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Captains of the World: The Greatest (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
one edit left me feeling empty
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps I'm completely alone in this, but at the very end, when the last Argentinian player takes the shot, I SO desperately want to see the ball go in. I get in theory only seeing the reaction of Messi could work, but it didn't for me. I've went on YouTube to watch the celebration to try to quench my satisfaction because I found myself feeling empty at the end of the series. Overall the series had some questionable editing, way too fast overall which isn't how I usually feel with Netflix shows. Usually they stretch it out to the max. But this show really sped through the games at max speed. Poor last edit. Really left me feeling nothing.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Alexander Payne is one of the best filmmakers alive, but a LOT is wrong with this film
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love Alexander Payne. Election, Citizen Ruth, Sideways, he's unbelievable. But this film is so deeply flawed. First thing, I'm sorry, but young Dominic Sessa was overacting in so many scenes I just couldn't understand how he landed the role OR how it could possibly be Alexander on the other side of the camera directing that performance???

Second, the cinematography was some of the worst I've seen in years. Sharp? Yes. Pretty? Yes. Can you see any character's faces clearly and understand their emotions? No. The cinematography didn't make any sense. Every shot should've been 5-10mm closer. I honestly don't think it's about style, I love Emmanuel Lubezki's wide angles, so it's just so bizarre to choose to have the camera so far from the subjects for the entire time. Not sparingly, but the entire time. First close up was glaringly obvious when Angus gets close to a girl and it's like BOOM 85mm and suddenly the film feels like it has emotion??? But nope, it went back to 24-35mm shots nearly for the rest of the time, feeling distant and emotionless.

Also what was happening with the editing? Why were there so many of the conversations cut right as the next person speaks? Not many L or J cuts, and the edits could've been 4-10 frames quicker for LITERALLY every shot of the entire movie. Is this a new style where we watch an extra third of a second before a character decides to speak? It feels so unnatural, so bizarre.

I just don't understand how this could be Alexander. Is this film so deeply personal to him, as if this is his "The Fabelmans" that the quality wains? I want so deeply to support independent filmmaking at all costs, but I'm just feeling confused.
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The Staircase (2004–2018)
greatest editing of any documentary series
20 September 2023
What an absolute treat that this documentary exists. I saw another person claim it has "bad editing", so that's why I feel inclined to write a review.

I'm so thankful this documentary exists and was made in the time that it was. The world of 2004 was very different to the overstimulated mess of what Netflix is today. There are so many facts, twists and turns that happen over the course of the years following Kathleen's death, and this temperament captures it beautifully. With the rare access this documentary crew had, you absolutely need time to watch things closely and slowly to see if you find Michael to be innocent or not.

I find this to be exactly what TV in America needs today. Less overstimulated sound effects and over simplifications, and more quiet, slow pacing to enjoy as if it's real life.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
no amount of dramatic music or quick cuts could convince me I was being entertained
4 August 2023
God what an absolute mess. To all the people saying "you need to pay attention and have your brain fully switched on"... that doesn't make this "intelligent film". It makes it an overcomplicated nightmare. Nolan's movies have gone so far downhill since Dunkirk. The mess of 3 timelines is not needed for the entirety of every film. It works well for the majority of inception, the climax of the dark knight, parts of interstellar- but this? Not at all.

Nolan desperately needs a writing partner that tells him "NO". This film would've been so much stronger with 40 less minutes of chatter before the bomb test, and 30 minutes less after the test. I absolutely LOVE long, "boring" movies. I'm a freak for Malick or Reichardt, but this? I would've left if I wasn't with friends.

Nolan has a difficult time when directing anything slightly out of his comfort zone. The scene of Florence Pugh in the chair during the interview, the overdramtic yells of Emily Blunt, both had me biting my fist in cringe.

No amount of quick cuts or dramatic music were able to convince me I was being entertained.
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Navalny (2022)
absolutely insane that Russian bots aren't filtered by IMDb
20 March 2023
This documentary is truly incredible and it's insane that there are so many 1 star ratings. How is IMDb not filtering these? It's very clearly Russian bots. It's crazy too that on torrent sites this documentary is nearly scrubbed completely off. Just shows the power of the doc!

