take a break after that.

The ending really had me pissed because, as I said, this brought back so many memories. There is STILL one rule for the privileged and another for the "outsiders".

Two things I did not like about the film was 1) the score. I believe there are some hidden frequencies in it meant to make you feel ill and heighten your anxiety. After the murder scene, during the trial, I had to mute the film the rest of the time. It seemed to drag on the same notes and kept making me feel sick. Once I muted the film the feeling went away.

2) the depiction of the punks as rowdy teens. Not all punks behave this way. Many are very articulate, well rounded, well read people who've taken the time to question society and its supposed mores. Many punks are also straight edge, meaning they don't use any drugs or alcohol. It would've been nice to show at least one or two punks who are like that.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Your inner child needs this!
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
TLM was the very first film I ever saw in theaters, and I still remember that day. So, naturally I waited patiently for this one. It was worth the wait.

I adore this live action! I thought Halle did an amazing job. The singing was brought to a whole new level that animation cannot reach because a real, human face shows all that emotion. You can really feel it when she sings, you can see the longing on her face. It brought me to tears . You also see all the emotiona on Eric's face. The confusion of wanting to find the lady who saved him versus the feelings he's developing for Ariel. The animated just doesn't match it.

I enjoyed the performance by Melissa McCarthy as well. She made me laugh, just as the animated Ursula did. When she became "Giant Ursula" my inner child got scared all over again. They did an incredible job of making her terrifying.

The added scenes of Ariel and Eric in the market was great. It did a thorough job showing the growing chemistry between them. Of course, I still wanted them to kiss in the grotto, even though I knew it wasn't going to happen.

Deducted one star because I still don't understand how Eric's mother is a black British lady. He says he wasn't born to that life, but they could've tried to explain the family a little better. I would've rather had the explanation than Eric's song.. the song wasn't bad, but it was unnecessary. Whereas the explanation could've added to the story. The same goes for the merfolk. Would've liked more information on how the family came to be.

Scuttle and Flounder absolutely cracked me up. Perfect comedy duo, like Timon and Pumba.

Overall, see this movie. Don't listen to the haters. These are the types of people who don't know how to enjoy a fun-hearted movie.
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Bad message for boys and girls
26 May 2023
I saw this movie when it came out and I was much younger. I thought it was so cute and fell for basically everything, all the tips about guys. As a young lady, I already truly believed my worth was dependent on my looks. This movie didn't help.

I've watched it again, 15 years later, having aged and gained much more wisdom.

This movie is quite shallow, any attempt to redeem itself is wasted because throughout the entire movie the emphasis is completely about sex, physical attraction, and more sex. Hugh Hefner is depicted as some sort of philanthropist letting young ladies live in a mansion. They don't go into details about what's required of the ladies to live there.

By now everyone should know what a creep he is and how awful the porn industry is.

This movie promotes two harmful messages to boys and girls. To girls it says we need to be dumb, sexy, and downplay who we are to get attention and matter. To boys it says they are nothing more than sex crazed horn dogs.

Teenagers and young adults shouldn't watch this movie. It glamorizes too many negative aspects of society.

An older person wouldn't be as affected by this film, but then again, an older, mature person would never want to watch it.

Just skip it.
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Scream VI (2023)
Please stop making these
6 May 2023
I basically watched this one to complete the series and I wish I hadn't. It was a waste of my time.

I feel bad for Dermot Mulroney and Hayden Panatere (however you spell her name). They're excellent actors who unfortunately were involved in a crap movie.

I feel like the story lines are a bit unbelievable.

The opening scene with the alley was just plain stupid. It's unbelievable because majority of women know not to do what she did, especially when meeting a man for the first time. Also, there is such thing as Google maps which has the "walking" option. Common sense would have her pin her location and have him find her.

The major issue I have with the violence is how unbelievable it is. Apparently you can be stabbed and have a knife dragged through your abdomen towards your heart and you'll be fine. Apparently you can be stabbed in the back and be fine. This was like a cartoon with how the violence was shown. Like an episode of Family Guy.

I'm not recommending this movie to anyone.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
Just skip it
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like others have already written, this episode is just for fluff, to fill in a gap. I still don't understand why they made it so dull. They could have made SOMETHING happen.

Instead they chose to drag us along and focus on Carol and Daryl doing mundane things.

Carol makes a soup, tries to find a rat in the house, makes a ridiculous mouse trap out of a cardboard box. Of course the rat chews through it and gets out. Common sense!