This documentary did a great job showing the life of Navalny. I'm really hopeful Putin falls from his corrupt power and Navalny sees a life outside of this bull**** prison sentence.

Great job filmmakers, I'm very much looking forward to anything you do next. Completely unnecessary words for 600 characters. Words for 600 characters.
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the greatest aviation mystery of our time needs "out of the box" thinking
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I see a lot of reviews complaining about the conspiracy of it all, but in a case where 239 people and an entire plane have completely disappeared, it was relieving to watch something that explored alternatives.

I hope it's lost somewhere in the south Indian sea, but through this documentary I learned about these US AWACs, something I previously had no knowledge of, and also the cargo. Seems far fetched, but at this point, what other options do we have? Especially after learning about how the piece of the wing that was found in Africa didn't have an identifying mark on it.

I didn't like the theory about Kazakstan at all, but the other ones gave me something to think about. I'm very glad I watched this and I hope we continue to search for MH370.
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first episode of LIB made me sick
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Alexa might have the worst taste, the ugliest style of anyone I've seen in my entire life. That outfit was so horrific I had to take a break from watching. I seriously couldn't envision a party with less class than that one. Makes such a bad name for Americans. I promise we're not all this uncultured.

Brennon has so much more hate in his heart after having Alexa in his ear. He's really become quite an idiot. It seems like the only thing Alexa and Brennon connect about is tearing other people down. So gross to see Brennon acting so high and mighty when he has no idea what he's regurgitating. Cole doesn't always say the right things, can actually be rude at times, but overall he has emotional intelligence, sensitivity and goodness in his heart. He needs to be stood up for. The entire LIB group has this disgusting holier than thou vendetta towards Cole and it's really quite unnerving to watch.

I can't believe I've spent hours of my time watching people with room temperature IQs. This episode is making me rethink my watching habits.
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it's unfortunate for the victims and families that this series is so bad
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't feel like the filmmakers did a very good job at keeping the series of events clear. People kept popping up, victims, bodies, suspects. And by the end of the series when 3 bodies were found I had no idea who they were, I barely remembered the person who confessed to it. This could've been a solid 35 minute short, but instead it was the ridiculous Netflix style of dragging everything out for hours unnecessarily. Probably not the filmmakers fault. I'm just unsure why Netflix thinks this style works. Not everyone watches Netflix while texting or having a separate conversation. I wish they treated the audience as intelligent.
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Survivor: It Comes Down to This (2022)
Season 42, Episode 12
such a well deserved winner!!
26 May 2022
This episode didn't happen at ALL like I anticipated it would. The cast is so likable and kind to each other, overall this season was super solid! I really hope a lot of the cast comes back for future seasons, specifically Mike and Lindsay.
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Nomadland (2020)
The silence of "Nomadland" often felt forced and uninteresting
8 April 2021
As a fellow van-dweller and film freak I don't want to critique this movie to death- because this is exactly what the film industry needs more of. But I can't help but to feel that this film was a bit one dimensional. It's kind of like the storyline of "About Schmidt" meets the temperament of "All Is Lost".

I love the idea of exposing the world to vanlife and how, as Steinbeck best put it, "they wanted to go, to move about, free and unanchored, not toward something but away from something. I saw this look and heard this yearning everywhere in every states I visited. Nearly every American hungers to move." "Into The Wild" has captured that feeling the best, for different reasons, but the silence of "Nomadland" often felt forced or uninteresting. The existential problems she was facing were so internalized. Perhaps like "All Is Lost", this kind of movie may just not fit the rhythm of my emotions, because clearly people have enjoyed both.

It was halfway between wanting to be a documentary and a film. Making the non-actors deliver lines was often transparent and discount Lubezki seemed to have left the camera rolling while McDormand often forgot to stay in character- or perhaps she was still in character but the influence of snakes and alligators to evoke emotion from a rather expressionless character always felt inauthentic. It was an interesting experiment, I'm so glad it was made, but I'm not sure if Zhao's predictable beat editing (as well as the inattention to trimming heads and tails of clips) gave the viewers anything other than what they expected.
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Modern Family: Heart Broken (2013)
Season 4, Episode 15
Love the 3 acts
27 March 2021
I love the structure of this episode, I wish they did this more in Modern Family, it keeps things interesting and works a lot better. Not every episode needs to have different parts of the family interacting. Sometimes something self contained, simpler works best.
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Interesting story but way too drawn out
25 January 2021
Just like most Netflix true crime series, this could've been a lot more memorable if it was edited more efficiently as a 1.5-2 hour documentary. Netflix has created this editing style so that someone can sit on their phone while half watching the show. What a shame.
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Munich (2005)
Shameful Israeli propaganda
13 December 2020
I couldn't get through more than 15 minutes but whenever they show any Israelis they're all poised and perfect angelic humans and of course the big bad Arabs are always screaming and sweaty and angry. F off. If you wanted to make a movie about the incident at the Munich Olympics maybe try to understand how it got to that point. Then you'd inevitably start at Zionism and learn about it's flaws. But nope. Not in Hollywood can't do that. Palestinians are bad boom boom action blood kill em all. Idiot Spielberg or should I say Shillberg
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Long Way Up: Colombia, Panama & Costa Rica (2020)
Season 1, Episode 9
honestly so disappointing
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the first 2 "Long Way" series I wanted to watch this one after seeing they traveled through Colombia Panama and Costa Rica but they spend most of this episode on unforeseen mechanical difficulties instead of focusing on any kind of culture of these countries. Why do they constantly let the problems with the bikes take over the show? Sure it was nice to see the culture of the people on the boat on the ocean but we miss soooo much of Colombia, basically ALL of Panama because they focus on mechanical difficulties, not riding their motorcycles at all, and in the next episode they spend all but 5 minutes in Costa Rica. As someone who loves that part of the world it's such a disappointment, such a shame. Seriously so disappointing it's hard to wrap my head around.
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Survivor: Live Reunion Special (2015)
Season 30, Episode 14
cringey as can be
7 November 2020
Spent the entire time with the cast of season 30 picking on the men for saying misogynistic things. they deserved the critique but they ignored everyone else in the cast to single out 3 people. no revisiting favorites in a positive way.

then the second half of the reunion they choose the cast for season 31 second chance and literally tell people on television they will not be going on the season and they are absolutely heartbroken on live tv. it is so painful to watch. easily one of the worst moments in survivor history
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Unsolved Mysteries: Tsunami Spirits (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Loose fit for the series
24 October 2020
Give me a break Netflix, this is so cheap. It's not even close to being an unsolved mystery. Did you upload the wrong file to the unsolved mysteries series?

I respect the situation in Japan and perhaps I would have watched this if it was labeled as the proper genre but it just makes me think about how lazy Netflix is.
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The Office: Casino Night (2006)
Season 2, Episode 22
The greatest moment in television history
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this episode dozens of times over the last 10+ years, it only gets better with time. I keep finding myself revisiting this episode because of how beautiful the love story between Jim and Pam is. Such incredible tension over the season, all leading to the greatest moment in television history.

I remember being 13 waiting all week for this episode to come out, seeing the advertisements all over TV. And when I first watched it my heart exploded. And now that I'm older and have gone through romances I can't help but to weep when I see such realistic and pure love. Thank you so much for making something so beautiful
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The Night Of (2016)
A great show to learn how not to write
18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know why I'm still watching this, I somehow made it to episode 5.

I'm very surprised that the master writer Steven Zaillian wrote and directed this considering his extreme talent. But what the f*** was he thinking? This show is one of the slowest, mundane, drawn out, cliché messes I've ever seen.

In so many scenes things happen where I laugh, cringe, sign, you name it. Our main character is in jail and all these inmates want to help him, giving him detailed advice, talking really dramatically. For some reason they treat him well? I don't know maybe Steven needs to be locked up in a jail in New York for a couple weeks to understand the fear that exists there.

In another scene a TV cameraman is walking around and John Turturro says HEY record me!! And the cameraman turns towards him and his rant is immediately being aired?? What the f***. I guess I forgot, TV cameramen actually have complete control of television stations, there aren't producers or directors or endless layers of security and structure and vetting, just a bunch of cameramen who wander the city and record s*** that ends up on TV.

And we have our main character Naz, played by Riz Ahmed who I really liked before getting deep into this, who is just another math nerd who seemingly never says no to anything BUT once he gets into prison he's a big ol tough boy.?