It also feels like Melissa McBride is annoyed by having to participate in such an episode. Her smiles are so fake, even for an actor.

Even Jerry seems to be annoyed at how the scene between him and Carol goes on for longer than it needs to. It's very awkward.

Just skip it. Trust me.. nothing significant happens. Absolutely nothing.
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Just pass on it
13 April 2023
I really wanted to like this movie. I thought it would be a nice romantic movie similar to Valentine's Day or any number of Woody Allen films.

Well, this left me feeling unsatisfied. It could've been so much more. It was all short films with really no plot. They tried to connect the characters (like with Crash) but it's a very shallow connection. Characters from different stories only happen to meet each other, they don't really know each other. So, no real connection.

The short stories were interesting but too quick. You're not given time to actually feel anything for the characters.

Also, many of the stories just didnt make sense. The viewer is left to figure it out and interpret it out own way (I'm guessing).

Ultimately, I wouldn't watch this again nor would I recommend it. I love NYC but this movie didn't do it for me.
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Underrated story about human and animal relationships
4 April 2023
I remember watching this when it came out simply because I had a crush on Will Horneff. As a teen I didn't really care too much about the story. To my younger self, it was just a story of some rebellious teen who wanted a road trip with a gorilla.

As an adult, with greater understanding of sentience, and awareness of human and nonhuman relationships, this movie really hit me hard.

There are people commenting about how the main character, Rick, disobeys his mother and breaks the law and needs to be punished. Well, he does get punished. But the law also gives hope for Katie and Rick.

The movie deals with what is right and wrong and whether or not it's always wrong to break rules/the law.

People forget that just because something is legal, doesn't make it right. Yes, Charnley had a legal right to Katie (seen as property, and not an individual being), but that doesn't make it right.

This movie will hopefully plant a seed in your mind and make you question all the ways that humans view other animals. Some animals are family, some animals food, some animals entertainment, some animals clothes, some animals as transportation. But why? Why can't they exist simply for themselves and not be used for human greed? Think about it.

Katie tells us how she feels because she was taught how, but what about the other animals who are not capable of communicating with us? What would they say?

I deducted one star because at times the cringe is a bit much but overall the movie is a must watch, a solid family movie, and even adults will like it.
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War Horse (2011)
Too much horse abuse
31 March 2023
This film was recommended to me by my best friend. She knows I love animals but I typically don't watch films with animals because you never know if animal abuse is really happening and being covered up.

There are plenty of horror stories you can research for yourself (like Arnold Schwarzenegger punching a camel).

Non-humans have no choice in what humans do to them or what they're made to do (like acting).

My friend told me that absolutely no horses were harmed in the film and sent me a link to a PETA article with all the details.

I was still apprehensive but wanted to give it a try because most of Spielberg's movies are fantastic.

Well, this one was just too much for me. I guess there is some kind of happy ending but I wasn't about to stick around for two hours to find out.

It felt like scene after scene of endless horse abuse. Yeah, sure, the humans have it bad too, but they can leave if they want to. The horses literally have zero choices in the matter. ZERO. People forget that the other animals who live on this planet suffer the consequences of humans' decisions.

I had to turn it off at about 45-60 minutes in. Kept waiting for it to be somewhat happy.

The level of depression and trauma I felt was similar to what I felt when I watched "Precious". That's another complete bummer of a movie. Why oh why?

Damn, who goes to movies wanting to be completely bummed out and depressed? Real life is already hard enough, why pay money and/or choose to subject yourself to emotional trauma?

Five stars because it looks pretty and maybe someone will view this film and decide to dedicate their life to helping animals (go vegan).
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True fans should be offended
28 March 2023
I have a rule about television series, and it's that each show gets the first episode to lock me in. If I'm not taken in by the first one, I likely will not like the show even if I continue. I've come to this conclusion after wasting many hours trying to hang onto a show because people say you need to let it unfold more. Sorry but my time is precious.

I didn't even watch the entire first episode of this one.

I was reeled in because the original Rice novels and movies were good (although you could argue about Queen of the Damned).

The costumes were beautiful and I love the Dubai setting. Other than that, this show blows hard.

Jacob Anderson basically read a script the entire time. No emotions whatsoever. It almost put me to sleep.

Lestat was boring too. He's not meant to be boring!

And then the storyline of Louis as a PIMP makes no sense. They made it seem so casual. Like the women absolutely enjoy their "jobs".

Is this another attemp at the main agenda that wants ro normalize prostitution?

I would not recommend this to any true Anne Rice fans. Absolute garbage.
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