Another detail that was overlooked was the fact that Naz's father, who is supposed to be Pakistani, is played by Peyman Moaadi, an Iranian. A recurring theme is overcoming racism but the casting director still doesn't know the difference between South Asia and the Middle East? How disheartening to any viewer from either of those areas.

On top of everything, I have no idea why the f*** it's taken so many episodes for nothing to happen. There's no drama, no comedy, no thrill, no payoff, f***ing NOTHING to look forward to. How the f*** is this rated so highly?!!?

This show is so full of confusing decisions I don't how this has reached any layer of appreciation. If I feel like risking 5 more hours of my life I'll come back and update/delete this and write another review.
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Knight of Cups is remarkably perceptive and deserves to be discussed
7 March 2016
Emotions do a better job expressing Terrence Malick's latest film 'Knight of Cups' than words do.

I can imagine the average audience member disliking Terrence Malick because it didn't meet their expectations. For once in the film industry there is someone willing to experiment and create whatever he wants. There is no hierarchy in the works of Terrence Malick. No production companies or producers telling him what to do. This is as beautiful as filmmaking can get, just a man with an idea. And that idea isn't a script or a schedule or a plan to earn back every penny, and then some. I believe the idea that sparked this film and his last few films is simply human emotion.

Human emotion is the main character of Knight of Cups. Whether it be the greed of power in Los Angeles, the filmmaking capital of the world, or the doubts of what to do in your life, if you're doing the right thing. Do you care for other people or should you care more about yourself? These questions aren't completely obvious to the naked eye during the viewing experience of Knight of Cups. Terrence Malick has constructed a film in which you can watch the most simple scene, be in a complete state of thought, while still retaining what's currently happening. I believe that everyone who watches this film will have a different outlook on what it's trying to say, if it is saying anything at all. It's unlike anything that has ever been made.

During the film I thought a lot about my own life. Being a Southern California native you don't always perceive this environment as anything out of the ordinary. But as seen through cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki's lens and Terrence Malick's almost documentary- style direction, Los Angeles is a place where only the super wealthy and super impoverished live. Rich or poor, it doesn't seem to matter, as all of us humans were born with the same set of emotional capabilities. But perhaps we can forget that here in Los Angeles, where some people act as if they are creators of the universe and believe having money and being happy are the same thing.

I could speculate forever and I'm sure everyone has different theories of what it all meant. I see every film student writing a paper about this film for the next few decades. But plainly, do not go in with expectations. This is not a plot driven film, this film is meant to become a part of your thinking process. I am glad I saw Knight of Cups alone for the first viewing, that way there wasn't any bias around. Like every Terrence Malick film, Knight of Cups feels very personal. To whom? I'm not completely sure. Maybe to everyone.
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Lovesong (2016)
Is "Lovesong" a drama, or a very subtle joke?
30 January 2016
I saw a screening of "Lovesong" at Sundance.

When someone sees a film at the biggest film festival in the world, there are involuntary expectations that the film should be something extraordinary.

During the screening, this film made me uncomfortable, disappointed, and even angry. The main characters were so unlikable and uninteresting that I couldn't find any moments of enjoyment. Their dialogue was about as complex as a patch of dirt, and their delivery didn't help. Nearly everything about the film felt as amateur as could be. The end of the film was much better than the dreadful beginning. Some interesting characters emerged and some more advanced forms of comedy were introduced.

It wasn't until hours after that I started to think that the film could've been purposefully horrible. I couldn't fathom that a female director could make such shallow female characters. The film reminded me heavily of "The Comedy".

"The Comedy" is about an unlikable man, or boy if you will, that embraces his "hipster" lifestyle and anti-everything attitude even into his late 30's/early 40's. The movie wasn't enjoyable to a large portion of its viewers. I loved it, but I can understand why. It made fun of a huge population "hipsters" very subtly, masking it's insults inside of unlikable characters. "Lovesong" is appearing to do the same thing, except the joke is on unintelligent women and loneliness that turns into lesbian relationships.

"Lovesong" may be the worst worst film, or the best worst film. It just depends on if this film is a legitimate drama, or one of the best played jokes since "The Comedy".
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An Honest & Emotional Account
27 January 2016
The emotional depth of this documentary is vast, impressive, immersive. In "Jim", James Foley is beautifully dissected as one of the most honest and kind-hearted conflict journalists of any time.

I find it hard to review this film because of how powerful the entire experience was. I teared up half a dozen times, I couldn't find many words to say to my friends afterwards and neither could they. The documentary seemed to have taken control of us. But the moment that topped off the experience was after the Sundance screening, the director, James Foley's parents, and the young French journalist that was in captivity with James came out for a Q&A. The entire 500 seat audience gave a standing ovation, many in tears.

I'm not sure how else to explain it without giving anything away. It was hard to stomach some of the more graphic and real images from inside Syria. Overall it was an incredible viewing experience, one that needs to be shared with as many people as possible. Especially in 2016 when ISIS appears to be a real threat.
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Werner at his best
26 January 2016
I was lucky to see this at Sundance with one of the best audiences.

Somehow, even after Werner's extensive resume, this was his most immersive and informative documentary yet.

The film doesn't just touch on the basic history and fundamentals of the Internet, but provides such a deep understanding of its past, present, and future. It dives into the wonders of what is possible while carefully reminding us about its dangers, all while Werner gives a very comedic voice-over.

It's a shame that Roger Ebert isn't around to view this film. I know he would've been proud of his friend for creating such an accomplishment in documentary filmmaking.
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Halal Love (2015)
A Great Film for the Middle East
26 January 2016
While violent conflicts continue in the Middle East, it's encouraging to see films, even more, comedies, being made.

The vast majority of Middle Eastern films are cloaked in drama, sadness, and forbidden love. "Halal Love (and sex)" had all those elements but with a strong comedic center. There were multiple characters with intertwining stories, it was clear that director Assad Fouladkar was inspired by Asghar Farhadi's exemplary work. Except with "Halal Love (and sex)" the family issues felt more like background noise while the comedy took center stage.

The scenes were charming and informative to some Muslim practices. At times it felt mildly disrespectful to laugh at the rules of the culture. Unfortunately Muslims are not seen in the best light in 2016, a mindset I disagree with heavily, so to show a lighter side of Muslim culture may be just what it needs.

I was lucky to see director Assad Fouladkar speak in person about the film. He seems to be a visionary man, I hope to see more from him in the future.
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Viva (2015)
A Solid & Relevant Film
24 January 2016
At the screening, the director, Paddy gave an introduction about his personal experience with seeing a drag performance years ago where an individual was having the best time of their lives. He said that those who knew the performer were crying due to the fact that that was the only place this individual could truly be who they were.

That introduction set the mood for the movie. I'm afraid if I wasn't lucky enough to have the director give some backstory I would've liked it less.

The beginning of the film had a few clichés. A troubled protagonist unsure of how to make money, family issues, shopping in record stores. As it went on the clichés dwindled, immersing the audience in Cuba. Our main character's routine continued, and I found myself falling more into his psyche. His family issues became more relevant, his troubles were mine, and even the records had an important role in the story.

By the end people around me were weeping.

The only note I had was that there were a handful of times where moments should've been longer. Just an extra few seconds on those emotional scenes would've gone a long way. Not sure if that's a directing or editing critique.

I'm afraid of using an incorrect term here, so forgive me if I do. But as LGBT rights continue to finally be as important as they should've been decades ago, it's great to see more films like this, especially when they are well done. I hope this film gets the recognition it deserves.
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This film emulates Cobain's personality
6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of the longest documentaries I've ever seen, but it's for good reason. Watching this film took me deep into the life of Kurt Cobain, someone I knew very little about.

It is powerfully made, informative and very sensitive, like Kurt. Almost too sensitive to the point where the end didn't touch on his suicide or the events surrounding the suicide.

Of course it gave an incredible insight into the possible reasons why he had committed suicide, but I really felt that I needed more when it ended. I resorted to reading articles on wikipedia but I feel that this documentary could've given us a greater insight into that event just like it did in every other chapter of his life.

I can understand wanting a layer of respect, this film celebrates him and some would say it wouldn't have felt appropriate. I'm sure some of the fans, his family, and his daughter, (who also produced the movie) feel it would've distracted from the point and allure of the film.

But ultimately, the text screen at the end explaining his death didn't satisfy me. The rest of the film is rather incredible and will serve as the ultimate Kurt Cobain documentary for years and years to come.
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